using System.Drawing;
using System;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FastColoredTextBoxNS
/// Style of chars
/// This is base class for all text and design renderers
public abstract class Style : IDisposable
/// This style is exported to outer formats (HTML for example)
public virtual bool IsExportable { get; set; }
/// Occurs when user click on StyleVisualMarker joined to this style
public event EventHandler VisualMarkerClick;
/// Constructor
public Style()
IsExportable = true;
/// Renders given range of text
/// Graphics object
/// Position of the range in absolute control coordinates
/// Rendering range of text
public abstract void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range);
/// Occurs when user click on StyleVisualMarker joined to this style
public virtual void OnVisualMarkerClick(FastColoredTextBox tb, VisualMarkerEventArgs args)
if (VisualMarkerClick != null)
VisualMarkerClick(tb, args);
/// Shows VisualMarker
/// Call this method in Draw method, when you need to show VisualMarker for your style
protected virtual void AddVisualMarker(FastColoredTextBox tb, StyleVisualMarker marker)
public static Size GetSizeOfRange(Range range)
return new Size((range.End.iChar - range.Start.iChar) * range.tb.CharWidth, range.tb.CharHeight);
public static GraphicsPath GetRoundedRectangle(Rectangle rect, int d)
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
gp.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, d, d, 180, 90);
gp.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - d, rect.Y, d, d, 270, 90);
gp.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - d, rect.Y + rect.Height - d, d, d, 0, 90);
gp.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - d, d, d, 90, 90);
gp.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - d, rect.X, rect.Y + d / 2);
return gp;
public virtual void Dispose()
/// Returns CSS for export to HTML
public virtual string GetCSS()
return "";
/// Returns RTF descriptor for export to RTF
public virtual RTFStyleDescriptor GetRTF()
return new RTFStyleDescriptor();
/// Style for chars rendering
/// This renderer can draws chars, with defined fore and back colors
public class TextStyle : Style
public Brush ForeBrush { get; set; }
public Brush BackgroundBrush { get; set; }
public FontStyle FontStyle { get; set; }
//public readonly Font Font;
public StringFormat stringFormat;
public TextStyle(Brush foreBrush, Brush backgroundBrush, FontStyle fontStyle)
this.ForeBrush = foreBrush;
this.BackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush;
this.FontStyle = fontStyle;
stringFormat = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces);
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
//draw background
if (BackgroundBrush != null)
gr.FillRectangle(BackgroundBrush, position.X, position.Y, (range.End.iChar - range.Start.iChar) * range.tb.CharWidth, range.tb.CharHeight);
//draw chars
using(var f = new Font(range.tb.Font, FontStyle))
Line line = range.tb[range.Start.iLine];
float dx = range.tb.CharWidth;
float y = position.Y + range.tb.LineInterval/2;
float x = position.X - range.tb.CharWidth/3;
if (ForeBrush == null)
ForeBrush = new SolidBrush(range.tb.ForeColor);
if (range.tb.ImeAllowed)
//IME mode
for (int i = range.Start.iChar; i < range.End.iChar; i++)
SizeF size = FastColoredTextBox.GetCharSize(f, line[i].c);
var gs = gr.Save();
float k = size.Width > range.tb.CharWidth + 1 ? range.tb.CharWidth/size.Width : 1;
gr.TranslateTransform(x, y + (1 - k)*range.tb.CharHeight/2);
gr.ScaleTransform(k, (float) Math.Sqrt(k));
gr.DrawString(line[i].c.ToString(), f, ForeBrush, 0, 0, stringFormat);
x += dx;
//classic mode
for (int i = range.Start.iChar; i < range.End.iChar; i++)
//draw char
gr.DrawString(line[i].c.ToString(), f, ForeBrush, x, y, stringFormat);
x += dx;
public override string GetCSS()
string result = "";
if (BackgroundBrush is SolidBrush)
var s = ExportToHTML.GetColorAsString((BackgroundBrush as SolidBrush).Color);
if (s != "")
result += "background-color:" + s + ";";
if (ForeBrush is SolidBrush)
var s = ExportToHTML.GetColorAsString((ForeBrush as SolidBrush).Color);
if (s != "")
result += "color:" + s + ";";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Bold) != 0)
result += "font-weight:bold;";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Italic) != 0)
result += "font-style:oblique;";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Strikeout) != 0)
result += "text-decoration:line-through;";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Underline) != 0)
result += "text-decoration:underline;";
return result;
public override RTFStyleDescriptor GetRTF()
var result = new RTFStyleDescriptor();
if (BackgroundBrush is SolidBrush)
result.BackColor = (BackgroundBrush as SolidBrush).Color;
if (ForeBrush is SolidBrush)
result.ForeColor = (ForeBrush as SolidBrush).Color;
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Bold) != 0)
result.AdditionalTags += @"\b";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Italic) != 0)
result.AdditionalTags += @"\i";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Strikeout) != 0)
result.AdditionalTags += @"\strike";
if ((FontStyle & FontStyle.Underline) != 0)
result.AdditionalTags += @"\ul";
return result;
public override void Dispose()
if (ForeBrush != null)
/// Renderer for folded block
public class FoldedBlockStyle : TextStyle
public FoldedBlockStyle(Brush foreBrush, Brush backgroundBrush, FontStyle fontStyle):
base(foreBrush, backgroundBrush, fontStyle)
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
if (range.End.iChar > range.Start.iChar)
base.Draw(gr, position, range);
int firstNonSpaceSymbolX = position.X;
//find first non space symbol
for (int i = range.Start.iChar; i < range.End.iChar; i++)
if (range.tb[range.Start.iLine][i].c != ' ')
firstNonSpaceSymbolX += range.tb.CharWidth;
//create marker
range.tb.AddVisualMarker(new FoldedAreaMarker(range.Start.iLine, new Rectangle(firstNonSpaceSymbolX, position.Y, position.X + (range.End.iChar - range.Start.iChar) * range.tb.CharWidth - firstNonSpaceSymbolX, range.tb.CharHeight)));
//draw '...'
using(Font f = new Font(range.tb.Font, FontStyle))
gr.DrawString("...", f, ForeBrush, range.tb.LeftIndent, position.Y - 2);
//create marker
range.tb.AddVisualMarker(new FoldedAreaMarker(range.Start.iLine, new Rectangle(range.tb.LeftIndent + 2, position.Y, 2 * range.tb.CharHeight, range.tb.CharHeight)));
/// Renderer for selected area
public class SelectionStyle : Style
public Brush BackgroundBrush{ get; set;}
public Brush ForegroundBrush { get; private set; }
public override bool IsExportable
get{return false;} set{}
public SelectionStyle(Brush backgroundBrush, Brush foregroundBrush = null)
this.BackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush;
this.ForegroundBrush = foregroundBrush;
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
//draw background
if (BackgroundBrush != null)
gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
var rect = new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y, (range.End.iChar - range.Start.iChar) * range.tb.CharWidth, range.tb.CharHeight);
if (rect.Width == 0)
gr.FillRectangle(BackgroundBrush, rect);
if (ForegroundBrush != null)
//draw text
gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
var r = new Range(range.tb, range.Start.iChar, range.Start.iLine,
Math.Min(range.tb[range.End.iLine].Count, range.End.iChar), range.End.iLine);
using (var style = new TextStyle(ForegroundBrush, null, FontStyle.Regular))
style.Draw(gr, new Point(position.X, position.Y - 1), r);
/// Marker style
/// Draws background color for text
public class MarkerStyle : Style
public Brush BackgroundBrush{get;set;}
public MarkerStyle(Brush backgroundBrush)
this.BackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush;
IsExportable = true;
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
//draw background
if (BackgroundBrush != null)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(position.X, position.Y, (range.End.iChar - range.Start.iChar) * range.tb.CharWidth, range.tb.CharHeight);
if (rect.Width == 0)
gr.FillRectangle(BackgroundBrush, rect);
public override string GetCSS()
string result = "";
if (BackgroundBrush is SolidBrush)
var s = ExportToHTML.GetColorAsString((BackgroundBrush as SolidBrush).Color);
if (s != "")
result += "background-color:" + s + ";";
return result;
/// Draws small rectangle for popup menu
public class ShortcutStyle : Style
public Pen borderPen;
public ShortcutStyle(Pen borderPen)
this.borderPen = borderPen;
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)
//get last char coordinates
Point p = range.tb.PlaceToPoint(range.End);
//draw small square under char
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(p.X - 5, p.Y + range.tb.CharHeight - 2, 4, 3);
gr.FillPath(Brushes.White, GetRoundedRectangle(rect, 1));
gr.DrawPath(borderPen, GetRoundedRectangle(rect, 1));
//add visual marker for handle mouse events
AddVisualMarker(range.tb, new StyleVisualMarker(new Rectangle(p.X-range.tb.CharWidth, p.Y, range.tb.CharWidth, range.tb.CharHeight), this));
/// This style draws a wavy line below a given text range.
/// Thanks for Yallie
public class WavyLineStyle : Style
private Pen Pen { get; set; }
public WavyLineStyle(int alpha, Color color)
Pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, color));
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point pos, Range range)
var size = GetSizeOfRange(range);
var start = new Point(pos.X, pos.Y + size.Height - 1);
var end = new Point(pos.X + size.Width, pos.Y + size.Height - 1);
DrawWavyLine(gr, start, end);
private void DrawWavyLine(Graphics graphics, Point start, Point end)
if (end.X - start.X < 2)
graphics.DrawLine(Pen, start, end);
var offset = -1;
var points = new List();
for (int i = start.X; i <= end.X; i += 2)
points.Add(new Point(i, start.Y + offset));
offset = -offset;
graphics.DrawLines(Pen, points.ToArray());
public override void Dispose()
if (Pen != null)
/// This style is used to mark range of text as ReadOnly block
/// You can inherite this style to add visual effects of readonly text
public class ReadOnlyStyle : Style
public ReadOnlyStyle()
IsExportable = false;
public override void Draw(Graphics gr, Point position, Range range)