using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Mesen.GUI.Controls { class ctrlSplitContainer : SplitContainer { public event EventHandler PanelCollapsed; public event EventHandler PanelExpanded; private int _originalDistance = 0; private int _originalMinSize = 0; private bool _preventExpand = false; public ctrlSplitContainer() { this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.SplitterMoving += ctrlSplitContainer_SplitterMoving; } private void ctrlSplitContainer_SplitterMoving(object sender, SplitterCancelEventArgs e) { if(_originalMinSize > 0) { e.Cancel = true; this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { this.ExpandPanel(); })); } } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); if(this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { int top = this.SplitterDistance + 1; int center = this.Width / 2; e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, center - 100, top, center + 100, top); top+=2; e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, center - 100, top, center + 100, top); } else { int center = this.Height / 2; int left = this.SplitterDistance + 1; e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, left, center - 100, left, center + 100); left+=2; e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, left, center - 100, left, center + 100); } } protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e) { base.OnDoubleClick(e); if(_originalMinSize == 0) { this.CollapsePanel(); _preventExpand = true; } else { this.ExpandPanel(); } } public void ExpandPanel() { if(this.FixedPanel == FixedPanel.Panel1) { throw new Exception("Not implemented"); } else if(this.FixedPanel == FixedPanel.Panel2) { if(_originalMinSize > 0) { this.Panel2MinSize = _originalMinSize; this.SplitterDistance = _originalDistance; _originalMinSize = 0; } this.PanelExpanded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public void CollapsePanel() { if(this.FixedPanel == FixedPanel.Panel1) { throw new Exception("Not implemented"); } else if(this.FixedPanel == FixedPanel.Panel2) { _originalDistance = this.SplitterDistance; _originalMinSize = this.Panel2MinSize; this.Panel2MinSize = 2; this.SplitterDistance = this.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? this.Height : this.Width; this.PanelCollapsed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public int GetSplitterDistance() { return _originalMinSize > 0 ? _originalDistance : this.SplitterDistance; } DateTime _lastResize = DateTime.MinValue; protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { base.OnResize(e); //Horrible patch to fix what looks like a resize bug in SplitContainers //Resizing the window sometimes doesn't resize the inner panels properly //causing their content to go partially offscreen. //This code alters SplitterDistance approx 100ms after the last resize event //to fix the display bug if(this.IsHandleCreated) { bool firstResize; lock(this) { firstResize = _lastResize == DateTime.MinValue; _lastResize = DateTime.Now; } if(firstResize) { Task.Run(() => { while((DateTime.Now - _lastResize).Milliseconds < 100) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { if(_originalMinSize == 0) { this.SuspendLayout(); this.Panel1.SuspendLayout(); this.Panel2.SuspendLayout(); try { if(this.Width > 0 && this.Height > 0) { this.SplitterDistance++; this.SplitterDistance--; } } catch { } finally { this.ResumeLayout(); this.Panel1.ResumeLayout(); this.Panel2.ResumeLayout(); } } this.Invalidate(); lock(this) { _lastResize = DateTime.MinValue; } })); }); } } } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); this.Panel1.Focus(); if(!_preventExpand && _originalMinSize > 0) { this.ExpandPanel(); } _preventExpand = false; } } }