#include "stdafx.h" #include "SystemActionManager.h" #include "FdsSystemActionManager.h" #include "VsSystemActionManager.h" #include "BizhawkMovie.h" #include "VsControlManager.h" #include "FDS.h" #include "PPU.h" BizhawkMovie::BizhawkMovie() { _originalPowerOnState = EmulationSettings::GetRamPowerOnState(); } BizhawkMovie::~BizhawkMovie() { Stop(); } void BizhawkMovie::Stop() { if(_isPlaying) { EndMovie(); EmulationSettings::SetRamPowerOnState(_originalPowerOnState); _isPlaying = false; } ControlManager::UnregisterInputProvider(this); } bool BizhawkMovie::SetInput(BaseControlDevice *device) { SystemActionManager* actionManager = dynamic_cast(device); int32_t frameNumber = _gameLoaded ? PPU::GetFrameCount() : 0; if(actionManager) { if(frameNumber < (int32_t)_systemActionByFrame.size()) { uint32_t systemAction = _systemActionByFrame[frameNumber]; if(systemAction & 0x01) { actionManager->SetBit(SystemActionManager::Buttons::PowerButton); } if(systemAction & 0x02) { actionManager->SetBit(SystemActionManager::Buttons::ResetButton); } VsSystemActionManager* vsActionManager = dynamic_cast(device); if(vsActionManager) { if(systemAction & 0x04) { actionManager->SetBit(VsSystemActionManager::VsButtons::InsertCoin1); } if(systemAction & 0x08) { actionManager->SetBit(VsSystemActionManager::VsButtons::InsertCoin2); } if(systemAction & 0x10) { actionManager->SetBit(VsSystemActionManager::VsButtons::ServiceButton); } } FdsSystemActionManager* fdsActionManager = dynamic_cast(device); if(fdsActionManager) { //FDS timings between NesHawk & Mesen are currently significantly different //So FDS games will always go out of sync if(systemAction & 0x04) { fdsActionManager->SetBit(FdsSystemActionManager::FdsButtons::EjectDiskButton); } if(systemAction >= 8) { systemAction >>= 3; uint32_t diskNumber = 0; while(!(systemAction & 0x01)) { systemAction >>= 1; diskNumber++; } fdsActionManager->SetBit(FdsSystemActionManager::FdsButtons::InsertDisk1 + diskNumber); } } } } else { int port = device->GetPort(); StandardController* controller = dynamic_cast(device); if(controller) { if(frameNumber < (int32_t)_dataByFrame[port].size()) { controller->SetTextState(_dataByFrame[port][frameNumber]); } else { Stop(); } } } return true; } bool BizhawkMovie::InitializeGameData(ZipReader &reader) { stringstream fileData; if(!reader.GetStream("Header.txt", fileData)) { return false; } _gameLoaded = false; while(!fileData.eof()) { string line; std::getline(fileData, line); if(line.compare(0, 4, "SHA1", 4) == 0) { if(line.size() >= 45) { HashInfo hashInfo; hashInfo.Sha1Hash = line.substr(5, 40); if(Console::LoadROM("", hashInfo)) { _gameLoaded = true; return true; } } } else if(line.compare(0, 3, "MD5", 3) == 0) { if(line.size() >= 36) { HashInfo hashInfo; hashInfo.PrgChrMd5Hash = line.substr(4, 32); std::transform(hashInfo.PrgChrMd5Hash.begin(), hashInfo.PrgChrMd5Hash.end(), hashInfo.PrgChrMd5Hash.begin(), ::toupper); if(Console::LoadROM("", hashInfo)) { _gameLoaded = true; return true; } } } } return false; } bool BizhawkMovie::InitializeInputData(ZipReader &reader) { stringstream inputData; if(!reader.GetStream("Input Log.txt", inputData)) { return false; } int systemActionCount = 2; shared_ptr fdsActionManager = Console::GetInstance()->GetSystemActionManager(); if(fdsActionManager) { //Eject disk + Insert Disk #XX systemActionCount += fdsActionManager->GetSideCount() + 1; } else { shared_ptr vsActionManager = Console::GetInstance()->GetSystemActionManager(); if(vsActionManager) { //Insert coin 1, 2 + service button systemActionCount += 3; } } while(!inputData.eof()) { string line; std::getline(inputData, line); if(line.size() > 0 && line[0] == '|') { line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), '|'), line.end()); line = line.substr(0, line.size() - 1); //Read power/reset/FDS/VS/etc. commands uint32_t systemAction = 0; for(int i = 0; i < systemActionCount; i++) { if(line[i] != '.') { systemAction |= (1 << i); } } _systemActionByFrame.push_back(systemAction); line = line.substr(systemActionCount); int port = 0; while(line.size() >= 8) { _dataByFrame[port].push_back(line.substr(0, 8)); line = line.substr(8); port++; } while(port < 4) { _dataByFrame[port].push_back("........"); port++; } } } return _dataByFrame[0].size() > 0; } bool BizhawkMovie::Play(VirtualFile &file) { Console::Pause(); ZipReader reader; std::stringstream ss; file.ReadFile(ss); reader.LoadArchive(ss); ControlManager::RegisterInputProvider(this); if(InitializeInputData(reader) && InitializeGameData(reader)) { //NesHawk initializes memory to 1s EmulationSettings::SetRamPowerOnState(RamPowerOnState::AllOnes); _isPlaying = true; } else { ControlManager::UnregisterInputProvider(this); } Console::Resume(); return _isPlaying; } bool BizhawkMovie::IsPlaying() { return _isPlaying; }