#pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "../Utilities/SimpleLock.h" #include "VirtualFile.h" #include "RomData.h" #include "SaveStateManager.h" class Debugger; class BaseMapper; class RewindManager; class APU; class CPU; class PPU; class MemoryManager; class ControlManager; class AutoSaveManager; class HdPackBuilder; class HdAudioDevice; class SystemActionManager; struct HdPackData; enum class NesModel; enum class ScaleFilterType; enum class ConsoleFeatures; class Console { private: static shared_ptr Instance; SimpleLock _pauseLock; SimpleLock _runLock; SimpleLock _stopLock; shared_ptr _rewindManager; shared_ptr _cpu; shared_ptr _ppu; shared_ptr _apu; shared_ptr _debugger; shared_ptr _mapper; unique_ptr _controlManager; shared_ptr _memoryManager; shared_ptr _systemActionManager; unique_ptr _autoSaveManager; shared_ptr _hdPackBuilder; unique_ptr _hdData; unique_ptr _hdAudioDevice; NesModel _model; string _romFilepath; string _patchFilename; bool _stop = false; bool _disableOcNextFrame = false; atomic _resetRequested; bool _initialized = false; std::thread::id _emulationThreadId; void LoadHdPack(VirtualFile &romFile, VirtualFile &patchFile); bool Initialize(VirtualFile &romFile, VirtualFile &patchFile); void UpdateNesModel(bool sendNotification); double GetFrameDelay(); void SaveBatteries(); public: Console(); ~Console(); void Run(); void Stop(); shared_ptr GetSystemActionManager(); template shared_ptr GetSystemActionManager() { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast(_systemActionManager); } ConsoleFeatures GetAvailableFeatures(); void InputBarcode(uint64_t barcode, uint32_t digitCount); void LoadTapeFile(string filepath); void StartRecordingTapeFile(string filepath); void StopRecordingTapeFile(); bool IsRecordingTapeFile(); static std::thread::id GetEmulationThreadId(); static void RequestReset(); static void Reset(bool softReset = true); void PowerCycle(); void ResetComponents(bool softReset); //Used to pause the emu loop to perform thread-safe operations static void Pause(); //Used to resume the emu loop after calling Pause() static void Resume(); shared_ptr GetDebugger(bool autoStart = true); void StopDebugger(); static void SaveState(ostream &saveStream); static void LoadState(istream &loadStream, uint32_t stateVersion = SaveStateManager::FileFormatVersion); static void LoadState(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bufferSize); static bool LoadROM(VirtualFile romFile, VirtualFile patchFile = {}); static bool LoadROM(string romName, HashInfo hashInfo); static string FindMatchingRom(string romName, HashInfo hashInfo); static VirtualFile GetRomPath(); static string GetRomName(); static VirtualFile GetPatchFile(); static bool IsChrRam(); static RomFormat GetRomFormat(); static HashInfo GetHashInfo(); static NesModel GetModel(); static uint32_t GetLagCounter(); static void ResetLagCounter(); static bool IsRunning(); bool IsPaused(); static void SetNextFrameOverclockStatus(bool disabled); static bool IsDebuggerAttached(); static HdPackData* GetHdData(); static bool IsHdPpu(); static void StartRecordingHdPack(string saveFolder, ScaleFilterType filterType, uint32_t scale, uint32_t flags, uint32_t chrRamBankSize); static void StopRecordingHdPack(); static shared_ptr GetInstance(); static void Release(); };