#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "HdNesPack.h" #include "Console.h" #include "MessageManager.h" #include "EmulationSettings.h" #include "HdPackLoader.h" #include "../Utilities/FolderUtilities.h" #include "../Utilities/PNGHelper.h" HdNesPack::HdNesPack(shared_ptr hdData) { _hdData = hdData; } HdNesPack::~HdNesPack() { } void HdNesPack::BlendColors(uint8_t output[4], uint8_t input[4]) { uint8_t alpha = input[3] + 1; uint8_t invertedAlpha = 256 - input[3]; output[0] = (uint8_t)((alpha * input[0] + invertedAlpha * output[0]) >> 8); output[1] = (uint8_t)((alpha * input[1] + invertedAlpha * output[1]) >> 8); output[2] = (uint8_t)((alpha * input[2] + invertedAlpha * output[2]) >> 8); output[3] = 0xFF; } uint32_t HdNesPack::AdjustBrightness(uint8_t input[4], uint16_t brightness) { return ( std::min(255, (brightness * input[0]) >> 8) | (std::min(255, (brightness * input[1]) >> 8) << 8) | (std::min(255, (brightness * input[2]) >> 8) << 16) | (input[3] << 24) ); } void HdNesPack::DrawColor(uint32_t color, uint32_t *outputBuffer, uint32_t scale, uint32_t screenWidth) { if(scale == 1) { *outputBuffer = color; } else { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < scale; i++) { std::fill(outputBuffer, outputBuffer + scale, color); outputBuffer += screenWidth; } } } void HdNesPack::DrawCustomBackground(uint32_t *outputBuffer, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t scale, uint32_t screenWidth) { uint8_t brightness = _hdData->Backgrounds[_backgroundIndex].Brightness; uint32_t width = _hdData->Backgrounds[_backgroundIndex].Data->Width; uint32_t *pngData = _hdData->Backgrounds[_backgroundIndex].data() + (y * _hdData->Scale * width) + (x * _hdData->Scale); if(scale == 1) { if(brightness == 255) { *outputBuffer = *pngData; } else { *outputBuffer = AdjustBrightness((uint8_t*)pngData, brightness); } } else { uint32_t *buffer = outputBuffer; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < scale; i++) { memcpy(outputBuffer, pngData, sizeof(uint32_t) * scale); outputBuffer += screenWidth; pngData += width; } if(brightness < 255) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < scale; i++) { for(uint32_t j = 0; j < scale; j++) { *buffer = AdjustBrightness((uint8_t*)buffer, brightness); buffer++; } buffer += screenWidth - scale; } } } } void HdNesPack::DrawTile(HdPpuTileInfo &tileInfo, HdPackTileInfo &hdPackTileInfo, uint32_t *outputBuffer, uint32_t screenWidth) { if(hdPackTileInfo.IsFullyTransparent) { return; } uint32_t scale = GetScale(); uint32_t *bitmapData = hdPackTileInfo.HdTileData.data(); uint32_t tileWidth = 8 * scale; uint8_t tileOffsetX = tileInfo.HorizontalMirroring ? 7 - tileInfo.OffsetX : tileInfo.OffsetX; uint32_t bitmapOffset = (tileInfo.OffsetY * scale) * tileWidth + tileOffsetX * scale; int32_t bitmapSmallInc = 1; int32_t bitmapLargeInc = tileWidth - scale; if(tileInfo.HorizontalMirroring) { bitmapOffset += scale - 1; bitmapSmallInc = -1; bitmapLargeInc = tileWidth + scale; } if(tileInfo.VerticalMirroring) { bitmapOffset += tileWidth * (scale - 1); bitmapLargeInc = (tileInfo.HorizontalMirroring ? (int32_t)scale : -(int32_t)scale) - (int32_t)tileWidth; } uint32_t rgbValue; if(hdPackTileInfo.HasTransparentPixels || hdPackTileInfo.Brightness < 255) { for(uint32_t y = 0; y < scale; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < scale; x++) { if(hdPackTileInfo.Brightness == 255) { rgbValue = *(bitmapData + bitmapOffset); } else { rgbValue = AdjustBrightness((uint8_t*)(bitmapData + bitmapOffset), hdPackTileInfo.Brightness); } if(!hdPackTileInfo.HasTransparentPixels || (bitmapData[bitmapOffset] & 0xFF000000) == 0xFF000000) { *outputBuffer = rgbValue; } else { if(bitmapData[bitmapOffset] & 0xFF000000) { BlendColors((uint8_t*)outputBuffer, (uint8_t*)&rgbValue); } } outputBuffer++; bitmapOffset += bitmapSmallInc; } bitmapOffset += bitmapLargeInc; outputBuffer += screenWidth - scale; } } else { for(uint32_t y = 0; y < scale; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < scale; x++) { *outputBuffer = *(bitmapData + bitmapOffset); outputBuffer++; bitmapOffset += bitmapSmallInc; } bitmapOffset += bitmapLargeInc; outputBuffer += screenWidth - scale; } } } uint32_t HdNesPack::GetScale() { return _hdData->Scale; } void HdNesPack::OnLineStart(HdPpuPixelInfo &lineFirstPixel) { _scrollX = ((lineFirstPixel.TmpVideoRamAddr & 0x1F) << 3) | lineFirstPixel.XScroll | ((lineFirstPixel.TmpVideoRamAddr & 0x400) ? 0x100 : 0); _useCachedTile = false; if(_backgroundIndex >= 0) { int32_t scrollY = (((lineFirstPixel.TmpVideoRamAddr & 0x3E0) >> 2) | ((lineFirstPixel.TmpVideoRamAddr & 0x7000) >> 12)) + ((lineFirstPixel.TmpVideoRamAddr & 0x800) ? 240 : 0); HdBackgroundInfo &bgInfo = _hdData->Backgrounds[_backgroundIndex]; _bgScrollX = (int32_t)(_scrollX * bgInfo.HorizontalScrollRatio); _bgScrollY = (int32_t)(scrollY * bgInfo.VerticalScrollRatio); } } void HdNesPack::OnBeforeApplyFilter() { _palette = _hdData->Palette.size() == 0x40 ? _hdData->Palette.data() : EmulationSettings::GetRgbPalette(); _contoursEnabled = (_hdData->OptionFlags & (int)HdPackOptions::NoContours) == 0; _cacheEnabled = (_hdData->OptionFlags & (int)HdPackOptions::DisableCache) == 0; if(_hdData->OptionFlags & (int)HdPackOptions::NoSpriteLimit) { EmulationSettings::SetFlags(EmulationFlags::RemoveSpriteLimit | EmulationFlags::AdaptiveSpriteLimit); } _backgroundIndex = -1; for(size_t i = 0; i < _hdData->Backgrounds.size(); i++) { bool isMatch = true; for(HdPackCondition* condition : _hdData->Backgrounds[i].Conditions) { if(!condition->CheckCondition(_hdScreenInfo, 0, 0, nullptr)) { isMatch = false; break; } } if(isMatch) { _backgroundIndex = (int32_t)i; break; } } for(unique_ptr &condition : _hdData->Conditions) { condition->ClearCache(); } } HdPackTileInfo* HdNesPack::GetCachedMatchingTile(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, HdPpuTileInfo* tile) { if(((_scrollX + x) & 0x07) == 0) { _useCachedTile = false; } bool disableCache = false; HdPackTileInfo* hdPackTileInfo; if(_useCachedTile) { hdPackTileInfo = _cachedTile; } else { hdPackTileInfo = GetMatchingTile(x, y, tile, &disableCache); if(!disableCache && _cacheEnabled) { //Use this tile for the next 8 horizontal pixels //Disable cache if a sprite condition is used, because sprites are not on a 8x8 grid _cachedTile = hdPackTileInfo; _useCachedTile = true; } } return hdPackTileInfo; } HdPackTileInfo* HdNesPack::GetMatchingTile(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, HdPpuTileInfo* tile, bool* disableCache) { auto hdTile = _hdData->TileByKey.find(*tile); if(hdTile == _hdData->TileByKey.end()) { hdTile = _hdData->TileByKey.find(tile->GetKey(true)); } if(hdTile != _hdData->TileByKey.end()) { for(HdPackTileInfo* hdPackTile : hdTile->second) { if(disableCache != nullptr && hdPackTile->ForceDisableCache) { *disableCache = true; } if(hdPackTile->MatchesCondition(_hdScreenInfo, x, y, tile)) { return hdPackTile; } } } return nullptr; } bool HdNesPack::IsNextToSprite(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { bool hasNonBackgroundSurrounding = false; auto processAdjacentTile = [&hasNonBackgroundSurrounding](HdPpuPixelInfo& pixelInfo) { if(pixelInfo.Tile.BgColorIndex != 0) { hasNonBackgroundSurrounding = true; } else { for(int i = 0; i < pixelInfo.SpriteCount; i++) { if(pixelInfo.Sprite[i].SpriteColorIndex == 0 || pixelInfo.Sprite[i].SpriteColor != pixelInfo.Sprite[i].BgColor) { hasNonBackgroundSurrounding |= pixelInfo.Sprite[i].TileIndex != HdPpuTileInfo::NoTile && pixelInfo.Sprite[i].SpriteColorIndex != 0; } if(hasNonBackgroundSurrounding) { break; } } } }; for(int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { if((int)y + i < 0 || y + i >= PPU::ScreenHeight) { continue; } for(int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { if((int)x + j < 0 || x + j >= PPU::ScreenWidth) { continue; } if(!hasNonBackgroundSurrounding) { processAdjacentTile(_hdScreenInfo->ScreenTiles[(i + y) * 256 + j + x]); } } } return hasNonBackgroundSurrounding; } void HdNesPack::GetPixels(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, HdPpuPixelInfo &pixelInfo, uint32_t *outputBuffer, uint32_t screenWidth) { HdPackTileInfo *hdPackTileInfo = nullptr; HdPackTileInfo *hdPackSpriteInfo = nullptr; bool hasSprite = pixelInfo.SpriteCount > 0; if(pixelInfo.Tile.TileIndex != HdPpuTileInfo::NoTile) { hdPackTileInfo = GetCachedMatchingTile(x, y, &pixelInfo.Tile); } int lowestBgSprite = 999; DrawColor(_palette[pixelInfo.Tile.PpuBackgroundColor], outputBuffer, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); bool hasCustomBackground = false; bool hasNonBackgroundSurrounding = false; bool backgroundBehindBgSprites = false; if(_backgroundIndex >= 0) { HdBackgroundInfo &bgInfo = _hdData->Backgrounds[_backgroundIndex]; //Enable custom background if the current pixel fits within the background's boundaries hasCustomBackground = (int32_t)x >= -_bgScrollX && (int32_t)y >= -_bgScrollY && (y + _bgScrollY + 1) * _hdData->Scale <= bgInfo.Data->Height && (x + _bgScrollX + 1) * _hdData->Scale <= bgInfo.Data->Width; if(hasCustomBackground) { hasNonBackgroundSurrounding = _contoursEnabled && IsNextToSprite(x, y); if(bgInfo.BehindBgPrioritySprites) { DrawCustomBackground(outputBuffer, x + _bgScrollX, y + _bgScrollY, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); backgroundBehindBgSprites = true; } } } if(hasSprite) { for(int k = pixelInfo.SpriteCount - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if(pixelInfo.Sprite[k].BackgroundPriority) { if(pixelInfo.Sprite[k].SpriteColorIndex != 0) { lowestBgSprite = k; } hdPackSpriteInfo = GetMatchingTile(x, y, &pixelInfo.Sprite[k]); if(hdPackSpriteInfo) { DrawTile(pixelInfo.Sprite[k], *hdPackSpriteInfo, outputBuffer, screenWidth); } else if(pixelInfo.Sprite[k].SpriteColorIndex != 0) { DrawColor(_palette[pixelInfo.Sprite[k].SpriteColor], outputBuffer, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); } } } } if (hasCustomBackground && !backgroundBehindBgSprites) { DrawCustomBackground(outputBuffer, x + _bgScrollX, y + _bgScrollY, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); } if(hdPackTileInfo) { DrawTile(pixelInfo.Tile, *hdPackTileInfo, outputBuffer, screenWidth); } else { //Draw regular SD background tile bool useCustomBackground = !hasNonBackgroundSurrounding && hasCustomBackground && pixelInfo.Tile.BgColorIndex == 0; if(!useCustomBackground && (pixelInfo.Tile.BgColorIndex != 0 || hasNonBackgroundSurrounding)) { DrawColor(_palette[pixelInfo.Tile.BgColor], outputBuffer, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); } } if(hasSprite) { for(int k = pixelInfo.SpriteCount - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if(!pixelInfo.Sprite[k].BackgroundPriority && lowestBgSprite > k) { hdPackSpriteInfo = GetMatchingTile(x, y, &pixelInfo.Sprite[k]); if(hdPackSpriteInfo) { DrawTile(pixelInfo.Sprite[k], *hdPackSpriteInfo, outputBuffer, screenWidth); } else if(pixelInfo.Sprite[k].SpriteColorIndex != 0) { DrawColor(_palette[pixelInfo.Sprite[k].SpriteColor], outputBuffer, _hdData->Scale, screenWidth); } } } } } void HdNesPack::Process(HdScreenInfo *hdScreenInfo, uint32_t* outputBuffer, OverscanDimensions &overscan) { _hdScreenInfo = hdScreenInfo; uint32_t hdScale = GetScale(); uint32_t screenWidth = overscan.GetScreenWidth() * hdScale; OnBeforeApplyFilter(); for(uint32_t i = overscan.Top, iMax = 240 - overscan.Bottom; i < iMax; i++) { OnLineStart(hdScreenInfo->ScreenTiles[i << 8]); uint32_t bufferIndex = (i - overscan.Top) * screenWidth * hdScale; uint32_t lineStartIndex = bufferIndex; for(uint32_t j = overscan.Left, jMax = 256 - overscan.Right; j < jMax; j++) { GetPixels(j, i, hdScreenInfo->ScreenTiles[i * 256 + j], outputBuffer + bufferIndex, screenWidth); bufferIndex += hdScale; } ProcessGrayscaleAndEmphasis(hdScreenInfo->ScreenTiles[i * 256], outputBuffer + lineStartIndex, screenWidth); } } void HdNesPack::ProcessGrayscaleAndEmphasis(HdPpuPixelInfo &pixelInfo, uint32_t* outputBuffer, uint32_t hdScreenWidth) { //Apply grayscale/emphasis bits on a scanline level (less accurate, but shouldn't cause issues and simpler to implement) uint32_t scale = GetScale(); if(pixelInfo.Grayscale) { uint32_t* out = outputBuffer; for(uint32_t y = 0; y < scale; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < hdScreenWidth; x++) { uint32_t &rgbValue = out[x]; uint8_t average = (((rgbValue >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((rgbValue >> 8) & 0xFF) + (rgbValue & 0xFF)) / 3; rgbValue = (rgbValue & 0xFF000000) | (average << 16) | (average << 8) | average; } out += hdScreenWidth; } } if(pixelInfo.EmphasisBits) { uint8_t emphasisBits = pixelInfo.EmphasisBits; double red = 1.0, green = 1.0, blue = 1.0; if(emphasisBits & 0x01) { //Intensify red red *= 1.1; green *= 0.9; blue *= 0.9; } if(emphasisBits & 0x02) { //Intensify green green *= 1.1; red *= 0.9; blue *= 0.9; } if(emphasisBits & 0x04) { //Intensify blue blue *= 1.1; red *= 0.9; green *= 0.9; } uint32_t* out = outputBuffer; for(uint32_t y = 0; y < scale; y++) { for(uint32_t x = 0; x < hdScreenWidth; x++) { uint32_t &rgbValue = out[x]; rgbValue = 0xFF000000 | (std::min((uint16_t)(((rgbValue >> 16) & 0xFF) * red), 255) << 16) | (std::min((uint16_t)(((rgbValue >> 8) & 0xFF) * green), 255) << 8) | std::min((uint16_t)((rgbValue & 0xFF) * blue), 255); } out += hdScreenWidth; } } }