using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mesen.GUI.Config; using Mesen.GUI.Controls; using Mesen.GUI.Forms; using System.Collections.Concurrent; namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Controls { public partial class ctrlTextHooker : BaseControl { private byte[][] _nametablePixelData = new byte[4][]; private byte[][] _tileData = new byte[4][]; private byte[][] _attributeData = new byte[4][]; private byte[] _tmpTileData = new byte[16]; private byte[] _ppuMemory = new byte[0x4000]; private Bitmap _nametableImage = new Bitmap(512, 480); private Bitmap _outputImage = new Bitmap(512, 480); private int _xScroll = 0; private int _yScroll = 0; private DebugState _state = new DebugState(); private ConcurrentDictionary _charMappings; public ctrlTextHooker() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if(!IsDesignMode) { DebugInfo debugInfo = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo; chkIgnoreMirroredNametables.Checked = debugInfo.TextHookerIgnoreMirroredNametables; chkUseScrollOffsets.Checked = debugInfo.TextHookerAdjustViewportScrolling; chkAutoCopyToClipboard.Checked = debugInfo.TextHookerAutoCopyToClipboard; } } protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleDestroyed(e); if(!IsDesignMode) { DebugInfo debugInfo = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo; debugInfo.TextHookerIgnoreMirroredNametables = chkIgnoreMirroredNametables.Checked; debugInfo.TextHookerAdjustViewportScrolling = chkUseScrollOffsets.Checked; debugInfo.TextHookerAutoCopyToClipboard = chkAutoCopyToClipboard.Checked; } } public void GetData() { InteropEmu.DebugGetPpuScroll(out _xScroll, out _yScroll); InteropEmu.DebugGetState(ref _state); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { InteropEmu.DebugGetNametable(i, ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.NtViewerUseGrayscalePalette, out _nametablePixelData[i], out _tileData[i], out _attributeData[i]); } _ppuMemory = InteropEmu.DebugGetMemoryState(DebugMemoryType.PpuMemory); InteropEmu.DebugGetPpuScroll(out _xScroll, out _yScroll); _xScroll &= 0xFFF8; _yScroll &= 0xFFF8; } private string GetCharacter(int nt, int y, int x) { int outNt, outY, outX; GetIndexes(nt, y, x, out outNt, out outY, out outX); if(IgnoreTile(outNt)) { return " "; } string key = GetTileKey(outNt, (outY << 5) + outX); return GetMappedCharacter(key); } public void RefreshViewer() { using(Graphics gNametable = Graphics.FromImage(_nametableImage)) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_nametablePixelData[i], GCHandleType.Pinned); Bitmap source = new Bitmap(256, 240, 4*256, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()); try { gNametable.DrawImage(source, new Rectangle(i % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 256, i <= 1 ? 0 : 240, 256, 240), new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 240), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } finally { handle.Free(); } } } using(Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(_outputImage)) { if(chkUseScrollOffsets.Checked) { g.DrawImage(_nametableImage, -_xScroll, -_yScroll); g.DrawImage(_nametableImage, -_xScroll + 512, -_yScroll + 480); g.DrawImage(_nametableImage, -_xScroll + 512, -_yScroll); g.DrawImage(_nametableImage, -_xScroll, -_yScroll + 480); } else { g.DrawImage(_nametableImage, 0, 0); } } picNametable.Image = _outputImage; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); DakutenType[] previousLineDakutenType = new DakutenType[32]; for(int nt = 0; nt < 4; nt++) { for(int y = 0; y < 30; y++) { StringBuilder lineOutput = new StringBuilder(); for(int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { string value = GetCharacter(nt, y, x); DakutenType dakutenType = GetDakutenType(value); if(dakutenType == DakutenType.None) { bool isKana = ( (value[0] >= '\x3041' && value[0] <= '\x3096') || //hiragana (value[0] >= '\x30A1' && value[0] <= '\x30FA') //katakana ); DakutenType effectiveDakuten = DakutenType.None; if(previousLineDakutenType[x] != DakutenType.None) { effectiveDakuten = previousLineDakutenType[x]; } else if(isKana) { effectiveDakuten = GetDakutenType(GetCharacter(nt, y, x + 1)); if(effectiveDakuten != DakutenType.None && x < 31) { //Skip next character, to avoid using it for the line below previousLineDakutenType[x + 1] = DakutenType.None; x++; } } if(isKana && effectiveDakuten == DakutenType.Dakuten) { lineOutput.Append((char)(value[0] + 1)); } else if(isKana && effectiveDakuten == DakutenType.Handakuten) { lineOutput.Append((char)(value[0] + 2)); } else { lineOutput.Append(value); } } previousLineDakutenType[x] = dakutenType; } string rowString = lineOutput.ToString().Trim(); if(rowString.Length > 0) { output.AppendLine(rowString); } } } txtSelectedText.Text = output.ToString(); if(chkAutoCopyToClipboard.Checked && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSelectedText.Text)) { Clipboard.SetText(txtSelectedText.Text); } } private string GetMappedCharacter(string key) { string value; if(this._charMappings.TryGetValue(key, out value)) { return value; } else { return " "; } } private DakutenType GetDakutenType(string value) { if(value == "daku" || value == "゙") { return DakutenType.Dakuten; } else if(value == "han" || value == "゚") { return DakutenType.Handakuten; } else { return DakutenType.None; } } private string GetTileKey(int nametableIndex, int index) { byte tileIndex = _tileData[nametableIndex][index]; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { _tmpTileData[i] = _ppuMemory[_state.PPU.ControlFlags.BackgroundPatternAddr + tileIndex * 16 + i]; } return ctrlCharacterMapping.GetColorIndependentKey(_tmpTileData); } private bool IgnoreTile(int nametableIndex) { if(chkIgnoreMirroredNametables.Checked) { switch(_state.Cartridge.Mirroring) { case MirroringType.ScreenAOnly: case MirroringType.ScreenBOnly: if(nametableIndex > 0) { return true; } break; case MirroringType.Horizontal: if((nametableIndex & 0x01) == 0x01) { return true; } break; case MirroringType.Vertical: if((nametableIndex & 0x02) == 0x02) { return true; } break; } } return false; } public void SetCharacterMappings(ConcurrentDictionary charMappings) { _charMappings = charMappings; } private void GetIndexes(int inNt, int inY, int inX, out int outNt, out int outY, out int outX) { outX = inX; outY = inY; outNt = inNt & 0x03; if(chkUseScrollOffsets.Checked) { outY += _yScroll / 8; outX += _xScroll / 8; } while(outX < 0) { outX += 32; outNt ^= 1; } while(outX >= 32) { outX -= 32; outNt ^= 1; } while(outY >= 30) { outY -= 30; outNt ^= 2; } while(outY < 0) { outY += 30; outNt ^= 2; } outNt &= 0x03; } } enum DakutenType { None = 0, Dakuten = 1, Handakuten = 2 } }