using System; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace FastColoredTextBoxNS { /// /// Diapason of text chars /// public class Range : IEnumerable { Place start; Place end; public readonly FastColoredTextBox tb; int preferedPos = -1; int updating = 0; string cachedText; List cachedCharIndexToPlace; int cachedTextVersion = -1; /// /// Constructor /// public Range(FastColoredTextBox tb) { this.tb = tb; } /// /// Return true if no selected text /// public virtual bool IsEmpty { get { if (ColumnSelectionMode) return Start.iChar == End.iChar; return Start == End; } } private bool columnSelectionMode; /// /// Column selection mode /// public bool ColumnSelectionMode { get { return columnSelectionMode; } set { columnSelectionMode = value; } } /// /// Constructor /// public Range(FastColoredTextBox tb, int iStartChar, int iStartLine, int iEndChar, int iEndLine) : this(tb) { start = new Place(iStartChar, iStartLine); end = new Place(iEndChar, iEndLine); } /// /// Constructor /// public Range(FastColoredTextBox tb, Place start, Place end) : this(tb) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } /// /// Constructor. Creates range of the line /// public Range(FastColoredTextBox tb, int iLine) : this(tb) { start = new Place(0, iLine); end = new Place(tb[iLine].Count, iLine); } public bool Contains(Place place) { if (place.iLine < Math.Min(start.iLine, end.iLine)) return false; if (place.iLine > Math.Max(start.iLine, end.iLine)) return false; Place s = start; Place e = end; //normalize start and end if (s.iLine > e.iLine || (s.iLine == e.iLine && s.iChar > e.iChar)) { var temp = s; s = e; e = temp; } if (columnSelectionMode) { if (place.iChar < s.iChar || place.iChar > e.iChar) return false; } else { if (place.iLine == s.iLine && place.iChar < s.iChar) return false; if (place.iLine == e.iLine && place.iChar > e.iChar) return false; } return true; } /// /// Returns intersection with other range, /// empty range returned otherwise /// /// /// public virtual Range GetIntersectionWith(Range range) { if (ColumnSelectionMode) return GetIntersectionWith_ColumnSelectionMode(range); Range r1 = this.Clone(); Range r2 = range.Clone(); r1.Normalize(); r2.Normalize(); Place newStart = r1.Start > r2.Start ? r1.Start : r2.Start; Place newEnd = r1.End < r2.End ? r1.End : r2.End; if (newEnd < newStart) return new Range(tb, start, start); return tb.GetRange(newStart, newEnd); } /// /// Returns union with other range. /// /// /// public Range GetUnionWith(Range range) { Range r1 = this.Clone(); Range r2 = range.Clone(); r1.Normalize(); r2.Normalize(); Place newStart = r1.Start < r2.Start ? r1.Start : r2.Start; Place newEnd = r1.End > r2.End ? r1.End : r2.End; return tb.GetRange(newStart, newEnd); } /// /// Select all chars of control /// public void SelectAll() { ColumnSelectionMode = false; Start = new Place(0, 0); if (tb.LinesCount == 0) Start = new Place(0, 0); else { end = new Place(0, 0); start = new Place(tb[tb.LinesCount - 1].Count, tb.LinesCount - 1); } if (this == tb.Selection) tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Start line and char position /// public Place Start { get { return start; } set { end = start = value; preferedPos = -1; OnSelectionChanged(); } } /// /// Finish line and char position /// public Place End { get { return end; } set { end = value; OnSelectionChanged(); } } /// /// Text of range /// /// This property has not 'set' accessor because undo/redo stack works only with /// FastColoredTextBox.Selection range. So, if you want to set text, you need to use FastColoredTextBox.Selection /// and FastColoredTextBox.InsertText() mehtod. /// public virtual string Text { get { if (ColumnSelectionMode) return Text_ColumnSelectionMode; int fromLine = Math.Min(end.iLine, start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(end.iLine, start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; if (fromLine < 0) return null; // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(tb[y].Count - 1, toChar - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) sb.Append(tb[y][x].c); if (y != toLine && fromLine != toLine) sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } } internal void GetText(out string text, out List charIndexToPlace) { //try get cached text if (tb.TextVersion == cachedTextVersion) { text = cachedText; charIndexToPlace = cachedCharIndexToPlace; return; } // int fromLine = Math.Min(end.iLine, start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(end.iLine, start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((toLine - fromLine)*50); charIndexToPlace = new List(sb.Capacity); if (fromLine >= 0) { for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(toChar - 1, tb[y].Count - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) { sb.Append(tb[y][x].c); charIndexToPlace.Add(new Place(x, y)); } if (y != toLine && fromLine != toLine) foreach (char c in Environment.NewLine) { sb.Append(c); charIndexToPlace.Add(new Place(tb[y].Count/*???*/, y)); } } } text = sb.ToString(); charIndexToPlace.Add(End > Start ? End : Start); //caching cachedText = text; cachedCharIndexToPlace = charIndexToPlace; cachedTextVersion = tb.TextVersion; } /// /// Returns first char after Start place /// public char CharAfterStart { get { if (Start.iChar >= tb[Start.iLine].Count) return '\n'; return tb[Start.iLine][Start.iChar].c; } } /// /// Returns first char before Start place /// public char CharBeforeStart { get { if (Start.iChar > tb[Start.iLine].Count) return '\n'; if (Start.iChar <= 0) return '\n'; return tb[Start.iLine][Start.iChar - 1].c; } } /// /// Returns required char's number before start of the Range /// public string GetCharsBeforeStart(int charsCount) { var pos = tb.PlaceToPosition(Start) - charsCount; if(pos < 0) pos = 0; return new Range(tb, tb.PositionToPlace(pos), Start).Text; } /// /// Returns required char's number after start of the Range /// public string GetCharsAfterStart(int charsCount) { return GetCharsBeforeStart(-charsCount); } /// /// Clone range /// /// public Range Clone() { return (Range)MemberwiseClone(); } /// /// Return minimum of end.X and start.X /// internal int FromX { get { if (end.iLine < start.iLine) return end.iChar; if (end.iLine > start.iLine) return start.iChar; return Math.Min(end.iChar, start.iChar); } } /// /// Return maximum of end.X and start.X /// internal int ToX { get { if (end.iLine < start.iLine) return start.iChar; if (end.iLine > start.iLine) return end.iChar; return Math.Max(end.iChar, start.iChar); } } public int FromLine { get { return Math.Min(Start.iLine, End.iLine); } } public int ToLine { get { return Math.Max(Start.iLine, End.iLine); } } /// /// Move range right /// /// This method jump over folded blocks public bool GoRight() { Place prevStart = start; GoRight(false); return prevStart != start; } /// /// Move range left /// /// This method can to go inside folded blocks public virtual bool GoRightThroughFolded() { if (ColumnSelectionMode) return GoRightThroughFolded_ColumnSelectionMode(); if (start.iLine >= tb.LinesCount - 1 && start.iChar >= tb[tb.LinesCount - 1].Count) return false; if (start.iChar < tb[start.iLine].Count) start.Offset(1, 0); else start = new Place(0, start.iLine + 1); preferedPos = -1; end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); return true; } /// /// Move range left /// /// This method jump over folded blocks public bool GoLeft() { ColumnSelectionMode = false; Place prevStart = start; GoLeft(false); return prevStart != start; } /// /// Move range left /// /// This method can to go inside folded blocks public bool GoLeftThroughFolded() { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (start.iChar == 0 && start.iLine == 0) return false; if (start.iChar > 0) start.Offset(-1, 0); else start = new Place(tb[start.iLine - 1].Count, start.iLine - 1); preferedPos = -1; end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); return true; } public void GoLeft(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (!shift) if (start > end) { Start = End; return; } if (start.iChar != 0 || start.iLine != 0) { if (start.iChar > 0 && tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].VisibleState == VisibleState.Visible) start.Offset(-1, 0); else { int i = tb.FindPrevVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (i == start.iLine) return; start = new Place(tb[i].Count, i); } } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); preferedPos = -1; } public void GoRight(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (!shift) if (start < end) { Start = End; return; } if (start.iLine < tb.LinesCount - 1 || start.iChar < tb[tb.LinesCount - 1].Count) { if (start.iChar < tb[start.iLine].Count && tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].VisibleState == VisibleState.Visible) start.Offset(1, 0); else { int i = tb.FindNextVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (i == start.iLine) return; start = new Place(0, i); } } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); preferedPos = -1; } internal void GoUp(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (!shift) if (start.iLine > end.iLine) { Start = End; return; } if (preferedPos < 0) preferedPos = start.iChar - tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar)); int iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar); if (iWW == 0) { if (start.iLine <= 0) return; int i = tb.FindPrevVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (i == start.iLine) return; start.iLine = i; iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount; } if (iWW > 0) { int finish = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringFinishPosition(iWW - 1, tb[start.iLine]); start.iChar = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(iWW - 1) + preferedPos; if (start.iChar > finish + 1) start.iChar = finish + 1; } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } internal void GoPageUp(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (preferedPos < 0) preferedPos = start.iChar - tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar)); int pageHeight = tb.ClientRectangle.Height / tb.CharHeight - 1; for (int i = 0; i < pageHeight; i++) { int iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar); if (iWW == 0) { if (start.iLine <= 0) break; //pass hidden int newLine = tb.FindPrevVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (newLine == start.iLine) break; start.iLine = newLine; iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount; } if (iWW > 0) { int finish = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringFinishPosition(iWW - 1, tb[start.iLine]); start.iChar = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(iWW - 1) + preferedPos; if (start.iChar > finish + 1) start.iChar = finish + 1; } } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } internal void GoDown(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if(!shift) if (start.iLine < end.iLine) { Start = End; return; } if (preferedPos < 0) preferedPos = start.iChar - tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar)); int iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar); if (iWW >= tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount - 1) { if (start.iLine >= tb.LinesCount - 1) return; //pass hidden int i = tb.FindNextVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (i == start.iLine) return; start.iLine = i; iWW = -1; } if (iWW < tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount - 1) { int finish = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringFinishPosition(iWW + 1, tb[start.iLine]); start.iChar = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(iWW + 1) + preferedPos; if (start.iChar > finish + 1) start.iChar = finish + 1; } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } internal void GoPageDown(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (preferedPos < 0) preferedPos = start.iChar - tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar)); int pageHeight = tb.ClientRectangle.Height / tb.CharHeight - 1; for (int i = 0; i < pageHeight; i++) { int iWW = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringIndex(start.iChar); if (iWW >= tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount - 1) { if (start.iLine >= tb.LinesCount - 1) break; //pass hidden int newLine = tb.FindNextVisibleLine(start.iLine); if (newLine == start.iLine) break; start.iLine = newLine; iWW = -1; } if (iWW < tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].WordWrapStringsCount - 1) { int finish = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringFinishPosition(iWW + 1, tb[start.iLine]); start.iChar = tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].GetWordWrapStringStartPosition(iWW + 1) + preferedPos; if (start.iChar > finish + 1) start.iChar = finish + 1; } } if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } internal void GoHome(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (start.iLine < 0) return; if (tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) return; start = new Place(0, start.iLine); if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); preferedPos = -1; } internal void GoEnd(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (start.iLine < 0) return; if (tb.LineInfos[start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) return; start = new Place(tb[start.iLine].Count, start.iLine); if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); preferedPos = -1; } /// /// Set style for range /// public void SetStyle(Style style) { //search code for style int code = tb.GetOrSetStyleLayerIndex(style); //set code to chars SetStyle(ToStyleIndex(code)); // tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Set style for given regex pattern /// public void SetStyle(Style style, string regexPattern) { //search code for style StyleIndex layer = ToStyleIndex(tb.GetOrSetStyleLayerIndex(style)); SetStyle(layer, regexPattern, RegexOptions.None); } /// /// Set style for given regex /// public void SetStyle(Style style, Regex regex) { //search code for style StyleIndex layer = ToStyleIndex(tb.GetOrSetStyleLayerIndex(style)); SetStyle(layer, regex); } /// /// Set style for given regex pattern /// public void SetStyle(Style style, string regexPattern, RegexOptions options) { //search code for style StyleIndex layer = ToStyleIndex(tb.GetOrSetStyleLayerIndex(style)); SetStyle(layer, regexPattern, options); } /// /// Set style for given regex pattern /// public void SetStyle(StyleIndex styleLayer, string regexPattern, RegexOptions options) { if (Math.Abs(Start.iLine - End.iLine) > 1000) options |= SyntaxHighlighter.RegexCompiledOption; // foreach (var range in GetRanges(regexPattern, options)) range.SetStyle(styleLayer); // tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Set style for given regex pattern /// public void SetStyle(StyleIndex styleLayer, Regex regex) { foreach (var range in GetRanges(regex)) range.SetStyle(styleLayer); // tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Appends style to chars of range /// public void SetStyle(StyleIndex styleIndex) { //set code to chars int fromLine = Math.Min(End.iLine, Start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(End.iLine, Start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; if (fromLine < 0) return; // for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(toChar - 1, tb[y].Count - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) { Char c = tb[y][x]; |= styleIndex; tb[y][x] = c; } } } /// /// Sets folding markers /// /// Pattern for start folding line /// Pattern for finish folding line public void SetFoldingMarkers(string startFoldingPattern, string finishFoldingPattern) { SetFoldingMarkers(startFoldingPattern, finishFoldingPattern, SyntaxHighlighter.RegexCompiledOption); } /// /// Sets folding markers /// /// Pattern for start folding line /// Pattern for finish folding line public void SetFoldingMarkers(string startFoldingPattern, string finishFoldingPattern, RegexOptions options) { if (startFoldingPattern == finishFoldingPattern) { SetFoldingMarkers(startFoldingPattern, options); return; } foreach (var range in GetRanges(startFoldingPattern, options)) tb[range.Start.iLine].FoldingStartMarker = startFoldingPattern; foreach (var range in GetRanges(finishFoldingPattern, options)) tb[range.Start.iLine].FoldingEndMarker = startFoldingPattern; // tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Sets folding markers /// /// Pattern for start and end folding line public void SetFoldingMarkers(string foldingPattern, RegexOptions options) { foreach (var range in GetRanges(foldingPattern, options)) { if (range.Start.iLine > 0) tb[range.Start.iLine-1].FoldingEndMarker = foldingPattern; tb[range.Start.iLine].FoldingStartMarker = foldingPattern; } tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex pattern /// /// Regex pattern /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRanges(string regexPattern) { return GetRanges(regexPattern, RegexOptions.None); } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex pattern /// /// Regex pattern /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRanges(string regexPattern, RegexOptions options) { //get text string text; List charIndexToPlace; GetText(out text, out charIndexToPlace); //create regex Regex regex = new Regex(regexPattern, options); // foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(text)) { Range r = new Range(this.tb); //try get 'range' group, otherwise use group 0 Group group = m.Groups["range"]; if (!group.Success) group = m.Groups[0]; // r.Start = charIndexToPlace[group.Index]; r.End = charIndexToPlace[group.Index + group.Length]; yield return r; } } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex pattern. /// Search is separately in each line. /// This method requires less memory than GetRanges(). /// /// Regex pattern /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRangesByLines(string regexPattern, RegexOptions options) { var regex = new Regex(regexPattern, options); foreach (var r in GetRangesByLines(regex)) yield return r; } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex. /// Search is separately in each line. /// This method requires less memory than GetRanges(). /// /// Regex /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRangesByLines(Regex regex) { Normalize(); var fts = tb.TextSource as FileTextSource; //<----!!!! ugly //enumaerate lines for (int iLine = Start.iLine; iLine <= End.iLine; iLine++) { // bool isLineLoaded = fts != null ? fts.IsLineLoaded(iLine) : true; // var r = new Range(tb, new Place(0, iLine), new Place(tb[iLine].Count, iLine)); if (iLine == Start.iLine || iLine == End.iLine) r = r.GetIntersectionWith(this); foreach (var foundRange in r.GetRanges(regex)) yield return foundRange; if (!isLineLoaded) fts.UnloadLine(iLine); } } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex pattern. /// Search is separately in each line (order of lines is reversed). /// This method requires less memory than GetRanges(). /// /// Regex pattern /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRangesByLinesReversed(string regexPattern, RegexOptions options) { Normalize(); //create regex Regex regex = new Regex(regexPattern, options); // var fts = tb.TextSource as FileTextSource; //<----!!!! ugly //enumaerate lines for (int iLine = End.iLine; iLine >= Start.iLine; iLine--) { // bool isLineLoaded = fts != null ? fts.IsLineLoaded(iLine) : true; // var r = new Range(tb, new Place(0, iLine), new Place(tb[iLine].Count, iLine)); if (iLine == Start.iLine || iLine == End.iLine) r = r.GetIntersectionWith(this); var list = new List(); foreach (var foundRange in r.GetRanges(regex)) list.Add(foundRange); for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) yield return list[i]; if (!isLineLoaded) fts.UnloadLine(iLine); } } /// /// Finds ranges for given regex /// /// Enumeration of ranges public IEnumerable GetRanges(Regex regex) { //get text string text; List charIndexToPlace; GetText(out text, out charIndexToPlace); // foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(text)) { Range r = new Range(this.tb); //try get 'range' group, otherwise use group 0 Group group = m.Groups["range"]; if (!group.Success) group = m.Groups[0]; // r.Start = charIndexToPlace[group.Index]; r.End = charIndexToPlace[group.Index + group.Length]; yield return r; } } /// /// Clear styles of range /// public void ClearStyle(params Style[] styles) { try { ClearStyle(tb.GetStyleIndexMask(styles)); } catch { ;} } /// /// Clear styles of range /// public void ClearStyle(StyleIndex styleIndex) { //set code to chars int fromLine = Math.Min(End.iLine, Start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(End.iLine, Start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; if (fromLine < 0) return; // for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(toChar - 1, tb[y].Count - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) { Char c = tb[y][x]; &= ~styleIndex; tb[y][x] = c; } } // tb.Invalidate(); } /// /// Clear folding markers of all lines of range /// public void ClearFoldingMarkers() { //set code to chars int fromLine = Math.Min(End.iLine, Start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(End.iLine, Start.iLine); if (fromLine < 0) return; // for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) tb[y].ClearFoldingMarkers(); // tb.Invalidate(); } void OnSelectionChanged() { //clear cache cachedTextVersion = -1; cachedText = null; cachedCharIndexToPlace = null; // if (tb.Selection == this) if (updating == 0) tb.OnSelectionChanged(); } /// /// Starts selection position updating /// public void BeginUpdate() { updating++; } /// /// Ends selection position updating /// public void EndUpdate() { updating--; if (updating == 0) OnSelectionChanged(); } public override string ToString() { return "Start: " + Start + " End: " + End; } /// /// Exchanges Start and End if End appears before Start /// public void Normalize() { if (Start > End) Inverse(); } /// /// Exchanges Start and End /// public void Inverse() { var temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } /// /// Expands range from first char of Start line to last char of End line /// public void Expand() { Normalize(); start = new Place(0, start.iLine); end = new Place(tb.GetLineLength(end.iLine), end.iLine); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { if (ColumnSelectionMode) { foreach(var p in GetEnumerator_ColumnSelectionMode()) yield return p; yield break; } int fromLine = Math.Min(end.iLine, start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(end.iLine, start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; if (fromLine < 0) yield break; // for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(toChar - 1, tb[y].Count - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) yield return new Place(x, y); } } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return (this as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } /// /// Chars of range (exclude \n) /// public IEnumerable Chars { get { if (ColumnSelectionMode) { foreach (var p in GetEnumerator_ColumnSelectionMode()) yield return tb[p]; yield break; } int fromLine = Math.Min(end.iLine, start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(end.iLine, start.iLine); int fromChar = FromX; int toChar = ToX; if (fromLine < 0) yield break; // for (int y = fromLine; y <= toLine; y++) { int fromX = y == fromLine ? fromChar : 0; int toX = y == toLine ? Math.Min(toChar - 1, tb[y].Count - 1) : tb[y].Count - 1; var line = tb[y]; for (int x = fromX; x <= toX; x++) yield return line[x]; } } } /// /// Get fragment of text around Start place. Returns maximal matched to pattern fragment. /// /// Allowed chars pattern for fragment /// Range of found fragment public Range GetFragment(string allowedSymbolsPattern) { return GetFragment(allowedSymbolsPattern, RegexOptions.None); } /// /// Get fragment of text around Start place. Returns maximal matched to given Style. /// /// Allowed style for fragment /// Range of found fragment public Range GetFragment(Style style, bool allowLineBreaks) { var mask = tb.GetStyleIndexMask(new Style[] { style }); // Range r = new Range(tb); r.Start = Start; //go left, check style while (r.GoLeftThroughFolded()) { if (!allowLineBreaks && r.CharAfterStart == '\n') break; if (r.Start.iChar < tb.GetLineLength(r.Start.iLine)) if ((tb[r.Start].style & mask) == 0) { r.GoRightThroughFolded(); break; } } Place startFragment = r.Start; r.Start = Start; //go right, check style do { if (!allowLineBreaks && r.CharAfterStart == '\n') break; if (r.Start.iChar < tb.GetLineLength(r.Start.iLine)) if ((tb[r.Start].style & mask) == 0) break; } while (r.GoRightThroughFolded()); Place endFragment = r.Start; return new Range(tb, startFragment, endFragment); } /// /// Get fragment of text around Start place. Returns maximal mathed to pattern fragment. /// /// Allowed chars pattern for fragment /// Range of found fragment public Range GetFragment(string allowedSymbolsPattern, RegexOptions options) { Range r = new Range(tb); r.Start = Start; Regex regex = new Regex(allowedSymbolsPattern, options); //go left, check symbols while (r.GoLeftThroughFolded()) { if (!regex.IsMatch(r.CharAfterStart.ToString())) { r.GoRightThroughFolded(); break; } } Place startFragment = r.Start; r.Start = Start; //go right, check symbols do { if (!regex.IsMatch(r.CharAfterStart.ToString())) break; } while (r.GoRightThroughFolded()) ; Place endFragment = r.Start; return new Range(tb, startFragment, endFragment); } bool IsIdentifierChar(char c) { return char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_'; } bool IsSpaceChar(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } public void GoWordLeft(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (!shift && start > end) { Start = End; return; } Range range = this.Clone();//to OnSelectionChanged disable bool wasSpace = false; while (IsSpaceChar(range.CharBeforeStart)) { wasSpace = true; range.GoLeft(shift); } bool wasIdentifier = false; while (IsIdentifierChar(range.CharBeforeStart)) { wasIdentifier = true; range.GoLeft(shift); } if (!wasIdentifier && (!wasSpace || range.CharBeforeStart != '\n')) range.GoLeft(shift); this.Start = range.Start; this.End = range.End; if (tb.LineInfos[Start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) GoRight(shift); } public void GoWordRight(bool shift, bool goToStartOfNextWord = false) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; if (!shift && start < end) { Start = End; return; } Range range = this.Clone();//to OnSelectionChanged disable bool wasNewLine = false; if (range.CharAfterStart == '\n') { range.GoRight(shift); wasNewLine = true; } bool wasSpace = false; while (IsSpaceChar(range.CharAfterStart)) { wasSpace = true; range.GoRight(shift); } if (!((wasSpace || wasNewLine) && goToStartOfNextWord)) { bool wasIdentifier = false; while (IsIdentifierChar(range.CharAfterStart)) { wasIdentifier = true; range.GoRight(shift); } if (!wasIdentifier) range.GoRight(shift); if (goToStartOfNextWord && !wasSpace) while (IsSpaceChar(range.CharAfterStart)) range.GoRight(shift); } this.Start = range.Start; this.End = range.End; if (tb.LineInfos[Start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) GoLeft(shift); } internal void GoFirst(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; start = new Place(0, 0); if (tb.LineInfos[Start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) tb.ExpandBlock(Start.iLine); if(!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } internal void GoLast(bool shift) { ColumnSelectionMode = false; start = new Place(tb[tb.LinesCount - 1].Count, tb.LinesCount-1); if (tb.LineInfos[Start.iLine].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) tb.ExpandBlock(Start.iLine); if (!shift) end = start; OnSelectionChanged(); } public static StyleIndex ToStyleIndex(int i) { return (StyleIndex)(1 << i); } public RangeRect Bounds { get { int minX = Math.Min(Start.iChar, End.iChar); int minY = Math.Min(Start.iLine, End.iLine); int maxX = Math.Max(Start.iChar, End.iChar); int maxY = Math.Max(Start.iLine, End.iLine); return new RangeRect(minY, minX, maxY, maxX); } } public IEnumerable GetSubRanges(bool includeEmpty) { if (!ColumnSelectionMode) { yield return this; yield break; } var rect = Bounds; for (int y = rect.iStartLine; y <= rect.iEndLine; y++) { if (rect.iStartChar > tb[y].Count && !includeEmpty) continue; var r = new Range(tb, rect.iStartChar, y, Math.Min(rect.iEndChar, tb[y].Count), y); yield return r; } } /// /// Range is readonly? /// This property return True if any char of the range contains ReadOnlyStyle. /// Set this property to True/False to mark chars of the range as Readonly/Writable. /// public bool ReadOnly { get { if (tb.ReadOnly) return true; ReadOnlyStyle readonlyStyle = null; foreach (var style in tb.Styles) if (style is ReadOnlyStyle) { readonlyStyle = (ReadOnlyStyle)style; break; } if (readonlyStyle != null) { var si = ToStyleIndex(tb.GetStyleIndex(readonlyStyle)); if (IsEmpty) { //check previous and next chars var line = tb[start.iLine]; if (columnSelectionMode) { foreach (var sr in GetSubRanges(false)) { line = tb[sr.start.iLine]; if (sr.start.iChar < line.Count && sr.start.iChar > 0) { var left = line[sr.start.iChar - 1]; var right = line[sr.start.iChar]; if (( & si) != 0 && ( & si) != 0) return true;//we are between readonly chars } } }else if (start.iChar < line.Count && start.iChar > 0) { var left = line[start.iChar - 1]; var right = line[start.iChar]; if (( & si) != 0 && ( & si) != 0) return true;//we are between readonly chars } } else foreach (Char c in Chars) if (( & si) != 0)//found char with ReadonlyStyle return true; } return false; } set { //find exists ReadOnlyStyle of style buffer ReadOnlyStyle readonlyStyle = null; foreach (var style in tb.Styles) if (style is ReadOnlyStyle) { readonlyStyle = (ReadOnlyStyle)style; break; } //create ReadOnlyStyle if(readonlyStyle == null) readonlyStyle = new ReadOnlyStyle(); //set/clear style if (value) SetStyle(readonlyStyle); else ClearStyle(readonlyStyle); } } /// /// Is char before range readonly /// /// public bool IsReadOnlyLeftChar() { if (tb.ReadOnly) return true; var r = Clone(); r.Normalize(); if (r.start.iChar == 0) return false; if (ColumnSelectionMode) r.GoLeft_ColumnSelectionMode(); else r.GoLeft(true); return r.ReadOnly; } /// /// Is char after range readonly /// /// public bool IsReadOnlyRightChar() { if (tb.ReadOnly) return true; var r = Clone(); r.Normalize(); if (r.end.iChar >= tb[end.iLine].Count) return false; if (ColumnSelectionMode) r.GoRight_ColumnSelectionMode(); else r.GoRight(true); return r.ReadOnly; } public IEnumerable GetPlacesCyclic(Place startPlace, bool backward = false) { if (backward) { var r = new Range(this.tb, startPlace, startPlace); while (r.GoLeft() && r.start >= Start) { if (r.Start.iChar < tb[r.Start.iLine].Count) yield return r.Start; } r = new Range(this.tb, End, End); while (r.GoLeft() && r.start >= startPlace) { if (r.Start.iChar < tb[r.Start.iLine].Count) yield return r.Start; } } else { var r = new Range(this.tb, startPlace, startPlace); if (startPlace < End) do { if (r.Start.iChar < tb[r.Start.iLine].Count) yield return r.Start; } while (r.GoRight()); r = new Range(this.tb, Start, Start); if (r.Start < startPlace) do { if (r.Start.iChar < tb[r.Start.iLine].Count) yield return r.Start; } while (r.GoRight() && r.Start < startPlace); } } #region ColumnSelectionMode private Range GetIntersectionWith_ColumnSelectionMode(Range range) { if (range.Start.iLine != range.End.iLine) return new Range(tb, Start, Start); var rect = Bounds; if (range.Start.iLine < rect.iStartLine || range.Start.iLine > rect.iEndLine) return new Range(tb, Start, Start); return new Range(tb, rect.iStartChar, range.Start.iLine, rect.iEndChar, range.Start.iLine).GetIntersectionWith(range); } private bool GoRightThroughFolded_ColumnSelectionMode() { var boundes = Bounds; var endOfLines = true; for (int iLine = boundes.iStartLine; iLine <= boundes.iEndLine; iLine++) if(boundes.iEndChar < tb[iLine].Count) { endOfLines = false; break; } if (endOfLines) return false; var start = Start; var end = End; start.Offset(1, 0); end.Offset(1, 0); BeginUpdate(); Start = start; End = end; EndUpdate(); return true; } private IEnumerable GetEnumerator_ColumnSelectionMode() { var bounds = Bounds; if (bounds.iStartLine < 0) yield break; // for (int y = bounds.iStartLine; y <= bounds.iEndLine; y++) { for (int x = bounds.iStartChar; x < bounds.iEndChar; x++) { if (x < tb[y].Count) yield return new Place(x, y); } } } private string Text_ColumnSelectionMode { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var bounds = Bounds; if (bounds.iStartLine < 0) return ""; // for (int y = bounds.iStartLine; y <= bounds.iEndLine; y++) { for (int x = bounds.iStartChar; x < bounds.iEndChar; x++) { if (x < tb[y].Count) sb.Append(tb[y][x].c); } if (bounds.iEndLine != bounds.iStartLine && y != bounds.iEndLine) sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } } internal void GoDown_ColumnSelectionMode() { var iLine = tb.FindNextVisibleLine(End.iLine); End = new Place(End.iChar, iLine); } internal void GoUp_ColumnSelectionMode() { var iLine = tb.FindPrevVisibleLine(End.iLine); End = new Place(End.iChar, iLine); } internal void GoRight_ColumnSelectionMode() { End = new Place(End.iChar + 1, End.iLine); } internal void GoLeft_ColumnSelectionMode() { if (End.iChar > 0) End = new Place(End.iChar - 1, End.iLine); } #endregion } public struct RangeRect { public RangeRect(int iStartLine, int iStartChar, int iEndLine, int iEndChar) { this.iStartLine = iStartLine; this.iStartChar = iStartChar; this.iEndLine = iEndLine; this.iEndChar = iEndChar; } public int iStartLine; public int iStartChar; public int iEndLine; public int iEndChar; } }