#pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "MemoryManager.h" #include "Snapshotable.h" #include "TraceLogger.h" #include "EmulationSettings.h" namespace PSFlags { enum PSFlags : uint8_t { Carry = 0x01, Zero = 0x02, Interrupt = 0x04, Decimal = 0x08, Break = 0x10, Reserved = 0x20, Overflow = 0x40, Negative = 0x80 }; } enum AddrMode { None, Acc, Imp, Imm, Rel, Zero, ZeroX, ZeroY, Ind, IndX, IndY, IndYW, Abs, AbsX, AbsXW, AbsY, AbsYW }; enum class IRQSource { External = 1, FrameCounter = 2, DMC = 4, FdsDisk = 8, }; struct State { uint16_t PC = 0; uint8_t SP = 0; uint8_t A = 0; uint8_t X = 0; uint8_t Y = 0; uint8_t PS = 0; uint32_t IRQFlag = 0; int32_t CycleCount; bool NMIFlag = false; //Used by debugger uint16_t DebugPC = 0; }; class CPU : public Snapshotable { private: static const uint16_t NMIVector = 0xFFFA; static const uint16_t ResetVector = 0xFFFC; static const uint16_t IRQVector = 0xFFFE; static CPU* Instance; typedef void(CPU::*Func)(); int32_t _cycleCount; uint16_t _operand; Func _opTable[256]; AddrMode _addrMode[256]; AddrMode _instAddrMode; uint16_t _spriteDmaCounter; bool _spriteDmaTransfer; int8_t _dmcCounter; bool _dmcDmaRunning; bool _cpuWrite = false; uint16_t _writeAddr = 0; uint8_t _irqMask; State _state; MemoryManager *_memoryManager = nullptr; bool _prevRunIrq = false; bool _runIrq = false; void IncCycleCount(); uint16_t FetchOperand(); uint8_t GetOPCode() { _state.DebugPC = _state.PC; uint8_t opCode = MemoryRead(_state.PC, MemoryOperationType::ExecOpCode); _state.PC++; return opCode; } void DummyRead() { MemoryRead(_state.PC, MemoryOperationType::Read); } uint8_t ReadByte() { return MemoryRead(_state.PC++, MemoryOperationType::ExecOperand); } uint16_t ReadWord() { uint16_t value = MemoryReadWord(_state.PC, MemoryOperationType::ExecOperand); _state.PC += 2; return value; } void ClearFlags(uint8_t flags) { _state.PS &= ~flags; } void SetFlags(uint8_t flags) { _state.PS |= flags; } bool CheckFlag(uint8_t flag) { return (_state.PS & flag) == flag; } void SetZeroNegativeFlags(uint8_t value) { if(value == 0) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Zero); } else if(value & 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Negative); } } bool CheckPageCrossed(uint16_t valA, int8_t valB) { return ((valA + valB) & 0xFF00) != (valA & 0xFF00); } bool CheckPageCrossed(uint16_t valA, uint8_t valB) { return ((valA + valB) & 0xFF00) != (valA & 0xFF00); } void MemoryWrite(uint16_t addr, uint8_t value) { _cpuWrite = true;; _writeAddr = addr; IncCycleCount(); while(_dmcDmaRunning) { IncCycleCount(); } _memoryManager->Write(addr, value); //DMA DMC might have started after a write to $4015, stall CPU if needed while (_dmcDmaRunning) { IncCycleCount(); } _cpuWrite = false; } uint8_t MemoryRead(uint16_t addr, MemoryOperationType operationType = MemoryOperationType::Read) { IncCycleCount(); while(_dmcDmaRunning) { //Stall CPU until we can process a DMC read if((addr != 0x4016 && addr != 0x4017 && (_cycleCount & 0x01)) || _dmcCounter == 1) { //While the CPU is stalled, reads are performed on the current address //Reads are only performed every other cycle? This fixes "dma_2007_read" test //This behavior causes the $4016/7 data corruption when a DMC is running. //When reading $4016/7, only the last read counts (because this only occurs to low-to-high transitions, i.e once in this case) _memoryManager->Read(addr); } IncCycleCount(); } uint8_t value = _memoryManager->Read(addr, operationType); return value; } uint16_t MemoryReadWord(uint16_t addr, MemoryOperationType operationType = MemoryOperationType::Read) { uint8_t lo = MemoryRead(addr, operationType); uint8_t hi = MemoryRead(addr + 1, operationType); return lo | hi << 8; } void SetRegister(uint8_t ®, uint8_t value) { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Zero | PSFlags::Negative); SetZeroNegativeFlags(value); reg = value; } void Push(uint8_t value) { MemoryWrite(SP() + 0x100, value); SetSP(SP() - 1); } void Push(uint16_t value) { Push((uint8_t)(value >> 8)); Push((uint8_t)value); } uint8_t Pop() { SetSP(SP() + 1); return MemoryRead(0x100 + SP()); } uint16_t PopWord() { uint8_t lo = Pop(); uint8_t hi = Pop(); return lo | hi << 8; } uint8_t A() { return _state.A; } void SetA(uint8_t value) { SetRegister(_state.A, value); } uint8_t X() { return _state.X; } void SetX(uint8_t value) { SetRegister(_state.X, value); } uint8_t Y() { return _state.Y; } void SetY(uint8_t value) { SetRegister(_state.Y, value); } uint8_t SP() { return _state.SP; } void SetSP(uint8_t value) { _state.SP = value; } uint8_t PS() { return _state.PS; } void SetPS(uint8_t value) { _state.PS = (value & 0xCF) | PSFlags::Reserved; } uint16_t PC() { return _state.PC; } void SetPC(uint16_t value) { _state.PC = value; } uint16_t GetOperand() { return _operand; } uint8_t GetOperandValue() { if(_instAddrMode >= AddrMode::Zero) { return MemoryRead(GetOperand()); } else { return (uint8_t)GetOperand(); } } uint16_t GetIndAddr() { return ReadWord(); } uint8_t GetImmediate() { return ReadByte(); } uint8_t GetZeroAddr() { return ReadByte(); } uint8_t GetZeroXAddr() { uint8_t value = ReadByte(); MemoryRead(value); //Dummy read return value + X(); } uint8_t GetZeroYAddr() { uint8_t value = ReadByte(); MemoryRead(value); //Dummy read return value + Y(); } uint16_t GetAbsAddr() { return ReadWord(); } uint16_t GetAbsXAddr(bool dummyRead = true) { uint16_t baseAddr = ReadWord(); bool pageCrossed = CheckPageCrossed(baseAddr, X()); if(pageCrossed || dummyRead) { //Dummy read done by the processor (only when page is crossed for READ instructions) MemoryRead(baseAddr + X() - (pageCrossed ? 0x100 : 0)); } return baseAddr + X(); } uint16_t GetAbsYAddr(bool dummyRead = true) { uint16_t baseAddr = ReadWord(); bool pageCrossed = CheckPageCrossed(baseAddr, Y()); if(pageCrossed || dummyRead) { //Dummy read done by the processor (only when page is crossed for READ instructions) MemoryRead(baseAddr + Y() - (pageCrossed ? 0x100 : 0)); } return baseAddr + Y(); } uint16_t GetInd() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); if((addr & 0xFF) == 0xFF) { auto lo = MemoryRead(addr); auto hi = MemoryRead(addr - 0xFF); return (lo | hi << 8); } else { return MemoryReadWord(addr); } } uint16_t GetIndXAddr() { uint8_t zero = ReadByte(); //Dummy read MemoryRead(zero); zero += X(); uint16_t addr; if(zero == 0xFF) { addr = MemoryRead(0xFF) | MemoryRead(0x00) << 8; } else { addr = MemoryReadWord(zero); } return addr; } uint16_t GetIndYAddr(bool dummyRead = true) { uint8_t zero = ReadByte(); uint16_t addr; if(zero == 0xFF) { addr = MemoryRead(0xFF) | MemoryRead(0x00) << 8; } else { addr = MemoryReadWord(zero); } bool pageCrossed = CheckPageCrossed(addr, Y()); if(pageCrossed || dummyRead) { //Dummy read done by the processor (only when page is crossed for READ instructions) MemoryRead(addr + Y() - (pageCrossed ? 0x100 : 0)); } return addr + Y(); } void AND() { SetA(A() & GetOperandValue()); } void EOR() { SetA(A() ^ GetOperandValue()); } void ORA() { SetA(A() | GetOperandValue()); } void ADD(uint8_t value) { uint16_t result = (uint16_t)A() + (uint16_t)value + (CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry) ? PSFlags::Carry : 0x00); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Overflow | PSFlags::Zero); SetZeroNegativeFlags((uint8_t)result); if(~(A() ^ value) & (A() ^ result) & 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Overflow); } if(result > 0xFF) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } SetA((uint8_t)result); } void ADC() { ADD(GetOperandValue()); } void SBC() { ADD(GetOperandValue() ^ 0xFF); } void CMP(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value) { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); auto result = reg - value; if(reg >= value) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } if(reg == value) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Zero); } if((result & 0x80) == 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Negative); } } void CPA() { CMP(A(), GetOperandValue()); } void CPX() { CMP(X(), GetOperandValue()); } void CPY() { CMP(Y(), GetOperandValue()); } void INC() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write value++; SetZeroNegativeFlags(value); MemoryWrite(addr, value); } void DEC() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write value--; SetZeroNegativeFlags(value); MemoryWrite(addr, value); } uint8_t ASL(uint8_t value) { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); if(value & 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } uint8_t result = value << 1; SetZeroNegativeFlags(result); return result; } uint8_t LSR(uint8_t value) { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); if(value & 0x01) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } uint8_t result = value >> 1; SetZeroNegativeFlags(result); return value >> 1; } uint8_t ROL(uint8_t value) { bool carryFlag = CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); if(value & 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } uint8_t result = (value << 1 | (carryFlag ? 0x01 : 0x00)); SetZeroNegativeFlags(result); return result; } uint8_t ROR(uint8_t value) { bool carryFlag = CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Negative | PSFlags::Zero); if(value & 0x01) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } uint8_t result = (value >> 1 | (carryFlag ? 0x80 : 0x00)); SetZeroNegativeFlags(result); return result; } void ASLAddr() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write MemoryWrite(addr, ASL(value)); } void LSRAddr() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write MemoryWrite(addr, LSR(value)); } void ROLAddr() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write MemoryWrite(addr, ROL(value)); } void RORAddr() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); uint8_t value = MemoryRead(addr); MemoryWrite(addr, value); //Dummy write MemoryWrite(addr, ROR(value)); } void JMP(uint16_t addr) { SetPC(addr); } void BranchRelative(bool branch) { int8_t offset = (int8_t)GetOperand(); if(branch) { //"a taken non-page-crossing branch ignores IRQ/NMI during its last clock, so that next instruction executes before the IRQ" //Fixes "branch_delays_irq" test if(_runIrq && !_prevRunIrq) { _runIrq = false; } DummyRead(); if(CheckPageCrossed(PC(), offset)) { DummyRead(); } SetPC(PC() + offset); } } void BIT() { uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Zero | PSFlags::Overflow | PSFlags::Negative); if((A() & value) == 0) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Zero); } if(value & 0x40) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Overflow); } if(value & 0x80) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Negative); } } //OP Codes void LDA() { SetA(GetOperandValue()); } void LDX() { SetX(GetOperandValue()); } void LDY() { SetY(GetOperandValue()); } void STA() { MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), A()); } void STX() { MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), X()); } void STY() { MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), Y()); } void TAX() { SetX(A()); } void TAY() { SetY(A()); } void TSX() { SetX(SP()); } void TXA() { SetA(X()); } void TXS() { SetSP(X()); } void TYA() { SetA(Y()); } void PHA() { Push(A()); } void PHP() { uint8_t flags = PS() | PSFlags::Break; Push((uint8_t)flags); } void PLA() { DummyRead(); SetA(Pop()); } void PLP() { DummyRead(); SetPS(Pop()); } void INX() { SetX(X() + 1); } void INY() { SetY(Y() + 1); } void DEX() { SetX(X() - 1); } void DEY() { SetY(Y() - 1); } void ASL_Acc() { SetA(ASL(A())); } void ASL_Memory() { ASLAddr(); } void LSR_Acc() { SetA(LSR(A())); } void LSR_Memory() { LSRAddr(); } void ROL_Acc() { SetA(ROL(A())); } void ROL_Memory() { ROLAddr(); } void ROR_Acc() { SetA(ROR(A())); } void ROR_Memory() { RORAddr(); } void JMP_Abs() { JMP(GetOperand()); } void JMP_Ind() { JMP(GetInd()); } void JSR() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); DummyRead(); Push((uint16_t)(PC() - 1)); JMP(addr); } void RTS() { uint16_t addr = PopWord(); DummyRead(); DummyRead(); SetPC(addr + 1); } void BCC() { BranchRelative(!CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry)); } void BCS() { BranchRelative(CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry)); } void BEQ() { BranchRelative(CheckFlag(PSFlags::Zero)); } void BMI() { BranchRelative(CheckFlag(PSFlags::Negative)); } void BNE() { BranchRelative(!CheckFlag(PSFlags::Zero)); } void BPL() { BranchRelative(!CheckFlag(PSFlags::Negative)); } void BVC() { BranchRelative(!CheckFlag(PSFlags::Overflow)); } void BVS() { BranchRelative(CheckFlag(PSFlags::Overflow)); } void CLC() { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } void CLD() { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Decimal); } void CLI() { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); } void CLV() { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Overflow); } void SEC() { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } void SED() { SetFlags(PSFlags::Decimal); } void SEI() { SetFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); } void BRK() { Push((uint16_t)(PC() + 1)); uint8_t flags = PS() | PSFlags::Break; if(_state.NMIFlag) { Push((uint8_t)flags); SetFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); SetPC(MemoryReadWord(CPU::NMIVector)); TraceLogger::LogStatic("NMI"); } else { Push((uint8_t)flags); SetFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); SetPC(MemoryReadWord(CPU::IRQVector)); TraceLogger::LogStatic("IRQ"); } //Since we just set the flag to prevent interrupts, do not run one right away after this (fixes nmi_and_brk & nmi_and_irq tests) _prevRunIrq = false; } void IRQ() { DummyRead(); //fetch opcode (and discard it - $00 (BRK) is forced into the opcode register instead) DummyRead(); //read next instruction byte (actually the same as above, since PC increment is suppressed. Also discarded.) Push((uint16_t)(PC())); if(_state.NMIFlag) { Push((uint8_t)PS()); SetFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); SetPC(MemoryReadWord(CPU::NMIVector)); _state.NMIFlag = false; TraceLogger::LogStatic("NMI"); } else { Push((uint8_t)PS()); SetFlags(PSFlags::Interrupt); SetPC(MemoryReadWord(CPU::IRQVector)); TraceLogger::LogStatic("IRQ"); } } void RTI() { DummyRead(); SetPS(Pop()); SetPC(PopWord()); } void NOP() { //Make sure the nop operation takes as many cycles as meant to GetOperandValue(); } //Unofficial OpCodes void SLO() { //ASL & ORA uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write uint8_t shiftedValue = ASL(value); SetA(A() | shiftedValue); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), shiftedValue); } void SRE() { //ROL & AND uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write uint8_t shiftedValue = LSR(value); SetA(A() ^ shiftedValue); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), shiftedValue); } void RLA() { //LSR & EOR uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write uint8_t shiftedValue = ROL(value); SetA(A() & shiftedValue); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), shiftedValue); } void RRA() { //ROR & ADC uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write uint8_t shiftedValue = ROR(value); ADD(shiftedValue); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), shiftedValue); } void SAX() { //STA & STX MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), A() & X()); } void LAX() { //LDA & LDX uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); SetX(value); SetA(value); } void DCP() { //DEC & CMP uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write value--; CMP(A(), value); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); } void ISB() { //INC & SBC uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); //Dummy write value++; ADD(value ^ 0xFF); MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), value); } void AAC() { SetA(A() & GetOperandValue()); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry); if(CheckFlag(PSFlags::Negative)) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } } void ASR() { ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry); SetA(A() & GetOperandValue()); if(A() & 0x01) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } SetA(A() >> 1); } void ARR() { SetA(((A() & GetOperandValue()) >> 1) | (CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry) ? 0x80 : 0x00)); ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry | PSFlags::Overflow); if(A() & 0x40) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } if((CheckFlag(PSFlags::Carry) ? 0x01 : 0x00) ^ ((A() >> 5) & 0x01)) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Overflow); } } void ATX() { //LDA & TAX uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); SetA(value); //LDA SetX(A()); //TAX SetA(A()); //Update flags based on A } void AXS() { //CMP & DEX uint8_t opValue = GetOperandValue(); uint8_t value = (A() & X()) - opValue; ClearFlags(PSFlags::Carry); if((A() & X()) >= opValue) { SetFlags(PSFlags::Carry); } SetX(value); } void SYA() { uint8_t addrHigh = GetOperand() >> 8; uint8_t addrLow = GetOperand() & 0xFF; uint8_t value = Y() & (addrHigh + 1); //From here: http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3831&start=30 //Unsure if this is accurate or not //"the target address for e.g. SYA becomes ((y & (addr_high + 1)) << 8) | addr_low instead of the normal ((addr_high + 1) << 8) | addr_low" MemoryWrite(((Y() & (addrHigh + 1)) << 8) | addrLow, value); } void SXA() { uint8_t addrHigh = GetOperand() >> 8; uint8_t addrLow = GetOperand() & 0xFF; uint8_t value = X() & (addrHigh + 1); MemoryWrite(((X() & (addrHigh + 1)) << 8) | addrLow, value); } //Unimplemented/Incorrect Unofficial OP codes void HLT() { //normally freezes the cpu, we can probably assume nothing will ever call this GetOperandValue(); } void UNK() { //Make sure we take the right amount of cycles (not reliable for operations that write to memory, etc.) GetOperandValue(); } void AXA() { uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); //"This opcode stores the result of A AND X AND the high byte of the target address of the operand +1 in memory." //This may not be the actual behavior, but the read/write operations are needed for proper cycle counting MemoryWrite(GetOperand(), ((addr >> 8) + 1) & A() & X()); } void TAS() { //"AND X register with accumulator and store result in stack //pointer, then AND stack pointer with the high byte of the //target address of the argument + 1. Store result in memory." uint16_t addr = GetOperand(); SetSP(X() & A()); MemoryWrite(addr, SP() & ((addr >> 8) + 1)); } void LAS() { //"AND memory with stack pointer, transfer result to accumulator, X register and stack pointer." uint8_t value = GetOperandValue(); SetA(value & SP()); SetX(A()); SetSP(A()); } protected: void StreamState(bool saving); public: static const uint32_t ClockRateNtsc = 1789773; static const uint32_t ClockRatePal = 1662607; static const uint32_t ClockRateDendy = 1773448; CPU(MemoryManager *memoryManager); static int32_t GetCycleCount() { return CPU::Instance->_cycleCount; } static void SetNMIFlag() { CPU::Instance->_state.NMIFlag = true; } static void ClearNMIFlag() { CPU::Instance->_state.NMIFlag = false; } static void SetIRQMask(uint8_t mask) { CPU::Instance->_irqMask = mask; } static void SetIRQSource(IRQSource source) { CPU::Instance->_state.IRQFlag |= (int)source; } static bool HasIRQSource(IRQSource source) { return (CPU::Instance->_state.IRQFlag & (int)source) != 0; } static void ClearIRQSource(IRQSource source) { CPU::Instance->_state.IRQFlag &= ~(int)source; } static void RunDMATransfer(uint8_t* spriteRAM, uint8_t offsetValue); static void StartDmcTransfer(); static uint32_t GetClockRate(NesModel model); //Used by debugger for "Set Next Statement" void SetDebugPC(uint16_t value) { SetPC(value); _state.DebugPC = value; } void Reset(bool softReset); void Exec(); State GetState() { State cpuState(_state); cpuState.CycleCount = _cycleCount; return cpuState; } };