using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; namespace FastColoredTextBoxNS { /// /// This class contains the source text (chars and styles). /// It stores a text lines, the manager of commands, undo/redo stack, styles. /// public class TextSource: IList, IDisposable { readonly protected List lines = new List(); protected LinesAccessor linesAccessor; int lastLineUniqueId; public CommandManager Manager { get; set; } FastColoredTextBox currentTB; /// /// Styles /// public readonly Style[] Styles; /// /// Occurs when line was inserted/added /// public event EventHandler LineInserted; /// /// Occurs when line was removed /// public event EventHandler LineRemoved; /// /// Occurs when text was changed /// public event EventHandler TextChanged; /// /// Occurs when recalc is needed /// public event EventHandler RecalcNeeded; /// /// Occurs when recalc wordwrap is needed /// public event EventHandler RecalcWordWrap; /// /// Occurs before text changing /// public event EventHandler TextChanging; /// /// Occurs after CurrentTB was changed /// public event EventHandler CurrentTBChanged; /// /// Current focused FastColoredTextBox /// public FastColoredTextBox CurrentTB { get { return currentTB; } set { if (currentTB == value) return; currentTB = value; OnCurrentTBChanged(); } } public virtual void ClearIsChanged() { foreach(var line in lines) line.IsChanged = false; } public virtual Line CreateLine() { return new Line(GenerateUniqueLineId()); } private void OnCurrentTBChanged() { if (CurrentTBChanged != null) CurrentTBChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } /// /// Default text style /// This style is using when no one other TextStyle is not defined in /// public TextStyle DefaultStyle { get; set; } public TextSource(FastColoredTextBox currentTB) { this.CurrentTB = currentTB; linesAccessor = new LinesAccessor(this); Manager = new CommandManager(this); if (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(StyleIndex)) == typeof(UInt32)) Styles = new Style[32]; else Styles = new Style[16]; InitDefaultStyle(); } public virtual void InitDefaultStyle() { DefaultStyle = new TextStyle(null, null, FontStyle.Regular); } public virtual Line this[int i] { get{ return lines[i]; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public virtual bool IsLineLoaded(int iLine) { return lines[iLine] != null; } /// /// Text lines /// public virtual IList GetLines() { return linesAccessor; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return lines.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return (lines as IEnumerator); } public virtual int BinarySearch(Line item, IComparer comparer) { return lines.BinarySearch(item, comparer); } public virtual int GenerateUniqueLineId() { return lastLineUniqueId++; } public virtual void InsertLine(int index, Line line) { lines.Insert(index, line); OnLineInserted(index); } public virtual void OnLineInserted(int index) { OnLineInserted(index, 1); } public virtual void OnLineInserted(int index, int count) { if (LineInserted != null) LineInserted(this, new LineInsertedEventArgs(index, count)); } public virtual void RemoveLine(int index) { RemoveLine(index, 1); } public virtual bool IsNeedBuildRemovedLineIds { get { return LineRemoved != null; } } public virtual void RemoveLine(int index, int count) { List removedLineIds = new List(); // if (count > 0) if (IsNeedBuildRemovedLineIds) for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) removedLineIds.Add(this[index + i].UniqueId); // lines.RemoveRange(index, count); OnLineRemoved(index, count, removedLineIds); } public virtual void OnLineRemoved(int index, int count, List removedLineIds) { if (count > 0) if (LineRemoved != null) LineRemoved(this, new LineRemovedEventArgs(index, count, removedLineIds)); } public virtual void OnTextChanged(int fromLine, int toLine) { if (TextChanged != null) TextChanged(this, new TextChangedEventArgs(Math.Min(fromLine, toLine), Math.Max(fromLine, toLine) )); } public class TextChangedEventArgs : EventArgs { public int iFromLine; public int iToLine; public TextChangedEventArgs(int iFromLine, int iToLine) { this.iFromLine = iFromLine; this.iToLine = iToLine; } } public virtual int IndexOf(Line item) { return lines.IndexOf(item); } public virtual void Insert(int index, Line item) { InsertLine(index, item); } public virtual void RemoveAt(int index) { RemoveLine(index); } public virtual void Add(Line item) { InsertLine(Count, item); } public virtual void Clear() { RemoveLine(0, Count); } public virtual bool Contains(Line item) { return lines.Contains(item); } public virtual void CopyTo(Line[] array, int arrayIndex) { lines.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex); } /// /// Lines count /// public virtual int Count { get { return lines.Count; } } public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } } public virtual bool Remove(Line item) { int i = IndexOf(item); if (i >= 0) { RemoveLine(i); return true; } else return false; } public virtual void NeedRecalc(TextChangedEventArgs args) { if (RecalcNeeded != null) RecalcNeeded(this, args); } public virtual void OnRecalcWordWrap(TextChangedEventArgs args) { if (RecalcWordWrap != null) RecalcWordWrap(this, args); } public virtual void OnTextChanging() { string temp = null; OnTextChanging(ref temp); } public virtual void OnTextChanging(ref string text) { if (TextChanging != null) { var args = new TextChangingEventArgs() { InsertingText = text }; TextChanging(this, args); text = args.InsertingText; if (args.Cancel) text = string.Empty; }; } public virtual int GetLineLength(int i) { return lines[i].Count; } public virtual bool LineHasFoldingStartMarker(int iLine) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[iLine].FoldingStartMarker); } public virtual bool LineHasFoldingEndMarker(int iLine) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[iLine].FoldingEndMarker); } public virtual void Dispose() { ; } public virtual void SaveToFile(string fileName, Encoding enc) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, enc)) { for (int i = 0; i < Count - 1;i++ ) sw.WriteLine(lines[i].Text); sw.Write(lines[Count-1].Text); } } } }