Add Comment Editor Form, Icon, Menu item, Shortcut Key Fix Debugger shortcut key display for punctuation keys Restore cursor on disassembly window after using Label editor Restore cursor on disassembly window after using Comment editor Allow label editor to focus the Comment field on spawn instead of the label
422 lines
15 KiB
422 lines
15 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mesen.GUI.Forms;
using static Mesen.GUI.Forms.BaseForm;
namespace Mesen.GUI.Config
public class DebuggerShortcutsConfig
[ShortcutName("Increase Font Size")]
public XmlKeys IncreaseFontSize = Keys.Control | Keys.Oemplus;
[ShortcutName("Decrease Font Size")]
public XmlKeys DecreaseFontSize = Keys.Control | Keys.OemMinus;
[ShortcutName("Reset Font Size")]
public XmlKeys ResetFontSize = Keys.Control | Keys.D0;
[ShortcutName("Go To...")]
public XmlKeys GoTo = Keys.Control | Keys.G;
public XmlKeys Find = Keys.Control | Keys.F;
[ShortcutName("Find Next")]
public XmlKeys FindNext = Keys.F3;
[ShortcutName("Find Previous")]
public XmlKeys FindPrev = Keys.Shift | Keys.F3;
public XmlKeys Undo = Keys.Control | Keys.Z;
public XmlKeys Copy = Keys.Control | Keys.C;
public XmlKeys Cut = Keys.Control | Keys.X;
public XmlKeys Paste = Keys.Control | Keys.V;
[ShortcutName("Select All")]
public XmlKeys SelectAll = Keys.Control | Keys.A;
public XmlKeys Refresh = Keys.F5;
[ShortcutName("Mark Selection as Code")]
public XmlKeys MarkAsCode = Keys.Control | Keys.D1;
[ShortcutName("Mark Selection as Data")]
public XmlKeys MarkAsData = Keys.Control | Keys.D2;
[ShortcutName("Mark Selection as Unidentified Code/Data")]
public XmlKeys MarkAsUnidentified = Keys.Control | Keys.D3;
[ShortcutName("Go to All")]
public XmlKeys GoToAll = Keys.Control | Keys.Oemcomma;
[ShortcutName("Zoom In")]
public XmlKeys ZoomIn = Keys.Control | Keys.Oemplus;
[ShortcutName("Zoom Out")]
public XmlKeys ZoomOut = Keys.Control | Keys.OemMinus;
[ShortcutName("PPU Viewer: Toggle View")]
public XmlKeys PpuViewer_ToggleView = Keys.Control | Keys.Q;
[ShortcutName("PPU Viewer: Toggle Zoom")]
public XmlKeys PpuViewer_ToggleZoom = Keys.Control | Keys.W;
[ShortcutName("Nametable Viewer: Add breakpoint (Tile)")]
public XmlKeys PpuViewer_AddBreakpointTile = Keys.F9;
[ShortcutName("Nametable Viewer: Add breakpoint (Attribute)")]
public XmlKeys PpuViewer_AddBreakpointAttribute = Keys.F10;
[ShortcutName("Edit in Memory Viewer")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditInMemoryViewer = Keys.F1;
[ShortcutName("View in disassembly")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_ViewInDisassembly = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Open APU Viewer")]
public XmlKeys OpenApuViewer = Keys.Control | Keys.U;
[ShortcutName("Open Assembler")]
public XmlKeys OpenAssembler = Keys.Control | Keys.K;
[ShortcutName("Open Debugger")]
public XmlKeys OpenDebugger = Keys.Control | Keys.D;
[ShortcutName("Open Event Viewer")]
public XmlKeys OpenEventViewer = Keys.Control | Keys.E;
[ShortcutName("Open Memory Tools")]
public XmlKeys OpenMemoryTools = Keys.Control | Keys.M;
[ShortcutName("Open PPU Viewer")]
public XmlKeys OpenPpuViewer = Keys.Control | Keys.P;
[ShortcutName("Open Performance Profiler")]
public XmlKeys OpenProfiler = Keys.Control | Keys.Y;
[ShortcutName("Open Script Window")]
public XmlKeys OpenScriptWindow = Keys.Control | Keys.N;
[ShortcutName("Open Trace Logger")]
public XmlKeys OpenTraceLogger = Keys.Control | Keys.J;
[ShortcutName("Open Text Hooker")]
public XmlKeys OpenTextHooker = Keys.Control | Keys.H;
[ShortcutName("Open Watch Window")]
public XmlKeys OpenWatchWindow = Keys.Control | Keys.W;
[ShortcutName("Open Nametable Viewer (Compact)")]
public XmlKeys OpenNametableViewer = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Open CHR Viewer (Compact)")]
public XmlKeys OpenChrViewer = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Open Sprite Viewer (Compact)")]
public XmlKeys OpenSpriteViewer = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Open Palette Viewer (Compact)")]
public XmlKeys OpenPaletteViewer = Keys.None;
//Debugger window
public XmlKeys Reset = Keys.Control | Keys.R;
[ShortcutName("Power Cycle")]
public XmlKeys PowerCycle = Keys.Control | Keys.T;
public XmlKeys Continue = Keys.F5;
public XmlKeys Break = Keys.Control | Keys.Alt | Keys.Cancel;
[ShortcutName("Toggle Break/Continue")]
public XmlKeys ToggleBreakContinue = Keys.Escape;
[ShortcutName("Step Into")]
public XmlKeys StepInto = Keys.F11;
[ShortcutName("Step Over")]
public XmlKeys StepOver = Keys.F10;
[ShortcutName("Step Out")]
public XmlKeys StepOut = Keys.Shift | Keys.F11;
[ShortcutName("Step Back")]
public XmlKeys StepBack = Keys.Shift | Keys.F10;
[ShortcutName("Run one CPU Cycle")]
public XmlKeys RunCpuCycle = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Run one PPU Cycle")]
public XmlKeys RunPpuCycle = Keys.F6;
[ShortcutName("Run one scanline")]
public XmlKeys RunPpuScanline = Keys.F7;
[ShortcutName("Run one frame")]
public XmlKeys RunPpuFrame = Keys.F8;
[ShortcutName("Break In...")]
public XmlKeys BreakIn = Keys.Control | Keys.B;
[ShortcutName("Break On...")]
public XmlKeys BreakOn = Keys.Alt | Keys.B;
[ShortcutName("Find Occurrences")]
public XmlKeys FindOccurrences = Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.F;
[ShortcutName("Go To Program Counter")]
public XmlKeys GoToProgramCounter = Keys.Alt | Keys.Multiply;
[ShortcutName("Toggle Verified Data Display")]
public XmlKeys ToggleVerifiedData = Keys.Alt | Keys.D1;
[ShortcutName("Toggle Unidentified Code/Data Display")]
public XmlKeys ToggleUnidentifiedCodeData = Keys.Alt | Keys.D2;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Set Next Statement")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_SetNextStatement = Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.F10;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Edit Subroutine")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditSubroutine = Keys.F4;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Edit Selected Code")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditSelectedCode = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Edit Source File (Source View)")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditSourceFile = Keys.F4;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Edit Label")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditLabel = Keys.F2;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Edit Code Comment")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_EditCodeComment = Keys.OemSemicolon;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Navigate Back")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_NavigateBack = Keys.Alt | Keys.Left;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Navigate Forward")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_NavigateForward = Keys.Alt | Keys.Right;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Toggle Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_ToggleBreakpoint = Keys.F9;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Disable/Enable Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_DisableEnableBreakpoint = Keys.Control | Keys.F9;
[ShortcutName("Code Window: Switch View (Disassembly / Source View)")]
public XmlKeys CodeWindow_SwitchView = Keys.Control | Keys.Q;
[ShortcutName("Function List: Edit Label")]
public XmlKeys FunctionList_EditLabel = Keys.F2;
[ShortcutName("Function List: Add Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys FunctionList_AddBreakpoint = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Function List: Find Occurrences")]
public XmlKeys FunctionList_FindOccurrences = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Add Label")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_Add = Keys.Insert;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Edit Label")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_Edit = Keys.F2;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Delete Label")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_Delete = Keys.Delete;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Add Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_AddBreakpoint = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Add to Watch")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_AddToWatch = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Label List: Find Occurrences")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_FindOccurrences = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Label List: View in CPU Memory")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_ViewInCpuMemory = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Label List: View in [memory type]")]
public XmlKeys LabelList_ViewInMemoryType = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Breakpoint List: Add Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys BreakpointList_Add = Keys.Insert;
[ShortcutName("Breakpoint List: Edit Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys BreakpointList_Edit = Keys.F2;
[ShortcutName("Breakpoint List: Go To Location")]
public XmlKeys BreakpointList_GoToLocation = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Breakpoint List: Delete Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys BreakpointList_Delete = Keys.Delete;
[ShortcutName("Watch List: Delete")]
public XmlKeys WatchList_Delete = Keys.Delete;
[ShortcutName("Watch List: Move Up")]
public XmlKeys WatchList_MoveUp = Keys.Control | Keys.Up;
[ShortcutName("Watch List: Move Down")]
public XmlKeys WatchList_MoveDown = Keys.Control | Keys.Down;
[ShortcutName("Save Rom")]
public XmlKeys SaveRom = Keys.Control | Keys.S;
[ShortcutName("Save Rom As...")]
public XmlKeys SaveRomAs = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Save edits as IPS patch...")]
public XmlKeys SaveEditAsIps = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Revert PRG/CHR changes")]
public XmlKeys RevertPrgChrChanges = Keys.None;
//Memory Tools
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_Freeze = Keys.Control | Keys.Q;
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_Unfreeze = Keys.Control | Keys.W;
[ShortcutName("Add to Watch")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_AddToWatch = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Edit Breakpoint")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_EditBreakpoint = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("Edit Label")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_EditLabel = Keys.None;
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_Import = Keys.Control | Keys.O;
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_Export = Keys.Control | Keys.S;
[ShortcutName("View in CPU/PPU Memory")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_ViewInCpuMemory = Keys.None;
[ShortcutName("View in [memory type]")]
public XmlKeys MemoryViewer_ViewInMemoryType = Keys.None;
//Script Window
[ShortcutName("Open Script")]
public XmlKeys ScriptWindow_OpenScript = Keys.Control | Keys.N;
[ShortcutName("Save Script")]
public XmlKeys ScriptWindow_SaveScript = Keys.Control | Keys.S;
[ShortcutName("Run Script")]
public XmlKeys ScriptWindow_RunScript = Keys.F5;
[ShortcutName("Stop Script")]
public XmlKeys ScriptWindow_StopScript = Keys.Escape;
public static string GetShortcutDisplay(Keys keys)
if(keys == Keys.None) {
return "";
} else {
string keyString = new KeysConverter().ConvertToString(keys);
return keyString.Replace("+None", "")
.Replace("Cancel", "Break")
.Replace("Escape", "Esc")
.Replace("Oem1", ";")
.Replace("OemSemicolon", ";")
.Replace("OemPeriod", ".")
.Replace("Oemcomma", ",")
.Replace("Oemplus", "+")
.Replace("OemMinus", "-")
.Replace("Oem2", "/")
.Replace("OemQuestion", "/")
.Replace("Oem3", "Tilde")
.Replace("Oemtilde", "Tilde")
.Replace("Oem4", "[")
.Replace("OemOpenBrackets", "[")
.Replace("Oem5", "\\")
.Replace("OemPipe", "\\")
.Replace("Oem6", "]")
.Replace("OemCloseBrackets", "]")
.Replace("Oem7", "'")
.Replace("OemQuotes", "'")
.Replace("OemBackslash", "\\")
.Replace("Oem102", "\\");
private static Dictionary<WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>, string> _bindings = new Dictionary<WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>, string>();
private static Dictionary<WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>, WeakReference<Control>> _parents = new Dictionary<WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>, WeakReference<Control>>();
public static void RegisterMenuItem(ToolStripMenuItem item, Control parent, string fieldName)
var weakRef = new WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>(item);
_bindings[weakRef] = fieldName;
_parents[weakRef] = new WeakReference<Control>(parent);
//Remove old references
var dictCopy = new Dictionary<WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem>, string>(_bindings);
//Iterate on a copy to avoid "collection was modified" error
foreach(var kvp in dictCopy) {
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem;
if(!kvp.Key.TryGetTarget(out menuItem)) {
public static void UpdateMenus()
foreach(WeakReference<ToolStripMenuItem> itemRef in _bindings.Keys) {
ToolStripMenuItem item;
if(itemRef.TryGetTarget(out item)) {
string fieldName = _bindings[itemRef];
Control parent;
_parents[itemRef].TryGetTarget(out parent);
if(parent != null) {
UpdateShortcutItem(item, parent, fieldName);
public static void ClearProcessCmdKeyHandler(ToolStripMenuItem item, Control parent)
Form parentForm = parent.FindForm();
if(parentForm is BaseForm) {
(parentForm as BaseForm).OnProcessCmdKey -= ((ShortcutInfo)item.Tag).KeyHandler;
((ShortcutInfo)item.Tag).KeyHandler = null;
public static void UpdateShortcutItem(ToolStripMenuItem item, Control parent, string fieldName)
if(item.Tag == null) {
item.Tag = new ShortcutInfo() { KeyHandler = null, ShortcutKey = fieldName };
} else if(((ShortcutInfo)item.Tag).KeyHandler != null) {
ClearProcessCmdKeyHandler(item, parent);
Keys keys = (XmlKeys)typeof(DebuggerShortcutsConfig).GetField(fieldName).GetValue(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.Shortcuts);
if((keys != Keys.None && !ToolStripManager.IsValidShortcut(keys)) || Program.IsMono) {
//Support normally invalid shortcut keys as a shortcut
item.ShortcutKeys = Keys.None;
item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = GetShortcutDisplay(keys);
Form parentForm = parent.FindForm();
if(parentForm is BaseForm) {
ProcessCmdKeyHandler onProcessCmdKeyHandler = (Keys keyData, ref bool processed) => {
if(!processed && item.Enabled && parent.ContainsFocus && keyData == keys) {
processed = true;
((ShortcutInfo)item.Tag).KeyHandler = onProcessCmdKeyHandler;
(parentForm as BaseForm).OnProcessCmdKey += onProcessCmdKeyHandler;
} else {
item.ShortcutKeys = keys;
item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = GetShortcutDisplay(keys);
public static class ToolStripMenuItemExtensions
public static void InitShortcut(this ToolStripMenuItem item, Control parent, string fieldName)
DebuggerShortcutsConfig.UpdateShortcutItem(item, parent, fieldName);
DebuggerShortcutsConfig.RegisterMenuItem(item, parent, fieldName);
public class ShortcutInfo
public string ShortcutKey;
public ProcessCmdKeyHandler KeyHandler;
public class XmlKeys
private Keys _keys = Keys.None;
public XmlKeys() { }
public XmlKeys(Keys k) { _keys = k; }
public static implicit operator Keys(XmlKeys k)
return k._keys;
public static implicit operator XmlKeys(Keys k)
return new XmlKeys(k);
public string Value
get { return _keys.ToString(); }
try {
Enum.TryParse<Keys>(value, out _keys);
} catch(Exception) {
_keys = Keys.None;
public class ShortcutNameAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; private set; }
public ShortcutNameAttribute(string name)
this.Name = name;