Dwedit b200db5d68 There is a new Comment editor accessible by pressing ; in the debugger. Allows you to quickly set single line comments.
Add Comment Editor Form, Icon, Menu item, Shortcut Key
Fix Debugger shortcut key display for punctuation keys
Restore cursor on disassembly window after using Label editor
Restore cursor on disassembly window after using Comment editor
Allow label editor to focus the Comment field on spawn instead of the label
2021-04-13 03:20:54 -04:00

141 lines
4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mesen.GUI.Forms;
namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger
public partial class frmEditLabel : BaseConfigForm
private CodeLabel _originalLabel;
private const int _maxInternalRamAddress = 0x1FFF;
private const int _maxRegisterAddress = 0xFFFF;
private int _maxPrgRomAddress = 0;
private int _maxWorkRamAddress = 0;
private int _maxSaveRamAddress = 0;
private bool focusComment = false;
public frmEditLabel(CodeLabel label, CodeLabel originalLabel = null, bool focusComment = false)
this.focusComment = focusComment;
_originalLabel = originalLabel;
Entity = label;
_maxPrgRomAddress = Math.Max(0, InteropEmu.DebugGetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType.PrgRom) - 1);
_maxWorkRamAddress = Math.Max(0, InteropEmu.DebugGetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType.WorkRam) - 1);
_maxSaveRamAddress = Math.Max(0, InteropEmu.DebugGetMemorySize(DebugMemoryType.SaveRam) - 1);
AddBinding("AddressType", cboRegion);
AddBinding("Address", txtAddress);
AddBinding("Label", txtLabel);
AddBinding("Comment", txtComment);
AddBinding("Length", nudLength);
protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
if (!focusComment)
private int GetMaxAddress(AddressType type)
switch(type) {
case AddressType.InternalRam: return _maxInternalRamAddress;
case AddressType.PrgRom: return _maxPrgRomAddress;
case AddressType.WorkRam: return _maxWorkRamAddress;
case AddressType.SaveRam: return _maxSaveRamAddress;
case AddressType.Register: return _maxRegisterAddress;
return 0;
protected override bool ValidateInput()
UInt32 address = ((CodeLabel)Entity).Address;
UInt32 length = ((CodeLabel)Entity).Length;
AddressType type = ((CodeLabel)Entity).AddressType;
CodeLabel sameLabel = LabelManager.GetLabel(txtLabel.Text);
int maxAddress = GetMaxAddress(type);
if(maxAddress <= 0) {
lblRange.Text = "(unavailable)";
} else {
lblRange.Text = "($0000 - $" + maxAddress.ToString("X4") + ")";
for(UInt32 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
CodeLabel sameAddress = LabelManager.GetLabel(address + i, type);
if(sameAddress != null) {
if(_originalLabel == null) {
//A label already exists and we're not editing an existing label, so we can't add it
return false;
} else {
if(sameAddress.Label != _originalLabel.Label && !sameAddress.Label.StartsWith(_originalLabel.Label + "+")) {
//A label already exists, we're trying to edit an existing label, but the existing label
//and the label we're editing aren't the same label. Can't override an existing label with a different one.
return false;
length >= 1 && length <= 65536 &&
address + (length - 1) <= maxAddress &&
(sameLabel == null || sameLabel == _originalLabel)
&& (_originalLabel != null || txtLabel.Text.Length > 0 || txtComment.Text.Length > 0)
&& !txtComment.Text.Contains('\x1')
&& (txtLabel.Text.Length == 0 || LabelManager.LabelRegex.IsMatch(txtLabel.Text));
protected override void OnFormClosed(FormClosedEventArgs e)
txtLabel.Text = txtLabel.Text.Replace("$", "");
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if(keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.Enter)) {
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
private void nudLength_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void UpdateByteLabel()
if(nudLength.Value > 1) {
lblBytes.Text = "bytes";
} else {
lblBytes.Text = "byte";