-New types of conditions -Background image scrolling support -Performance improvements (esp. conditions and backgrounds)
167 lines
6.1 KiB
167 lines
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#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PPU.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "HdNesPack.h"
#include "VideoDecoder.h"
#include "RewindManager.h"
class ControlManager;
class HdPpu : public PPU
HdScreenInfo *_screenInfo[2];
HdScreenInfo *_info;
bool _isChrRam;
uint32_t _version;
HdPackData *_hdData = nullptr;
void DrawPixel()
uint16_t bufferOffset = (_scanline << 8) + _cycle - 1;
uint16_t &pixel = _currentOutputBuffer[bufferOffset];
_lastSprite = nullptr;
if(IsRenderingEnabled() || ((_state.VideoRamAddr & 0x3F00) != 0x3F00)) {
uint32_t color = GetPixelColor();
pixel = (_paletteRAM[color & 0x03 ? color : 0] & _paletteRamMask) | _intensifyColorBits;
TileInfo* lastTile = &((_state.XScroll + ((_cycle - 1) & 0x07) < 8) ? _previousTile : _currentTile);
uint32_t backgroundColor = 0;
if(_flags.BackgroundEnabled && _cycle > _minimumDrawBgCycle) {
backgroundColor = (((_state.LowBitShift << _state.XScroll) & 0x8000) >> 15) | (((_state.HighBitShift << _state.XScroll) & 0x8000) >> 14);
HdPpuPixelInfo &tileInfo = _info->ScreenTiles[bufferOffset];
tileInfo.Tile.PpuBackgroundColor = ReadPaletteRAM(0);
tileInfo.Tile.BgColorIndex = backgroundColor;
if(backgroundColor == 0) {
tileInfo.Tile.BgColor = tileInfo.Tile.PpuBackgroundColor;
} else {
tileInfo.Tile.BgColor = ReadPaletteRAM(lastTile->PaletteOffset + backgroundColor);
tileInfo.XScroll = _state.XScroll;
tileInfo.TmpVideoRamAddr = _state.TmpVideoRamAddr;
if(_lastSprite && _flags.SpritesEnabled) {
int j = 0;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < _spriteCount; i++) {
int32_t shift = (int32_t)_cycle - _spriteTiles[i].SpriteX - 1;
SpriteInfo& sprite = _spriteTiles[i];
if(shift >= 0 && shift < 8) {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].TileIndex = sprite.AbsoluteTileAddr / 16;
if(_isChrRam) {
_mapper->CopyChrRamTile(sprite.AbsoluteTileAddr & 0xFFFFFFF0, tileInfo.Sprite[j].TileData);
if(_version >= 100) {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].PaletteColors = 0xFF000000 | _paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 3] | (_paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 2] << 8) | (_paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 1] << 16);
} else {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].PaletteColors = _paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 3] | (_paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 2] << 8) | (_paletteRAM[sprite.PaletteOffset + 1] << 16);
if(sprite.OffsetY >= 8) {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].OffsetY = sprite.OffsetY - 8;
} else {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].OffsetY = sprite.OffsetY;
tileInfo.Sprite[j].OffsetX = shift;
tileInfo.Sprite[j].HorizontalMirroring = sprite.HorizontalMirror;
tileInfo.Sprite[j].VerticalMirroring = sprite.VerticalMirror;
tileInfo.Sprite[j].BackgroundPriority = sprite.BackgroundPriority;
int32_t shift = (int32_t)_cycle - sprite.SpriteX - 1;
if(sprite.HorizontalMirror) {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColorIndex = ((sprite.LowByte >> shift) & 0x01) | ((sprite.HighByte >> shift) & 0x01) << 1;
} else {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColorIndex = ((sprite.LowByte << shift) & 0x80) >> 7 | ((sprite.HighByte << shift) & 0x80) >> 6;
if(tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColorIndex == 0) {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColor = ReadPaletteRAM(0);
} else {
tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColor = ReadPaletteRAM(sprite.PaletteOffset + tileInfo.Sprite[j].SpriteColorIndex);
tileInfo.Sprite[j].PpuBackgroundColor = tileInfo.Tile.PpuBackgroundColor;
tileInfo.Sprite[j].BgColorIndex = tileInfo.Tile.BgColorIndex;
if(j >= 4) {
tileInfo.SpriteCount = j;
} else {
tileInfo.SpriteCount = 0;
if(_flags.BackgroundEnabled && _cycle > _minimumDrawBgCycle) {
tileInfo.Tile.TileIndex = lastTile->AbsoluteTileAddr / 16;
if(_isChrRam) {
_mapper->CopyChrRamTile(lastTile->AbsoluteTileAddr & 0xFFFFFFF0, tileInfo.Tile.TileData);
if(_version >= 100) {
tileInfo.Tile.PaletteColors = _paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 3] | (_paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 2] << 8) | (_paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 1] << 16) | (_paletteRAM[0] << 24);
} else {
tileInfo.Tile.PaletteColors = _paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 3] | (_paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 2] << 8) | (_paletteRAM[lastTile->PaletteOffset + 1] << 16);
tileInfo.Tile.OffsetY = lastTile->OffsetY;
tileInfo.Tile.OffsetX = (_state.XScroll + ((_cycle - 1) & 0x07)) & 0x07;
} else {
tileInfo.Tile.TileIndex = HdPpuTileInfo::NoTile;
} else {
//"If the current VRAM address points in the range $3F00-$3FFF during forced blanking, the color indicated by this palette location will be shown on screen instead of the backdrop color."
pixel = ReadPaletteRAM(_state.VideoRamAddr) | _intensifyColorBits;
_info->ScreenTiles[bufferOffset].Tile.TileIndex = HdPpuTileInfo::NoTile;
_info->ScreenTiles[bufferOffset].SpriteCount = 0;
HdPpu(BaseMapper* mapper, ControlManager* controlManager, HdPackData* hdData) : PPU(mapper, controlManager)
_isChrRam = !_mapper->HasChrRom();
_hdData = hdData;
_version = _hdData->Version;
_screenInfo[0] = new HdScreenInfo(_isChrRam);
_screenInfo[1] = new HdScreenInfo(_isChrRam);
_info = _screenInfo[0];
delete _screenInfo[0];
delete _screenInfo[1];
void SendFrame()
MessageManager::SendNotification(ConsoleNotificationType::PpuFrameDone, _currentOutputBuffer);
_info->FrameNumber = _frameCount;
for(uint16_t address : _hdData->WatchedMemoryAddresses) {
_info->WatchedAddressValues[address] = CPU::DebugReadByte(address);
VideoDecoder::GetInstance()->UpdateFrameSync(_currentOutputBuffer, _info);
if(RewindManager::IsRewinding()) {
VideoDecoder::GetInstance()->UpdateFrameSync(_currentOutputBuffer, _info);
} else {
VideoDecoder::GetInstance()->UpdateFrame(_currentOutputBuffer, _info);
_currentOutputBuffer = (_currentOutputBuffer == _outputBuffers[0]) ? _outputBuffers[1] : _outputBuffers[0];
_info = (_info == _screenInfo[0]) ? _screenInfo[1] : _screenInfo[0];
}; |