
598 lines
19 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mesen.GUI.Debugger.Controls;
using Mesen.GUI.Config;
using Mesen.GUI.Controls;
namespace Mesen.GUI.Debugger
public partial class ctrlDebuggerCode : BaseScrollableTextboxUserControl, ICodeViewer
public delegate void AssemblerEventHandler(AssemblerEventArgs args);
public event AssemblerEventHandler OnEditCode;
private UInt32? _currentActiveAddress { get; set; } = null;
private DebugViewInfo _config;
private CodeTooltipManager _tooltipManager = null;
private CodeViewerActions _codeViewerActions;
public ctrlDebuggerCode()
_tooltipManager = new CodeTooltipManager(this, this.ctrlCodeViewer);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if(!IsDesignMode) {
_codeViewerActions = new CodeViewerActions(this, false);
ctrlFindOccurrences.Viewer = this;
splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true;
this.SymbolProvider = DebugWorkspaceManager.SymbolProvider;
DebugWorkspaceManager.SymbolProviderChanged += UpdateSymbolProvider;
private void UpdateSymbolProvider(Ld65DbgImporter symbolProvider)
this.SymbolProvider = symbolProvider;
public void SetConfig(DebugViewInfo config, bool disableActions = false)
_config = config;
if(!disableActions) {
if(this.ctrlCodeViewer.TextZoom != config.TextZoom) {
this.ctrlCodeViewer.TextZoom = config.TextZoom;
public void SetMessage(TextboxMessageInfo message)
protected override ctrlScrollableTextbox ScrollableTextbox
get { return this.ctrlCodeViewer; }
private Ld65DbgImporter _symbolProvider;
public Ld65DbgImporter SymbolProvider
get { return _symbolProvider; }
set { _symbolProvider = value; }
private CodeInfo _code = new CodeInfo("");
[Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public CodeInfo Code
get { return _code; }
_code = value;
_tooltipManager.Code = value;
public bool ShowMemoryValues
get { return this.ctrlCodeViewer.ShowMemoryValues; }
set { this.ctrlCodeViewer.ShowMemoryValues = value; }
public ctrlScrollableTextbox CodeViewer { get { return this.ctrlCodeViewer; } }
public CodeViewerActions CodeViewerActions { get { return _codeViewerActions; } }
public uint? ActiveAddress { get { return _currentActiveAddress; } }
public void SelectActiveAddress(UInt32 address)
this.ctrlCodeViewer.ScrollToLineNumber((int)address, eHistoryType.OnScroll);
public void SetActiveAddress(UInt32 address)
_currentActiveAddress = address;
public void ClearActiveAddress()
_currentActiveAddress = null;
public void UpdateLineColors()
this.ctrlCodeViewer.StyleProvider = new LineStyleProvider(this);
if(this.ctrlCodeViewer.ShowScrollbars) {
this.ctrlCodeViewer.ScrollbarColorProvider = new ScrollbarColorProvider(this);
public void ScrollToAddress(AddressTypeInfo addressInfo, bool scrollToTop = false)
int relativeAddress = InteropEmu.DebugGetRelativeAddress((uint)addressInfo.Address, addressInfo.Type);
if(relativeAddress >= 0) {
this.ctrlCodeViewer.ScrollToLineNumber(relativeAddress, eHistoryType.Always , scrollToTop);
public List<string> GetCode(out int byteLength, ref int startAddress, int endAddress = -1)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
byteLength = 0;
if(endAddress == -1) {
//When no end address is specified, find the start of the function based on startAddress
int address = InteropEmu.DebugFindSubEntryPoint((UInt16)startAddress);
if(address != -1) {
startAddress = address;
for(int i = startAddress; (i <= endAddress || endAddress == -1) && endAddress < 65536; ) {
string code;
if(_code.CodeContent.TryGetValue(i, out code)) {
code = code.Split('\x2')[0].Trim();
if(code.StartsWith("--") || code.StartsWith("__")) {
//Stop adding code when we find a new section (new function, data blocks, etc.)
AddressTypeInfo info = new AddressTypeInfo();
InteropEmu.DebugGetAbsoluteAddressAndType((UInt32)i, info);
CodeLabel codeLabel = info.Address >= 0 ? LabelManager.GetLabel((UInt32)info.Address, AddressType.PrgRom) : null;
string comment = codeLabel?.Comment;
string label = codeLabel?.Label;
bool addPadding = true;
if(code.StartsWith("STP*") || code.StartsWith("NOP*")) {
//Transform unofficial opcodes that can't be reassembled properly into .byte statements
if(comment != null) {
comment.Insert(0, code + " - ");
} else {
comment = code;
code = ".byte " + string.Join(",", _code.CodeByteCode[i].Split(' '));
addPadding = false;
if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment) && comment.Contains("\n")) {
result.AddRange(comment.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n').Select(cmt => ";" + cmt));
comment = null;
if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(label)) {
result.Add(label + ":");
result.Add((addPadding ? " " : "") + code + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment) ? (" ;" + comment) : ""));
int length = _code.CodeByteCode[i].Count(c => c == ' ') + 1;
byteLength += length;
i += length;
if(endAddress == -1 && (string.Compare(code, "RTI", true) == 0 || string.Compare(code, "RTS", true) == 0)) {
} else {
return result;
private void UpdateCode()
int centerLineIndex = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndexAtPosition(0) + ctrlCodeViewer.GetNumberVisibleLines() / 2;
int centerLineAddress;
int scrollOffset = -1;
do {
//Save the address at the center of the debug view
centerLineAddress = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineNumber(centerLineIndex);
} while(centerLineAddress < 0 && centerLineIndex > 0);
ctrlCodeViewer.LineIndentations = _code.LineIndentations;
ctrlCodeViewer.Addressing = _code.Addressing;
ctrlCodeViewer.Comments = _code.Comments;
ctrlCodeViewer.LineNumbers = _code.LineNumbers;
ctrlCodeViewer.TextLineNotes = _code.CodeNotes;
ctrlCodeViewer.LineNumberNotes = _code.LineNumberNotes;
ctrlCodeViewer.TextLines = _code.CodeLines;
if(centerLineAddress >= 0) {
//Scroll to the same address as before, to prevent the code view from changing due to setting or banking changes, etc.
int lineIndex = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndex(centerLineAddress) + scrollOffset;
ctrlCodeViewer.ScrollToLineIndex(lineIndex, eHistoryType.None, false, true);
private void ctrlCodeViewer_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
private Breakpoint GetCurrentLineBreakpoint()
AddressTypeInfo addressInfo = GetAddressInfo(ctrlCodeViewer.SelectedLine);
if(addressInfo.Address >= 0) {
int relativeAddress = InteropEmu.DebugGetRelativeAddress((uint)addressInfo.Address, addressInfo.Type);
return BreakpointManager.GetMatchingBreakpoint(relativeAddress, addressInfo);
return null;
private void ctrlCodeViewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Location.X < this.ctrlCodeViewer.CodeMargin / 4) {
this.ctrlCodeViewer.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuMargin;
} else {
this.ctrlCodeViewer.ContextMenuStrip = _codeViewerActions.contextMenu;
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
private void ctrlCodeViewer_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_codeViewerActions.ProcessMouseUp(e.Location, e.Button);
private void ctrlCodeViewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && e.Location.X < this.ctrlCodeViewer.CodeMargin / 4) {
int lineIndex = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndexAtPosition(e.Y);
int relativeAddress = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineNumber(lineIndex);
if(relativeAddress < 0 && ctrlCodeViewer.LineCount > lineIndex + 1) {
//Current line has no address, try using the next line instead.
//(Used when trying to set a breakpoint on a row containing only a label)
relativeAddress = ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineNumber(lineIndex);
AddressTypeInfo info = GetAddressInfo(lineIndex);
BreakpointManager.ToggleBreakpoint(relativeAddress, info, false);
public AddressTypeInfo GetAddressInfo(int lineNumber)
AddressTypeInfo info = new AddressTypeInfo();
SetAddressInfo(info, lineNumber);
return info;
private void SetAddressInfo(AddressTypeInfo info, int lineNumber)
if(lineNumber < this._code.AbsoluteLineNumbers.Length) {
info.Address = this._code.AbsoluteLineNumbers[lineNumber];
switch(this._code.LineMemoryType[lineNumber]) {
case 'P': info.Type = AddressType.PrgRom; break;
case 'W': info.Type = AddressType.WorkRam; break;
case 'S': info.Type = AddressType.SaveRam; break;
case 'N': info.Type = AddressType.InternalRam; break;
private void ctrlCodeViewer_ScrollPositionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ctrlCodeViewer_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Location.X > this.ctrlCodeViewer.CodeMargin / 2 && e.Location.X < this.ctrlCodeViewer.CodeMargin) {
AddressTypeInfo info = GetAddressInfo(ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndexAtPosition(e.Y));
if(info.Address >= 0) {
ctrlLabelList.EditLabel((UInt32)info.Address, info.Type);
} else{
private void contextMenuMargin_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
Breakpoint bp = GetCurrentLineBreakpoint();
if(bp == null) {
e.Cancel = true;
} else {
mnuDisableBreakpoint.Text = bp.Enabled ? "Disable breakpoint" : "Enable breakpoint";
private void mnuRemoveBreakpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void mnuEditBreakpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void mnuDisableBreakpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Breakpoint bp = GetCurrentLineBreakpoint();
private void ctrlCodeViewer_TextZoomChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_config.TextZoom = this.ctrlCodeViewer.TextZoom;
public void EditSubroutine()
int currentLine = this.GetCurrentLine();
if(currentLine != -1 && InteropEmu.DebugIsExecutionStopped()) {
int byteLength;
List<string> code = this.GetCode(out byteLength, ref currentLine);
this.OnEditCode?.Invoke(new AssemblerEventArgs() { Code = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, code), StartAddress = (UInt16)currentLine, BlockLength = (UInt16)byteLength });
public void EditSelectedCode()
int startAddress = this.GetCurrentLine();
int endAddress = this.ctrlCodeViewer.LastSelectedLine;
if(startAddress != -1 && InteropEmu.DebugIsExecutionStopped()) {
int byteLength;
List<string> code = this.GetCode(out byteLength, ref startAddress, endAddress);
this.OnEditCode?.Invoke(new AssemblerEventArgs() { Code = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, code), StartAddress = (UInt16)startAddress, BlockLength = (UInt16)byteLength });
public void FindAllOccurrences(string text, bool matchWholeWord, bool matchCase)
ctrlFindOccurrences.FindAllOccurrences(text, matchWholeWord, matchCase);
this.splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = false;
private void ctrlFindOccurrences_OnSearchResultsClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true;
public class LineStyleProvider : ctrlTextbox.ILineStyleProvider
private ctrlDebuggerCode _code;
public LineStyleProvider(ctrlDebuggerCode code)
_code = code;
public string GetLineComment(int lineNumber)
if(_code.SymbolProvider != null && _code._config?.ShowSourceAsComments == true) {
AddressTypeInfo addressInfo = _code.GetAddressInfo(lineNumber);
if(addressInfo.Type == AddressType.PrgRom) {
return _code.SymbolProvider.GetSourceCodeLine(addressInfo.Address);
return null;
public static void ConfigureActiveStatement(LineProperties props)
props.FgColor = Color.Black;
props.TextBgColor = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.CodeActiveStatementColor;
props.Symbol |= LineSymbol.Arrow;
if(ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.ShowInstructionProgression) {
InstructionProgress state = new InstructionProgress();
InteropEmu.DebugGetInstructionProgress(ref state);
LineProgress progress = new LineProgress();
progress.Current = (int)state.OpCycle;
progress.Maxixum = frmOpCodeTooltip.OpCycles[state.OpCode];
switch(state.OpMemoryOperationType) {
case InteropMemoryOperationType.DummyRead: progress.Color = Color.FromArgb(184, 160, 255); progress.Text = "DR"; break;
case InteropMemoryOperationType.DummyWrite: progress.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 245, 137); progress.Text = "DW"; break;
case InteropMemoryOperationType.Read: progress.Color = Color.FromArgb(150, 176, 255); progress.Text = "R"; break;
case InteropMemoryOperationType.Write: progress.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 171, 150); progress.Text = "W"; break;
default: progress.Color = Color.FromArgb(143, 255, 173); progress.Text = "X"; break;
props.Progress = progress;
public LineProperties GetLineStyle(int cpuAddress, int lineNumber)
DebugInfo info = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo;
LineProperties props = new LineProperties();
AddressTypeInfo addressInfo = _code.GetAddressInfo(lineNumber);
GetBreakpointLineProperties(props, cpuAddress, addressInfo);
bool isActiveStatement = _code._currentActiveAddress.HasValue && _code.ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndex((int)_code._currentActiveAddress.Value) == lineNumber;
if(isActiveStatement) {
} else if(_code._code.UnexecutedAddresses.Contains(lineNumber)) {
props.LineBgColor = info.CodeUnexecutedCodeColor;
} else if(_code._code.SpeculativeCodeAddreses.Contains(lineNumber)) {
props.LineBgColor = info.CodeUnidentifiedDataColor;
} else if(_code._code.VerifiedDataAddresses.Contains(lineNumber)) {
props.LineBgColor = info.CodeVerifiedDataColor;
switch(_code._code.LineMemoryType[lineNumber]) {
case 'P': props.AddressColor = Color.Gray; break;
case 'W': props.AddressColor = Color.DarkBlue; break;
case 'S': props.AddressColor = Color.DarkRed; break;
case 'N': props.AddressColor = Color.DarkGreen; break;
return props;
public static void GetBreakpointLineProperties(LineProperties props, int cpuAddress, AddressTypeInfo addressInfo)
DebugInfo info = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo;
foreach(Breakpoint breakpoint in BreakpointManager.Breakpoints) {
if(breakpoint.Matches(cpuAddress, addressInfo)) {
Color fgColor = Color.White;
Color? bgColor = null;
Color bpColor = breakpoint.BreakOnExec ? info.CodeExecBreakpointColor : (breakpoint.BreakOnWrite ? info.CodeWriteBreakpointColor : info.CodeReadBreakpointColor);
Color outlineColor = bpColor;
LineSymbol symbol;
if(breakpoint.Enabled) {
bgColor = bpColor;
symbol = LineSymbol.Circle;
} else {
fgColor = Color.Black;
symbol = LineSymbol.CircleOutline;
if(breakpoint.MarkEvent) {
symbol |= LineSymbol.Mark;
if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(breakpoint.Condition)) {
symbol |= LineSymbol.Plus;
props.FgColor = fgColor;
props.TextBgColor = bgColor;
props.OutlineColor = outlineColor;
props.Symbol = symbol;
class ScrollbarColorProvider : IScrollbarColorProvider
private Color _nesRamColor = Color.FromArgb(213, 255, 213);
private Dictionary<int, Color> _breakpointColors = new Dictionary<int, Color>();
private ctrlDebuggerCode _code;
public ScrollbarColorProvider(ctrlDebuggerCode code)
_code = code;
DebugInfo info = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo;
int len = _code._code.AbsoluteLineNumbers.Length;
AddressTypeInfo addressInfo = new AddressTypeInfo();
Breakpoint[] breakpoints = BreakpointManager.Breakpoints.ToArray();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
_code.SetAddressInfo(addressInfo, i);
for(int j = 0; j < breakpoints.Length; j++) {
if(breakpoints[j].Matches(_code._code.LineNumbers[i], addressInfo)) {
Color bpColor = breakpoints[j].BreakOnExec ? info.CodeExecBreakpointColor : (breakpoints[j].BreakOnWrite ? info.CodeWriteBreakpointColor : info.CodeReadBreakpointColor);
_breakpointColors[i] = bpColor;
public Color GetBackgroundColor(float position)
DebugInfo info = ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo;
int lineIndex = (int)((_code._code.LineMemoryType.Length - 1) * position);
if(lineIndex < _code._code.LineMemoryType.Length) {
switch(_code._code.LineMemoryType[lineIndex]) {
case 'N': return _nesRamColor;
case 'P':
if(_code._code.UnexecutedAddresses.Contains(lineIndex)) {
return info.CodeUnexecutedCodeColor;
} else if(_code._code.VerifiedDataAddresses.Contains(lineIndex)) {
return info.CodeVerifiedDataColor;
} else if(_code._code.SpeculativeCodeAddreses.Contains(lineIndex)) {
return info.CodeUnidentifiedDataColor;
return Color.White;
case 'W': return Color.Lavender;
case 'S': return Color.MistyRose;
return Color.Transparent;
public frmCodePreviewTooltip GetPreview(int lineIndex)
if(lineIndex < _code._code.LineNumbers.Length) {
while(lineIndex > 0 && _code._code.LineNumbers[lineIndex] < 0) {
return new frmCodePreviewTooltip(_code.FindForm(), lineIndex, _code._code);
} else {
return null;
public int GetActiveLine()
if(_code._currentActiveAddress.HasValue) {
return _code.ctrlCodeViewer.GetLineIndex((int)_code._currentActiveAddress.Value);
} else {
return -1;
public int GetSelectedLine()
return _code.ctrlCodeViewer.SelectedLine;
public Color GetMarkerColor(float position, int linesPerPixel)
int lineIndex = (int)((_code._code.LineMemoryType.Length - 1) * position);
Color bpColor;
for(int i = 0; i < linesPerPixel; i++) {
if(_breakpointColors.TryGetValue(lineIndex + i, out bpColor)) {
return bpColor;
return Color.Transparent;
public class AssemblerEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Code { get; set; }
public UInt16 StartAddress { get; set; }
public UInt16 BlockLength { get; set; }