Persune a22b17b2c1 Add /A13 and /OE1 audio interference
In hardware, the audio from the 2A03 APU pins go through an inverted
preamp using one of the 74HCU04 inverter chips in the motherboard.
Though this may be cost-effective on Nintendo's part, the signals on the
hex inverter chip can interfere with one another, especially on the
audio. This can be heard as a buzz or a high pitched whine.

The only known signals to interfere with the audio so far is:
- /A13, the inverted signal of PPU A13 going into the cartridge
- /OE1, Output enable for controller reads, though this is only found
   present on the RF Famicom.
2021-08-11 17:55:56 +08:00

503 lines
15 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "../Utilities/orfanidis_eq.h"
#include "../Utilities/stb_vorbis.h"
#include "SoundMixer.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "VideoRenderer.h"
#include "RewindManager.h"
#include "WaveRecorder.h"
#include "OggMixer.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "BaseMapper.h"
SoundMixer::SoundMixer(shared_ptr<Console> console)
_audioDevice = nullptr;
_clockRate = 0;
_console = console;
_settings = _console->GetSettings();
_eqFrequencyGrid.reset(new orfanidis_eq::freq_grid());
_outputBuffer = new int16_t[SoundMixer::MaxSamplesPerFrame];
_blipBufLeft = blip_new(SoundMixer::MaxSamplesPerFrame);
_blipBufRight = blip_new(SoundMixer::MaxSamplesPerFrame);
_sampleRate = _settings->GetSampleRate();
_model = NesModel::NTSC;
delete[] _outputBuffer;
_outputBuffer = nullptr;
void SoundMixer::StreamState(bool saving)
Stream(_clockRate, _sampleRate, _model);
if(!saving) {
if(_model == NesModel::Auto) {
//Older savestates - assume NTSC
_model = NesModel::NTSC;
ArrayInfo<int16_t> currentOutput = { _currentOutput, MaxChannelCount };
Stream(_previousOutputLeft, currentOutput, _previousOutputRight);
void SoundMixer::RegisterAudioDevice(IAudioDevice *audioDevice)
_audioDevice = audioDevice;
void SoundMixer::StopAudio(bool clearBuffer)
if(_audioDevice) {
if(clearBuffer) {
} else {
void SoundMixer::Reset()
if(_oggMixer) {
_fadeRatio = 1.0;
_muteFrameCount = 0;
_previousOutputLeft = 0;
_previousOutputRight = 0;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxChannelCount; i++) {
_volumes[i] = 0;
_panning[i] = 0;
memset(_channelOutput, 0, sizeof(_channelOutput));
memset(_currentOutput, 0, sizeof(_currentOutput));
if(_audioDevice) {
_previousTargetRate = _sampleRate;
void SoundMixer::PlayAudioBuffer(uint32_t time)
size_t sampleCount = blip_read_samples(_blipBufLeft, _outputBuffer, SoundMixer::MaxSamplesPerFrame, 1);
ApplyEqualizer(_equalizerLeft.get(), sampleCount);
if(_hasPanning) {
blip_read_samples(_blipBufRight, _outputBuffer + 1, SoundMixer::MaxSamplesPerFrame, 1);
ApplyEqualizer(_equalizerRight.get(), sampleCount);
} else {
//Copy left channel to right channel (optimization - when no panning is used)
for(size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount * 2; i += 2) {
_outputBuffer[i + 1] = _outputBuffer[i];
_console->GetMapper()->ApplySamples(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, _settings->GetMasterVolume());
if(_oggMixer) {
_oggMixer->ApplySamples(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, _settings->GetMasterVolume());
if(_console->IsDualSystem()) {
if(_console->IsMaster() && _settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::VsDualMuteMaster)) {
_lowPassFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, 0, 0);
} else if(!_console->IsMaster() && _settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::VsDualMuteSlave)) {
_lowPassFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, 0, 0);
shared_ptr<RewindManager> rewindManager = _console->GetRewindManager();
if(!_console->GetVideoRenderer()->IsRecording() && !_waveRecorder && !_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::NsfPlayerEnabled)) {
if((_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::Turbo) || (rewindManager && rewindManager->IsRewinding())) && _settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::ReduceSoundInFastForward)) {
//Reduce volume when fast forwarding or rewinding
_lowPassFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, 0, 1.0 - _settings->GetVolumeReduction());
} else if(_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::InBackground)) {
if(_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::MuteSoundInBackground)) {
//Mute sound when in background
_lowPassFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, 0, 0);
} else if(_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::ReduceSoundInBackground)) {
//Apply low pass filter/volume reduction when in background (based on options)
_lowPassFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, 0, 1.0 - _settings->GetVolumeReduction());
AudioFilterSettings filterSettings = _settings->GetAudioFilterSettings();
if(filterSettings.ReverbStrength > 0) {
_reverbFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, _sampleRate, filterSettings.ReverbStrength, filterSettings.ReverbDelay);
} else {
switch(filterSettings.Filter) {
case StereoFilter::None: break;
case StereoFilter::Delay: _stereoDelay.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, _sampleRate, filterSettings.Delay); break;
case StereoFilter::Panning: _stereoPanning.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, filterSettings.Angle); break;
case StereoFilter::CombFilter: _stereoCombFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, _sampleRate, filterSettings.Delay, filterSettings.Strength); break;
if(filterSettings.CrossFadeRatio > 0) {
_crossFeedFilter.ApplyFilter(_outputBuffer, sampleCount, filterSettings.CrossFadeRatio);
if(!_settings->IsRunAheadFrame() && rewindManager && rewindManager->SendAudio(_outputBuffer, (uint32_t)sampleCount, _sampleRate)) {
bool isRecording = _waveRecorder || _console->GetVideoRenderer()->IsRecording();
if(isRecording) {
shared_ptr<WaveRecorder> recorder = _waveRecorder;
if(recorder) {
if(!recorder->WriteSamples(_outputBuffer, (uint32_t)sampleCount, _sampleRate, true)) {
_console->GetVideoRenderer()->AddRecordingSound(_outputBuffer, (uint32_t)sampleCount, _sampleRate);
if(_audioDevice && !_console->IsPaused()) {
_audioDevice->PlayBuffer(_outputBuffer, (uint32_t)sampleCount, _sampleRate, true);
if(_settings->NeedAudioSettingsUpdate()) {
if(_settings->GetSampleRate() != _sampleRate) {
//Update sample rate for next frame if setting changed
_sampleRate = _settings->GetSampleRate();
} else {
void SoundMixer::SetNesModel(NesModel model)
if(_model != model) {
_model = model;
void SoundMixer::UpdateRates(bool forceUpdate)
uint32_t newRate = _console->GetCpu()->GetClockRate(_model);
if(_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::IntegerFpsMode)) {
//Adjust sample rate when running at 60.0 fps instead of 60.1
if(_model == NesModel::NTSC) {
newRate = (uint32_t)(newRate * 60.0 / 60.0988118623484);
} else {
newRate = (uint32_t)(newRate * 50.0 / 50.00697796826829);
double targetRate = _sampleRate * GetTargetRateAdjustment();
if(_clockRate != newRate || forceUpdate) {
_clockRate = newRate;
blip_set_rates(_blipBufLeft, _clockRate, targetRate);
blip_set_rates(_blipBufRight, _clockRate, targetRate);
if(_oggMixer) {
bool hasPanning = false;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxChannelCount; i++) {
_volumes[i] = _settings->GetChannelVolume((AudioChannel)i);
_panning[i] = _settings->GetChannelPanning((AudioChannel)i);
if(_panning[i] != 1.0) {
if(!_hasPanning) {
hasPanning = true;
_hasPanning = hasPanning;
double SoundMixer::GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel channel, bool forRightChannel)
if(forRightChannel) {
return _currentOutput[(int)channel] * _volumes[(int)channel] * _panning[(int)channel];
} else {
return _currentOutput[(int)channel] * _volumes[(int)channel] * (2.0 - _panning[(int)channel]);
int16_t SoundMixer::GetOutputVolume(bool forRightChannel)
double squareOutput = GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Square1, forRightChannel) + GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Square2, forRightChannel);
double tndOutput = 3 * GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Triangle, forRightChannel) + 2 * GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Noise, forRightChannel) + GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::DMC, forRightChannel);
uint16_t squareVolume = (uint16_t)(477600 / (8128.0 / squareOutput + 100.0));
uint16_t tndVolume = (uint16_t)(818350 / (24329.0 / tndOutput + 100.0));
return (int16_t)(squareVolume + tndVolume +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::FDS, forRightChannel) * 20 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::MMC5, forRightChannel) * 43 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Namco163, forRightChannel) * 20 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::Sunsoft5B, forRightChannel) * 15 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::VRC6, forRightChannel) * 75 +
#ifndef VRC7_USE_OLD_EMU
#define VRC7_USE_NUKED
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::VRC7, forRightChannel) * 12 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::VRC7, forRightChannel) +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::EPSM_L, forRightChannel) * 4 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::EPSM_R, forRightChannel) * 4 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::InvA13, forRightChannel) * 500 +
GetChannelOutput(AudioChannel::InvOE1, forRightChannel) * 500
void SoundMixer::AddDelta(AudioChannel channel, uint32_t time, int16_t delta)
if(delta != 0) {
_channelOutput[(int)channel][time] += delta;
void SoundMixer::EndFrame(uint32_t time)
double masterVolume = _settings->GetMasterVolume() * _fadeRatio;
sort(_timestamps.begin(), _timestamps.end());
_timestamps.erase(std::unique(_timestamps.begin(), _timestamps.end()), _timestamps.end());
bool muteFrame = true;
for(size_t i = 0, len = _timestamps.size(); i < len; i++) {
uint32_t stamp = _timestamps[i];
for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MaxChannelCount; j++) {
if(_channelOutput[j][stamp] != 0) {
//Assume any change in output means sound is playing, disregarding volume options
//NSF tracks that mute the triangle channel by setting it to a high-frequency value will not be considered silent
muteFrame = false;
_currentOutput[j] += _channelOutput[j][stamp];
int16_t currentOutput = GetOutputVolume(false);
blip_add_delta(_blipBufLeft, stamp, (int)((currentOutput - _previousOutputLeft) * masterVolume));
_previousOutputLeft = currentOutput;
if(_hasPanning) {
currentOutput = GetOutputVolume(true);
blip_add_delta(_blipBufRight, stamp, (int)((currentOutput - _previousOutputRight) * masterVolume));
_previousOutputRight = currentOutput;
blip_end_frame(_blipBufLeft, time);
if(_hasPanning) {
blip_end_frame(_blipBufRight, time);
if(muteFrame) {
} else {
_muteFrameCount = 0;
//Reset everything
memset(_channelOutput, 0, sizeof(_channelOutput));
void SoundMixer::ApplyEqualizer(orfanidis_eq::eq1* equalizer, size_t sampleCount)
if(equalizer) {
int offset = equalizer == _equalizerRight.get() ? 1 : 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) {
double in = _outputBuffer[i * 2 + offset];
double out;
equalizer->sbs_process(&in, &out);
_outputBuffer[i * 2 + offset] = (int16_t)std::max(std::min(out, 32767.0), -32768.0);
void SoundMixer::UpdateEqualizers(bool forceUpdate)
EqualizerFilterType type = _settings->GetEqualizerFilterType();
if(type != EqualizerFilterType::None) {
vector<double> bands = _settings->GetEqualizerBands();
vector<double> bandGains = _settings->GetBandGains();
if(bands.size() != _eqFrequencyGrid->get_number_of_bands()) {
if((_equalizerLeft && (int)_equalizerLeft->get_eq_type() != (int)type) || !_equalizerLeft || forceUpdate) {
bands.insert(bands.begin(), bands[0] - (bands[1] - bands[0]));
bands.insert(bands.end(), bands[bands.size() - 1] + (bands[bands.size() - 1] - bands[bands.size() - 2]));
_eqFrequencyGrid.reset(new orfanidis_eq::freq_grid());
for(size_t i = 1; i < bands.size() - 1; i++) {
_eqFrequencyGrid->add_band((bands[i] + bands[i - 1]) / 2, bands[i], (bands[i + 1] + bands[i]) / 2);
_equalizerLeft.reset(new orfanidis_eq::eq1(_eqFrequencyGrid.get(), (orfanidis_eq::filter_type)_settings->GetEqualizerFilterType()));
_equalizerRight.reset(new orfanidis_eq::eq1(_eqFrequencyGrid.get(), (orfanidis_eq::filter_type)_settings->GetEqualizerFilterType()));
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _eqFrequencyGrid->get_number_of_bands(); i++) {
_equalizerLeft->change_band_gain_db(i, bandGains[i]);
_equalizerRight->change_band_gain_db(i, bandGains[i]);
} else {
void SoundMixer::StartRecording(string filepath)
_waveRecorder.reset(new WaveRecorder(filepath, _settings->GetSampleRate(), true));
void SoundMixer::StopRecording()
bool SoundMixer::IsRecording()
return _waveRecorder.get() != nullptr;
void SoundMixer::SetFadeRatio(double fadeRatio)
_fadeRatio = fadeRatio;
uint32_t SoundMixer::GetMuteFrameCount()
return _muteFrameCount;
void SoundMixer::ResetMuteFrameCount()
_muteFrameCount = 0;
OggMixer* SoundMixer::GetOggMixer()
if(!_oggMixer) {
_oggMixer.reset(new OggMixer());
return _oggMixer.get();
AudioStatistics SoundMixer::GetStatistics()
if(_audioDevice) {
return _audioDevice->GetStatistics();
} else {
return AudioStatistics();
void SoundMixer::ProcessEndOfFrame()
if(_audioDevice) {
double SoundMixer::GetRateAdjustment()
return _rateAdjustment;
double SoundMixer::GetTargetRateAdjustment()
bool isRecording = _waveRecorder || _console->GetVideoRenderer()->IsRecording();
if(!isRecording && !_settings->CheckFlag(EmulationFlags::DisableDynamicSampleRate)) {
//Don't deviate from selected sample rate while recording
//TODO: Have 2 output streams (one for recording, one for the speakers)
AudioStatistics stats = GetStatistics();
if(stats.AverageLatency > 0 && _settings->GetEmulationSpeed() == 100) {
//Try to stay within +/- 3ms of requested latency
constexpr int32_t maxGap = 3;
constexpr int32_t maxSubAdjustment = 3600;
int32_t requestedLatency = (int32_t)_settings->GetAudioLatency();
double latencyGap = stats.AverageLatency - requestedLatency;
double adjustment = std::min(0.0025, (std::ceil((std::abs(latencyGap) - maxGap) * 8)) * 0.00003125);
if(latencyGap < 0 && _underTarget < maxSubAdjustment) {
} else if(latencyGap > 0 && _underTarget > -maxSubAdjustment) {
//For every ~1 second spent under/over target latency, further adjust rate (GetTargetRate is called approx. 3x per frame)
//This should slowly get us closer to the actual output rate of the sound card
double subAdjustment = 0.00003125 * _underTarget / 180;
if(adjustment > 0) {
if(latencyGap > maxGap) {
_rateAdjustment = 1 - adjustment + subAdjustment;
} else if(latencyGap < -maxGap) {
_rateAdjustment = 1 + adjustment + subAdjustment;
} else if(std::abs(latencyGap) < 1) {
//Restore normal rate once we get within +/- 1ms
_rateAdjustment = 1.0 + subAdjustment;
} else {
_underTarget = 0;
_rateAdjustment = 1.0;
} else {
_underTarget = 0;
_rateAdjustment = 1.0;
return _rateAdjustment;
void SoundMixer::UpdateTargetSampleRate()
double targetRate = _sampleRate * GetTargetRateAdjustment();
if(targetRate != _previousTargetRate) {
blip_set_rates(_blipBufLeft, _clockRate, targetRate);
blip_set_rates(_blipBufRight, _clockRate, targetRate);
_previousTargetRate = targetRate;