2012-07-23 21:43:55 -07:00
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
* Copyright (C) 2011 Whisper Systems
2012-07-23 21:43:55 -07:00
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
2012-07-23 21:43:55 -07:00
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.thoughtcrime.securesms;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.ContextMenu;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.CursorAdapter;
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import android.widget.ListView;
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import android.widget.Toast;
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import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockListActivity;
import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu;
import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.IdentityKey;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.InvalidKeyException;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterCipher;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterSecret;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.DatabaseFactory;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.IdentityDatabase;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Base64;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.MemoryCleaner;
import java.io.IOException;
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
* Activity for reviewing/managing saved identity keys.
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2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
* @author Moxie Marlinspike
2012-07-23 21:43:55 -07:00
public class ReviewIdentitiesActivity extends SherlockListActivity {
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private static final int MENU_OPTION_DELETE = 2;
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private MasterSecret masterSecret;
private MasterCipher masterCipher;
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public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
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protected void onDestroy() {
masterCipher = null;
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public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position, long id) {
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public void onCreateContextMenu (ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
menu.add(0, MENU_OPTION_DELETE, Menu.NONE, "Delete");
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public boolean onContextItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item) {
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
Cursor cursor = ((CursorAdapter)this.getListAdapter()).getCursor();
String identityKeyString = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IdentityDatabase.IDENTITY_KEY));
String identityName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IdentityDatabase.IDENTITY_NAME));
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switch(item.getItemId()) {
deleteIdentity(identityName, identityKeyString);
return true;
return false;
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public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case android.R.id.home: finish(); return true;
return false;
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
private void initializeResources() {
this.masterSecret = (MasterSecret)getIntent().getParcelableExtra("master_secret");
this.masterCipher = new MasterCipher(masterSecret);
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Cursor cursor = DatabaseFactory.getIdentityDatabase(this).getIdentities();
this.setListAdapter(new IdentitiesListAdapter(this, cursor));
private void viewIdentity(String identityKeyString) {
try {
Intent viewIntent = new Intent(this, ViewIdentityActivity.class);
viewIntent.putExtra("identity_key", new IdentityKey(Base64.decode(identityKeyString), 0));
} catch (InvalidKeyException ike) {
Log.w("ReviewIdentitiesActivity", ike);
2012-09-07 20:03:23 -07:00
Toast.makeText(this, R.string.unable_to_view_corrupted_identity_key_exclamation, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
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} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w("ReviewIdentitiesActivity", e);
2012-09-07 20:03:23 -07:00
Toast.makeText(this, R.string.unable_to_view_corrupted_identity_key_exclamation, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
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private void deleteIdentity(String name, String keyString) {
AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
alertDialog.setTitle("Delete identity?");
alertDialog.setMessage("Are you sure that you wish to permanently delete this identity key?");
alertDialog.setNegativeButton(R.string.no, null);
alertDialog.setPositiveButton(R.string.yes, new DeleteIdentityListener(name, keyString));
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private class DeleteIdentityListener implements OnClickListener {
private final String name;
private final String keyString;
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public DeleteIdentityListener(String name, String keyString) {
this.name = name;
this.keyString = keyString;
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public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
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.deleteIdentity(name, keyString);
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private class IdentitiesListAdapter extends CursorAdapter {
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public IdentitiesListAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor) {
super(context, cursor);
public IdentitiesListAdapter(Context context, Cursor c, boolean autoRequery) {
super(context, c, autoRequery);
public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
IdentityKey identityKey;
boolean valid;
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String identityKeyString = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IdentityDatabase.IDENTITY_KEY));
String identityName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IdentityDatabase.IDENTITY_NAME));
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try {
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String mac = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IdentityDatabase.MAC));
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valid = masterCipher.verifyMacFor(identityName + identityKeyString, Base64.decode(mac));
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identityKey = new IdentityKey(Base64.decode(identityKeyString), 0);
} catch (InvalidKeyException ike) {
valid = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
valid = false;
2012-07-23 21:43:55 -07:00
if (!valid)
identityName = "Invalid Identity!";
((IdentityKeyView)view).set(identityName, identityKeyString);
2011-12-20 10:20:44 -08:00
public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
IdentityKeyView identityKeyView = new IdentityKeyView(context);
bindView(identityKeyView, context, cursor);
return identityKeyView;