Updated language translations.

This commit is contained in:
Greyson Parrelli 2022-03-29 13:57:18 -04:00
parent 9ec2c5da52
commit 12ceb1cb32
7 changed files with 77 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_add_s_to_the_group">¿Añadir a %1$s al grupo?</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s">¿Denegar la solicitud de %1$s?</string>
<!--Confirm dialog message shown when deny a group link join request and group link is enabled.-->
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s_they_will_not_be_able_to_request">¿Ignorar solicitudes de %1$s? Esta persona ya no podrá solicitar ser añadida de nuevo al grupo vía enlace.</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s_they_will_not_be_able_to_request">¿Vetar solicitudes de %1$s? Esta persona ya no podrá solicitar ser añadida de nuevo al grupo vía enlace.</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_add">Añadir</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny">Denegar</string>

View file

@ -3110,6 +3110,7 @@
<!--Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_account">Ištrinama paskyra…</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is canceling their subscription-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__canceling_your_subscription">Nutraukiama jūsų prenumerata…</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving groups-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__depending_on_the_number_of_groups">Tai, priklausomai nuo to, kelių grupių narys esate, gali užimti kelias minutes</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups-->
@ -3912,12 +3913,14 @@
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__amount">Suma</string>
<!--Donation receipts thanks-->
<!--Donation receipt type-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__s_dash_s">%1$s - %2$s</string>
<!--region "Stories Tab"-->
<!--Label for Chats tab in home app screen-->
<string name="ConversationListTabs__chats">Pokalbiai</string>
<!--Label for Stories tab in home app screen-->
<string name="ConversationListTabs__stories">Istorijos</string>
<!--String for counts above 99 in conversation list tabs-->
<string name="ConversationListTabs__99p">99+</string>
<!--Title for "My Stories" row item in Stories landing page-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__my_stories">Mano istorijos</string>
<!--Subtitle for "My Stories" row item when user has not added stories-->
@ -3926,9 +3929,11 @@
<!--Context menu option to hide a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__hide_story">Slėpti istoriją</string>
<!--Context menu option to unhide a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__unhide_story">Nebeslėpti istorijos</string>
<!--Context menu option to forward a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__forward">Persiųsti</string>
<!--Context menu option to share a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__share">Bendrinti…</string>
<!--Context menu option to go to story chat-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__go_to_chat">Pereiti į pokalbį</string>
<!--Label when a story is pending sending-->
@ -3936,19 +3941,30 @@
<!--Label when a story fails to send-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__couldnt_send">Nepavyko išsiųsti</string>
<!--Title of dialog confirming decision to hide a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__hide_story">Slėpti istoriją?</string>
<!--Message of dialog confirming decision to hide a story-->
<!--Positive action of dialog confirming decision to hide a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__hide">Slėpti</string>
<!--Displayed in Snackbar after story is hidden-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__story_hidden">Istorija paslėpta</string>
<!--Section header for hidden stories-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__hidden_stories">Paslėptos istorijos</string>
<!--Displayed on each sent story under My Stories-->
<!--Forward story label, displayed in My Stories context menu-->
<string name="MyStories_forward">Persiųsti</string>
<!--Label for stories for a single user. Format is {given name}\'s Story-->
<!--Title of dialog to confirm deletion of story-->
<string name="MyStories__delete_story">Ištrinti istoriją?</string>
<!--Message of dialog to confirm deletion of story-->
<string name="MyStories__this_story_will_be_deleted">Ši istorija bus ištrinta jums ir tiems, kurie ją gavo.</string>
<!--Displayed at bottom of story viewer when current item has views-->
<!--Displayed at bottom of story viewer when current item has replies-->
<plurals name="StoryViewerFragment__d_replies">
<item quantity="one">%1$d atsakymas</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d atsakymai</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d atsakymų</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d atsakymas</item>
<!--Used to join views and replies when both exist on a story item-->
<string name="StoryViewerFragment__s_s">%1$s %2$s</string>
<!--Displayed when viewing a post you sent-->
@ -3959,6 +3975,7 @@
<string name="StoryViewerPageFragment__reply">Atsakyti</string>
<!--Displayed when a story has no views-->
<!--Displayed when a story has no replies yet-->
<string name="StoryGroupReplyFragment__no_replies_yet">Atsakymų kol kas nėra</string>
<!--Displayed for each user that reacted to a story when viewing replies-->
<string name="StoryGroupReactionReplyItem__reacted_to_the_story">Sureagavo į istoriją</string>
<!--Label for story views tab-->
@ -3966,8 +3983,10 @@
<!--Label for story replies tab-->
<string name="StoryViewsAndRepliesDialogFragment__replies">Atsakymai</string>
<!--Description of action for reaction button-->
<string name="StoryReplyComposer__react_to_this_story">Reaguoti į šią istoriją</string>
<!--Displayed when the user is replying privately to someone who replied to one of their stories-->
<!--Context menu item to privately reply to a story response-->
<string name="StoryGroupReplyItem__private_reply">Privatus atsakymas</string>
<!--Context menu item to copy a story response-->
<string name="StoryGroupReplyItem__copy">Kopijuoti</string>
<!--Context menu item to delete a story response-->
@ -3985,6 +4004,12 @@
<!--Clickable option for selecting people to hide your story from-->
<string name="MyStorySettingsFragment__hide_story_from">Slėpti istoriją nuo</string>
<!--Summary of clickable option displaying how many people you have hidden your story from-->
<plurals name="MyStorySettingsFragment__d_people">
<item quantity="one">%1$d žmogus</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d žmonės</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d žmonių</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d žmogus</item>
<!--Section header for options related to replies and reactions-->
<string name="MyStorySettingsFragment__replies_amp_reactions">Atsakymai ir reakcijos</string>
<!--Switchable option for allowing replies and reactions on your stories-->
@ -4010,7 +4035,9 @@
<string name="PrivateStorySettingsFragment__are_you_sure">Ar tikrai?</string>
<!--Dialog message when deleting a private story-->
<!--Page title for editing a private story name-->
<string name="EditPrivateStoryNameFragment__edit_story_name">Taisyti istorijos pavadinimą</string>
<!--Input field hint when editing a private story name-->
<string name="EditPrivateStoryNameFragment__story_name">Istorijos pavadinimas</string>
<!--Save button label when editing a private story name-->
<string name="EditPrivateStoryNameFragment__save">Įrašyti</string>
<!--Displayed in text post creator before user enters text-->
@ -4024,15 +4051,19 @@
<!--Camera label for media selection toggle-->
<string name="MediaSelectionActivity__camera">Kamera</string>
<!--Hint for entering a URL for a text post-->
<string name="TextStoryPostLinkEntryFragment__type_or_paste_a_url">Įrašykite ar įdėkite URL adresą</string>
<!--Displayed prior to the user entering a URL for a text post-->
<!--Hint text for searching for a story text post recipient.-->
<string name="TextStoryPostSendFragment__search">Ieškoti</string>
<!--Title for screen allowing user to hide "My Story" entries from specific people-->
<string name="HideStoryFromFragment__hide_story_from">Slėpti istoriją nuo…</string>
<!--Done button label for hide story from screen-->
<string name="HideStoryFromFragment__done">Atlikta</string>
<!--Dialog title for first time adding something to a story-->
<string name="StoryDialogs__add_to_story_q">Pridėti į istoriją?</string>
<!--Dialog message for first time adding something to a story-->
<!--First time share to story dialog: Positive action to go ahead and add to story-->
<string name="StoryDialogs__add_to_story">Pridėti į istoriją</string>
<!--First time share to story dialog: Neutral action to edit who can view "My Story"-->
<!--Privacy Settings toggle title for stories-->
<!--Privacy Settings toggle summary for stories-->
@ -4041,28 +4072,40 @@
<string name="CreateStoryViewerSelectionFragment__next">Kitas</string>
<!--New story viewer selection screen title as recipients are selected-->
<!--Name story screen title-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__name_story">Suteikite istorijai pavadinimą</string>
<!--Name story screen label hint-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__story_name_required">Istorijos pavadinimas (būtinas)</string>
<!--Name story screen viewers subheading-->
<!--Name story screen create button label-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__create">Sukurti</string>
<!--Name story screen error when save attempted with no label-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__this_field_is_required">Šis laukas yra būtinas.</string>
<!--Name story screen error when save attempted but label is duplicate-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__there_is_already_a_story_with_this_name">Istorija tokiu pavadinimu jau yra.</string>
<!--Text for select all action when editing recipients for a story-->
<string name="BaseStoryRecipientSelectionFragment__select_all">Žymėti visus</string>
<!--Choose story type bottom sheet title-->
<string name="ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__choose_your_story_type">Pasirinkite istorijos tipą</string>
<!--Choose story type bottom sheet new story row title-->
<string name="ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__new_private_story">Nauja privati istorija</string>
<!--Choose story type bottom sheet new story row summary-->
<string name="ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__visible_only_to">Matoma tik tam tikriems žmonėms</string>
<!--Choose story type bottom sheet group story title-->
<string name="ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__group_story">Grupės istorija</string>
<!--Choose story type bottom sheet group story summary-->
<string name="ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__share_to_an_existing_group">Bendrinti į esamą grupę</string>
<!--Choose groups bottom sheet title-->
<string name="ChooseGroupStoryBottomSheet__choose_groups">Pasirinkite grupes</string>
<!--Displayed when copying group story reply text to clipboard-->
<string name="StoryGroupReplyFragment__copied_to_clipboard">Nukopijuota į iškarpinę</string>
<!--Displayed in story caption when content is longer than 5 lines-->
<string name="StoryViewerPageFragment__see_more">… Rodyti daugiau</string>
<!--Displayed in toast after sending a direct reply-->
<string name="StoryDirectReplyDialogFragment__reply_sent">Atsakymas išsiųstas</string>
<!--Displayed in toast after sending a direct reaction-->
<string name="StoryDirectReplyDialogFragment__reaction_sent">Reakcija išsiųsta</string>
<!--Displayed in the viewer when a story is no longer available-->
<string name="StorySlateView__this_story_is_no_longer_available">Ši istorija daugiau nebeprieinama.</string>
<!--Displayed in the viewer when the network is not available-->
<string name="StorySlateView__no_internet_connection">Nėra interneto ryšio</string>
<!--Displayed in the viewer when network is available but content could not be downloaded-->

View file

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
<!--Dialog title for block group link join requests-->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Bloķēt pieprasījumu?</string>
<!--Dialog message for block group link join requests-->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">%1$s vairs nevarēs pievienoties vai pieprasīt pievienoties šai grupai caur grupas saiti. Manuāla pievienošana grupai vēl arvien būs iespējama.</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">%1$s vairs nevarēs pievienoties vai lūgt pievienoties šai grupai caur grupas saiti. Manuāla pievienošana grupai vēl arvien būs iespējama.</string>
<!--Dialog confirm block request button-->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">Bloķēt pieprasījumu</string>
<!--Dialog cancel block request button-->
@ -843,6 +843,7 @@
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_add_s_to_the_group">Vai pievienot “%1$s” šai grupai?</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s">Vai noraidīt %1$s pieprasījumu?</string>
<!--Confirm dialog message shown when deny a group link join request and group link is enabled.-->
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s_they_will_not_be_able_to_request">Noraidīt pieprasījumu no \"%1$s\"? Viņi vairs nevarēs lūgt pievienoties caur grupas saiti.</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_add">Pievienot</string>
<string name="RequestConfirmationDialog_deny">Atteikt pievienot</string>
@ -2929,6 +2930,7 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_s_will_be_able_to_edit_group">%1$s varēs rediģēt šo grupu un tās dalībniekus</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_remove_s_from_the_group">Vai dzēst %1$s no šīs grupas?</string>
<!--Dialog message shown when removing someone from a group with group link being active to indicate they will not be able to rejoin-->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_remove_s_from_the_group_they_will_not_be_able_to_rejoin">Noņemt %1$s no šīs grupas? Viņi vairs nevarēs pievienoties grupai caur grupas saiti.</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_remove">Noņemt/Izņemt</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_copied_to_clipboard">Iekopēts starpenē</string>
<string name="GroupRecipientListItem_admin">Administrators</string>
@ -3021,6 +3023,7 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<!--Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_account">Dzēš kontu…</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is canceling their subscription-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__canceling_your_subscription">Atceļu jūsu abonementu…</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving groups-->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__depending_on_the_number_of_groups">Atkarībā no grupu skaita, kurās jūs esat, tas var aizņemt dažas minūtes</string>
<!--Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups-->
@ -3568,6 +3571,7 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__my_support">Mans atbalsts</string>
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__manage_subscription">Pārvaldīt abonementu</string>
<!--Label for Tax Receipts button-->
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__tax_receipts">Nodokļu kvītis</string>
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__badges">Nozīmītes</string>
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__subscription_faq">Abonementu BUJ</string>
<string name="ManageDonationsFragment__error_getting_subscription">Kļūda saņemot abonementu.</string>
@ -3796,19 +3800,27 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<!--Donation receipts all tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__all">Visi</string>
<!--Donation receipts recurring tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__recurring">Regulārs</string>
<!--Donation receipts one time tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__one_time">Vienreiz</string>
<!--Donation receipts boost row label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__boost">Atbalsts</string>
<!--Donation receipts details title-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__details">Sīkāki dati / Rekvizīti</string>
<!--Donation receipts donation type heading-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__donation_type">Ziedojuma tips</string>
<!--Donation receipts date paid heading-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__date_paid">Samaksas datums</string>
<!--Donation receipts share PNG-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__share_receipt">Kopīgot kvīti</string>
<!--Donation receipts list end note-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__if_you_have">Ja jūs esat pārinstalējis Signal, kvītis no iepriekš veiktajiem ziedojumiem nebūs pieejamas.</string>
<!--Donation receipts document title-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__donation_receipt">Ziedojuma kvīts</string>
<!--Donation receipts amount title-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__amount">Apjoms</string>
<!--Donation receipts thanks-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__thank_you_for_supporting">Pateicamies, ka atbalstāt Signal. Jūsu devums palīdz īstenot misiju, kas paredz atvērtā pirmkoda privātuma tehnoloģiju izstrādi, kas aizsargā brīvo izteiksmi un padara iespējamu drošu globālo komunikāciju starp miljoniem visā pasaulē. Ja jūs esat Amerikas Savienoto valstu iedzīvotājs, lūdzu, saglabājiet šo kvīti nodokļu ierakstiem. Signal Technology Foundation ir no nodokļiem atbrīvota bezpeļnas organizācija Amerikas Savienotajās valstīs pēc 501c3 sadaļas Iekšējo ieņēmumu likumā. Mūsu federālais nodokļu ID ir 82-4506840.</string>
<!--Donation receipt type-->
<string name="DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__s_dash_s">%1$s - %2$s</string>
<!--region "Stories Tab"-->
@ -3823,6 +3835,7 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<!--Subtitle for "My Stories" row item when user has not added stories-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__add_a_story">Pievienot stāstu</string>
<!--Displayed when there are no stories to display-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__no_recent_updates">Nav jaunumu, kurus šobrīd parādīt.</string>
<!--Context menu option to hide a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__hide_story">Paslēpt stāstu</string>
<!--Context menu option to unhide a story-->
@ -3832,6 +3845,7 @@ Saņemts nederīgas protokola versijas atslēgas apmaiņas ziņojums.
<!--Context menu option to share a story-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__share">Kopīgot…</string>
<!--Context menu option to go to story chat-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__go_to_chat">Doties uz sarunu</string>
<!--Label when a story is pending sending-->
<string name="StoriesLandingItem__sending">Sūta…</string>
<!--Label when a story fails to send-->

View file

@ -425,7 +425,9 @@
<!--Couldn\'t find the selected backup-->
<string name="RestoreBackupFragment__backup_not_found">Резервната копија не е пронајдена.</string>
<!--Couldn\'t read the selected backup-->
<string name="RestoreBackupFragment__backup_could_not_be_read">Резервната копија не може да се прочита.</string>
<!--Backup has an unsupported file extension-->
<string name="RestoreBackupFragment__backup_has_a_bad_extension">Резервната копија има погрешна екстензија.</string>
<string name="BackupsPreferenceFragment__chat_backups">Резервни копии на разговори</string>
<string name="BackupsPreferenceFragment__backups_are_encrypted_with_a_passphrase">Резервните копии се шифрираат со лозинка и се складираат на Вашиот уред.</string>
@ -1960,6 +1962,7 @@
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Прочитано од</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__not_sent">Не е испратено на</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__viewed">Видено од</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__skipped">Прескокнато</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient__failed_to_send">Неуспешно испраќање</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient__new_safety_number">Нов сигурносен број</string>
@ -3689,6 +3692,7 @@
<!--Donation receipts all tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__all">Сите</string>
<!--Donation receipts recurring tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__recurring">Повторливи</string>
<!--Donation receipts one time tab label-->
<string name="DonationReceiptListFragment__one_time">Еднаш</string>
<!--Donation receipts boost row label-->
@ -3745,10 +3749,12 @@
<!--Displayed in Snackbar after story is hidden-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__story_hidden">Приказната е скриена</string>
<!--Section header for hidden stories-->
<string name="StoriesLandingFragment__hidden_stories">Скриени приказни</string>
<!--Displayed on each sent story under My Stories-->
<!--Forward story label, displayed in My Stories context menu-->
<string name="MyStories_forward">Препрати</string>
<!--Label for stories for a single user. Format is {given name}\'s Story-->
<string name="MyStories__ss_story">Приказна на %1$s</string>
<!--Title of dialog to confirm deletion of story-->
<string name="MyStories__delete_story">Да се избрише приказната?</string>
<!--Message of dialog to confirm deletion of story-->
@ -3787,6 +3793,7 @@
<!--Story settings page title-->
<string name="StorySettingsFragment__story_settings">Поставувања за приказна</string>
<!--Story settings private stories heading-->
<string name="StorySettingsFragment__private_stories">Приватни приказни</string>
<!--Option label for creating a new private story-->
<string name="StorySettingsFragment__new_private_story">Нова приватна приказна</string>
<!--Page title for My Story options-->
@ -3811,7 +3818,9 @@
<!--Signal connections linked text that opens the Signal Connections sheet-->
<string name="MyStorySettingsFragment__signal_connections">Signal врски.</string>
<!--Displayed at the top of the signal connections sheet. Please remember to insert strong tag as required.-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__signal_connections_are_people"><strong>Signal врски</strong> се луѓе на кои сте избрале да им верувате, затоа што:</string>
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 1-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__starting_a_conversation">Започнувам разговор</string>
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 2-->
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 3-->
<!--Note at the bottom of the Signal connections sheet-->
@ -3840,6 +3849,7 @@
<!--Displayed in text post creator when prompting user to enter text-->
<string name="TextStoryPostTextEntryFragment__add_text">Додај текст</string>
<!--Content description for \'done\' button when adding text to a story post-->
<string name="TextStoryPostTextEntryFragment__done_adding_text">Заврши додавањето на текст</string>
<!--Text label for media selection toggle-->
<string name="MediaSelectionActivity__text">Текст</string>
<!--Camera label for media selection toggle-->
@ -3866,6 +3876,7 @@
<string name="CreateStoryViewerSelectionFragment__next">Следно</string>
<!--New story viewer selection screen title as recipients are selected-->
<!--Name story screen title-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__name_story">Именувај ја приказната</string>
<!--Name story screen label hint-->
<string name="CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__story_name_required">Име на приказна (задолжително)</string>
<!--Name story screen viewers subheading-->
@ -3914,6 +3925,7 @@
<string name="TurnOffCircumventionMegaphone_turn_off">Исклучи</string>
<!--Conversation Item label for reactions to a story-->
<!--Conversation Item label for reactions to an unavailable story-->
<string name="ConversationItem__reacted_to_a_story">Реагираше на приказна</string>
<!--Content description for expand contacts chevron-->
<string name="ExpandModel__view_more">Види повеќе</string>

View file

@ -3857,9 +3857,9 @@ In groepen zullen jouw berichten niet zichtbaar zijn voor personen die je hebt g
<!--Displayed at the top of the signal connections sheet. Please remember to insert strong tag as required.-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__signal_connections_are_people"><strong>Signal-kennissen</strong> zijn personen van wie je in het verleden aangaf ze te vertrouwen. Dat deed je door:</string>
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 1-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__starting_a_conversation">Zelf een gesprek met hem of haar te beginnen</string>
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__starting_a_conversation">Zelf een één-op-één gesprek met hem of haar te beginnen</string>
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 2-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__accepting_a_message_request">Een gesprekverzoek van hem of haar te accepteren</string>
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__accepting_a_message_request">Een één-op-één-gespreksverzoek van hem of haar te accepteren</string>
<!--Signal connections sheet bullet point 3-->
<string name="SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__having_them_in_your_system_contacts">Hem of haar in je systeemcontactenlijst te hebben staan</string>
<!--Note at the bottom of the Signal connections sheet-->

View file

@ -1848,9 +1848,9 @@
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_media_delete_confirmation_title">Delete message?</string>
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_media_delete_confirmation_message">This will permanently delete this message.</string>
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_s_to_s">%1$s to %2$s</string>
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media send by you to another recipient (allows changing of 'You' based on context) -->
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media send by you to another recipient (allows changing of \'You\' based on context) -->
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_you_to_s">You to %1$s</string>
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media sent by another recipient to you (allows changing of 'You' based on context) -->
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media sent by another recipient to you (allows changing of \'You\' based on context) -->
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_s_to_you">%1$s to you</string>
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_media_no_longer_available">Media no longer available.</string>
<string name="MediaPreviewActivity_cant_find_an_app_able_to_share_this_media">Can\'t find an app able to share this media.</string>

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ext.service_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.cdn2_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.cds_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.kbs_ips='new String[]{""}'