Updated language translations.

This commit is contained in:
Nicholas 2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
parent 0a00413228
commit 41126ba913
65 changed files with 1295 additions and 1295 deletions

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Iets het verkeerd geloop met jou gebruikernaam, dit is nie meer aan jou rekening toegewys nie. Jy kan probeer om dit weer op te stel of \'n nuwe een kies.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Stel nou reg</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Stuur SMS-kode</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-registrasie - Hulp nodig met registreer van PIN vir Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Jou PIN is \'n %1$d+-syferkode wat jy geskep het wat numeries of alfanumeries kan wees.\n\nAs jy nie jou PIN kan onthou nie, kan jy \'n nuwe een skep.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">As jy nie jou PIN kan onthou nie, kan jy \'n nuwe een skep.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Jy het jou PIN-raaiskote opgebruik, maar jy kan steeds toegang tot jou Signal-rekening verkry deur \'n nuwe PIN te skep.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Waarskuwing</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benodig kontakte- en mediatoestemmings om jou te help om met vriende te verbind. Jou kontakte word opgelaai deur middel van Signal se privaatkontak-ontdekking, wat beteken dat hulle end-tot-end geënkripteer is en nooit vir die Signal-diens sigbaar is nie.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Jy het te veel keer probeer om hierdie nommer te registreer. Probeer gerus later weer.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Jy het te veel keer probeer om hierdie nommer te registreer. Probeer asseblief weer oor %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Kan nie aan diens koppel nie. Kontroleer netwerkverbinding en probeer weer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Niestandaard-nommerformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Die nommer wat jy ingesleutel het (%1$s), lyk of dit in \'n niestandaard-formaat is. \n\nHet jy %2$s bedoel?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Oproep versoek</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS aangevra</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verifiëringskode aangevra</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Jy moet nog net %1$d stap doen voor jy n ontfoutlog indien.</item>
<item quantity="other">Jy moet nog net %1$d stappe doen voor jy n ontfoutlog indien.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Bevestigingskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur kode weer</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Probleme met registrasie?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">• Maak seker dat jou foon \'n selsein het om jou SMS of oproep te ontvang\n • Bevestig dat jy \'n foonoproep na die nommer kan ontvang\n • Kontroleer dat jy jou foonnommer korrek ingesleutel het.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Vir meer inligting, volg asseblief hierdie foutopsporingstappe of kontak Steundiens</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">hierdie foutopsporingstappe</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontak steundiens</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontak Steundiens</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Skakel registrasieslot aan?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Voer jou PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Voer die PIN in wat jy vir jou rekening geskep het. Dit is anders as jou SMS-verifikasiekode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Sleutel die PIN in wat jy vir jou rekening geskep het.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Voer alfanumeriese PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Voer numeriese PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN verkeerd. Probeer weer.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel my (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Stuur weer Kode (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Signal-steundiens</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrasie - verifikasiekode vir Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Verkeerde kode</string>
@ -3718,14 +3718,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Die skrap van jou rekening sal:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Voer jou foonnommer in</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Skrap rekening</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Skrap jou rekeninginligting en profielprent</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Skrap al jou boodskappe</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Jou rekeninginligting en profielfoto skrap</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Al jou boodskappe skrap</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Skrap %1$s in jou betalingsrekening</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Geen landkode aangedui nie</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Geen nommer aangedui nie</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Die foonnommer wat jy ingevoer het stem nie met dié van jou rekening ooreen nie.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Is jy seker jy wil jou rekening skrap?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Dit sal jou Signal-rekening skrap en die toepassing terugstel. Die toep sal toemaak nadat die proses voltooi is.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Dit sal jou Signal-rekening skrap en die toepassing terugstel. Die toepassing sal toemaak nadat die proses voltooi is.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Kon nie lokale data skrap nie. Jy kan dit handmatig in die stelsel-toepassingsinstellings skrap.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Lanseer toepassingsinstellings</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -1113,9 +1113,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">حدثت مشكلة مع اسم المستخدم الخاص بك ولم يعد مخصصًا لحسابك. يمكنك محاولة تعيينه من جديد أو اختيار اسم مستخدم جديد.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">إصلاح الآن</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1852,15 +1852,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">أرسل رسالة قصيرة</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">التسجيل في Signal - بحاجة إلى مساعدة مع الرقم التعريفي الشخصي في أندرويد</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">إنَّ الـPIN الخاص بك عِبارة عَن رمز مكون من %1$d+ خانات أو أكثر والتي يُمكن أن تكون إما أرقامًا أو حُروفًا.\n\nإذا لم تستطع تَذكُر الـPIN الخاص بك، يمكنك إنشاء رقم جديد.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">إذا لم تستطع تَذكُر الـPIN الخاص بك، يمكنك إنشاء رقم جديد.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">لم تعد تتوفر على تخمينات الرقم التعريفي الشخصي، لكن يمكنك الوصول إلى حساب Signal الخاص بك عبر إنشاء رقم جديد.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">تحذير</string>
@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">يحتاج Signal إلى أذونات جهات الاتصال للمساعدة في التواصل مع أصدقائك. يتم تحميل جهات اتصالك باستخدام نظام اكتشاف جهة الاتصال الخاص في Signal، مما يعني أنها مشفرة من الطرفين وغير مرئية على الإطلاق لخدمة Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">لقد قمت بمحاولات كثيرة للتسجيل بهذا الرقم. الرجاء المحاولة لاحقاً.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">لقد قمت بمحاولات كثيرة للتسجيل بهذا الرقم. يُرجى المحاولة لاحقاً %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">لا يمكن الاتصال بالخدمة. الرجاء التأكد من الإتصال بالشبكة والمحاولة مرة أخرى.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">نسق العدد غير المعياري</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">‫يظهر أن العدد الذي قمت بإدخاله (%1$s) ليس بالنسق المعياري.\n\nأ قصدك هو %2$s ؟</string>
@ -2079,9 +2079,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">طُلبَت مكالمة</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">تم طلب رسالة قصيرة</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">تم طلب رقم التحقق</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="zero">أنت الآن على بعد %1$d خطوة من إرسال سجل التصحيح.</item>
<item quantity="one">أنت الآن على بعد %1$d خطوة من إرسال سجل التصحيح.</item>
@ -2106,13 +2106,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">رمز التحقق</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">أعِد إرسال الرمز</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">هل تواجه مشكلة في التسجيل؟</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">تأكد من أن هاتفك يتوفر على إشارة خلوية للتوصل بالرسالة القصيرة أو الاتصال\n • قم بتأكيد إمكانية استقبالك اتصال على الرقم\n • تحقق من أنك أدخلت رقم هاتفك بشكل صحيح.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">لِمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى اتباع خطوات المُساعفة هذه أو الاتصال بالدعم</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">خطوات المُساعفة هذه</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">الاتصال بالدعم</string>
@ -3691,7 +3691,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">عليك بإدخال الرقم التعريفي الشخصي الذي قمت بإنشائه لحسابك. إنه مختلف عن رمز التحقق الذي وصلك عبر رسالة قصيرة.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">أدخل رقم التعريف الشخصي الذي أنشأته لحسابك.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي بالأحرف والأرقام</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي بالأرقام</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">الرقم التعريفي الشخصي غير صحيح. يرجى إعادة المحاولة.</string>
@ -3818,7 +3818,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">اتصل بي (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">إعادة إرسال الرمز (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">الاتصال بخدمة دعم Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">تسجيل Signal - رمز التّحقق لِ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">رمز غير صحيح</string>
@ -4095,7 +4095,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">شبكة Wi-Fi ضعيفة. تم التبديل إلى شبكة خلوية.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">سيؤدي حذف حسابك إلى :</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">سيؤدي حذف حسابك إلى:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">يُرجى إدخال رقم هاتفك</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">حذف الحساب</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">حذف معلومات حسابك وصورة حسابك الشخصي</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">İstifadəçi adınızla bağlı xəta yarandı, o artıq hesabınıza təyin edilməyib. Onu yenidən quraşdırmağa cəhd edin və ya yenisini seçin.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">İndi düzəlt</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS kodu göndər</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Qeydiyyatı - Android üçün PIN kodla bağlı kömək lazımdır</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN kodunuz yaratdığınız ədədi və ya alfa nömrəli ola bilən %1$d+ rəqəmli koddur.\n\nPIN kodunuzu xatırlamırsınızsa, yenisini yarada bilərsiniz.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PIN kodunuzu xatırlamırsınızsa, yenisini yarada bilərsiniz.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN kod təxminləriniz tükəndi, lakin siz hələ də yeni PIN kod yaradaraq Signal hesabınıza daxil ola bilərsiniz.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Xəbərdarlıq</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal-ın dostlarınızla bağlantı qurmağınıza kömək etməsi üçün əlaqələr və media icazələrinə ehtiyacı var. Əlaqələriniz Signal-ın özəl əlaqə kəşfi istifadə edilərək yüklənir, bu da o deməkdir ki, əlaqələriniz bir ucdan digərinə qədər şifrələnir və heç vaxt Signal xidməti tərəfindən görüntülənə bilmir.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bu nömrəni qeydiyyatdan keçirmək üçün həddindən çox cəhd etdiniz. Zəhmət olmasa daha sonra yenidən sınayın.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Bu nömrəni qeydiyyatdan keçirmək üçün həddindən çox cəhd etdiniz. %1$s dəqiqə sonra yenidən cəhd edin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Xidmətlə bağlantı qurula bilmir. Zəhmət olmasa şəbəkə bağlantınızı yoxlayıb yenidən sınayın.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Standart olmayan nömrə formatı</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Daxil etdiyiniz nömrə (%1$s) standartlara cavab vermir.\n\nBunu nəzərdə tuturdunuz: %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zəng tələb olundu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS tələb olunur</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Təsdiqləmə kodu tələb olunur</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Xətanın aradan qaldırılması üçün sorğunu daxil etmək üçün %1$d cəmi addım qaldı.</item>
<item quantity="other">Bir sazlama jurnalını göndərməyinizə %1$d addım qaldı.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Təsdiqləmə kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu yenidən göndər</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Qeydiyyatdan keçməkdə çətinlik çəkirsiniz?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS qəbulu və ya zəng etmək üçün telefonunuzda mobil siqnalın aktivliyindən əmin olun \n • Nömrəyə telefon zəngi qəbul edə biləcəyinizi təsdiqləyin\n• Telefon nömrənizi düzgün daxil edib-etmədiyinizi yoxlayın.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Əlavə məlumat üçün problemlərin aradan qaldırılması ilə əlaqəli bu addımları yerinə yetirin və ya Dəstək xidmətimizlə əlaqə saxlayın</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">buradakı nasazlıqların aradan qaldırılması addımları</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Dəstək ilə əlaqə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Dəstək xidməti ilə əlaqə</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Qeydiyyat Kilidi işə salınsın?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN-inizi daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Hesabınız üçün yaratdığınız PIN-i daxil edin. Bu, SMS təsdiqləmə kodundan fərqlidir.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Hesabınız üçün yaratdığınız PIN kodu daxil edin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alfa nömrəli PIN daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Rəqəmli PIN yazın</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Yanlış PIN. Yenidən sınayın.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Mənə zəng et (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) ərzində kodu yenidən göndər</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Dəstək komandası ilə əlaqə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Qeydiyyatı - Android üçün Təsdiqləmə Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Yanlış kod</string>
@ -3718,8 +3718,8 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Hesabınızı silsəniz, aşağıdakılar da silinəcək:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Telefon nömrənizi daxil edin</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Hesabı sil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Hesab məlumatlarınız və profil fotonuz silinəcək</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Bütün mesajlarınız silinəcək</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Hesab məlumatlarınız və profil fotonuzu silin</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Bütün mesajlarınızı silin</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s ödənişlər hesabınızdan silinəcək</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Heç bir ölkə kodu göstərilməyib</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Heç bir nömrə göstərilməyib</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Нещо се обърка с вашето потребителско име, то вече не е свързано с акаунта ви. Можете да опитате да го зададете отново или да си изберете друго.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Коригиране сега</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Изпращане на код чрез SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Регистрация за Signal - Необходима помощ с пререгистриране на ПИН за Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Вашият ПИН е създаден от вас код с %1$d+ цифри, който може да съдържа само цифри или цифри и букви.\n\nАко не си спомняте своя ПИН, можете да си създадете нов.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ако не си спомняте своя ПИН, можете да си създадете нов.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Нямате повече опити за познаване на ПИН кода, но все пак можете да отворите своя акаунт в Signal, като си създадете нов ПИН.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Внимание</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal се нуждае от разрешението за контакти, за да ви помага да се свързвате с приятели. Контактите ви се качват чрез откриването на частни контакти на Signal, което означава, че са криптирани от край до край и никога не се виждат от услугата Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Направихте прекалено много опити за регистриране на този номер. Моля, опитайте отново по-късно.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Направихте прекалено много опити за регистриране на този номер. Моля, опитайте отново след %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Неуспешно свързване с услугата. Моля, проверете мрежовата връзка и опитайте отново.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартен формат на номера</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Въведеният от вас номер (%1$s) изглежда е в нестандартен формат.\n\nДа нямате предвид %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Поискано повикване</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Поискан е SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Поискан е код за потвърждение</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Сега сте %1$d стъпка от изпращането на дебъг лога.</item>
<item quantity="other">Сега сте на %1$d стъпки от изпращането на дебъг лог.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потвърждение</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Изпращане на нов код</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Имате затруднения с регистрирането?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Уверете се, че телефонът ви има обхват, за да получите SMS или обаждане\n • Потвърдете, че можете да получавате телефонни обаждания до номера\n • Проверете дали сте въвели телефонния си номер правилно.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">За повече информация, следвайте тези стъпки за отстраняване на неизправности или се свържете с поддръжката ни</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">тези стъпки за отстраняване на неизправности</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Връзка с отдела за поддръжка</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Въведете своя ПИН</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Въведете ПИН кода, който сте създали за своя акаунт. Той е различен от кода за потвърждение през SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Въведете ПИН кода, който сте създали за акаунта си.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Въведете ПИН от букви и цифри</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Въведете ПИН от цифри</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Грешен ПИН. Опитайте отново.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Обадете ми се (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Повторно изпращане на кода (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Връзка с поддръжката на Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация за Signal - Код за потвърждение за Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Некоректен код</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Слаба Wi-Fi мрежа. Превключено е към мобилни данни.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Изтриването на профила Ви ще:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Изтриването на акаунта ви ще доведе до:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Въведете телефонния си номер</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Изтриване на акаунт</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Изтриване на информацията за профила ви и снимката ви</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Изтриване на всички съобщения</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Изтриване на информацията за акаунта и профилната ви снимка</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Изтриване на всички ваши съобщения</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Изтриване на %1$s от вашия акаунт за плащания</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Не е избран код на държава</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Не е посочен номер</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">আপনার \'ব্যবহারকারীর নাম\' নিয়ে কিছু একটা সমস্যা হয়েছে, এটি আর আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য বরাদ্দ করা নেই। আপনি আবার চেষ্টা করে এটি সেট করতে পারেন বা নতুন একটি বেছে নিতে পারেন।</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">এখনই ঠিক করুন</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">এসএমএস কোড পাঠান</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal রেজিস্ট্রেশন - অ্যান্ড্রয়েডের জন্য পিন পুনরায় রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে সহায়তা প্রয়োজন</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">আপনার পিন হলো আপনারই তৈরি একটি %1$d+ সংখ্যার কোড যা সংখ্যা বা আলফানিউমেরিক হতে পারে।\n\nআপনি যদি আপনার পিন মনে রাখতে না পারেন তবে আপনি একটি নতুন পিন তৈরি করতে পারেন।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">আপনি যদি আপনার পিন মনে রাখতে না পারেন তবে আপনি একটি নতুন পিন তৈরি করতে পারেন।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">আপনার পিন অনুমান করার সুযোগ শেষ হয়ে গেছে, তবে আপনি এখনো একটি নতুন পিন তৈরি করে আপনার Signal অ্যাকাউন্টে অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারবেন।</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">সতর্কতা</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">আপনাকে বন্ধুদের সাথে সংযোগ করতে সাহায্য করার জন্য সিগন্যালের পরিচিতির অনুমতির প্রয়োজন হয়। আপনার পরিচিতিগুলি সিগন্যালের ব্যক্তিগত পরিচিতি আবিষ্কার ব্যবহার করে আপলোড করা হয়, যার মানে সেগুলি এন্ড-টু-এন্ড এনক্রিপ্ট করা এবং সিগন্যাল পরিষেবাতে কখনই দৃশ্যমান নয়।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">আপনি এই নম্বরটি নিবন্ধন করার জন্য অনেকবার চেষ্টা করেছেন। দয়া করে পরে আবার চেষ্টা করুন।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">আপনি এই নম্বরটি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করার জন্য ইতোমধ্যে অনেকবার চেষ্টা করে ফেলেছেন। অনুগ্রহ করে %1$s মিনিটের মধ্যে আবার চেষ্টা করুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">পরিষেবাতে সংযোগ করতে অক্ষম। নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগ পরীক্ষা করুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">নন-স্ট্যান্ডার্ড নম্বর বিন্যাস</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">আপনি যে নম্বরটি প্রবেশ করেছেন (%1$s) সেটি একটি অ-মানক বিন্যাস বলে মনে হচ্ছে।\n\nআপনি কি %2$s বলতে চান?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">কল অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">এসএমএস-এর মাধ্যমে অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">যাচাইকরণ কোড-এর মাধ্যমে অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">আপনি এখন একটি ডিবাগ লগ জমা দেওয়ার থেকে %1$d পদক্ষেপ দূরে।</item>
<item quantity="other">আপনি এখন একটি ডিবাগ লগ জমা দেওয়ার থেকে %1$d পদক্ষেপ দূরে।</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">কোডটি আবারো পাঠান</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে সমস্যা হচ্ছে?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনার ফোনে আপনার এসএমএস বা কল পাওয়ার জন্য একটি সেলুলার সিগন্যাল রয়েছে\n • নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনি আপনার নম্বরে একটি ফোন কল পেতে পারেন\n • আপনি আপনার ফোন নম্বর সঠিকভাবে লিখেছেন কি না তা যাচাই করুন।</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">আরো তথ্যের জন্য, অনুগ্রহ করে সমস্যা সমাধানের এই ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করুন বা সহায়তা কেন্দ্রের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">সমস্যা সমাধানের এই ধাপগুলো</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">সহায়তা যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">সহায়তা কেন্দ্রে যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">রেজিস্ট্রেশন লক চালু করবেন?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">পেন্ডিং</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">একে পাঠানো হয়েছে</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">পাঠানো হয়েছে</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">এর থেকে পাঠানো হয়েছে</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">যাকে পাঠানো হয়েছে</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">যিনি পড়েছেন</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">আপনার পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">আপনি নিজের অ্যাকাউন্ট এর জন্য তৈরি করা পিনটি প্রবেশ করুন। এটি আপনার এসএমএস যাচাইকরণ কোড থেকে ভিন্ন।</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য তৈরি করা পিনটি লিখুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">বর্ণানুক্রমিক পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">সংখ্যার পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ভুল পিন। আবার চেষ্টা করুন|</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">আমাকে কল করুন (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">কোডটি আবারো পাঠান (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal সহায়তায় যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal নিবন্ধন - অ্যানড্রয়েড এর জন্য যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ভুল কোড</string>
@ -3719,13 +3719,13 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">আপনার ফোন নম্বর লিখুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের তথ্য এবং প্রোফাইলের ছবি মুছে ফেলুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">আপনার সকল বার্তা মুছে ফেলুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">আপনার সকল ম্যাসেজ মুছে ফেলুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">আপনার পেমেন্ট অ্যাকাউন্টের %1$s মুছুন</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">কোনও দেশের কোড নির্দিষ্ট করা নেই</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">কোনও নম্বর নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়নি</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">আপনি যে ফোন নম্বরটি লিখেছেন তা আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের সাথে মেলে না।</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">আপনি আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলার ব্যাপারে নিশ্চিত?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">এটি আপনার Signal অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলবে এবং অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি রিসেট করবে। প্রক্রিয়াটি শেষ হওয়ার পর অ্যাপটি বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে।</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">এটি আপনার Signal অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলবে এবং অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি রিসেট করবে। প্রক্রিয়াটি শেষ হওয়ার পর অ্যাপটি বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে।</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">স্থানীয় তথ্য মুছতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে। আপনি এটিকে ম্যানুয়ালি সিস্টেম অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সেটিংস থেকে পরিষ্কার করতে পারবেন।</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সেটিংস চালু করুন</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">স্টোরি যোগ করুন</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">একটি বার্তা যোগ করুন</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">একটি জবাব যোগ করুন</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">্রেরণ করু</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">াঠা</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">একবার বার্তা দেখুন</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">এক বা একাধিক আইটেম খুব বড় ছিল৷</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">এক বা একাধিক আইটেম বাতিল ছিল</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">ডোনেশন নিশ্চিত করুন</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">্রেরণ করু</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">াঠা</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">প্রাপককে সরাসরি ম্যাসেজ পাঠানোর মাধ্যমে ডোনেশন সম্পর্কে জানানো হবে। নিচে আপনার নিজের ম্যাসেজ যোগ করুন।</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Nešto nije u redu s vašim korisničkim imenom, više nije dodijeljeno vašem računu. Možete ga pokušati ponovo postaviti ili odabrati novo.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Popravi sada</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Pošaljite SMS kȏd</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal registracija - Potrebna vam je pomoć s ponovnom registracijom PIN-a za Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Vaš PIN je kȏd od %1$d+ znamenki koji ste kreirali i koji može biti numerički ili alfanumerički.\n\nAko se ne možete sjetiti PIN-a, možete kreirati novi.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ako se ne možete sjetiti PIN-a, možete kreirati novi.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Nemate više pokušaja pogađanja PIN-a, ali još uvijek možete pristupiti svom Signal računu kreiranjem novog PIN-a.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Upozorenje</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalu je potrebno dopuštenje da pristupi kontaktima kako bi Vam pomogao u povezivanju s prijateljima. Vaši su kontakti preneseni na Signal server putem Signalovog privatnog uvezivanja kontakata, što znači da su šifrirani s kraja na kraj i nisu nikada vidljivi Signal servisu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Pokušali ste previše puta registrovati ovaj broj. Molimo pokušajte ponovo kasnije.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Previše puta ste pokušali registrirati ovaj broj. Pokušajte ponovo za %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezivanje nije uspjelo. Molimo provjerite internet-konekciju i pokušajte ponovo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni oblik broja</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Broj koji ste unijeli (%1$s) izgleda nije standardnog oblika.\n\nJeste li mislili na %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zahtijevan poziv</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS je zatražen</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Zatražen je verifikacijski kȏd</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Preostao vam je %1$d korak da pošaljete izvještaj o greškama.</item>
<item quantity="few">Preostala su vam %1$d koraka da pošaljete izvještaj o greškama.</item>
@ -1964,13 +1964,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno pošalji kod</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Imate problema s registracijom?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Provjerite ima li vaš telefon mobilni signal za primanje SMS-a ili poziva \n • Potvrdite da možete primiti telefonski poziv na broj \n • Proverite jeste li ispravno unijeli broj telefona.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Za više informacija slijedite ove korake za rješavanje problema ili kontaktirajte podršku</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ove korake za rješavanje problema</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktirajte podršku</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Unesite svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Unesite PIN koji ste kreirali za svoj račun. PIN nije isto što i SMS kōd za verifikaciju.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Unesite PIN koji ste kreirali za svoj račun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Unesite alfanumerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Unesite numerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Netačan PIN. Pokušajte ponovo.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Pozovi me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Ponovo pošalji kȏd ( %1$02d : %2$02d )</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktirajte Signalovu podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal registracija potvrda kōda za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Pogrešan kôd</string>
@ -3915,7 +3915,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nije naveden broj</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Broj telefona koji ste unijeli ne podudara se s onim na Vašem računu.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati vaš račun?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ovo će izbrisati Vaš Signal račun i poništiti sve ranije postavke aplikacije. Kad se proces okonča, aplikacija će se zatvoriti.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ovo će izbrisati Vaš Signal račun i poništiti sve ranije postavke aplikacije. Kad se proces završi, aplikacija će se zatvoriti.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Neuspjelo brisanje lokalnih podataka. Možete ih ručno izbrisati kroz sistemska podešavanja aplikacija.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Pokreni podešavanja aplikacije</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">S\'ha produït un error amb el teu àlies, ja no està assignat al teu compte. Pots provar de configurar-lo de nou o triar-ne un de diferent.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Reparar-ho ara</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Enviar codi per SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registre a Signal - Ajuda per tornar a registrar-se amb el PIN a Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">El teu PIN és un codi creat per tu d\'almenys %1$d+ caràcters, i pot ser numèric o alfanumèric.\n\nSi no recordes el teu PIN, pots crear-ne un de nou.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Si no recordes el teu PIN, pots crear-ne un de nou.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">T\'has quedat sense intents per introduir el PIN, però encara pots accedir al teu compte de Signal creant un PIN nou.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advertiment</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">El Signal necessita el permís dels contactes per ajudar-vos a connectar-vos amb els amics. Els vostres contactes es carreguen mitjançant el descobriment de contactes privats del Signal, la qual cosa significa que estan encriptats d\'extrem a extrem i mai no són visibles per al servei de Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Heu fet massa intents per registrar aquest número. Si us plau, torneu-ho a provar més tard.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Has fet massa intents per registrar aquest número. Si us plau, torna-ho a provar en %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">No es pot connectar al servei. Si us plau, comproveu la connexió de xarxa i torneu-ho a provar.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format de número no estàndard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">El número que heu introduït (%1$s) sembla d\'un format no estàndard.\n\nVoleu dir %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Trucada sol·licitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS sol·licitat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Codi de verificació sol·licitat</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ara us queda %1$d pas per enviar un informe de depuració.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ara us queden %1$d passos per enviar un informe de depuració.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codi de verificació</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Torna a enviar el codi.</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Problemes per registrar-te?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Assegura\'t que el teu telèfon tingui senyal per rebre el teu SMS o trucada\n • Confirma que puguis rebre una trucada telefònica al número\n • Comprova que has introduït el teu número de telèfon correctament.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Per obtenir més informació, segueix aquests passos de resolució de problemes o posa\'t en contacte amb el servei d\'assistència</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">aquests passos de resolució de problemes</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contacteu amb l\'Assistència</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Posar-se en contacte amb el servei d\'assistència</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Voleu activar el bloqueig de registre?</string>
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Configuració avançada del PIN</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Missatges i trucades privades gratuïtes per als usuaris del Signal</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Envia un registre de depuració</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Suprimeix el compte</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Eliminar el compte</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">Compatibilitat «Trucada per WiFi»</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Activeu-ho si el dispositiu fa servir SMS / MMS per WiFi (feu-ho només si la «Trucada per WiFi» està activada al dispositiu)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Teclat d\'incògnit</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Marqueu el PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Marqueu el PIN que heu creat per al compte. Això és diferent del codi de verificació d\'SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Introdueix el PIN que has creat per al teu compte.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Escriviu un PIN alfanumèric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Marqueu un PIN numèric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecte. Torneu-ho a provar.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Truca\'m (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Torna a enviar el codi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacteu amb el suport de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registre del Signal - Codi de verificació per a Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Codi incorrecte</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">La connexió Wi-Fi és feble. S\'ha canviat a dades del telèfon.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Suprimir el compte comportarà el següent:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Eliminar el compte comportarà el següent:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Marqueu el número de telèfon.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Suprimeix el compte</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Suprimeix la informació del compte i la fotografia del perfil.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Suprimeix tots els missatges.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Eliminar el compte</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Eliminar la informació del compte i la fotografia del perfil.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Eliminar tots els missatges</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Suprimeix %1$s del compte de pagaments</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">No s\'ha especificat el codi del país.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">No s\'ha especificat el número.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">El número de telèfon marcat no coincideix amb el del compte.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Segur que vols suprimir el compte?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Això suprimirà el compte del Signal i restablirà l\'aplicació. L\'aplicació es tancarà quan acabi el procés.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Això eliminarà el compte del Signal i restablirà l\'aplicació. L\'aplicació es tancarà quan acabi el procés.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">No s\'han pogut suprimir les dades locals. Les podeu suprimir manualment des de la configuració del sistema.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Obre la configuració de l\'aplicació</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Afegeix-ho a la història</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Afegiu-hi un missatge</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Afegiu-hi una resposta</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Envia a</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Enviar a</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Mostra el missatge un cop</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Un o més elements eren massa grossos.</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Un o més elements no eren vàlids.</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Confirmar la donació</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Envia a</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Enviar a</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">El destinatari serà notificat de la donació en un missatge privat. Afegeix el teu missatge personalitzat a continuació.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Něco se pokazilo s vaším uživatelským jménem. Již není přiřazeno k vašemu účtu. Můžete ho zkusit nastavit znovu, nebo si zvolit nové.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Opravit hned</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Poslat SMS kód</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registrace Signal  Potřebuji pomoct s opětovnou registrací PIN pro Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN je vámi vytvořený nejméně %1$dmístný kód, který může být numerický nebo alfanumerický.\n\nPokud si svůj PIN nepamatujete, můžete si vytvořit nový.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Pokud si svůj PIN nepamatujete, můžete si vytvořit nový.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Došly vám pokusy na zadání PIN, ale přístup ke svému účtu Signal můžete stále získat tak, že si vytvoříte nový PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varování</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potřebuje oprávnění pro přístup ke kontaktům, abyste se mohli spojit s přáteli a posílat zprávy. Vaše kontakty jsou nahrávány pomocí soukromého zjišťování kontaktů služby Signal, což znamená, že jsou end-to-end šifrovány a pro Signal nejsou nikdy viditelné.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Učinili jste příliš mnoho pokusů zaregistrovat toto číslo. Zkuste to prosím znovu později.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Učinili jste příliš mnoho pokusů o registraci tohoto čísla. Zkuste to prosím znovu za %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nelze se připojit k službě. Prosím zkontrolujte připojení k internetu a poté to zkuste znovu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardní formát čísla</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Zadané číslo (%1$s) má zřejmě nestandardní formát.\n\nMysleli jste %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Vyžádané volání</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS vyžádána</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Ověřovací kód vyžádán</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Zbývá vám %1$d krok k odeslání ladícího logu.</item>
<item quantity="few">Zbývají vám %1$d kroky k odeslání ladícího logu.</item>
@ -1964,13 +1964,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Ověřovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu odeslat kód</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Máte potíže s registrací?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Ujistěte se, že váš telefon má signál, abyste mohli přijímat SMS nebo volání\n • Potvrďte, že můžete na tomto čísle přijímat telefonní hovory\n • Zkontrolujte, že jste své telefonní číslo zadali správně.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Další informace získáte podle těchto kroků pro řešení problémů, nebo kontaktujte podporu</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">kroků pro řešení problémů</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktovat podporu</string>
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Probíhá</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Odesláno pro</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Odesláno uživateli</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Odesláno od</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Doručeno</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Přečteno</string>
@ -3182,7 +3182,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Odeslaná platba</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Přijatá platba</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Platba dokončena %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Blokovat číslo</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Číslo bloku</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Převést</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Zadejte váš PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Zadejte PIN, který jste vytvořili pro váš účet. Je to jiný kód, než ten v ověřovací SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Zadejte PIN, který jste si vytvořili pro svůj účet.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Zadejte alfanumerický PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Zadejte číselný PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nesprávný PIN. Zkuste to znovu.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zavolejte mi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Znovu odeslat kód (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktujte podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrace Signal - ověřovací kód pro Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Špatný kód</string>
@ -3905,11 +3905,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Slabá wi-fi. Přepnuto na mobilní data.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Vymazání vašeho účtu způsobí:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Smazáním účtu:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Zadejte vaše tel. číslo</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Smazat účet</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Smazat informace o účtu a profilovou fotografii</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Odstranit všechny vaše zprávy</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">se odstraní informace o  vašem účtu a profilová fotografie</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">se odstraní všechny vaše zprávy</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Odstranit %1$s z vašeho platebního účtu</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Kód země nebyl zadán</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Číslo nebylo zadáno</string>
@ -4584,7 +4584,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Přidat do příběhu</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Přidat zprávu</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Přidat odpověď</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Odeslat</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Odeslat uživateli</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Zpráva pro jednorázové zobrazení</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Jeden nebo více souborů je moc velkých</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Jeden nebo více souborů je neplatných</string>
@ -5359,7 +5359,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Potvrdit příspěvek</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Odeslat</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Odeslat uživateli</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Příjemce bude o příspěvku informován v soukromé zprávě. Níže můžete přidat vlastní zprávu.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Noget gik galt med dit brugernavn, det er ikke længere tildelt din konto. Du kan prøve at indstille det igen eller vælge et nyt.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Få hjælp nu</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send sms-kode</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Tilmelding på Signal brug for hjælp til at genregistrere pinkoden på Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Din pinkode er en numerisk eller alfanumerisk kode på %1$d+ cifre, som du har oprettet.\n\nHvis du ikke kan huske din pinkode, kan du oprette en ny.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Hvis du ikke kan huske din pinkode, kan du oprette en ny.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Du har ikke flere gæt, men du kan stadig få adgang til din Signal-konto ved at oprette en ny pinkode.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advarsel</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal har brug for tilladelse til at tilgå kontakter for at du kan oprette forbindelse til venner. Dine kontakter uploades ved hjælp af Signals private kontaktopdagelse, hvilket betyder, at de er end-to-end-krypteret og aldrig synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du har foretaget for mange forsøg på at registrere dette nummer. Prøv igen senere.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Du har forsøgt at registrere dette nummer for mange gange. Prøv igen om %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ikke muligt at få forbindelse til service. Tjek venligst din netværksforbindelse og prøv igen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ikke-standardiseret nummerformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Det nummer du har indtastet (%1$s) ser ud til at være et ikke-standardiseret format.\n\nMente du %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anmodet om opkald</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Sms anmodet</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verifikationskode anmodet</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Du er nu kun %1$d trin fra at indsende en fejllog</item>
<item quantity="other">Du er nu kun %1$d trin fra at indsende en fejlsøgningslog.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gensend kode</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Problemer ved tilmelding?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Sørg for, at din telefon har forbindelse, så du kan modtage din sms eller dit opkald\n • Bekræft, at du kan modtage et opkald på nummeret\n • Tjek, at du har angivet dit telefonnummer korrekt.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Du kan få flere oplysninger ved at følge disse fejlfindingstrin eller kontakte support</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">disse fejlfindingstrin</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakt Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakt support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktiver registreringslås?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Indtast din pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Indtast den pinkode du oprettede til din konto. Den er forskellig fra din SMS-verifikationskode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Angiv den pinkode, du har oprettet til din konto.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Indtast alfanumerisk pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Indtast numerisk pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Forkert pinkode. Prøv igen.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring til mig (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Send kode igen (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrering - Verifikationskode for Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Forkert kode</string>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Intet nummer angivet</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Det indtastede telefonnummer matcher ikke med kontoen.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Er du sikker på, du vil slette din konto?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Dette vil slette din Signal-konto og nulstille applikationen. Appen vil lukke når processen er færdig.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Dette vil slette din Signal-konto og nulstille applikationen. Appen vil lukke, når processen er færdig.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Lokale data kunne ikke slettes. Du kan rydde det manuelt i systemets applikationsindstillinger.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Åbn appindstillinger</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Mit deinem Nutzernamen ist etwas schief gelaufen, er ist deinem Konto nicht mehr zugeordnet. Du kannst versuchen, ihn erneut einzugeben oder einen neuen zu wählen.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Jetzt beheben</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS-Code senden</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-Registrierung  ich benötige Hilfe bei der Neuregistrierung der PIN für Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Deine PIN ist ein von dir erstellter, numerischer oder alphanumerischer Code von mindestens %1$d Zeichen.\n\nWenn du dich nicht mehr an deine PIN erinnern kannst, kannst du eine neue erstellen.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Wenn du dich nicht mehr an deine PIN erinnern kannst, kannst du eine neue erstellen.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Die Anzahl der zu erratenden PINs ist erschöpft, aber du kannst immer noch auf dein Signal-Konto zugreifen, indem du eine neue PIN erstellst.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Warnung</string>
@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Stummschaltung aufheben</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Stummschalten</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Stumm­schalten</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__ring">Klingeln</string>
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benötigt die Berechtigung »Kontakte«, um dir das Kontaktieren deiner Freunde zu erleichtern. Deine Kontakte werden mittels Signals vertraulicher Kontaktfindung auf die Signal-Server hochgeladen. Das heißt, sie sind Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt und somit zu keiner Zeit dem Signal-Dienst bekannt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du hast zu oft versucht, diese Rufnummer zu registrieren. Bitte versuche es später erneut.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Du hast zu oft versucht, diese Nummer zu registrieren. Bitte versuche es erneut in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Keine Verbindung zum Dienst möglich. Bitte überprüfe deine Netzverbindung und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nicht standardisiertes Zahlenformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Die eingegebene Rufnummer (%1$s) scheint nicht im Standardformat zu sein.\n\nHast du %2$s gemeint?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anruf angefragt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS angefordert</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verifikationscode angefordert</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Nur noch %1$d Schritt, und du kannst ein Diagnoseprotokoll übermitteln.</item>
<item quantity="other">Nur noch %1$d Schritte, und du kannst ein Diagnoseprotokoll übermitteln.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationscode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Code erneut senden</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Probleme bei der Anmeldung?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Vergewissere dich, dass dein Mobiltelefon ein Mobilfunksignal hat, um deine SMS oder deinen Anruf zu empfangen\n • Bestätige, dass du unter dieser Rufnummer einen Anruf empfangen kannst\n • Überprüfe, ob du deine Rufnummer richtig eingegeben hast.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Für weitere Infos folge bitte diesen Schritten zur Fehlerbehebung oder kontaktiere den Support</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">diesen Schritten zur Fehlerbehebung</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Support kontaktieren</string>
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Erweiterte PIN-Einstellungen</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Kostenlos und verschlüsselt mit Signal-Nutzern Nachrichten austauschen und telefonieren</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Diagnoseprotokoll übermitteln</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Nutzerkonto löschen</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Dein Konto löschen</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">Kompatibilität WLAN-Telefonie</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Aktivieren, falls das Gerät SMS/MMS über WLAN nutzt (nur bei aktivierter WLAN-Telefonie)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Inkognito-Tastatur</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Gib die PIN ein, die du für dein Konto erstellt hast. Sie unterscheidet sich von deinem SMS-Verifikationscode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Gib die PIN ein, die du für dein Konto festgelegt hast.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alphanumerische PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Numerische PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Falsche PIN. Bitte versuche es erneut.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ruf mich an (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Code erneut senden (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal-Support kontaktieren</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-Registrierung Verifikationscode für Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Falscher Code</string>
@ -3715,9 +3715,9 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Schwaches WLAN-Signal. Zu mobile Daten gewechselt.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Das Löschen deines Nutzerkontos wird:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Das Löschen deines Kontos wird:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Gib deine Rufnummer ein</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Nutzerkonto löschen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Dein Konto löschen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Deine Kontodetails und dein Profilfoto löschen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Alle deine Nachrichten löschen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Lösche %1$s in deinem Zahlungskonto</string>
@ -4213,7 +4213,7 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__call">Anrufen</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Stummschalten</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Stumm­schalten</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">Stumm</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Ha habido un problema con tu alias, ya no está asignado a tu cuenta. Puedes intentar configurarlo de nuevo o elegir uno distinto.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Reparalo ahora</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Enviar código por SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registro en Signal - Ayuda para volver a registrarse con el PIN en Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Tu PIN es un código de %1$d+ caracteres creado por ti, que puede constar de dígitos o caracteres alfanuméricos.\n\nSi no puedes recordar tu PIN, puedes crear uno nuevo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Si no puedes recordar tu PIN, puedes crear uno nuevo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Se te han acabado los intentos para introducir tu PIN, pero aún puedes acceder a tu cuenta de Signal creando un nuevo PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advertencia</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita los permisos de acceso a tus contactos para chatear y contactar con tus amistades. Tu lista de contactos se cifra en tu teléfono y se trasmite al servicio de Signal para descubrir contactos. Como la lista está cifrada, ni Signal ni nadie tienen acceso.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Has hecho demasiados intentos para registrar este número. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Has hecho demasiados intentos para registrar este número. Inténtalo de nuevo en %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">No se puede conectar con el servidor. Por favor, comprueba la conexión de red e inténtalo de nuevo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Número en formato no estándar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">El número que has introducido (%1$s) parece usar un formato no estándar.\n\n ¿Es %2$s el correcto?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Llamada solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS solicitado</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Código de verificación solicitado</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Estás a %1$d paso de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
<item quantity="other">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Enviar código de nuevo</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">¿Tienes problemas para registrarte?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Asegúrate de que tu teléfono tenga señal para recibir tu SMS o llamada\n • Confirma que puedes recibir una llamada telefónica al número\n • Verifica que hayas ingresado tu número de teléfono correctamente.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Para más información, sigue estos pasos de resolución de problemas o ponte en contacto con el soporte técnico</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">estos pasos de resolución de problemas</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contactar con el soporte técnico</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introduce tu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introduce el PIN que has seleccionado al crear tu cuenta de Signal. El PIN es diferente al del SMS de verificación.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Introduce el PIN que creaste para tu cuenta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introduce PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introduce PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecto. Inténtalo de nuevo.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Llámame (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Volver a enviar código (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta con el Centro de Asistencia de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro de Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorrecto</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Sinu kasutajanimega seoses läks midagi valesti ja see ei ole enam sinu kontoga seotud. Saad proovida seda uuesti seadistada või valida uue.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Paranda</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Saada SMS-kood</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signalis registreerimine - vajan abi PIN-koodi Androidis uuesti registreerimiseks</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Sinu PIN-kood on sinu loodud %1$d+ märgist koosnev kood, mis võib sisaldada ainult numbreid või tähti ja numbreid.\n\nKui sa ei mäleta oma PIN-koodi, saad luua uue.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Kui sa ei mäleta oma PIN-koodi, saad luua uue.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Sinu PIN-koodi sisestamiste arv on täis, kuid kui uue PIN-koodi lood, pääsed endiselt oma Signali kontole ligi.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Hoiatus</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal vajab kontaktidega seotud luba, et võimaldada sul sõpradega ühenduda. Sinu kontaktid laetakse üles Signali privaatse kontaktituvastuse abil, mis tähendab, et need on lõpp-punkti krüpteeringuga ega ole Signali teenusele kunagi nähtavad.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Oled sooritanud liiga palju selle numbri registreerimise katseid. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Oled proovinud seda numbrit liiga palju kordi registreerida. Palun proovi uuesti %1$s pärast.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Teenusega ei saadud ühendust. Palun kontrolli võrguühendust ja proovi uuesti.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ebastandardne numbriformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Sisestatud number (%1$s) tundub olevat mittestandardses formaadis.\n\nKas mõtlesid hoopis %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Kõnepäring esitatud</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS tellitud</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Kinnituskood tellitud</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Sa oled silumislogi saatmisest %1$d sammu kaugusel.</item>
<item quantity="other">Sa oled silumislogi saatmisest %1$d sammu kaugusel.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kinnituskood</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saada kood uuesti</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Probleemid registreerimisega?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Veendu, et su telefonil on levi, et sõnumeid ja kõnesid vastu võtta\n • Kinnita, et saad sellel numbril kõnesid vastu võtta\n • Kontrolli, kas sisestasid telefoninumbri õigesti.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Täiendava teabe saamiseks ava need tõrkeotsingu juhised või võta ühendust kasutajatoega.</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">need tõrkeotsingu juhised</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Võta ühendust kasutajatoega</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Ootel</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Saajale</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Saaja</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Saatjalt</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Kohaletoimetatud saajale</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Loetud:</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Sisesta enda PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Sisesta PIN-kood, mille tegid enda konto jaoks. See erineb SMS-kontrollkoodist.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Sisesta PIN-kood, mille oled oma konto jaoks loonud.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Sisesta tähtnumbriline PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Sisesta numbriline PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Lubamatu PIN-kood. Proovi uuesti.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Helista mulle (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Saada kood uuesti (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Võta ühendust Signali kasutajatoega</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signali registreerimine - kinnituskood Androidile</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Sobimatu kood</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Nõrk Wi-Fi signaal. Lülitumine mobiilsele andmesidele.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Sinu konto kustutamine tähendab:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Sinu konto kustutamine tähendab järgmist:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Sisesta enda telefoninumber</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Kustuta konto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Kustuta enda konto info ja profiili foto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Kustuta kõik sinu sõnumid</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">kustutatakse sinu konto teave ja profiilifoto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">kustutakse kõik sinu sõnumid</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Kustuta %1$s oma maksete kontol</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Riigi kood määramata</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Number määramata</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Sinu sisestatud telefoninumber ei vasta konto telefoninumbrile.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Kas sa tõesti soovid enda kontot kustutada?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">See toiming kustutab Signali konto ja lähtestab rakenduse. Rakendus sulgub pärast protsessi lõpetamist.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">See toiming kustutab sinu Signali konto ja lähtestab rakenduse. Rakendus sulgub pärast protsessi lõpetamist.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Kohalike andmete kustutamine ei õnnestunud. Andmeid saab käsitsi kustutada süsteemi rakenduse sätetest.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Käivita rakenduse sätted</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Lisa loosse</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Lisa sõnum</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Lisa vastus</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Saaja</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Vali saaja</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Ühekordne sõnum</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Üks või mitu üksust olid liiga suured</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Üks või mitu üksust olid kehtetud</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Kinnita annetus</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Saaja</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Vali saaja</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Saajat teavitatakse annetusest privaatsõnumiga. Lisa allpool ka isiklik sõnum.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Zerbait gertatu da erabiltzaile-izenarekin, eta jada ez dago kontuari esleitua. Berriro konfiguratu, edo beste bat aukera dezakezu.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Konpondu orain</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Bidali SMS kodea</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-eko erregistroa: Laguntza behar dut Android-erako PINa berriro erregistratzeko</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PINa zeuk sortutako kode bat da, %1$d digitu baino gehiagokoa, eta zenbakizkoa nahiz alfanumerikoa izan daiteke.\n\nPINa gogoratzen ez baduzu, beste bat sor dezakezu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PINa gogoratzen ez baduzu, beste bat sor dezakezu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PINa idazteko saiakerak agortu zaizkizu, baina, beste PIN bat sortzen baduzu, oraindik ere Signal-eko kontuan sar zaitezke.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Markatutako zenbakia ez dago Signal-era erregistratuta. SMS bidez gonbidatu nahiko zenuke?</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Lagunekin konektatzeko, Signal-ek kontaktuak eta multimedia-edukia atzitzeko baimena behar du. Signal-en kontaktuak aurkitzeko aukera pribatuaren bidez kargatzen dira kontaktuak; hau da, muturretik muturrera enkriptatuta daude, eta Signal zerbitzuak ezin ditu ikusi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Zenbakia erregistratzeko saiakera gehiegi egin dituzu. Mesedez, saia zaitez beranduago.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Saiakera gehiegi egin dituzu zenbaki hau erregistratzeko. Saiatu berriro denbora hau igarotakoan: %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ezin da zerbitzura konektatu. Egiaztatu sarearen ezarpenak eta saiatu berriz.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Zenbaki-formatu ez-estandarra</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Idatzi duzun zenbakiak (%1$s) formatu ez-estandar bat du.\n\n%2$s esan nahi al zenuen?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Deia eskatu da</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMSa eskatu da</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Egiaztapen-kodea eskatu da</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Hurrats %1$d falta zaizu arazterko txosten bat bidaltzeko.</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hurrats falta zaizkizu arazterko txosten bat bidaltzeko.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Egiaztapen-kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Bidali kodea berriro</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Erregistratzeko arazoak dituzu?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Ziurtatu telefonoak seinalea duela SMSa edo deia jasotzeko.\n • Egiaztatu zure zenbakian telefono-deiak jaso ditzakezula.\n • Egiaztatu telefono-zenbakia zuzen idatzi duzula.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Informazio gehiago lortzeko, jarraitu arazoak konpontzeko urrats hauei edo jarri laguntza-zerbitzuarekin harremanetan</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">arazoak konpontzeko urrats hauek</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Harremanetan jarri laguntza taldearekin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Jarri harremanetan laguntza-zerbitzuarekin</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktibatu Erregistratzeko Blokeoa?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Falta dira</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Honi bidalia</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Honi bidali zaio:</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Honengandik bidalia</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Honi banatua</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Honek irakurria</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Idatzi zure PINa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Idatzi konturako sortu duzun PIN-a. PIN hau ez da zure SMS berifikazio gakoa.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Idatzi zure konturako sortu duzun PINa.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Idatzi PIN alfanumerikoa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Idatzi zenbakizko PINa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN okerra. Saia zaitez berriro.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Dei iezadazu (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Bidali berriro kodea (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Harremanetan jarri Signal Laguntza Taldearekin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Errejistratzea - Androiderako Egiaztatze Kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kodea ez da zuzena</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wifi-konexio ahula. Datu-konexiora aldatu da.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Zure kontua ezabatzean zera gertatuko da:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Kontua ezabatuz gero:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Idatzi zure telefono zenbakia</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Ezabatu kontua</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ezabatu kontuaren informazioa eta profileko argazkia</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ezabatu kontuko informazioa eta profileko argazkia</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Ezabatu mezu guztiak</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Ezabatu %1$s ordainketa-kontuan</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Ez duzu herrialde-kodea idatzi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Ez duzu zenbakia idatzi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Idatzi duzun telefono zenbakia eta zure kontuarena ez datoz bat.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Ziur zaude kontua ezabatu nahi duzula?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Signal-eko kontua ezabatu, eta aplikazioa berrezarri egingo da. Prozesua amaitzean, aplikazioa itxi egingo da.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Signal-eko kontua ezabatuko da, eta aplikazioa berrezarriko. Aplikazioa itxi egingo da prozesua amaitu ondoren.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Ezin izan dira ezabatu datu lokalak. Sistemaren aplikazioen ezarpenetan ezabatu beharko dituzu.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Aplikazioaren Ezarpenak Ireki</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Gehitu istorioan</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Gehitu mezu bat</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Gehitu erantzun bat</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Honi bidali</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Bidali honi:</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Mezua behin ikusi</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Elementu bat edo gehiago handiegiak dira</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Elementu bat edo gehiago handiegiak dira</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Berretsi dohaintza</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Honi bidali</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Bidali honi:</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Mezu pribatu baten bidez emango zaio hartzaileari dohaintzaren berri. Gehitu mezua behean.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">خطایی در مورد نام کاربری شما رخ داد، این نام دیگر به حساب شما تعلق ندارد. می‌توانید سعی کنید و آن را دوباره تنظیم کنید یا نام کاربری دیگری انتخاب کنید.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">اکنون اصلاح شود</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">ارسال کد پیامکی</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">ثبت‌نام سیگنال - نیازمند کمک برای ثبت مجدد پین برای اندروید</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">پین شما یک عبارت %1$d+ رقمی است که شما ساخته‌اید و می‌تواند عدد یا حروف باشد.\n\nاگر پین خود را به یاد نمی‌آورید، می‌توانید پین جدیدی بسازید.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">اگر پین خود را به یاد نمی‌آورید، می‌توانید پین جدیدی بسازید.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">دفعات مجاز حدس زدن پین شما تمام شده است، اما همچنان می‌توانید با ایجاد پین جدید، به حساب سیگنال خود دسترسی پیدا کنید.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">هشدار</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سیگنال به مجوز مخاطبین برای کمک به متصل کردن شما به دوستان نیاز دارد. مخاطبین شما با استفاده از اکتشاف خصوصی مخاطب سیگنال بارگذاری می‌شوند، که این یعنی آن‌ها سرتاسر رمزگذاری شده هستند و هیچوقت برای سرویس سیگنال قابل رؤیت نیستند.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">شما تلاش‌های بسیاری برای ثبت‌نام این شماره انجام داده‌اید. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">دفعات تلاش‌تان برای ثبت این شماره بیش از حد مجاز بوده است. لطفاً بعد از %1$s دوباره تلاش کنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">اتصال به سرویس ممکن نیست. لطفاً اتصال شبکه را بررسی کرده و دوباره امتحان کنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">قالب شمارهٔ غیر-استاندارد</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">به نظر می‌رسد شماره‌ای که وارد کردید (%1$s) در قالبی غیر-استاندارد باشد.\n\nآیا منظورتان %2$s بود؟</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">درخواست تماس داده شد</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">پیامک درخواست شد</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">کد تأیید درخواست شد</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">شما %1$d قدم با ارسال گزارش عیب‌یابی فاصله دارید.</item>
<item quantity="other">شما%1$d قدم با ارسال گزارش عیب‌یابی فاصله دارید.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">کد تآیید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ارسال مجدد کد</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">مشکلی در ثبت‌نام دارید؟</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">مطمئن شوید که تلفنتان برای دریافت پیامک یا تماس آنتن دارد\n • تأیید کنید که می‌توانید با این شماره تماس تلفنی دریافت کنید\n • بررسی کنید که شماره تلفن خود را به‌درستی وارد کرده‌اید.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">برای اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً این مراحل عیب‌یابی را دنبال کنید یا با پشتیبانی تماس بگیرید</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">این مراحل عیب‌یابی</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">تماس با پشتیبانی</string>
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">تنظیمات پیشرفتهٔ پین</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">تماس‌ها و پیام‌های خصوصی رایگان برای کاربران سیگنال</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">ارسال گزارش عیب‌یابی</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">پاک کردن حساب کاربری</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">پاک کردن حساب</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">حالت سازگاری «تماس WiFi»</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">اگر دستگاه شما از تحویل پیامک/پیام چندرسانه‌ای بر روی شبکهٔ WiFi استفاده می‌کند، این گزینه را فعال کنید (فقط زمانی فعال کنید، که «تماس WiFi» بر روی دستگاه شما فعال است)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">صفحه‌کلید ناشناس</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">پرداخت ارسال شد</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">پرداخت دریافت شد</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">پرداخت کامل شد %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">مسدود کردن شماره تلفن</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">شماره بلاک</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">انتقال</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">پین خود را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">پین ایجاد شده برای حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید. این کد با کد وارسی پیامکی شما تفاوت دارد.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">پینی که برای حسابتان ساخته‌اید را وارد کنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">وارد کردن پین حرفی‌عددی</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">پین عددی را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">پین نادرست. دوباره تلاش کنید.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">با من تماس بگیر (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ارسال مجدد کد (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">تماس با پشتیبانی سیگنال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ثبت‌نام سیگنال - کد وارسی برای اندروید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">کد نادرست</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">وای‌فای ضعیف است. به داده تلفن همراه تغییر کرد.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">حذف حساب کاربری شما:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">پاک کردن حساب‌تان:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">شماره‌تلفن خود را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">پاک کردن حساب کاربری</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">اطلاعات حساب کاربری و عکس پروفایل خود را پاک کنید</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">تمام پیام‌های خود را پاک کنید</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">پاک کردن حساب</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">اطلاعات حساب و عکس نمایه‌تان را پاک خواهد کرد</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">همه پیام‌هایتان را پاک خواهد کرد</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s را در حساب پرداخت‌های خود پاک کنید</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">هیچ کد کشوری وارد نشده است</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">هیچ شماره‌ای وارد نشده است</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">شماره‌تلفنی که وارد کردید با حساب کاربری شما همخوانی ندارد.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">آیا از پاک کردن حساب کاربری خود اطمینان دارید؟</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">این گزینه، حساب کاربری سیگنال شما را پاک کرده و برنامه را بازنشانی می‌کند. برنامه پس از تکمیل فرایند بسته می‌شود.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">این گزینه، حساب کاربری سیگنال شما را پاک کرده و برنامه را بازنشانی می‌کند. برنامه پس از تکمیل فرایند بسته خواهد شد.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">پاک کردن داده‌های محلی موفق نبود. شما می‌توانید آن را به صورت دستی در بخش تنظیمات برنامهٔ سیستم پاک کنید.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">باز کردن تنظیمات برنامه</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Jokin meni vikaan käyttäjänimessä. Se ei ole enää liitetty tiliisi. Voit yrittää asettaa sen uudelleen tai valita uuden käyttäjänimen.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Korjaa nyt</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Lähetä tekstiviestikoodi</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signalin rekisteröinti Tarvitsen apua PIN-koodin uudelleenrekisteröintiin Android-laitteella</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Luomasi PIN-koodi on vähintään %1$d-numeroinen koodi, ja se voi olla numeerinen tai aakkosnumeerinen.\n\nJos olet unohtanut PIN-koodin, voit luoda uuden.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Jos olet unohtanut PIN-koodin, voit luoda uuden.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Olet syöttänyt PIN-koodin liian monta kertaa väärin, mutta voit edelleen käyttää Signal-tiliäsi luomalla uuden PIN-koodin.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varoitus</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal tarvitsee yhteystietojen käyttöoikeuden, jotta voit olla yhteydessä kavereihisi. Yhteystietosi lähetetään käyttäen Signalin yksityistä yhteystietohakua ja ne on suojattu päästä päähän -salauksella. Ne eivät missään vaiheessa paljastu Signal-palvelulle.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Olet yrittänyt rekisteröidä tämän numeron liian monta kertaa. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Olet yrittänyt rekisteröidä tämän numeron liian monta kertaa. Yritä uudelleen, kun on kulunut %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Yhteyttä ei voitu muodostaa palveluun. Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Epästandardi numeron muoto</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Syöttämäsi numero (%1$s) ei näytä olevan vakiomuotoinen.\n\nTarkoititko %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Puhelu pyydetty</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Tekstiviesti pyydetty</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Vahvistuskoodi pyydetty</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Olet tällä hetkellä %1$d askeleen päässä virheenkorjauslokin lähettämisestä.</item>
<item quantity="other">Vielä %1$d vaihetta virheenkorjauslokin lähettämiseen.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Vahvistuskoodi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Lähetä koodi uudelleen</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Onko sinulla ongelmia rekisteröitymisessä?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Varmista, että puhelimesi on yhteydessä matkapuhelinverkkoon ja voi vastaanottaa tekstiviestin tai puhelun\n • Varmista, että voit vastaanottaa puhelun numeroon\n • Tarkista, että olet syöttänyt puhelinnumerosi oikein.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Jos haluat lisätietoja, noudata näitä vianmääritysvaiheita tai ota yhteyttä tukeen</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">näitä vianmääritysvaiheita</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Ota yhteyttä tukeen</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Käsiteltävänä</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Lähetetty käyttäjälle</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Lähetetty seuraaville:</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Lähettäjä</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Toimitettu käyttäjälle</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Luettu</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Syötä tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Syötä tilille valitsemasi tunnusluku. Se ei ole sama kuin saamasi tekstiviestivahvistuskoodi.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Kirjoita PIN-koodi, jonka loit tiliäsi varten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Syötä aakkosnumeerinen tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Syötä numeerinen tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Väärä tunnusluku, yritä uudelleen.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Soita minulle (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Lähetä koodi uudelleen (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Ota yhteyttä Signalin tukeen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signalin rekisteröinti vahvistuskoodi Androidille</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Väärä koodi</string>
@ -3717,7 +3717,7 @@
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Tilin poistamisesta seuraa:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Syötä puhelinnumerosi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Tili poistetaan</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Poista tili</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Tilisi tiedot ja profiilikuva poistetaan</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Kaikki viestit poistetaan</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s maksutililtäsi poistetaan</string>
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Lisää tarinaan</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Lisää viesti</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Lisää vastaus</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Lähetä yhteystiedolle</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Lähetä henkilölle</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Kerran katsottava viesti</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Yksi tai useampi valinnoista olivat liian suuria</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Yksi tai useampi valinnoista olivat virheellisiä</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Vahvista lahjoitus</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Lähetä yhteystiedolle</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Lähetä henkilölle</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Vastaanottaja saa ilmoituksen lahjoituksesta kahdenkeskisessä viestissä. Lisää oma viestisi alle.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
<string name="ConversationFragment_delete_for_me">Supprimer pour moi</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment_delete_for_everyone">Supprimer pour tout le monde</string>
<!-- Dialog button for deleting one or more note-to-self messages only on this device, leaving that same message intact on other devices. -->
<string name="ConversationFragment_delete_on_this_device">Supprimer cet appareil</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment_delete_on_this_device">Supprimer de cet appareil</string>
<!-- Dialog button for deleting one or more note-to-self messages on all linked devices. -->
<string name="ConversationFragment_delete_everywhere">Supprimer de tous les appareils</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment_this_message_will_be_deleted_for_everyone_in_the_conversation">Ce message sera supprimé pour tout le monde dans la conversation sils utilisent une version récente de Signal. Ils pourront voir que vous avez supprimé un message.</string>
@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Une erreur sest produite et votre nom dutilisateur nest plus associé à votre compte. Vous pouvez tenter de le reconfigurer ou en choisir un autre.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Résoudre</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Envoyer un code par SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Inscription à Signal - Besoin daide pour inscrire un PIN sur un appareil Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Votre PIN est un code numérique ou alphanumérique dau moins %1$d caractères que vous avez créé.\n\nSi vous avez oublié votre PIN, vous pouvez en créer un autre.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Si vous avez oublié votre PIN, vous pouvez en créer un autre.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de tentatives autorisées. Cependant, vous pouvez toujours accéder à votre compte Signal en créant un nouveau PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Avertissement</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal a besoin de lautorisation Contacts pour vous aider à vous connecter avec vos amis. Vos contacts sont téléversés en utilisant la découverte confidentielle des contacts de Signal, ce qui signifie quils sont chiffrés de bout en bout et ne sont jamais visibles par le service Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Vous avez fait trop dessais pour inscrire ce numéro. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de tentatives dinscription de ce numéro. Veuillez réessayer dans %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Impossible de se connecter au service. Veuillez vérifier la connexion réseau et réessayer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format de numéro non standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Le numéro que vous avez saisi (%1$s) semble avoir un format atypique.\n\nSerait-ce plutôt %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Appel demandé</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS demandé</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Code de vérification demandé</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Vous êtes maintenant à %1$d étape denvoyer un journal de débogage.</item>
<item quantity="other">Vous êtes maintenant à %1$d étapes denvoyer un journal de débogage.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Code de vérification</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Renvoyer le code</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Un problème dinscription ?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Assurez-vous que votre téléphone dispose dun signal cellulaire pour recevoir votre SMS ou votre appel.\n • Confirmez que vous pouvez recevoir un appel à ce numéro.\n • Vérifiez que vous avez renseigné votre numéro de téléphone correctement.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Pour plus dinformations, veuillez suivre ces étapes de dépannage ou contacter le service dassistance.</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ces étapes de dépannage</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contacter lassistance</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Saisissez votre NIP</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Saisissez le NIP que vous avez créé pour votre compte. Il est différent de votre code de confirmation reçu par texto.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Saisissez le PIN choisi pour votre compte.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Saisissez un NIP alphanumérique</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Saisissez un NIP numérique</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Le NIP est erroné. Veuillez réessayer.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Appelez-moi dans (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Renvoyer un code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacter lassistance de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Inscription à Signal Code de confirmation pour Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Code incorrect</string>
@ -3718,14 +3718,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Supprimer votre compte implique :</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Saisir votre numéro de téléphone</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Supprimer le compte</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Supprimer les informations de votre compte et votre photo de profil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Supprimer tous vos messages</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">la suppression des informations de votre compte et de votre photo de profil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">La suppression de tous vos messages</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Supprimer %1$s de votre compte de paiements</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Aucun indicatif de pays na été indiqué</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Aucun numéro na été indiqué</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Le numéro de téléphone que vous avez saisi ne correspond pas à celui de votre compte.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer votre compte?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Cela supprimera votre compte Signal et réinitialisera lapplication. Lappli se fermera une fois le processus terminé.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Cela supprimera votre compte Signal et réinitialisera lapplication. Lappli se fermera une fois le processus terminé.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Échec de suppression des données locales. Vous pouvez les effacer manuellement dans les paramètres des applications du système.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Lancer les paramètres des applis</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -1075,9 +1075,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Bhí fadhb le d\'ainm úsáideora, níl sé sannta do do chuntas a thuilleadh. Is féidir leat athshocrú a thriail nó ceann nua a roghnú.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Deisigh anois</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1788,15 +1788,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Seol cód SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Clárú Signal — Cabhair Uait le UAP a athchlárú le haghaidh Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Cód %1$d+ digit a chruthaigh tú is ea d\'UAP, idir uimhriúil nó alfa-uimhriúil.\n\nMura féidir leat cuimhneamh ar d\'UAP, is féidir leat ceann nua a chruthú.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Mura féidir leat cuimhneamh ar d\'UAP, is féidir leat ceann nua a chruthú.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Tá an líon tomhas ar UAP úsáidte agat; is féidir leat do chuntas Signal a rochtain fós, áfach, ach UAP nua a chruthú.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Rabhadh</string>
@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Teastaíonn cead teagmhálaithe ó Signal chun cabhrú leat nascadh le cairde. Uaslódáiltear do theagmhálaithe trí aimsiú príobháideach teagmhálaithe de chuid Signal, rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil siad criptithe ó cheann ceann agus dofheicthe sa tseirbhís Signal i gcónaí.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Rinne tú an iomarca iarrachtaí ar an uimhir seo a chlárú. Bain triail eile as ar ball.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Tá an iomarca iarrachtaí déanta agat leis an uimhir sin a chlárú. Triail arís i gceann %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ní féidir ceangal a bhunú leis an tseirbhís. Deimhnigh go bhfuil tú ceangailte leis an líonra agus bain triail eile as.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formáid uimhreacha neamhchaighdeánach</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Is cosúil go bhfuil formáid neamhchaighdeánach ar an uimhir a chuir tú isteach (%1$s).\n\nAn raibh %2$s i gceist agat?</string>
@ -2009,9 +2009,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Glao iarrtha</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS iarrtha</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Cód fíoraithe iarrtha</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Tá %1$d chéim fágtha anois roimh loga dífhabhtaithe a chur isteach.</item>
<item quantity="two">Tá %1$d chéim fágtha anois roimh loga dífhabhtaithe a chur isteach.</item>
@ -2035,15 +2035,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Cód Fíoraithe</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Athsheol Cód</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Deacracht agat le clárú?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Cinntigh go bhfuil comhartha móibíleach ag do ghuthán chun do SMS nó glao a fháil\n • Deimhnigh gur féidir leat glao gutháin a fháil ar an uimhir\n • Cinntigh gur chuir tú d\'uimhir ghutháin isteach i gceart.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Le tuilleadh faisnéise a fháil, lean na céimeanna fabhtcheartaithe seo nó déan teagmháil leis an bhFoireann Tacaíochta</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">na céimeanna fabhtcheartaithe seo</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Déan Teagmháil le Foireann Tacaíochta Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Déan Teagmháil leis an bhFoireann Tacaíochta</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">An bhfuil fonn ort Glas Clárúcháin a chur ar siúl?</string>
@ -3603,7 +3603,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Cuir isteach d\'UAP</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Cuir isteach an UAP a chruthaigh tú don chuntas seo. Ní ionann é seo agus an cód deimhniúcháin SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Cuir isteach an UAP a chruthaigh tú do do chuntas.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Cuir isteach UAP alfa-uimhriúil</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Cuir isteach UAP uimhriúil</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">UAP mhícheart. Bain triail eile as.</string>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Glaoigh orm (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Athsheol Cód (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Déan teagmháil le foireann tacaíochta Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Clárúchán Signal — Cód Deimhniúcháin ar Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Cód mícheart</string>
@ -4000,11 +4000,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi lag. Athraíodh go comhartha móibíleach.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Má dhéanann tú do chuntas a scriosadh, is é an toradh a bheidh air ná:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Tarlóidh an méid seo a leanas le scriosadh do chuntais:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Cuir isteach d\'uimhir ghuthàn</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Scrios cuntas</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Scrios faisnéis do chuntais agus an grianghraf próifíle</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Scrios do theachtaireachtaí go léir</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Déanfar faisnéis do chuntais agus an grianghraf próifíle a scriosadh</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Déanfar do theachtaireachtaí go léir a scriosadh</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Scrios %1$s i do chuntas íocaíochtaí</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Níl aon chód tíre sonraithe</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Níl aon uimhir sonraithe</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Algo saíu mal co teu nome de usuario e xa non está asignado á túa conta. Podes probar e configuralo de novo ou elixir un novo.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Corrixir</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Enviar código SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Rexistro en Signal - Preciso axuda para volver rexistrar o PIN en Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">O teu PIN é un código de máis de %1$d díxitos creado por ti e que pode ser numérico ou alfanumérico.\n\nSe non lembras o teu PIN, podes crear un novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Se non lembras o teu PIN, podes crear un novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Esgotaches os intentos para adiviñar o PIN, mais aínda podes acceder á túa conta de Signal creando un novo PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Aviso</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita ter o permiso activo para acceder aos teus contactos e axudarche a contectar cos teus amigos. Os teus contactos cargaranse a través do modo de detección privado de Signal, o que significa que están encriptados de extremo a extremo e Signal nunca poderá velos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Levas demasiados intentos para rexistrar este número. Téntao máis tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Levas demasiados intentos para rexistrar este número. Téntao de novo en %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Non é posible contactar co servizo. Comproba a túa conexión de rede e téntao de novo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Número con formato non-estándar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número escrito (%1$s) non semella estar nun formato estándar.\n\nSerá máis ben %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chamada solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Solicitouse unha SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Solicitouse un código de verificación</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
<item quantity="other">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Volver enviar código</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Tes problemas para rexistrarte?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Asegúrate de que o teu teléfono teña sinal móbil para recibir mensaxes SMS ou chamadas\n • Comproba que podes recibir unha chamada a ese número\n • Revisa se introduciches o número de teléfono correctamente.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Para obter máis información, segue estes pasos para solucionar o problema ou contacta coa Axuda</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">estes pasos para solucionar o problema</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contactar coa Axuda</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Escribe o teu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Escribe o PIN creado para a túa conta. Non é o mesmo que o código de verificación por SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Introduce o PIN que creaches para a túa conta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Escribe PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Escribe PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecto. Inténtao outra vez.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chámame (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Volver enviar código (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta co Centro de Axuda de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rexistrarse en Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorrecto</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">તમારા યુઝરનેમ સાથે કંઈક ખોટું થયું છે, તે હવે તમારા એકાઉન્ટને સોંપાયેલું નથી. તમે તેને ફરીથી સેટ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરી શકો છો અથવા નવું પસંદ કરી શકો છો.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">અત્યારે ઠીક કરો</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS કોડ મોકલો</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal રજિસ્ટ્રેશન- Android માટે પિન રજિસ્ટર કરવા બાબતે સહાયની જરૂર છે</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">તમારો પિન એ તમે બનાવેલ %1$d+ અંકનો કોડ છે જે આંકડાકીય અથવા આલ્ફાન્યૂમેરિક હોઈ શકે છે.\n\nજો તમને તમારો પિન યાદ ન હોય, તો તમે નવો બનાવી શકો છો.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">જો તમને તમારો પિન યાદ ન હોય, તો તમે નવો બનાવી શકો છો.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">તમે તમારા પિનના બહુ બધા અનુમાન લગાવી લીધા છે, પરંતુ તમે હજી પણ નવો પિન બનાવીને તમારા Signal એકાઉન્ટને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકો છો.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ચેતવણી</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalને તમને મિત્રો સાથે કનેક્ટ થવામાં સહાયતા કરવા સંપર્કોની પરવાનગીઓની જરૂર છે. તમારા સંપર્કો Signalની ખાનગી સંપર્ક શોધનો ઉપયોગ કરીને અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે, જેનો અર્થ એમ કે તેઓ એન્ડ-ટુ-એન્ડ એન્ક્રિપ્ટ થયેલ છે અને Signal સર્વિસને ક્યારેય દેખાઈ શકશે નહીં.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">તમે આ નંબરને રજીસ્ટર કરવા માટે ઘણા પ્રયત્નો કર્યા છે. પછીથી ફરી પ્રયત્ન કરો.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">આ નંબરને રજિસ્ટર કરવા માટે તમે ઘણા બધા પ્રયત્નો કરી લીધા છે. કૃપા કરીને %1$sમાં ફરી પ્રયાસ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">સેવાથી કનેક્ટ કરવામાં અસમર્થ. કૃપા કરીને નેટવર્ક કનેક્શન તપાસો અને ફરીથી પ્રયાસ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">બિન-પ્રમાણભૂત નંબર ફોર્મેટ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">તમે દાખલ કરેલ નંબર (%1$s) બિન-પ્રમાણભૂત ફોર્મેટ હોય તેમ લાગે છે.\n\n શું તમારો અર્થ %2$s હતો?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">કૉલની વિનંતી કરી</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMSની વિનંતી કરી</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ચકાસણી કોડની વિનંતી કરી</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">તમે હવે ડિબગ લૉગ સબમિટ કરવાથી %1$d પગથિયુ દૂર છો.</item>
<item quantity="other">તમે હવે ડિબગ લૉગ સબમિટ કરવાથી %1$d પગથિયા દૂર છો.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">કોડ ફરીથી મોકલો</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">રજિસ્ટર કરવામાં મુશ્કેલી આવી રહી છે?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">ખાતરી કરો કે તમારા ફોનમાં તમારો SMS અથવા કૉલ મેળવવા માટે સેલ્યુલર સિગ્નલ હોય છે\n • ખાતરી કરો કે તમે નંબર પર ફોન કૉલ મેળવી શકો છો\n • તપાસો કે તમે તમારો ફોન નંબર યોગ્ય રીતે દાખલ કર્યો છે.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">વધુ માહિતી માટે, કૃપા કરીને આ મુશ્કેલી નિવારણના પગલાં અનુસરો અથવા સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">આ મુશ્કેલી નિવારણ પગલાં</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ંપર્ક સપોર્ટ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">રજીસ્ટ્રેશન લૉક ચાલુ કરો</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">બાકી</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ને મોકલવામાં આવેલ છે</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">મને મોકલ્યું</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">તરફથી મોકલવામાં આવેલ છે</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">આને મેસેજ પહોંચાડ્યો</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">દ્વારા વંચાયેલ</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">તમારો પિન દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">તમારા એકાઉન્ટ માટે તમે બનાવેલો PIN દાખલ કરો. આ તમારા SMS ચકાસણી કોડથી અલગ છે.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">તમે તમારા એકાઉન્ટ માટે બનાવેલ પિન દાખલ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">આલ્ફાન્યુમેરિક PIN દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">સંખ્યાત્મક PIN દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ખોટો પિન. ફરીથી પ્રયત્ન કરો.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">મને કૉલ કરો (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">કોડ ફરીથી મોકલો (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal રજીસ્ટ્રેશન - Android માટે ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ખોટો કોડ</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">નબળું વાઇ-ફાઇ. સેલ્યુલર પર સ્વિચ કર્યું.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">તમારું એકાઉન્ટ કાઢી નાખવાથી:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">તમારું એકાઉન્ટ ડિલીટ કરવાથી:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">તમારો ફોન નંબર દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">એકાઉન્ટ ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">તમારી એકાઉન્ટ માહિતી અને પ્રોફાઇલ ફોટો ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">બધા મેસેજ ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">તમારી એકાઉન્ટ માહિતી અને પ્રોફાઇલ ફોટો ડિલીટ થશે</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">તમારા બધા મેસેજ ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">તમારા ચુકવણી એકાઉન્ટમાંથી %1$s ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">કોઈ દેશ કોડ ઉલ્લેખિત નથી</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">કોઈ નંબર ઉલ્લેખિત નથી</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">તમે દાખલ કરેલા ફોન નંબર તમારા એકાઉન્ટ સાથે મેળ ખાતા નથી.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">શું તમે ખરેખર તમારું એકાઉન્ટ ડિલીટ કરવા માગો છો?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account"> તમારું Signalનું એકાઉન્ટ ડિલીટ થઈ જશે અને એપ્લિકેશનને રિસેટ કરશે. આ પ્રક્રિયા પૂર્ણ થયા બાદ એપ્લિકેશન બંધ થઈ જશે.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">નાથી તમારું Signal એકાઉન્ટ ડિલીટ થશે અને ઍપ્લિકેશન રિસેટ થઈ જશે. આ પ્રક્રિયા પૂર્ણ થયા બાદ ઍપ બંધ થઈ જશે.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">સ્થાનિક ડેટા ડિલીટ કરવામાં નિષ્ફળ. તમે તેને સિસ્ટમ એપ્લિકેશન સેટિંગ્સમાં જાતે દૂર કરી શકો છો.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">એપ્લિકેશન સેટિંગ્સ લોંચ કરો</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">દાનની પુષ્ટિ કરો</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">આમને moklo</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">આમને મોકલો</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">પ્રાપ્તકર્તાને 1-1 કરીને મેસેજમાં દાનની જાણ કરવામાં આવશે. નીચે તમારો પોતાનો મેસેજ ઉમેરો.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">आपके यूज़रनेम में कुछ गलत है, यह अब आपके अकाउंट के लिए असाइन नहीं है। आप इसे फिर से सेट करने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं या एक नया चुन सकते हैं।</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">अभी ठीक करें</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS कोड भेजें</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal पंजीकरण एंड्रॉयड के लिए पिन को फिर से पंजीकृत करने में सहायता चाहिए</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">आपका पिन आपके द्वारा बनाया गया %1$d+अंकों वाला कोड है, जो संख्यात्मक या अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक हो सकता है।\n\nयदि आपको अपना पिन याद नहीं है, तो आप नया बना सकते हैं।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">यदि आपको अपना पिन याद नहीं है, तो आप नया बना सकते हैं।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">आप पिन का अनुमान लगाने की अधिकतम सीमा को पार कर गए हैं, लेकिन आप अभी भी एक नया पिन बनाकर अपने Signal अकाउंट तक पहुंच सकते हैं।</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">चेतावनी</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">दोस्तों से जुड़ने में आपकी मदद के लिए Signal को कॉन्टैक्ट की अनुमति की ज़रुरत है. आपके कॉन्टैक्ट Signal की निजी कॉन्टैक्ट डिस्कवरी का इस्तेमाल करके अपलोड किए जाते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि वे एंड-टू-एंड एन्क्रिप्टेड हैं और Signal सेवा को कभी भी नहीं दिखते हैं.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">इस नंबर को रजिस्टर करने के लिए आपके द्वारा बहुत बार प्रयास किया जा चुका है। कृपया कुछ देर बाद फिर से कोशिश करें।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">आपने इस नंबर को पंजीकृत करने के बहुत सारे प्रयास किए। कृपया %1$s में पुन: प्रयास करें।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">सेवा से कनेक्ट करने में असमर्थ। कृपया नेटवर्क कनेक्शन की जांच करें और पुनः प्रयास करें।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">नॉन-स्टैंडर्ड नंबर फ़ॉर्मैट</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">आपके ज़रिए दर्ज किया गया नंबर (%1$s) एक नॉन-स्टैंडर्ड फ़ॉर्मैट लगता है.\n\nक्या आपका मतलब %2$s था?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">कॉल की मांग की गई</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS का अनुरोध किया गया</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">सत्यापन कोड का अनुरोध किया गया</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">debug log भेजने के लिये %1$d चरण और बाचे हैं</item>
<item quantity="other">डीबग लॉग भेजने के लिये %1$d चरण और बाचे हैं</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड फ़िर से भेजें</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">पंजीकरण में परेशानी हो रही है?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके फोन में आपका SMS या कॉल प्राप्त करने के लिए सेल्यूलर सिग्नल है\n • पुष्टि करें कि आप नंबर पर फोन कॉल प्राप्त कर सकते हैं\n • जांचें कि आपने अपना फोन नंबर सही दर्ज किया है।</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया इन समस्या निवारण चरणों का पालन करें या सपोर्ट से संपर्क करें</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ये समस्या निवारण चरण</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">मर्थन से संपर्क करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">पोर्ट से संपर्क करें</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">रजिस्ट्रेशन लॉक चालू करना है?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">अपना पिन डालें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">अपने ख़ाते के लिये बनाया गया पिन डालें। ये पिन आपके SMS सत्यापण कोड से अलग है।</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">आपके द्वारा अपने अकाउंट के लिए बनाया गया पिन दर्ज करें।</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक पिन दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">संख्यात्मक पिन दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">गलत पिन। पुनः प्रयास करें।</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">मुझे कॉल करें (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">पुन: कोड भेजे (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थन से संपर्क करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal पंजीकरण - Android के लिये वेरीफिकेशन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">गलत कोड</string>

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Došlo je do pogreške s vašim korisničkim imenom nije više povezano s vašim računom. Možete ga ponovno postaviti ili odabrati novo.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Ispravi odmah</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Pošalji SMS kôd</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registracija Signala Trebate pomoć s postavljanjem PIN-a za Android?</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Vaš PIN je numerički ili alfanumerički kôd od %1$d+ znamenki koji ste sami postavili.\n\nU slučaju da ste zaboravili svoj PIN, može stvoriti novi.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">U slučaju da ste zaboravili svoj PIN, može stvoriti novi.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Ponestalo vam je pokušaja za unos PIN-a, no i dalje možete pristupiti svom Signal računu stvaranjem novog PIN-a.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Upozorenje</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal treba pristup vašim kontaktima za povezivanje s prijateljima. Vaši se kontakti učitavaju korištenjem Signalovog otkrivanja privatnih kontakata, što znači da su sveobuhvatno šifrirani i nikada nisu vidljivi usluzi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Previše neuspjelih pokušaja registracije ovog broja telefona. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Previše neuspjelih pokušaja registracije ovog broja telefona. Pokušajte ponovno za %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezivanje s uslugom nije moguće. Provjerite mrežnu vezu i pokušajte ponovo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni format broja</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Čini se da je broj koji ste unijeli (%1$s) nestandardnog formata.\n\nJeste li mislili %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zatražen poziv</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Zatražili ste SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Zatražili ste potvrdni kôd</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Još %1$d korak do slanja zapisnika o pogreški.</item>
<item quantity="few">Još %1$d koraka do slanja zapisnika o pogreški.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno pošalji kôd</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Imate poteškoća s registriranjem?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Provjerite ima li vaš telefon signala za primanje SMS-a ili poziva\n • Potvrdite da možete primati pozive na ovaj broj\n • Provjerite jeste li ispravno unijeli broj telefona.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Za više informacija, slijedite ove korake za rješavanje problema ili kontaktirajte podršku</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ove korake za rješavanje problema</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktirajte podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktiraj podršku</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Omogući Zaključavanje registracije?</string>
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">U tijeku</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Poslano za</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Poslano</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Poslano od</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Isporučeno za</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Pročitao/la</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Unesite vaš PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Unesite PIN koji ste stvorili za svoj račun. To se razlikuje od vašeg SMS kôda za provjeru.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Unesite PIN koji ste stvorili za svoj račun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Unesite alfanumerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Unesite numerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nevažeći PIN. Pokušajte ponovno.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nazovi me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Ponovno pošalji kôd (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktirajte Signalovu podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija Signala - Potvrdni kôd za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Pogrešan kôd</string>
@ -3905,17 +3905,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Slab Wi-Fi signal. Prebačeni ste na mobilnu mrežu.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Brisanje vašeg računa će:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Brisanjem vašeg računa, izbrisat ćete:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Unesite vaš broj telefona</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Izbriši korisnički račun</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Izbrišite podatke o računu i fotografiju profila</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Izbriši sve poruke</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Podatke o računu i sliku profila</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Sve vaše poruke</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Izbriši %1$s u vašem računu za plaćanja</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nije naveden kôd države</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nije naveden broj</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Broj telefona koji ste unijeli ne podudara se s vašim računima.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati svoj račun?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ovo će izbrisati vaš Signal račun i resetirati aplikaciju. Aplikacija će se zatvoriti nakon završetka postupka.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ovime ćete izbrisati svoj Signal račun i resetirati aplikaciju. Nakon završetka postupka aplikacija će se zatvoriti.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Brisanje lokalnih podataka nije uspjelo. Možete ih ručno izbrisati u postavkama aplikacije.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Otvori postavke aplikacije</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4584,7 +4584,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Dodaj u priču</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Dodaj poruku</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Dodajte odgovor</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Poslati</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Pošalji</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Jednom vidljiva poruka</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Jedna ili više stavki bile su prevelike</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Jedna ili više stavki bile su nevažeće</string>
@ -5359,7 +5359,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Potvrdite donaciju</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Poslati</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Pošalji</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Primatelj će biti obaviješten o donaciji u privatnoj poruci. U nastavku napišite poruku.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Valami hiba történt a felhasználóneveddel, már nincs hozzárendelve a fiókodhoz. Megpróbálhatod újra beállítani, vagy választhatsz egy újat.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Javítás most</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS-kód küldése</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-regisztráció - Segítségkérés a PIN-kód használatához Androidon</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">A PIN-kódod egy általad létrehozott %1$d+ számjegyű kód, amely lehet numerikus vagy alfanumerikus.Ha nem emlékszel a PIN-kódodra, létrehozhatsz egy újat.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ha nem emlékszel a PIN-kódodra, létrehozhatsz egy újat.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Elfogyott a PIN-kód megadására rendelkezésre álló kísérletek száma, de továbbra is hozzáférhetsz a Signal-fiókodhoz, ha új PIN-kódot hozol létre.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Figyelmeztetés</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">A Signalnak hozzá kell férnie telefonkönyvedhez annak érdekében, hogy összeköthessen barátaiddal, és lehetővé váljon az üzenetküldés. Telefonkönyvedet feltöltjük a Signal privát felderítő szolgáltatásába, azonban a végpontok közti titkosításnak köszönhetően annak tartalma még a Signal szolgáltatás üzemeltetői számára sem lesz olvasható.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Túl sokszor próbálkoztál ennek a számnak a regisztrációjával. Kérlek próbáld újra később!</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Túl sokszor próbáltad regisztrálni ezt a számot. Kérjük, próbáld újra %1$s múlva.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nem lehet kapcsolódni szolgáltatáshoz. Kérlek ellenőrizd a hálózati kapcsolatot és próbáld újra!</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nem szabványos számformátum</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">A begépelt szám (%1$s) nem tűnik szabványos formátumúnak.\n\nNem erre gondoltál: %2$s ?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Hívás kérve</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS kérelmezve</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Ellenőrző kód kérelmezve</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Még %1$d lépésre vagy a fejlesztői napló elküldésétől.</item>
<item quantity="other">Még %1$d lépésre vagy a hibakeresési napló elküldésétől.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Hitelesítő kód küldése</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ellenőrző kód újraküldése</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Problémáid vannak a regisztrációval?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Győződj meg róla, hogy telefonod rendelkezik térerővel az SMS vagy a hívás fogadásához\n • Erősítsd meg, hogy fogadhatsz-e hívást a számra\n • Ellenőrizd, hogy helyesen adtad-e meg a telefonszámod.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">További információért kövesd ezeket a hibaelhárítási lépéseket, vagy lépj kapcsolatba az ügyfélszolgálattal</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ezeket a hibaelhárítási lépéseket</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Segítségkérés</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Add meg PIN kódodat</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Gépeld be a fiókodhoz létrehozott PIN kódodat. Ez nem azonos az SMS-ben regisztrációkor kapott ellenőrző kóddal.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Add meg a fiókodhoz létrehozott PIN-kódot.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Add meg az alfanumerikus PIN kódot</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Add meg a számjegyekből álló PIN kódot</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Hibás PIN kód. Próbáld újra!</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hívjon (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Kód újraküldése (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kapcsolatfelvétel a Signal támogatással</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal regisztráció - megerősítő kód Androidhoz</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Helytelen kód</string>
@ -3718,14 +3718,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">A fiók törlése a következőket jelenti:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Add meg a telefonszámod</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Fiók törlése</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">A fiók információ és profil fotó törlése</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Fiókadatok és profilkép törlése</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Minden üzeneted törlése</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s törlése a fizetési fiókodban</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nincs országkód megadva</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nincs szám megadva</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">A megadott telefonszám nem egyezik a fiókodhoz tartozóval.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Biztosan törölni akarod a fiókod?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ez törölni fogja a Signal fiókod és alaphelyzetbe állítja az alkalmazást. Az app bezáródik a folyamat végeztével.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ez törölni fogja a Signal-fiókod, és alaphelyzetbe állítja az alkalmazást. Az alkalmazás bezárul a folyamat végeztével.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Sikertelen a helyi adat törlése. Manuálisan törölheted a rendszer alkalmazás-beállításai alatt.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">App beállítások indítása</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Ada yang salah dengan nama pengguna Anda, nama pengguna tersebut tidak lagi ditetapkan untuk akun Anda. Anda bisa mencoba dan mengaturnya lagi atau memilih yang baru.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Perbaiki sekarang</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Kirim kode SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Perlu Bantuan pendaftaran ulang PIN untuk Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN Anda adalah %1$d+ kode digit yang Anda buat, bisa numerik atau alfanumerik.\n\nJika tidak ingat PIN Anda, Anda bisa membuat yang baru.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Jika tidak ingat PIN Anda, Anda bisa membuat yang baru.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Kesempatan Anda menebak PIN sudah habis, tapi Anda masih bisa mengakses akun Signal dengan membuat PIN baru.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Peringatan</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan akses ke kontak agar dapat terhubung dengan teman Anda. Kontak Anda diunggah menggunakan pendeteksi kontak privat Signal, yang dienkripsi ujung-ke-ujung dan tidak akan terlihat pada layanan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Anda membuat terlalu banyak percobaan untuk mendaftarkan nomor ini. Mohon coba lagi nanti.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Anda terlalu sering mencoba mendaftar dengan nomor ini. Mohon coba lagi dalam %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Tidak bisa terhubung ke layanan. Mohon cek koneksi jaringan dan coba lagi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format nomor tidak umum</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nomor yang Anda masukkan (%1$s) terlihat bukan format nomor yang umum.\n\nApakah maksud Anda %2$s?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Panggilan diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Kode verifikasi diminta</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Kamu memiliki %1$d langkah lagi untuk mengirimkan catatan awakutu.</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kode Verifikasi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kirim Ulang Kode</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Ada masalah saat mendaftar?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Pastikan ponsel Anda memiliki sinyal seluler untuk menerima SMS atau panggilan\n • Pastikan Anda dapat menerima panggilan telepon ke nomor tersebut\n • Pastikan Anda telah memasukkan nomor ponsel yang benar.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Untuk informasi selengkapnya, ikuti langkah pemecahan masalah berikut atau Hubungi Dukungan</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">langkah pemecahan masalah berikut</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Hubungi Bantuan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Hubungi Dukungan</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Nyalakan Kunci Pendaftaran?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Tertunda</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Terkirim ke</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Dikirim ke</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Dikirim dari</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Terkirim ke</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Dibaca oleh</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Masukkan PIN Anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Masukkan PIN yang Anda buat untuk akun Anda. Ini berbeda dari kode verifikasi SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Masukkan PIN yang Anda buat untuk akun Anda.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Masukan PIN alfanumerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Masukkan PIN numerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN Salah. Coba lagi.</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Panggil saya (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Kirim Kode Lagi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Pusat Bantuan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kode Verifikasi untuk Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kode Salah</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Qualcosa è andato storto con il tuo nome utente: non è più assegnato al tuo account. Puoi provare a impostarlo di nuovo oppure sceglierne un altro.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Risolvi ora</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Invia codice via SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registrazione su Signal - Assistenza per registrare di nuovo il tuo PIN per Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Il tuo PIN è un codice di almeno %1$d cifre che hai creato tu e può essere numerico o alfanumerico.\n\nSe non ricordi il tuo PIN, puoi crearne uno nuovo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Se non ricordi il tuo PIN, puoi crearne uno nuovo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Hai esaurito i tentativi per inserire il tuo PIN, ma puoi comunque accedere al tuo account Signal creando un nuovo PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Attenzione</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal richiede l\'accesso ai tuoi contatti per aiutarti a connetterti con gli amici. I tuoi contatti vengono caricati utilizzando la scoperta privata dei contatti di Signal, il che significa che sono crittografati end-to-end e non sono mai visibili al servizio Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Hai fatto troppi tentativi per registrare questo numero. Per favore riprova più tardi.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Hai fatto troppi tentativi per registrarti con questo numero. Per favore riprova tra %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Impossibile connettersi al servizio. Per favore controlla la connessione a internet e riprova</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato del numero non standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Il numero che hai inserito (%1$s) sembra essere in un formato non standard.\n\nIntendevi %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chiamata richiesta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Hai richiesto il codice via SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Hai richiesto l\'invio del codice di verifica</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ti manca solo %1$d passaggio per inviare un log di debug.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ti mancano solo %1$d passaggi per inviare un log di debug.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codice di verifica</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Rinvia codice</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Problemi con la tua registrazione?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Assicurati che il tuo telefono sia collegato a una rete dati cellulare per poter ricevere il tuo SMS o la chiamata\n • Accertati di poter ricevere una chiamata sul tuo numero\n • Controlla di aver inserito correttamente il tuo numero di telefono.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Per maggiori info, segui questi passaggi per risolvere eventuali problemi oppure contatta la nostra assistenza</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">questi passaggi per risolvere eventuali problemi</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contatta l\'assistenza</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Inserisci il tuo PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Inserisci il PIN che hai creato per il tuo account. Questo è diverso dal tuo codice di verifica SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Inserisci il PIN che hai creato per il tuo account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Inserisci PIN alfanumerico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Inserisci PIN numerico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN errato. Riprova.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chiamami (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Invia di nuovo il codice (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contatta l\'assistenza Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrazione Signal - Codice di verifica per Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Codice errato</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Connessione Wi-Fi debole: passaggio alla rete mobile effettuato.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Eliminando il tuo account verranno:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Eliminando il tuo account:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Inserisci il tuo numero di telefono</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Elimina account</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Elimina le informazioni del tuo account e la foto profilo</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Elimina tutti i tuoi messaggi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Verranno eliminate le informazioni del tuo account e la foto profilo</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Verranno eliminati tutti i tuoi messaggi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Elimina %1$s nel tuo account pagamenti</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nessun prefisso telefonico internazionale specificato</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nessun numero specificato</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Il numero di telefono che hai inserito non corrisponde a quello del tuo account.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Vuoi davvero eliminare il tuo account?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Questo eliminerà il tuo account Signal e ripristinerà l\'applicazione. L\'app si chiuderà al termine del processo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Quest\'azione eliminerà il tuo account Signal e ripristinerà l\'applicazione. L\'app si chiuderà al termine del processo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Impossibile eliminare i dati locali. Puoi cancellarli manualmente nelle impostazioni di sistema dell\'applicazione.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Avvia impostazioni app</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Aggiungi alla Storia</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Aggiungi un messaggio</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Aggiungi una risposta</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Inviato a</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Invia a</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Messaggio visualizzabile una volta</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Uno o più elementi erano troppo grandi</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Uno o più elementi non erano validi</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Conferma la donazione</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Inviato a</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Invia a</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">La persona destinataria verrà notificata della donazione in un messaggio privato. Aggiungi di seguito il messaggio che vuoi inviare.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">משהו השתבש עם שם המשתמש שלך, הוא כבר לא מקושר לחשבון שלך. אפשר לנסות להגדיר אותו שוב או לבחור אחד חדש.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">תיקון כעת</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">שליחת קוד SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">הרשמה לSignal עזרה עם PIN הרשמה מחדש עבור Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">הPIN שלך הוא קוד בעל %1$d תווים או יותר שיצרת ויכול להיות מספרי או אלפא–נומרי.\n\nאם שכחת את הPIN שלך, אפשר ליצור אחד חדש.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">אם שכחת את הPIN שלך, אפשר ליצור אחד חדש.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">נגמרו לך ניחושי הPIN, אבל עדיין אפשר לגשת לחשבון Signal שלך באמצעות יצירת PIN חדש.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">אזהרה</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal צריך הרשאה אל אנשי הקשר שלך כדי לעזור לך לחבור אל חברים. אנשי הקשר שלך מועלים ע״י שימוש בגילוי אנשי קשר פרטי של Signal, מה שאומר שהם מוצפנים מקצה־אל־קצה ואף פעם אינם גלויים אל השירות של Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">עשית יותר מדי ניסיונות להירשם עם המספר הזה. אנא נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">עשית יותר מדי ניסיונות להירשם עם המספר הזה. יש לנסות שוב עוד %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">לא היה ניתן להתחבר אל השירות. אנא בדוק את חיבור האינטרנט ונסה שוב.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">תסדיר אי־תקני של מספר</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">המספר שהכנסת (%1$s) כנראה בתסדיר בלתי תקני.\n\nהאם התכוונת אל %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">שיחה התבקשה</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">נשלחה בקשה לSMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">נשלחה בקשה לקוד אימות</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">אתה כעת במרחק צעד %1$d מהגשת יומן ניפוי תקלים.</item>
<item quantity="two">אתה כעת במרחק %1$d צעדים מהגשת יומן ניפוי תקלים.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">קוד אימות</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">שליחת קוד מחדש</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">נתקלת בבעיות בהרשמה?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">לוודא שלטלפון שלך יש אות סלולרי שמאפשר לו לקבל את הSMS או השיחה\n • לוודא שיש לך אפשרות לקבל שיחת טלפון למספר\n • לבדוק שהכנסת את מספר הטלפון שלך נכון.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">למידע נוסף, יש לבצע את השלבים הבאים לפתרון תקלות או ליצור קשר עם התמיכה</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">השלבים הבאים לפתרון תקלות</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">צור קשר עם תמיכה</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">יצירת קשר עם תמיכה</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">להפעיל נעילת הרשמה?</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">הכנס את ה־PIN שלך</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">הכנס את ה־PIN שיצרת עבור החשבון שלך. הוא שונה מקוד הווידוא שלך במסרון.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">צריך להזין את הPIN שיצרת עבור החשבון שלך.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">הכנס PIN אלפאנומרי</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">הכנס PIN מספרי</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN שגוי. נסה שוב.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">תתקשרו אלי (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">שליחה מחדש של קוד (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">צור קשר עם תמיכת Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">הרשמת Signal - קוד וידוא עבור Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">קוד שגוי</string>
@ -3908,8 +3908,8 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">מחיקת החשבון שלך:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">הכנס את מספר הטלפון שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">מחיקת חשבון</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">מחיקת מידע החשבון שלך ותמונת הפרופיל שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">מחיקת כל ההודעות שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">תמחק את מידע החשבון שלך ותמונת הפרופיל שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">תמחק את כל ההודעות שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">מחיקת %1$s בחשבון התשלומים שלך</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">קוד מדינה לא צויין</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">מספר לא צויין</string>
@ -4584,7 +4584,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">הוספה לסטורי</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">הוסף הודעה</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">הוסף תשובה</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">שלח אל</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">שליחה אל</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">הודעה לצפייה חד־פעמית</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">פריט אחד או יותר היו יותר מדי גדולים</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">פריט אחד או יותר היו בלתי תקפים</string>
@ -5359,7 +5359,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">אישור תרומה</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">שלח אל</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">שליחה אל</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">נעדכן את הנמען/ת על התרומה בהודעת 1על1. אפשר להוסיף הודעה משלך למטה.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">ユーザーネームに問題が発生したため、アカウントに割り当てられていません。もう一度設定し直すか、新しいものを選んでみてください。</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">今すぐ修正する</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMSコードを送信する</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signalの登録 - AndroidでPINの再登録に関するサポートが必要です</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">あなたのPINは %1$d桁以上のコードで、数字または英数字のいずれかです。\n\nPIN を忘れた場合は、新しい PIN を作成できます。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PIN を忘れた場合は、新しい PIN を作成できます。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">思いつくPINの候補がなくなっても、新しいPINを作成することで、Signalアカウントにアクセスすることができます。</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ご注意ください</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalは、ご友人とのつながりを支えるため、連絡先へのアクセス許可が必要です。連絡先はエンドツーエンドで暗号化し、Signalプライベートコンタクトディスカバリーを使用してアップロードされるため、Signalのサービス管理者は閲覧できません。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">この番号の登録試行回数が多すぎます。あとで再度試してください。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">この番号の登録試行回数が多すぎます。%1$s分後にもう一度お試しください。.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">サービスに接続できませんでした。ネットワークの接続を確認してから、再度試してください。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準の数字フォーマット</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">あなたが入力した数字 (%1$s) は、非標準のフォーマットのようです。\n\n%2$s を意図していすか?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">通話を要求されました</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS が要求されました</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">認証コードが要求されました</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">デバッグログの提出まで、あと%1$dステップです。</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">認証コード</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">コードを再送信する</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">登録でお困りですか?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">お使いの携帯電話が圏内にあってSMSまたは通話が可能かどうかを確認してください\n • 電話番号への着信が可能か確認してください\n • 電話番号が正しく入力されていることを確認してください。</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">詳細については、これらのトラブルシューティングの手順に従うか、サポートにお問い合わせください</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">これらのトラブルシューティングの手順</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">お問い合わせ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">サポートに問い合わせる</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">登録ロックを有効にしますか?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">保留中</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">宛先</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">送信済み</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">送信元</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">配送先</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">既読者</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PINを入力してください</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">あなたのアカウント用に作成したPINを入力してください。これはSMSの認証コードとは違います。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">アカウント用に作成した PIN を入力してください。</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">英数字のPINを入力</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">数字のPINを入力</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PINが違います。再度試してください。</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">電話で確認 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">コードの再送信まで (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signalサポートに問い合わせ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal登録 - Android用認証コード</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">コードが違います</string>
@ -3620,7 +3620,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi強度が弱いのでモバイルデータ通信に切り替えます。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">アカウントを削除すると:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">アカウントを消去すると:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">あなたの電話番号を入力してください</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">アカウントを消去する</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">あなたのアカウント情報とプロフィール画像を消去します</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">შენს მომხმარებლის სახელს რაღაც მოუვიდა, ის შენს მონაცემებთან აღარ არის დაკავშირებული. შეგიძლია სცადო და ის ახლიდან დააყენო, ან ახალი შეარჩიო.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ახლა მოგვარება</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS კოდის გამოგზავნა</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">რეგისტრაცია Signal-ზე - მესაჭიროება დახმარება ანდროიდზე პინ-კოდის თავიდან დასარეგისტრირებლად</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">შენი პინ-კოდი %1$d+ ციფრიანი კოდია, რომელიც შეიძლება იყოს ციფრული, ან ანბანურ-ციფრული.\n\nთუ შენს პინ-კოდს ვერ იხსენებ, შეგიძლია ახალი შექმნა.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">თუ შენს პინ-კოდს ვერ იხსენებ, შეგიძლია ახალი შექმნა.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">პინ-კოდის გამოცნობის ცდები ამოგეწურა, მაგრამ შენი Signal-ის მონაცემებზე წვდომა მაინც გექნება ახალი პინ-კოდის შექმნით.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">გაფრთხილება</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">მეგობრებთან დაკავშირების დასახმარებლად Signal-ს კონტაქტებზე წვდომის ნებართვა სჭირდება. შენი კონტაქტები იტვირთება Signal-ის პირადი კონტაქტის აღმოჩენის საშუალებით, რაც ნიშნავს, რომ ისინი ბოლომდე დაშიფრულია და არასოდეს ჩანს Signal-ის სერვისისთვის.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">თქვენ მოახდინეთ ძალიან ბევრი მცდელობა ამ ნომრის დარეგისტრირებისთვის. გთხოვთ ხელახლა სცადოთ მოგვიანებით.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ამ ნომრის დარეგისტრირება ზედმეტად ბევრჯერ სცადე. გთხოვთ, %1$s-ში თავიდან სცადო.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">სერვისთან დაკავშირება შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ, შეამოწმოთ ქსელის კავშირი და ხელახლა სცადოთ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ნომრის არასტანდარტული ფორმატი</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">შენ მიერ შეყვანილი ნომერი (%1$s), როგორც ჩანს, არასტანდარტული ფორმატისაა. %2$s-ს გულისხმობდი?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">დარეკვა მოთხოვნილია</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS-ი მოთხოვნილია</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ვერიფიკაციის კოდი მოთხოვნილია</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ახლა გაშორებთ %1$d ნაბიჯი პრობლემების მოგვარების ჟურნალის გაგზავნიდან.</item>
<item quantity="other">ახლა %1$d ნაბიჯი გაშორებს გაუმართაობის რეესტრის გაგზავნისგან.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ვერიფიკაციის კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">კოდის თავიდან გაგზავნა</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">ვერ რეგისტრირდები?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">დარწმუნდი, რომ შენს ტელეფონს SMS-ის ან ზარის მისაღებად ქსელის კავშირი აქვს\n • დაადასტურე, რომ შეგიძლია ნომერზე სატელეფონო ზარი მიიღო\n • შეამოწმე, რომ სწორად შეიყვანე შენი ტელეფონის ნომერი.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">მეტი ინფორმაციისთვის, გთხოვთ, მიჰყვე პრობლემების მოგვარების ამ ნაბიჯებს ან მხარდაჭერის გუნდს დაუკავშირდე</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">პრობლემების მოგვარების ამ ნაბიჯებს</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">მხარდაჭერის გუნდთან დაკავშირება</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">შეიყვანე შენი პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">შეიყვანე შენი მონაცემებისთვის შექმნილი პინ-კოდი. ის განსხვავდება შენი SMS ვერიფიკაციის კოდისგან.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">შეიყვანე შენი ანგარიშისთვის შექმნილი პინ-კოდი.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">შეიყვანე ანბანურ-ციფრული პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">შეიყვანე ციფრული პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">არასწორი პინ-კოდი. ხელახლა სცადე.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">დამირეკეთ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">კოდის თავიდან გაგზავნა (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">დაუკავშირდით Signal-ის მხარდაჭერას</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-ის რეგისტრაცია - დადასტურების კოდი Android-ითვის</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">არასწორი კოდი</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi კავშირი სუსტია. გადაირთო მობილურის ინტერნეტზე.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">შენი მონაცემების წაშლა:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">შენი ანგარიშის წაშლით:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">შეიყვანე შენი ტელეფონის ნომერი</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">მონაცემების წაშლა</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">წაშლის შენს მონაცემებს და პროფილის ფოტოს</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">ყველა შენი შეტყობინების წაშალ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">წაიშლება შენი მონაცემები და პროფილის ფოტოს</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">წაიშლება ყველა შენი შეტყობინება</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">წაშლის %1$s შენი ტრანზაქციების მონაცემებიდან</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">ქვეყნის კოდი არ არის მითითებული</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">ნომერი არ არის მითითებული</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">შეყვანილი მობილურის ნომერი არ ემთხვევა შენს მონაცემებში აღნიშნულს.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">დარწმუნებული ხარ, რომ შენი მონაცემების წაშლა გსურს?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ეს წაშლის Signal-ის შენ მონაცემებს და განაახლებს აპლიკაციას. პროცესის დასრულების შემდეგ აპლიკაცია დაიხურება.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ეს წაშლის Signal-ის შენ მონაცემებს და განაახლებს აპლიკაციას. პროცესის დასრულების შემდეგ აპლიკაცია დაიხურება.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">ადგილობრივი მონაცემების წაშლა ვერ მოხერხდა. შეგიძლია ისინი ხელით წაშალო სისტემის აპლიკაციის პარამეტრებში.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">აპის პარამეტრების გაშვება</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Пайдаланушы атыңызға байланысты бірдеңе дұрыс болмады, ол енді сіздің аккаунтыңызға тағайындалып тұрған жоқ. Оны қайта орнаты көруіңізге болады немесе жаңасын таңдаңыз.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Қазір түзету</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS кодын жіберу</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-ға тіркелу Android құрылғысы үшін PIN кодын қайта тіркеу кезінде көмек керек</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Сіздің PIN кодыңыз %1$d + сіз жасаған цифрлық код сандық немесе әріптік-сандық болуы мүмкін.\n\nPIN кодыңыз есіңізде болмаса, жаңасын ойлап табыңыз.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PIN кодыңыз есіңізде болмаса, жаңасын ойлап табыңыз.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN кодын енгізуге берілген мүмкіндіктің барлығын пайдаланып қойдыңыз, бірақ жаңа PIN кодын жасап, Signal аккаунтыңызға әлі де кіре аласыз.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Ескерту</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Достарыңызбен байланыс орнату үшін, Signal қолданбасына контактілерді пайдалануға рұқсат керек. Сіздің контактілеріңіз Signal қолданбасының жеке контактілерді анықтау функциясы көмегімен жүктеп салынады. Бұл дегеніміз олар толығымен шифрланып, Signal қызметіне ешқашан көрсетілмейтінін білдіреді.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Осы нөмірді тіркеу үшін сіз тым көп әрекет жасадыңыз. Кейінірек тағы бір рет байқап көріңіз.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Осы нөмірді тіркеу үшін сіз тым көп әрекет жасадыңыз. %1$s өткен соң, қайталап көріңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Қызметке жалғану мүмкін емес. Желіге жалғанғаныңызды тексеріңіз де, тағы бір рет байқап көріңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Стандартты емес нөмір форматы</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Сіз енгізген нөмірдің (%1$s) форматы стандартты емес екен.\n\n%2$s деп жазғыңыз келіп пе еді?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Қоңырау шалу сұралды</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS сұралды</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Верификация коды сұралды</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">You are now %1$d step away from submitting a debug log.</item>
<item quantity="other">Дұрыстау журналын жіберу үшін енді %1$d қадам қалды.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Верификация коды</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Кодты қайтадан жіберу</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Тіркелу кезінде қиындыққа тап болып жатырсыз ба?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS немесе қоңырау қабылдай алатындай телефоныңызда ұялы байланыс болуы керек. \n • Сол нөмірге телефон қоңырауын қабылдай алатын болуыңыз керек\n • Телефон нөміріңізді дұрыс енгізгеніңізді тексеріңіз.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Толық ақпарат алу үшін ақауларды түзету қадамдарын орындаңыз немесе қолдау көрсету қызметіне хабарласыңыз</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">бұл ақауларды түзету қадамдары</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Байланыстағы тұлғаны қолдау</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Күтілуде</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Кімге жіберілді</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Алушы</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Кімнен</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Кімге жеткізілді</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Оқыған</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN кодыңызды енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Тіркелгіңіз үшін жасаған PIN кодты енгізіңіз. Ол сіздің SMS арқылы жіберілген тексеру кодыңыздан басқаша.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Аккаунт үшін ойлап тапқан PIN кодыңызды енгізіңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Әріпті-санды PIN енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Санды PIN енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Дұрыс емес PIN. Қайтадан байқап көріңіз.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Маған қоңырау шалу (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Кодты қайта жіберу (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal қолдау қызметіне хабарласу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal қолданбасында тіркелу - Android жүйесіне арналған тексеру коды</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Код дұрыс емес</string>
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Сторис қосу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Хат қосу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Жауап қосу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Жіберу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Алушы</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Бір рет көрінетін хат</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Бір немесе бірнеше элемент өте үлкен болды</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Бір немесе бірнеше элемент дұрыс болмады</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Демеуді растау</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Жіберу</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Алушы</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Алушыға демеу берілгені туралы жеке хат жіберіледі. Хатыңызды төменге жазыңыз.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">មានអ្វីមួយមិនប្រក្រតីជាមួយឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើរបស់អ្នក ព្រោះវាលែងកំណត់ជាឈ្មោះរបស់គណនីអ្នកទៀតហើយ។ អ្នកអាចសាកល្បង និងកំណត់វាម្តងទៀត ឬជ្រើសរើសឈ្មោះថ្មីមួយ។</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ដោះស្រាយឥឡូវនេះ</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">ផ្ញើលេខកូដតាមសារជាអក្សរ</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">ការចុះឈ្មោះសម្រាប់ Signal - ត្រូវការជំនួយក្នុងការចុះឈ្មោះឡើងវិញនូវលេខកូដសម្ងាត់សម្រាប់ Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">លេខកូដសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកគឺជាលេខកូដ %1$d ខ្ទង់ដែលអ្នកបានបង្កើតឡើង ហើយវាអាចជាលេខ ឬជាអក្សរនិងលេខ។\n\nប្រសិនបើអ្នកចាំលេខកូដសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកមិនបានទេ អ្នកអាចបង្កើតលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ថ្មី។</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">ប្រសិនបើអ្នកចាំលេខកូដសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកមិនបានទេ អ្នកអាចបង្កើតលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ថ្មី។</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">ការសាកល្បងទាយស្មានលេខកូដសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកបានអស់ហើយ ប៉ុន្តែអ្នកនៅតែអាចចូលប្រើគណនី Signal របស់អ្នកបាន ដោយបង្កើតលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ថ្មី។</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ព្រមាន</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ត្រូវការអនុញ្ញាតបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនង ដើម្បីជួយតភ្ជាប់អ្នកជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិ។ បញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក ត្រូវបានផ្ទុកប្រើប្រាស់ការរកឃើញបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងឯកជនរបស់ Signal ដែលមានន័យថាវាត្រូវបានធ្វើកូដនីយកម្មទាំងសងខាង និងមិនដែលបង្ហាញទៅកាន់សេវាកម្ម Signal ទេ។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">អ្នកបានសាកល្បងច្រើនដងពេក ដើម្បីចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយលេខទូរស័ព្ទនេះ។ សូមសាកល្បងម្តងទៀតនៅពេលក្រោយ។</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">អ្នកបានព្យាយាមជាច្រើនដងពេកក្នុងការចុះឈ្មោះលេខនេះ។ សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀតក្នុងរយៈពេល %1$s។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">មិនអាចតភ្ជាប់សេវាបាន។ សូមពិនិត្យការតភ្ជាប់បណ្តាញ ហើយព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ទម្រង់លេខមិនស្តង់ដារ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">លេខដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ចូល (%1$s) មានទម្រង់លេខមិនស្តង់ដារ.\n\nតើអ្នកមានន័យថា %2$s?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">បានស្នើសុំការហៅ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">បានស្នើសុំលេខកូដតាមសារជាអក្សរ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">បានស្នើសុំលេខកូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">You are now %1$d steps away from submitting a debug log.</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">កូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ផ្ញើកូដម្តងទៀត</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">មានបញ្ហាក្នុងការចុះឈ្មោះឬ?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">ត្រូវប្រាកដថាទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នកមានសញ្ញាសេវាទូរសព្ទ ដើម្បីអាចទទួលសារជាអក្សរ ឬការហៅចូលបាន\n • ត្រូវបញ្ជាក់ថាអ្នកអាចទទួលការហៅចូលទៅលេខទូរសព្ទនោះបាន\n • ត្រូវពិនិត្យមើលថាអ្នកបានបញ្ចូលលេខទូរសព្ទរបស់អ្នកបានត្រឹមត្រូវហើយ។</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមធ្វើតាមជំហានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាទាំងនេះ ឬទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ជំហានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាទាំងនេះ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ទាក់ទងជំនួយ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">បើកការចាក់សោរចុះឈ្មោះ?</string>
@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">ការទូទាត់បានផ្ញើ</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">ការទូទាត់បានទទួល</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">ការទូទាត់បានបញ្ចប់ %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">ទប់ស្កាត់លេខ</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">លេខ Block</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">ការបញ្ជូន</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN របស់អ្នក</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN ដែលអ្នកបានបង្កើតសម្រាប់ គណនីរបស់អ្នក។ នេះខុសពីលេខកូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ពីសារ SMS ។</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">បញ្ចូលលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ដែលអ្នកបានបង្កើតសម្រាប់គណនីរបស់អ្នក។</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN អក្សរក្រមលេខ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខកូដ PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">លេខកូដ PIN មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ។ សាកល្បងម្តងទៀត។</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ហៅមកខ្ញុំ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ផ្ញើលេខកូដឡើងវិញ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ទាក់ទងជំនួយ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ការចុះឈ្មោះ Signal - ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កូដសម្រាប់ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">លេខកូដមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ</string>
@ -3620,7 +3620,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">បានប្តូរទៅប្រព័ន្ធអ៊ីនធឺណិតទូរសព្ទ ព្រោះប្រព័ន្ធ Wi-Fi ខ្សោយ។</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">លុបគណនីអ្នកនឹង៖</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">ការលុបគណនីរបស់អ្នកនឹង៖</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">វាយបញ្ចូលលេខរបស់អ្នក</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">លុបគណនី</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">លុបព័ត៌មានគណនី និងរូបថតប្រូហ្វាល់របស់អ្នក</string>
@ -3630,7 +3630,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">មិនបានបញ្ជាក់លេខទូរស័ព្ទ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">លេខទូរស័ព្ទដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ជូលមិនត្រូវគ្នាជាមួយគណនីអ្នក។</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">តើអ្នកប្រាកដទេថា ចង់លុបគណនីរបស់អ្នក?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ការធ្វើបែបនេះនឹងលុបគណនី Signal របស់អ្នក ហើយកំណត់កម្មវិធីនេះឡើងវិញ។ បន្ទាប់ពីដំណើរការនេះបញ្ចប់ កម្មវិធីនេះនឹងបិទ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ការធ្វើបែបនេះនឹងលុបគណនី Signal របស់អ្នក ហើយកំណត់កម្មវិធីនេះឡើងវិញ។ កម្មវិធីនេះនឹងបិទបន្ទាប់ពីដំណើរការនេះបញ្ចប់។</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">មិនអាចលុបទិន្នន័យក្នុងឧបករណ៍បានទេ។ អ្នកអាចលុបវាបានដោយខ្លួនឯងនៅក្នុងការកំណត់កម្មវិធីក្នុងប្រព័ន្ធ។</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">បើកការកំណត់របស់កម្មវិធី</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಯೂಸರ್‌ನೇಮ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಏನೋ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ, ಅದನ್ನು ಇನ್ನುಮುಂದೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗೆ ನಿಯೋಜಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ನೀವು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ ಸೆಟ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು ಅಥವಾ ಹೊಸತನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ಈಗಲೇ ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS ಕೋಡ್ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal ನೋಂದಣಿ - Android ಗೆ PIN ಮರುನೋಂದಾಯಿಸುವ ಕುರಿತು ಸಹಾಯ ಬೇಕಿದೆ</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">ನಿಮ್ಮ PIN ನೀವು ರಚಿಸಿದ %1$d+ ಅಂಕಿಯ ಕೋಡ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದು, ಅದು ಅಂಕಿಗಳಾಗಿರಬಹುದು ಅಥವಾ ಅಕ್ಷರಅಂಕಿ ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಯಾಗಿರಬಹುದು.\n\nನಿಮ್ಮ PIN ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆನಪಾಗದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನೀವು ಹೊಸತನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಬಹುದು.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">ನಿಮ್ಮ PIN ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆನಪಾಗದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನೀವು ಹೊಸತನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಬಹುದು.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">ನಿಮ್ಮPIN ಊಹೆಗಳ ಅವಕಾಶ ಮುಗಿದಿದೆ, ಹೊಸ PIN ರಚಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ನಿಮ್ಮ Signal ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಈಗಲೂ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಬಹುದು.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಆಗಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆರವಾಗಲು Signal ಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಅನುಮತಿ ಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. Signal ನ ಗೌಪ್ಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗಿವೆ, ಇದರರ್ಥ, ಅವುಗಳು ಎಂಡ್-ಟು-ಎಂಡ್ ಎನ್‌ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿವೆ ಮತ್ತು Signal ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಯಾವತ್ತೂ ಕಾಣಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ಈ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಲು ನೀವು ತುಂಬಾ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಪುನಃ</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ಈ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸಲು ನೀವು ತುಂಬಾ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು %1$s ನಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ನೆಟ್‌ವರ್ಕ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ಪ್ರಮಾಣೀಕೃತವಲ್ಲದ ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ ಸ್ವರೂಪ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ನೀವು ನಮೂದಿಸಿದ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ (%1$s) ಪ್ರಮಾಣೀಕೃತವಲ್ಲದ ಸ್ವರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ.\n\nನೀವು ಅಂದುಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದು ಇದೇನಾ %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ಕರೆ ವಿನಂತಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS ವಿನಂತಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್ ವಿನಂತಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ನೀವು ಈಗ %1$d ಎ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ದೂರವಿರಿಡೀಬಗ್ ಲಾಗ್.</item>
<item quantity="other">ನೀವು ಡಿಬಗ್ ಲಾಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ %1$d ಹೆಜ್ಜೆಗಳಷ್ಟು ದೂರದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದೀರಿ.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ಕೋಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆ ಎದುರಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಾ?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">ನಿಮ್ಮ SMS ಅಥವಾ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಸೆಲ್ಯುಲಾರ್ ಸಿಗ್ನಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ\n • ಈ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗೆ ನೀವು ಫೋನ್ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಬಹುದು ಎಂದು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ\n • ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ನಮೂದಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಾ ಎಂದು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಾಗಿ, ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆ ಪರಿಹಾರದ ಹಂತಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸಿ ಅಥವಾ ಬೆಂಬಲವನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆ ಪರಿಹಾರದ ಹಂತಗಳನ್ನು</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಬೆಂಬಲ</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ನೀವು ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿ ರಚಿಸಿದ ಪಿನ್ ಅನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ. ಇದು ಎಸ್‌ಎಂಎಸ್‌ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್ ಗಿಂತ ಭಿನ್ನವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿ ನೀವು ರಚಿಸಿದ PIN ನಮೂದಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ಆಲ್ಫಾನ್ಯೂಮರಿಕ್ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ತಪ್ಪಾದ ಪಿನ್. ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) ರ ಬಳಿಕ ನನಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿ</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ಕೋಡ್ ಮರುಕಳುಹಿಸಿ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ Signal ಬೆಂಬಲ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ನೋಂದಣಿ - ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್‌ಗೆ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ತಪ್ಪಾದ ಕೋಡ್</string>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">ಯಾವುದೇ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟಪಡಿಸಿಲ್ಲ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">ನೀವು ನಮೂದಿಸಿದ ಫೋನ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಹೋಲಿಕೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿ ಬಯಸುವಿರಾ?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ಇದು ನಿಮ್ಮ Signal ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಿಸೆಟ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ. ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಮುಗಿದ ನಂತರ ಆಪ್ ಮುಚ್ಚುತ್ತದೆ.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ಇದು ನಿಮ್ಮ Signal ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಅನ್ನು ರಿಸೆಟ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ. ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಮುಗಿದ ನಂತರ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ಮುಚ್ಚುತ್ತದೆ.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಡೇಟಾ ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ. ಸಿಸ್ಟಮ್ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಮ್ಯಾನ್ಯುವಲ್ ಆಗಿ ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸಬಹುದು.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">ಆಪ್ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಿರಿ</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">사용자 이름에 문제가 생겼습니다. 이 사용자 이름이 더는 계정에 사용되지 않습니다. 다시 설정하려고 시도하거나 새로운 사용자 이름을 선택하세요.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">지금 해결</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS 코드 보내기</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal 등록 - Android 등록 PIN 관련 도움</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN은 사용자가 만든 %1$d자리 이상의 영숫자 조합 코드입니다.\n\nPIN이 기억이 안 난다면 새로운 PIN을 만드세요.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PIN이 기억이 안 난다면 새로운 PIN을 만드세요.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN 시도 횟수를 초과했습니다. 하지만 새로운 PIN을 만들어 Signal 계정을 계속 이용할 수 있습니다.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">경고</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal에서 친구를 추가하려면 연락처 접근 권한을 허용해야 합니다. 내 기기에 저장된 연락처는 Signal의 비공개 연락처 검색을 통해 업로드됩니다. 모든 연락처가 단대단 암호화 처리되기 때문에 Signal 서비스에는 절대 표시되지 않습니다.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">이 전화번호를 등록하려고 너무 많이 시도했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">이 번호를 등록하려고 너무 많이 시도했습니다. %1$s 후에 다시 시도해 주세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">서비스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 네트워크 연결을 확인 후 다시 시도해 주세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">비표준 전화번호 형식</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">입력한 번호(%1$s)가 표준 형식이 아닙니다.\n\n혹시 입력하려던 번호가 %2$s인가요?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">통화 요청함</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS가 필요합니다.</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">확인 코드가 필요합니다.</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">디버그 로그를 보내기까지 %1$d단계 남았습니다.</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">확인 코드</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">코드 다시 보내기</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">등록에 어려움이 있나요?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS나 통화에 휴대폰에 셀룰러 데이터를 사용할 수 있는지 확인하세요.\n • 해당 번호로 전화를 받을 수 있는지 확인하세요.\n • 올바른 전화번호를 입력했는지 확인하세요.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">자세한 내용은 다음 문제 해결 단계를 따르거나 지원팀에 문의하세요.</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">이 문제 해결 단계</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">지원에 문의</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">지원에 문의</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">등록 잠금을 켜시겠습니까?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">대기 중</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">보냄</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">전송 대상</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">받음</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">전달됨</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">읽음</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">계정용으로 생성한 번호를 입력하세요. SMS 인증 코드와는 다릅니다.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">계정에 대해 만든 PIN을 입력하세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">영숫자 번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">숫자 번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">잘못된 번호입니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">나한테 전화(%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">코드 다시 보내기(%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal 지원 팀에 문의</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 등록 - 안드로이드용 인증 코드</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">올바르지 않은 코드</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi 신호가 약합니다. 셀룰러 데이터로 전환하세요.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">계정을 삭제하면:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">계정을 삭제할 경우:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">전화번호를 입력하세요.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">계정 삭제</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">계정 정보 및 프로필 사진 삭제</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">모든 메시지 삭제</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">계정 정보와 프로필 사진을 삭제합니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">모든 메시지 삭제합니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">결제 계정에서 %1$s 삭제</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">지정된 국가 코드가 없습니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">지정된 전화번호가 없습니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">입력한 전화번호가 내 계정과 일치하지 않습니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">계정을 삭제하시겠습니까?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">후 Signal 계정이 삭제되고 애플리케이션이 재설정됩니다. 프로세스가 완료되면 앱이 종료됩니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account"> 작업을 수행하면 Signal 계정을 삭제하고 애플리케이션을 초기화합니다. 프로세스를 완료하면 앱을 종료합니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">로컬 데이터를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 시스템 애플리케이션 설정에서 수동으로 제거할 수 있습니다.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">앱 설정 시작</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">스토리에 추가</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">메시지 추가</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">답장 추가</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">다음으로 보내기</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">받는 사람</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">한 번 보기 메시지</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">하나 이상의 항목이 너무 큽니다.</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">하나 이상의 항목이 유효하지 않습니다.</string>
@ -5023,7 +5023,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">기부를 확인해 주세요.</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">다음으로 보내기</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">받는 사람</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">받는 사람에게 1대1 메시지로 기부 알림이 발송됩니다. 아래에 나만의 메시지를 추가하세요.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Колдонуучу атыңызда маселе жаралып, аккаунтуңузга байланбай калды. Дагы бир жолу кайталап көрүңүз же жаңысын түзүңүз.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Оңдоо</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS аркылуу код жөнөтүү</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal кызматына катталуу - Android түзмөгүнө PIN кодду кайра каттоодо жардам берүү</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN кодуңуз %1$d жана өзүңүз түзгөн санарип код сандардан же сан менен тамгалардан турушу мүмкүн.\n\nЭгер PIN кодуңузду унутуп койсоңуз, жаңысын түзсөңүз болот.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Эгер PIN кодуңузду унутуп койсоңуз, жаңысын түзсөңүз болот.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN кодду эстегенге өтө көп жолу аракет кылдыңыз, эми Signal аккаунтуңузга жаңы PIN код түзүп кириңиз.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Эскертүү</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Досторуңуз менен байланышуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн берүү үчүн Signal колдонмосуна байланыштарыңыз керек. Байланыштарыңыз Signal\'дын байланыштарды купуя издеген технологиясы аркылуу жүктөлүп, баштан аяк шифрленгендиктен, Signal кызматына эч качан көрүнбөйт.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Бул номерди каттоого ашыкча көп ирет катар аракет жасадыңыз. Сураныч, кийинчерээк дагы сынап көрүңүз.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Бул номерди каттаганга өтө көп жолу аракет кылдыңыз. %1$s кийин кайталап көрүңүз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Сервиске туташылбай жатат. Тармактык туташууну текшерип, дагы бир жолу аракет кылып көрүңүз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Телефон номери туура эмес</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Телефон номерин туура эмес киргиздиңиз окшойт (%1$s).\n\nМындай эмес беле %2$s?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Чалуу суралды</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS аркылуу код сурадыңыз</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Ырастоо кодун сурадыңыз</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Сиз мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоо журналын тапшыруудан %1$dкадамдасыз.</item>
@ -1751,13 +1751,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Текшерүү коду</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Кодду кайра жөнөтүү</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Каттала албай жатасызбы?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS билдирүү алуу же чалуу үчүн телефонуңузда байланыш болушу керек\n • Адамдар телефон номериңизге чала алышы керек\n • Телефон номериңизди туура киргизиңиз.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Кененирээк маалымат алуу үчүн төмөнкү кадамдарды аткарыңыз же Кардарларды тейлеген кызматка кайрылыңыз</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ушул кадамдарды</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Кардарларды колдоо кызматына кайрылуу</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Жеке кабинетиңиз үчүн түзгөн PIN кодду киргизиңиз. Бул код SMS аркылуу келген текшерүү кодуңуздан айырмаланып турат.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Аккаунтуңуздун PIN кодун киргизиниз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Тамгалык-цифралык PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Цифралык PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Туура эмес PIN-код. Кайра кайталаңыз.</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Мага чал (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Код кайра жөнөтүлөт (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal\'дын кардарларды колдоо кызматы менен байланышыңыз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal\'ды каттоо - Android үчүн текшерүү коду</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Код туура эмес</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi начар болгондуктан, мобилдик Интернетке которулдуңуз.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Аккаунтуңузду жок кылуу:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Аккаунтуңуз өчкөндө:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Телефон номериңизди киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Аккаунтту өчүрүү</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Аккаунтуңуздун маалыматын жана профиль сүрөтүңүздү жок кылуу</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Бардык билдирүүлөрүңүздү жок кылуу</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Аккаунтуңуздун маалыматы жана профилдин сүрөтү жок болот</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Бардык билдирүүлөрүңүз жок болот</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Төлөм аккаунтуңуздан %1$s жок кылуу</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Эч кандай өлкө коду көрсөтүлгөн эмес</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Эч кандай номер көрсөтүлгөн жок</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Сиз киргизген телефон номери аккаунтуңузга дал келбейт.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Аккаунтуңузду чын эле жок кылгыңыз келеби?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Бул аракет Signal аккаунтуңузду жок кылат жана колдонмону баштапкы абалга келтирет. Процесс аяктагандан кийин колдонмо жабылат.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ушуну менен, Signal аккаунтуңуз өчүп, колдонмо баштапкы абалга келет. Баары бүткөндөн кийин колдонмо жабылат.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Жергиликтүү берилмелер жок кылынбай калды. Сиз аны кол менен системанын колдонмо тууралоосунан тазалай аласыз.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Колдонмо тууралоосун баштоо</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Окуяга кошуу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Билдирүү кошуу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Жооп кошуу</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Жөнөтүү</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Кимге</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Бир жолу көрүлүүчү билдирүү</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Бир же бир нече нерсе өтө чоң болуп чыкты</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Бир же бир нече нерсе жараксыз</string>
@ -5023,7 +5023,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Колдоону ырастоо</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Жөнөтүү</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Кимге</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Алуучу колдоо тууралуу билдирүү алат. Төмөн жакка бир нерсе деп коюңуз.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Kažkas nutiko su tavo naudotojo vardu, jis nebėra priskirtas tavo paskyrai. Gali pabandyti jį nustatyti dar kartą arba pasirinkti naują.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Tvarkyti dabar</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Siųsti SMS kodą</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">„Signal“ registracija reikia pagalbos perregistruojant PIN kodą „Android“ įrenginiui</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Tavo PIN yra %1$d+ skaitmenų kodas, kurį susikūrei iš skaitmenų arba iš skaitmenų ir raidžių.\n\nJei neprisimeni savo PIN kodo, gali susikurti naują.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Jei neprisimeni savo PIN kodo, gali susikurti naują.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Išnaudojai PIN kodo spėjimus, bet dar gali pasiekti savo „Signal“ paskyrą, jei susikursi naują PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Įspėjimas</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal programėlei reikia leidimo gauti prieigą prie jūsų adresatų, kad padėtų jums susisiekti su draugais. Jūsų adresatai yra išsiunčiami naudojant Signal privatų adresatų atradimą, o tai reiškia, kad adresatai yra šifruoti ištisiniu būdu ir niekada nebus matomi Signal paslaugai.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Atlikote per daug bandymų užregistruoti šį numerį. Vėliau bandykite dar kartą.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Atlikai per daug bandymų užregistruoti šį numerį. Pabandyk už %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nepavyksta prisijungti prie paslaugos. Patikrinkite tinklo ryšį ir bandykite dar kartą.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandartinis numerio formatas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Atrodo, kad jūsų įvestas numeris (%1$s) yra nestandartinio formato.\n\nAr turėjote omenyje %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Užklausta skambučio</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Paprašei SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Paprašei patvirtinimo kodo</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Dabar jums liko %1$d žingsnis iki derinimo žurnalo pateikimo.</item>
<item quantity="few">Dabar jums liko %1$d žingsniai iki derinimo žurnalo pateikimo.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Patvirtinimo kodas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Siųsti kodą iš naujo</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Nepavyksta prisiregistruoti?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Įsitikink, kad telefone yra mobilusis ryšys ir gali gauti SMS ar priimti skambutį.\n • Patvirtink, kad gali atsiliepti į skambutį šiuo numeriu.\n • Patikrink, ar teisingai įvedei savo telefono numerį.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Jei reikia daugiau informacijos, atlik šiuos nesklandumų šalinimo veiksmus arba kreipkis į aptarnavimo komandą</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">šiuos nesklandumų šalinimo veiksmus</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Susisiekti su palaikymu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Susisiekti su aptarnavimo komanda</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Įjungti registracijos užraktą?</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Įveskite savo PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Įveskite savo paskyrai sukurtą PIN kodą. Tai yra kas kita, nei jūsų SMS patvirtinimo kodas.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Įvesk PIN kodą, kurį susikūrei savo paskyrai.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Įvesti tekstinį PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Įvesti skaitinį PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Neteisingas PIN kodas. Bandykite dar kartą.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Skambinti man (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Siųsti kodą iš naujo (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Susisiekti su Signal palaikymu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal registracija - Patvirtinimo kodas, skirtas „Android“</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Neteisingas kodas</string>
@ -3905,11 +3905,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Silpnas Wi-Fi. Perjungta į mobilųjį ryšį.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ištrinant jūsų paskyrą bus:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ištrynus tavo paskyrą bus:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Įveskite savo telefono numerį</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Ištrinti paskyrą</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ištrinti savo paskyros informaciją ir profilio nuotraukas</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Ištrinti visas savo žinutes</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ištrinta tavo paskyros informacija ir profilio nuotraukos</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Ištrintos visos tavo žinutės</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Ištrinti %1$s iš mokėjimų paskyros</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nenurodytas joks šalies kodas</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nenurodytas joks numeris</string>

View file

@ -999,9 +999,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Radās problēma ar jūsu lietotāja vārdu, tas vairs nav piešķirts jūsu kontam. Varat mēģināt iestatīt to vēlreiz vai izvēlēties jaunu.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Labot</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1660,15 +1660,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Sūtīt SMS kodu</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal reģistrācija — nepieciešama palīdzība ar atkārtotas reģistrācijas Android PIN kodu</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN ir jūsu izveidots %1$d+ ciparu kods, kas var sastāvēt no cipariem vai no burtiem un cipariem.\n\nJa neatceraties savu PIN, varat izveidot jaunu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ja neatceraties savu PIN, varat izveidot jaunu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Ir sasniegts maksimālais PIN minējumu skaits, taču joprojām varat piekļūt savam Signal kontam, izveidojot jaunu PIN kodu.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Brīdinājums</string>
@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal nepieciešama pieeja kontaktiem, lai palīdzētu Jums atrast draugus. Jūsu kontaktu saraksts tiks augšupielādēts lietojot Signal privāto kontaktu atklāšanu, kas nozīmē, ka tie būs šifrēti, un nekad nebūs redzami Signal servisam.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Pārāk daudz šī numura reģistrēšanas mēģinājumu. Vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Pārāk daudz šī numura reģistrēšanas mēģinājumu. Mēģiniet vēlreiz pēc %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar pakalpojumu. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tīkla savienojumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandarta numura formāts</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Izskatās, ka numurs, kuru ievadījāt (%1$s), ir nestandarta formātā.\n\nVai domājāt %2$s?</string>
@ -1869,9 +1869,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Pieprasīts zvans</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Pieprasīta SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Pieprasīts verifikācijas kods</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="zero">Jūs tagad esiet %1$d soļus no atkļūdošanas žurnāla iesniegšanas</item>
<item quantity="one">Jūs tagad esiet %1$d soli no atkļūdošanas žurnāla iesniegšanas</item>
@ -1893,13 +1893,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikācijas kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saņemt kodu vēlreiz</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Vai jums ir problēmas ar reģistrāciju?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Pārbaudiet, vai tālrunim ir mobilā tīkla signāls, lai saņemtu īsziņu vai zvanu \n • Pārbaudiet, vai varat uz šo numuru saņemt tālruņa zvanu\n • Pārbaudiet, vai esat pareizi ievadījis tālruņa numuru.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, veiciet šīs problēmu novēršanas darbības vai sazinieties ar atbalstu</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">šīs problēmu novēršanas darbības</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Sazināties ar atbalstu</string>
@ -3427,7 +3427,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ievadiet jūsu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ievadiet sava konta PIN kodu. Tas atšķiras no jūsu SMS verifikācijas koda.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Ievadiet savam kontam izveidoto PIN.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ievadiet no burtiem un cipariem sastāvošu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Izveido ciparisku PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nepareizs PIN. Mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
@ -3539,7 +3539,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Piezvaniet man (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Atkārtoti nosūtīt kodu (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Sazināties ar Signal tehnisko atbalstu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal reģistrācija - Android ierīces verifikācijas kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Nepareizs kods</string>
@ -3820,7 +3820,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nav norādīts numurs</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Ievadītais tālruņa numurs neatbilst jūsu kontā norādītajam.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst savu kontu?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Veicot šo darbību, tiks dzēsts jūsu Signal konts un lietotne tiks atiestatīta. Pēc šī procesa pabeigšanas lietotne tiks aizvērta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Veicot šo darbību, jūsu Signal konts tiks dzēsts un lietotne tiks atiestatīta. Pēc šī procesa pabeigšanas lietotne tiks aizvērta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Neizdevās izdzēst lokālos datus. Tos var manuāli dzēst sistēmas lietojumprogrammas iestatījumos.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Atvērt lietotnes iestatījumus</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable_signal_messages_and_calls">Да ги исклучам Signal пораките и повиците?</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable_signal_messages_and_calls_by_unregistering">Исклучи ги пораките и повиците од Signal со дерегистрирање од серверот. Ќе мора повторно да го регистрирате телефонскиот број за да може повторно да користите пораки и повици.</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_error_connecting_to_server">Грешка при поврзување со серверот!</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pins_are_required_for_registration_lock">PIN-от е потребен за заклучување на регистрацијата. За да го исклучите PIN-от, Ве молиме прво исклучете го заклучувањето на регистрацијата.</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pins_are_required_for_registration_lock">PIN-от е потребен за заклучување на регистрацијата. За да го исклучите PIN-от, ве молиме прво исклучете го заклучувањето на регистрацијата.</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pin_created">PIN-от е создаден.</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pin_disabled">PIN-от е исклучен.</string>
<string name="ApplicationPreferencesActivity_record_payments_recovery_phrase">Запиши резервна фраза на плаќањата</string>
@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Нешто не е во ред со вашето корисничко име, повеќе не ја назначува вашата сметка. Можете да се обидете да го поставите одново или да изберете ново.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Поправи сега</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Испрати SMS код</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal регистрација - Потребна ми е помош со повторна регистрација на PIN за Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Вашиот PIN е код што го имате создадено со %1$d+ цифри што можат да бидат нумерички или алфанумерички.Ако не можете да го запаметите вашиот PIN, можете да содадете нов.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ако не можете да го запаметите вашиот PIN, можете да содадете нов.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Немате повеќе обиди за да го внесете точниот PIN, но можете да добиете пристап до вашата Signal сметка со создавање на нов PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Предупредување</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal има потреба од дозвола до контакти за да Ви помогне да се поврзете со пријателите. Вашите контакти се прикачуваат преку приватното откривање на контакти на Signal, ова значи дека се шифрирани од крај до крај и никогаш не се видливи за Signal услугата.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Направивте премногу обиди за регистрација на овој број. Ве молиме обидете се повторно подоцна.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Направивте премногу обиди за регистрација на овој број. Ве молиме обидете се повторно за %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Не може да се поврзе со услугата. Ве молиме проверете ја Вашата интернет конекција и обидете се повторно.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандарден формат на број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Бројот што го внесовте (%1$s) изгледа дека е нестандарден формат.\n\nДали мислевте на %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Повикот е побаран</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Пратено е барање за SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Пратено е барање за код за потврда</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Сега сте %1$d чекор оддалечени од испраќање на записот за отстранување грешки.</item>
<item quantity="other">Сега сте %1$d чекори оддалечени од испраќање на записот за отстранување грешки.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потврда</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Препрати код</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Имате проблеми при регистрација?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Проверете дали вашиот телефон има сигнал за да ја прими пораката или повикот\n• Проверете дали можете да примите повик на овој број\n• Проверете дали точно го внесовте телефонскиот број.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">За повеќе информации, следете ги овие чекори за решавање на проблеми или контактирајте го тимот за корисничка поддршка</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">овие чекори за решавање на проблеми</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Контакт за поддршка</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Контактирајте го тимот за корисничка поддршка</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Да вклучам заклучување на регистрација?</string>
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Напредни поставувања за PIN</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Бесплатни приватни пораки и повици кон Signal корисниците</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Испрати запис за отстранување грешки</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Избриши сметка</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Избришете ја вашата корисничка сметка</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">„Повикување преку WiFi“ режим на компатибилност</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Овозможи доколку уредот користи SMS/MMS испорака преку WiFi (овозможи само кога „Повикување преку WiFi“ е вклучено на уредот)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Инкогнито тастатура</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Внесете го Вашиот PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Го внесете PIN кодот што го создадовте за Вашата сметка. Овој код е различен од Вашиот SMS код за проверка.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Внесете го ПИН-от што го создадовте за вашата сметка.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Внесете алфанумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Внесете нумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Погрешен PIN. Обидете се повторно.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Јави ми се (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Препраќање на код (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Контактирај Signal Поддршка</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрација на Signal - Код за проверка за Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Погрешен код</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Слаба Wi-Fi конекција. Префрлени сте на мобилен интернет.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Бришењето на Вашата сметка ќе:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Со бришењето на вашата сметка:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Внесете го вашиот телефонски број</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Избриши сметка</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Избришете информации за вашата сметка и профилна слика</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Избришете ги сите ваши пораки</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Ќе се избрише вашата корисничка сметка</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ќе се избришат информациите за вашата сметка и профилна слика</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Ќе се избришат сите ваши пораки</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Избришете %1$s од вашата сметка за плаќања</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Не е внесен повикувачки број на државата</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Не е внесен број</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപയോക്തൃനാമവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് എന്തോ പിശകുണ്ടായി, ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടിലേക്ക് അസൈൻ ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല. നിങ്ങൾക്കത് വീണ്ടും സജ്ജമാക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കാം അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പുതിയൊരെണ്ണം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ഇപ്പോൾ പരിഹരിക്കുക</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS കോഡ് അയയ്ക്കുക</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ - Android-ൽ PIN വീണ്ടും രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യാൻ സഹായം വേണം</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">നിങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ച %1$d+ അക്ക കോഡാണ് നിങ്ങളുടെ പിൻ, അത് ന്യൂമറിക്കോ ആൽഫാന്യൂമറിക്കോ ആയേക്കാം.\n\nനിങ്ങളുടെ PIN ഓർമ്മയില്ലെങ്കിൽ, പുതിയൊരെണ്ണം സൃഷ്ടിക്കാനാകും.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">നിങ്ങളുടെ PIN ഓർമ്മയില്ലെങ്കിൽ, പുതിയൊരെണ്ണം സൃഷ്ടിക്കാനാകും.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN ഊഹിക്കലുകൾക്കുള്ള ഊഴം കഴിഞ്ഞു, പക്ഷെ പുതിയൊരു PIN സൃഷ്ടിച്ച് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇപ്പോഴും നിങ്ങളുടെ Signal അക്കൗണ്ട് ആക്‌സസ് ചെയ്യാനാകും.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടാൻ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിന് Signal-ന് കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ അനുമതി ആവശ്യമാണ്. Signal-ന്റെ സ്വകാര്യ കോൺടാക്റ്റ് കണ്ടെത്തൽ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് നിങ്ങളുടെ കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്‌തിരിക്കുന്നത്, അതിനർത്ഥം അവ ആദ്യാവസാന എൻക്രിപ്റ്റ് ചെയ്‌തതും Signal സേവനത്തിന് ഒരിക്കലും ദൃശ്യമാകാത്തതുമാണ്.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ഈ നമ്പർ രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങൾ വളരെയധികം ശ്രമങ്ങൾ നടത്തി. പിന്നീട് വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ഈ നമ്പർ രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യാൻ നിങ്ങൾ നിരവധി ശ്രമങ്ങൾ നടത്തി. %1$s സമയത്തിന് ശേഷം വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">സേവനത്തിലേക്ക് കണക്റ്റുചെയ്യാനായില്ല. നെറ്റ്‌വർക്ക് കണക്ഷൻ പരിശോധിച്ച് വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">അംഗീകൃതമല്ലാത്ത നമ്പര്‍ രൂപം</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">നിങ്ങൾ നൽകിയ നമ്പർ (%1$s) അംഗീകൃതമല്ലാത്ത നമ്പര്‍ രൂപത്തില്‍ ആണെന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.\n\nനിങ്ങൾ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ചത് %2$s എന്നാണോ?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">കോള്‍ അഭ്യർത്ഥിച്ചു</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS അഭ്യർത്ഥിച്ചു</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">പരിശോധിച്ചുറപ്പിക്കൽ കോഡ് അഭ്യർത്ഥിച്ചു</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ഒരു ഡീബഗ് ലോഗ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോൾ %1$d പടി അകലെയാണ്.</item>
<item quantity="other">ഒരു ഡീബഗ് ലോഗ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോൾ %1$d ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ അകലെയാണ്.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">പരിശോധിച്ചുറപ്പിക്കൽ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">കോഡ് വീണ്ടും അയയ്‌ക്കുക</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിൽ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ട് നേരിടുന്നുണ്ടോ?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS-ഓ കോളോ ലഭിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോണിൽ സെല്ലുലാർ സേവനമുണ്ടെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാക്കുക\n • ആ നമ്പറിലേക്ക് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഫോൺ കോൾ ലഭിക്കുമെന്ന് സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുക • നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ ശരിയായാണോ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നത് എന്ന് പരിശോധിക്കുക.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക്ക്, ഈ ട്രബിൾഷൂട്ടിംഗ് ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ പാലിക്കുക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ പിന്തുണയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടുക</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ഈ ട്രബിൾഷൂട്ടിംഗ് ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">പിന്തുണയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടുക</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">ശേഷിക്കുന്നു</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">അയച്ചത്</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ഇനിപ്പറയുന്നയാൾക്ക് അയച്ചു</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">അയച്ചത്</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">കൈമാറിയത്</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">വായിച്ചത്</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">നിങ്ങളുടെ PIN നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടിനായി നിങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്‌ടിച്ച പിൻ നൽകുക. ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ SMS പരിശോധന കോഡിൽ നിന്ന് വ്യത്യസ്തമാണ്.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടിനായി സൃഷ്ടിച്ച PIN നൽകുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ആൽഫാന്യൂമെറിക് പിൻ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">സംഖ്യാ പിൻ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN തെറ്റാണ്. വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">എന്നെ വിളിക്കൂ (%1$02d%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">കോഡ് വീണ്ടും അയയ്ക്കുക (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal പിന്തുണ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ - Android-നായുള്ള സ്ഥിരീകരണ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">കോഡ് തെറ്റാണ്</string>
@ -3717,15 +3717,15 @@
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുന്നത്:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്ക</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ട് വിവരവും പ്രൊഫൈൽ ഫോട്ടോയും ഇല്ലാതാക്കൂ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കും</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ട് വിവരങ്ങളും പ്രൊഫൈൽ ഫോട്ടോയും ഇല്ലാതാക്കും</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">നിങ്ങളുടെ എല്ലാ സന്ദേശങ്ങളും ഇല്ലാതാക്കൂ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">നിങ്ങളുടെ പേയ്മെന്റ് അക്കൗണ്ടിലെ %1$s ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">രാജ്യ കോഡുകളൊന്നും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടില്ല</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">നമ്പർ വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടില്ല</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">നിങ്ങൾ നൽകിയ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടുമായി പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നില്ല.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കണം എന്ന് ഉറപ്പാണോ?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ Signal അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുകയും അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ പുനഃസജ്ജമാക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. പ്രക്രിയ പൂർത്തിയായ ശേഷം ആപ്പ് അടയ്‌ക്കും.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ Signal അക്കൗണ്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കുകയും ആപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ റീസെറ്റ് ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്യും. പ്രക്രിയ പൂർത്തിയായ ശേഷം ആപ്പ് അടയ്‌ക്കും.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">പ്രാദേശിക ഡാറ്റ ഇല്ലാതാക്കാനായില്ല. സിസ്റ്റം അപ്ലിക്കേഷൻ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇത് നേരിട്ട് ഇല്ലാതാക്കാം.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">ആപ്പ് ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ തുറക്കുക</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">സ്റ്റോറിയിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">ഒരു സന്ദേശം ചേര്‍ക്കുക</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">ഒരു മറുപടി ചേർക്കുക</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">അയക്കുക</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">ഇനിപ്പറയുന്നയാൾക്ക് അയയ്ക്കുക</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">ഒരിയ്ക്കല്‍ മാത്രം കാണാവുന്ന സന്ദേശം</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">ഒന്നോ അതിലധികമോ ഇനങ്ങൾ വളരെ വലുതായിരുന്നു</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">ഒന്നോ അതിലധികമോ ഇനങ്ങൾ അസാധുവാണ്</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">സംഭാവന സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുക</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">അയക്കുക</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">ഇനിപ്പറയുന്നയാൾക്ക് അയയ്ക്കുക</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">നേരിട്ടുള്ള സന്ദേശത്തിലൂടെ സ്വീകർത്താവിനെ സംഭാവനയെക്കുറിച്ച് അറിയിക്കും. നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വന്തം സന്ദേശം ചുവടെ ചേർക്കുക.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">आपल्या वापरकर्ता नावासह काहीतरी चुकीचे झाले आहे, ते यापुढे आपल्या अकाऊंटसह नियुक्त केलेले नाही. आपण आता प्रयत्न करू शकता आणि पुन्हा सेट करू शकता किंवा नवीन निवडू शकता.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">आत्ता निश्चित करा</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS कोड पाठवा</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal नोंदणी - अ‍ॅन्ड्रॉईड साठी पिन नोंदणी करण्यास मदतीची गरज आहे</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">आपला पिन %1$d+ अंकांचा तुम्ही तयार केलेला कोड आहे जो अंकीय किंवा अल्फान्यूमेरिक असू शकतो.\n\nआपणाला आपला पिन लक्षात नसल्यास, आपण नवीन तयार करू शकता.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">आपणाला आपला पिन लक्षात नसल्यास, आपण नवीन तयार करू शकता.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">आपले पिन अंदाज संपले आहेत, पण तरीही नवीन पिन तयार करून आपण आपले Signal अकाऊंट अ‍ॅक्सेस करू शकता.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">चेतावणी</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ला तुम्हाला तुमच्या मित्रांशी कनेक्ट करण्यासाठी संपर्क परवानगी आवश्यक आहेत. तुमचे संपर्क Signal चे खाजगी संपर्क शोध वापरून अपलोड केले जातात, याचा अर्थ ते एंड-टू-एंड एनक्रिप्ट केलेले आहेत आणि Signal सेवेला ते कधीही दिसत नाहीत.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">तुम्ही हा नंबर नोंदवण्यासाठी खूप प्रयत्न केले आहेत. कृपया नंतर पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">आपण या क्रमांकांची नोंदणी करण्यास असंख्य प्रयत्न केले आहेत. कृपया %1$s मध्ये पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">सेवेसोबत कनेक्ट करण्यात अक्षम. कृपया नेटवर्क कनेक्शन तपासा आणि पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">अ-मानक क्रमांक स्वरूप</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">तुम्ही प्रविष्‍ट केलेला क्रमांक (%1$s) हा अ-मानक स्वरूपाचा असल्याचे दिसते. \n\nतुम्हाला %2$s म्हणायचे होते का?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">कॉलची विनंती केली</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS ची विनंती करण्यात आली</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">सत्यापन कोडची विनंती करण्यात आली</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">आपण आता डीबग लॉग प्रविष्ट करण्याच्या %1$d पायरी दूर आहात.</item>
<item quantity="other">आपण आता डीबग लॉग प्रविष्ट करण्याच्या %1$d पायऱ्या दूर आहात.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड पुन्हा पाठवा</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">नोंदणी करण्यामध्ये समस्या आली?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">कृपया आपल्या फोनला आपले SMS किंवा कॉल प्राप्त करण्यास सेल्युलर सिग्नल असल्याची खात्री करा\n • तुम्ही या क्रमांकावर फोन कॉल प्राप्त करु शकता याची पुष्टी करा\n • आपण आपला फोन नंबर बरोबर प्रविष्ट केला आहे याची खात्री करा.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">अधिक माहितीसाठी, कृपया या निराकरण टप्प्यांची अंमलबजावणी करा किंवा सपोर्टशी संपर्क साधा</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">हे निराकरणाचे टप्पे आहेत</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">मर्थन सोबत संपर्क साधा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">पोर्टशी संपर्क साधा</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">नोंदणी लॉक चालू करायचे?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">आपला PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">आपल्या खात्यासाठी आपण तयार केलेला PIN प्रविष्ट करा. हे आपल्या SMS सत्यापन कोडपेक्षा वेगळे आहे.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">आपल्या अकाऊंटसाठी आपण तयार केलेला पिन प्रविष्ट करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">अल्फान्यूमेरिक PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">न्यूमेरिक PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">चुकीचा PIN.पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) मला कॉल करा</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) कोड पुन्हा पाठवा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थनाशी संपर्क साधा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal नोंदणी - Android करिता सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">चुकीचा कोड</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">कमकुवत Wi-Fi . सेल्युलरवर स्वीच केले.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">आपले खाते हटवल्याने खालील गोष्टी होतील:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">आपले अकाऊंट हटवल्याने खालील गोष्टी होतील:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">आपला फोन नंबर प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">अकाऊंट हटवा</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">आपली अकाऊंट माहिती आणि प्रोफाईल फोटो हटवला जाईल</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">आपले सर्व संदेश हटवले जातील</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">आपले सर्व संदेश हटव</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">आपल्या पेमेंट अकाऊंटमध्ये %1$s हटवा</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">कुठलेही देश कोड निर्दिष्ट नाही</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">कुठलेही नंबर निर्दिष्ट नाही</string>

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Kesilapan telah berlaku dengan nama pengguna anda, ia tidak lagi diberikan kepada akaun anda. Anda boleh mencuba dan menetapkannya semula atau memilih yang baharu.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Baiki sekarang</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Hantar kod SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Perlukan Bantuan pendaftaran semula PIN untuk Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN anda ialah %1$d+ kod digit yang anda buat sama ada angka atau abjad angka.\n\nJika anda tidak ingat PIN anda, anda boleh mencipta yang baharu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Jika anda tidak ingat PIN, anda boleh mencipta yang baharu.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Anda telah kehabisan tekaan PIN, tetapi anda masih boleh mengakses akaun Signal anda dengan mencipta PIN baharu.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Amaran</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan kebenaran perhubungan untuk membantu anda berhubung dengan kenalan anda. Maklumat kenalan anda akan dimuat naik menggunakan ciri penerokaan kenalan peribadi Signal, yang bermakna ia dienkripsi hujung ke hujung dan tidak ditunjukkan kepada perkhidmatan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Anda telah membuat terlalu banyak percubaan untuk mendaftar nombor ini. Sila cuba lagi kemudian.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Anda telah membuat terlalu banyak percubaan untuk mendaftar nombor ini. Sila cuba lagi kemudian dalam masa %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Perkhidmatan tidak dapat disambungkan. Sila semak sambungan rangkaian dan cuba lagi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format nombor bukan standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nombor yang anda telah masukkan (%1$s) adalah dalam format bukan standard.\n\nAdakah anda maksudkan %2$s?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Panggilan diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Kod pengesahan diminta</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Anda kini %1$d langkah daripada menghantar log nyahpepijat.</item>
@ -1751,13 +1751,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod pengesahan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Hantar Semula Kod</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Menghadapi masalah mendaftar?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Pastikan telefon anda mempunyai isyarat selular untuk menerima SMS atau panggilan\n • Sahkan yang anda boleh menerima panggilan telefon ke nombor\n • Semak sama ada anda telah memasukkan nombor telefon anda dengan betul.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut, sila ikuti langkah penyelesaian masalah ini atau Hubungi Sokongan</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">langkah penyelesaian masalah ini</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Hubungi Sokongan</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Masukkan PIN anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Masukkan PIN yang anda buat untuk akaun anda. Ini berbeza dengan kod pengesahan SMS anda.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Masukkan PIN yang anda buat untuk akaun anda.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Masukkan PIN abjad angka</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Masukkan PIN angka</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN tidak betul. Cuba lagi.</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hubungi saya (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Hantar semula Kod (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Hubungi Sokongan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kod Pengesahan untuk Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kod salah</string>

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">သင်၏ သုံးစွဲသူအမည်နှင့်ပတ်သက်၍ တစ်စုံတစ်ခု မှားယွင်းနေပါသည်၊ သင့်အကောင့်အတွက် သတ်မှတ်ပေးတော့မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။ ထပ်မံကြိုးစား၍ သတ်မှတ်နိုင်ပါသည် သို့မဟုတ် အသစ်တစ်ခု ရွေးချယ်နိုင်ပါသည်။</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ယခု ဖြေရှင်းရန်</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS ကုဒ် ပို့ရန်</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်း- Android အတွက် PIN ပြန်လည်မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်းနှင့်အတူ အကူအညီ လိုအပ်ချက်</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">သင်ဖန်တီးထားသော သင်၏ PIN သည် ဂဏန်း %1$d ခုအထက် ပါသော ကုဒ်ဖြစ်ပြီး နံပါတ် သို့မဟုတ် အက္ခရာနံပါတ် ဖြစ်နိုင်ပါသည်။\n\nသင်၏ PIN ကို မမှတ်မိပါက အသစ်တစ်ခု ဖန်တီးနိုင်ပါသည်။</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">သင်၏ PIN ကို မမှတ်မိပါက အသစ်တစ်ခု ဖန်တီးနိုင်ပါသည်။</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN ခန့်မှန်းထည့်သွင်းမှုများ မရှိတော့ပါ၊ သို့သော် PIN အသစ်တစ်ခု ဖန်တီးခြင်းဖြင့် သင့် Signal အကောင့်ကို ဝင်ရောက်သုံးစွဲနိုင်ပါသေးသည်။</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">သတိပေးချက်</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal သည် သင့်အား မိတ်ဆွေများနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ပေးရန်အတွက် အဆက်အသွယ် ခွင့်ပြုချက် လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ သင့်အဆက်အသွယ်များကို End-to-end ကုဒ်ပြောင်းဝှက်ထားသော Signal ၏ သီးသန့် အဆက်အသွယ် ရှာဖွေရေးကို သုံး၍ အပ်လုဒ်လုပ်ထားသောကြောင့် Signal ဝန်ဆောင်မှုတွင် မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မြင်ရမည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ဤနံပတ်ဖြင့် မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်းကို အကြိမ်ပေါင်းများစွာ ကြိုးစားပြီးပါပြီ။ ကျေးဇူးပြူ၍ နောင်အခါမှ ပြန်လည်ကြိုးစားပါ။</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ဤနံပါတ်ကို မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန် ကြိုးပမ်းမှုများစွာ ဆောင်ရွက်ခဲ့ပါသည်။ %1$s အကြာတွင် ထပ်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ဝန်ဆောင်မှုနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။ အင်တာနက်ချိတ်ဆက်မှုအား နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် စစ်ဆေး၍ ပြန်လည်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">စံပုံစံနှင့် မကိုက်ညီသည့် နံပါတ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">သင်ထည့်သွင်းထားသည့် နံပါတ် (%1$s) သည် စံပုံစံနှင့် မကိုက်ညီပုံပေါ်ပါသည်။\n\nသင်ဆိုလိုသည်မှာ %2$s ဟုတ်ပါသလား။</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ကောလ် တောင်းဆိုပြီး</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS တောင်းဆိုပြီး</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">အတည်ပြုကုဒ် တောင်းဆိုပြီး</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">ယခု သင်သည် ပျက်ကွက်မှုပြင်ခြင်း မှတ်တမ်း တင်ရန်အတွက် အဆင့် %1$d ဆင့်သာလိုတော့သည်</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">အတည်ပြုကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ကုဒ် ပြန်ပို့ရန်</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">စာရင်းသွင်းမှုနှင့်စပ်လျဉ်း၍ အခက်အခဲရှိပါသလား။</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">သင့် SMS သို့မဟုတ် ခေါ်ဆိုမှုကို လက်ခံရန် သင့်ဖုန်းတွင် ဆယ်လူလာ လိုင်းရှိကြောင်း သေချာပါစေ\n • နံပါတ်သို့ ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှု လက်ခံနိုင်ကြောင်း အတည်ပြုပါ\n • သင့်ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ကို မှန်ကန်စွာ ရိုက်ထည့်ထားကြောင်း စစ်ဆေးပါ။</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">နောက်ထပ်အချက်အလက်အတွက် ဤပြဿနာဖြေရှင်းနည်း အဆင့်များအတိုင်း လုပ်ဆောင်ပါ သို့မဟုတ် ပံ့ပိုးမှုစင်တာသို့ ဆက်သွယ်ပါ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ဤပြဿနာဖြေရှင်းနည်း အဆင့်များ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ပံ့ပိုးမှုစင်တာသို့ ဆက်သွယ်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ပံ့ပိုးမှုစင်တာသို့ ဆက်သွယ်ရန်</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">မှတ်ပုံတင်မှု ပိတ်ထားခြင်းကို အသုံးပြုမည်လား?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">ဆိုင်းငံ့နေသည်</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">သို့ပို့ပြီး</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ဖော်ပြပါသို့ ပို့ပြီး</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">မှပေးပို့သည်</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">သို့ပို့ပြီး</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">မှဖတ်ပြီး</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">သင်၏ ပင်နံပါတ် ကိုထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">သင့်အကောင့်အတွက် ဖန်တီးထားသော ပင်နံပါတ် ထည့်ပါ၊ SMS စာတိုအနေဖြင့်ပေးပို့သည့် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်နှင့် မတူပါ။</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">သင့်အကောင့်အတွက် သင်ဖန်တီးထားသော PIN ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">အက္ခရာနံပါတ်ပါ ပင်နံပါတ်ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">နံပါတ်ပါ ပင်နံပါတ်ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ပင်နံပါတ်မှားနေသည်။ နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် ကြိုးစားပါ။</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) အကြာတွင် ဖုန်းခေါ်ရန်</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ကုဒ် ပြန်ပို့ရန် (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal အကူအညီ ရယူမည်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်း Android အတွက် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ကုဒ် မှားနေပါသည်</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi အားနည်းနေပါသည်။ ဆဲလ်လူလာသို့ ပြောင်းပြီး။</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">သင်၏အကောင့်ကိုဖျက်ခြင်းသည် -</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">သင့်အကောင့်ကိုဖျက်ခြင်းဖြင့်-</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">သင့်ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ကိုထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">အကောင့်ကို ဖျက်ရန်</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">သင်၏ အကောင့်အချက်အလက် နှင့် ပရိုဖိုင်းဓာတ်ပုံများကို ဖျက်ရန</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်များအားလုံးကို ဖျက်ရန</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">သင့်အကောင့်အချက်အလက်နှင့် ပရိုဖိုင်ဓာတ်ပုံကို ဖျက်မည</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်များအားလုံးကို ဖျက်မည</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s ကို သင့်ငွေပေးချေသည့် အကောင့်မှ ဖျက်ရန်</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">နိုင်ငံကုဒ်နံပါတ် သတ်မှတ်ထားခြင်း မရှိပါ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">နံပါတ်သတ်မှတ်ထားခြင်း မရှိပါ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">သင်ရိုက်ထည့်ထားသော ဖုန်းနံပါတ်သည် သင့်အကောင့်အတွင်းရှိ နံပါတ်နှင့် မကိုက်ညီပါ။</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">သင့်အကောင့်ကို ဖျက်သိမ်းလိုသည်မှ သေချာပါသလား။</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်သည် သင့် Signal အကောင့်ကို ဖျက်သိမ်းပြီး အက်ပလီကေးရှင်းကို ရီစက် ချပါမည်။ အက်ပ်သည် ဤလုပ်ဆောင်မှုပြီးလျှင် ပိတ်သွားပါမည်။</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">ဤသည်က သင့် Signal အကောင့်ကို ဖျက်သိမ်းပြီး အပလီကေးရှင်းကို ပြန်လည်သတ်မှတ်ပါမည်။ အက်ပ်သည် လုပ်ဆောင်မှုပြီးလျှင် ပိတ်သွားပါမည်။</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">စက်တွင်းရှိဒေတာဖျက်ခြင်း မအောင်မြင်ပါ။ စနစ်ထဲရှိ အက်ပလီကေးရှင်း အပြင်အဆင်များထဲ၌ သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်သွား ရှင်းနိုင်ပါသည်။</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">ဖုန်းဆက်တင်ကိုဖွင့်မည်</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Noe gikk galt med brukernavnet ditt. Det er ikke lenger knyttet til kontoen din. Du kan prøve å angi det på nytt, eller velge et annet brukernavn.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fiks nå</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send kode på SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-registrering - Trenger hjelp til å registrere PIN-kode for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN-koden din er en kode på minst %1$d tegn som du har valgt selv.\n\nHvis du ikke husker PIN-koden din, kan du opprette en ny.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Hvis du ikke husker PIN-koden din, kan du opprette en ny.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Du har gått tom for forsøk på å skrive inn PIN-koden, men du kan få tilgang til Signal-kontoen din ved å lage en ny kode.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advarsel</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal trenger kontakttillatelsen for å hjelpe deg med å få kontakt med venner. Kontaktene dine lastes opp ved hjelp av Signal private kontaktoppdagelse, noe som betyr at de er ende-til-ende-krypterte og aldri synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du har gjort for mange forsøk på å registrere dette nummeret. Prøv igjen senere.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Du har gjort for mange forsøk på å registrere dette nummeret. Prøv igjen om %1$s minutter.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Klarte ikke å koble til tjenesten. Kontroller at du har en stabil nettilkobling og prøv på nytt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ikke-standard tallformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Tallet du skrev inn (%1$s), ser ut til å være skrevet i et ikke-standard tallformat.\n\nMente du %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anrop forespurt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS forespurt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Bekreftelseskode forespurt</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Du er nå %1$d steg unna fra å sende inn en feilsøkingslogg.</item>
<item quantity="other">Du er nå %1$d steg unna fra å sende inn en feilsøkingslogg.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Bekreftelseskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Send koden på nytt</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Har du problemer med å registrere deg?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Pass på at telefonen din har dekning, slik at du kan motta koden på SMS eller via anrop\n • Sørg for at du kan motta anrop til telefonnummeret\n • Dobbeltsjekk at du har skrevet inn riktig telefonnummer.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For å få mer informasjon kan du følge disse feilsøkingstrinnene eller kontakte brukerstøtten vår</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">disse feilsøkingstrinnene</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakt brukerstøtte</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Sendt betaling</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Mottatt betaling</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Betaling fullført %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Blokker nummeret</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Blokkeringsnummer</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Overfør</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Skriv inn PIN-koden din</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Skriv inn PIN-koden du opprettet for kontoen din. Dette er forskjellig fra SMS-bekreftelseskoden.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Angi PIN-koden som er knyttet til kontoen din.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Skriv inn alfanumerisk PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Skriv inn numerisk PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Feil PIN-kode. Prøv igjen.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring meg (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Send koden på nytt (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal brukerstøtte</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Registrering - Verifikasjonskode for Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Feil kode</string>
@ -3718,8 +3718,8 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Sletting av kontoen din vil:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Skriv inn ditt telefonnummer</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Slett kontoen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Slett kontoinformasjonen din og profilbildet ditt</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Slett alle meldingene dine</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">slette kontoinformasjonen og profilbildet ditt</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">slette alle meldingene dine</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Slett %1$s fra betalingskontoen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Ingen landskode angitt</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Ikke noe nummer angitt</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Er is iets misgegaan met je gebruikersnaam, deze is niet meer aan je account toegewezen. Je kunt het opnieuw proberen in te stellen of een nieuwe kiezen.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Nu regelen</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Sms-code versturen</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal-registratie - Hulp nodig bij het opnieuw registreren van de pincode voor Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Je pincode is een %1$d+ cijferige code die numeriek of alfanumeriek kan zijn.\n\nAls je je pincode niet meer weet, kun je een nieuwe aanmaken.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Als je je pincode niet meer weet, kun je een nieuwe aanmaken.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Je hebt geen pincodes meer, maar je hebt nog steeds toegang tot je Signal-account als je een nieuwe pincode aanmaakt.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Waarschuwing</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal moet je contactenlijst lezen om personen weer te geven naar wie je berichten kunt sturen en met wie je oproepen kunt beginnen. Je contactenlijst blijft altijd onleesbaar voor Signals servers.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Je hebt te veel pogingen ondernomen om Signal voor dit telefoonnummer te registreren. Probeer het later opnieuw.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Je hebt te vaak geprobeerd dit nummer te registreren. Probeer het opnieuw over %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Het lukt niet om te verbinden met Signals servers. Ga na dat je apparaat met het internet is verbonden en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Afwijkend telefoonnummerformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Het door jou ingevulde telefoonnummer (%1$s) heeft een afwijkend formaat.\n\nBedoelde je %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Belverzoek ingediend</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Sms aangevraagd</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verificatiecode aangevraagd</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Je bent nu %1$d stap verwijderd van het indienen van een foutopsporingslog.</item>
<item quantity="other">Je bent nu %1$d stappen verwijderd van het indienen van een foutopsporingslog.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verificatiecode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur code opnieuw</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Problemen met registreren?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Zorg ervoor dat je telefoon een mobiel signaal heeft om je sms of oproep te ontvangen\n • Bevestig dat je een oproep naar nummer\n kunt ontvangen • Controleer of je je telefoonnummer correct hebt ingevoerd.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Volg voor meer informatie deze stappen voor probleemoplossing of neem contact op met ons supportteam</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">deze stappen voor probleemoplossing</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Neem contact op met ondersteuning</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Neem contact op met ons supportteam</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Registratievergrendeling inschakelen?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">In afwachting</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Verzonden aan</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Verstuurd naar</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Verzonden door</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Afgeleverd aan</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Gelezen door</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Voer je pincode in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Voer de pincode in welke je eerder hebt aangemaakt om informatie versleuteld op te slaan op Signals servers. Dit is niet dezelfde code als de telefoonnummerverificatie-code die je per sms of telefoonoproep hebt ontvangen.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Voer de pincode in die je voor je account hebt gemaakt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Een alfanumerieke pincode invoeren</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Een numerieke pincode invoeren</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Foutieve pincode, probeer het opnieuw.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Code opnieuw versturen (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contact opnemen met Signal-ondersteuning</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registratie - Verificatiecode voor Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Onjuiste code</string>
@ -3718,14 +3718,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Als je al je gegevens wist:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Voer je telefoonnummer in</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Account verwijderen</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Verwijder je accountinformatie en profielfoto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Verwijder je je accountinformatie en profielfoto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Wis al je berichten</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">%1$s wissen van je overschrijvingsaccount</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Er is geen landcode gespecificeerd</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Er is geen telefoonnummer ingevuld</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Het telefoonnummer dat je hebt ingevuld komt niet overeen met het telefoonnummer waarmee je staat geregistreerd bij Signal.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Weet je zeker dat je je account wilt verwijderen?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Hiermee verwijder je je Signal-account en reset je de applicatie. De app zal zichzelf sluiten nadat je dit doet.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Hiermee verwijder je je Signal-account en reset je de app. De app wordt vanzelf afgesloten.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Het wissen van lokale gegevens is mislukt. Je kunt de lokale gegevens zelf wissen via het \'apps\'-menu in de instellingenapp van je besturingssysteem.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">App-instellingen openen</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Een verhaal toevoegen</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Berichttekst toevoegen</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Een reactie toevoegen</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Verzonden aan</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Versturen naar</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Eenmaligeweergave-bericht</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Een of meerdere items zijn te groot</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Een of meerdere items zijn ongeldig</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Donatie bevestigen</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Verzonden aan</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Versturen naar</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">De ontvanger wordt in een persoonlijk bericht op de hoogte gebracht van de donatie. Voeg hieronder je eigen bericht toe.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੁਝ ਗਲਤ ਵਾਪਰ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ, ਇਹ ਹੁਣ ਤੁਹਾਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂਡੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਅਸਾਈਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਜਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਨਵਾਂ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਚੁਣ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ਹੁਣੇ ਠੀਕ ਕਰੋ</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS ਕੋਡ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal ਰਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਸ਼ਨ - Android ਦੇ ਲਈ PIN ਨੂੰ ਮੁੜ-ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਮਦਦ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">ਤੁਹਾਡਾ PIN ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ %1$d+ ਅੰਕਾਂ ਦਾ ਕੋਡ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਅੰਕ ਜਾਂ ਅੱਖਰ ਅਤੇ ਅੰਕ ਦੋਵੇਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ PIN ਯਾਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨਵਾਂ PIN ਬਣਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ PIN ਯਾਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨਵਾਂ PIN ਬਣਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN ਦਾ ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਾ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਮੌਕੇ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਹਨ, ਪਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅਜੇ ਵੀ ਇੱਕ ਨਵਾਂ PIN ਬਣਾ ਕੇ ਆਪਣੇ Signal ਖਾਤੇ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ Signal ਨੂੰ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ Signal ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਡਿਸਕਵਰੀ ਵਰਤ ਕੇ ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਸਿਰੇ-ਤੋਂ-ਸਿਰੇ ਤੱਕ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ Signal ਸੇਵਾ ਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੰਬਰ ਨੂੰ ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ਾਂ ਕਰ ਲਈਆਂ ਹਨ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੰਬਰ ਨੂੰ ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ਾਂ ਕਰ ਚੁੱਕੇ ਹੋ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ %1$s ਬਾਅਦ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ਸੇਵਾ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਮਿਆਰੀ ਅੰਕ ਰੂਪ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਨੰਬਰ (%1$s) ਗੈਰ-ਮਿਆਰੀ ਜਾਪਦਾ ਹੈ।\n\nਕੀ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਮਤਲਬ %2$s ਹੈ?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS ਲਈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕੋਡ ਲਈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਲਾਗ ਨੂੰ ਸਬਮਿਟ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ %1$d ਕਦਮ ਦੂਰ ਹੋ.</item>
<item quantity="other">ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਲੌਗ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਜ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ %1$d ਕਦਮ ਦੂਰ ਹੋ।</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ਕੋਡ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਪੇਸ਼ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">SMS ਜਾਂ ਕਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਓ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੈਲੂਲਰ ਸਿਗਨਲ ਆ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੋਵੇ\n • ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਕਰੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨੰਬਰ \'ਤੇ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਕਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ\n • ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਸਹੀ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਦਰਜ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ।</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਦਾ ਨਿਪਟਾਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਕਦਮਾਂ ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰੋ ਜਾਂ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਦਾ ਨਿਪਟਾਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਕਦਮਾਂ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਾਕ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">ਬਕਾਇਆ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ਸ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੇ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">ਇਸ ਵਲੋਂ ਭੇਜੇ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">ਇਸ ਲਈ ਪਹੁੰਚਾਏ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">ਪੜ੍ਹੇ</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ਆਪਣਾ PIN ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ PIN ਦਿਓ। ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ SMS ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕੋਡ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਖਰਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">ਉਹ PIN ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਲਈ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਹੈ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਣਿਆ PIN ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ਅੰਕਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਪਿੰਨ ਦਿਓ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ਗਲਤ PIN। ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ਕੋਡ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਭੇਜੋ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ਸੰਪਰਕ Signal ਸਹਾਇਤਾ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ਰਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਸ਼ਨ - ਐਂਡਰਾਇਡ ਲਈ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀਕਰਣ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ਗਲਤ ਕੋਡ</string>
@ -3715,10 +3715,10 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi ਸਿਗਨਲ ਕਮਜ਼ੋਰ ਹੈ। ਸੈਲੂਲਰ \'ਤੇ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਗਿਆ।</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਨਾਲ:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">ਆਪਣਾ ਫੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">ਖਾਤਾ ਮਿਟਾਓ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰੋਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਫ਼ੋਟੋ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾਓ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰੋਫਾਈਲ ਫ਼ੋਟੋ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਮਿਟਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">ਆਪਣੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਮਿਟਾਓ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਭੁਗਤਾਨ ਖਾਤੇ ਵਿੱਚ %1$s ਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾਓ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">ਕੋਈ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦਾ ਕੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ</string>
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">ਸਟੋਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਜੋੜੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">ਜਵਾਬ ਜੋੜੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to"> ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">ਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਵਾਰ ਵੇਖੋ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਵੱਡੀਆਂ ਸਨ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਆਈਟਮਾਂ ਵਾਜਬ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">ਦਾਨ ਦੀ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਕਰੋ</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to"> ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">ਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤਕਰਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਚੈਟ ਦੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਾਨ ਦੇਣ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੂਚਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਹੇਠਾਂ ਆਪਣਾ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Wystąpił błąd z Twoją nazwą użytkownika — nie jest już przypisana do Twojego konta. Możesz spróbować ustawić ją ponownie lub wybrać nową nazwę.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Napraw błąd teraz</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Wyślij kod SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Rejestracja Signal - Potrzebna pomoc z ponowną rejestracją za pomocą kodu PIN dla systemu Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Twój PIN to składający się z %1$d lub więcej znaków, utworzony przez Ciebie kod, który może być liczbowy lub alfanumeryczny.\n\nJeśli nie pamiętasz swojego kodu PIN, możesz utworzyć nowy.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Jeśli nie pamiętasz swojego kodu PIN, możesz utworzyć nowy.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Wyczerpano dozwoloną liczbę prób odgadnięcia kodu PIN, ale nadal można uzyskać dostęp do konta Signal, tworząc nowy kod PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Uwaga</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrzebuje dostępu do Twoich kontaktów, aby ułatwić Ci połączenia ze znajomymi. Twoje kontakty są przesyłane z użyciem prywatnego wyszukiwania kontaktów Signal, co oznacza, że są zaszyfrowane metodą end-to-end i niedostępne dla usługi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Zbyt dużo nieudanych prób rejestracji tego numeru. Spróbuj ponownie później.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Zbyt dużo nieudanych prób rejestracji tego numeru. Spróbuj ponownie za %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nie można połączyć się z serwisem. Proszę sprawdzić połączenie internetowe i spróbować ponownie.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Niestandardowy format numeru</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Podany przez Ciebie numer (%1$s) wydaje się mieć niestandardowy format.\n\nCzy chodziło Ci o %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Poproszono o połączenie</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Zażądano SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Zażądano kodu weryfikacyjnego</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Jesteś o %1$d krok od wysłania dziennika debugowania.</item>
<item quantity="few">Jesteś o %1$d kroki od wysłania dziennika debugowania.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod weryfikacyjny</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Wyślij ponownie kod</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Masz problem z rejestracją?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Upewnij się, że Twój telefon ma połączenie z siecią komórkową potrzebną do odbioru wiadomości SMS lub połączenia\n • Potwierdź, że możesz odebrać połączenie telefoniczne na ten numer\n • Sprawdź, czy wprowadzono poprawny numer telefonu.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Wciąż potrzebujesz pomocy? Wykonaj podane kroki naprawcze lub skontaktuj się z naszym działem technicznym</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">podane kroki naprawcze</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakt z pomocą techniczną</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakt z działem technicznym</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Włączyć blokadę rejestracji?</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Wpisz swój PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Wpisz kod PIN, który utworzyłeś(aś) dla swojego konta. Ten kod nie jest Twoim kodem weryfikacyjnym SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Wprowadź kod PIN utworzony dla tego konta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Wpisz alfanumeryczny PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Wpisz liczbowy PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nieprawidłowy PIN. Spróbuj ponownie.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zadzwoń do mnie (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Wyślij kod ponownie (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Skontaktuj się ze wsparciem technicznym Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rejestracja Signal - Kod weryfikacyjny dla systemu Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Niepoprawny kod</string>
@ -3908,14 +3908,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Usunięcie Twojego konta spowoduje:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Podaj swój numer telefonu</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Usuń konto</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Usuń informacje o swoim koncie i zdjęcie profilowe</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Usuń wszystkie swoje wiadomości</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Usunięcie informacji o Twoim koncie i zdjęcia profilowego</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Usunięcie wszystkich Twoich wiadomości</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Usuń %1$s na Twoim koncie płatności</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nie podano kodu kraju</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nie podano numeru</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Podany numer telefonu nie należy do Twojego konta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć swoje konto?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">To działanie usunie Twoje konto Signal i zresetuje aplikację. Po zakończeniu tego procesu aplikacja zostanie zamknięta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">To działanie spowoduje usunięcie Twojego konta Signal i reset aplikacji. Po zakończeniu tego procesu aplikacja zostanie zamknięta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Nie udało się usunąć lokalnych danych. Możesz usunąć je ręcznie w systemowych ustawieniach aplikacji.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Otwórz Ustawienia aplikacji</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Algo deu errado com seu nome de usuário, pois ele não está mais atribuído à sua conta. Você pode tentar defini-lo de novo ou escolher outro.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Corrigir agora</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Enviar código SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registro no Signal - Preciso de ajuda para cadastrar novamente o PIN para Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Seu PIN é um código com no mínimo %1$d dígitos e pode ser numérico ou alfanumérico.\n\nSe não conseguir lembrar seu PIN, crie um novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Se não conseguir lembrar seu PIN, crie um novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Você esgotou suas tentativas para acertar o PIN, mas ainda pode acessar sua conta do Signal. Para isso, crie um PIN novo.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Atenção</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal precisa acessar sua lista de contatos para você se conectar com outras pessoas. Você encontrará os seus contatos por meio da criptografia de ponta a ponta, de modo que os responsáveis pelo Signal jamais armazenarão ou sequer terão acesso à sua lista de contatos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Você fez muitas tentativas de registrar este número. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Você tentou cadastrar esse número muitas vezes. Tente novamente em %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Não é possível conectar ao serviço. Favor verificar a conexão à rede e tentar novamente.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato de número de telefone não reconhecido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número que você inseriu (%1$s) não parece estar no formato padrão de números de telefone.\n\nSerá que você quis dizer %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Ligação solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Código de verificação solicitado</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Agora você está a %1$d passo de enviar um registro de depuração.</item>
<item quantity="other">Agora você está a %1$d passos de enviar um registro de depuração.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Está enfrentando problemas para se cadastrar?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Confira se seu telefone tem sinal para receber um SMS ou chamada • Confirme que pode receber uma ligação para este número\n • Confira se inseriu o número de telefone corretamente.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Para mais informações, siga os passos de resolução de problemas abaixo ou entre em contato com a equipe de suporte</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">passos de resolução de problemas</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Entre em contato com o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Entre em contato com a equipe de suporte do Signal</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Habilitar Desbloqueio de registro?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Pendente</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Enviada para</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Enviado para</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Enviada de</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Entregue a</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Lida por</string>
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Configurações avançadas do PIN</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Chamadas e mensagens privadas gratuitas para usuários do Signal</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Enviar registro de depuração</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Excluir conta</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Excluir a conta</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">Modo de compatibilidade \'WiFi Calling\'</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Habilite se o seu dispositivo usa entrega de SMS/MMS via WiFi (somente habilite quando \'WiFi Calling\' estiver habilitado no seu dispositivo)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Teclado incógnito</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Digite seu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Digite o PIN que você criou para sua conta. Ele é diferente do seu código de verificação por SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Insira o PIN que criou para sua conta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Digite o PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Digite o PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorreto. Tente novamente.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ligue pra mim (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Reenviar código (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Entre em contato com o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorreto</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Sinal de Wi-Fi fraco - mudando para rede de celular.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Excluir sua conta vai:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ao excluir sua conta, você vai:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Digite o seu número de telefone</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Excluir conta</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Excluir a conta</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Excluir suas informações da conta e foto de perfil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Apagar todas as suas mensagens</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Excluir todas as suas mensagens</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Apagar %1$s da sua conta de pagamentos</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Nenhum código do país informado</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Nenhum número informado</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">O número de telefone que você inseriu não corresponde ao da sua conta.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Tem certeza que deseja excluir a sua conta?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Essa ação excluirá a sua conta do Signal e apagará os dados do aplicativo. O aplicativo será fechado após a conclusão do processo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Essa ação excluirá a sua conta do Signal e redefinirá os dados do app. O app será fechado após a conclusão do processo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Falha ao excluir os dados locais. Você pode limpá-los manualmente nas configurações do aplicativo no sistema.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Acessar as configurações do aplicativo</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Ocorreu algo errado com o seu nome de utilizador, já não está atribuído à sua conta. Pode voltar a configurá-lo ou pode escolher um novo.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Resolver agora</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Enviar código SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registo do Signal - Necessita de ajuda para voltar a registar o PIN para Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">O seu PIN é um código de %1$d ou mais dígitos por si criado e pode ser numérico ou alfanumérico.\n\nSe não se lembrar do seu PIN, pode criar um novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Se não se lembrar do seu PIN, pode criar um novo.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Já esgotou as tentativas de PIN, mas ainda pode aceder à sua conta Signal criando um PIN novo.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Aviso</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal necessita das permissões de acesso aos contatos para o ajudar a ligar-se a amigos. Os seus contactos são carregados utilizando a descoberta de contacto privado do Signal, o que significa que eles são encriptados de ponta a ponta e nunca visíveis para o serviço do Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Fez demasiadas tentativas para registar este número. Por favor, tente mais tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Fez demasiadas tentativas para registar este número. Tente mais tarde dentro de %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Não foi possível ligar ao serviço. Por favor, verifique a sua ligação à rede e tente novamente.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato de número não padronizado</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número que introduziu (%1$s) não parece estar num formato padronizado.\n\nSerá que queria dizer %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chamada pedida</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS pedida</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Código de verificação pedido</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Está agora a %1$d passo de submeter um registo de depuração.</item>
<item quantity="other">Está agora a %1$d passos de submeter um registo de depuração.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Está com problemas a registar-se?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Certifique-se de que o seu telefone tem sinal de rede móvel para receber o seu SMS ou chamada\n • Confirme que pode receber uma chamada telefónica para o número\n • Verifique se introduziu o seu número de telefone corretamente.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Para mais informações, siga estas etapas de resolução de problemas ou contacte o Suporte.</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">estas etapas de resolução de problemas</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contactar o Suporte</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Pendente</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Enviar para</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Enviado para</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Enviada de</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Entregue a</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Lida por</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introduza o seu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introduza o PIN que criou para a sua conta. Ele é diferente do seu código de verificação SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Insira o PIN que criou para a sua conta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introduza um PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introduza um PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorreto. Tente novamente.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Liguem-me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Reenviar código (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactar o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registo Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código Incorrecto</string>
@ -3718,14 +3718,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Eliminar a sua conta irá:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Introduza o sue número de telefone</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Eliminar conta</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Eliminar a sua informação de conta e fotografia de perfil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Eliminar as suas informações de conta e fotografia de perfil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Eliminar todas as suas mensagens</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Eliminar %1$s na sua conta de pagamentos</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Sem código de país especificado</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Sem número especificado</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">O número de telefone que introduziu não coincide com as suas contas.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Deseja realmente eliminar a sua conta?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Isto irá eliminar a sua conta do Signal e repor a aplicação. A aplicação irá encerrar depois do processo estar completo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Isto irá eliminar a sua conta do Signal e repor a aplicação. A app irá encerrar após a conclusão do processo.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Falha ao eliminar os dados locais. Pode limpá-los manualmente nas definições das aplicações no sistema.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Iniciar as Definições das aplicações</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -999,9 +999,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Ceva nu a funcționat corect cu numele tău de utilizator, nu mai este atribuit contului tău. Poți încerca să îl stabilești din nou sau să alegi unul nou.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Repară acum</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1660,15 +1660,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Trimite codul SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registrare Signal - Am nevoie de ajutor cu reînregistrarea PIN-ului pentru Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN-ul tău este un cod de %1$d+ pe care l-ai creat care poate fi numeric sau alfanumeric.\n\nDacă nu poți reține PIN-ul, poți crea unul nou.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Dacă nu poți să-ți aduci aminte PIN-ul, poți să creezi unul nou.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Ai rămas fără încercări de PIN, dar poți încă să accesezi contul Signal prin crearea unui nou PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Avertizare</string>
@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal are nevoie de permisiunea pentru contacte să te ajute să iei legătura cu prietenii. Contactele tale sunt încărcate utilizând descoperirea privată a contactelor de la Signal, ceea ce înseamnă că sunt criptate integral și nu sunt niciodată vizibile pentru serviciul Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Ai făcut prea multe încercări de înregistrare a acestui număr. Te rugăm să încerci din nou mai târziu.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Ai făcut prea multe încercări pentru înregistrarea acestui număr. Încearcă din nou în %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nu s-a putut realiza conexiunea la serviciu. Te rugăm verifică conexiunea la rețea și încearcă din nou.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Număr cu format non-standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Numărul pe care l-ai introdus (%1$s) pare a fi în format non-standard.\n\nAi vrut să scrii %2$s?</string>
@ -1869,9 +1869,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Apel solicitat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS cerut</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Cod de verificare cerut</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ești acum la %1$d pas de a trimite un jurnal de depanare.</item>
<item quantity="few">Ești acum la %1$d pași de a trimite un jurnal de depanare.</item>
@ -1893,15 +1893,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Cod de Verificare</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Trimite din nou codul</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Ai probleme la înregistrare?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Asigură-te că telefonul tău are semnal celular ca să primești SMS-ul sau apelul\n • Confirmă că poți primi un apel telefonic pe numărul tău\n • Verifică că ai introdus corect numărul de telefon.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Pentru mai multe informații, urmează acești pași de depanare sau contactează Asistența</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">acești pași de depanare</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contactează Suportul</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Contactează Asistența</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activează Blocarea Înregistrării?</string>
@ -2681,7 +2681,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">În curs</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Trimis la</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Trimis către</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Trimis de</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Livrat la</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Citit de</string>
@ -2884,7 +2884,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Setări PIN avansate</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Mesaje și apeluri, private și gratuite cu utilizatorii Signal</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Trimite jurnalul de depanare</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Șterge cont</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Șterge-ți contul</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">Mod compatibilitate \"Apelare WiFi\"</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Activează dacă dispozitivul tău trimite SMS/MMS prin WiFi (activează atunci când \"Apelare WiFi\" este activat pe dispozitivul tău)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Tastatură incognito</string>
@ -3427,7 +3427,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introdu PIN-ul tău</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introdu codul PIN pe care l-ai creat pentru contul tău. Acesta este diferit față de codul de verificare prin SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Introdu PIN-ul pe care l-ai creat pentru contul tău.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introdu un PIN alfanumeric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introdu un PIN numeric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorect. Încearcă din nou.</string>
@ -3539,7 +3539,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Sună-mă (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Retrimite codul (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactează Asistența Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Înregistrare Signal - Cod de Verificare pentru Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Cod incorect</string>
@ -3812,7 +3812,7 @@
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ștergerea contului tău implică:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Introdu numărul tău de telefon</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Ștergere cont</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Șterge contul</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Ștergerea informațiilor despre contul tău și poza de profil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Ștergerea tuturor mesajelor tale</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Ștergerea a %1$s din contul tău de plăți</string>

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Что-то пошло не так с вашим именем пользователя, оно больше не закреплено за вашей учётной записью. Вы можете попробовать установить его снова или выбрать новое.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Исправить сейчас</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Отправить SMS-код</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Регистрация в Signal - Нужна помощь с Пин-кодом повторной регистрации для Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Ваш Пин-код — это код из %1$d+ символов, созданный вами, который может быть цифровым или буквенно-цифровым.\n\nЕсли вы забыли свой Пин-код, вы можете создать новый.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Если вы не помните свой Пин-код, то можете создать новый.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Вы использовали все попытки ввести Пин-код, но всё ещё можете получить доступ к своей учётной записи Signal, создав новый Пин-код.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Предупреждение</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal необходим доступ к вашим контактам, чтобы помочь вам связаться с друзьями. Ваши контакты загружаются с помощью технологии конфиденциального обнаружения контактов Signal, которая использует сквозное шифрование, поэтому ваши контакты никогда не видны сервису Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Вы сделали слишком много попыток зарегистрировать этот номер. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз позже.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Вы сделали слишком много попыток зарегистрировать этот номер. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз через %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Не удается подключиться к сервису. Пожалуйста, проверьте подключение к сети и повторите попытку.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартный номер телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Номер, который вы ввели (%1$s), похоже, не в стандартном формате.\n\nВы имели в виду %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Звонок запрошен</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS запрошено</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Код подтверждения запрошен</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Вы в %1$d шаге от отправки журнала отладки.</item>
<item quantity="few">Вы в %1$d шагах от отправки журнала отладки.</item>
@ -1964,13 +1964,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код подтверждения</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Отправить код ещё раз</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Возникли проблемы с регистрацией?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Убедитесь, что на вашем телефоне есть сигнал сотовой связи для приема SMS или звонка\n • Подтвердите, что можете принять телефонный звонок на номер\n • Проверьте правильность введённого номера телефона.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Для получения дополнительной информации выполните следующие шаги для устранения неполадок или свяжитесь с поддержкой</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">следующие шаги для устранения неполадок</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Связаться с поддержкой</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Введите свой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Введите PIN-код, который вы создали для своей учётной записи. Это не то же самое. что проверочный код из SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Введите Пин-код, созданный для вашей учётной записи.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ввести буквенно-цифровой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ввести цифровой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Неверный PIN-код. Попробуйте ещё раз.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Позвоните мне (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Отправить код ещё раз (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Связаться с поддержкой Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация в Signal - код подтверждения для Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Неверный код</string>
@ -3908,8 +3908,8 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Удаление вашей учётной записи приведёт к:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Введите свой номер телефона</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Удалить учётную запись</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Удалить информации вашей учётной записи и фотографии профиля</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Удалить всех ваших сообщений</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Удалению информации вашей учётной записи и фотографии профиля</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Удалению всех ваших сообщений</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Удалить %1$s в вашей платёжной учётной записи</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Не указан код страны</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Не указан номер</string>

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Vyskytol sa problém s vaším používateľským menom, už nie je priradené k vášmu účtu. Môžete si ho skúsiť nastaviť znova alebo si vybrať nové.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Opraviť teraz</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Odoslať SMS kód</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal registrácia potrebujem pomoc s opätovnou registráciou PIN kódu pre Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Váš PIN kód je %1$d alebo viacmiestny kód, ktorý ste si vytvorili a môže pozostávať z číselných alebo alfanumerických znakov.\n\nAk si nepamätáte svoj PIN kód, môžete si vytvoriť nový.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Ak si nepamätáte svoj PIN kód, môžete si vytvoriť nový.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Dosiahli ste maximálny počet neúspešných pokusov o zadanie PIN kódu, no ku svojmu Signal účtu budete mať prístup aj naďalej, ak si vytvoríte nový PIN kód.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varovanie</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje povolenie kontaktov, aby vám pomohol spojiť sa s priateľmi. Vaše kontakty sa nahrávajú pomocou zisťovania súkromných kontaktov Signal, čo znamená, že sú šifrované end-to-end a nikdy ich služba Signal nevidí.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Urobili ste príliš veľa pokusov o zaregistrovanie tohto čísla. Prosím, skúste to znovu neskôr.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Urobili ste príliš veľa pokusov o zaregistrovanie tohto čísla. Skúste to znova o %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nepodarilo sa pripojiť k službe. Prosím, overte Vaše sieťové pripojenie a skúste to znovu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Neštandardný formát čísla</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Zdá sa, že zadané číslo (%1$s) má neštandardný formát.\n\n Mali ste na mysli %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Hovor požadovaný</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS vyžiadaná</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Overovací kód vyžiadaný</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ste %1$d krok od odoslania ladiaceho záznamu.</item>
<item quantity="few">Ste %1$d kroky od odoslania ladiaceho záznamu.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Overovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu odoslať kód</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Máte problém s registráciou?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Uistite sa, že váš telefón má stabilný signál a môže prijímať SMS alebo hovory\n • Potvrďte, že môžete prijať hovor na číslo\n • Skontrolujte, či ste správne zadali svoje telefónne číslo.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Ak chcete získať ďalšie informácie, postupujte podľa týchto krokov na riešenie problémov alebo kontaktujte podporu</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">týchto krokov na riešenie problémov</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktovať zákaznícku podporu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktovať podporu</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Zapnúť registračný zámok?</string>
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Čaká na spracovanie</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Odoslané komu</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Odoslané používateľom</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Odoslané kým</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Doručené komu</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Prečítané kým</string>
@ -3182,7 +3182,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Odoslaná platba</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Prijatá platba</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Platba dokončená %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Blokovať číslo</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Číslo bloku</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Prenos</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Zadajte svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Zadajte PIN, ktorý ste si pre váš účet vytvorili. Nie je to to isté ako SMS overovací kód.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Zadajte PIN kód, ktorý ste vytvorili pre svoj účet.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Zadajte alfanumerický PIN kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Zadajte číselný PIN kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nesprávny PIN kód. Skúste to znova.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zavolajte mi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Znova odoslať kód (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktovať podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrácia v Signali Overovací kód pre Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Nesprávny kód</string>
@ -3908,14 +3908,14 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Vymazanie účtu spôsobí:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Zadajte svoje telefónne číslo</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Vymazať účet</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Vymažú sa informácie o vašom účte a profilová fotka</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Vymažú sa všetky vaše správy</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Vymazanie informácií o vašom účte a profilovej fotky</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Vymazanie všetkých vašich správ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Z vášho platobného účtu sa odstráni %1$s</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Chýba kód krajiny</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Chýba telefónne číslo</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Zadané telefónne číslo sa nezhoduje s telefónnym číslom vášho účtu.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Naozaj chcete vymazať svoj účet?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Tým sa odstráni váš účet Signal a obnoví sa aplikácia. Aplikácia sa po dokončení procesu zavrie.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Tým sa odstráni váš Signal účet a obnoví sa aplikácia. Aplikácia sa po dokončení procesu zavrie.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Nepodarilo sa odstrániť lokálne údaje. Môžete ich manuálne vymazať v systémových nastaveniach aplikácie.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Spustiť nastavenía aplikácie</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4584,7 +4584,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Pridať do príbehu</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Pridajte správu</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Pridať odpoveď</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Poslať</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Odoslať</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Zobraziť správu raz</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Jedna, alebo viac položiek bolo príliš veľkých</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Jedna, alebo viac položiek je neplatných</string>
@ -5359,7 +5359,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Potvrdiť príspevok</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Poslať</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Odoslať používateľovi</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Príjemca bude o príspevku informovaný v správe. Pridajte svoj vlastný text správy nižšie.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Nekaj je šlo narobe z vašim uporabniškim imenom, ni več dodeljeno vašemu računu. Lahko ga poskusite znova nastaviti ali izberete novega.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Popravi</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Pošlji SMS kodo</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Registracija storitve Signal - Potrebujem pomoč pri ponovni registraciji kode PIN za Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Vaš PIN je koda iz %1$d+ znakov, ki je lahko sestavljena zgolj iz številk ali iz kombinacije črk in številk.\n\nČe ste pozabili svoj PIN, lahko zdaj ustvarite novega.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Če ste pozabili svoj PIN, lahko zdaj ustvarite novega.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Zmanjkalo vam je ugibanj kode PIN, vendar lahko še vedno dostopate do svojega računa Signal, tako da ustvarite novo kodo PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Opozorilo</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje dovoljenje za dostop do vaših stikov, da lahko komunicirate s svojimi prijatelji_cami. Vaši stiki so prenešeni na strežnik preko Signalovga zasebnega odkrivanja stikov, kar pomeni, da so šifrirani od-konca-do-konca in niso nikdar vidni storitvi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Preveč neuspešnih poskusov registracije te telefonske številke. Prosimo poskusite znova kasneje.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Preveč neuspešnih poskusov registracije številke. Prosimo, poskusite znova čez %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezava s storitvijo ni mogoča. Preverite omrežje in poskusite znova.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni format številk</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Številka, ki ste jo vpisali (%1$s) je v nestandardnem formatu.\n\nSte morda mislili %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zahtevek za klic</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Zahtevan SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Zahtevana koda za preverjanje</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ste %1$d korak pred oddajo sistemske zabeležbe.</item>
<item quantity="two">Ste %1$d koraka pred oddajo sistemske zabeležbe.</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikacijska koda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno mi pošlji kodo</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Imate težave z registracijo?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Prepričajte se, da ima vaš telefon mobilni signal za sprejem SMS-a ali klica\n • Potrdite, da lahko sprejmete telefonski klic na številko\n • Preverite, ali ste pravilno vnesli svojo telefonsko številko.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Za več informacij sledite tem korakom za odpravljanje težav ali se obrnite na Podporo</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">tem korakom za odpravljanje težav</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Pomoč uporabnikom_cam</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Obrnite se na Podporo</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Želite vklopiti zaklep registracije?</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Vnesite svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Vnesite PIN, ki ste ga ustvarili za zaklep svojega računa. Tu ne gre za SMS potrditveno kodo.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Vnesite PIN, ki ste ga ustvarili za svoj račun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Vnesite alfanumerični PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Vnesite številčni PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Napačen PIN. Poskusite znova.</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Pokliči me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Ponovno pošlji kodo (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktiraj center za podporo Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija za storitev Signal - verifikacijska koda za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Napačna koda</string>
@ -3905,17 +3905,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Šibka Wi-Fi povezava. Preklopljeno na mobilno omrežje.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Z izbrisom vašega računa boste:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Z izbrisom svojega računa boste:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Vnesite svojo telefonsko številko</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Izbriši račun Signal</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Izbriši podatke in profilno fotografijo računa</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Izbriši vsa svoja sporočila</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Izbris računa</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">izbrisali podatke in profilno fotografijo računa</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">izbrisali vsa svoja sporočila</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Izbriši %1$s v računu plačil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Ni vnesene kode države</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Ni vnesene telefonske številke</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Vnesena številka se ne ujema s telefonsko številko vašega računa.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati svoj račun?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">S tem boste izbrisali svoj račun Signal in ponastavili aplikacijo. Ko bo proces končan se bo aplikacija zaprla.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">S tem boste izbrisali svoj račun Signal in ponastavili aplikacijo. Ko bo proces končan, se bo aplikacija zaprla.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Lokalnih podatkov ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. To lahko storite ročno v sistemskih nastavitvah aplikacije.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Zaženi nastavitve aplikacije</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Ka ndodhur një gabim me emrin tënd të përdoruesit, i cili nuk është më i lidhur me llogarinë tënde. Mund të provosh dhe ta vendosësh sërish ose të zgjedhësh një të ri.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Rregulloje tani</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Dërgo kodin SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Regjistrimi i Signal - Ke nevojë për ndihmë për riregjistrimin e PIN-it për Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN-i yt është një kod %1$d + shifror që ke krijuar që mund të jetë numerik ose alfanumerik.\n\nNëse nuk e mbani mend PIN-in tënd, mund të krijosh një të ri.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Nëse nuk e mbani mend PIN-in tënd, mund të krijosh një të ri.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Të kanë mbaruar opsionet e kodit PIN, por mund të hysh ende në llogarinë tënde të Signal duke krijuar një PIN të ri.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Paralajmërim</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Për t\\ju ndihmuar të lidheni me shokët tuaj, Signal-i lyp leje mbi kontaktet. Kontaktet tuaja ngarkohen duke përdorur pikasje private kontaktesh të Signal-it, që do të thotë se janë të fshehtëzuara skaj-më-skaj dhe kurrë të dukshme për shërbimin Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Keni bërë shumë përpjekje për të regjistruar këtë numër. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Ke bërë shumë përpjekje për të regjistruar këtë numër. Të lutem provoje përsëri për %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">S\\arrihet të bëhet lidhja te shërbimi. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni lidhjen me rrjetin dhe riprovoni.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format jostandard numrash</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Numri që dhatë (%1$s) duket të jetë në një format jo standard.\n\nKishit ndërmend %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">U kërkua thirrje</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Kërkohet SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Kërkohet kodi i verifikimit</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ju ndan %1$d hap nga parashtrimi i një regjistri diagnostikimesh.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ju ndajnë %1$d hapa nga parashtrimi i një regjistri diagnostikimesh.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod verifikimi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ridërgo kodin</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Ke probleme me regjistrimin?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Sigurohu që telefoni yt të ketë sinjal celular për të marrë SMS ose thirrje • Konfirmo se mund të marrësh telefonata në numër\n • Kontrollo nëse ke vendosur saktë numrin tënd të telefonit.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Për më shumë informacion, ndiqni këto hapa për zgjidhjen e problemeve ose kontaktoni me asistencën</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">me këto hapa për zgjidhjen e problemeve</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Lidhuni Me Asistencën</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontaktoni asistencën</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Të aktivizohet Kyçja e Regjistrimeve?</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Jepni PIN-in tuaj</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Jepni PIN-in që krijuar për llogarinë tuaj. Ky është tjetër gjë nga kodi juaj i verifikimit me SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Vendos kodin PIN që krijove për llogarinë tënde.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Jepni PIN alfanumerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Jepni PIN numerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN i pasaktë. Riprovoni.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Më telefono (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Ridërgo kodin (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Lidhuni Me Asistencën e Signal-it</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Regjistrim Signal-i - Kod Verifikimi për Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kod i gabuar</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi i dobët. Kalo me internetin e celularit.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Fshirja e llogarisë tuaj do të:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Fshirja e llogarisë tënde do të:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Jepni numrin e telefonit tuaj</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Fshije llogarinë</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Fshij të dhënat e llogarisë dhe foton e profilit</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Fshiji krejt mesazhet e tua</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Fshi të dhënat e llogarisë dhe foton e profilit</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Fshi të gjitha mesazhet e tua</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Fshi %1$s te llogaria jote e pagesave</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">S\\u dha kod vendi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">S\\u tregua numër</string>
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Shto në postimin e përkohshëm</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">Shtoni një mesazh</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Shtoni një përgjigje</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Dërgoja</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Dërguar</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Mesazh për parje vetëm një herë</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Një ose më tepër objekte qenë shumë të mëdhenj</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Një ose më tepër objekte qenë të pavlefshëm</string>

View file

@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Пошаљи уплату</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Примљена уплата</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Уплата завршена %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Блокирај број</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Број блока</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Пренос</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Kuna tatizo limetokea kwenye jina lako la mtumiaji, halijaandikishwa tena katika akaunti yako. Unaweza kujaribu na kuweka upya au unaweza kuchagua jingine.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Rekebisha sasa</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Tuma kodi ya SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Usajili wa Signal - Unahitaji Msaada kusajili PIN ya Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN yako ni %1$d+ kodi ya kidijitali uliyounda inaweza kuwa ya tarakimu au ya tarakimu na maandishi.\n\nKama hukumbuki PIN yako, unaweza ukaunda mpya.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Kama hukumbuki PIN yako, unaweza ukaunda mpya.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Nafasi za kukisia PIN zimekwisha, lakini bado unaweza kuingia kwenye akaunti yako ya Signal kwa kuunda PIN mpya.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Onyo</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal inahitaji idhini ya wawasiliani wako kukuwezesha kuwasiliana na marafiki. Wawasiliani wako wamesasishwa kwa kutumia mfumo wa siri wa kuvumbua wawasiliani wa Signal, inayomaanisha zipo kwenye mfumo wa end-to-end na haionekani kwenye huduma za Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Umefanya majaribio mengi sana ili kusajili nambari hii. Tafadhali jaribu tena baadaye.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Umefanya majaribio mengi ya kusajili nambari hii. Tafadhali jaribu tena baada ya %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Imeshindwa kuunganisha kwenye huduma. Tafadhali angalia muunganisho wako wa mtandao na ujaribu tena.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Mfumo wa nambari usio wa kiwango</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nambari uliyoingiza (%1$s) inaonekana kuwa isiyo ya mfumo wa nambari usio wa kiwango.\n\nUlimaanisha %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Ombi la kupiga simu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS imeombwa</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Kodi ya uthibitisho imeombwa</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Sasa uko hatua %1$dkabla uwasilishe faili la rekebisho.</item>
<item quantity="other">Sasa uko hatua %1$d kabla uwasilishe faili la rekebisho.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kodi ya uthibitisho</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Tuma upya Kodi</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Unasumbuka kujisajili?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Hakikisha namba yako inapata mtandao wa simu ili kupokea SMS au kupigiwa simu\n • Hakikisha kama unaweza kupokea simu kwenye nambari\n • Angalia kama umeingiza vyema nambari za simu.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Kwa habari zaidi, tafadhali fuata maelekezo haya ya kutatua tatizo au Wasiliana na Msaada</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">hatua hizi za urekebishaji</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Wasiliana na Msaada</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Inasubiri</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Umetumwa kwa</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Imetumwa kwa</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Umetumwa kutoka kwa</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Umewasilishwa kwa</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Umesomwa na</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Umepokea malipo</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Ulipokea malipo</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Malipo yalitumwa tarehe %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Zuia nambari</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Nambari ya kuzuia</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Uhamisho</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri lako</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ingiza Nenosiri ulilobuni kwa hii akaunti. Hii ni tofauti na nambari za kuthibitisha kupitia Ujumbe mfupi.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Ingiza PIN uliyounda ya akaunti yako.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri la herufi na nambari</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri lenye nambari</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nenosiri sio sahihi. Jaribu tena.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nipigie (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Tuma tena kodi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Wasiliana na Msaada wa Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Usajili wa Signal: Msimbo wa Hakiki wa Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kodi isiyo sahihi</string>

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">உங்கள் பயனர்பெயரில் ஏதோ தவறாகிவிட்டது, அது இனி உங்கள் கணக்கில் ஒதுக்கப்படாது. நீங்கள் முயற்சி செய்து மீண்டும் அமைக்கலாம் அல்லது புதியதைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கலாம்.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">இப்பொழுதே சரிபார்</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS குறியீட்டை அனுப்பு</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal பதிவு - Androidக்கான மறுபதிவு PIN உடன் செய்ய உதவி தேவை</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">உங்கள் பின் என்பது நீங்கள் உருவாக்கிய %1$d+ இலக்கக் குறியீடாகும், இது எண் அல்லது எண்ணெழுத்து ஆகும்.\n\nஉங்கள் பின்னை நினைவில் கொள்ள முடியாவிட்டால், புதிய ஒன்றை உருவாக்கலாம்.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">உங்கள் பின்னை நினைவில் கொள்ள முடியாவிட்டால், புதிய ஒன்றை உருவாக்கலாம்.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">உங்களது பின் யூகங்கள் தீர்ந்துவிட்டன, ஆனால் புதிய பின்னை உருவாக்குவதன் மூலம் உங்கள் Signal கணக்கைத் தொடர்ந்து அணுகலாம்.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">எச்சரிக்கை</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">நண்பர்களுடன் நீங்கள் இணைவதற்கு உதவ சிக்னலுக்கு தொடர்புகளின் அனுமதி தேவை. உங்கள் தொடர்புகள் சிக்னலின் தனிப்பட்ட தொடர்பு கண்டறிதலைப் பயன்படுத்தி பதிவேற்றப்படுகின்றன, அதாவது அவை முடிவிலிருந்து-முடிவுவரை மறையாக்கப்பட்டவை மற்றும் சிக்னல் சேவைக்கு ஒருபோதும் தெரியப்படுவதில்லை.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">இந்த எண்ணை பதிவு செய்ய நீங்கள் பல முயற்சிகளை செய்துள்ளீர்கள். சிறிது நேரம் கழித்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">இந்த எண்ணை பதிவு செய்ய நீங்கள் பல முயற்சிகளை செய்துள்ளீர்கள். %1$s இல் மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">சேவையுடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை. பிணைய இணைப்பைச் சரிபார்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">நான்-ஸ்டாண்டர்ட் எண் வடிவம்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட எண் (%1$s) நான்-ஸ்டாண்டர்ட் எண் வடிவத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.\n\nநீங்கள் %2$s-ஐ நினைத்தீர்களா?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">அழைப்பு கோரப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS கோரப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு கோரப்பட்டது</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">பிழைத்திருத்த பதிவைச் சமர்ப்பிப்பதில் இருந்து இப்போது நீங்கள் %1$d விலகிவிட்டீர்கள்.</item>
<item quantity="other">பிழைத்திருத்த பதிவைச் சமர்ப்பிப்பதில் இருந்து இப்போது நீங்கள் %1$d படிகள் தொலைவில் உள்ளீர்கள்.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">குறியீட்டை மீண்டும் அனுப்பு</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">பதிவு செய்வதில் சிக்கல் உள்ளதா?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">உங்கள் SMS அல்லது அழைப்பு பெற உங்கள் ஃபோனில் செல்லுலார் சிக்னல் உள்ளதா என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும் \n • எண்\n க்கு ஃபோன் அழைப்பைப் பெற முடியுமா என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும் • உங்கள் ஃபோன் எண்ணை சரியாக உள்ளிட்டுள்ளீர்களா எனச் சரிபார்க்கவும்.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">மேலும் தகவலுக்கு, இந்த சரிசெய்தல் படிகளைப் பின்பற்றவும் அல்லது ஆதரவைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">இந்த சரிசெய்தல் படிகள்</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">தொடர்பு ஆதரவு</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">நிலுவையில் உள்ளது</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">அனுப்பப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">இவருக்கு அனுப்பப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">அனுப்புனர்</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">வழங்கப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">படித்தவர்கள்</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">உங்கள் பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">உங்கள் கணக்கிற்கு நீங்கள் உருவாக்கிய பின்னை உள்ளிடவும். இது உங்கள் SMS சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீட்டிலிருந்து வேறுபட்டது.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">உங்கள் கணக்கிற்கு நீங்கள் உருவாக்கிய பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">எண்ணெழுத்து பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">எண் பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">தவறான பின். மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்க.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">என்னை அழைக்கவும் (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">குறியீட்டை மீண்டும் அனுப்புக (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal ஆதரவைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளுங்கள்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal பதிவு - அண்ட்ராய்டு க்கான சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">தவறான குறியீடு</string>
@ -3715,7 +3715,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">பலவீனமான வை-ஃபை. செல்லுலார்க்கு மாறியது.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">உங்கள் நீக்குகிறது கணக்கு விருப்பம்:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">உங்கள் கணக்கை நீக்குவதால்:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">உள்ளிடவும் உங்கள் தொலைபேசி எண்</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">கணக்கை நீக்கு</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">உங்கள் கணக்குத் தகவல் மற்றும் புரொஃபைல் ஃபோட்டோவை நீக்கவும்</string>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">இல்லை எண் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">தி தொலைபேசி நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட எண் உங்களுடன் பொருந்தவில்லை கணக்கு.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">உங்கள் கணக்கை நிச்சயமாக நீக்க வேண்டுமா?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">இது உங்கள Signal கணக்கை நீக்கி செயலியை மீட்டமைக்கும். செயல்பாடு நிறைவடைந்ததும் செயலி மூடப்படும்.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">இது உங்களது Signal கணக்கை நீக்கி செயலியை மீட்டமைக்கும். செயல்பாடு நிறைவடைந்ததும் செயலி மூடப்படும்.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">உள்ளே சேமிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் தரவை நீக்க முடியவில்லை. சிஸ்டம் அப்ளிகேஷன் செட்டிங்ஸில் அதை நீங்கள் நேரடியாக அழிக்கலாம்.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">பயன்பாட்டு அமைப்புகளை தொடங்கு</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">ஸ்டோரியில் சேர்க்கவும்</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">கூட்டு ஒரு செய்தி</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">ஒரு பதிலைச் சேர்க்கவும்</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">அனுப்பவும்</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">இவருக்கு அனுப்பு</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">ஒருமுறை பார்க்கும் செய்தி</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">ஒன்று அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட பொருட்கள் மிகப் பெரியதாக இருந்தன</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">ஒன்று அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட பொருட்கள் செல்லாதவை</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">நன்கொடையை உறுதிப்படுத்துதல்</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">அனுப்பவும்</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">இவருக்கு அனுப்பு</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">1 இல் 1 செய்தியில் நன்கொடை பெறுபவருக்கு அறிவிக்கப்படும். உங்கள் சொந்த செய்தியை கீழே சேர்க்கவும்.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">మీ యూజర్‌నేమ్‌తో ఏదో తప్పు జరిగింది, ఇది మీ ఖాతాకు ఇక ఏమాత్రం కేటాయించబడలేదు. మీరు ప్రయత్నించి, దానిని మళ్లీ సెట్ చేయవచ్చు లేదా ఒక కొత్త దానిని ఎంచుకోవచ్చు.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ఇప్పుడు పరిష్కరించండి</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS కోడ్ పంపండి</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal నమోదు చేసుకోవడం - Android కొరకు PIN ను మళ్ళీ నమోదు చేయడంలో సహాయం కావాలి</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">మీ PIN అనేది మీరు సృష్టించిన %1$d+ అంకెల కోడ్, ఇది సంఖ్య లేదా ఆల్ఫాన్యూమరిక్‌గా ఉండవచ్చు.\n\nఒకవేళ మీ PIN ను మీరు గుర్తు పెట్టుకోలేకపోతే, ఒక కొత్త దానిని మీరు సృష్టించవచ్చు.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">ఒకవేళ మీ PIN ను మీరు గుర్తు పెట్టుకోలేకపోతే, ఒక కొత్త దానిని మీరు సృష్టించవచ్చు.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">మీ PIN అంచనాలు అయిపోయాయి, అయితే ఒక కొత్త PIN ను సృష్టించడం ద్వారా మీ Signal ఖాతాను మీరు ఇప్పటికీ యాక్సెస్ చేయవచ్చు.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">హెచ్చరిక</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">స్నేహితులతో అనుసంధానం కావడానికి సాయపడేందుకు Signal కు కాంటాక్ట్‌ల పర్మిషన్ కావాలి. Signal ప్రైవేట్ కాంటాక్ట్ డిస్కవరీ ఉపయోగించి మీ కాంటాక్ట్‌లు అప్‌లోడ్ చేయబడతాయి, అంటే అవి ఎండ్- టూ-ఎండ్ ఎన్‌క్రిప్ట్ చేయబడ్డవి మరియు Signal సర్వీస్‌కు ఎన్నడూ కనిపించవు.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">మీరు ఈ నంబరును నమోదు చేయడానికి చాలా ప్రయత్నాలు చేసారు. దయచేసి తర్వాత మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">ఈ నంబర్‌ను నమోదు చేయడానికి మీరు చాలా ఎక్కువ ప్రయత్నాలు చేశారు. దయచేసి %1$sలో మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">కనెక్ట్ చేయడం సాధ్యం కాలేదు. దయచేసి నెట్వర్క్ కనెక్షన్ను తనిఖీ చేసి మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">నాన్-స్టాండర్డ్ నెంబర్ ఫార్మెట్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">మీరు నమోదు చేసిన నెంబరు (%1$s) నాన్-స్టాండర్డ్ ఫార్మెట్‌లో కనిపిస్తోంది.\n\n%2$s అని మీ అర్ధమా?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">కాల్ అభ్యర్ధించబడింది</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS అభ్యర్ధించబడింది</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ధృవీకరణ కోడ్ అభ్యర్ధించబడింది</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">డీబగ్ లాగ్ను సమర్పించకుండా మీరు ఇప్పుడు %1$d దూరంగా ఉన్నారు.</item>
<item quantity="other">డీబగ్ లాగ్ను సమర్పించకుండా మీరు ఇప్పుడు %1$d మళ్లే ఉన్నారు.</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">కోడ్ మళ్ళీ పంపండి</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">నమోదు చేసుకోవడంలో సమస్య ఉన్నదా?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">మీ SMS లేదా కాల్‌ను అందుకోవడానికి మీ ఫోన్‌కు సెల్యూలర్ సిగ్నల్ ఉన్నట్లుగా ధృవీకరించుకోండి\n • నంబర్‌కు ఫోన్ కాల్‌ను మీరు అందుకోగలరని నిర్ధారించండి\n • మీ ఫోన్ నెంబర్‌ను మీరు సరిగ్గా ఎంటర్ చేసినట్లుగా తనిఖీ చేయండి.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">మరింత సమాచారం కొరకు, దయచేసి ఈ దిగువ సమస్య పరిష్కార దశలను అనుసరించండి లేదా మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ఈ సమస్య పరిష్కార దశలు</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">పెండింగ్‌లో ఉంది</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">పంపాను</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">వీరికి పంపబడింది</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">నుండి పంపబడింది</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">కు పంపిణీ చేయబడింది</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">చదివిన వారు</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">చెల్లింపు పంపబడింది</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">పేమెంట్ అందుకోబడింది</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">పేమెంట్ పూర్తయింది %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">నెంబర్ బ్లాక్ చేయండి</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">బ్లాక్ నెంబర్</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">బదిలీ చేయి</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">మీ పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">మీ ఖాతా కోసం మీరు సృష్టించిన పిన్‌ను నమోదు చేయండి. ఇది మీ SMS ధృవీకరణ కోడ్‌కు భిన్నంగా ఉంటుంది.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">మీ ఖాతా కొరకు మీరు సృష్టించిన PIN ను ఎంటర్ చేయండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ఆల్ఫాన్యూమరిక్ పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">సంఖ్యా పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">తప్పు పిన్. మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">నాకు కాల్ చేయండి (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">కోడ్ మళ్ళీ పంపండి (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ - Android కోసం ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">తప్పు కోడ్</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">బలహీనమైన Wi-Fi. సెల్యూలర్‌కు మారండి.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">మీ ఖాతాను తొలగిస్తుంది:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">మీ ఖాతాను తొలగించడం అనేది:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">మీ ఫోన్ నంబర్‌ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">ఖాతాను తొలగించండి</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">మీ ఖాతా సమాచారం మరియు ప్రొఫైల్ ఫోటోను తొలగించండి</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">మీ అన్ని సందేశాలను తొలగించండి</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">మీ ఖాతా సమాచారం మరియు ప్రొఫైల్ ఫోటోను తొలగిస్తుంది</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">మీ సందేశాలు అన్నింటిని తొలగిస్తుంది</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">మీ చెల్లింపుల ఖాతాలో %1$s తొలగించండి</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">దేశ కోడ్ పేర్కొనబడలేదు</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">సంఖ్య పేర్కొనబడలేదు</string>

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">เกิดข้อผิดพลาดเกี่ยวกับชื่อผู้ใช้ ไม่สามารถใช้ชื่อผู้ใช้นี้กับบัญชีของคุณได้อีกต่อไป โปรดลองใหม่ด้วยการใส่ชื่อผู้ใช้อีกครั้งหรือตั้งชื่อผู้ใช้ใหม่</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">แก้ไขตอนนี้</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">ส่งรหัสทาง SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">การลงทะเบียน Signal - ต้องการความช่วยเหลือเกี่ยวกับการลงทะเบียน PIN อีกครั้งสำหรับ Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN ของคุณคือรหัส %1$d+ หลักที่คุณสร้างไว้โดยอาจจะเป็นตัวเลขหรือตัวอักษรผสมกับตัวเลข\n\nหากจำ PIN ของตัวเองไม่ได้ คุณสามารถสร้างขึ้นมาใหม่ได้</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">หากจำ PIN ของตัวเองไม่ได้ คุณสามารถสร้างขึ้นมาใหม่ได้</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">คุณลองใส่ PIN จนครบจำนวนครั้งที่อนุญาตแล้ว แต่คุณยังสามารถเข้าถึงบัญชี Signal ของคุณได้ด้วยการสร้าง PIN ใหม่</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">คำเตือน</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal จำเป็นต้องได้รับการอนุญาตให้ใช้รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อเพื่อช่วยให้คุณเชื่อมต่อกับเพื่อนๆ รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อของคุณจะถูกอัปโหลดโดยใช้โดยใช้การค้นหาผู้ติดต่อส่วนตัว Signal ซึ่งแปลว่าสิ่งนี้เป็นการเข้ารหัสจากต้นทางถึงปลายทางและไม่ปรากฏในบริการของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">คุณได้พยายามลงทะเบียนด้วยหมายเลขนี้หลายครั้งเกินไป โปรดลองใหม่ในภายหลัง</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">คุณพยายามลงทะเบียนด้วยหมายเลขนี้หลายครั้งเกินไป โปรดลองอีกครั้งใน %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อบริการได้ โปรดตรวจสอบการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายและลองอีกครั้ง</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ฟอร์แมทหมายเลขที่ไม่มีมาตรฐาน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ตัวเลขที่คุณป้อน (%1$s) เป็นฟอร์แมทที่ไม่ได้มาตรฐาน\n\n คุณต้องการใส่ %2$sหรือเปล่า</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ส่งคำขอการโทรแล้ว</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">ขอรหัสทาง SMS แล้ว</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">ขอรหัสยืนยันแล้ว</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">เหลืออีก %1$d ขั้นตอนในการส่งปูมดีบัก</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">รหัสยืนยัน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ส่งรหัสอีกครั้ง</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">หากประสบปัญหาในการลงทะเบียน</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">ตรวจสอบว่าโทรศัพท์ของคุณมีสัญญาณมือถือที่จะรับข้อความ SMS หรือสายโทรเข้าได้\n • ตรวจสอบว่าหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณสามารถรับสายโทรเข้าได้\n • ตรวจสอบว่าคุณใส่หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ถูกต้อง</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม โปรดทำตามขั้นตอนการแก้ไขปัญหาที่นี่หรือติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุน</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ขั้นตอนการแก้ไขปัญหาที่นี่</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ติดต่อการสนับสนุน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">ติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุน</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">เปิดกุญแจลงทะเบียนหรือไม่?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">รอดำเนินการ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ส่งถึง</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">ส่งแล้ว:</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">ส่งจาก</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">ส่งถึงแล้วที่</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">อ่านโดย</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ของคุณ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ใส่รหัส PIN ที่คุณสร้างขึ้นสำหรับบัญชีของคุณ รหัสนี้แตกต่างจากรหัสตรวจยืนยันทาง SMS</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">ใส่ PIN ที่คุณสร้างไว้สำหรับบัญชีของคุณ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ด้วยตัวอักษรและตัวเลข</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ด้วยตัวเลข</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">รหัส PIN ไม่ถูกต้อง ลองอีกครั้ง</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">โทรหาฉัน (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">ส่งรหัสอีกครั้งใน (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ติดต่อทีมซัพพอร์ตของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">การลงทะเบียน Signal - รหัสตรวจยืนยันสำหรับ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">รหัสไม่ถูกต้อง</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi สัญญาณอ่อน กำลังใช้อินเทอร์เน็ตมือถือ</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">การลบบัญชีของคุณจะส่งผลให้:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">การลบบัญชีของคุณจะเป็นการ:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">ป้อนหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">ลบบัญชี</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">ลบข้อมูลบัญชีและรูปโปรไฟล์ของคุณ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">ลบข้อความของคุณทั้งหมด</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">ลบข้อความทั้งหมดของคุณ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">ลบ %1$s ในบัญชีชำระเงินของคุณ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">ไม่มีรหัสประเทศระบุไว้</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">ไม่มีหมายเลขระบุไว้</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่คุณป้อนไม่ตรงกับหมายเลขในบัญชีคุณ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการลบบัญชี</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">การกระทำนี้จะลบบัญชี Signal ของคุณและรีเซ็ตแอปใหม่ โดยแอปจะปิดลงหลังจากที่กระบวนการนี้เสร็จสิ้น</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">การดำเนินการนี้จะลบบัญชี Signal ของคุณและรีเซ็ตแอปใหม่ โดยแอปจะปิดลงหลังจากที่กระบวนการนี้เสร็จสิ้น</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">ลบข้อมูลในเครื่องไม่สำเร็จ คุณสามารถล้างข้อมูลเองได้ในการตั้งค่าแอปพลิเคชันของระบบ</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">การตั้งค่าการเริ่มแอป</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">เพิ่มไปยังสตอรี่</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">เพิ่มข้อความ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">เพิ่มการตอบกลับ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">ส่งไปยัง</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">ส่งไปให้</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">ดูข้อความครั้งเดียว</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">มีรายการที่ใหญ่เกินไปอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการ</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">มีรายการที่ไม่ถูกต้องอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการ</string>
@ -5023,7 +5023,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">ยืนยันการบริจาค</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">ส่งไปยัง</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">ส่งไปให้</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">ผู้รับจะได้รับการแจ้งเตือนในข้อความส่วนตัวว่ามีการบริจาค เพิ่มข้อความของคุณที่ด้านล่างนี้</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Nagkaroon ng problema sa username mo, hindi na ito naka-assign sa iyong account. Maaari mong subukang ilagay ito ulit o pumili ng bago.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Ayusin</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">I-send ang SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Kailangan ng Tulong sa pag-register ulit ng PIN sa Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Ang iyong PIN ay isang %1$d+ digit code na ginawa mo at maaari itong numeric o alphanumeric.\n\nKung hindi mo maalala ang iyong PIN, maaari kang gumawa ng bago.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Kung hindi mo maalala ang iyong PIN, maaari kang gumawa ng bago.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Naubusan ka na ng PIN guesses, pero maaari mo pa ring ma-access ang iyong Signal account sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng bagong PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Babala</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Kinakailangan ng Signal ng pahintulot para ma-access ang contacts para maka-connect ka sa friends mo. Ina-upload ang contacts mo gamit ang private contact discovery ng Signal, kung saan end-to-end encrypted ang mga ito at hindi kailanman makikita ng Signal service.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Nakagawa ka ng napakaraming pagtatangkang irehistro ang numerong ito. Pakiusap na subukang muli kinalaunan.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Masyadong maraming beses mo nang sinubukang i-register ang number na ito. Subukan ulit pagkatapos ng %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Hindi makakonekta sa serbisyo. Pakisuri ang koneksyon ng network at subukang muli.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Non-standard number format</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Ang number na nilagay mo (%1$s) ay mukhang isang non-standard format.\n\nDid you mean %2$s?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Call requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Nag-request ng SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Nag-request ng verification code</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ikaw ngayon ay %1$d layong-hakbang na lang sa pagsusumite ng debug log.</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hakbang ka pa para makapagsumite ng debug log.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">I-resend ang Code</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Nagkakaproblema ka ba sa pag-register?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Siguraduhing may signal ang iyong phone para maka-receive ka ng verification code sa SMS o tawag\n • Kumpirmahing nakaka-receive ka ng tawag sa number mo\n • I-check kung tama ang phone number na inilagay mo.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Para sa iba pang impormasyon, sundin ang sumusunod na troubleshooting steps o Kontakin ang Support</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ang sumusunod na troubleshooting steps</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Makipag-ugnayan sa Suporta</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Kontakin ang Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Paganahin ang Registration Lock?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Pending</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Sent to</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Sinend kay</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Sent from</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Delivered to</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Read by</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Sent payment</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Received payment</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Payment completed%1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">I-block ang number</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Block number</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Transfer</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ilagay ang iyong PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ipasok ang PIN na iyong nilikha para sa iyong account. Ito ay iba sa iyong SMS verification code.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Ilagay ang ginawa mong PIN para sa account na ito.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ilagay ang alphanumeric na PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ilagay ang numeric na PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Hindi tama ang PIN. Subukang muli.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Tawagan ako (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">I-resend ang Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Makipag-ugnayan sa Suporta ng Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pagpaparehistro sa Signal - Verification Code para sa Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Maling kodigo</string>
@ -3715,7 +3715,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Lumipat sa data connection dahil unstable ang Wi-Fi connection.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ang pag-delete ng iyong account ay magreresulta sa:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Ang pagbura ng iyong account ay magreresulta sa:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Ilagay ang numero ng iyong telepono</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Burahin ang account</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Burahin ang iyong contact info at profile photo</string>
@ -3725,7 +3725,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Walang specified na number</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Ang nilagay mong phone number ay hindi match sa number ng iyong account.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Sigurado ka bang nais mong burahin ang iyong account?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Buburahin nito ang iyong Signal account at mare-reset ang app. Sasara ang app pagkatapos nito.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Buburahin nito ang iyong Signal account at ire-reset ang app. Magsasara ang app pagkatapos ng proseso.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Hindi mabura ang local data. Pwede mo itong i-clear manually sa system application settings.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">I-launch ang App Settings</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Kullanıcı adınla ilgili bir sorun oluştu, hesabına artık atanmamış olarak görünüyor. Tekrar deneyebilir ve ayarlayabilir veya yeni bir tane seçebilirsin.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Şimdi düzelt</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS kodu gönder</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Kaydı - Android için PIN\'i yeniden kaydetme konusunda yardıma ihtiyacın mı var</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN\'in, sayısal veya alfanumerik karakterleri kullanabileceğin %1$d+ haneli bir koddur.\n\nPIN\'ini hatırlayamıyorsan yeni bir tane oluşturabilirsin.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">PIN\'ini hatırlayamıyorsan yeni bir tane oluşturabilirsin.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">PIN tahminlerin tükendi ancak yine de yeni bir PIN oluşturarak Signal hesabına erişebilirsin.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Uyarı</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal, arkadaşlarına bağlanmana yardımcı olabilmek için kişilere erişim iznine ihtiyaç duyuyor. Kişilerin, Signal\'in gizli kişi bulma özelliğiyle yüklenir; yani uçtan uca şifrelenir ve Signal hizmeti tarafından hiç görülmez.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bu numarayı kaydettirmek için çok fazla deneme yaptınız. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Bu numarayı kaydetmek için çok fazla girişimde bulundun. Lütfen %1$s içinde tekrar dene.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Hizmete bağlanılamadı. Lütfen ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edip tekrar deneyin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Standart olmayan numara formatı</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Girdiğin numara (%1$s) standart olmayan bir formatta gibi görünüyor.\n\n%2$s mi demek istedin?</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Arama istendi</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS istendi</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Doğrulama kodu istendi</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Artık bir hata ayıklama günlüğü göndermekten %1$d adım uzaktasınız.</item>
<item quantity="other">Artık bir hata ayıklama günlüğü göndermekten %1$d adım uzaktasınız.</item>
@ -1822,15 +1822,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Doğrulama Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu Yeniden Gönder</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Kaydolurken sorun mu yaşıyorsun?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Telefonunun SMS\'ini almak veya aramak için hücresel bir sinyali olduğundan emin ol \n • Numaraya bir telefon çağrısı alabileceğini onayla \n • Telefon numaranı doğru girdiğinden emin ol.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen bu sorun giderme adımlarını izle veya Destekle İletişime Geç</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">bu sorun giderme adımları</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Destekle İletişime Geçin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Destekle İletişime Geç</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Kayıt Kilidi Açılsın mı?</string>
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Beklemede</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Gönderilen</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Gönder:</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Gönderen</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">İletilen</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Okuyan</string>
@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Gönderilen ödeme</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Ödeme alındı</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Ödeme tamamlandı %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Numarayı engelle</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Blok numarası</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Aktar</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN\'inizi girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Bu hesap için oluşturduğunuz PIN kodunu girin. Bu kod, SMS doğrulama kodunuzdan farklıdır.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Hesabın için oluşturduğun PIN\'i gir.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alfanumerik PIN\'i Girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Sayısal PIN\'i Girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Yanlış PIN. Tekrar deneyin.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Beni ara (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Kodu Yeniden Gönder (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Destek Ekibiyle İletişime Geç</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Kaydı - Android için Doğrulama Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Geçersiz kod</string>
@ -3715,11 +3715,11 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Zayıf Wi-Fi. Hücresel veriye geçildi.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Hesabınızı silmek:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Hesabını sildiğinde:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Telefon numaranızı girin</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Hesabı sil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Hesap bilgilerini ve profil resmini silecektir</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Tüm iletilerini sil</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Hesap bilgilerin ve profil resmin silinir</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Tüm iletilerin silinir</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Ödemeler hesabından %1$s silinir</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Ülke kodu belirtilmedi</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Telefon numarası belirtilmedi</string>
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">Hikayeye ekle</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">İleti ekle</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">Yanıt ekle</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Gönderilecek</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">Gönder:</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">Tek görümlük ileti</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">Bir veya daha fazla öğe çok büyük</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">Bir veya daha fazla öğe çok geçersiz</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">Bağışı onayla</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Gönderilecek</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">Gönder:</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">Alıcı, bağıştan mesajla haberdar edilecektir. Kendi mesajını aşağıya ekle.</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -1037,9 +1037,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Із вашим іменем користувача сталася помилка. Ім\'я більше не присвоєно вашому акаунту. Ви можете спробувати встановити це ім\'я повторно або вибрати нове.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Виправити</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1724,15 +1724,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Надіслати SMS-код</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Реєстрація в Signal — Потрібна допомога з реєстрацією PIN-коду для Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Ваш PIN-код — це створений вами цифровий або буквено-цифровий код, який містить мінімум %1$d символи.\n\nЯкщо ви не пам\'ятаєте свій PIN-код, ви можете створити новий.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Якщо ви не пам\'ятаєте свій PIN-код, ви можете створити новий.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Спроби вгадати PIN-код закінчилися, але ви можете зайти у свій акаунт Signal, створивши новий PIN-код.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Попередження</string>
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal потребує дозволу для перегляду контактів, щоб допомогти вам зв’язатися з друзями. Ваші контакти завантажуються за допомогою функції виявлення приватних контактів Signal, що означає, що вони наскрізне зашифровані і ніколи не відображаються службою Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Ви зробили надто багато спроб зареєструвати цей номер. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Ви зробили забагато спроб зареєструвати цей номер. Будь ласка, повторіть через %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Немає з\'єднання із сервером. Перевірте чи наявність доступу до Інтернет та спробуйте знову.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартний формат номеру</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Введене число (%1$s) виглядає нестандартним.\n\nВи мали на увазі %2$s?</string>
@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Запит на дзвінок надіслано</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS запитано</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Код підтвердження запитано</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ви в %1$d кроці від відправки журналу налагодження</item>
<item quantity="few">Ви в %1$d кроках від відправки журналу налагодження</item>
@ -1964,15 +1964,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код підтвердження</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Надіслати код знову</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Виникли проблеми з реєстрацією?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Перевірте сигнал стільникової мережі на вашому телефоні для отримання SMS чи виклику\n • Переконайтеся, що ви можете отримувати телефонні виклики на цей номер\n • Перевірте правильність введеного номеру телефону.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Щоб отримати додаткову інформацію, виконайте ці кроки з вирішення проблем або зверніться до служби підтримки</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ці кроки з вирішення проблем</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Зверніться в службу підтримки</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Звернутись у службу підтримки</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включити блокування реєстрації?</string>
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Очікування</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Надіслано до</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Надіслано</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Надіслано з</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Доставлено</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Прочитано</string>
@ -2968,7 +2968,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">Розширені налаштування PIN-коду</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Безкоштовні приватні повідомлення та виклики для користувачів Signal</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">Надіслати журнал відладки</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Видалити обліковий запис</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">Видалити акаунт</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">Режим сумісності \'WiFi Calling\'</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">Увімкніть, якщо ваш пристрій використовує доставку SMS/MMS через WiFi (вмикайте лише якщо «WiFi Calling» увімкнен на вашому пристрої)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">Клавіатура в режимі «інкогніто»</string>
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Введіть свій PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Введіть PIN-код, який ви створили для свого облікового запису. Це не те ж саме. що код перевірки з SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Введіть PIN-код, який ви створили для свого акаунту.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Введіть буквено-цифровий PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Введіть цифровий PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Неправильний PIN-код. Будь ласка спробуйте ще раз.</string>
@ -3586,7 +3586,7 @@
<string name="backup_enable_dialog__folder">Папка</string>
<string name="backup_enable_dialog__i_have_written_down_this_passphrase">Я записав цю фразу-пароль. Без неї я не зможу відновити резервну копію.</string>
<string name="registration_activity__restore_backup">Відновити резервну копію</string>
<string name="registration_activity__transfer_or_restore_account">Перенесення або відновлення облікового запису</string>
<string name="registration_activity__transfer_or_restore_account">Перенесення або відновлення акаунту</string>
<string name="registration_activity__transfer_account">Перенести обліковий запис</string>
<string name="registration_activity__skip">Пропустити</string>
<string name="preferences_chats__chat_backups">Резервні копії чату</string>
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Подзвоніть мені (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Надіслати код повторно (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Зверніться в службу підтримки Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Реєстрація в Signal - код підтвердження для Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Невірний код</string>
@ -3673,7 +3673,7 @@
<string name="Recipient_unknown">Невідомо</string>
<!-- TransferOrRestoreFragment -->
<string name="TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_or_restore_account">Перенесення або выдновлення аккаунта</string>
<string name="TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_or_restore_account">Перенесення або відновлення акаунту</string>
<string name="TransferOrRestoreFragment__if_you_have_previously_registered_a_signal_account">Якщо Ви вже зареєстрували обліковий запис Signal, ви можете перенести або відновити свій обліковий запис і повідомлення</string>
<string name="TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_from_android_device">Перенести з пристрою Android</string>
<string name="TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_your_account_and_messages_from_your_old_android_device">Перенести обліковий запис і повідомлення з вашого старого Android-пристрою. У вас повинен бути доступ до свого старого пристрою.</string>
@ -3905,17 +3905,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Слабкий сигнал Wi-Fi. Увімкнено стільникову мережу.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Видалення вашого облікового запису призведе до:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Видалення акаунту:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Введіть ваш номер телефону</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Видалити обліковий запис</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Видалення даних вашого облікового запису та зображення профілю</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Видалити всі ваші повідомлення зараз</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Видалити акаунт</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Видалить дані вашого акаунту і фото профілю</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">Видалить усі ваші повідомлення</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">Видаліть %1$s зі свого платіжного рахунку</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">Код країни не вказано</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Номер не вказано</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Наданий номер телефону не належить до вашого облікового запису.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Ви дійсно хочете видалити обліковий запис?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ця дія видалить ваш обліковий запис Signal та скине додаток. Після завершення цього процесу додаток закриється.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Ця дія видалить ваш акаунт Signal і відновить початковий стан застосунку. Після завершення застосунок закриється.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Не вдалося видалити локальні дані. Ви можете видалити їх вручну в системних налаштуваннях програми.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Відкрийте Налаштування програми</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -961,9 +961,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">آپ کے یوزر نیم کے ساتھ کچھ غلط ہو گیا، یہ مزید آپ کے اکاؤنٹ کے لیے تفویض کردہ نہیں ہے۔ آپ کوشش کر سکتے ہیں اور اسے دوبارہ سیٹ کر سکتے ہیں یا ایک نیا منتخب کر سکتے ہیں۔</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">ابھی ٹھیک کریں</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1596,15 +1596,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">SMS کوڈ بھیجیں</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal رجسٹریشن - Android کے لیے پِن کو دوبارہ رجسٹر کرنے میں مدد درکار ہے</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">آپ کا پِن آپ کی طرف سے تخلیق کردہ %1$d+ اعدادی کوڈ ہے جو کہ عددی یا حرفی و عددی ہو سکتا ہے۔\n\nاگر آپ اپنا پِن یاد کرنے سے قاصر ہیں، تو آپ ایک نیا تخلیق کر سکتے ہیں۔</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">اگر آپ اپنا پِن یاد کرنے سے قاصر ہیں، تو آپ ایک نیا تخلیق کر سکتے ہیں۔</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">آپ کے پِن کے اندازے ختم ہو چکے ہیں، تاہم آپ اب بھی ایک نیا پِن تخلیق کر کے اپنے Signal اکاؤنٹ تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">انتباہ</string>
@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سگنل کو آپ کے دوستوں سے رابطہ قائم کرنے اور پیغامات بھیجنے کے لیے رابطوں کی اجازت کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ آپ کے رابطے سگنل کی نجی رابطہ دریافت کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے اپ لوڈ کیے جاتے ہیں، جس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ شروع سے آخر تک خفیہ ہوتے ہیں اور سگنل سروس کو کبھی نظر نہیں آتے۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">آپ نے اس نمبر کو رجسٹر کرنے کے لئے بہت زیادہ کوششیں کی ہیں۔ براہ کرم کچھ دیر بعد کوشش کریں.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">آپ اس نمبر کو رجسٹر کرنے کے لیے بہت مرتبہ کوششیں کر چکے ہیں۔ براہ کرم %1$s میں دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">سروس سے رابطے کے قابل نہیں۔ براہ کرم نیٹ ورک کنکشن چیک کریں اور دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">غیر معیاری ہندسوں کی ترتیب</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">آپ کا درج کردہ نمبر (%1$s) غیر معیاری فارمیٹ لگ رہا ہے۔\n\nکیا آپ کا مطلب %2$s ہے؟</string>
@ -1799,9 +1799,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">کال کی درخواست کی گئی</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS کی درخواست کر دی گئی</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">تصدیقی کوڈ کی درخواست کر دی گئی</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">کسی ڈی بَگ لاگ کو شامل کرنے سے آپ %1$d مرحلے دور ہیں۔</item>
<item quantity="other">کسی ڈی بَگ لاگ کو پیش کرنے کیلئے اب آپ %1$d مرحلے دور ہیں۔</item>
@ -1822,13 +1822,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">تصدیقی کوڈ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">کوڈ دوبارہ بھیجیں</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">رجسٹر کرنے میں دشواری کا سامنا ہے؟</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">یقینی بنائیں کہ SMS یا کال موصول کرنے کے لیے آپ کے فون میں سیلولر سگنل موجود ہیں\n • تصدیق کریں کہ آپ نمبر پر فون کال موصول کر سکتے ہیں\n •چیک کریں کہ آپ نے اپنا فون نمبر درست طریقے سے درج کیا ہے۔</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">مزید معلومات کے لیے، ٹربل شوٹنگ کے ان اقدامات پر عمل کریں یا سپورٹ سے رابطہ کریں</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">ٹربل شوٹنگ کے یہ اقدامات</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">سپورٹ سے رابطہ کریں</string>
@ -3339,7 +3339,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">اپنا پن داخل کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">اپنے اکاؤنٹ کیلئے جو پن بنایا ہے داخل کریں۔ یہ آپ کے تصدیقی ایس ایم ایس سے مختلف ہے۔</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">وہ پِن درج کریں جو آپ نے اپنے اکاؤنٹ کے لیے تخلیق کیا تھا۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alphanumeric کا پن درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">عددی پن درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">غلط پن. دوبارہ کوشش کریں.</string>
@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">مجھے کال کریں (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">کوڈ دوبارہ بھیجیں (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal رابطہ سپورٹ کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal رجسٹریشن- Android کے لیے تصدیقی کوڈ درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">غلط کوڈ</string>
@ -3715,17 +3715,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi کمزور ہے۔ سیلولر پر سوئچ کریں۔</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">آپ کا اکاؤنٹ حذف کرنے سے یہ ہوگا:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">اپنا اکاؤنٹ حذف کرنے سے یہ ہو گا:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">اپنا فون نمبر درج کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">اکاؤنٹ حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">اپنے اکاؤنٹ کی معلومات اور پروفائل فوٹو حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">اپنے تمام پیغامات کو حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">اپنے اکاؤنٹ کی معلومات اور پروفائل کی تصویر حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">اپنے تمام میسجز حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">اپنے ادائیگیوں کے اکاؤنٹ میں %1$s کو حذف کریں</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">ملک کا کوئی کوڈ بتایا نہیں ہے</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">کوئی نمبر نہیں بتایا گیا</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">آپ نے جو فون نمبر داخل کیا ہے وہ آپ کے اکاؤنٹ کے مماثل نہیں ہے۔</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">کیا آپ کو یقین ہے کہ آپ اپنا اکاؤنٹ ختم کرنا چاہتے ہیں؟</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">یہ آپ کا Signal اکاؤنٹ حذف کردے گا اور درخواست کو دوبارہ ترتیب دے گا۔ عمل مکمل ہونے کے بعد ایپ بند ہوجائے گی۔</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">اس سے آپ کا Signal اکاؤنٹ حذف ہو جائے گا اور ایپلیکیشن کو دوبارہ ری سیٹ کرے گا۔ کارروائی مکمل ہونے کے بعد ایپ بند ہو جائے گی۔</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">مقامی ڈیٹا کو حذف کرنے میں ناکام۔ آپ اسے سسٹم ایپلیکیشن کی ترتیبات میں دستی طور پر صاف کرسکتے ہیں۔</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">ایپ کی ترتیبات لانچ کریں</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">سٹوری میں شامل کریں</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">پیغام شامل کریں</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">جواب شامل کریں</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">بھیجیں بطرف</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">بھیجیں بنام</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">پیغام ایک بار دیکھیں</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">ایک یا زائد آئٹمز بہت بڑی تھیں</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">ایک یا زائد آئٹمز غلط تھیں</string>
@ -5135,7 +5135,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">عطیہ کی تصدیق کریں</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">بھیجیں بطرف</string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">بھیجیں بنام</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">وصول کنندہ کو عطیہ کے حوالے سے ایک 1 پر 1 پیغام ارسال کر کے مطلع کیا جائے گا۔ ذیل میں اپنا ذاتی پیغام شامل کریں۔</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Có vấn đề với tên người dùng của bạn, tên này không còn gắn liền với tài khoản của bạn. Bạn có thể thử và đặt lại hoặc chọn một tên mới.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Sửa ngay</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Gửi mã SMS</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Đăng ký Signal - Cần Hỗ trợ để đăng ký lại mã PIN cho thiết bị Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Mã pin của bạn là một mã có %1$d+ ký tự bạn đã tạo, có thể là dãy số hoặc có cả số và chữ cái.\n\nNếu bạn không nhớ mã PIN của mình, bạn có thể tạo một mã mới.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">Nếu bạn không nhớ mã PIN của mình, bạn có thể tạo một mã mới.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">Bạn đã hết số lần đoán mã PIN, nhưng bạn vẫn có thể truy cập tài khoản Signal của mình bằng cách tạo một mã PIN mới.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Cảnh báo</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal cần được cấp quyền truy cập vào liên hệ của bạn để giúp bạn kết nối đến bạn bè. Mọi thông tin liên hệ của bạn được tải lên đều sử dụng trình bảo mật thông tin liên hệ của Signal, nghĩa là chúng sẽ được mã hóa đầu cuối và cũng không được hiển thì trên chính dịch vụ Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bạn đã thử đăng kí số điện thoại này quá nhiều lần. Vui lòng thử lại sau.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">Bạn đã thử đăng ký số này quá nhiều lần. Vui lòng thử lại trong %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Không thể kết nối với dịch vụ. Vui lòng kiểm tra đuờng truyền mạng và thử lại.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Định dạng số không chuẩn</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Số mà bạn nhập vào (%1$s) không đúng. /n/n có phải ý bạn là %2$s?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Cuộc gọi được yêu cầu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">Đã yêu cầu SMS</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Đã yêu cầu mã xác minh</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Còn %1$d bước nữa để bạn hoàn thành gửi báo cáo lỗi.</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Mã Xác minh</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gửi lại Mã</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Bạn gặp vấn đề khi đăng ký?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Đảm bảo rằng điện thoại của bạn có tín hiệu dữ liệu di động để nhận tin nhắn SMS hoặc cuộc gọi\n • Đảm bảo rằng bạn có thể nhận cuộc gọi đến số\n • Kiểm tra xem bạn đã nhập đúng số điện thoại của mình.</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng làm theo các bước giải quyết vấn đề sau hoặc Liên hệ Hỗ trợ</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">các bước giải quyết vấn đề sau</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Liên lạc Hỗ trợ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">Liên hệ Hỗ trợ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Bật Khóa đăng kí?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">Đang chờ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Gửi từ</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">Gửi đến</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">Gửi tới</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">Đã chuyển tới</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">Đã đọc bởi</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Nhập mã PIN của bạn</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Nhập mã PIN bạn đã tạo cho tài khoản. Mã này khác với mã xác minh SMS của bạn.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Nhập mã PIN bạn đã tạo cho tài khoản của mình.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Nhập mã PIN gồm chữ và số</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Nhập mã PIN bao gồm số</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN không đúng. Hãy thử lại.</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Gọi tôi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Gửi lại Mã (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Liên lạc Bộ phận hỗ trợ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Đăng ký Signal - Mã Xác minh cho Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Mã không đúng</string>
@ -3620,7 +3620,7 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi yếu. Đã chuyển qua mạng di động.</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Xoá tài khoản của bạn sẽ:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">Việc xóa tài khoản của bạn sẽ:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">Nhập số điện thoại của bạn</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">Xóa tài khoản</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">Xóa thông tin tài khoản của bạn và ảnh đại diện</string>
@ -3630,7 +3630,7 @@
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">Số không xác định</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">Số điện thoại bạn nhập vào không khớp với số của tài khoản của bạn.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">Bạn có chắc muốn Xóa tài khoản?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Việc này sẽ Xóa tài khoản Signal của bạn và cài đặt lại ứng dụng. Ứng dụng sẽ đóng sau khi quá trình hoàn tất.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">Thao tác này sẽ xóa tài khoản Signal của bạn và cài đặt lại ứng dụng. Ứng dụng sẽ đóng sau khi quá trình hoàn tất.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">Không thể Xóa dữ liệu cục bộ. Bạn có thể tự Xóa trong cài đặt hệ thống ứng dụng.</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">Mở Cài đặt Ứng dụng</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">你嘅用戶名稱出現問題,唔再指定到你嘅帳戶。你可以嘗試重設或另選一個新嘅用戶名稱。</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">立即修復</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">傳送 SMS 碼</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal 註冊 — 幫助 Android 用戶重新註冊 PIN 碼</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN 碼係由你建立嘅 %1$d 位數以上嘅密碼,可以由數字或英文字母組合而成。\n\n如果你唔記得咗你嘅 PIN 碼,你可以建立一個新嘅 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">如果你唔記得咗你嘅 PIN 碼,你可以建立一個新嘅 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">你嘅 PIN 碼猜測次數已用完,但你可以透過重新建立 PIN 碼,繼續使用你嘅 Signal 帳戶。</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 要攞聯絡人權限,等您可以同好友連繫。您嘅聯絡人會用 Signal 嘅私密聯絡人探索嚟上載,即係話會經點對點加密,唔會畀 Signal 服務睇到。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">呢個冧把試過註冊太多次喇。請您晏啲再試下啦。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">你已經嘗試用呢個手機號碼註冊太多次喇,請你喺 %1$s 後再試。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">無法連線到服務。請檢查下網絡連線,然後再試下啦。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準冧把格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">您打嗰個冧把 (%1$s) 似乎唔係標準格式。\n\n您係咪話 %2$s</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">請求咗打畀您</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">已要求 SMS 短訊</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">已要求驗證碼</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">仲差 %1$d 步,就可以提交除錯記錄檔喇。</item>
@ -1751,13 +1751,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新發送代碼</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">註冊時出現問題﹖</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">確認你嘅手機有流動網絡訊號嚟接收 SMS 或來電⏎ • 確認你嘅手機號碼可以接收來電⏎ • 檢查你輸入嘅手機號碼係咪正確。</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">如果需要更多資訊,請你跟住呢啲疑難排解步驟去做,又或者聯絡支援</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">呢啲疑難排解步驟</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">聯絡支援</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">仲要等等</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">傳咗畀</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">已傳送至</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">係嚟自</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">佢收到</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">佢睇咗</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">輸入您嘅 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">先前您咪幫您個帳戶整過一個 PIN 碼嘅,請您喺度輸入返。咪搞錯呀吓,呢度唔係講緊您個短訊驗證碼。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">輸入你為帳戶建立嘅 PIN 碼。</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">輸入字母數字 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">輸入數字 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN 碼唔啱。請再試一次。</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">打俾我 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">重新傳送驗證碼 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 - Android 版驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">個碼唔啱</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi 訊號微弱。已經轉咗用流動數據。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">刪除嘅帳戶嘅話,即會:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">刪除嘅帳戶嘅話,即會:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">輸入您嘅電話冧把</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">刪除帳戶</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">刪除你嘅帳戶資料同埋個人頭像</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">刪除你嘅所有訊息</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">刪除你嘅帳戶資訊同埋個人資料相片</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">刪除你嘅所有訊息</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">刪除喺你付款帳戶入面嘅 %1$s</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">冇講到國碼</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">冇講到冧把</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">您輸入嘅電話冧把,同您嘅帳戶唔脗合。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">真係要刪除你嘅帳戶?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">咁做嘅話,系統就會刪除你嘅 Signal 帳戶同埋重設個應用程式。完成晒成個過程之後,個應用程式就會自動關閉。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">咁做嘅話,你嘅 Signal 帳戶將會被刪除,同時重設應用程式。完成整個過程後,應用程式會自動關閉。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">刪除唔到本機資料。你可以喺系統應用程式設定入面手動清除。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">啟動 App 設定</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story">加料落是日花生</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message">寫返句訊息</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply">寫返句回覆</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to"></string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__send_to">送至</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message">流聲掠影訊息</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large">有啲項目大得滯</string>
<string name="MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid">有啲項目無效</string>
@ -5023,7 +5023,7 @@
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation">確認捐款</string>
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to"></string>
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to">送至</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
<string name="GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified">接收者將會收到有關捐款嘅一對一訊息通知。喺下面加入你嘅訊息。</string>
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">您的用户名出了点问题,它已不再分配给您的账户。您可以尝试重新设置,或选择一个新的用户名。</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">立刻解决</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">发送短信验证码</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal 注册 - 需要安卓版重新注册 PIN 码的相关帮助</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN 码是您创建的一个不少于 %1$d 位数的密码。这个密码可以是纯数字,也可以是数字和字母的组合。如果您忘记了自己的 PIN 码,您可以创建一个新的 PIN 码。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">如果您忘记了自己的 PIN 码,您可以创建一个新的 PIN 码。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">您尝试输入 PIN 码的次数已超过限定的次数,不过您仍然可以通过创建一个新的 PIN 码来登录您的 Signal 账户。</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要通讯录权限以帮助您联系朋友。您的通讯录将通过 Signal 的私密联系人发现技术上传,这意味着您的联系人将获得端对端加密保护,对 Signal 服务绝对不可见。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">您尝试注册此号码次数过多,请稍候再试。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">您尝试注册此号码的次数过多,请在 %1$s 后再试。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">无法连接到 Signal 服务,请检查网络连接并重试。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非标准号码格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">您输入的号码(%1$s似乎是非标准格式。\n\n您要输入的是 %2$s 吗?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">已请求通话</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">已请求发送短信</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">已请求发送验证码</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">距离提交调试日志还有 %1$d 步之遥。</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新发送验证码</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">在注册时遇到问题?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">确保您的手机有手机信号,能够接收短信或来电\n • 确认您可以接听拨到该号码的来电 • 检查您输入的电话号码是否正确无误。</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">如需更多信息,请按照这里列出的故障排查步骤进行操作,或联系支持人员</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">这里列出的故障排查步骤</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">联系支持</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">联系支持人员</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">开启注册锁定?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">处理中</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">发至</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">已发送</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">收自</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">送达</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">已读</string>
@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@
<string name="preferences__advanced_pin_settings">高级 PIN 设置</string>
<string name="preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls">Signal 用户可使用免费的加密消息和通话</string>
<string name="preferences__submit_debug_log">提交调试日志</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">删除</string>
<string name="preferences__delete_account">删除</string>
<string name="preferences__support_wifi_calling">“WiFi 呼叫”兼容模式</string>
<string name="preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi">当设备通过 WiFi 发送短信或彩信时请启用仅当设备启用“WiFi 呼叫”时,启用该选项)</string>
<string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard">隐身键盘</string>
@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">已发送付款</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">已接收付款</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">付款已完成 %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">屏蔽电话号</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">区块</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">转帐</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">请输入 PIN 码</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">输入帐户的 PIN 码。该密码不是短信验证码。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">请输入您为您的账户创建的 PIN 码。</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">输入字母数字 PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">输入数字 PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN 错误,请重试。</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">给我打电话:(%1$02d:%2$02d</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">重发验证码(%1$02d:%2$02d</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">联系 Signal 支持</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 注册 - 安卓验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">验证码不正确</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi 信号弱。已切换到蜂窝网络。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">删除您的帐户后将会:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">删除账户将会:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">输入您的电话号码</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">删除账户</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">删除您的户信息和个人资料照片</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">删除您的户信息和个人资料照片</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">删除您的全部消息</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">在您的付款账户中删除 %1$s</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">未指定国家代码</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">未指定号码</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">您输入的手机号码和您的帐户不符。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">您确定要删除您的账号吗?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">这将会删除您的Signal帐户并且会重置这个应用。这个应用将会在这个过程完成后关闭。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">此操作将会删除您的 Signal 账户并重置 Signal 应用。应用将会在这个过程完成后关闭。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">删除本地数据失败。您可以手动在系统的应用设置中进行清除。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">打开应用设置</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">你的用戶名稱發生問題,不再被分派至你的帳戶。你可以嘗試重設或選擇一個新的。</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">立即修復</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">傳送 SMS 驗證碼</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal 註冊 — Android 用戶需要重新註冊 PIN 碼的協助</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN 碼是由你建立的 %1$d 位數以上密碼,可以由數字或字母數字混合。如果你忘記 PIN 碼,可以建立一個新的 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">如果你忘記 PIN 碼,可以建立一個新的 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">你已經用完 PIN 碼猜測次數,但是你仍然可以透過建立新的 PIN 碼來使用你的 Signal 帳戶。</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要聯絡人權限,以助您與好友連繫。您的聯絡人將經 Signal 私密聯絡人探索上載即是經端對端加密Signal 服務從不可見到。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">你已多次嘗試登記此電話號碼。請稍後再試。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">你已多次嘗試註冊此電話號碼。請在 %1$s後再試。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">無法連上服務。請檢查網絡連線,並稍後再試。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準號碼格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">您所輸入的號碼 (%1$s) 似乎並非標準格式。\n\n您是指 %2$s 嗎?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">已請求撥號</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">已要求 SMS 短訊</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">已要求驗證碼</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">距離提交調試日誌,尚餘%1$d 個步驟。</item>
@ -1751,15 +1751,15 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送驗證碼</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">註冊時遇到困難?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">確保你的手機有行動網路訊號以接收你的 SMS 短訊或電話\n • 確認你可以接到該號碼的電話\n • 檢查你輸入的電話號碼是否正確。</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">如需詳細資訊,請依照這些疑難排解步驟進行,或聯絡支援團隊</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">這些疑難排解步驟</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">聯絡支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">聯絡支援團隊</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">開啟註冊鎖定?</string>
@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__pending_send">待處理</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">已傳送</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_to">已傳送</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__sent_from">已撰寫</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to">已送達</string>
<string name="message_details_recipient_header__read_by">已讀取</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">輸入你的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。這與你的SMS 驗證碼不同。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">輸入以字母及數字組成的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">輸入以數字組成的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN 碼不正確。請再試一次。</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">打電話給我 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">重新傳送驗證碼 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 — Android 用的驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">錯誤編號</string>
@ -3620,17 +3620,17 @@
<string name="WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular">Wi-Fi 訊號微弱。已切換至流動網絡。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">刪除的帳戶將會:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will">刪除的帳戶將會:</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number">輸入您的電話號碼</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account">刪除帳戶</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">刪除的帳戶資訊和個人資料照片</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">刪除所有的訊息</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo">刪除的帳戶資訊和個人資料照片</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages">刪除所有的訊息</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account">在您的付款帳戶中刪除 %1$s</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code">未指定國家代碼</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__no_number">未指定號碼</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number">您所輸入的電話號碼與您的帳戶不符。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure">您確定要刪除您的帳戶嗎?</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">這將會刪除的 Signal 帳戶並重設應用程式。過程完成後,應用程式將關閉。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account">這將會刪除的 Signal 帳戶並重設應用程式。過程完成後,應用程式將關閉。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data">刪除本機資料失敗。您可在系統應用程式設定中手動進行清除。</string>
<string name="DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings">開啟應用程式設定</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->

View file

@ -923,9 +923,9 @@
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">你的用戶名稱發生問題,不再被分派至你的帳戶。你可以嘗試重設或選擇一個新的。</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">立即修復</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1532,15 +1532,15 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">傳送 SMS 驗證碼</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal 註冊 — Android 用戶需要重新註冊 PIN 碼的協助</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">PIN 碼是由你建立的 %1$d 位數以上密碼,可以由數字或字母數字混合。如果你忘記 PIN 碼,可以建立一個新的 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">如果你忘記 PIN 碼,可以建立一個新的 PIN 碼。</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">你已經用完 PIN 碼猜測次數,但是你仍然可以透過建立新的 PIN 碼來使用你的 Signal 帳戶。</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要獲得聯絡人權限才能幫助你與朋友聯絡。妳的聯絡人是使用 Signal 的私密聯絡人搜尋上傳的,這意味著它們是點對點加密的,並且永遠不會被 Signal 的服務讀取。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">你已嘗試過多註冊此號碼。 請稍後再試。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">你已多次嘗試註冊此電話號碼。請在 %1$s後再試。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">無法連接服務。請檢查網路連線並再試一次。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準數字格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">你輸入的數字 (%1$s) 似乎是非標準格式。\n\n你的意思是 %2$s嗎 ?</string>
@ -1729,9 +1729,9 @@
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">請求通話</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">已要求 SMS 短訊</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">已要求驗證碼</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">你現在距離提交偵錯日誌只有%1$d步之遙。</item>
@ -1751,13 +1751,13 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送認證碼</string>
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">註冊時遇到困難?</string>
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions">確保你的手機有行動網路訊號以接收你的 SMS 短訊或電話\n • 確認你可以接到該號碼的電話\n • 檢查你輸入的電話號碼是否正確。</string>
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">For more information, please follow these troubleshooting steps or Contact Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action">如需詳細資訊,請依照這些疑難排解步驟進行,或聯絡支援團隊</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring">這些疑難排解步驟</string>
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre-fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring">聯絡支援</string>
@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">輸入你的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。 這與你的簡訊驗證碼不同。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">輸入字母數字PIN碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">輸入數字PIN碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">不正確的PIN碼。請再試一次。</string>
@ -3353,7 +3353,7 @@
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">致電給我 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">重新傳送驗證碼 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 - Android驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">錯誤編號</string>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ext.service_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.cdn2_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.cds_ips='new String[]{""}'