Updated language translations.

This commit is contained in:
Greyson Parrelli 2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
parent e8b3d2c7aa
commit 8cec6a8b0c
66 changed files with 2526 additions and 316 deletions

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Gebruikersnaam geskrap</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Geen groepe gemeen nie</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Skep nuwe PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Waarskuwing</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Indien jy die PIN deaktiveer, sal jy alle data verloor wanneer jy Signal herregistreer, tensy jy handmatig \'n rugsteun maak en dit herwin. Jy kan nie Registrasiesluiting aanskakel terwyl die PIN gedeaktiveer is nie.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benodig kontakte- en mediatoestemmings om jou te help om met vriende te verbind en boodskappe te stuur. Jou kontakte word opgelaai deur middel van Signal se privaatkontak-ontdekking, wat beteken dat hulle end-tot-end geënkripteer is en nooit vir die Signal-diens sigbaar is nie.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benodig kontakte- en mediatoestemmings om jou te help om met vriende te verbind. Jou kontakte word opgelaai deur middel van Signal se privaatkontak-ontdekking, wat beteken dat hulle end-tot-end geënkripteer is en nooit vir die Signal-diens sigbaar is nie.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Jy het te veel keer probeer om hierdie nommer te registreer. Probeer gerus later weer.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Kan nie aan diens koppel nie. Kontroleer netwerkverbinding en probeer weer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Niestandaard-nommerformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Die nommer wat jy ingesleutel het (%1$s), lyk of dit in \'n niestandaard-formaat is. \n\nHet jy %2$s bedoel?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Foonnommerformaat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Oproep versoek</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Jy moet nog net %1$d stap doen voor jy n ontfoutlog indien.</item>
<item quantity="other">Jy moet nog net %1$d stappe doen voor jy n ontfoutlog indien.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Bel</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Bevestigingskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur kode weer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Skakel registrasieslot aan?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Voer jou PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Voer die PIN in wat jy vir jou rekening geskep het. Dit is anders as jou SMS-verifikasiekode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Voer alfanumeriese PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Voer numeriese PIN in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN verkeerd. Probeer weer.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Jou rugsteun bevat \'n baie groot lêer wat nie gerugsteun kan word nie. Skrap dit asb. en skep \'n nuwe rugsteun.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tik om rugsteunkopieë te bestuur.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Verkeerde nommer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel my (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Signal-steundiens</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrasie - verifikasiekode vir Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Verkeerde kode</string>

View file

@ -1111,6 +1111,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">تم حذف اسم المستخدم</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">لا توجد مجموعات مشتركة</string>
@ -1845,6 +1851,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">إنشاء رقم تعريف شخصي جديد</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">تحذير</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">إذا قمت بتعطيل الرمز التعريفي الشخصي، ستضيع جميع بياناتك عند قيامك بإعادة التسجيل إلى Signal إلا إذا قمت باسترجاعها بواسطة النسخ الاحتياطي اليدوي. لا يمكنك تفعيل قفل التسجيل أثناء تعطيل الرمز التعريفي الشخصي.</string>
@ -2053,11 +2070,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">يحتاج Signal إلى أذونات جهات الاتصال والوسائط للمساعدة في التواصل مع أصدقائك وإرسال الرسائل. يتم تحميل جهات اتصالك باستخدام نظام اكتشاف جهة الاتصال الخاص في Signal، مما يعني أنها مشفرة من الطرفين وغير مرئية على الإطلاق لخدمة Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">يحتاج Signal إلى أذونات جهات الاتصال للمساعدة في التواصل مع أصدقائك. يتم تحميل جهات اتصالك باستخدام نظام اكتشاف جهة الاتصال الخاص في Signal، مما يعني أنها مشفرة من الطرفين وغير مرئية على الإطلاق لخدمة Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">لقد قمت بمحاولات كثيرة للتسجيل بهذا الرقم. الرجاء المحاولة لاحقاً.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">لا يمكن الاتصال بالخدمة. الرجاء التأكد من الإتصال بالشبكة والمحاولة مرة أخرى.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">نسق العدد غير المعياري</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">‫يظهر أن العدد الذي قمت بإدخاله (%1$s) ليس بالنسق المعياري.\n\nأ قصدك هو %2$s ؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - نسق رقم الهاتف</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">طُلبَت مكالمة</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="zero">أنت الآن على بعد %1$d خطوة من إرسال سجل التصحيح.</item>
<item quantity="one">أنت الآن على بعد %1$d خطوة من إرسال سجل التصحيح.</item>
@ -2081,6 +2105,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">اتصال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">رمز التحقق</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">أعِد إرسال الرمز</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">هل تريد تشغيل قفل التسجيل ؟</string>
@ -3656,6 +3685,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">عليك بإدخال الرقم التعريفي الشخصي الذي قمت بإنشائه لحسابك. إنه مختلف عن رمز التحقق الذي وصلك عبر رسالة قصيرة.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي بالأحرف والأرقام</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">أدخل الرقم التعريفي الشخصي بالأرقام</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">الرقم التعريفي الشخصي غير صحيح. يرجى إعادة المحاولة.</string>
@ -3779,7 +3810,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">تحتوي نسختك الاحتياطية على ملف كبير جدًا لا يُمكن نسخه احتياطيًا. يُرجى حذفه وإنشاء نسخة احتياطية جديدة.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">يُرجى اللمس لإدارة النسخ الاحتياطية.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">رقم غير صحيح؟</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">اتصل بي (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">الاتصال بخدمة دعم Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">تسجيل Signal - رمز التّحقق لِ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">رمز غير صحيح</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">İstifadəçi adı silindi</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Heç bir ortaq qrup yoxdur</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Yeni PIN yarat</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Xəbərdarlıq</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Əgər PIN-i qeyri-aktiv etsəniz, əllə ehtiyat nüsxəsini çıxarmadığınız və geri yükləmə etmədiyiniz müddətcə Signal-da yenidən qeydiyyatdan keçəndə bütün verilənləri itirəcəksiniz. PIN qeyri-aktiv edildikdə, Qeydiyyat Kilidini aça bilməyəcəksiniz.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal-ın dostlarınızla bağlantı qurmağınıza və mesaj göndərməyinizə kömək etməsi üçün əlaqələr və media icazələrinə ehtiyacı var. Əlaqələriniz Signal-ın özəl əlaqə kəşfi istifadə edilərək yüklənir, bu da o deməkdir ki, əlaqələriniz bir ucdan digərinə qədər şifrələnir və heç vaxt Signal xidməti tərəfindən görüntülənə bilmir.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal-ın dostlarınızla bağlantı qurmağınıza kömək etməsi üçün əlaqələr və media icazələrinə ehtiyacı var. Əlaqələriniz Signal-ın özəl əlaqə kəşfi istifadə edilərək yüklənir, bu da o deməkdir ki, əlaqələriniz bir ucdan digərinə qədər şifrələnir və heç vaxt Signal xidməti tərəfindən görüntülənə bilmir.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bu nömrəni qeydiyyatdan keçirmək üçün həddindən çox cəhd etdiniz. Zəhmət olmasa daha sonra yenidən sınayın.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Xidmətlə bağlantı qurula bilmir. Zəhmət olmasa şəbəkə bağlantınızı yoxlayıb yenidən sınayın.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Standart olmayan nömrə formatı</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Daxil etdiyiniz nömrə (%1$s) standartlara cavab vermir.\n\nBunu nəzərdə tuturdunuz: %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefon nömrə formatı</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zəng tələb olundu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Xətanın aradan qaldırılması üçün sorğunu daxil etmək üçün %1$d cəmi addım qaldı.</item>
<item quantity="other">Bir sazlama jurnalını göndərməyinizə %1$d addım qaldı.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zəng et</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Təsdiqləmə kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu yenidən göndər</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Qeydiyyat Kilidi işə salınsın?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN-inizi daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Hesabınız üçün yaratdığınız PIN-i daxil edin. Bu, SMS təsdiqləmə kodundan fərqlidir.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alfa nömrəli PIN daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Rəqəmli PIN yazın</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Yanlış PIN. Yenidən sınayın.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ehtiyat nüsxənizə çox böyük həcmli bir fayl daxil edildiyi üçün nüsxəni çıxarmaq mümkün olmadı. Həmin faylı silib yeni bir ehtiyat nüsxə yaradın.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Nüsxələri idarə etmək üçün toxunun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Şifrə səhvdir?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Mənə zəng et (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Dəstək komandası ilə əlaqə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Qeydiyyatı - Android üçün Təsdiqləmə Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Yanlış kod</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Потребителското име е изтрито</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Няма общи групи</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Създайте нов ПИН</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Внимание</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ако деактивирате ПИН кода, ще загубите всички данни, когато пререгистрирате Signal, освен ако не направите ръчно архивиране и възстановяване. Не можете да включите „Регистрационно заключване“, докато ПИН кодът е деактивиран.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal има нужда от разрешенията за контакти и мултимедия, за да ви помага да се свързвате с приятели и да изпращате съобщения. Контактите ви се качват чрез откриването на частни контакти на Signal, което означава, че са криптирани от край до край и никога не се виждат от услугата Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal се нуждае от разрешението за контакти, за да ви помага да се свързвате с приятели. Контактите ви се качват чрез откриването на частни контакти на Signal, което означава, че са криптирани от край до край и никога не се виждат от услугата Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Направихте прекалено много опити за регистриране на този номер. Моля, опитайте отново по-късно.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Неуспешно свързване с услугата. Моля, проверете мрежовата връзка и опитайте отново.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартен формат на номера</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Въведеният от вас номер (%1$s) изглежда е в нестандартен формат.\n\nДа нямате предвид %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android Формат на телефонен номер</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Поискано повикване</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Сега сте %1$d стъпка от изпращането на дебъг лога.</item>
<item quantity="other">Сега сте на %1$d стъпки от изпращането на дебъг лог.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Обаждане</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потвърждение</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Изпращане на нов код</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включване на регистрационно заключване?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Въведете своя ПИН</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Въведете ПИН кода, който сте създали за своя акаунт. Той е различен от кода за потвърждение през SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Въведете ПИН от букви и цифри</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Въведете ПИН от цифри</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Грешен ПИН. Опитайте отново.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Архивът ви съдържа много голям файл, който не може да бъде архивиран. Моля, изтрийте го и създайте нов архив.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Докоснете, за да управлявате резервни копия.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Грешен номер?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Обадете ми се (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Връзка с поддръжката на Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация за Signal - Код за потвърждение за Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Некоректен код</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ইউজারনেম মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">একই রকমের কোন গ্রুপ নেই</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">PIN তৈরি করুন</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">সতর্কতা</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">পিনটি যদি নিষ্ক্রিয় করেন, তবে আপনি Signal-এ সেভ করা ডেটা ম্যানুয়ালি ব্যাক-আপ ও পুনরুদ্ধার না করলে, পুনরায় Signal-এ রেজিস্টার করার সময় সমস্ত সেভ করা ডেটা হারাবেন। পিন নিষ্ক্রিয় থাকা অবস্থায় আপনি রেজিস্ট্রেশন লক চালু করতে পারবেন না।</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">আপনাকে বন্ধুদের সাথে সংযোগ করতে এবং বার্তা পাঠাতে সাহায্য করার জন্য সিগন্যালের পরিচিতি এবং মিডিয়ার অনুমতির প্রয়োজন হয়। আপনার পরিচিতিগুলি সিগন্যালের ব্যক্তিগত পরিচিতি আবিষ্কার ব্যবহার করে আপলোড করা হয়, যার মানে সেগুলি এন্ড-টু-এন্ড এনক্রিপ্ট করা এবং সিগন্যাল পরিষেবাতে কখনই দৃশ্যমান নয়৷</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">আপনাকে বন্ধুদের সাথে সংযোগ করতে সাহায্য করার জন্য সিগন্যালের পরিচিতির অনুমতির প্রয়োজন হয়। আপনার পরিচিতিগুলি সিগন্যালের ব্যক্তিগত পরিচিতি আবিষ্কার ব্যবহার করে আপলোড করা হয়, যার মানে সেগুলি এন্ড-টু-এন্ড এনক্রিপ্ট করা এবং সিগন্যাল পরিষেবাতে কখনই দৃশ্যমান নয়।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">আপনি এই নম্বরটি নিবন্ধন করার জন্য অনেকবার চেষ্টা করেছেন। দয়া করে পরে আবার চেষ্টা করুন।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">পরিষেবাতে সংযোগ করতে অক্ষম। নেটওয়ার্ক সংযোগ পরীক্ষা করুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">নন-স্ট্যান্ডার্ড নম্বর বিন্যাস</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">আপনি যে নম্বরটি প্রবেশ করেছেন (%1$s) সেটি একটি অ-মানক বিন্যাস বলে মনে হচ্ছে।\n\nআপনি কি %2$s বলতে চান?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">সিগন্যাল অ্যান্ড্রয়েড - ফোন নম্বর ফর্ম্যাট</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">কল অনুরোধ করা হয়েছে</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">আপনি এখন একটি ডিবাগ লগ জমা দেওয়ার থেকে %1$d পদক্ষেপ দূরে।</item>
<item quantity="other">আপনি এখন একটি ডিবাগ লগ জমা দেওয়ার থেকে %1$d পদক্ষেপ দূরে।</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">কল করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">কোডটি আবারো পাঠান</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">রেজিস্ট্রেশন লক চালু করবেন?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">আপনার পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">আপনি নিজের অ্যাকাউন্ট এর জন্য তৈরি করা পিনটি প্রবেশ করুন। এটি আপনার এসএমএস যাচাইকরণ কোড থেকে ভিন্ন।</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">বর্ণানুক্রমিক পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">সংখ্যার পিন প্রবেশ করান</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ভুল পিন। আবার চেষ্টা করুন|</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">আপনার ব্যাকআপে একটি বেশ বড় আকারের ফাইল রয়েছে যার ব্যাকআপ নেওয়া যাচ্ছে না। ফাইলটি মুছে দিন এবং একটি নতুন ব্যাকআপ তৈরি করুন।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ব্যাকআপগুলি পরিচালনা করতে আলতো চাপুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ভুল নম্বর?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">আমাকে কল করুন (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal সহায়তায় যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal নিবন্ধন - অ্যানড্রয়েড এর জন্য যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ভুল কোড</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Korisničko ime je izbrisano</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nema zajedničkih grupa</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Kreiraj novi PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Upozorenje</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ako isključite PIN, svi vaši podaci bit će izbrisani kada se ponovo registrujete na Signal, osim ako ručno kreirate sigurnosnu kopiju i koristite je za povrat podataka. Nećete moći aktivirati zaključavanje registracije dok god je PIN onemogućen.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalu je potrebno dopuštenje da pristupi kontaktima i multimediji kako bi Vam pomogao u povezivanju s prijateljima i slanju poruka. Vaši su kontakti preneseni na Signal server putem Signalovog privatnog uvezivanja kontakata, što znači da su šifrirani s kraja na kraj i nisu nikada vidljivi Signal servisu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalu je potrebno dopuštenje da pristupi kontaktima kako bi Vam pomogao u povezivanju s prijateljima. Vaši su kontakti preneseni na Signal server putem Signalovog privatnog uvezivanja kontakata, što znači da su šifrirani s kraja na kraj i nisu nikada vidljivi Signal servisu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Pokušali ste previše puta registrovati ovaj broj. Molimo pokušajte ponovo kasnije.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezivanje nije uspjelo. Molimo provjerite internet-konekciju i pokušajte ponovo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni oblik broja</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Broj koji ste unijeli (%1$s) izgleda nije standardnog oblika.\n\nJeste li mislili na %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android oblik telefonskog broja</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zahtijevan poziv</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Preostao vam je %1$d korak da pošaljete izvještaj o greškama.</item>
<item quantity="few">Preostala su vam %1$d koraka da pošaljete izvještaj o greškama.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Poziv</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno pošalji kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Uključiti zaključavanje registracije?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Unesite svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Unesite PIN koji ste kreirali za svoj račun. PIN nije isto što i SMS kōd za verifikaciju.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Unesite alfanumerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Unesite numerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Netačan PIN. Pokušajte ponovo.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša sigurnosna kopija sadrži veoma veliku datoteku za koju nije moguće kreirati sigurnosnu kopiju. Izbrišite je i kreirajte novu sigurnosnu kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Pritisnite da rasporedite rezervne kopije.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Pogrešan broj?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Pozovi me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktirajte Signalovu podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal registracija potvrda kōda za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Pogrešan kôd</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Àlies eliminat</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">No hi ha grups en comú.</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Crea un PIN nou</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advertiment</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Si desactiveu el PIN, perdreu totes les dades quan torneu a registrar-vos al Signal, si no és que en feu una còpia de seguretat i una restauració manualment. No podeu activar el bloqueig de registre mentre el PIN estigui desactivat.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">El Signal necessita els contactes i els permisos multimèdia per ajudar-vos a connectar-vos amb amics i enviar missatges. Els vostres contactes es carreguen mitjançant el descobriment de contactes privats del Signal, la qual cosa significa que estan encriptats d\'extrem a extrem i mai no són visibles per al servei de Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">El Signal necessita el permís dels contactes per ajudar-vos a connectar-vos amb els amics. Els vostres contactes es carreguen mitjançant el descobriment de contactes privats del Signal, la qual cosa significa que estan encriptats d\'extrem a extrem i mai no són visibles per al servei de Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Heu fet massa intents per registrar aquest número. Si us plau, torneu-ho a provar més tard.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">No es pot connectar al servei. Si us plau, comproveu la connexió de xarxa i torneu-ho a provar.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format de número no estàndard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">El número que heu introduït (%1$s) sembla d\'un format no estàndard.\n\nVoleu dir %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal d\'Android. Format del número de telèfon</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Trucada sol·licitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ara us queda %1$d pas per enviar un informe de depuració.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ara us queden %1$d passos per enviar un informe de depuració.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Truca</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codi de verificació</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Torna a enviar el codi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Voleu activar el bloqueig de registre?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Marqueu el PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Marqueu el PIN que heu creat per al compte. Això és diferent del codi de verificació d\'SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Escriviu un PIN alfanumèric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Marqueu un PIN numèric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecte. Torneu-ho a provar.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">La teva còpia de seguretat conté un arxiu molt gran que no pot desar-se. Si us plau, suprimeix-lo i crea una nova còpia de seguretat.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toqueu per gestionar les còpies de seguretat.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">El número no és correcte?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Truca\'m (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacteu amb el suport de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registre del Signal - Codi de verificació per a Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Codi incorrecte</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Uživatelské jméno odstraněno</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Žádné společné skupiny</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Vytvořit nový PIN?</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varování</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Pokud deaktivujete PIN, ztratíte při opětovné registraci aplikace Signal všechna data, pokud je nezálohujete a neobnovíte ručně. S deaktivovaným PIN kódem nelze zapnout funkci zámek registrace.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potřebuje oprávnění pro přístup ke kontaktům a médiím, abyste se mohli spojit s přáteli a posílat zprávy. Vaše kontakty jsou nahrávány pomocí soukromého zjišťování kontaktů služby Signal, což znamená, že jsou end-to-end šifrovány a pro Signal nejsou nikdy viditelné.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potřebuje oprávnění pro přístup ke kontaktům, abyste se mohli spojit s přáteli a posílat zprávy. Vaše kontakty jsou nahrávány pomocí soukromého zjišťování kontaktů služby Signal, což znamená, že jsou end-to-end šifrovány a pro Signal nejsou nikdy viditelné.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Učinili jste příliš mnoho pokusů zaregistrovat toto číslo. Zkuste to prosím znovu později.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nelze se připojit k službě. Prosím zkontrolujte připojení k internetu a poté to zkuste znovu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardní formát čísla</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Zadané číslo (%1$s) má zřejmě nestandardní formát.\n\nMysleli jste %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal pro Android - Formát telefonního čísla</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Vyžádané volání</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Zbývá vám %1$d krok k odeslání ladícího logu.</item>
<item quantity="few">Zbývají vám %1$d kroky k odeslání ladícího logu.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Volat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Ověřovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu odeslat kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Zapnout zámek registrace?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Zadejte váš PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Zadejte PIN, který jste vytvořili pro váš účet. Je to jiný kód, než ten v ověřovací SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Zadejte alfanumerický PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Zadejte číselný PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nesprávný PIN. Zkuste to znovu.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaše záloha obsahuje příliš velký soubor, který nelze zálohovat. Odstraňte ho prosím a vytvořte novou zálohu.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Klepněte pro práci se zálohami</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Špatné číslo?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zavolejte mi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktujte podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrace Signal - ověřovací kód pro Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Špatný kód</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Brugernavn slettet</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ingen grupper tilfælles</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Opret ny pinkode</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advarsel</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Hvis du deaktiverer pinkoden, mister du alle data, når du opretter Signal igen, medmindre du sikkerhedskopierer og gendanner manuelt. Du kan ikke aktivere registreringslås, mens pinkoden er deaktiveret.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal har brug for tilladelse til at tilgå kontakter og lagerplads for at du kan oprette forbindelse til venner og sende beskeder. Dine kontakter uploades ved hjælp af Signals private kontaktopdagelse, hvilket betyder, at de er end-to-end-krypteret og aldrig synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal har brug for tilladelse til at tilgå kontakter for at du kan oprette forbindelse til venner. Dine kontakter uploades ved hjælp af Signals private kontaktopdagelse, hvilket betyder, at de er end-to-end-krypteret og aldrig synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du har foretaget for mange forsøg på at registrere dette nummer. Prøv igen senere.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ikke muligt at få forbindelse til service. Tjek venligst din netværksforbindelse og prøv igen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ikke-standardiseret nummerformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Det nummer du har indtastet (%1$s) ser ud til at være et ikke-standardiseret format.\n\nMente du %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefonnummerformat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anmodet om opkald</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Du er nu kun %1$d trin fra at indsende en fejllog</item>
<item quantity="other">Du er nu kun %1$d trin fra at indsende en fejlsøgningslog.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring op</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gensend kode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktiver registreringslås?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Indtast din pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Indtast den pinkode du oprettede til din konto. Den er forskellig fra din SMS-verifikationskode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Indtast alfanumerisk pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Indtast numerisk pinkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Forkert pinkode. Prøv igen.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Din seneste sikkerhedskopi indeholder en meget stor fil, som vi ikke kunne lave en sikkerhedskopi af. Slet filen, og opret en ny sikkerhedskopi.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tryk for at administrere sikkerhedskopier.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Forkert nummer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring til mig (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrering - Verifikationskode for Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Forkert kode</string>

View file

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">Blockierte Nutzer</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Zu blockierenden Nutzer hinzufügen</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Zu blockierten Nutzern hinzufügen</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">Blockierte Nutzer werden dich nicht anrufen oder dir Nachrichten senden können.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Keine blockierten Nutzer</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Nutzer blockieren?</string>
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">Blockierte Personen werden dich nicht anrufen oder dir Nachrichten senden können.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Blockierte Personen können dir keine Nachrichten senden.</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal-Versionshinweise und Neuigkeiten blockieren</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal-Versionshinweise und Neuigkeiten blockieren.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal-Versionshinweise und Neuigkeiten entsperren</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">%1$s freigeben?</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Username kopiert</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Nutzername konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Versuche es später erneut.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nutzername gelöscht</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1477,10 +1483,10 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Freigeben</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Darf %1$s dir Nachrichten schreiben und deinen Namen und dein Foto sehen? Der Nutzer weiß nicht, dass du seine Nachricht gesehen hast, bis du die Anfrage annimmst.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Darf %1$s dir Nachrichten schreiben und deinen Namen und dein Foto sehen? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, bis du die Unterhaltung freigibst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Darf %1$s dir Nachrichten schreiben und deinen Namen und dein Foto sehen? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, es sei denn, du erteilst eine Freigabe.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Darf %1$s dir Nachrichten schreiben? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, solange du die Unterhaltung nicht freigibst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Aktualisierungen und Neuigkeiten von %1$s erhalten? Du wirst keine Aktualisierungen erhalten, bis du sie freigibst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Darf %1$s dir Nachrichten schreiben? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, es sei denn, du erteilst eine Freigabe.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Aktualisierungen und Neuigkeiten von %1$s erhalten? Du wirst keine Aktualisierungen erhalten, es sei denn, du erteilst eine Freigabe.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">Unterhaltung mit dieser Gruppe fortsetzen und deinen Namen und dein Foto mit deren Mitgliedern teilen?</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">Aktualisiere diese Gruppe für neue Funktionen wie @Erwähnungen und Admins. Mitglieder, die ihre Namen und Fotos nicht mit dieser Gruppe geteilt haben, werden eingeladen, beizutreten.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">Diese Gruppe alten Typs kann nicht mehr verwendet werden. Die maximale Gruppengröße von %1$d Mitgliedern ist überschritten.</string>
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Möchtest du dieser Gruppe beitreten und deinen Namen und dein Foto mit ihren Mitgliedern teilen? Diese wissen nicht, dass du ihre Nachrichten gesehen hast, bis du die Anfrage annimmst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">Möchtest du dieser Gruppe beitreten und deinen Namen und dein Foto mit ihren Mitgliedern teilen? Du kannst deren Nachrichten nicht sehen, bis du die Anfrage annimmst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Dieser Gruppe beitreten? Solange du nicht beitrittst, werden die Gruppenmitglieder nicht wissen, dass du ihre Nachrichten gesehen hast.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Möchtest du diese Gruppe freigeben und deinen Namen und dein Foto mit deren Mitgliedern teilen? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, bis du die Gruppe freigibst.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Möchtest du diese Gruppe freigeben und deinen Namen und dein Foto mit deren Mitgliedern teilen? Du wirst keine Nachrichten erhalten, es sei denn, du erteilst eine Freigabe.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">Anzeigen</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">Mitglied von %1$s</string>
@ -1589,9 +1595,20 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Neue PIN erstellen</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Warnung</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Falls du deine PIN deaktivierst, wirst du bei erneutem Registrieren von Signal alle Daten verlieren, sofern du sie nicht manuell per Datensicherung sicherst und wiederherstellst. Bei deaktivierter PIN kannst du die Registrierungssperre nicht einschalten.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Falls du deine PIN deaktivierst, verlierst du bei erneutem Registrieren bei Signal alle Daten, sofern du sie nicht manuell per Datensicherung sicherst und wiederherstellst. Bei deaktivierter PIN kannst du die Registrierungssperre nicht einschalten.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin">PIN deaktivieren</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
@ -1716,9 +1733,9 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__camera">Kamera</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Stumm­schaltung aufheben</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Stummschaltung aufheben</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Stumm</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Stummschalten</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__ring">Klingeln</string>
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1731,12 +1748,12 @@
<!-- CallParticipantView -->
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">»%1$s« ist blockiert</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">%1$s ist blockiert</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__more_info">Mehr Details</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__you_wont_receive_their_audio_or_video">Weder du noch dieser Teilnehmer werden gegenseitig Audio- oder Videodaten empfangen.</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_video_from_s">Audio- &amp; Videodaten von %1$s können nicht empfangen werden</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_and_video_from_s">Audio- und Videodaten von %1$s können nicht empfangen werden</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">Dies kann daran liegen, dass der Teilnehmer die Änderung deiner Sicherheitsnummer nicht verifiziert hat, ein Problem mit dessen Gerät besteht oder er dich blockiert.</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">Dies kann daran liegen, dass der Teilnehmer die Änderung deiner Sicherheitsnummer nicht verifiziert hat, ein Problem mit dessen Gerät besteht oder er dich blockiert hat.</string>
<!-- CallToastPopupWindow -->
<string name="CallToastPopupWindow__swipe_to_view_screen_share">Wische, um Bildschirmfreigabe anzuzeigen</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benötigt die Berechtigungen »Kontakte« und »Speicher«, um dir das Kontaktieren deiner Freunde und das Senden von Nachrichten zu erleichtern. Deine Kontakte werden mittels Signals vertraulicher Kontaktfindung auf die Signal-Server hochgeladen. Das heißt, sie sind Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt und somit zu keiner Zeit dem Signal-Dienst bekannt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal benötigt die Berechtigung »Kontakte«, um dir das Kontaktieren deiner Freunde zu erleichtern. Deine Kontakte werden mittels Signals vertraulicher Kontaktfindung auf die Signal-Server hochgeladen. Das heißt, sie sind Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt und somit zu keiner Zeit dem Signal-Dienst bekannt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du hast zu oft versucht, diese Rufnummer zu registrieren. Bitte versuche es später erneut.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Keine Verbindung zum Dienst möglich. Bitte überprüfe deine Netzverbindung und versuche es erneut.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nicht standardisiertes Zahlenformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Die eingegebene Rufnummer (%1$s) scheint nicht im Standardformat zu sein.\n\nHast du %2$s gemeint?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Rufnummernformat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anruf angefragt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Nur noch %1$d Schritt, und du kannst ein Diagnoseprotokoll übermitteln.</item>
<item quantity="other">Nur noch %1$d Schritte, und du kannst ein Diagnoseprotokoll übermitteln.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Mich anrufen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationscode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Code erneut senden</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Registrierungssperre einschalten?</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Geplante Nachricht</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Dein Nachrichtenverlauf wurde zusammengeführt</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s gehört zu %2$s</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Gib die PIN ein, die du für dein Konto erstellt hast. Sie unterscheidet sich von deinem SMS-Verifikationscode.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alphanumerische PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Numerische PIN eingeben</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Falsche PIN. Bitte versuche es erneut.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Dein Backup enthält eine sehr große Datei, die nicht gesichert werden kann. Bitte lösche sie und erstelle ein neues Backup.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Antippen zum Verwalten von Datensicherungen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Falsche Rufnummer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ruf mich an (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal-Support kontaktieren</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-Registrierung Verifikationscode für Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Falscher Code</string>
@ -4012,7 +4046,7 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">Profil erstellen</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Blockierte Nutzer</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Blockiert</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$d Nutzer</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Nachrichtenübermittlung</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Verschwindende Nachrichten</string>
@ -4174,7 +4208,7 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__call">Anrufen</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Stumm­schalten</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Stummschalten</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">Stumm</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -5612,13 +5646,13 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">Std.</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">M</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">Min.</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Festlegen</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Mindestzeit, bevor die Bildschirmsperre aktiviert wird, beträgt 1 Minute.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
<string name="BackgroundMessageRetriever_checking_for_messages">Ελέγχουμε για μηνύματα…</string>
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">Αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες/τριες</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Προσθήκη αποκλεισμένου/ης χρήστη/τριας</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">Αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Προσθήκη αποκλεισμένου χρήστη</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">Οι αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες δεν θα μπορούν να σε καλέσουν ή να σου στείλουν μηνύματα.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Δεν υπάρχουν αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες/τριες</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Αποκλεισμός χρήστη/χρήστριας;</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Δεν υπάρχουν αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Αποκλεισμός χρήστη;</string>
<string name="BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to">Ο/Η «%1$s» δεν θα μπορεί να σε καλέσει ή να σου στείλει μηνύματα.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
@ -149,9 +149,9 @@
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other">Θα μπορείτε να ανταλλάσετε μηνύματα.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">Τα αποκλεισμένα άτομα δεν θα μπορούν να σε καλέσουν ή να σου στείλουν μηνύματα.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Τα μπλοκαρισμένα άτομα δεν θα μπορούν να σου στέλνουν μηνύματα.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Τα αποκλεισμένα άτομα δεν θα μπορούν να σου στέλνουν μηνύματα.</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Φραγή της λήψης ενημερώσεων και νέων του Signal.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Αποκλεισμός της λήψης ενημερώσεων και νέων του Signal.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Επαναφορά της λήψης ενημερώσεων και νέων του Signal.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού του/της %1$s;</string>
@ -448,15 +448,15 @@
<!-- Message shown to indicate which notification profile is on/active -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_on">%1$s ενεργό</string>
<!-- Dialog title for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Μπλοκάρισμα αιτήματος;</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Αποκλεισμός αιτήματος;</string>
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">Ο/Η %1$s δεν θα μπορέσει να γίνει μέλος ή να ζητήσει να γίνει μέλος αυτής της ομάδας μέσω του συνδέσμου ομάδας. Θα μπορεί να προστεθεί παρόλα αυτά στην ομάδα χειροκίνητα.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">Μπλοκάρισμα αιτήματος</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">Αποκλεισμός αιτήματος</string>
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__cancel">Ακύρωση</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Λίστα αποκλεισμένων</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Λίστα αποκλεισμού</string>
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
<string name="ConversationListFragment__clear_filter">Διαγραφή φίλτρου</string>
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">Να ειδοποιούμαι για αναφορές</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Θέλεις να λαμβάνεις ειδοποιήσεις όταν σε αναφέρουν σε σιγασμένες συνομιλίες;</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Θέλεις να λαμβάνεις ειδοποιήσεις όταν σε αναφέρουν σε συνομιλίες σε σίγαση;</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">Να ειδοποιούμαι πάντα</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">Να μην ειδοποιούμαι</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Το όνομα χρήστη αντιγράφηκε</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Δεν ήταν δυνατή η διαγραφή του ονόματος χρήστη. Δοκίμασε ξανά αργότερα.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Το όνομα χρήστη διαγράφηκε</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1473,14 +1479,14 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_accept">Αποδοχή</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue">Συνέχεια</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_delete">Διαγραφή</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">Φραγή</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Κατάργηση φραγής</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Να επιτραπεί στον/στην %1$s να σου στείλει μηνύματα, και να μοιραστεί το όνομα και η φωτογραφία σου μαζί του/της; Δεν θα γνωρίζει ότι έχεις δει τα μηνύματα που έστειλε μέχρι να δεχτείς.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Να επιτραπεί στον/στην %1$s να σου στείλει μηνύματα, και να μοιραστεί το όνομα και η φωτογραφία σου μαζί του/της; Δεν θα λάβεις κανένα μήνυμα μέχρι να καταργήσεις τη φραγή του/της.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Να επιτραπεί στον/στην %1$s να σου στείλει μηνύματα, και να μοιραστεί το όνομα και η φωτογραφία σου μαζί του/της; Δεν θα λάβεις κανένα μήνυμα μέχρι να αποκλείσεις τη φραγή του/της.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Να επιτραπεί στον/στην %1$s να σου στείλει μηνύματα; Δεν θα λάβεις μηνύματα μέχρι να τον/την ξεμπλοκάρεις.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Λήψη ενημερώσεων και νέων από τον/την %1$s; Δεν θα λαμβάνεις καμία ενημέρωση μέχρι να τον/την ξεμπλοκάρεις.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Να επιτραπεί στον/στην %1$s να σου στείλει μηνύματα; Δεν θα λάβεις μηνύματα μέχρι να καταργήσεις τον αποκλεισμό του/της.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Λήψη ενημερώσεων και νέων από τον/την %1$s; Δεν θα λαμβάνεις καμία ενημέρωση μέχρι να καταργήσεις τον αποκλεισμό του/της.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">Να συνεχίσεις τη συνομιλία με αυτή την ομάδα, και να μοιραστείς το όνομα και τη φωτογραφία σου με τα μέλη της;</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">Αναβάθμισε την ομάδα για να αποκτήσεις νέες δυνατότητες όπως οι @αναφορές και οι διαχειριστές. Τα μέλη που δεν έχουν μοιραστεί τη φωτογραφία ή το όνομά τους με την ομάδα θα προσκληθούν να μπουν.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">Αυτή η ομάδα παλαιού τύπου δεν μπορεί πλέον να χρησιμοποιηθεί επειδή είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Το μέγιστο μέγεθος της ομάδας είναι %1$d.</string>
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Θέλεις να μπεις στην ομάδα και να μοιραστείς το όνομα και τη φωτογραφία σου με τα μέλη της; Δεν θα ξέρουν ότι έχεις δει τα μηνύματά τους μέχρι να δεχτείς.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">Θέλεις να μπεις στην ομάδα και να μοιραστείς το όνομα και τη φωτογραφία σου με τα μέλη της; Δεν θα μπορείς να δεις τα μηνύματά τους μέχρι να δεχτείς.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Θέλεις να μπεις σε αυτή την ομάδα; Δεν θα γνωρίζουν οτι έχεις δει τα μηνυματά τους μέχρι να δεχτείς.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Θέλεις να καταργηθεί η φραγή αυτής της ομάδας και να μοιραστεί το όνομα και η φωτογραφία σου με τα μέλη της; Δεν θα λάβεις κανένα μήνυμα μέχρι να καταργήσεις τη φραγή της.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Θέλεις να καταργηθεί ο αποκλεισμός αυτής της ομάδας και να μοιραστεί το όνομα και η φωτογραφία σου με τα μέλη της; Δεν θα λάβεις κανένα μήνυμα μέχρι να καταργήσεις τον αποκλεισμό της.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">Εμφάνιση</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">Μέλος του %1$s</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Δημιουργία νέου PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Προσοχή</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Αν απενεργοποιήσεις το PIN, θα χάσεις όλα τα δεδομένα όταν επανεγγραφτείς στο Signal, εκτός εάν δημιουργήσεις χειροκίνητα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας και το ανακτήσεις. Δεν μπορείς να ενεργοποιήσεις το Κλείδωμα Εγγραφής όσο το PIN είναι απενεργοποιημένο.</string>
@ -1621,8 +1638,8 @@
<string name="Recipient_my_story">Η ιστορία μου</string>
<!-- RecipientPreferencesActivity -->
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">Φραγή</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">Κατάργηση φραγής</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού</string>
<!-- RecipientProvider -->
@ -1731,12 +1748,12 @@
<!-- CallParticipantView -->
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">Ο/Η %1$s έχει φραγεί</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">Ο/Η %1$s έχει αποκλειστεί</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__more_info">Περισσότερες πληροφορίες</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__you_wont_receive_their_audio_or_video">Δεν θα μπορείς να λάβεις τον ήχο ή την εικόνα του/της και αυτός/ή δεν θα λαμβάνει τα δικά σου.</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_video_from_s">Δεν μπορείς να λάβεις ήχο &amp; βίντεο από τον/την %1$s</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_and_video_from_s">Δεν μπορείς να λάβεις ήχο και βίντεο από τον/την %1$s</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">Αυτό ίσως οφείλεται στο ότι δεν έχει επιβεβαιώσει την αλλαγή του αριθμού ασφαλείας σου, ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα με τη συσκευή του/της ή ότι σε έχει μπλοκάρει.</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">Αυτό ίσως οφείλεται στο ότι δεν έχει επιβεβαιώσει την αλλαγή του αριθμού ασφαλείας σου, ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα με τη συσκευή του/της ή ότι σε έχει αποκλείσει.</string>
<!-- CallToastPopupWindow -->
<string name="CallToastPopupWindow__swipe_to_view_screen_share">Σύρε για να δεις την διαμοιρασμένη οθόνη</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Το Signal χρειάζεται τα δικαιώματα επαφών και πολυμέσων για να σας βοηθήσει να συνδεθείτε με φίλους και να στείλετε μηνύματα. Οι επαφές σας μεταφορτώνονται χρησιμοποιώντας τον ιδιωτικό εντοπισμό επαφών του Signal, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι είναι κρυπτογραφημένες end-to-end και ποτέ ορατές από την υπηρεσία Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Το Signal χρειάζεται την άδεια επαφών για να σας βοηθήσει να συνδεθείτε με φίλους. Οι επαφές σας μεταφορτώνονται χρησιμοποιώντας τον ιδιωτικό εντοπισμό επαφών του Signal, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι είναι κρυπτογραφημένες end-to-end και ποτέ ορατές από την υπηρεσία Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Έχεις προσπαθήσει πάρα πολλές φορές να εγγράψεις αυτόν τον αριθμό. Παρακαλώ ξαναπροσπάθησε αργότερα.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Αδυναμία σύνδεσης στην υπηρεσία. Παρακαλώ έλεγξε τη σύνδεση στο δίκτυο και ξαναπροσπάθησε.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Μη-τυπική μορφή αριθμού</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Ο αριθμός που έγραψες (%1$s) φαίνεται να μην έχει μια τυπική μορφή.n\nΜήπως εννοούσες %2$s;</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Μορφή αριθμού τηλεφώνου</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Ζητήθηκε κλήση</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Είσαι %1$d βήμα μακριά από την καταχώρηση ενός αρχείου αποσφαλμάτωσης.</item>
<item quantity="other">Είσαι %1$d βήματα μακριά από την καταχώρηση ενός αρχείου αποσφαλμάτωσης.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Κλήση</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Κωδικός Επαλήθευσης</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Αποστολή κωδικού</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ενεργοποίηση του Κλειδώματος εγγραφής;</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Προγραμματισμένο μήνυμα</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Το ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου έχει συγχωνευθεί</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Ο αριθμός %1$s ανήκει στον χρήστη %2$s</string>
@ -2307,7 +2336,7 @@
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_enable_call_notifications">Ενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων κλήσεων</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_update_contact">Ανανέωση επαφής</string>
<!-- Update item button text to show to block a recipient from requesting to join via group link -->
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">Μπλοκάρισμα αιτήματος</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">Αποκλεισμός αιτήματος</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_groups_in_common_review_requests_carefully">Χωρίς κοινές ομάδες. Εξέτασε τα αιτήματα προσεκτικά.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_contacts_in_this_group_review_requests_carefully">Ομάδα με καμία γνωστή επαφή. Εξέτασε τα αιτήματα προσεκτικά.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_view">Εμφάνιση</string>
@ -2980,7 +3009,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Αποστολή πληρωμής</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Ληφθείσα πληρωμή</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Πληρωμή ολοκληρώθηκε %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Φραγή αριθμού</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Αποκλεισμός αριθμού</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Μεταφορά</string>
@ -3065,7 +3094,7 @@
<!-- contact_selection_list -->
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact">Νέο μήνυμα προς…</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">Φραγή χρήστη/τριας</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">Αποκλεισμός χρήστη</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_add_to_group">Προσθήκη στην ομάδα</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Γράψε το PIN σου</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Γράψε το PIN που δημιούργησες για το λογαριασμό σου. Αυτό είναι διαφορετικό από τον κωδικό επαλήθευσης που έλαβες μέσω SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Εισαγωγή αλφαριθμητικού PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Εισαγωγή αριθμητικού PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Λάθος PIN. Ξαναδοκίμασε.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας σου περιέχει ένα πολύ μεγάλο αρχείο που δεν μπορεί να αντιγραφεί. Διάγραψέ το και δημιούργησε ένα καινούργιο αντίγραφο ασφαλείας.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Πάτα για διαχείριση αντίγραφων ασφαλείας.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Λάθος αριθμός;</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Κάλεσέ με (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Επικοινωνία με την Υποστήριξη Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Εγγραφή Signal - Κωδικός επαλήθευσης για Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Λάθος κωδικός</string>
@ -3571,8 +3605,8 @@
<!-- AdvancedPreferenceFragment -->
<!-- RecipientBottomSheet -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">Φραγή</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">Κατάργηση φραγής</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_contacts">Προσθήκη στις επαφές</string>
<!-- Error message that displays when a user tries to tap to view system contact details but has no app that supports it -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unable_to_open_contacts">Δεν βρέθηκε εφαρμογή για το άνοιγμα των επαφών.</string>
@ -3624,9 +3658,9 @@
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name="StorageUtil__s_s">%1$s/%2$s</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">Ο/Η \"%1$s\" έχει φραγεί</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Αποτυχία φραγής του/της \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">Η φραγή του/της \"%1$s\" καταργήθηκε.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">Ο/Η \"%1$s\" έχει αποκλειστεί</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Αποτυχία αποκλειστεί του/της \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">Ο αποκλεισμός του/της \"%1$s\" καταργήθηκε.</string>
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
<string name="ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_members">Ανασκόπηση μελών</string>
@ -3653,7 +3687,7 @@
<string name="ReviewCard__your_contact">Επαφή σου</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__remove_from_group">Αφαίρεση απ\' την ομάδα</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__update_contact">Ανανέωση επαφής</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">Φραγή</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__delete">Διαγραφή</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__recently_changed">Άλλαξε πρόσφατα το όνομα προφίλ του/της από %1$s σε %2$s</string>
@ -4012,7 +4046,7 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">Δημιουργία προφίλ</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Λίστα Φραγής</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Λίστα αποκλεισμού</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$d επαφές</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Συνομιλίες</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Μηνύματα που εξαφανίζονται</string>
@ -4185,9 +4219,9 @@
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__contact_details">Λεπτομέρειες επαφής</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__view_safety_number">Προβολή αριθμού ασφαλείας</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">Αποκλεισμός</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">Φραγή ομάδας</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">Αποκλεισμός ομάδας</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">Κατάργηση φραγής ομάδας</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">Κατάργηση αποκλεισμού ομάδας</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_to_a_group">Προσθήκη σε μια ομάδα</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__see_all">Προβολή όλων</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_members">Προσθήκη μελών</string>
@ -4214,7 +4248,7 @@
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">Σίγαση ειδοποιήσεων</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Μη σιγασμένο</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Χωρίς σίγαση</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">Αναφορές</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">Πάντα να ειδοποιούμαι</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">Να μην ειδοποιούμαι</string>
@ -5612,13 +5646,13 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">ώ</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">Δ</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">λ</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Ορισμός</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Ρύθμιση</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Ο ελάχιστος χρόνος πριν από την εφαρμογή του κλειδώματος οθόνης είναι 1 λεπτό.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Alias eliminado</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">No hay grupos en común</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Crear nuevo PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advertencia</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Al desactivar el PIN perderás todos los datos de tu cuenta al volver a instalar Signal, a menos que hagas una copia de seguridad manual y la restaures. No se puede activar el bloqueo de registro mientras el PIN esté desactivado.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita los permisos de acceso a tus contactos y medios para chatear y contactar con tus amistades. Tu lista de contactos se cifra en tu teléfono y se trasmite al servicio de Signal para descubrir contactos. Como la lista está cifrada, ni Signal ni nadie tienen acceso.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita los permisos de acceso a tus contactos para chatear y contactar con tus amistades. Tu lista de contactos se cifra en tu teléfono y se trasmite al servicio de Signal para descubrir contactos. Como la lista está cifrada, ni Signal ni nadie tienen acceso.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Has hecho demasiados intentos para registrar este número. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">No se puede conectar con el servidor. Por favor, comprueba la conexión de red e inténtalo de nuevo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Número en formato no estándar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">El número que has introducido (%1$s) parece usar un formato no estándar.\n\n ¿Es %2$s el correcto?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formato de número</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Llamada solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Estás a %1$d paso de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
<item quantity="other">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Llamada</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Enviar código de nuevo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">¿Activar el bloqueo de registro?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introduce tu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introduce el PIN que has seleccionado al crear tu cuenta de Signal. El PIN es diferente al del SMS de verificación.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introduce PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introduce PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecto. Inténtalo de nuevo.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tu copia de seguridad contiene un archivo muy grande que no puede ser copiado. Por favor, bórralo y crea una nueva copia de seguridad.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toca para gestionar las copias.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">¿Número erróneo?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Llámame (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta con el Centro de Asistencia de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro de Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorrecto</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Kasutajanimi kustutatud</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ühised grupid puuduvad</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Loo uus PIN-kood</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Hoiatus</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Kui keelad PIN-koodi, siis kaotad Signalisse uuesti registreerudes kõik andmed, mida sa pole käsitsi varundanud ja taastanud. Registreerimislukku pole võimalik sisse lülitada, kui PIN-kood on keelatud.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal vajab sinu kontaktidele ja meediale ligipääsu, et võimaldada sul ühenduda sõpradega ja vahetada sõnumeid. Sinu kontaktid laetakse üles Signali privaatse kontaktituvastuse abil, mis tähendab, et need on lõpp-punkti krüpteeringuga ega ole Signali teenusele kunagi nähtavad.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal vajab kontaktidega seotud luba, et võimaldada sul sõpradega ühenduda. Sinu kontaktid laetakse üles Signali privaatse kontaktituvastuse abil, mis tähendab, et need on lõpp-punkti krüpteeringuga ega ole Signali teenusele kunagi nähtavad.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Oled sooritanud liiga palju selle numbri registreerimise katseid. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Teenusega ei saadud ühendust. Palun kontrolli võrguühendust ja proovi uuesti.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ebastandardne numbriformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Sisestatud number (%1$s) tundub olevat mittestandardses formaadis.\n\nKas mõtlesid hoopis %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - telefoninumbri formaat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Kõnepäring esitatud</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Sa oled silumislogi saatmisest %1$d sammu kaugusel.</item>
<item quantity="other">Sa oled silumislogi saatmisest %1$d sammu kaugusel.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Helista</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kinnituskood</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saada kood uuesti</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Kas lülitada registreerimislukk sisse?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Sisesta enda PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Sisesta PIN-kood, mille tegid enda konto jaoks. See erineb SMS-kontrollkoodist.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Sisesta tähtnumbriline PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Sisesta numbriline PIN-kood</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Lubamatu PIN-kood. Proovi uuesti.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sinu varukoopia sisaldab väga suurt faili, millest ei ole võimalik varukoopiat teha. Palun kustuta see ja loo uus varukoopia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Koputa varunduste haldamiseks.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Vale number?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Helista mulle (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Võta ühendust Signali kasutajatoega</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signali registreerimine - kinnituskood Androidile</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Sobimatu kood</string>
@ -5612,9 +5646,9 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation"> h</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">min</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation"> min</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Määra</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->

View file

@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_error_sending_media">Errorea multimedia bidaltzean</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">Spam gisa salatu, eta blokeatu egin da.</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">Spam gisa salatua eta blokeatua.</string>
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
<string name="ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone">Une honetan SMS mezuak desgaituta daude. Mezuak telefonoko beste aplikazio batera esporta ditzakezu.</string>
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
<!-- Message shown to indicate which notification profile is on/active -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_on">%1$son</string>
<!-- Dialog title for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Eskaera blokeatu nahi duzu?</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Blokeatu eskaera?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">%1$s ezingo da talde honetan sartu talderako estekaren bidez, eta ezingo du bertan sartzeko eskatu. Hala ere, eskuz gehi daiteke taldean.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">Nahi dut aipamenak jakinaraztea</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Nahi duzu jakinarazpenak jaso isildutako txatetan aipatzen zaituztenean?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Jakinarazpenik jaso nahi duzu isildutako txatetan aipatzen zaituztenean?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">Beti jakinarazi</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">Ez jakinarazi</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Kopiatu da erabiltzaile-izena</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Ezin izan da erabiltzaile-izena ezabatu. Saiatu berriro beranduago.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Erabiltzaile izena ezabatu da</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1589,9 +1595,20 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Sortu PIN berria</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Markatutako zenbakia ez dago Signal-era erregistratuta. SMS bidez gonbidatu nahiko zenuke?</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ez baduzu modu manualean segurtasun kopiak egiten, PINa desaktibatuz gero datu guztiak galduko dituzu signal berriro erregistratzen duzunean. Ezin duzu erregistratzeko blokeoa aktibatu PINa desaktibatuta dagoen bitartean.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PINa desgaitzen baduzu, datu guztiak galduko dituzu Signal berriro erregistratzen duzunean, eskuz babeskopiak egin eta leheneratu ezean. Ezin duzu erregistratzeko blokeoa aktibatu PINa desgaituta dagoen bitartean.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin">Desaktibatu PINa</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Lagunekin konektatzeko eta mezuak bidali ahal izan ditzazun, Signal-ek kontaktuak eta multimedia-edukia atzitzeko baimena behar du. Signal-en kontaktuak aurkitzeko aukera pribatuaren bidez kargatzen dira kontaktuak; hau da, muturretik muturrera enkriptatuta daude, eta Signal zerbitzuak ezin ditu ikusi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Lagunekin konektatzeko, Signal-ek kontaktuak eta multimedia-edukia atzitzeko baimena behar du. Signal-en kontaktuak aurkitzeko aukera pribatuaren bidez kargatzen dira kontaktuak; hau da, muturretik muturrera enkriptatuta daude, eta Signal zerbitzuak ezin ditu ikusi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Zenbakia erregistratzeko saiakera gehiegi egin dituzu. Mesedez, saia zaitez beranduago.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ezin da zerbitzura konektatu. Egiaztatu sarearen ezarpenak eta saiatu berriz.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Zenbaki-formatu ez-estandarra</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Idatzi duzun zenbakiak (%1$s) formatu ez-estandar bat du.\n\n%2$s esan nahi al zenuen?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefono-zenbakien formatua</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Deia eskatu da</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Hurrats %1$d falta zaizu arazterko txosten bat bidaltzeko.</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hurrats falta zaizkizu arazterko txosten bat bidaltzeko.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Deitu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Egiaztapen-kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Bidali kodea berriro</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktibatu Erregistratzeko Blokeoa?</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Programatutako mezua</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Zure mezuen historia batu da</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s zenbakia %2$s erabiltzailearena da</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Idatzi zure PINa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Idatzi konturako sortu duzun PIN-a. PIN hau ez da zure SMS berifikazio gakoa.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Idatzi PIN alfanumerikoa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Idatzi zenbakizko PINa</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN okerra. Saia zaitez berriro.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Babeskopiak oso handia den fitxategi bat dauka, eta ezin da egin haren babeskopia. Ezaba ezazu eta sortu beste babeskopia bat.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Sakatu babeskopiak kudeatzeko.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Zenbaki okerra?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Dei iezadazu (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Harremanetan jarri Signal Laguntza Taldearekin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Errejistratzea - Androiderako Egiaztatze Kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kodea ez da zuzena</string>
@ -4214,7 +4248,7 @@
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">Desaktibatu jakinarazpenak</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Ez mututua</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Ez dago isilduta</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">Aipamenak</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">Jakinarazi beti</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">Ez jakinarazi</string>
@ -4251,7 +4285,7 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_removed">Kendu da %1$s</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after blocking a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">Blokeatu da %1$s</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s blokeatu da</string>
<!-- Dialog title when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__unable_to_remove_s">Ezin da kendu %1$s</string>
<!-- Dialog message when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
@ -5614,11 +5648,11 @@
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">M</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">m</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Ezarri</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Pantaila blokeatzeko gutxieneko denbora minutu bat da.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">نام کاربری پاک شد</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">هیچ گروه مشترکی وجود ندارد</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">ایجاد پین جدید</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">هشدار</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">اگر پین را غیرفعال کنید، وقتی دوباره در سیگنال ثبت‌نام می‌کنید، همه داده‌ها را از دست خواهید داد، مگر اینکه به‌صورت دستی پشتیبان‌گیری و بازگردانی کنید. وقتی پین غیرفعال است نمی‌توانید قفل ثبت‌نام را روشن کنید.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سیگنال به مجوزها‌ی مخاطبین و رسانه‌ها برای کمک به متصل کردن شما به دوستان و ارسال پیام‌ها نیاز دارد. مخاطبین شما با استفاده از اکتشاف خصوصی مخاطب سیگنال بارگذاری می‌شوند، که این یعنی آن‌ها سرتاسر رمزگذاری شده هستند و هیچوقت برای سرویس سیگنال قابل رؤیت نیستند.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سیگنال به مجوز مخاطبین برای کمک به متصل کردن شما به دوستان نیاز دارد. مخاطبین شما با استفاده از اکتشاف خصوصی مخاطب سیگنال بارگذاری می‌شوند، که این یعنی آن‌ها سرتاسر رمزگذاری شده هستند و هیچوقت برای سرویس سیگنال قابل رؤیت نیستند.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">شما تلاش‌های بسیاری برای ثبت‌نام این شماره انجام داده‌اید. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">اتصال به سرویس ممکن نیست. لطفاً اتصال شبکه را بررسی کرده و دوباره امتحان کنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">قالب شمارهٔ غیر-استاندارد</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">به نظر می‌رسد شماره‌ای که وارد کردید (%1$s) در قالبی غیر-استاندارد باشد.\n\nآیا منظورتان %2$s بود؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">سیگنال اندروید - قالب شماره‌تلفن</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">درخواست تماس داده شد</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">شما %1$d قدم با ارسال گزارش عیب‌یابی فاصله دارید.</item>
<item quantity="other">شما%1$d قدم با ارسال گزارش عیب‌یابی فاصله دارید.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">تماس</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">کد تآیید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ارسال مجدد کد</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">روشن کردن قفل ثبت‌نام؟</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">پین خود را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">پین ایجاد شده برای حساب کاربری خود را وارد کنید. این کد با کد وارسی پیامکی شما تفاوت دارد.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">وارد کردن پین حرفی‌عددی</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">پین عددی را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">پین نادرست. دوباره تلاش کنید.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">نسخه پشتیبان شما دارای یک فایل بسیار حجیم است که نمی‌توان از آن نسخه پشتیبان تهیه کرد. لطفا آن را پاک کنید و یک نسخه پشتیبان جدید ایجاد کنید.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">برای مدیریت پشتیبان‌ها ضربه بزنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">شماره اشتباه است؟</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">با من تماس بگیر (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">تماس با پشتیبانی سیگنال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ثبت‌نام سیگنال - کد وارسی برای اندروید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">کد نادرست</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Käyttäjänimi poistettu</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ei yhteisiä ryhmiä</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Luo uusi tunnusluku</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varoitus</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Jos poistat PIN-koodin käytöstä, menetät kaikki tietosi rekisteröityessäsi Signaliin uudelleen, ellet varmuuskopioi ja palauta tietojasi manuaalisesti. Et voi myöskään ottaa rekisteröintiestoa käyttöön, jos PIN-koodi on poistettu käytöstä.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal tarvitsee yhteystietojen ja median käyttöoikeudet, jotta voit olla yhteydessä kavereihisi ja lähettää viestejä. Yhteystietosi lähetetään käyttäen Signalin yksityistä yhteystietohakua ja ne on suojattu päästä päähän -salauksella. Ne eivät missään vaiheessa paljastu Signal-palvelulle.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal tarvitsee yhteystietojen käyttöoikeuden, jotta voit olla yhteydessä kavereihisi. Yhteystietosi lähetetään käyttäen Signalin yksityistä yhteystietohakua ja ne on suojattu päästä päähän -salauksella. Ne eivät missään vaiheessa paljastu Signal-palvelulle.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Olet yrittänyt rekisteröidä tämän numeron liian monta kertaa. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Yhteyttä ei voitu muodostaa palveluun. Tarkista verkkoyhteytesi ja yritä uudelleen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Epästandardi numeron muoto</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Syöttämäsi numero (%1$s) ei näytä olevan vakiomuotoinen.\n\nTarkoititko %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Androidille - Puhelinnumeron muoto</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Puhelu pyydetty</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Olet tällä hetkellä %1$d askeleen päässä virheenkorjauslokin lähettämisestä.</item>
<item quantity="other">Vielä %1$d vaihetta virheenkorjauslokin lähettämiseen.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Soita</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Vahvistuskoodi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Lähetä koodi uudelleen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Otetaanko rekisteröintiesto käyttöön?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Syötä tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Syötä tilille valitsemasi tunnusluku. Se ei ole sama kuin saamasi tekstiviestivahvistuskoodi.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Syötä aakkosnumeerinen tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Syötä numeerinen tunnusluku</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Väärä tunnusluku, yritä uudelleen.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Varmuuskopiosi sisältää erittäin suuren tiedoston, jota ei voi varmuuskopioida. Poista se ja luo uusi varmuuskopio.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Hallitse varmuuskopioita napauttamalla.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Väärä numero?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Soita minulle (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Ota yhteyttä Signalin tukeen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signalin rekisteröinti vahvistuskoodi Androidille</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Väärä koodi</string>

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Ajouter un utilisateur bloqué</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">Les utilisateurs bloqués ne pourront ni vous appeler ni vous envoyer des messages.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Aucun utilisateur bloqué</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Bloquer cet utilisateur?</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Bloquer cet utilisateur ?</string>
<string name="BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to">« %1$s » ne pourra ni vous appeler ni vous envoyer des messages.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">Bloquer</string>
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
<string name="CreditCardFragment__continue">Poursuivre</string>
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">Bloquer et quitter %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">Bloquer %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">Bloquer et quitter %1$s ?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">Bloquer %1$s ?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates">Vous ne recevrez plus ni message ni mise à jour de ce groupe et les membres ne pourront plus vous rajouter à ce groupe.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you">Les membres du groupe ne pourront plus vous rajouter à ce groupe.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you">Les membres du groupe pourront vous rajouter à ce groupe.</string>
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Bloquer la réception des mises à jour et des actualités de Signal.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Reprendre la réception des mises à jour et des actualités de Signal.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Débloquer %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Débloquer %1$s ?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">Bloquer</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">Bloquer et quitter</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">Signaler comme indésirable et bloquer</string>
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
<!-- Message shown to indicate which notification profile is on/active -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_on">%1$s activé</string>
<!-- Dialog title for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Bloquer la demande?</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Bloquer la demande ?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">« %1$s » ne pourra ni se joindre ni demander à se joindre à ce groupe grâce au lien de groupe. Cette personne pourra toujours être ajoutée au groupe manuellement.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__cancel">Annuler</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Bloqués</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Bloqué</string>
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
<string name="ConversationListFragment__clear_filter">Supprimer le filtre</string>
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">Me signaler les mentions</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Recevoir des notifications si vous êtes mentionné dans des conversations en sourdine?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Recevoir des notifications si vous êtes mentionné dans des conversations en sourdine ?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">Toujours me prévenir</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">Ne pas me prévenir</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Pseudo copié</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Impossible de supprimer le nom dutilisateur. Réessayez plus tard.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nom dutilisateur supprimé</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1477,10 +1483,10 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Débloquer</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Autoriser %1$s à échanger des messages et partager votre nom et votre photo avec ce contact? Ce contact ne saura pas que vous avez vu ses messages tant que vous naurez pas accepté.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Autoriser %1$s à échanger des messages et partager votre nom et votre photo avec ce contact? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Autoriser %1$s à vous envoyer des messages et partager vos nom et photo avec ce contact ? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Autoriser %1$s à vous écrire? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Recevoir voir des mises à jour et des nouvelles de%1$s? Vous ne recevrez aucune mise à jour tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Autoriser %1$s à vous envoyer un message ? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Recevoir voir des nouvelles de%1$s ? Vous ne recevrez aucune nouvelle tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">Poursuivre votre conversation avec ce groupe et partager vos nom et photo avec ses membres?</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">Convertissez ce groupe pour activer de nouvelles fonctions telles que les @mentions et ladministration. Les membres qui nont pas partagé leur nom ou leur photo dans ce groupe seront invités à sy joindre.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">Ce groupe hérité ne peut plus être utilisé, car il comporte trop de membres. Le nombre maximal de membres dun groupe est %1$d.</string>
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Vous joindre à ce groupe et partager votre nom et votre photo avec ses membres? Ils ne sauront pas que vous avez vu leurs messages tant que vous naurez pas accepté.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">Vous joindre à ce groupe et partager votre nom et votre photo avec ses membres? Vous ne verrez pas leurs messages tant que vous naurez pas accepté.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Vous joindre à ce groupe? Ses membres ne sauront pas que vous avez lu leurs messages tant que vous naurez pas accepté.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Débloquer ce groupe et partager votre nom et votre photo avec ses membres? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Débloquer ce groupe et partager vos nom et photo avec ses membres ? Vous ne recevrez aucun message tant que vous ne laurez pas débloqué.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">Afficher</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">Membre de %1$s</string>
@ -1589,9 +1595,20 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Créer un nouveau NIP</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Avertissement</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Si vous désactivez le NIP, vous perdrez toutes vos données lors de votre réinscription sur Signal, à moins que vous ne les sauvegardiez et les restauriez manuellement. Vous ne pouvez pas activer le blocage de linscription si le NIP est désactivé.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Si vous désactivez le PIN, vous perdrez toutes vos données lors de votre réinscription sur Signal, à moins que vous ne les sauvegardiez et les restauriez manuellement. Vous ne pouvez pas activer le blocage de linscription si le PIN est désactivé.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin">Désactiver le NIP</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
@ -1716,7 +1733,7 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__camera">Caméra</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Réactiver</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Réactiver le son</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Sourdine</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal a besoin des autorisations Contacts et Médias pour vous aider à vous connecter avec vos amis et à envoyer des messages. Vos contacts sont téléversés en utilisant la découverte confidentielle des contacts de Signal, ce qui signifie quils sont chiffrés de bout en bout et ne sont jamais visibles par le service Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal a besoin de lautorisation Contacts pour vous aider à vous connecter avec vos amis. Vos contacts sont téléversés en utilisant la découverte confidentielle des contacts de Signal, ce qui signifie quils sont chiffrés de bout en bout et ne sont jamais visibles par le service Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Vous avez fait trop dessais pour inscrire ce numéro. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Impossible de se connecter au service. Veuillez vérifier la connexion réseau et réessayer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format de numéro non standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Le numéro que vous avez saisi (%1$s) semble avoir un format atypique.\n\nSerait-ce plutôt %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal pour Android format de numéro de téléphone</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Appel demandé</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Vous êtes maintenant à %1$d étape denvoyer un journal de débogage.</item>
<item quantity="other">Vous êtes maintenant à %1$d étapes denvoyer un journal de débogage.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Appeler</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Code de vérification</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Renvoyer le code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activer le blocage de linscription?</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Message programmé</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Lhistorique de vos messages a fusionné</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s appartient à %2$s</string>
@ -2644,10 +2673,10 @@
<string name="arrays__use_default">Utiliser la valeur par défaut</string>
<string name="arrays__use_custom">Personnalisé</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">Sourdine pendant 1 heure</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">Sourdine pendant 1 heure</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">Sourdine pendant 8 heures</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">Sourdine pendant 1 jour</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">Sourdine pendant 7 jours</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">Sourdine pendant 1 jour</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">Sourdine pendant 7 jours</string>
<string name="arrays__always">Toujours</string>
<string name="arrays__settings_default">Paramètre par défaut</string>
@ -2686,7 +2715,7 @@
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">Garder les conversations en mode silencieux archivées</string>
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Les conversations en mode silencieux sont archivées, y compris après réception d\'un nouveau message.</string>
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Les conversations en mode silencieux sont archivées, y compris après réception dun nouveau message.</string>
<string name="preferences__generate_link_previews">Générer des aperçus de lien</string>
<string name="preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages">Pour les messages que vous envoyez, récupérez des aperçus de lien directement des sites Web.</string>
<string name="preferences__change_passphrase">Changer la phrase de passe</string>
@ -3137,7 +3166,7 @@
<!-- conversation_secure_verified -->
<!-- conversation_muted -->
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">Réactiver les notifications</string>
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">Réactiver le son</string>
<!-- conversation_unmuted -->
<string name="conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications">Notifications en sourdine</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Saisissez votre NIP</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Saisissez le NIP que vous avez créé pour votre compte. Il est différent de votre code de confirmation reçu par texto.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Saisissez un NIP alphanumérique</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Saisissez un NIP numérique</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Le NIP est erroné. Veuillez réessayer.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Votre sauvegarde contient un fichier trop volumineux. Veuillez le supprimer et créer une nouvelle sauvegarde.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toucher pour gérer les sauvegardes</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Mauvais numéro ?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Appelez-moi dans (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacter lassistance de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Inscription à Signal Code de confirmation pour Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Code incorrect</string>
@ -3625,7 +3659,7 @@
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name="StorageUtil__s_s">%1$s/%2$s</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">« %1$s » a été bloqué.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Échec de blocage pour « %1$s »</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Échec de blocage de « %1$s »</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">« %1$s » a été débloqué.</string>
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
@ -4012,7 +4046,7 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">Créer le profil</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bloqués</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bloqué</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$d contacts</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Messagerie</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Messages éphémères</string>
@ -4195,7 +4229,7 @@
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__requests_and_invites">Demandes dajout et invitations</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__group_link">Lien de groupe</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_as_a_contact">Ajouter comme contact</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">Réactiver les notifications</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">Réactiver le son</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">Conversation en sourdine jusquà %1$s</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">Conversation en sourdine pour toujours</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__copied_phone_number_to_clipboard">Numéro de téléphone copié dans le presse-papier.</string>
@ -4214,7 +4248,7 @@
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">Mettre les notifications en sourdine</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Désactivée</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Sourdine désactivée</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">Mentions</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">Toujours mavertir</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">Ne pas mavertir</string>
@ -4251,7 +4285,7 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_removed">%1$s a été supprimé</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after blocking a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s a été bloqué</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s a été bloqué</string>
<!-- Dialog title when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__unable_to_remove_s">Impossible de supprimer %1$s</string>
<!-- Dialog message when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
@ -5614,11 +5648,11 @@
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">L</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">min</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Définir</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Le temps minimum avant que le verrouillage de lécran ne sapplique est de 1 minute.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
<string name="BackgroundMessageRetriever_checking_for_messages">Seiceáil le haghaidh teachtaireachtaí…</string>
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">Úsáideoirí Bactha</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Cuir Úsáideoir Bactha Leis</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">Úsáideoirí bactha</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">Cuir úsáideoir bactha leis</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">Ní bheidh úsáideoirí bactha in ann glaonna a chur ort ná teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Níl aon úsáideoirí bactha</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Cuir Bac ar an Úsáideoir Seo?</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">Níl aon úsáideoirí bactha ann</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">Cuir bac ar an úsáideoir?</string>
<string name="BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to">Ní bheidh \"%1$s\" in ann glaoch ort ná teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">Cuir bac</string>
<!-- CreditCardFragment -->
<!-- Title of fragment detailing the donation amount for one-time donation, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
<string name="CreditCardFragment__continue">Ar Aghaidh</string>
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">Cuir bac ar ⁊ fág %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">An bhfuil fonn ort bac a chur ar %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">Cuir bac ar %1$s agus imigh as?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">Cuir bac ar %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates">Ní bhfaighidh tú teachtaireachtaí ón ngrúpa seo a thuilleadh, agus ní bheidh baill den ghrúpa in ann tusa a chur leis arís.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you">Ní bheidh baill den ghrúpa in ann tusa a chur leis arís.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you">Beidh baill den ghrúpa in ann tusa a chur leis an ngrúpa seo arís.</string>
@ -149,15 +149,15 @@
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other">Beidh sibh in ann teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh idir a chéile.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">Ní bheidh daoine bactha in ann glaonna a chur ort ná teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Ní bheidh daoine ar cuireadh bac orthu in ann teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Ní bheidh daoine bactha in ann teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat.</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Cuir bac ar nuashonruithe agus nuacht Signal a fháil.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Cuir bac ar nuashonruithe agus nuacht Signal.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Tosaigh ar nuashonruithe agus nuacht Signal a fháil arís.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">An bhfuil fonn ort an bac a bhaint de %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">Cuir bac air ⁊ Fág</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">Report Spam and Block</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Bain bac de %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">Cuir bac agus imigh as</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">Tuairiscigh turscar agus cuir bac air</string>
<!-- BucketedThreadMedia -->
<string name="BucketedThreadMedia_Today">Inniu</string>
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_error_sending_media">Tharla botún fad agus a bhí an meán á sheoladh</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">Reported as spam and blocked.</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">Tuairiscithe mar thurscar agus bac curtha air.</string>
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
<string name="ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone">Tá teachtaireachtaí SMS díchumasaithe faoi láthair. Is féidir leat do theachtaireachtaí a easpórtáil chuig aip eile ar do ghuthán.</string>
@ -470,11 +470,11 @@
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">Ní bheidh %1$s in ann dul isteach nó iarraidh ar dhul isteach sa ghrúpa seo tríd an nasc grúpa. Is féidir an duine sin a chur leis an ngrúpa de láimh fós.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">Cuir Bac ar an Iarratas</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">Cuir bac ar an iarratas</string>
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__cancel">Cealaigh</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Bactha</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">Bac curtha</string>
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
<string name="ConversationListFragment__clear_filter">Glan an scagaire</string>
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">Cuir Tráchtanna in iúl dom</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">An bhfuil fonn ort fógraí a fháil nuair a luaitear i gcomhrá balbhaithe thú?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Faigh fógraí nuair a luaitear i gcomhráite balbhaithe thú?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">Cuir scéal chugam i gcónaí</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">Ná fógraigh dom é</string>
@ -1069,9 +1069,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Cóipeáladh ainm úsáideora</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Níorbh fhéidir an t-ainm úsáideora a scriosadh. Triail arís níos déanaí.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Ainm úsáideora scriosta</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1647,14 +1653,14 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_accept">Glac leis</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue">Ar Aghaidh</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_delete">Scrios</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Bain an bac</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Lig do %1$s teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf leis/léi? Ní bheidh a fhios ag an duine sin go bhfaca tú an teachtaireacht go dtí go nglacfaidh tú.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">An bhfuil fonn ort d\'ainm agus do phictiúr a roinnt le %1$s, agus cead a thabhairt dó/di teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireacht go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de/di.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Lig do %1$s teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf leis an duine sin? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireacht go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de/di.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Lig do %1$s teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireachtaí go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Faigh nuashonruithe agus nuacht ó %1$s? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon nuashonruithe go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Lig do %1$s teachtaireachtaí a sheoladh chugat? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireachtaí go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de/di.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Faigh nuashonruithe agus nuacht ó %1$s? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon nuashonruithe go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de/di.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">Lean le do chomhrá leis an ngrúpa seo agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf lena bhaill?</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">Uasghrádaigh an grúpa seo chun gnéithe nua amhail @tráchtanna agus riarthóirí a ghníomhachtú. Baill nár chomhroinn a n-ainm nó a ngrianghraf sa ghrúpa seo, tabharfar cuireadh dóibh dul isteach ann.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">Ní féidir an seanleagan seo den Ghrúpa a úsáid a thuilleadh toisc go bhfuil sé rómhór. Is í %1$d uasmhéid an ghrúpa.</string>
@ -1662,7 +1668,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Téigh isteach sa ghrúpa seo agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf lena bhaill? Ní bheidh a fhios acu go bhfaca tú na teachtaireachtaí go dtí go nglacfaidh tú.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">Téigh isteach sa ghrúpa seo agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf lena bhaill? Ní fheicfidh tú na teachtaireachtaí go dtí go nglacfaidh tú.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">An bhfuil fonn ort páirt a ghlacadh sa ghrúpa seo? Ní bheidh a fhios acu go bhfaca tú a gcuid teachtaireachtaí go dtí go nglacfaidh tú leis.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">An bhfuil fonn ort d\'ainm agus do phictiúr a roinnt leis an ngrúpa seo agus an bac a bhaint de? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireacht go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Bain an bac den ghrúpa seo agus comhroinn d\'ainm agus grianghraf lena bhaill? Ní bhfaighidh tú aon teachtaireachtaí go dtí go mbainfidh tú an bac de.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">Amharc</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">Ball de %1$s</string>
@ -1781,6 +1787,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Cruthaigh UAP Nua</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Rabhadh</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Má dhíchumasaíonn tú an UAP, caillfidh tú na sonraí go léir nuair a athchláraíonn tú Signal mura ndéanann tú cúltacú agus aischur de láimh. Ní féidir leat Glasáil Clárúcháin a chasadh air leis an UAP díchumasaithe.</string>
@ -1813,7 +1830,7 @@
<string name="Recipient_my_story">Mo Scéal</string>
<!-- RecipientPreferencesActivity -->
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">Cuir bac air</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">Bain an bac</string>
<!-- RecipientProvider -->
@ -1925,7 +1942,7 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">Díbhalbhaigh</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Balbhú</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">Balbhaigh</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__ring">Glaoigh</string>
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1941,12 +1958,12 @@
<!-- CallParticipantView -->
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">%1$s is blocked</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">Tá bac curtha ar %1$s</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__more_info">Tuilleadh Eolais</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__you_wont_receive_their_audio_or_video">Ní gheobhaidh tú an fhuaim nó físeán uaidh/uaithi agus ní gheobhaidh sé/sí iad uait</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_video_from_s">Can\'t receive audio &amp; video from %1$s</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_and_video_from_s">Can\'t receive audio and video from %1$s</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">This may be because they have not verified your safety number change, there\'s a problem with their device, or they have blocked you.</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">Seans nár fhíoraigh an duine sin athrú ar d\'uimhir sábháilteachta, go bhfuil fadhb leis an ngléas aige/aici, nó gur chuir sé/sí bac ort.</string>
<!-- CallToastPopupWindow -->
<string name="CallToastPopupWindow__swipe_to_view_screen_share">Svaidhpeáil le féachaint ar chomhroinnt scáileáin</string>
@ -1983,11 +2000,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Tá gá ag Signal riochtain ar do theagmhálaithe agus do mheáin chun nasc a dhéanamh le cairde, teachtaireachtaí a mhalairt agus glaonna slán a dhéanamh.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Teastaíonn cead teagmhálaithe ó Signal chun cabhrú leat nascadh le cairde. Uaslódáiltear do theagmhálaithe trí aimsiú príobháideach teagmhálaithe de chuid Signal, rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil siad criptithe ó cheann ceann agus dofheicthe sa tseirbhís Signal i gcónaí.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Rinne tú an iomarca iarrachtaí ar an uimhir seo a chlárú. Bain triail eile as ar ball.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Ní féidir ceangal a bhunú leis an tseirbhís. Deimhnigh go bhfuil tú ceangailte leis an líonra agus bain triail eile as.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formáid uimhreacha neamhchaighdeánach</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Is cosúil go bhfuil formáid neamhchaighdeánach ar an uimhir a chuir tú isteach (%1$s).\n\nAn raibh %2$s i gceist agat?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android — Formáid don Uimhir Ghutháin</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Glao iarrtha</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Tá %1$d chéim fágtha anois roimh loga dífhabhtaithe a chur isteach.</item>
<item quantity="two">Tá %1$d chéim fágtha anois roimh loga dífhabhtaithe a chur isteach.</item>
@ -2010,6 +2034,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Glao</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Cód Fíoraithe</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Athsheol Cód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">An bhfuil fonn ort Glas Clárúcháin a chur ar siúl?</string>
@ -2177,7 +2206,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Teachtaireacht sceidealaithe</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Cumascadh do stair teachtaireachtaí</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Is le %2$s %1$s</string>
@ -2535,7 +2564,7 @@
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_enable_call_notifications">Cumasaigh fógraí do ghlaonna</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_update_contact">Nuashonraigh an teagmhálaí</string>
<!-- Update item button text to show to block a recipient from requesting to join via group link -->
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">Cuir Bac ar an Iarratas</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">Cuir bac ar an iarratas</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_groups_in_common_review_requests_carefully">No groups in common. Review requests carefully.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_contacts_in_this_group_review_requests_carefully">No contacts in this group. Review requests carefully.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_view">Amharc</string>
@ -2893,9 +2922,9 @@
<string name="arrays__use_default">Bain feidhm as an réamhshocrú</string>
<string name="arrays__use_custom">Bain feidhm as saincheapú</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">Balbhaigh ar feadh 1 uair</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">Balbhaigh ar feadh 8 n-uair a chloig</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">Balbhaigh ar feadh 1 lá</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">Balbhaigh ar feadh 1 uair an chloig</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">Balbhaigh ar feadh 8 n-uair an chloig</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">Balbhaigh ar feadh 1 lae</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">Balbhaigh ar feadh 7 lá</string>
<string name="arrays__always">I gcónaí</string>
@ -2936,9 +2965,9 @@
<string name="preferences__pref_use_address_book_photos">Úsáid grianghraif sa leabhar seoltaí</string>
<string name="preferences__display_contact_photos_from_your_address_book_if_available">Taispeáin grianghraif na dteagmhálacha ó do leabhar seoltaí má tá siad ar fáil</string>
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">Coinnigh Comhráite Balbhaithe sa Chartlann</string>
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">Coinnigh comhráite balbhaithe sa chartlann</string>
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Fanfaidh comhráite balbhaithe atá curtha i gcartlann sa chartlann fós nuair a thagann teachtaireacht nua isteach.</string>
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Fanfaidh comhráite balbhaithe sa chartlann fós nuair a thagann teachtaireacht nua isteach.</string>
<string name="preferences__generate_link_previews">Generate Link Previews</string>
<string name="preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages">Retrieve link previews directly from websites for messages you send.</string>
<string name="preferences__change_passphrase">Athraigh an nath faire</string>
@ -3232,7 +3261,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Sent Payment</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Received Payment</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Íocaíocht críochnaithe %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Block Number</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Cuir bac ar an uimhir</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Aistrigh</string>
@ -3317,7 +3346,7 @@
<!-- contact_selection_list -->
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact">Teachtaireacht nua chuig…</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">Cuir Bac ar an Úsáideoir Seo</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">Cuir bac ar an úsáideoir</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_add_to_group">Cuir leis an nGrúpa é/í</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
@ -3568,6 +3597,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Cuir isteach d\'UAP</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Cuir isteach an UAP a chruthaigh tú don chuntas seo. Ní ionann é seo agus an cód deimhniúcháin SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Cuir isteach UAP alfa-uimhriúil</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Cuir isteach UAP uimhriúil</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">UAP mhícheart. Bain triail eile as.</string>
@ -3686,7 +3717,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tá comhad an-mhór i do chúltaca nach féidir a chúltacú. Scrios é agus cruthaigh cúltaca nua.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tapáil chun cúltacaí a bhainistiú.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Uimhir mhícheart?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Glaoigh orm (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Déan teagmháil le foireann tacaíochta Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Clárúchán Signal — Cód Deimhniúcháin ar Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Cód mícheart</string>
@ -3850,7 +3884,7 @@
<!-- AdvancedPreferenceFragment -->
<!-- RecipientBottomSheet -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">Bain an bac</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_contacts">Cuir lena teagmhálaithe</string>
<!-- Error message that displays when a user tries to tap to view system contact details but has no app that supports it -->
@ -3903,9 +3937,9 @@
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name="StorageUtil__s_s">%1$s / %2$s</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">Cuireadh bac ar \"%1$s\".</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Theip ar bhac a chur ar \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">Baineadh an bac de \"%1$s\".</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">Bac curtha ar \"%1$s\".</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">Theip ar chur baic ar \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">Bac bainte de \"%1$s\".</string>
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
<string name="ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_members">Review Members</string>
@ -3938,7 +3972,7 @@
<string name="ReviewCard__your_contact">Do theagmhálaí</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__remove_from_group">Bain den ghrúpa</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__update_contact">Nuashonraigh an teagmhálaí</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__delete">Scrios</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__recently_changed">D\'athraigh sé/sí a ainm/hainm próifíle ó %1$s go %2$s.</string>
@ -4303,7 +4337,7 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">Cruthaigh próifíl</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bactha</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bac curtha</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">Líon teagmhálaithe: %1$d</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Ag seoladh teachtaireachtaí</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Teachtaireachtaí a imíonn as amharc</string>
@ -4471,7 +4505,7 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__call">Glaoigh</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Balbhú</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Balbhaigh</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">Balbhaithe</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -4481,10 +4515,10 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__internal_details" translatable="false">Internal details</string> -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__contact_details">Contact Details</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__view_safety_number">Taispeáin an Uimhir Shábháilteachta</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">Bac Nua</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">Cuir bac ar an ngrúpa seo</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">Cuir bac</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">Cuir bac ar an ngrúpa</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock">Bain an bac</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">Bain an bac den Ghrúpa</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">Bain an bac den ghrúpa</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_to_a_group">Add to a Group</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__see_all">See All</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_members">Cuir baill leis</string>
@ -4511,7 +4545,7 @@
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">Balbhaigh fógraí</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Gan balbhú</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Gan bhalbhú</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">Nuair a luaitear mé</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">Cuir scéal chugam i gcónaí</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">Ná cuir ar an eolas</string>
@ -4540,7 +4574,7 @@
<!-- Context menu item remove -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove">Bain</string>
<!-- Context menu item block -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">Cuir bac air/uirthi</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">Cuir bac</string>
<!-- Dialog title when removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove_s">Bain %1$s?</string>
<!-- Dialog message when removing a contact -->
@ -5987,13 +6021,13 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">u</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">L</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">n</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Socraigh</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Is é 1 nóiméad an t-íoslíon ama roimh an glas scáileáin a chur i bhfeidhm.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nome de usuario borrado</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ningún grupo en común</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Crear novo PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Aviso</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Se desactivas o PIN, perderás todos os datos cando volvas rexistrarte en Signal a menos que fagas unha copia de seguranza e a restaures. Non podes activar o Bloqueo do rexistro se o PIN está desactivado.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita ter os permisos activos para acceder aos teus contactos e multimedia e así axudarche a conectar cos teus amigos e enviarlles mensaxes. Os teus contactos cargaranse a través do modo de detección privado de Signal, o que significa que están encriptados de extremo a extremo e Signal nunca poderá velos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal necesita ter o permiso activo para acceder aos teus contactos e axudarche a contectar cos teus amigos. Os teus contactos cargaranse a través do modo de detección privado de Signal, o que significa que están encriptados de extremo a extremo e Signal nunca poderá velos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Levas demasiados intentos para rexistrar este número. Téntao máis tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Non é posible contactar co servizo. Comproba a túa conexión de rede e téntao de novo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Número con formato non-estándar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número escrito (%1$s) non semella estar nun formato estándar.\n\nSerá máis ben %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal para Android - Formato de número de teléfono</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chamada solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
<item quantity="other">Estás a %1$d pasos de enviar un informe de depuración.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Chamar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Volver enviar código</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activar o bloqueo de rexistro?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Escribe o teu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Escribe o PIN creado para a túa conta. Non é o mesmo que o código de verificación por SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Escribe PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Escribe PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorrecto. Inténtao outra vez.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A túa copia de seguranza contén un arquivo moi grande que non se pode gardar. Elimínao e crea unha nova copia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toca para administrar as copias de seguranza.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número incorrecto?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chámame (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta co Centro de Axuda de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rexistrarse en Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorrecto</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">યુઝરનેમ ડિલીટ કર્યું</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">કોઈ ગ્રુપ સામાન્ય નથી</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">નવો PIN બનાવો</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ચેતવણી</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">જો તમે પિનને અક્ષમ કરો છો, તો જ્યારે તમે Signalને ફરીથી રજીસ્ટર કરશો ત્યારે તમે તમામ ડેટા ગુમાવશો જો તમે તેને મેન્યુઅલી બેકઅપ અને રિસ્ટોર ન કરો. જ્યારે પિન અક્ષમ હોય ત્યારે તમે રજીસ્ટ્રેશન લૉક ચાલુ કરી શકતા નથી.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalને તમને મિત્રો સાથે કનેક્ટ થવા અને મેસેજ મોકલવામાં સહાયતા કરવા સંપર્કો અને મીડિયા પરવાનગીઓની જરૂર છે. તમારા સંપર્કો Signalની ખાનગી સંપર્ક શોધનો ઉપયોગ કરીને અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે, જેનો અર્થ એમ કે તેઓ એન્ડ-ટુ-એન્ડ એન્ક્રિપ્ટ થયેલ છે અને Signal સર્વિસને ક્યારેય દેખાઈ શકશે નહીં.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalને તમને મિત્રો સાથે કનેક્ટ થવામાં સહાયતા કરવા સંપર્કોની પરવાનગીઓની જરૂર છે. તમારા સંપર્કો Signalની ખાનગી સંપર્ક શોધનો ઉપયોગ કરીને અપલોડ કરવામાં આવશે, જેનો અર્થ એમ કે તેઓ એન્ડ-ટુ-એન્ડ એન્ક્રિપ્ટ થયેલ છે અને Signal સર્વિસને ક્યારેય દેખાઈ શકશે નહીં.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">તમે આ નંબરને રજીસ્ટર કરવા માટે ઘણા પ્રયત્નો કર્યા છે. પછીથી ફરી પ્રયત્ન કરો.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">સેવાથી કનેક્ટ કરવામાં અસમર્થ. કૃપા કરીને નેટવર્ક કનેક્શન તપાસો અને ફરીથી પ્રયાસ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">બિન-પ્રમાણભૂત નંબર ફોર્મેટ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">તમે દાખલ કરેલ નંબર (%1$s) બિન-પ્રમાણભૂત ફોર્મેટ હોય તેમ લાગે છે.\n\n શું તમારો અર્થ %2$s હતો?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ફોન નંબર ફોર્મેટ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">કૉલની વિનંતી કરી</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">તમે હવે ડિબગ લૉગ સબમિટ કરવાથી %1$d પગથિયુ દૂર છો.</item>
<item quantity="other">તમે હવે ડિબગ લૉગ સબમિટ કરવાથી %1$d પગથિયા દૂર છો.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">કૉલ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">કોડ ફરીથી મોકલો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">રજીસ્ટ્રેશન લૉક ચાલુ કરો</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">તમારો પિન દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">તમારા એકાઉન્ટ માટે તમે બનાવેલો PIN દાખલ કરો. આ તમારા SMS ચકાસણી કોડથી અલગ છે.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">આલ્ફાન્યુમેરિક PIN દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">સંખ્યાત્મક PIN દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ખોટો પિન. ફરીથી પ્રયત્ન કરો.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">તમારા બૅકઅપમાં એક બહુ મોટી ફાઇલ છે જેનું બૅકઅપ લઈ શકાતું નથી. કૃપા કરીને તેને ડિલીટ કરો અને નવું બૅકઅપ બનાવો.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">બેકઅપ મેનેજ કરવા માટે ટેપ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ખોટો નંબર?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">મને કૉલ કરો (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal રજીસ્ટ્રેશન - Android માટે ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ખોટો કોડ</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">यूज़रनेम डिलीट कर दिया गया है</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">कोई साझा समूह नहीं</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">नया पिन बनाएँ</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">चेतावनी</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">यदि आप पिन को डिसेबल कर देते हैं, तो आप Signal के साथ दोबारा रजिस्टर करने पर अपना सारा डेटा खो बैठेंगे यदि आप मैन्युअल तरीके से बैक अप और रीस्टोर नहीं करते हैं। आप पिन के डिसेबल होते हुए रजिस्ट्रेशन लॉक को चालू नहीं कर सकते।</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">दोस्तों से जुड़ने और मेसेज भेजने में आपकी मदद करने के लिए Signal को कॉन्टैक्ट और मीडिया के अनुमति की ज़रुरत है. आपके कॉन्टैक्ट Signal की निजी कॉन्टैक्ट डिस्कवरी का इस्तेमाल करके अपलोड किए जाते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि वे एंड-टू-एंड एन्क्रिप्टेड हैं और Signal सेवा को कभी भी नहीं दिखते हैं.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">दोस्तों से जुड़ने में आपकी मदद के लिए Signal को कॉन्टैक्ट की अनुमति की ज़रुरत है. आपके कॉन्टैक्ट Signal की निजी कॉन्टैक्ट डिस्कवरी का इस्तेमाल करके अपलोड किए जाते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि वे एंड-टू-एंड एन्क्रिप्टेड हैं और Signal सेवा को कभी भी नहीं दिखते हैं.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">इस नंबर को रजिस्टर करने के लिए आपके द्वारा बहुत बार प्रयास किया जा चुका है। कृपया कुछ देर बाद फिर से कोशिश करें।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">सेवा से कनेक्ट करने में असमर्थ। कृपया नेटवर्क कनेक्शन की जांच करें और पुनः प्रयास करें।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">नॉन-स्टैंडर्ड नंबर फ़ॉर्मैट</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">आपके ज़रिए दर्ज किया गया नंबर (%1$s) एक नॉन-स्टैंडर्ड फ़ॉर्मैट लगता है.\n\nक्या आपका मतलब %2$s था?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal एंड्रॉइड - फ़ोन नंबर का फ़ॉर्मेट</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">कॉल की मांग की गई</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">debug log भेजने के लिये %1$d चरण और बाचे हैं</item>
<item quantity="other">डीबग लॉग भेजने के लिये %1$d चरण और बाचे हैं</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">कोल</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड फ़िर से भेजें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">रजिस्ट्रेशन लॉक चालू करना है?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">अपना पिन डालें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">अपने ख़ाते के लिये बनाया गया पिन डालें। ये पिन आपके SMS सत्यापण कोड से अलग है।</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक पिन दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">संख्यात्मक पिन दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">गलत पिन। पुनः प्रयास करें।</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">आपके बैकअप में एक बहुत बड़ी फ़ाइल है जिसका बैकअप नहीं किया जा सकता। कृपया उसे डिलीट करके एक नया बैकअप बनाएँ।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">बैकअप प्रबंधन के लिए टैप करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">गलत नंबर?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">मुझे कॉल करें (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थन से संपर्क करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal पंजीकरण - Android के लिये वेरीफिकेशन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">गलत कोड</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Korisničko ime je izbrisano</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nema zajedničkih grupa</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Stvori novi PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Upozorenje</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ako onemogućite PIN, izgubit ćete sve svoje podatke kada se ponovno registrirate na Signal, osim ako ručno ne napravite sigurnosnu kopiju i vratite ih. Ne možete uključiti Zaključavanje registracije dok je PIN onemogućen.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal treba pristup vašim kontaktima i medijima za povezivanje s prijateljima i razmjenu poruka. Vaši se kontakti učitavaju korištenjem Signalovog otkrivanja privatnih kontakata, što znači da su sveobuhvatno šifrirani i nikada nisu vidljivi usluzi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal treba pristup vašim kontaktima za povezivanje s prijateljima. Vaši se kontakti učitavaju korištenjem Signalovog otkrivanja privatnih kontakata, što znači da su sveobuhvatno šifrirani i nikada nisu vidljivi usluzi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Previše neuspjelih pokušaja registracije ovog broja telefona. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezivanje s uslugom nije moguće. Provjerite mrežnu vezu i pokušajte ponovo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni format broja</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Čini se da je broj koji ste unijeli (%1$s) nestandardnog formata.\n\nJeste li mislili %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android format broja telefona</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zatražen poziv</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Još %1$d korak do slanja zapisnika o pogreški.</item>
<item quantity="few">Još %1$d koraka do slanja zapisnika o pogreški.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Nazovi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno pošalji kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Omogući Zaključavanje registracije?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Unesite vaš PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Unesite PIN koji ste stvorili za svoj račun. To se razlikuje od vašeg SMS kôda za provjeru.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Unesite alfanumerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Unesite numerički PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nevažeći PIN. Pokušajte ponovno.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša sigurnosna kopija sadrži vrlo veliku datoteku koja se ne može sigurnosno kopirati. Izbrišite je i napravite novu sigurnosnu kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Pritisnite za upravljanje sigurnosnim kopijama.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Pogrešan broj?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nazovi me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktirajte Signalovu podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija Signala - Potvrdni kôd za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Pogrešan kôd</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Felhasználónév törölve</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nincsenek közös csoportok</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Új PIN létrehozása</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Figyelmeztetés</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN-kódod letiltásával egy esetleges újraregisztráció során az összes Signal-adatod el fog veszni, kivéve ha azokat előtte külön lemented, majd helyreállítod. Letiltott PIN-kóddal nem lehetséges a regisztrációs zár bekapcsolása.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">A Signalnak hozzá kell férnie telefonkönyvedhez és a médiafájljaidhoz annak érdekében, hogy összeköthessen barátaiddal, és lehetővé váljon az üzenetküldés. Telefonkönyvedet feltöltjük a Signal privát felderítő szolgáltatásába, azonban a végpontok közti titkosításnak köszönhetően annak tartalma még a Signal szolgáltatás üzemeltetői számára sem lesz olvasható.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">A Signalnak hozzá kell férnie telefonkönyvedhez annak érdekében, hogy összeköthessen barátaiddal, és lehetővé váljon az üzenetküldés. Telefonkönyvedet feltöltjük a Signal privát felderítő szolgáltatásába, azonban a végpontok közti titkosításnak köszönhetően annak tartalma még a Signal szolgáltatás üzemeltetői számára sem lesz olvasható.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Túl sokszor próbálkoztál ennek a számnak a regisztrációjával. Kérlek próbáld újra később!</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nem lehet kapcsolódni szolgáltatáshoz. Kérlek ellenőrizd a hálózati kapcsolatot és próbáld újra!</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nem szabványos számformátum</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">A begépelt szám (%1$s) nem tűnik szabványos formátumúnak.\n\nNem erre gondoltál: %2$s ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefonszám formátum</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Hívás kérve</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Még %1$d lépésre vagy a fejlesztői napló elküldésétől.</item>
<item quantity="other">Még %1$d lépésre vagy a hibakeresési napló elküldésétől.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Hívás</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Hitelesítő kód küldése</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ellenőrző kód újraküldése</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Bekapcsolod a regisztrációs zárat?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Add meg PIN kódodat</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Gépeld be a fiókodhoz létrehozott PIN kódodat. Ez nem azonos az SMS-ben regisztrációkor kapott ellenőrző kóddal.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Add meg az alfanumerikus PIN kódot</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Add meg a számjegyekből álló PIN kódot</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Hibás PIN kód. Próbáld újra!</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A biztonsági mentés egy olyan nagyon nagy fájlt tartalmaz, amelyről nem lehet biztonsági másolatot készíteni. Kérjük, töröld, és hozz létre egy új biztonsági mentést!</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Koppints a biztonsági mentések kezeléséhez!</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Helytelen telefonszám?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hívjon (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kapcsolatfelvétel a Signal támogatással</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal regisztráció - megerősítő kód Androidhoz</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Helytelen kód</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nama pengguna dihapus</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Tidak ada grup yang sama</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Buat PIN baru</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Peringatan</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Jika Anda menonaktifkan PIN, Anda akan kehilangan semua data saat Anda mendaftar ulang Signal kecuali Anda melakukan pencadangan manual dan memulihkannya. Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan Kunci Pendaftaran jika PIN dinonaktifkan.</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan akses ke kontak dan media agar dapat terhubung dengan teman dan mengirimkan pesan. Kontak Anda diunggah menggunakan pendeteksi kontak privat Signal, yang dienkripsi ujung-ke-ujung dan tidak akan terlihat pada layanan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan akses ke kontak agar dapat terhubung dengan teman Anda. Kontak Anda diunggah menggunakan pendeteksi kontak privat Signal, yang dienkripsi ujung-ke-ujung dan tidak akan terlihat pada layanan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Anda membuat terlalu banyak percobaan untuk mendaftarkan nomor ini. Mohon coba lagi nanti.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Tidak bisa terhubung ke layanan. Mohon cek koneksi jaringan dan coba lagi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format nomor tidak umum</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nomor yang Anda masukkan (%1$s) terlihat bukan format nomor yang umum.\n\nApakah maksud Anda %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Format Nomor Telepon</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Panggilan diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Kamu memiliki %1$d langkah lagi untuk mengirimkan catatan awakutu.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Panggil</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kode Verifikasi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kirim Ulang Kode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Nyalakan Kunci Pendaftaran?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Masukkan PIN Anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Masukkan PIN yang Anda buat untuk akun Anda. Ini berbeda dari kode verifikasi SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Masukan PIN alfanumerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Masukkan PIN numerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN Salah. Coba lagi.</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Pencadangan Anda berisi file sangat besar yang tidak dapat dicadangkan. Hapus file dan buat pencadangan baru.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tekan untuk mengatur cadangan.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Salah nomor?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Panggil saya (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Pusat Bantuan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kode Verifikasi untuk Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kode Salah</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nome utente eliminato</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nessun gruppo in comune</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Crea nuovo PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Attenzione</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Se disabiliti il PIN, perderai tutti i dati quando ti registri nuovamente con Signal a meno che tu non esegua manualmente il backup e il ripristino. Non è possibile attivare il Blocco registrazione mentre il PIN è disabilitato.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal richiede l\'accesso ai tuoi contatti e ai tuoi contenuti multimediali per aiutarti a connetterti con gli amici e inviare messaggi. I tuoi contatti vengono caricati utilizzando la scoperta privata dei contatti di Signal, il che significa che sono crittografati end-to-end e non sono mai visibili al servizio Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal richiede l\'accesso ai tuoi contatti per aiutarti a connetterti con gli amici. I tuoi contatti vengono caricati utilizzando la scoperta privata dei contatti di Signal, il che significa che sono crittografati end-to-end e non sono mai visibili al servizio Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Hai fatto troppi tentativi per registrare questo numero. Per favore riprova più tardi.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Impossibile connettersi al servizio. Per favore controlla la connessione a internet e riprova</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato del numero non standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Il numero che hai inserito (%1$s) sembra essere in un formato non standard.\n\nIntendevi %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formato Numero di Telefono</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chiamata richiesta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ti manca solo %1$d passaggio per inviare un log di debug.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ti mancano solo %1$d passaggi per inviare un log di debug.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Chiama</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codice di verifica</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Rinvia codice</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Attivare il blocco registrazione?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Inserisci il tuo PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Inserisci il PIN che hai creato per il tuo account. Questo è diverso dal tuo codice di verifica SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Inserisci PIN alfanumerico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Inserisci PIN numerico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN errato. Riprova.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Il tuo backup contiene un file di dimensioni troppo grandi e non può essere salvato. Ti consigliamo di eliminarlo e di creare un nuovo backup.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Clicca per gestire i backup.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Numero errato?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chiamami (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contatta l\'assistenza Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrazione Signal - Codice di verifica per Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Codice errato</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">שם המשתמש נמחק</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">אין קבוצות במשותף</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">צור PIN חדש</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">אזהרה</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">השבתת הPIN תגרום לך לאבד את כל הנתונים בעת הרשמה מחדש לSignal, אלא אם נעשה גיבוי ושחזור באופן ידני. אי אפשר להפעיל נעילת הרשמה בזמן שהPIN מושבת.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal צריך הרשאה אל אנשי הקשר והמדיה שלך כדי לעזור לך לחבור אל חברים ולשלוח הודעות. אנשי הקשר שלך מועלים ע״י שימוש בגילוי אנשי קשר פרטי של Signal, מה שאומר שהם מוצפנים מקצה־אל־קצה ואף פעם אינם גלויים אל השירות של Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal צריך הרשאה אל אנשי הקשר שלך כדי לעזור לך לחבור אל חברים. אנשי הקשר שלך מועלים ע״י שימוש בגילוי אנשי קשר פרטי של Signal, מה שאומר שהם מוצפנים מקצה־אל־קצה ואף פעם אינם גלויים אל השירות של Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">עשית יותר מדי ניסיונות להירשם עם המספר הזה. אנא נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">לא היה ניתן להתחבר אל השירות. אנא בדוק את חיבור האינטרנט ונסה שוב.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">תסדיר אי־תקני של מספר</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">המספר שהכנסת (%1$s) כנראה בתסדיר בלתי תקני.\n\nהאם התכוונת אל %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - תסדיר מספר טלפון</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">שיחה התבקשה</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">אתה כעת במרחק צעד %1$d מהגשת יומן ניפוי תקלים.</item>
<item quantity="two">אתה כעת במרחק %1$d צעדים מהגשת יומן ניפוי תקלים.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">התקשר</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">קוד אימות</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">שליחת קוד מחדש</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">להפעיל נעילת הרשמה?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">הכנס את ה־PIN שלך</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">הכנס את ה־PIN שיצרת עבור החשבון שלך. הוא שונה מקוד הווידוא שלך במסרון.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">הכנס PIN אלפאנומרי</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">הכנס PIN מספרי</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN שגוי. נסה שוב.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">הגיבוי שלך מכיל קובץ גדול מאוד שלא ניתן לגבות. צריך למחוק אותו וליצור גיבוי חדש.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">הקש כדי לנהל גיבויים.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">מספר שגוי?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">תתקשרו אלי (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">צור קשר עם תמיכת Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">הרשמת Signal - קוד וידוא עבור Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">קוד שגוי</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ユーザーネームを削除しました</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">共通のグループ なし</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">新しいPINを作成</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ご注意ください</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PINを無効にすると、自身でバックアップと復元を行わない限り、Signalに再登録する際すべてのデータが失われます。PINを無効にしている間は登録ロックは使用できません。</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalは、ご友人とのつながりやメッセージ送信を支えるため、連絡先とメディアへのアクセス許可が必要です。連絡先はエンドツーエンドで暗号化し、Signalプライベートコンタクトディスカバリーを使用してアップロードされるため、Signalのサービス管理者は閲覧できません。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signalは、ご友人とのつながりを支えるため、連絡先へのアクセス許可が必要です。連絡先はエンドツーエンドで暗号化し、Signalプライベートコンタクトディスカバリーを使用してアップロードされるため、Signalのサービス管理者は閲覧できません。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">この番号の登録試行回数が多すぎます。あとで再度試してください。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">サービスに接続できませんでした。ネットワークの接続を確認してから、再度試してください。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準の数字フォーマット</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">あなたが入力した数字 (%1$s) は、非標準のフォーマットのようです。\n\n%2$s を意図していすか?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - 電話番号フォーマット</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">通話を要求されました</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">デバッグログの提出まで、あと%1$dステップです。</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">通話</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">認証コード</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">コードを再送信する</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">登録ロックを有効にしますか?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PINを入力してください</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">あなたのアカウント用に作成したPINを入力してください。これはSMSの認証コードとは違います。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">英数字のPINを入力</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">数字のPINを入力</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PINが違います。再度試してください。</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">非常に大きなファイルが含まれているためバックアップできません。そのファイルを消去して、新しいバックアップを作成してください。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">タップしてバックアップを管理</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">電話番号を訂正</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">電話で確認 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signalサポートに問い合わせ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal登録 - Android用認証コード</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">コードが違います</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">მომხმარებლის სახელი წაიშალა</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">საერთო ჯგუფები ვერ მოიძებნა</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">შექმენი ახალი პინ-კოდი</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">გაფრთხილება</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">თუ პინ-კოდს გამორთავ, Signal-ზე ხელახლა დარეგისტრირებისას ყველა მონაცემს დაკარგავ, თუ ხელით არ შექმნი სარეზერვო ასლს და აღადგენ. რეგისტრაციის დაბლოკვას ვერ ჩართავ, სანამ პინ-კოდი გამორთულია.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">მეგობრებთან დაკავშირების დასახმარებლად და შეტყობინებების გასაგზავნად, Signal-ს კონტაქტებსა და მედიაზე წვდომის ნებართვა სჭირდება. შენი კონტაქტები იტვირთება Signal-ის პირადი კონტაქტის აღმოჩენის საშუალებით, რაც ნიშნავს, რომ ისინი ბოლომდე დაშიფრულია და არასოდეს ჩანს Signal-ის სერვისისთვის.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">მეგობრებთან დაკავშირების დასახმარებლად Signal-ს კონტაქტებზე წვდომის ნებართვა სჭირდება. შენი კონტაქტები იტვირთება Signal-ის პირადი კონტაქტის აღმოჩენის საშუალებით, რაც ნიშნავს, რომ ისინი ბოლომდე დაშიფრულია და არასოდეს ჩანს Signal-ის სერვისისთვის.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">თქვენ მოახდინეთ ძალიან ბევრი მცდელობა ამ ნომრის დარეგისტრირებისთვის. გთხოვთ ხელახლა სცადოთ მოგვიანებით.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">სერვისთან დაკავშირება შეუძლებელია. გთხოვთ, შეამოწმოთ ქსელის კავშირი და ხელახლა სცადოთ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ნომრის არასტანდარტული ფორმატი</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">შენ მიერ შეყვანილი ნომერი (%1$s), როგორც ჩანს, არასტანდარტული ფორმატისაა. %2$s-ს გულისხმობდი?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android-ი - ტელეფონის ნომრის ფორმატი</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">დარეკვა მოთხოვნილია</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ახლა გაშორებთ %1$d ნაბიჯი პრობლემების მოგვარების ჟურნალის გაგზავნიდან.</item>
<item quantity="other">ახლა %1$d ნაბიჯი გაშორებს გაუმართაობის რეესტრის გაგზავნისგან.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">დარეკვა</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ვერიფიკაციის კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">კოდის თავიდან გაგზავნა</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ჩავრთოთ რეგისტრაციის დაბლოკვა?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">შეიყვანე შენი პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">შეიყვანე შენი მონაცემებისთვის შექმნილი პინ-კოდი. ის განსხვავდება შენი SMS ვერიფიკაციის კოდისგან.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">შეიყვანე ანბანურ-ციფრული პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">შეიყვანე ციფრული პინ-კოდი</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">არასწორი პინ-კოდი. ხელახლა სცადე.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">შენი სარეზერვო კოპია შეიცავს ძალიან დიდ ფაილს, რომლის კოპირებაც ვერ ხერხდება. გთხოვთ წაშალო ის და ახალი სარეზერვო კოპია შექმნა.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">დააჭირე სარეზერვო კოპიების სამართავად.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ნომერი არასწორია?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">დამირეკეთ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">დაუკავშირდით Signal-ის მხარდაჭერას</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-ის რეგისტრაცია - დადასტურების კოდი Android-ითვის</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">არასწორი კოდი</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Пайдаланушы аты жойылды</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ортақ топ жоқ</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Жаңа PIN-код жасау</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Ескерту</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN-кодты өшіріп қойсаңыз, резервтік көшірмесін қолмен жасап, оны қалпына келтірмейінше, Signal қолданбасына қайта тіркелгенде, барлық дерегіңіз өшіп қалады. PIN-кодты өшіріп қойып, Тіркелу құлпын аша алмайсыз.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Достарыңызбен байланыс орнатып, олармен хат алмасу үшін, Signal қолданбасына контактілер мен мультимедианы пайдалануға рұқсат керек. Сіздің контактілеріңіз Signal қолданбасының жеке контактілерді анықтау функциясы көмегімен жүктеп салынады. Бұл дегеніміз олар толығымен шифрланып, Signal қызметіне ешқашан көрсетілмейтінін білдіреді.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Достарыңызбен байланыс орнату үшін, Signal қолданбасына контактілерді пайдалануға рұқсат керек. Сіздің контактілеріңіз Signal қолданбасының жеке контактілерді анықтау функциясы көмегімен жүктеп салынады. Бұл дегеніміз олар толығымен шифрланып, Signal қызметіне ешқашан көрсетілмейтінін білдіреді.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Осы нөмірді тіркеу үшін сіз тым көп әрекет жасадыңыз. Кейінірек тағы бір рет байқап көріңіз.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Қызметке жалғану мүмкін емес. Желіге жалғанғаныңызды тексеріңіз де, тағы бір рет байқап көріңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Стандартты емес нөмір форматы</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Сіз енгізген нөмірдің (%1$s) форматы стандартты емес екен.\n\n%2$s деп жазғыңыз келіп пе еді?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Телефон нөмірінің форматы</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Қоңырау шалу сұралды</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">You are now %1$d step away from submitting a debug log.</item>
<item quantity="other">Дұрыстау журналын жіберу үшін енді %1$d қадам қалды.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Қоңырау</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Верификация коды</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Кодты қайтадан жіберу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Тіркеу құлпын іске қосу керек пе?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN кодыңызды енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Тіркелгіңіз үшін жасаған PIN кодты енгізіңіз. Ол сіздің SMS арқылы жіберілген тексеру кодыңыздан басқаша.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Әріпті-санды PIN енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Санды PIN енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Дұрыс емес PIN. Қайтадан байқап көріңіз.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Резервтік көшірмеде өте үлкен файл бар және оның резервтік көшірмесін жасау мүмкін емес. Үлкен файлды жойып тастап, жаңасын жасаңыз.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Резервтік көшірмелерді басқару үшін түртіңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Нөмір қате ме?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Маған қоңырау шалу (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal қолдау қызметіне хабарласу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal қолданбасында тіркелу - Android жүйесіне арналған тексеру коды</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Код дұрыс емес</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើត្រូវបានលុប</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">គ្មានក្រុមរួម</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">បង្កើតលេខ PIN ថ្មី</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ព្រមាន</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">បើអ្នកបិទលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ អ្នកនឹងបាត់បង់ទិន្នន័យទាំងអស់ នៅពេលអ្នកចុះឈ្មោះ Signal ឡើងវិញ លើកលែងតែអ្នកបម្រុងទុក និងស្តារឡើងវិញដោយខ្លួនឯង។ អ្នកមិនអាចបើក ការចាក់សោការចុះឈ្មោះ ខណៈពេលដែលលេខកូដសម្ងាត់ត្រូវបានបិទនោះទេ។</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ត្រូវការអនុញ្ញាតបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនង និងឯកសារមេឌៀ ដើម្បីជួយតភ្ជាប់អ្នកជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិ និងផ្ញើសារ។ បញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក ត្រូវបានផ្ទុកប្រើប្រាស់ការរកឃើញបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងឯកជនរបស់ Signal ដែលមានន័យថាវាត្រូវបានធ្វើកូដនីយកម្មទាំងសងខាង និងមិនដែលបង្ហាញទៅកាន់សេវាកម្ម Signal ទេ។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ត្រូវការអនុញ្ញាតបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនង ដើម្បីជួយតភ្ជាប់អ្នកជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិ។ បញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នក ត្រូវបានផ្ទុកប្រើប្រាស់ការរកឃើញបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនងឯកជនរបស់ Signal ដែលមានន័យថាវាត្រូវបានធ្វើកូដនីយកម្មទាំងសងខាង និងមិនដែលបង្ហាញទៅកាន់សេវាកម្ម Signal ទេ។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">អ្នកបានសាកល្បងច្រើនដងពេក ដើម្បីចុះឈ្មោះជាមួយលេខទូរស័ព្ទនេះ។ សូមសាកល្បងម្តងទៀតនៅពេលក្រោយ។</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">មិនអាចតភ្ជាប់សេវាបាន។ សូមពិនិត្យការតភ្ជាប់បណ្តាញ ហើយព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ទម្រង់លេខមិនស្តង់ដារ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">លេខដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ចូល (%1$s) មានទម្រង់លេខមិនស្តង់ដារ.\n\nតើអ្នកមានន័យថា %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ទម្រង់លេខទូរស័ព្ទ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">បានស្នើសុំការហៅ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">You are now %1$d steps away from submitting a debug log.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ហៅចេញ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">កូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ផ្ញើកូដម្តងទៀត</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">បើកការចាក់សោរចុះឈ្មោះ?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN របស់អ្នក</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN ដែលអ្នកបានបង្កើតសម្រាប់ គណនីរបស់អ្នក។ នេះខុសពីលេខកូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ពីសារ SMS ។</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខ PIN អក្សរក្រមលេខ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">បញ្ចូលលេខកូដ PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">លេខកូដ PIN មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ។ សាកល្បងម្តងទៀត។</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ការបម្រុងទុករបស់អ្នកមានឯកសារមួយដែលមានទំហំធំខ្លាំងណាស់ដែលមិនអាចបម្រុងទុកបានទេ។ សូមលុបវា ហើយបង្កើតការបម្រុងទុកថ្មី។</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ចុច ដើម្បីគ្រប់គ្រងការបម្រុងទុក។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ខុសលេខ?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ហៅមកខ្ញុំ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ទាក់ទងជំនួយ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ការចុះឈ្មោះ Signal - ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កូដសម្រាប់ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">លេខកូដមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ಯೂಸರ್‌ನೇಮ್ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">ನೀವಿಬ್ಬರೂ ಒಂದೇ ಗುಂಪುಗಳಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">ಹೊಸ ಪಿನ್ ರಚಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">ನೀವು PIN ಅನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದರೆ, ನೀವು Signal ಅನ್ನು ಮರುನೋಂದಾಯಿಸುವಾಗ ಮ್ಯಾನ್ಯುವಲ್ ಆಗಿ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಡೇಟಾ ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ ಮತ್ತು ರಿಸ್ಟೋರ್ ಮಾಡದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನೀವು ಅದನ್ನು ಕಳೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತೀರಿ. PIN ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗಿರುವಾಗ ನೀವು ನೋಂದಣಿ ಲಾಕ್ ಅನ್ನು ಆನ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಆಗಲು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆರವಾಗಲು Signal ಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಅನುಮತಿಗಳು ಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. Signal ನ ಗೌಪ್ಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗಿವೆ, ಇದರರ್ಥ, ಅವುಗಳು ಎಂಡ್-ಟು-ಎಂಡ್ ಎನ್‌ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿವೆ ಮತ್ತು Signal ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಯಾವತ್ತೂ ಕಾಣಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಆಗಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ನೆರವಾಗಲು Signal ಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಅನುಮತಿ ಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. Signal ನ ಗೌಪ್ಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಅಪ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗಿವೆ, ಇದರರ್ಥ, ಅವುಗಳು ಎಂಡ್-ಟು-ಎಂಡ್ ಎನ್‌ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿವೆ ಮತ್ತು Signal ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಯಾವತ್ತೂ ಕಾಣಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ಈ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಲು ನೀವು ತುಂಬಾ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಗಳನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಪುನಃ</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ಸೇವೆಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ನೆಟ್‌ವರ್ಕ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ಪ್ರಮಾಣೀಕೃತವಲ್ಲದ ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ ಸ್ವರೂಪ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ನೀವು ನಮೂದಿಸಿದ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ (%1$s) ಪ್ರಮಾಣೀಕೃತವಲ್ಲದ ಸ್ವರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ.\n\nನೀವು ಅಂದುಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದು ಇದೇನಾ %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್ - ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ ಸ್ವರೂಪ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ಕರೆ ವಿನಂತಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ನೀವು ಈಗ %1$d ಎ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ದೂರವಿರಿಡೀಬಗ್ ಲಾಗ್.</item>
<item quantity="other">ನೀವು ಡಿಬಗ್ ಲಾಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ %1$d ಹೆಜ್ಜೆಗಳಷ್ಟು ದೂರದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದೀರಿ.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ಕರೆ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ಕೋಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟ್ರೇಶನ್‌ ಲಾಕ್ ಆನ್‌ ಮಾಡುವುದೇ?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ನೀವು ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿ ರಚಿಸಿದ ಪಿನ್ ಅನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ. ಇದು ಎಸ್‌ಎಂಎಸ್‌ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್ ಗಿಂತ ಭಿನ್ನವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ಆಲ್ಫಾನ್ಯೂಮರಿಕ್ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ಸಂಖ್ಯಾ ಪಿನ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ತಪ್ಪಾದ ಪಿನ್. ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್, ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲದ‌ ತೀರಾ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಫೈಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಅದನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಹೊಸತೊಂದು ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ ರಚಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಯಿಸಲು ಟ್ಯಾಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆಯೇ?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) ರ ಬಳಿಕ ನನಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿ</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ Signal ಬೆಂಬಲ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ನೋಂದಣಿ - ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್‌ಗೆ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ತಪ್ಪಾದ ಕೋಡ್</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">사용자 이름을 삭제했습니다.</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">공통 그룹 없음</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">새로운 PIN 만들기</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">경고</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN을 비활성화하면 수동으로 백업 및 복원하지 않는 한 Signal을 다시 등록할 때 모든 데이터가 손실됩니다. PIN이 비활성화되어 있는 동안에는 등록 잠금을 켤 수 없습니다.</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">친구를 추가하고 메시지를 보내려면 Signal에서 연락처와 미디어를 사용하도록 허용해야 합니다. 내 기기에 저장된 연락처는 Signal의 비공개 연락처 검색을 통해 업로드됩니다. 모든 연락처가 단대단 암호화 처리되기 때문에 Signal 서비스에는 절대 표시되지 않습니다.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal에서 친구를 추가하려면 연락처 접근 권한을 허용해야 합니다. 내 기기에 저장된 연락처는 Signal의 비공개 연락처 검색을 통해 업로드됩니다. 모든 연락처가 단대단 암호화 처리되기 때문에 Signal 서비스에는 절대 표시되지 않습니다.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">이 전화번호를 등록하려고 너무 많이 시도했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">서비스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 네트워크 연결을 확인 후 다시 시도해 주세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">비표준 전화번호 형식</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">입력한 번호(%1$s)가 표준 형식이 아닙니다.\n\n혹시 입력하려던 번호가 %2$s인가요?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - 전화번호 형식</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">통화 요청함</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">디버그 로그를 보내기까지 %1$d단계 남았습니다.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">전화</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">확인 코드</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">코드 다시 보내기</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">등록 잠금을 켜시겠습니까?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">계정용으로 생성한 번호를 입력하세요. SMS 인증 코드와는 다릅니다.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">영숫자 번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">숫자 번호 입력</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">잘못된 번호입니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">백업에 대용량 파일이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 파일을 삭제하고 새로운 백업을 만드세요.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">탭하여 백업을 관리하세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">번호가 잘못되었나요?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">나한테 전화(%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal 지원 팀에 문의</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 등록 - 안드로이드용 인증 코드</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">올바르지 않은 코드</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Колдонуучу аты өчтү</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Жалпы топтор жок</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Жаңы PIN код түзүү</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Эскертүү</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN кодду өчүрүп салсаңыз, Signal колдонмосун кайра орноткондо аккаунтуңуздагы бардык нерселер өчүп калат (эгер алардын көчүрмөсүн кол менен башка жерге сактап койбосоңуз). PIN код өчүк болгондо, Катталууга жол бербөө функциясын иштете албай каласыз.</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Досторуңуз менен байланышып, жазышуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн берүү үчүн Signal колдонмосуна байланыштарыңыз менен медиафайлдарыңыз керек. Байланыштарыңыз Signal\'дын байланыштарды купуя издеген технологиясы аркылуу жүктөлүп, баштан аяк шифрленгендиктен, Signal кызматына эч качан көрүнбөйт.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Досторуңуз менен байланышуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн берүү үчүн Signal колдонмосуна байланыштарыңыз керек. Байланыштарыңыз Signal\'дын байланыштарды купуя издеген технологиясы аркылуу жүктөлүп, баштан аяк шифрленгендиктен, Signal кызматына эч качан көрүнбөйт.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Бул номерди каттоого ашыкча көп ирет катар аракет жасадыңыз. Сураныч, кийинчерээк дагы сынап көрүңүз.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Сервиске туташылбай жатат. Тармактык туташууну текшерип, дагы бир жолу аракет кылып көрүңүз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Телефон номери туура эмес</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Телефон номерин туура эмес киргиздиңиз окшойт (%1$s).\n\nМындай эмес беле %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Телефон номеринин форматы</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Чалуу суралды</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Сиз мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоо журналын тапшыруудан %1$dкадамдасыз.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Чалуу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Текшерүү коду</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Кодду кайра жөнөтүү</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Катталууну Кулпулоо колдонулсунбу?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Жеке кабинетиңиз үчүн түзгөн PIN кодду киргизиңиз. Бул код SMS аркылуу келген текшерүү кодуңуздан айырмаланып турат.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Тамгалык-цифралык PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Цифралык PIN-кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Туура эмес PIN-код. Кайра кайталаңыз.</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Камдык көчүрмөңүздө өтө көлөмдүү файл болгондуктан, ал түзүлгөн жок. Аны өчүрүп туруп, жаңысын түзүңүз.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Камдык көчүрмөлөрдү башкаруу үчүн басыңыз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Номер туура эмеспи?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Мага чал (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal\'дын кардарларды колдоо кызматы менен байланышыңыз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal\'ды каттоо - Android үчүн текшерүү коду</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Код туура эмес</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Naudotojo vardas ištrintas</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nėra bendrų grupių</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Sukurti naują PIN kodą</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Įspėjimas</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Jei išjungsi PIN kodą, registruojantis „Signal“ iš naujo bus prarasti visi duomenys, nebent rankiniu būdu padarysi atsarginę kopiją ir atkursi. Negalėsi įjungti registracijos užrakto, kol PIN kodas išjungtas.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal programėlei reikia leidimo gauti prieigą prie jūsų adresatų ir medijos, kad padėtų jums susisiekti su draugais ir siųsti žinutes. Jūsų adresatai yra išsiunčiami naudojant Signal privatų adresatų atradimą, o tai reiškia, kad adresatai yra šifruoti ištisiniu būdu ir niekada nebus matomi Signal paslaugai.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal programėlei reikia leidimo gauti prieigą prie jūsų adresatų, kad padėtų jums susisiekti su draugais. Jūsų adresatai yra išsiunčiami naudojant Signal privatų adresatų atradimą, o tai reiškia, kad adresatai yra šifruoti ištisiniu būdu ir niekada nebus matomi Signal paslaugai.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Atlikote per daug bandymų užregistruoti šį numerį. Vėliau bandykite dar kartą.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nepavyksta prisijungti prie paslaugos. Patikrinkite tinklo ryšį ir bandykite dar kartą.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandartinis numerio formatas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Atrodo, kad jūsų įvestas numeris (%1$s) yra nestandartinio formato.\n\nAr turėjote omenyje %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal „Android“ - Telefono numerio formatas</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Užklausta skambučio</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Dabar jums liko %1$d žingsnis iki derinimo žurnalo pateikimo.</item>
<item quantity="few">Dabar jums liko %1$d žingsniai iki derinimo žurnalo pateikimo.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Skambinti</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Patvirtinimo kodas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Siųsti kodą iš naujo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Įjungti registracijos užraktą?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Įveskite savo PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Įveskite savo paskyrai sukurtą PIN kodą. Tai yra kas kita, nei jūsų SMS patvirtinimo kodas.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Įvesti tekstinį PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Įvesti skaitinį PIN kodą</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Neteisingas PIN kodas. Bandykite dar kartą.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tavo atsarginė kopija turi itin didelį failą, kurio negalima nukopijuoti. Ištrink jį ir sukurk naują atsarginę kopiją.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Bakstelėkite norėdami tvarkyti atsargines kopijas.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Neteisingas numeris?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Skambinti man (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Susisiekti su Signal palaikymu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal registracija - Patvirtinimo kodas, skirtas „Android“</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Neteisingas kodas</string>

View file

@ -148,15 +148,15 @@
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_call_and_message_each_other">Jūs varēsiet sūtīt ziņas un zvanīt viens otram kā arī jūsu vārds un fotogrāfija tiks kopīgota</string>
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other">Jūs varēsiet sūtīt ziņas viens otram.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">Bloķēti lietotāji nevarēs Jums piezvanīt vai nosūtīt ziņojumu.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">Bloķētie cilvēki nevarēs jums piezvanīt vai nosūtīt ziņas.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">Bloķētie cilvēki nevarēs sūtīt jums ziņas.</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Bloķēt Signal jaunumu un ziņu saņemšanu</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Bloķēt Signal jaunumu un ziņu saņemšanu.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Atjaunot Signal jaunumu un ziņu saņemšanu</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Atbloķēt %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">Vai atbloķēt %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">Bloķēt</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">Bloķēt un iziet</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">Bloķēt un pamest</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">Ziņot par surogātpastu un bloķēt</string>
<!-- BucketedThreadMedia -->
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
<!-- Message shown to indicate which notification profile is on/active -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_on">%1$s ieslēgts</string>
<!-- Dialog title for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Bloķēt pieprasījumu?</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request">Vai bloķēt pieprasījumu?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">%1$s vairs nevarēs pievienoties vai lūgt pievienoties šai grupai caur grupas saiti. Manuāla pievienošana grupai vēl arvien būs iespējama.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">Paziņot man par Pieminējumiem</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Vai saņemt paziņojumus, kad esat pieminēts sarunās, kurām izslēgti paziņojumi?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">Vai saņemt paziņojumus, kad jūs piemin sarunās, kurām izslēgti paziņojumi?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">Vienmēr man paziņot</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">Nevajag paziņot</string>
@ -993,9 +993,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">Lietotājvārds nokopēts</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Nevarēja izdzēst lietotājvārdu. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlāk.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Lietotājvārds izdzēsts</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1535,10 +1541,10 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">Atbloķēt</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Vai atļaut %1$s ar jums sazināties un kopīgot jūsu vārdu un fotoattēlu? Viņi nezinās, vai jūs izlasījāt ziņas, kamēr neapstiprināsiet.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Vai atļaut %1$s ar jums sazināties un kopīgot jūsu vārdu un fotoattēlu? Jūs nesaņemsiet nevienu ziņu, kamēr šo grupu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">Vai atļaut lietotājam %1$s ar jums sazināties un kopīgot jūsu vārdu un fotoattēlu? Jūs nesaņemsiet ziņas līdz viņu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Ļaut %1$s sūtīt jums ziņas? Jūs nesaņemsiet ziņas līdz neatbloķēsiet viņu.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Saņemt junumus un ziņas no %1$s? Jūs nesaņemsiet nevienu ziņu, kamēr šo lietotāju neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">Vai atļaut lietotājam %1$s ar jums sazināties? Jūs nesaņemsiet ziņas līdz viņu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">Vai saņemt jaunumus un ziņas no lietotāja %1$s? Jūs nesaņemsiet ziņas līdz viņu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">Vai vēlaties turpināt sarunu ar šo grupu un rādīt savu vārdu un fotoattēlu šīs grupas dalībniekiem?</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">Jauniniet šo grupu, lai aktivizētu jaunas funkcijas, piemēram, @pieminējumi un administratori. Dalībnieki, kuri šajā grupā nav kopīgojuši savu vārdu vai fotoattēlu, tiks uzaicināti pievienoties.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">Šo vecā tipa grupu vairs nevar izmantot, jo tā ir pārāk liela. Maksimālais grupas lielums ir %1$d.</string>
@ -1546,7 +1552,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Vai pievienoties šai grupai un kopīgot jūsu vārdu un fotoattēlu? Grupas dalībnieki nezinās, vai jūs izlasījāt ziņas, kamēr neapstiprināsiet uzaicinājumu.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">Pievienoties šai grupai un kopīgot jūsu vārdu un profila attēlu ar tās dalībniekiem? Jūs neredzēsiet ziņas no viņiem, līdz to neapstiprināsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">Vai pievienoties šai grupai? Dalībnieki nezinās, vai jūs izlasījāt ziņas, kamēr jūs neapstiprināsiet uzaicinājumu.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Atbloķēt šo grupu un dalīties ar savu vārdu un attēlu ar šiem dalībniekiem? Jūs nesaņemsiet nevienu ziņu, kamēr šo grupu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">Vai atbloķēt šo grupu un dalīties ar savu vārdu un attēlu ar šiem dalībniekiem? Jūs nesaņemsiet ziņas, kamēr šo grupu neatbloķēsiet.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">Skatīt</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">%1$s dalībnieks</string>
@ -1653,6 +1659,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Izveidojiet jaunu PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Brīdinājums</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ja atspējosiet PIN, jūs zaudēsiet visus datus, atkārtoti reģistrējoties lietotnē Signal, ja vien manuāli tos nedublēsiet un neatjaunosiet. Reģistrācijas bloķēšanu nevar ieslēgt, kamēr PIN ir atspējots.</string>
@ -1843,11 +1860,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal nepieciešama pieeja kontaktiem un failiem, lai palīdzētu Jums atrast draugus un sūtīt ziņas. Jūsu kontaktu saraksts tiks augšupielādēts lietojot Signal privāto kontaktu atklāšanu, kas nozīmē, ka tie būs šifrēti, un nekad nebūs redzami Signal servisam.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal nepieciešama pieeja kontaktiem, lai palīdzētu Jums atrast draugus. Jūsu kontaktu saraksts tiks augšupielādēts lietojot Signal privāto kontaktu atklāšanu, kas nozīmē, ka tie būs šifrēti, un nekad nebūs redzami Signal servisam.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Pārāk daudz šī numura reģistrēšanas mēģinājumu. Vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar pakalpojumu. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet tīkla savienojumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandarta numura formāts</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Izskatās, ka numurs, kuru ievadījāt (%1$s), ir nestandarta formātā.\n\nVai domājāt %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefona Numura Formāts</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Pieprasīts zvans</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="zero">Jūs tagad esiet %1$d soļus no atkļūdošanas žurnāla iesniegšanas</item>
<item quantity="one">Jūs tagad esiet %1$d soli no atkļūdošanas žurnāla iesniegšanas</item>
@ -1868,6 +1892,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zvanīt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikācijas kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saņemt kodu vēlreiz</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ieslēgt reģistrācijas bloķēšanu?</string>
@ -2035,7 +2064,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">Ieplānotā ziņa</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Jūsu ziņu vēsture ir apvienota</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ir kontakta %2$s tālruņa numurs</string>
@ -2768,9 +2797,9 @@
<string name="preferences__pref_use_address_book_photos">Izmantot adrešu grāmatas foto</string>
<string name="preferences__display_contact_photos_from_your_address_book_if_available">Parādiet kontaktpersonu fotoattēlus no adrešu grāmatas, ja pieejama</string>
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">Keep Muted Chats Archived</string>
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">Saglabāt apklusinātās sarunas arhivētas</string>
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Muted chats that are archived will remain archived when a new message arrives.</string>
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">Arhivētas apklusinātās sarunas paliks arhivētas, kad tiks saņemta jauna ziņa.</string>
<string name="preferences__generate_link_previews">Ģenerēt saišu priekšskatījumus</string>
<string name="preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages">Izgūstiet saišu priekšskatījumus nosūtītajām ziņām tieši no tīmekļa vietnēm.</string>
<string name="preferences__change_passphrase">Nomainīt paroli</string>
@ -3064,7 +3093,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">Nosūtīts maksājums</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">Saņemts maksājums</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">Maksājums pabeigts %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Bloka numurs</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">Bloķēt numuru</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">Pārsūtīt</string>
@ -3392,6 +3421,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ievadiet jūsu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ievadiet sava konta PIN kodu. Tas atšķiras no jūsu SMS verifikācijas koda.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ievadiet no burtiem un cipariem sastāvošu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Izveido ciparisku PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nepareizs PIN. Mēģiniet vēlreiz.</string>
@ -3500,7 +3531,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Jūsu rezerves kopija satur ļoti lielu failu, ko nav iespējams dublēt. Lūdzu, izdzēsiet to un izveidojiet jaunu rezerves kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Pieskarties, lai pārvaldību rezerves kopijas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Vai nepareizs numurs?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Piezvaniet man (%1$02d.%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Sazināties ar Signal tehnisko atbalstu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal reģistrācija - Android ierīces verifikācijas kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Nepareizs kods</string>
@ -4114,7 +4148,7 @@
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Ziņapmaiņa</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Gaistošās ziņas</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__app_security">Lietotnes aizsardzība</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">Bloķēt ekrānuzņēmumus pēdējo aplikāciju sarakstā un pašā aplikācijā</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">Bloķēt ekrānuzņēmumus pēdējo sarunu sarakstā un pašā lietotnē</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__signal_message_and_calls">Signal ziņas un zvani, pastāvīga zvanu pārsūtīšana un šifrēts sūtītājs</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__default_timer_for_new_changes">Noklusējuma taimeris jaunām sarunām</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__set_a_default_disappearing_message_timer_for_all_new_chats_started_by_you">Iestatiet noklusējuma ziņu dzēšanas taimeri visām jaunajām jūsu sāktajām sarunām.</string>
@ -4275,7 +4309,7 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">Izslēgt</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">Izslēgta</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">Izslēgti</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__search">Meklēt</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Gaistošās ziņas</string>
@ -4295,8 +4329,8 @@
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__group_link">Grupas saite</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_as_a_contact">Pievienot kā kontaktpersonu</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">Ieslēgt</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">Saruna izslēgta līdz %1$s</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">Saruna izslēgta uz visiem laikiem.</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">Sarunas paziņojumi izslēgti līdz %1$s</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">Sarunas paziņojumi izslēgti uz visiem laikiem</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__copied_phone_number_to_clipboard">Tālruņa numurs ir nokopēts starpliktuvē.</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__phone_number">Tālruņa numurs</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__get_badges">Iegūstiet nozīmītes savam profilam, atbalstot Signal. Pieskarieties nozīmītei, lai uzzinātu vairāk.</string>
@ -4313,7 +4347,7 @@
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">Izslēgt paziņojumus</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Nav izslēgtas</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">Nav izslēgti</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">Pieminējumi</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">Vienmēr paziņot</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">Neziņot</string>
@ -4350,7 +4384,7 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_removed">%1$s ir noņemts</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after blocking a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s ir bloķēta</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s ir bloķēts</string>
<!-- Dialog title when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__unable_to_remove_s">Nevar noņemt %1$s</string>
<!-- Dialog message when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
@ -5739,11 +5773,11 @@
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">P</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">min</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">Iestatīt</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimālais laiks pirms ekrāna bloķēšanas ir 1 minūte.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Корисничкото име е избришано</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Немате заеднички групи</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Создади нов PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Предупредување</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ако го исклучите PIN-от, ќе ги изгубите сите податоци кога повторно ќе се регистрирате на Signal, освен ако рачно направите резервна копија и ги вратите податоците. Не можете да вклучите „Заклучување на регистрација“ додека PIN-от е исклучен.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal има потреба од дозвола до контакти и склад за да Ви помогне да се поврзете со пријателите и да испраќате пораки. Вашите контакти се прикачуваат преку приватното откривање на контакти на Signal, ова значи дека се шифрирани од крај до крај и никогаш не се видливи за Signal услугата.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal има потреба од дозвола до контакти за да Ви помогне да се поврзете со пријателите. Вашите контакти се прикачуваат преку приватното откривање на контакти на Signal, ова значи дека се шифрирани од крај до крај и никогаш не се видливи за Signal услугата.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Направивте премногу обиди за регистрација на овој број. Ве молиме обидете се повторно подоцна.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Не може да се поврзе со услугата. Ве молиме проверете ја Вашата интернет конекција и обидете се повторно.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандарден формат на број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Бројот што го внесовте (%1$s) изгледа дека е нестандарден формат.\n\nДали мислевте на %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Формат на телефонски број</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Повикот е побаран</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Сега сте %1$d чекор оддалечени од испраќање на записот за отстранување грешки.</item>
<item quantity="other">Сега сте %1$d чекори оддалечени од испраќање на записот за отстранување грешки.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Повикај</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потврда</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Препрати код</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Да вклучам заклучување на регистрација?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Внесете го Вашиот PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Го внесете PIN кодот што го создадовте за Вашата сметка. Овој код е различен од Вашиот SMS код за проверка.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Внесете алфанумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Внесете нумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Погрешен PIN. Обидете се повторно.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Вашата резервна копија содржи многу голема датотека од која не може да се направи резервна копија. Ве молиме избришете ја и создајте нова резервна копија.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Допрете за управување со резервните копии.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Погрешен број?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Јави ми се (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Контактирај Signal Поддршка</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрација на Signal - Код за проверка за Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Погрешен код</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം ഇല്ലാതാക്കി</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">സാമാന്യമായി ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളൊന്നുമില്ല</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">പുതിയ PIN സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">നിങ്ങൾ PIN പ്രവർത്തനരഹിതമാക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾ നേരിട്ട് ബാക്കപ്പ് ചെയ്യുകയും പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യാത്ത പക്ഷം, Signal വീണ്ടും രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ എല്ലാ ഡാറ്റയും നഷ്ടപ്പെടും. PIN പ്രവർത്തനരഹിതമാക്കിയിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ ലോക്ക് ഓണാക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടാനും സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ അയക്കാനും നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിന് Signal-ന് കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ, മീഡിയ അനുമതികൾ ആവശ്യമാണ്. Signal-ന്റെ സ്വകാര്യ കോൺടാക്റ്റ് കണ്ടെത്തൽ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് നിങ്ങളുടെ കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്‌തിരിക്കുന്നത്, അതിനർത്ഥം അവ ആദ്യാവസാന എൻക്രിപ്റ്റ് ചെയ്‌തതും Signal സേവനത്തിന് ഒരിക്കലും ദൃശ്യമാകാത്തതുമാണ്.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">സുഹൃത്തുക്കളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടാൻ നിങ്ങളെ സഹായിക്കുന്നതിന് Signal-ന് കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ അനുമതി ആവശ്യമാണ്. Signal-ന്റെ സ്വകാര്യ കോൺടാക്റ്റ് കണ്ടെത്തൽ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് നിങ്ങളുടെ കോൺ‌ടാക്റ്റുകൾ അപ്‌ലോഡ് ചെയ്‌തിരിക്കുന്നത്, അതിനർത്ഥം അവ ആദ്യാവസാന എൻക്രിപ്റ്റ് ചെയ്‌തതും Signal സേവനത്തിന് ഒരിക്കലും ദൃശ്യമാകാത്തതുമാണ്.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ഈ നമ്പർ രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങൾ വളരെയധികം ശ്രമങ്ങൾ നടത്തി. പിന്നീട് വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">സേവനത്തിലേക്ക് കണക്റ്റുചെയ്യാനായില്ല. നെറ്റ്‌വർക്ക് കണക്ഷൻ പരിശോധിച്ച് വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">അംഗീകൃതമല്ലാത്ത നമ്പര്‍ രൂപം</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">നിങ്ങൾ നൽകിയ നമ്പർ (%1$s) അംഗീകൃതമല്ലാത്ത നമ്പര്‍ രൂപത്തില്‍ ആണെന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.\n\nനിങ്ങൾ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ചത് %2$s എന്നാണോ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal ആൻഡ്രോയിഡ് - ഫോണ്‍ നമ്പര്‍ രുപം</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">കോള്‍ അഭ്യർത്ഥിച്ചു</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ഒരു ഡീബഗ് ലോഗ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോൾ %1$d പടി അകലെയാണ്.</item>
<item quantity="other">ഒരു ഡീബഗ് ലോഗ് സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോൾ %1$d ഘട്ടങ്ങൾ അകലെയാണ്.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">വിളിക്കുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">പരിശോധിച്ചുറപ്പിക്കൽ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">കോഡ് വീണ്ടും അയയ്‌ക്കുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ ലോക്ക് ഓണാക്കണോ?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">നിങ്ങളുടെ PIN നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടിനായി നിങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്‌ടിച്ച പിൻ നൽകുക. ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ SMS പരിശോധന കോഡിൽ നിന്ന് വ്യത്യസ്തമാണ്.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ആൽഫാന്യൂമെറിക് പിൻ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">സംഖ്യാ പിൻ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN തെറ്റാണ്. വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ബാക്കപ്പ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയാത്ത വളരെ വലിയ ഒരു ഫയൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ ബാക്കപ്പിൽ ഉൾപ്പെട്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്. അത് ഇല്ലാതാക്കിയ ശേഷം പുതിയ ഒരു ബാക്കപ്പ് സൃഷ്‌ടിക്കുക.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ബാക്കപ്പുകൾ നിയന്ത്രിക്കാൻ തൊടുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">നമ്പർ തെറ്റാണോ?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">എന്നെ വിളിക്കൂ (%1$02d%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal പിന്തുണ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ - Android-നായുള്ള സ്ഥിരീകരണ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">കോഡ് തെറ്റാണ്</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">वापरकर्ता हटवला</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">कुठलेही गट समाईक नाहीत</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">नवीन PIN तयार करा</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">चेतावणी</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">आपण PIN अक्षम केल्यास, आपण व्यक्तिचलितरीत्या बॅक अप आणि पुनर्संचयन केल्याशिवाय आपण Signal वर पुन्हा नोंदणी करताना आपण सर्व डेटा गमवाल. PIN अक्षम केलेले असताना आपण नोंदणी लॉक चालू करू शकत नाही.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ला तुम्हाला तुमच्या मित्रांशी कनेक्ट करण्यासाठी आणि संदेश पाठवण्यासाठी संपर्क आणि मीडिया परवानग्या आवश्यक आहेत. तुमचे संपर्क Signal चे खाजगी संपर्क शोध वापरून अपलोड केले जातात, याचा अर्थ ते एंड-टू-एंड एनक्रिप्ट केलेले आहेत आणि Signal सेवेला ते कधीही दिसत नाहीत.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal ला तुम्हाला तुमच्या मित्रांशी कनेक्ट करण्यासाठी संपर्क परवानगी आवश्यक आहेत. तुमचे संपर्क Signal चे खाजगी संपर्क शोध वापरून अपलोड केले जातात, याचा अर्थ ते एंड-टू-एंड एनक्रिप्ट केलेले आहेत आणि Signal सेवेला ते कधीही दिसत नाहीत.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">तुम्ही हा नंबर नोंदवण्यासाठी खूप प्रयत्न केले आहेत. कृपया नंतर पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">सेवेसोबत कनेक्ट करण्यात अक्षम. कृपया नेटवर्क कनेक्शन तपासा आणि पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">अ-मानक क्रमांक स्वरूप</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">तुम्ही प्रविष्‍ट केलेला क्रमांक (%1$s) हा अ-मानक स्वरूपाचा असल्याचे दिसते. \n\nतुम्हाला %2$s म्हणायचे होते का?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - फोन नंबर स्वरूप</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">कॉलची विनंती केली</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">आपण आता डीबग लॉग प्रविष्ट करण्याच्या %1$d पायरी दूर आहात.</item>
<item quantity="other">आपण आता डीबग लॉग प्रविष्ट करण्याच्या %1$d पायऱ्या दूर आहात.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">कॉल करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड पुन्हा पाठवा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">नोंदणी लॉक चालू करायचे?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">आपला PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">आपल्या खात्यासाठी आपण तयार केलेला PIN प्रविष्ट करा. हे आपल्या SMS सत्यापन कोडपेक्षा वेगळे आहे.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">अल्फान्यूमेरिक PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">न्यूमेरिक PIN प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">चुकीचा PIN.पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">आपल्या बॅकअपमध्ये एक अतिशय मोठी फाईल आहे जिचा बॅकअप घेतला जाऊ शकत नाही. कृपया ती हटवा किंवा नवीन बॅकअप तयार करा.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">बॅकअप व्यवस्थापित करण्यासाठी टॅप करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">चुकीचा नंबर?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) मला कॉल करा</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थनाशी संपर्क साधा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal नोंदणी - Android करिता सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">चुकीचा कोड</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nama pengguna dipadamkan</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Tiada kumpulan yang serupa</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Cipta PIN baharu</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Amaran</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Sekiranya anda menyahdayakan PIN, anda akan kehilangan semua data apabila anda mendaftar semula Signal, melainkan anda membuat sandaran dan pemulihan secara manual. Anda tidak dapat menghidupkan Kunci Pendaftaran semasa PIN dinyahdayakan.</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan kebenaran dari kenalan dan pihak media untuk membantu anda berhubung dengan rakan dan menghantar mesej. Kenalan anda dimuat naik menggunakan penemuan kenalan peribadi Signal, yang bermaksud mereka dienkripsikan dari hujung ke hujung dan tidak dipaparkan kepada perkhidmatan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal memerlukan kebenaran perhubungan untuk membantu anda berhubung dengan kenalan anda. Maklumat kenalan anda akan dimuat naik menggunakan ciri penerokaan kenalan peribadi Signal, yang bermakna ia dienkripsi hujung ke hujung dan tidak ditunjukkan kepada perkhidmatan Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Anda telah membuat terlalu banyak percubaan untuk mendaftar nombor ini. Sila cuba lagi kemudian.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Perkhidmatan tidak dapat disambungkan. Sila semak sambungan rangkaian dan cuba lagi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format nombor bukan standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nombor yang anda telah masukkan (%1$s) adalah dalam format bukan standard.\n\nAdakah anda maksudkan %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Format Nombor Telefon</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Panggilan diminta</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Anda kini %1$d langkah daripada menghantar log nyahpepijat.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Panggilan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod pengesahan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Hantar Semula Kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Hidupkan Kunci Pendaftaran?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Masukkan PIN anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Masukkan PIN yang anda buat untuk akaun anda. Ini berbeza dengan kod pengesahan SMS anda.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Masukkan PIN abjad angka</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Masukkan PIN angka</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN tidak betul. Cuba lagi.</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sandaran anda mengandungi fail yang saiznya terlalu besar dan tidak boleh disandar. Sila padamkannya dan cipta sandaran baru.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Ketik untuk menguruskan sandaran.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Nombor salah?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hubungi saya (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Hubungi Sokongan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kod Pengesahan untuk Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kod salah</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">သုံးစွဲသူအမည် ဖျက်ပစ်ပြီး</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">တူညီသော အဖွဲ့များ မရှိပါ</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">ပင်နံပါတ်အသစ်ဖန်တီးပါ</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">သတိပေးချက်</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN ကို ပိတ်ထားပါက Signal ကို ပြန်လည်စာရင်းသွင်းသည့်အခါ ကိုယ်တိုင် ဘက်ခ်အပ်လုပ်၍ ပြန်လည်မသိုလှောင်မချင်း ဒေတာအားလုံးပျောက်သွားပါလိမ့်မည်။ PIN ကို ပိတ်ထားစဉ် စာရင်းသွင်းလော့ခ်ကို ဖွင့်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal သည် သင့်အား မိတ်ဆွေများနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ပေးနိုင်ရန်နှင့် မက်ဆေ့ချ်များ ပေးပို့နိုင်စေရန်အတွက် ကူညီပေးရန် အဆက်အသွယ်နှင့် မီဒီယာ ခွင့်ပြုချက်များ လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ သင့်အဆက်အသွယ်များကို End-to-end ကုဒ်ပြောင်းဝှက်ထားသော Signal ၏ သီးသန့် အဆက်အသွယ် ရှာဖွေရေးကို သုံး၍ အပ်လုဒ်လုပ်ထားသောကြောင့် Signal ဝန်ဆောင်မှုတွင် မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မြင်ရမည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal သည် သင့်အား မိတ်ဆွေများနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်ပေးရန်အတွက် အဆက်အသွယ် ခွင့်ပြုချက် လိုအပ်ပါသည်။ သင့်အဆက်အသွယ်များကို End-to-end ကုဒ်ပြောင်းဝှက်ထားသော Signal ၏ သီးသန့် အဆက်အသွယ် ရှာဖွေရေးကို သုံး၍ အပ်လုဒ်လုပ်ထားသောကြောင့် Signal ဝန်ဆောင်မှုတွင် မည်သည့်အခါမျှ မြင်ရမည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ဤနံပတ်ဖြင့် မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်းကို အကြိမ်ပေါင်းများစွာ ကြိုးစားပြီးပါပြီ။ ကျေးဇူးပြူ၍ နောင်အခါမှ ပြန်လည်ကြိုးစားပါ။</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ဝန်ဆောင်မှုနှင့် ဆက်သွယ်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။ အင်တာနက်ချိတ်ဆက်မှုအား နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် စစ်ဆေး၍ ပြန်လည်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">စံပုံစံနှင့် မကိုက်ညီသည့် နံပါတ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">သင်ထည့်သွင်းထားသည့် နံပါတ် (%1$s) သည် စံပုံစံနှင့် မကိုက်ညီပုံပေါ်ပါသည်။\n\nသင်ဆိုလိုသည်မှာ %2$s ဟုတ်ပါသလား။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ဖုန်းနံပါတ် ပုံစံ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ကောလ် တောင်းဆိုပြီး</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">ယခု သင်သည် ပျက်ကွက်မှုပြင်ခြင်း မှတ်တမ်း တင်ရန်အတွက် အဆင့် %1$d ဆင့်သာလိုတော့သည်</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှု</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">အတည်ပြုကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ကုဒ် ပြန်ပို့ရန်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">မှတ်ပုံတင်မှု ပိတ်ထားခြင်းကို အသုံးပြုမည်လား?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">သင်၏ ပင်နံပါတ် ကိုထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">သင့်အကောင့်အတွက် ဖန်တီးထားသော ပင်နံပါတ် ထည့်ပါ၊ SMS စာတိုအနေဖြင့်ပေးပို့သည့် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်နှင့် မတူပါ။</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">အက္ခရာနံပါတ်ပါ ပင်နံပါတ်ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">နံပါတ်ပါ ပင်နံပါတ်ကို ရိုက်ထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ပင်နံပါတ်မှားနေသည်။ နောက်တစ်ကြိမ် ကြိုးစားပါ။</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">သင့်ဘက်ခ်အပ်တွင် သိမ်း၍ မရနိုင်သည့် အလွန်ကြီးသော ဖိုင်တစ်ဖိုင် ပါဝင်နေပါသည်။ ၎င်းကို ဖျက်ပြီး ဘက်ခ်အပ်အသစ် ဖန်တီးပါ။</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">အရန်ကူးခြင်းများကိုစီမံရန် နှိပ်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">နံပါတ် မှားနေပါသလား။</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">(%1$02d:%2$02d) အကြာတွင် ဖုန်းခေါ်ရန်</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal အကူအညီ ရယူမည်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်း Android အတွက် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ကုဒ် မှားနေပါသည်</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Brukernavnet er slettet</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ingen grupper til felles</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Opprett ny PIN-kode</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Advarsel</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Hvis du deaktiverer PIN-koden mister du alle data når du gjennomfører Signal-registreringen på nytt, med mindre du manuelt tar en sikkerhetskopi og gjenoppretter innholdet. Du kan ikke slå på registreringslåsen mens PIN-koden er deaktivert.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal trenger kontaktene og medietillatelsene for å hjelpe deg med å få kontakt med venner og sende meldinger. Kontaktene dine lastes opp ved hjelp av Signal private kontaktoppdagelse, noe som betyr at de er ende-til-ende-krypterte og aldri synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal trenger kontakttillatelsen for å hjelpe deg med å få kontakt med venner. Kontaktene dine lastes opp ved hjelp av Signal private kontaktoppdagelse, noe som betyr at de er ende-til-ende-krypterte og aldri synlige for Signal-tjenesten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du har gjort for mange forsøk på å registrere dette nummeret. Prøv igjen senere.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Klarte ikke å koble til tjenesten. Kontroller at du har en stabil nettilkobling og prøv på nytt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Ikke-standard tallformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Tallet du skrev inn (%1$s), ser ut til å være skrevet i et ikke-standard tallformat.\n\nMente du %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android format for telefonnummer</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Anrop forespurt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Du er nå %1$d steg unna fra å sende inn en feilsøkingslogg.</item>
<item quantity="other">Du er nå %1$d steg unna fra å sende inn en feilsøkingslogg.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Bekreftelseskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Send koden på nytt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktiver registreringslås?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Skriv inn PIN-koden din</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Skriv inn PIN-koden du opprettet for kontoen din. Dette er forskjellig fra SMS-bekreftelseskoden.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Skriv inn alfanumerisk PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Skriv inn numerisk PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Feil PIN-kode. Prøv igjen.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sikkerhetskopien inneholder en veldig stor fil som ikke kunne kopieres. Slett filen og opprett en ny sikkerhetskopi.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Trykk for å håndtere sikkerhetskopier.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Feil nummer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring meg (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal brukerstøtte</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Registrering - Verifikasjonskode for Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Feil kode</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Gebruikersnaam verwijderd</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Geen gemeenschappelijke groepen</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Nieuwe pincode aanmaken</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Waarschuwing</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Als je de pincode uitzet, verlies je alle gegevens als je Signal opnieuw registreert, tenzij je handmatig een back-up maakt en herstelt. Je kunt Registratievergrendeling niet aanzetten terwijl de pincode uitstaat.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal zal een aantal toestemmingen vragen: 1. Je contactenlijst lezen om personen weer te geven naar wie je berichten kunt verzenden. Je contactenlijst blijft altijd onleesbaar voor Signals servers. 2. Bestanden lezen van en schrijven naar de externe opslag, om bestanden bij te voegen als bijlagen en om ontvangen bijlagen op te kunnen slaan. 3. De telefoonstatus lezen om te voorkomen dat Signal-oproepen je andere oproepen verstoren.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal moet je contactenlijst lezen om personen weer te geven naar wie je berichten kunt sturen en met wie je oproepen kunt beginnen. Je contactenlijst blijft altijd onleesbaar voor Signals servers.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Je hebt te veel pogingen ondernomen om Signal voor dit telefoonnummer te registreren. Probeer het later opnieuw.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Het lukt niet om te verbinden met Signals servers. Ga na dat je apparaat met het internet is verbonden en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Afwijkend telefoonnummerformaat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Het door jou ingevulde telefoonnummer (%1$s) heeft een afwijkend formaat.\n\nBedoelde je %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefoonnummerformaat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Belverzoek ingediend</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Je bent nu %1$d stap verwijderd van het indienen van een foutopsporingslog.</item>
<item quantity="other">Je bent nu %1$d stappen verwijderd van het indienen van een foutopsporingslog.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Bel me</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verificatiecode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur code opnieuw</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Registratievergrendeling inschakelen?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Voer je pincode in</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Voer de pincode in welke je eerder hebt aangemaakt om informatie versleuteld op te slaan op Signals servers. Dit is niet dezelfde code als de telefoonnummerverificatie-code die je per sms of telefoonoproep hebt ontvangen.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Een alfanumerieke pincode invoeren</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Een numerieke pincode invoeren</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Foutieve pincode, probeer het opnieuw.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Je back-up bevat een erg groot bestand dat niet opgeslagen kan worden. Verwijder het en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tik hier om het maken van back-upbestanden in te stellen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Verkeerd nummer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contact opnemen met Signal-ondersteuning</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registratie - Verificatiecode voor Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Onjuiste code</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਾਂ ਮਿਟਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">ਕੋਈ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਸਾਂਝੇ ਨਹੀਂ</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">ਨਵਾਂ PIN ਬਣਾਓ</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ PIN ਨੂੰ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਇਆ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ Signal ਨੂੰ ਮੁੜ-ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਵੇਲੇ ਸਾਰਾ ਡੇਟਾ ਗੁਆ ਬੈਠੋਗੇ, ਜਦੋਂ ਤੱਕ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਖੁਦ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੈਂਦੇ ਅਤੇ ਰੀਸਟੋਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦੇ। PIN ਦੇ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਹੋਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਾਕ ਨੂੰ ਚਾਲੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰਨ ਤੇ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਭੇਜਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ Signal ਨੂੰ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਤੇ ਮੀਡੀਏ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ Signal ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਡਿਸਕਵਰੀ ਵਰਤ ਕੇ ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਸਿਰੇ-ਤੋਂ-ਸਿਰੇ ਤੱਕ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ Signal ਸੇਵਾ ਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ Signal ਨੂੰ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ Signal ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਡਿਸਕਵਰੀ ਵਰਤ ਕੇ ਅੱਪਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ, ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਸਿਰੇ-ਤੋਂ-ਸਿਰੇ ਤੱਕ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ Signal ਸੇਵਾ ਨੂੰ ਕਦੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੰਬਰ ਨੂੰ ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ਾਂ ਕਰ ਲਈਆਂ ਹਨ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ਸੇਵਾ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਮਿਆਰੀ ਅੰਕ ਰੂਪ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਨੰਬਰ (%1$s) ਗੈਰ-ਮਿਆਰੀ ਜਾਪਦਾ ਹੈ।\n\nਕੀ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਮਤਲਬ %2$s ਹੈ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਫਾਰਮਿਟ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਲਾਗ ਨੂੰ ਸਬਮਿਟ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ %1$d ਕਦਮ ਦੂਰ ਹੋ.</item>
<item quantity="other">ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਲੌਗ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਜ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ %1$d ਕਦਮ ਦੂਰ ਹੋ।</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ਕਾਲ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ਕੋਡ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਾਕ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ਆਪਣਾ PIN ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ PIN ਦਿਓ। ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ SMS ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕੋਡ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਖਰਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਖਿਆਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਣਿਆ PIN ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ਅੰਕਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਪਿੰਨ ਦਿਓ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">ਗਲਤ PIN। ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਵੱਡੀ ਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਨਵਾਂ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਬਣਾਓ।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ਬੈਕਅੱਪਾਂ ਦਾ ਇੰਤਜ਼ਾਮ ਕਨ ਲਈ ਛੂਹੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ਕੀ ਇਹ ਨੰਬਰ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ਸੰਪਰਕ Signal ਸਹਾਇਤਾ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ਰਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਸ਼ਨ - ਐਂਡਰਾਇਡ ਲਈ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀਕਰਣ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">ਗਲਤ ਕੋਡ</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nazwa użytkownika została skasowana</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Brak wspólnych grup</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Utwórz nowy PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Uwaga</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Jeśli wyłączysz PIN, przy ponownej rejestracji Signal stracisz wszystkie dane, chyba że ręcznie wykonasz i przywrócisz kopię zapasową. Gdy PIN jest wyłączony, nie możesz włączyć blokady rejestracji.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrzebuje dostępu do Twoich kontaktów i plików multimedialnych, aby ułatwić Ci połączenia ze znajomymi i wymianę wiadomości. Twoje kontakty są przesyłane z użyciem prywatnego wyszukiwania kontaktów Signal, co oznacza, że są zaszyfrowane metodą end-to-end i niedostępne dla usługi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrzebuje dostępu do Twoich kontaktów, aby ułatwić Ci połączenia ze znajomymi. Twoje kontakty są przesyłane z użyciem prywatnego wyszukiwania kontaktów Signal, co oznacza, że są zaszyfrowane metodą end-to-end i niedostępne dla usługi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Zbyt dużo nieudanych prób rejestracji tego numeru. Spróbuj ponownie później.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nie można połączyć się z serwisem. Proszę sprawdzić połączenie internetowe i spróbować ponownie.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Niestandardowy format numeru</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Podany przez Ciebie numer (%1$s) wydaje się mieć niestandardowy format.\n\nCzy chodziło Ci o %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Format numeru telefonu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Poproszono o połączenie</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Jesteś o %1$d krok od wysłania dziennika debugowania.</item>
<item quantity="few">Jesteś o %1$d kroki od wysłania dziennika debugowania.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zadzwoń</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod weryfikacyjny</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Wyślij ponownie kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Włączyć blokadę rejestracji?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Wpisz swój PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Wpisz kod PIN, który utworzyłeś(aś) dla swojego konta. Ten kod nie jest Twoim kodem weryfikacyjnym SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Wpisz alfanumeryczny PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Wpisz liczbowy PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nieprawidłowy PIN. Spróbuj ponownie.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Twoja kopia zapasowa zawiera bardzo duży plik, który nie może zostać zarchiwizowany. Usuń go i utwórz nową kopię zapasową.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Stuknij, aby zarządzać kopiami zapasowymi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Błędny numer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zadzwoń do mnie (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Skontaktuj się ze wsparciem technicznym Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rejestracja Signal - Kod weryfikacyjny dla systemu Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Niepoprawny kod</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nome de usuário excluído</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nenhum grupo em comum</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Criar novo PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Atenção</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Se desativar o PIN, você perderá todos os dados ao se registrar de novo com o Signal, a menos que faça backup e restaure manualmente. Você não pode ativar o Bloqueio de Registro enquanto o PIN estiver desativado.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal precisa de acesso aos seus contatos e arquivos de mídia para você poder se conectar com outras pessoas e enviar mensagens. Você encontrará os seus contatos por meio da criptografia de ponta a ponta, de modo que os responsáveis pelo Signal jamais armazenarão ou sequer terão acesso à sua lista de contatos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal precisa acessar sua lista de contatos para você se conectar com outras pessoas. Você encontrará os seus contatos por meio da criptografia de ponta a ponta, de modo que os responsáveis pelo Signal jamais armazenarão ou sequer terão acesso à sua lista de contatos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Você fez muitas tentativas de registrar este número. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Não é possível conectar ao serviço. Favor verificar a conexão à rede e tentar novamente.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato de número de telefone não reconhecido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número que você inseriu (%1$s) não parece estar no formato padrão de números de telefone.\n\nSerá que você quis dizer %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formato de números de telefone</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Ligação solicitada</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Agora você está a %1$d passo de enviar um registro de depuração.</item>
<item quantity="other">Agora você está a %1$d passos de enviar um registro de depuração.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ligar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Habilitar Desbloqueio de registro?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Digite seu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Digite o PIN que você criou para sua conta. Ele é diferente do seu código de verificação por SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Digite o PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Digite o PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorreto. Tente novamente.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Seu backup contém um arquivo muito grande não compatível com backup. Apague e crie um backup novo.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toque para gerenciar os backups.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número errado?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ligue pra mim (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Entre em contato com o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código incorreto</string>
@ -4012,7 +4046,7 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">Criar perfil</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bloqueada</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">Bloqueados</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$d contatos</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">Mensagens</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">Mensagens efêmeras</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nome de utilizador eliminado</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Sem grupos em comum</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Criar PIN novo</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Aviso</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Se desativar o PIN, todos os dados serão perdidos ao registar-se novamente no Signal, a menos que faça uma cópia de segurança e o restaure manualmente. Não pode ativar o Bloqueio de registo enquanto o PIN estiver desativado.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal necessita das permissões de acesso aos contatos e à multimédia para o ajudar a ligar-se a amigos e a enviar mensagens. Os seus contactos são carregados utilizando a descoberta de contacto privado do Signal, o que significa que eles são encriptados de ponta a ponta e nunca visíveis para o serviço do Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">O Signal necessita das permissões de acesso aos contatos para o ajudar a ligar-se a amigos. Os seus contactos são carregados utilizando a descoberta de contacto privado do Signal, o que significa que eles são encriptados de ponta a ponta e nunca visíveis para o serviço do Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Fez demasiadas tentativas para registar este número. Por favor, tente mais tarde.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Não foi possível ligar ao serviço. Por favor, verifique a sua ligação à rede e tente novamente.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Formato de número não padronizado</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">O número que introduziu (%1$s) não parece estar num formato padronizado.\n\nSerá que queria dizer %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formato de números de telefone</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Chamada pedida</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Está agora a %1$d passo de submeter um registo de depuração.</item>
<item quantity="other">Está agora a %1$d passos de submeter um registo de depuração.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Telefonar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ativar o \'Bloqueio de registo\'?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introduza o seu PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introduza o PIN que criou para a sua conta. Ele é diferente do seu código de verificação SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introduza um PIN alfanumérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introduza um PIN numérico</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorreto. Tente novamente.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A sua cópia de segurança contém um ficheiro muito grande que não pode ser copiado. Elimine esse ficheiro e crie uma nova cópia de segurança.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toque para gerir as cópias de segurança.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número errado?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Liguem-me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactar o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registo Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Código Incorrecto</string>

View file

@ -997,6 +997,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Numele de utilizator a fost șters</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nu există grupuri în comun</string>
@ -1653,6 +1659,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Creează un PIN nou</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Avertizare</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Dacă dezactivezi codul PIN, vei pierde toate datele când te înregistrezi din nou la Signal, cu excepția cazului când faci backup și restaurezi manual. Nu poți activa Blocarea înregistrării în timp ce codul PIN este dezactivat.</string>
@ -1843,11 +1860,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal are nevoie de permisiunea pentru contacte și media să te ajute să iei legătura cu prietenii și să trimiți mesaje. Contactele tale sunt încărcate utilizând descoperirea privată a contactelor de la Signal, ceea ce înseamnă că sunt criptate integral și nu sunt niciodată vizibile pentru serviciul Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal are nevoie de permisiunea pentru contacte să te ajute să iei legătura cu prietenii. Contactele tale sunt încărcate utilizând descoperirea privată a contactelor de la Signal, ceea ce înseamnă că sunt criptate integral și nu sunt niciodată vizibile pentru serviciul Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Ai făcut prea multe încercări de înregistrare a acestui număr. Te rugăm să încerci din nou mai târziu.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nu s-a putut realiza conexiunea la serviciu. Te rugăm verifică conexiunea la rețea și încearcă din nou.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Număr cu format non-standard</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Numărul pe care l-ai introdus (%1$s) pare a fi în format non-standard.\n\nAi vrut să scrii %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formatul Numărului de Telefon</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Apel solicitat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ești acum la %1$d pas de a trimite un jurnal de depanare.</item>
<item quantity="few">Ești acum la %1$d pași de a trimite un jurnal de depanare.</item>
@ -1868,6 +1892,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Apelează</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Cod de Verificare</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Trimite din nou codul</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activează Blocarea Înregistrării?</string>
@ -3392,6 +3421,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Introdu PIN-ul tău</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Introdu codul PIN pe care l-ai creat pentru contul tău. Acesta este diferit față de codul de verificare prin SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Introdu un PIN alfanumeric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Introdu un PIN numeric</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN incorect. Încearcă din nou.</string>
@ -3500,7 +3531,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Backup-ul tău conține un fișier foarte mare care nu poate fi adăugat la backup. Șterge-l și creează un backup nou.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Atinge pentru a gestiona backup-uri.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Număr greșit?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Sună-mă (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactează Asistența Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Înregistrare Signal - Cod de Verificare pentru Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Cod incorect</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Имя пользователя удалено</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Нет общих групп</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Создать новый PIN-код</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Предупреждение</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Если вы отключите Пин-код, то при переустановке Signal потеряете все данные, если заранее вручную не создадите резервную копию. При отключённом Пин-коде нельзя будет включить блокировку регистрации.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal необходим доступ к вашим контактам и медиафайлам, чтобы помочь вам связаться с друзьями и отправлять сообщения. Ваши контакты загружаются с помощью технологии конфиденциального обнаружения контактов Signal, которая использует сквозное шифрование, поэтому ваши контакты никогда не видны сервису Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal необходим доступ к вашим контактам, чтобы помочь вам связаться с друзьями. Ваши контакты загружаются с помощью технологии конфиденциального обнаружения контактов Signal, которая использует сквозное шифрование, поэтому ваши контакты никогда не видны сервису Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Вы сделали слишком много попыток зарегистрировать этот номер. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз позже.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Не удается подключиться к сервису. Пожалуйста, проверьте подключение к сети и повторите попытку.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартный номер телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Номер, который вы ввели (%1$s), похоже, не в стандартном формате.\n\nВы имели в виду %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Формат номера телефона</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Звонок запрошен</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Вы в %1$d шаге от отправки журнала отладки.</item>
<item quantity="few">Вы в %1$d шагах от отправки журнала отладки.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Позвонить</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код подтверждения</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Отправить код ещё раз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включить блокировку регистрации?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Введите свой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Введите PIN-код, который вы создали для своей учётной записи. Это не то же самое. что проверочный код из SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ввести буквенно-цифровой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ввести цифровой PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Неверный PIN-код. Попробуйте ещё раз.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ваша резервная копия содержит очень большой файл, резервное копирование которого невозможно. Пожалуйста, удалите его и создайте новую резервную копию.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Нажмите, чтобы управлять резервным копированием.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Неправильный номер?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Позвоните мне (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Связаться с поддержкой Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация в Signal - код подтверждения для Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Неверный код</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Používateľské meno bolo odstránené</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Žiadne spoločné skupiny</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Vytvoriť nový PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varovanie</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ak vypnete PIN, opätovnou registráciou Signalu prídete o všetky svoje údaje, pokiaľ ich manuálne nezálohujete a neobnovíte. Kým bude PIN vypnutý, nebudete môcť zapnúť registračný zámok.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje povolenia na kontakty a médiá, aby vám pomohol spojiť sa s priateľmi a odosielať správy. Vaše kontakty sa nahrávajú pomocou zisťovania súkromných kontaktov Signal, čo znamená, že sú šifrované end-to-end a nikdy ich služba Signal nevidí.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje povolenie kontaktov, aby vám pomohol spojiť sa s priateľmi. Vaše kontakty sa nahrávajú pomocou zisťovania súkromných kontaktov Signal, čo znamená, že sú šifrované end-to-end a nikdy ich služba Signal nevidí.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Urobili ste príliš veľa pokusov o zaregistrovanie tohto čísla. Prosím, skúste to znovu neskôr.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Nepodarilo sa pripojiť k službe. Prosím, overte Vaše sieťové pripojenie a skúste to znovu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Neštandardný formát čísla</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Zdá sa, že zadané číslo (%1$s) má neštandardný formát.\n\n Mali ste na mysli %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Formát telefónneho čísla</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Hovor požadovaný</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ste %1$d krok od odoslania ladiaceho záznamu.</item>
<item quantity="few">Ste %1$d kroky od odoslania ladiaceho záznamu.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zavolať</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Overovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu odoslať kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Zapnúť registračný zámok?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Zadajte svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Zadajte PIN, ktorý ste si pre váš účet vytvorili. Nie je to to isté ako SMS overovací kód.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Zadajte alfanumerický PIN kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Zadajte číselný PIN kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nesprávny PIN kód. Skúste to znova.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša záloha obsahuje veľmi veľký súbor, ktorý nie je možné zálohovať. Odstráňte ho a vytvorte novú zálohu.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Ťukni pre správu záloh.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Zlé číslo?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zavolajte mi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktovať podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrácia v Signali Overovací kód pre Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Nesprávny kód</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Uporabniško ime izbrisano</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Nobene skupne skupine</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Ustvari nov PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Opozorilo</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Z izklopom številke PIN boste ob ponovni prijavi v svoj račun Signal izgubili vse tam shranjene podatke, razen če prej sami ne ustvarite varnostne kopije. Brez PIN-a tudi ne morete vklopiti zaklepa registracije.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje dovoljenje za dostop do vaših stikov in medijskih datotek, da lahko komunicirate s svojimi prijatelji_cami in pošiljate sporočila. Vaši stiki so prenešeni na strežnik preko Signalovga zasebnega odkrivanja stikov, kar pomeni, da so šifrirani od-konca-do-konca in niso nikdar vidni storitvi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal potrebuje dovoljenje za dostop do vaših stikov, da lahko komunicirate s svojimi prijatelji_cami. Vaši stiki so prenešeni na strežnik preko Signalovga zasebnega odkrivanja stikov, kar pomeni, da so šifrirani od-konca-do-konca in niso nikdar vidni storitvi Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Preveč neuspešnih poskusov registracije te telefonske številke. Prosimo poskusite znova kasneje.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Povezava s storitvijo ni mogoča. Preverite omrežje in poskusite znova.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Nestandardni format številk</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Številka, ki ste jo vpisali (%1$s) je v nestandardnem formatu.\n\nSte morda mislili %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Format telefonskih številk</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Zahtevek za klic</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ste %1$d korak pred oddajo sistemske zabeležbe.</item>
<item quantity="two">Ste %1$d koraka pred oddajo sistemske zabeležbe.</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Kliči</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikacijska koda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno mi pošlji kodo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Želite vklopiti zaklep registracije?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Vnesite svoj PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Vnesite PIN, ki ste ga ustvarili za zaklep svojega računa. Tu ne gre za SMS potrditveno kodo.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Vnesite alfanumerični PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Vnesite številčni PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Napačen PIN. Poskusite znova.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša varnostna kopija vsebuje zelo veliko datoteko, ki je ni mogoče varnostno kopirati. Izbrišite jo in ustvarite novo varnostno kopijo.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tapnite za urejanje varnostnih kopij.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Napačna številka?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Pokliči me (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktiraj center za podporo Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija za storitev Signal - verifikacijska koda za Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Napačna koda</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Emri i përdoruesit u fshi</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">S\\ka grupe të përbashkët</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Krijoni PIN të ri</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Paralajmërim</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Nëse çaktivizoni kodin PIN, do t\'i humbni të gjitha të dhënat kur të regjistroni sërish Signal, veç nëse bëni manualisht kopje rezervë dhe rivendosje. Nuk mund të aktivizoni Çelësin e Regjistrimit kur kodi PIN është i çaktivizuar.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Për t\\ju ndihmuar të lidheni me shokët tuaj dhe dërgoni mesazhe, Signal-i lyp leje mbi kontaktet dhe median. Kontaktet tuaja ngarkohen duke përdorur pikasje private kontaktesh të Signal-it, që do të thotë se janë të fshehtëzuara skaj-më-skaj dhe kurrë të dukshme për shërbimin Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Për t\\ju ndihmuar të lidheni me shokët tuaj, Signal-i lyp leje mbi kontaktet. Kontaktet tuaja ngarkohen duke përdorur pikasje private kontaktesh të Signal-it, që do të thotë se janë të fshehtëzuara skaj-më-skaj dhe kurrë të dukshme për shërbimin Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Keni bërë shumë përpjekje për të regjistruar këtë numër. Ju lutemi, riprovoni më vonë.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">S\\arrihet të bëhet lidhja te shërbimi. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni lidhjen me rrjetin dhe riprovoni.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Format jostandard numrash</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Numri që dhatë (%1$s) duket të jetë në një format jo standard.\n\nKishit ndërmend %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal për Android - Format Numrash Telefoni</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">U kërkua thirrje</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ju ndan %1$d hap nga parashtrimi i një regjistri diagnostikimesh.</item>
<item quantity="other">Ju ndajnë %1$d hapa nga parashtrimi i një regjistri diagnostikimesh.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Thirrje</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod verifikimi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ridërgo kodin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Të aktivizohet Kyçja e Regjistrimeve?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Jepni PIN-in tuaj</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Jepni PIN-in që krijuar për llogarinë tuaj. Ky është tjetër gjë nga kodi juaj i verifikimit me SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Jepni PIN alfanumerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Jepni PIN numerik</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN i pasaktë. Riprovoni.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Rezerva jote përmban një skedar shumë të madh, që nuk mund të rezervohet. Të lutem, fshije dhe krijo një kopje të re rezervë.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Prekeni që të administroni kopjeruajtje.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Numër i gabuar?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Më telefono (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Lidhuni Me Asistencën e Signal-it</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Regjistrim Signal-i - Kod Verifikimi për Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kod i gabuar</string>

View file

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">Желите ли да блокирате и напустите групу %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">Желите ли да блокирате групу %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">Желите ли да блокирате преписку %1$s?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates">Више нећете примати поруке или ажурирања од ове групе, чланови више неће бити у могућности да Вас поново додају у ову групу.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you">Чланови групе неће бити у могућности да Вас поново додају у ову групу.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you">Чланови групе ће бити у могућности да Вас поново додају у ову групу.</string>
@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Корисничко име је избрисано</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Нема заједничких група</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Направи нови PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Упозорење</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ако искључите PIN, изгубићете све податке када поново региструјете Signal, осим ако ручно не направите резервне копије и вратите податке. Не можете укључити закључавање регистрације ако је PIN искључен.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal-у су потребна дозволе за контакте и медије да би се лакше прикачили са пријатељима и слали поруке. Ваши контакти су послани са Signal-ом, што знаћи са си шифровани и невидљиви са стране Signal сервиса.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal-у су потребна дозволе за контакте да би се лакше прикачили са пријатељима. Ваши контакти су послани са Signal-ом, што знаћи са си шифровани и невидљиви са стране Signal сервиса.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Превише пута сте покушали да региструјете овај број. Покушајте поново касније.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Није могуће успоставити везу са сервисом. Проверите да ли сте повезани на интернет и покушајте поново.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Не стандардни формат цифре</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Унета цифра (%1$s) нема стандардни формат.\n\nДа ли сте мислили на %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Формат броја телефона</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Затражен позив</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Преостаје вам још %1$d корак да бисте послали евиденцију отклањања грешака.</item>
<item quantity="other">Преостаје вам још %1$d корака да бисте послали евиденцију отклањања грешака.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Позови</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Шифра за верификацију</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Пошаљи шифру поново</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Укључи закључавање регистрације?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Унесите ваш PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Унесите PIN вашег налога. Ово није исто што и ваш SMS верификациони кôд.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Унеси алфанумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Унеси нумерички PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Нетачан PIN. Покушајте поново.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ваша резервна копија садржи веома велики фајл за који се не може креирати резервна копија. Обришите га и креирајте нову резервну копију.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Додирните за управљање резервним копијама.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Погрешан број?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Позови ме (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Контактирајте Signal подршку</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal регистрација - верификациони кôд за Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Погрешан кôд</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Användarnamn raderat</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Inga gemensamma grupper</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Skapa ny PIN-kod</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Varning</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Om du inaktiverar PIN-koden kommer du att förlora alla data när du registrerar om Signal om du inte säkerhetskopierar och återställer manuellt. Du kan inte aktivera registreringslåset medan PIN-koden är inaktiverad.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal behöver kontakter och mediabehörigheter för att hjälpa dig att ansluta till vänner och skicka meddelanden. Dina kontakter laddas upp med Signals privata kontaktupptäckt, vilket innebär att de är ände-till-ände-krypterade och aldrig synliga för Signal-tjänsten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal behöver kontaktbehörighet för att hjälpa dig att få kontakt med vänner. Dina kontakter laddas upp med Signals privata kontaktupptäckt, vilket innebär att de är ände-till-ände-krypterade och aldrig synliga för Signal-tjänsten.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Du har gjort för många försök att registrera detta nummer. Försök igen senare.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Det går inte att ansluta till tjänsten. Kontrollera nätverksanslutning och försök igen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Icke-standardiserat sifferformat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Siffran du angav (%1$s) verkar vara ett icke-standardformat.\n\nMenade du %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefonnummerformat</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Samtal begärt</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Du är nu %1$d steg bort från att skicka in en felsökningslogg.</item>
<item quantity="other">Du är nu %1$d steg bort från att skicka in en felsökningslogg.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifieringskod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Skicka koden på nytt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktivera registreringslåset?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ange din PIN-kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ange PIN-koden du skapade för ditt konto. Denna skiljer sig från din SMS-verifieringskod.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ange alfanumerisk PIN-kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ange numerisk PIN-kod</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Felaktig PIN-kod. Försök igen.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Din säkerhetskopia innehåller en stor fil som inte kan säkerhetskopieras. Radera den och skapa en ny säkerhetskopia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tryck för att hantera säkerhetskopior.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Fel nummer?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring mig (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakta Signal-support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrering - Verifieringskod för Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Felaktig kod</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Jina la mtumiaji limefutwa</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Hakuna vikundi mnavyoshiriki pamoja</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Unda PIN mpya</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Onyo</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Ukizima PIN, utapoteza data zote utakaposajili upya Signal isipokuwa kama ukihifadhi nakala yake na kuirejesha mwenyewe. Huwezi kuwasha Kufuli la Usajili wakati PIN imezimwa.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal inahitaji idhini za mawasiliano na media ili kukuwezesha kuwasiliana na marafiki na kutuma jumbe. Wawasiliani wako wamesasishwa kwa kutumia mfumo wa siri wa kuvumbua wawasiliani wa Signal, inayomaanisha zipo kwenye mfumo wa end-to-end na haionekani kwenye huduma za Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal inahitaji idhini ya wawasiliani wako kukuwezesha kuwasiliana na marafiki. Wawasiliani wako wamesasishwa kwa kutumia mfumo wa siri wa kuvumbua wawasiliani wa Signal, inayomaanisha zipo kwenye mfumo wa end-to-end na haionekani kwenye huduma za Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Umefanya majaribio mengi sana ili kusajili nambari hii. Tafadhali jaribu tena baadaye.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Imeshindwa kuunganisha kwenye huduma. Tafadhali angalia muunganisho wako wa mtandao na ujaribu tena.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Mfumo wa nambari usio wa kiwango</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Nambari uliyoingiza (%1$s) inaonekana kuwa isiyo ya mfumo wa nambari usio wa kiwango.\n\nUlimaanisha %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Mfumo wa Nambari ya Simu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Ombi la kupiga simu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Sasa uko hatua %1$dkabla uwasilishe faili la rekebisho.</item>
<item quantity="other">Sasa uko hatua %1$d kabla uwasilishe faili la rekebisho.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Piga</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kodi ya uthibitisho</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Tuma upya Kodi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Je, washa Kufuli ya Usajili?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri lako</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ingiza Nenosiri ulilobuni kwa hii akaunti. Hii ni tofauti na nambari za kuthibitisha kupitia Ujumbe mfupi.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri la herufi na nambari</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ingiza Nenosiri lenye nambari</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Nenosiri sio sahihi. Jaribu tena.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Nakala hifadhi yako ina faili kubwa ambalo haliwezi kuhifadhiwa. Tafadhali lifute na utengeneze nakala hifadhi mpya.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Gonga ili udhibiti nakala hifadhi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Sio namba sahihi?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nipigie (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Wasiliana na Msaada wa Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Usajili wa Signal: Msimbo wa Hakiki wa Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Kodi isiyo sahihi</string>

View file

@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
<string name="BackgroundMessageRetriever_checking_for_messages">செய்திகளைச் சரிபார்க்கிறது…</string>
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">தடைசெய் பயனர்கள்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">தடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனரைச் சேர்க்கவும்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">தடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனர்கள் உங்களை அழைக்கவோ அல்லது செய்திகளை அனுப்பவோ முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">தடைசெய் பயனர்கள் எவருமில்லை</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">பயனர் அணுகலைத் தடு</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">தடைசெய்யப்பட்ட பயனர்கள்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">தடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனரைச் சேர்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">தடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனர்கள் உங்களை அழைக்கவோ அல்லது உங்களுக்கு மெசேஜ்களை அனுப்பவோ முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">தடைசெய்யப்பட்ட பயனர்கள் எவருமில்லை</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">பயனரை தடை செய்ய வேண்டுமா?</string>
<string name="BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to">\"%1$s\" உங்களை அழைக்கவோ அல்லது செய்திகளை அனுப்பவோ முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">தட</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">தடைசெய்</string>
<!-- CreditCardFragment -->
<!-- Title of fragment detailing the donation amount for one-time donation, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
<string name="CreditCardFragment__continue">தொடரவும்</string>
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">தடுத்து %1$sஐ விடவா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">%1$sஐ தடுத்து விடவா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">%1$s ஐத் தடுத்து விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டுமா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">%1$sஐத் தடுக்க வேண்டுமா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates">இந்த குழுவிலிருந்து நீங்கள் இனி செய்திகளையோ புதுப்பிப்புகளையோ பெறமாட்டீர்கள், மேலும் உறுப்பினர்கள் உங்களை மீண்டும் இந்தக் குழுவில் சேர்க்க முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you">குழு உறுப்பினர்கள் உங்களை மீண்டும் இந்த குழுவில் சேர்க்க முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you">குழு உறுப்பினர்கள் உங்களை இந்த குழுவிற்கு மீண்டும் சேர்க்க முடியும்.</string>
@ -148,16 +148,16 @@
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_call_and_message_each_other">நீங்கள் ஒருவருக்கொருவர் செய்தி அனுப்பவும் அழைக்கவும் முடியும், மேலும் உங்கள் பெயரும் புகைப்படமும் அவர்களுடன் பகிரப்படும்.</string>
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other">உங்களால் ஒருவருக்கொருவர் செய்தி அனுப்ப முடியும்.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">தடுக்கப்பட்ட நபர்கள் உங்களை அழைக்கவோ அல்லது செய்திகளை அனுப்பவோ முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">தடை செய்யப்பட்ட நபர்கள் உங்களுக்கு செய்திகளை அனுப்ப முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">தடுக்கப்பட்ட நபர்கள் உங்களை அழைக்கவோ அல்லது மெசேஜ்களை அனுப்பவோ முடியாது.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">தடைசெய்யப்பட்ட நபர்கள் உங்களுக்கு மெசேஜ்களை அனுப்ப முடியாது.</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">சிக்னல் புதுப்பிப்புகள் மற்றும் செய்திகள் பெறுவதைத் தடை செய்யவும்.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal அறிவிப்புகள் மற்றும் செய்திகள் பெறுவதைத் தடைசெய்யலாம்.</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">சிக்னல் புதுப்பிப்புகள் மற்றும் செய்திகளைப் பெறுவதைத் தொடரவும்.</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">%1$sஐ தடைநீக்கவா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">தட</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">தடுத்து வெளியேறு</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">ஸ்பேம் என முறையிட மற்றும் தொகுதி</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">%1$sக்குத் தடையை நீக்க வேண்டுமா?</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">தடுத்துவிட்டு வெளியேறு</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">ஸ்பேமைப் புகாரளித்து தடுக்கவும்</string>
<!-- BucketedThreadMedia -->
<string name="BucketedThreadMedia_Today">இன்று</string>
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_transport_signal">Signal செய்தி</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_lets_switch_to_signal">%1$s நாம் Signalக்கு மாறுவோம்</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_specify_recipient">தயவு செய்து ஒரு தொடர்பை தேர்ந்தெடு</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unblock">தடுப்புநீக்க</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unblock">தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_attachment_exceeds_size_limits">நீங்கள் அனுப்பும் இணைப்பு செய்தி அளவு வரம்பை மீறுகிறது .</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unable_to_record_audio">ஒலி பதிவுச் செய்ய இயலவில்லை!</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_you_cant_send_messages_to_this_group">நீங்கள் இனி உறுப்பினராக இல்லாததால் இந்த குழுவிற்கு செய்திகளை அனுப்ப முடியாது.</string>
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_error_sending_media">மீடியா அனுப்புவதில் பிழை</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">என புகாரளிக்கப்பட்டது ஸ்பேம் மற்றும் தடுக்கப்பட்டது.</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">ஸ்பேம் எனப் புகாரளிக்கப்பட்டு தடுக்கப்பட்டது.</string>
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
<string name="ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone">SMS மெசேஜிங் தற்போது முடக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. உங்கள் மொபைலில் உள்ள மற்றொரு செயலிக்கு உங்கள் மெசேஜ்களை நீங்கள் ஏற்றுமதி செய்யலாம்.</string>
@ -452,11 +452,11 @@
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link">%1$s குழு இணைப்பு வாயிலாக இந்த குழுவில் சேரவோ அல்லது சேர கோரிக்கை விடுக்கவோ முடியாது. அவர்கள் இன்னும் கைமுறையாக குழுவில் சேர்க்கப்படலாம்.</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">கோரிக்கையைத் தடை செய்</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__block_request_button">கோரிக்கையைத் தடைசெய்</string>
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__cancel">ரத்து</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">தடுக்கப்பட்ட</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">தடைசெய்யப்பட்டார்</string>
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
<string name="ConversationListFragment__clear_filter">ஃபில்டரை அழி</string>
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
@ -497,12 +497,12 @@
<item quantity="other">அவிழ்</item>
<plurals name="ConversationListFragment_mute_plural">
<item quantity="one">முடக்கு</item>
<item quantity="other">முடக்கு</item>
<item quantity="one">ஒலியடக்கு</item>
<item quantity="other">ஒலியடக்கு</item>
<plurals name="ConversationListFragment_unmute_plural">
<item quantity="one">ஒலிதடுப்பை நீக்கு</item>
<item quantity="other">ஒலிதடுப்பை நீக்கு</item>
<item quantity="one">ஒலி இயக்கு</item>
<item quantity="other">ஒலி இயக்கு</item>
<string name="ConversationListFragment_select">தேர்வு</string>
<plurals name="ConversationListFragment_archive_plural">
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">என் பெயர் குறிப்புகளை எனக்கு அறிவி</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">ஒலியடக்கிய உரையாடல்களில் மற்றவர்களால் நீங்கள் குறிப்பிடப்படும்போது அறிவிப்புகள் பெறலாமா?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">ஒலியடக்கிய சாட்களில் மற்றவர்களால் நீங்கள் குறிப்பிடப்படும்போது அறிவிப்புகள் பெறலாமா?</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">எப்போதும் எனக்கு அறிவிக்கவும்</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">எனக்கு அறிவிக்க வேண்டாம்</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">பயனர்பெயர் நகலெடுக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">பயனர்பெயரை நீக்க முடியவில்லை. பின்னர் மீண்டும் முயலவும்.</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">பயனர் பெயர் நீக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1473,14 +1479,14 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_accept">ஒப்புக்கொள்</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue">தொடர்ந்து செல் </string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_delete">நீக்கு</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">தட</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">%1$s உங்களுக்கு செய்தி அனுப்ப அனுமதித்து, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அவர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள விரும்புகிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும் வரை அவர்களின் செய்தியை நீங்கள் பார்த்திருப்பதை அவர்கள் அறிய மாட்டார்கள்.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s உங்களுக்கு செய்தி அனுப்ப அனுமதித்து, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அவர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள விரும்புகிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் அவரை தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த செய்திகளையும் பெற மாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s உங்களுக்கு மெசேஜ் அனுப்ப அனுமதித்து, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அவர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள விரும்புகிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் அவரை தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த மெசேஜ்களையும் பெற மாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">உங்களுக்கு %1$s செய்தி அனுப்ப அனுமதிக்கிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை நீங்கள் எந்த செய்தியையும் பெறமாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s -இடமிருந்து புதுப்பிப்புகள் மற்றும் செய்திகளைப் பெற வேண்டுமா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த புதுப்பிப்புகளையும் பெறமாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">உங்களுக்கு %1$s மெசேஜ் அனுப்ப அனுமதிக்கிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை நீங்கள் எந்த மெசேஜையும் பெறமாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s -இடமிருந்து அறிவிப்புகள் மற்றும் செய்திகளைப் பெற வேண்டுமா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த அறிவிப்புகளையும் பெறமாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">இந்த குழுவுடன் உங்கள் உரையாடலைத் தொடர, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அதன் உறுப்பினர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளவா?</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">\@ குறிப்புகள் மற்றும் நிர்வாகிகள் போன்ற புதிய அம்சங்களை செயல்படுத்த இந்த குழுவை மேம்படுத்தவும். இந்த குழுவில் தங்கள் பெயரையோ புகைப்படத்தையோ பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளாத உறுப்பினர்கள் சேர அழைக்கப்படுவார்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">இந்த மரபு குழு மிகப் பெரியது, எனவே இதை இனி பயன்படுத்த முடியாது. அதிகபட்ச குழு அளவு: %1$d</string>
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">இந்த குழுவில் சேர்ந்து உங்கள் பெயர் மற்றும் புகைப்படத்தை அதன் உறுப்பினர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள விரும்புகிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும் வரை அவர்களின் செய்திகளை நீங்கள் பார்த்திருப்பதை அவர்கள் அறிய மாட்டார்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">இந்த குழுவில் சேர்ந்து உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அதன் உறுப்பினர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்துகொள்கிறீர்களா? நீங்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும் வரை அவர்களின் செய்திகளைப் பார்க்க மாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">இந்த குழுவில் சேரவா? நீங்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும் வரை அவர்களின் செய்திகளைப் பார்த்திருப்பதை அவர்கள் அறிய மாட்டார்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">இந்த குழுவைத் தடை நீக்கம் செய்து, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அதன் உறுப்பினர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளலாமா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த செய்திகளையும் பெற மாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">இந்த குழுவைத் தடை நீக்கம் செய்து, உங்கள் பெயரையும் புகைப்படத்தையும் அதன் உறுப்பினர்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளலாமா? நீங்கள் தடை நீக்கம் செய்யும் வரை எந்த மெசேஜ்களையும் பெற மாட்டீர்கள்.</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">காண்க</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">உறுப்பினர்%1$s</string>
@ -1589,9 +1595,20 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">புதிய பின்னை உருவாக்கவும்</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">எச்சரிக்கை</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">நீங்கள் PIN-ஐ முடக்கினால், நீங்கள் கைமுறையாக காப்புப்பிரதி எடுத்து மீட்டெடுக்காவிட்டால் Signal-ஐ மீண்டும் பதிவுசெய்யும்போது எல்லா தரவையும் இழப்பீர்கள். PIN முடக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் போது நீங்கள் பதிவு பூட்டை இயக்க முடியாது.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">நீங்கள் PIN-ஐ முடக்கினால், நீங்கள் கைமுறையாக பேக்அப் செய்து மீட்டெடுக்காமல் Signalஐ மீண்டும் பதிவுசெய்யும்போது எல்லா தரவையும் இழப்பீர்கள். PIN முடக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் போது நீங்கள் பதிவு பூட்டை இயக்க முடியாது.</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin">PIN-ஐ முடக்கு</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
@ -1621,8 +1638,8 @@
<string name="Recipient_my_story">எனது ஸ்டோரி</string>
<!-- RecipientPreferencesActivity -->
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">தட</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">தடுப்புநீக்க</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">தடைநீக்கு</string>
<!-- RecipientProvider -->
@ -1716,9 +1733,9 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__camera">புகைப்பட கருவி</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">ஒலியடக்கை நீக்கு</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">ஒலியக்கு</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">முடக்கு</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__ring">அழை</string>
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் இணைவதற்கும் செய்திகளை அனுப்புவதற்கும் உதவ சிக்னலுக்கு தொடர்புகள் மற்றும் மீடியா அனுமதிகள் தேவை. உங்கள் தொடர்புகள் சிக்னலின் தனிப்பட்ட தொடர்பு கண்டறிதலைப் பயன்படுத்தி பதிவேற்றப்படுகின்றன, அதாவது அவை முடிவிலிருந்து-முடிவுவரை மறையாக்கப்பட்டவை மற்றும் சிக்னல் சேவைக்கு ஒருபோதும் தெரியப்படுவதில்லை.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">நண்பர்களுடன் நீங்கள் இணைவதற்கு உதவ சிக்னலுக்கு தொடர்புகளின் அனுமதி தேவை. உங்கள் தொடர்புகள் சிக்னலின் தனிப்பட்ட தொடர்பு கண்டறிதலைப் பயன்படுத்தி பதிவேற்றப்படுகின்றன, அதாவது அவை முடிவிலிருந்து-முடிவுவரை மறையாக்கப்பட்டவை மற்றும் சிக்னல் சேவைக்கு ஒருபோதும் தெரியப்படுவதில்லை.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">இந்த எண்ணை பதிவு செய்ய நீங்கள் பல முயற்சிகளை செய்துள்ளீர்கள். சிறிது நேரம் கழித்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">சேவையுடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை. பிணைய இணைப்பைச் சரிபார்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">நான்-ஸ்டாண்டர்ட் எண் வடிவம்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட எண் (%1$s) நான்-ஸ்டாண்டர்ட் எண் வடிவத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.\n\nநீங்கள் %2$s-ஐ நினைத்தீர்களா?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">சிக்னல் ஆண்ட்ராய்டு - தொலைபேசி எண் வடிவம்</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">அழைப்பு கோரப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">பிழைத்திருத்த பதிவைச் சமர்ப்பிப்பதில் இருந்து இப்போது நீங்கள் %1$d விலகிவிட்டீர்கள்.</item>
<item quantity="other">பிழைத்திருத்த பதிவைச் சமர்ப்பிப்பதில் இருந்து இப்போது நீங்கள் %1$d படிகள் தொலைவில் உள்ளீர்கள்.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">அழை</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">குறியீட்டை மீண்டும் அனுப்பு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">பதிவு பூட்டை இயக்கவா?</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">திட்டமிடப்பட்ட செய்தி</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">உங்கள் மெசேஜ் வரலாறு இணைக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s க்கு சொந்தமானது</string>
@ -2039,7 +2068,7 @@
<string name="MmsMessageRecord_mms_message_encrypted_for_non_existing_session">இல்லாத அமர்வுக்கு மறையாக்கப்பட்ட MMS செய்தி</string>
<!-- MuteDialog -->
<string name="MuteDialog_mute_notifications">அறிவிப்பை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="MuteDialog_mute_notifications">அறிவிப்புகளை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<!-- ApplicationMigrationService -->
<string name="ApplicationMigrationService_import_in_progress">இறக்குமதி முன்னேறுகிறது</string>
@ -2307,7 +2336,7 @@
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_enable_call_notifications">அழைப்பு அறிவிப்புகளை இயக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_update_contact">தொடர்பைப் புதுப்பிக்கவும்</string>
<!-- Update item button text to show to block a recipient from requesting to join via group link -->
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">கோரிக்கையைத் தடை செய்</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_block_request">கோரிக்கையைத் தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_groups_in_common_review_requests_carefully">இல்லை குழுக்கள்பொதுவாக. கோரிக்கைகளை கவனமாக மதிப்பாய்வு செய்யவும்.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_no_contacts_in_this_group_review_requests_carefully">இல்லை இதில் தொடர்புகள் குழு. கோரிக்கைகளை கவனமாக மதிப்பாய்வு செய்யவும்.</string>
<string name="ConversationUpdateItem_view">காண்க</string>
@ -2645,7 +2674,7 @@
<string name="arrays__use_custom">விருப்பம் பயன்படுத்தவும்</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">1 மணி நேரம் ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">முடக்கு 8 மணி நேரம்</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">8 மணி நேரம் ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">1 நாள் ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">7 நாட்கள் ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="arrays__always">எப்போதும்</string>
@ -2684,9 +2713,9 @@
<string name="preferences__pref_use_address_book_photos">முகவரி புத்தக புகைப்படங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்</string>
<string name="preferences__display_contact_photos_from_your_address_book_if_available">உங்கள் முகவரி புத்தகத்திலிருந்து தொடர்பு புகைப்படங்கள் இருந்தால் காண்பி</string>
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">முடக்கப்பட்ட அரட்டைகளைக் காப்பகப்படுத்தவும்</string>
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">முடக்கப்பட்ட சாட்களைக் காப்பகப்படுத்துக</string>
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">புதிய செய்தி வரும்போது காப்பகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட முடக்கப்பட்ட அரட்டைகள் காப்பகப்படுத்தப்பட்டதாகவே இருக்கும்.</string>
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">புதிய மெசேஜ் வரும்போது காப்பகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட முடக்கப்பட்ட சாட்கள் காப்பகப்படுத்தப்பட்டதாகவே இருக்கும்.</string>
<string name="preferences__generate_link_previews">இணைப்பு மாதிரிக்காட்சிகளை உருவாக்கவும்</string>
<string name="preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages">நீங்கள் அனுப்பும் செய்திகளுக்கு வலைத்தளங்களிலிருந்து இணைப்பு முன்னோட்டங்களை நேரடியாக மீட்டெடுக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="preferences__change_passphrase">கடவுச்சொல்லை மாற்று</string>
@ -2980,7 +3009,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">கட்டணம் அனுப்பப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">கட்டணம் அனுப்பப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">கட்டணம் முடிந்தது %1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">தடு எண்</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">எண்ணைத் தடைசெய</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">இடமாற்றம்</string>
@ -3065,7 +3094,7 @@
<!-- contact_selection_list -->
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact">புதிய செய்தி இவருக்கு…</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">பயனரை தடை செய்</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">பயனரை தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_add_to_group">குழுவில் சேர்</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
@ -3137,10 +3166,10 @@
<!-- conversation_secure_verified -->
<!-- conversation_muted -->
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">ஒலியடக்கை நீக்கு</string>
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">ஒலியக்கு</string>
<!-- conversation_unmuted -->
<string name="conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications">அறிவிப்பை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications">அறிவிப்புகளை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<!-- conversation -->
<string name="conversation__menu_group_settings">குழு அமைப்புகள்</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">உங்கள் பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">உங்கள் கணக்கிற்கு நீங்கள் உருவாக்கிய பின்னை உள்ளிடவும். இது உங்கள் SMS சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீட்டிலிருந்து வேறுபட்டது.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">எண்ணெழுத்து பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">எண் பின்னை உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">தவறான பின். மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்க.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">உங்கள் பேக்அப்பில் நகலெடுக்க முடியாத மிகப் பெரிய கோப்பு ஒன்று உள்ளது. அதை நீக்கிவிட்டு ஒரு புதிய பேக்அப்பை உருவாக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">மறுபிரதிகளை நிர்வகிக்க தட்டவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">தவறான எண்?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">என்னை அழைக்கவும் (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal ஆதரவைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளுங்கள்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal பதிவு - அண்ட்ராய்டு க்கான சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">தவறான குறியீடு</string>
@ -3571,7 +3605,7 @@
<!-- AdvancedPreferenceFragment -->
<!-- RecipientBottomSheet -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">தட</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_contacts">தொடர்புகளுடன் சேர்க்க</string>
<!-- Error message that displays when a user tries to tap to view system contact details but has no app that supports it -->
@ -3624,9 +3658,9 @@
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name="StorageUtil__s_s">%1$s/%2$s</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">\"%1$s\"தடுக்கப்பட்டார்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">\"%1$s\" தடுப்பதில் தோல்வி</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">\"%1$s\" தடைநீக்கப்பட்டார்</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">\"%1$s\" தடைசெய்யப்பட்டார்.</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">\"%1$s\" ஐத் தடைசெய்ய முடியவில்லை</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">\"%1$s\" தடைநீக்கப்பட்டார்.</string>
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
<string name="ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_members">மதிப்பாய்வு உறுப்பினர்கள்</string>
@ -3653,7 +3687,7 @@
<string name="ReviewCard__your_contact">உங்கள் தொடர்பு</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__remove_from_group">குழுவிலிருந்து அகற்று</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__update_contact">தொடர்பைப் புதுப்பிக்கவும்</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">தட</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__delete">நீக்கு</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__recently_changed">சமீபத்தில் அவர்கள் தங்கள் சுயவிவரப் பெயரை %1$s இலிருந்து %2$s ஆக மாற்றினர்</string>
@ -4012,12 +4046,12 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">சுயவிவரத்தை உருவாக்கவும்</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">தடுக்கப்பட்ட</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">தடைசெய்யப்பட்டார்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$d contacts</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">செய்தி அனுப்புதல்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">காணாமல் போகும் செய்திகள்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__app_security">பயன்பாட்டு பாதுகாப்பு</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">அண்மை பட்டியல் மற்றும் மென்பொருளுக்கு உள்ளே திரையை படம் எடுப்பதை தடுக்கவும்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">சமீபத்தியவை பட்டியல் மற்றும் செயலிக்கு உள்ளே ஸ்கிரீன்ஷாட் எடுப்பதைத் தடுக்கவும்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__signal_message_and_calls">Signal செய்திகள் மற்றும் அழைப்புகள், எப்போதும் ரிலே அழைப்புகள் மற்றும் சீல் அனுப்பியவர்</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__default_timer_for_new_changes">இயல்புநிலை நேரக்குறிப்பான் புதிய அரட்டைகளுக்கு</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__set_a_default_disappearing_message_timer_for_all_new_chats_started_by_you">நீங்கள் தொடங்கும் அனைத்து புதிய அரட்டைகளுக்கும் இயல்புநிலை காணாமல் போகும் செய்திகள் நேரக்குறிப்பானை அமைக்கவும்.</string>
@ -4174,9 +4208,9 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__call">அழைப்பு</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">முடக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">முடக்கியது</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">ஒலியடக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__search">தேடு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">காணாமல் போகும் செய்திகள்</string>
@ -4184,10 +4218,10 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__internal_details" translatable="false">Internal details</string> -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__contact_details">தொடர்பு விவரங்கள்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__view_safety_number">பாதுகாப்பு எண்ணைக் காண்பி</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">தட</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">குழுவைத் தட</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">குழுவைத் தடைசெய்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock">தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">குழுவத் தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">குழுவுக்குத் தடைநீக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_to_a_group">ஒரு குழுவில் சேர்க்கவும்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__see_all">அனைத்தையும் பார்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_members">உறுப்பினர்களைச் சேர்க்கவும்</string>
@ -4195,9 +4229,9 @@
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__requests_and_invites">கோரிக்கைகள் &amp; அழைக்கிறது</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__group_link">குழு இணைப்பு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_as_a_contact">கூட்டு ஒரு தொடர்பாக</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">ஒலியடக்கை நீக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">வரை உரையாடல் முடக்கப்பட்டது %1$s</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">உரையாடல் எப்போதும் முடக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">ஒலியக்கு</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">%1$s வரை உரையாடல் ஒலியடக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">உரையாடல் நிரந்தரமாக ஒலியடக்கப்பட்டது</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__copied_phone_number_to_clipboard">கிளிப்போர்டுக்கு தொலைபேசி எண் நகலெடுக்கப்பட்டது.</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__phone_number">தொலைபேசி எண்</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__get_badges">Signalஐ ஆதரிப்பதன் மூலம் உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்திற்கான பேட்ஜ்களைப் பெறுங்கள். மேலும் அறிய ஒரு பேட்ஜில் தட்டவும்.</string>
@ -4213,8 +4247,8 @@
<string name="PermissionsSettingsFragment__who_can_send_messages">யாரால் முடியும் அனுப்பு செய்திகள்?</string>
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">அறிவிப்பை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">முடக்கப்படவில்லை</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">அறிவிப்புகளை ஒலியடக்கு</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">ஒலியடக்கப்படவில்லை</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">பெயர் குறிப்பிடுவது</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">எப்போதும் அறிவிக்கவும்</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">அறிவிக்க வேண்டாம்</string>
@ -4243,7 +4277,7 @@
<!-- Context menu item remove -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove">அகற்று</string>
<!-- Context menu item block -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">தட</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">தடைசெய்</string>
<!-- Dialog title when removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove_s">%1$sஐ அகற்ற வேண்டுமா?</string>
<!-- Dialog message when removing a contact -->
@ -4251,7 +4285,7 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_removed">%1$s என்ற தொடர்பு அகற்றப்பட்டது</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after blocking a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s தடுக்கப்பட்டார்</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked">%1$s தடைசெய்யப்பட்டார்</string>
<!-- Dialog title when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__unable_to_remove_s">%1$s ஐ அகற்ற முடியவில்லை</string>
<!-- Dialog message when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
@ -5612,13 +5646,13 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation"></string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">ி</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">ி</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">அமைக்கவும்</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">அமை</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">திரைப் பூட்டு பயன்படுத்தப்படுவதற்கு குறைந்தபட்ச நேரம் 1 நிமிடம்.</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">యూజర్‌నేమ్ తొలగించబడింది</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">సాధారణమైన సమూహాలు లేవు</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">క్రొత్త పిన్ సృష్టించండి</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">హెచ్చరిక</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">ఒకవేళ మీరు PIN ను నిలిపివేస్తే, మీరు మాన్యువల్‌గా బ్యాకప్ చేసి పునరుద్ధరించకపోతే మీరు Signal ను తిరిగి నమోదు చేసినప్పుడు మీరు మొత్తం డేటాను కోల్పోతారు. PIN నిలిపివేయబడిప్పుడు మీరు నమోదు లాక్‌ను ఆన్ చేయలేరు.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">మీరు స్నేహితులతో అనుసంధానం కావడానికి మరియు సందేశాలను పంపడానికి సాయపడేందుకు Signal కు కాంటాక్ట్‌లు మరియు మీడియా పర్మిషన్‌లు అవసరం. Signal ప్రైవేట్ కాంటాక్ట్ డిస్కవరీ ఉపయోగించి మీ కాంటాక్ట్‌లు అప్‌లోడ్ చేయబడతాయి, అంటే అవి ఎండ్- టూ-ఎండ్ ఎన్‌క్రిప్ట్ చేయబడ్డవి మరియు Signal సర్వీస్‌కు ఎన్నడూ కనిపించవు.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">స్నేహితులతో అనుసంధానం కావడానికి సాయపడేందుకు Signal కు కాంటాక్ట్‌ల పర్మిషన్ కావాలి. Signal ప్రైవేట్ కాంటాక్ట్ డిస్కవరీ ఉపయోగించి మీ కాంటాక్ట్‌లు అప్‌లోడ్ చేయబడతాయి, అంటే అవి ఎండ్- టూ-ఎండ్ ఎన్‌క్రిప్ట్ చేయబడ్డవి మరియు Signal సర్వీస్‌కు ఎన్నడూ కనిపించవు.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">మీరు ఈ నంబరును నమోదు చేయడానికి చాలా ప్రయత్నాలు చేసారు. దయచేసి తర్వాత మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">కనెక్ట్ చేయడం సాధ్యం కాలేదు. దయచేసి నెట్వర్క్ కనెక్షన్ను తనిఖీ చేసి మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">నాన్-స్టాండర్డ్ నెంబర్ ఫార్మెట్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">మీరు నమోదు చేసిన నెంబరు (%1$s) నాన్-స్టాండర్డ్ ఫార్మెట్‌లో కనిపిస్తోంది.\n\n%2$s అని మీ అర్ధమా?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ఫోన్ నెంబర్ ఫార్మెట్</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">కాల్ అభ్యర్ధించబడింది</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">డీబగ్ లాగ్ను సమర్పించకుండా మీరు ఇప్పుడు %1$d దూరంగా ఉన్నారు.</item>
<item quantity="other">డీబగ్ లాగ్ను సమర్పించకుండా మీరు ఇప్పుడు %1$d మళ్లే ఉన్నారు.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">కాల్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">కోడ్ మళ్ళీ పంపండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ లాక్ ఆన్ చేయాలా?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">మీ పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">మీ ఖాతా కోసం మీరు సృష్టించిన పిన్‌ను నమోదు చేయండి. ఇది మీ SMS ధృవీకరణ కోడ్‌కు భిన్నంగా ఉంటుంది.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ఆల్ఫాన్యూమరిక్ పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">సంఖ్యా పిన్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">తప్పు పిన్. మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">మీ బ్యాకప్‌లో బ్యాకప్ చేయలేని చాలా పెద్ద ఫైలు ఉంది. దయచేసి దానిని తొలగించండి మరియు కొత్త బ్యాకప్‌ను సృష్టించండి.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ప్రత్యామ్నాయములు ను నిర్వహించడానికి నొక్కండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">తప్పు సంఖ్యా?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">నాకు కాల్ చేయండి (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ - Android కోసం ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">తప్పు కోడ్</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">ลบชื่อผู้ใช้แล้ว</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">ไม่มีกลุ่มร่วมกัน</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">สร้างรหัส PIN ใหม่</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">คำเตือน</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">หากคุณปิดใช้งาน PIN คุณจะสูญเสียข้อมูลทั้งหมดเมื่อลงทะเบียนบัญชี Signal ใหม่ (เว้นแต่ว่าคุณจะกู้คืนมาเองจากการสำรองข้อมูลเอาไว้) นอกจากนี้ คุณจะไม่สามารถเปิดใช้งานกุญแจลงทะเบียนในขณะที่ PIN ปิดใช้งานอยู่</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal จำเป็นต้องมีการอนุญาตให้ใช้รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อและสื่อเพื่อช่วยให้คุณเชื่อมต่อกับเพื่อนๆ และส่งข้อความ รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อของคุณจะถูกอัปโหลดโดยใช้การค้นหาผู้ติดต่อส่วนตัว Signal ซึ่งแปลว่าสิ่งนี้เป็นการเข้ารหัสจากต้นทางถึงปลายทางและไม่ปรากฏในบริการของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal จำเป็นต้องได้รับการอนุญาตให้ใช้รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อเพื่อช่วยให้คุณเชื่อมต่อกับเพื่อนๆ รายชื่อผู้ติดต่อของคุณจะถูกอัปโหลดโดยใช้โดยใช้การค้นหาผู้ติดต่อส่วนตัว Signal ซึ่งแปลว่าสิ่งนี้เป็นการเข้ารหัสจากต้นทางถึงปลายทางและไม่ปรากฏในบริการของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">คุณได้พยายามลงทะเบียนด้วยหมายเลขนี้หลายครั้งเกินไป โปรดลองใหม่ในภายหลัง</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อบริการได้ โปรดตรวจสอบการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายและลองอีกครั้ง</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">ฟอร์แมทหมายเลขที่ไม่มีมาตรฐาน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">ตัวเลขที่คุณป้อน (%1$s) เป็นฟอร์แมทที่ไม่ได้มาตรฐาน\n\n คุณต้องการใส่ %2$sหรือเปล่า</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - ฟอร์แมทหมายเลขโทรศัพท์</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">ส่งคำขอการโทรแล้ว</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">เหลืออีก %1$d ขั้นตอนในการส่งปูมดีบัก</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">โทร</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">รหัสยืนยัน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ส่งรหัสอีกครั้ง</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">เปิดกุญแจลงทะเบียนหรือไม่?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ของคุณ</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">ใส่รหัส PIN ที่คุณสร้างขึ้นสำหรับบัญชีของคุณ รหัสนี้แตกต่างจากรหัสตรวจยืนยันทาง SMS</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ด้วยตัวอักษรและตัวเลข</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">ใส่รหัส PIN ด้วยตัวเลข</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">รหัส PIN ไม่ถูกต้อง ลองอีกครั้ง</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ข้อมูลสำรองของคุณมีไฟล์ขนาดใหญ่ที่ไม่สามารถเก็บสำรองได้ กรุณาลบไฟล์ดังกล่าวและสร้างข้อมูลสำรองใหม่</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">แตะเพื่อจัดการข้อมูลสำรอง</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">หมายเลขไม่ถูกต้องหรือเปล่า</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">โทรหาฉัน (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ติดต่อทีมซัพพอร์ตของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">การลงทะเบียน Signal - รหัสตรวจยืนยันสำหรับ Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">รหัสไม่ถูกต้อง</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Nabura na ang username</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Walang parehong grupo</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Gumawa ng bagong PIN</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Babala</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Kapag dinisable mo ang iyong PIN, mawawala ang lahat ng data kapag nag-register ka ulit sa Signal maliban na lang kung manually kang nag-back up at restore. Hindi mo pwedeng i-on ang Registration Lock habang naka-disable ang PIN.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Kinakailangan ng Signal ng pahintulot para ma-access ang contacts at media para maka-connect ka sa friends mo at makapag-send ng message. Ina-upload ang contacts mo gamit ang private contact discovery ng Signal, kung saan end-to-end encrypted ang mga ito at hindi kailanman makikita ng Signal service.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Kinakailangan ng Signal ng pahintulot para ma-access ang contacts para maka-connect ka sa friends mo. Ina-upload ang contacts mo gamit ang private contact discovery ng Signal, kung saan end-to-end encrypted ang mga ito at hindi kailanman makikita ng Signal service.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Nakagawa ka ng napakaraming pagtatangkang irehistro ang numerong ito. Pakiusap na subukang muli kinalaunan.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Hindi makakonekta sa serbisyo. Pakisuri ang koneksyon ng network at subukang muli.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Non-standard number format</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Ang number na nilagay mo (%1$s) ay mukhang isang non-standard format.\n\nDid you mean %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Phone Number Format</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Call requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ikaw ngayon ay %1$d layong-hakbang na lang sa pagsusumite ng debug log.</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hakbang ka pa para makapagsumite ng debug log.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Tawag</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">I-resend ang Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Paganahin ang Registration Lock?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Ilagay ang iyong PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Ipasok ang PIN na iyong nilikha para sa iyong account. Ito ay iba sa iyong SMS verification code.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Ilagay ang alphanumeric na PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Ilagay ang numeric na PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Hindi tama ang PIN. Subukang muli.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ang backup mo ay may lamang masyadong malaking file na hindi ma-back up. Mangyaring burahin ito at gumawa ng bagong backup.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">I-tap to manage backups.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Maling number?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Tawagan ako (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Makipag-ugnayan sa Suporta ng Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pagpaparehistro sa Signal - Verification Code para sa Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Maling kodigo</string>

View file

@ -959,6 +959,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Kullanıcı adı silindi</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Ortak grubunuz yok</string>
@ -1589,6 +1595,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Yeni PIN oluştur</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Uyarı</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">PIN\'i devre dışı bırakırsan elle yedekleyip geri yüklemediğin sürece Signal\'i yeniden kaydettiğinde tüm verilerini kaybedersin. PIN devre dışı iken Kayıt Kilidini açamazsın.</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal, arkadaşlarına bağlanmana yardımcı olmak ve mesaj gönderebilmek için kişilere ve medyaya erişim iznine ihtiyaç duyar. Kişi listen Signal\'in gizli kişi bulma özelliğiyle yüklenir; yani uçtan uca şifrelenir ve Signal hizmeti tarafından hiç görülmez.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal, arkadaşlarına bağlanmana yardımcı olabilmek için kişilere erişim iznine ihtiyaç duyuyor. Kişilerin, Signal\'in gizli kişi bulma özelliğiyle yüklenir; yani uçtan uca şifrelenir ve Signal hizmeti tarafından hiç görülmez.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bu numarayı kaydettirmek için çok fazla deneme yaptınız. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Hizmete bağlanılamadı. Lütfen ağ bağlantınızı kontrol edip tekrar deneyin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Standart olmayan numara formatı</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Girdiğin numara (%1$s) standart olmayan bir formatta gibi görünüyor.\n\n%2$s mi demek istedin?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Telefon Numarası Formatı</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Arama istendi</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Artık bir hata ayıklama günlüğü göndermekten %1$d adım uzaktasınız.</item>
<item quantity="other">Artık bir hata ayıklama günlüğü göndermekten %1$d adım uzaktasınız.</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Doğrulama Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu Yeniden Gönder</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Kayıt Kilidi Açılsın mı?</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">PIN\'inizi girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Bu hesap için oluşturduğunuz PIN kodunu girin. Bu kod, SMS doğrulama kodunuzdan farklıdır.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alfanumerik PIN\'i Girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Sayısal PIN\'i Girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Yanlış PIN. Tekrar deneyin.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Yedekleme işlemi, çok büyük bir dosya içeriyor ve yedeklenemiyor. Lütfen bu dosyayı sil ve yeni bir yedekleme oluştur.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Yedekleri yönetmek için dokunun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Yanlış numara?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Beni ara (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Destek Ekibiyle İletişime Geç</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Kaydı - Android için Doğrulama Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Geçersiz kod</string>

View file

@ -1035,6 +1035,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Ім\'я користувача було видалено</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Спільних груп немає</string>
@ -1717,6 +1723,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Створити новий PIN-код</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Попередження</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Якщо ви вимкнете PIN-код, заздалегідь не створивши резервну копію вручну, то при перевстановленні Signal усі дані буде втрачено. При відключеному PIN-коді неможливо включити блокування реєстрації.</string>
@ -1913,11 +1930,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal потребує дозволів на перегляд контактів та медіа, щоб допомогти вам зв’язуватися з друзями та надсилати повідомлення. Ваші контакти завантажуються за допомогою функції виявлення приватних контактів Signal, що означає, що вони зашифровані наскрізним методом і є невидимі для служби Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal потребує дозволу для перегляду контактів, щоб допомогти вам зв’язатися з друзями. Ваші контакти завантажуються за допомогою функції виявлення приватних контактів Signal, що означає, що вони наскрізне зашифровані і ніколи не відображаються службою Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Ви зробили надто багато спроб зареєструвати цей номер. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Немає з\'єднання із сервером. Перевірте чи наявність доступу до Інтернет та спробуйте знову.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Нестандартний формат номеру</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Введене число (%1$s) виглядає нестандартним.\n\nВи мали на увазі %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android — Формат телефонних номерів</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Запит на дзвінок надіслано</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">Ви в %1$d кроці від відправки журналу налагодження</item>
<item quantity="few">Ви в %1$d кроках від відправки журналу налагодження</item>
@ -1939,6 +1963,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Виклик</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код підтвердження</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Надіслати код знову</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включити блокування реєстрації?</string>
@ -3480,6 +3509,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Введіть свій PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Введіть PIN-код, який ви створили для свого облікового запису. Це не те ж саме. що код перевірки з SMS.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Введіть буквено-цифровий PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Введіть цифровий PIN-код</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">Неправильний PIN-код. Будь ласка спробуйте ще раз.</string>
@ -3593,7 +3624,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Резервна копія містить великий файл, який неможливо зберегти. Будь ласка, видаліть його і створіть нову резервну копію.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Натисніть, щоб керувати резервним копіюванням.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Невірний номер?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Подзвоніть мені (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Зверніться в службу підтримки Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Реєстрація в Signal - код підтвердження для Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Невірний код</string>

View file

@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
<string name="BackgroundMessageRetriever_checking_for_messages">پیغامات کی جانچ ہو رہی ہے…</string>
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">مسدود صارفین</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">مسدود صارف کو شامل کریں</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">بلاکڈ صارفین آپ کو پیغام یا کال نہیں کر پائیں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">کوئی مسدود صارف نہیں</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">صارف کو مسدود کریں؟</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users">بلاک کردہ یوزرز</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user">بلاک کردہ یوزر کو شامل کریں</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will">بلاک کردہ یوزرز آپ کو کال کرنے یا آپ کو میسجز بھیجنے کے قابل نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users">کوئی بلاک کردہ یوزرز نہیں ہیں</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block_user">یوزر کو بلاک کریں؟</string>
<string name="BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to">\"%1$s\" آپ کو کال کرنے یا پیغامات بھیجنے کے قابل نہیں ہوگا۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">بلاک</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__block">بلاک کریں</string>
<!-- CreditCardFragment -->
<!-- Title of fragment detailing the donation amount for one-time donation, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
<string name="CreditCardFragment__continue">جاری رکھیں</string>
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">%1$s کو مسدود کریں اور چھوڑیں؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">%1$sمسدود کریں؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s">%1$s کو بلاک کریں اور چھوڑ دیں؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_s">%1$s کو بلاک کریں؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates">آپ کو اب اس گروپ کی طرف سے پیغامات یا اپ ڈیٹس نہیں آئیں گے اور ممبران آپ کو دوبارہ اس گروپ میں شامل نہیں کرسکیں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you">گروپ ممبران آپ کو دوبارہ اس گروپ میں شامل نہیں کرسکیں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you">گروپ ممبران آپ کو دوبارہ اس گروپ میں شامل کرسکیں گے۔</string>
@ -148,16 +148,16 @@
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_call_and_message_each_other">آپ ایک دوسرے کو پیغام دینے اور کال کرنے کے قابل ہو جائیں گے اور آپ کے نام اور تصویر ان کے ساتھ شیئر کی جائے گی۔</string>
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other">آپ ایک دوسرے کو پیغام بھیجنے کے قابل ہوں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">مسدود افراد آپ کو کال کرنے یا پیغامات بھیجنے کے اہل نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">بلاک کیے گئے افراد آپ کو پیغامات نہیں بھیج سکیں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages">بلاک کردہ افراد آپ کو کال کرنے یا آپ کو میسجز بھیجنے کے قابل نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages">بلاک کردہ افراد آپ کو میسجز بھیجنے کے قابل نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal اپ ڈیٹس اور خبریں حاصل کرنا بلاک کریں۔</string>
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news">Signal اپ ڈیٹس اور خبریں حاصل کرنا بحال کریں۔</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">%1$s کو غیر مسدود کریں؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">بلاک</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">مسدود اور چھوڑو</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">بطور اسپام نشان لگائیں ، اور اسے مسدود کردیں</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s">%1$s کو اَن بلاک کرنا ہے؟</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave">بلاک کریں اور چھوڑ دیں</string>
<string name="BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block">اسپام رپورٹ کریں اور بلاک کریں</string>
<!-- BucketedThreadMedia -->
<string name="BucketedThreadMedia_Today">آج</string>
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_transport_signal">Signal پیغام</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_lets_switch_to_signal">چلیں Signal کو چلاتے ہیں%1$s</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_specify_recipient">براۓ مہربانی رابطہ منتخب کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unblock">ان بلاک</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unblock">اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_attachment_exceeds_size_limits">جو پیغام آپ بھیج رہے ہیں منسلک ہونے کیلئے اس کا حجم حد سے زیادہ ہے۔</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_unable_to_record_audio">آڈیو ریکارڈ کرنے کے قابل نہیں ہے! ؐ</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity_you_cant_send_messages_to_this_group">آپ اس گروپ کو پیغامات نہیں بھیج سکتے کیونکہ آپ اب ممبر نہیں رہیں۔</string>
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
<string name="ConversationActivity_error_sending_media">میڈیا بھیجنے میں خامی</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">اسپام کے بطور اطلاع دی گئی اور مسدود ہے۔</string>
<string name="ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked">اسپام کے طور پر رپورٹ کیا گیا اور بلاک کر دیا گیا۔</string>
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
<string name="ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone">SMS میسجنگ ابھی غیر فعال ہے۔ آپ اپنے فون کی کسی دوسری ایپ پر اپنے میسجز برآمد کر سکتے ہیں۔</string>
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__cancel">منسوخ کریں</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">بلاک ہوگیا</string>
<string name="ConversationFragment__blocked">بلاک کر دیا گیا</string>
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
<string name="ConversationListFragment__clear_filter">فلٹر کو صاف کریں</string>
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions">جب مجھے کوئی ذکر کرتا ہے تو مجھے مطلع کریں</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">خاموش چیٹس میں آپ کا ذکر ہونے پر اطلاعات موصول کریں؟</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats">خاموش کردہ چیٹس میں خود کو مینشن کیے جانے پر اطلاعات موصول کریں؟</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me">مجھے ہمیشہ مطلع کریں</string>
<string name="GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me">مجھے مطلع نہ کریں</string>
@ -955,9 +955,15 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_copied">صارفی نام کاپی کیا گیا</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">Couldn\'t delete username. Try again later.</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username">یوزر نیم حذف نہیں کر سکے۔ بعد میں دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Username deleted</string>
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">یوزر نیم حذف کر دیا گیا</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
@ -1473,14 +1479,14 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_accept">قبول کریں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue">جاری رکھیں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_delete">حذف کریں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">بلاک</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">ان بلاک</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock">اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">%1$s کو آپ کو میسج کرنے اور ان کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شئیر کرنے دیں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو قبول نہیں کرتے انھیں معلوم نہیں ہوگا کہ آپ نے ان کا پیغام دیکھا ہے۔</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s کو آپ کو میسج کرنے اور ان کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شئیر کرنے دیں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو غیر مسدود نہیں کرتے, آپ کو کوئی پیغام نہیں ملے گا.</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s کو خود کو میسج بھیجنے اور ان کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شیئر کرنے کی اجازت دیں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو اَن بلاک نہیں کرتے تب تک آپ کو کوئی میسجز موصول نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">%1$s کوپیغام بھیجنے کی اجازت دیں؟ آپ انہیں ان بلاک کرنے تک کوئی پیغامات حاصل نہیں کریں گے۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s سے اپ ڈیٹس اور خبریں حاصل کریں؟ آپ انہیں ان بلاک کرنے تک کوئی اپ ڈیٹس حاصل نہیں کریں گے۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS">%1$s کو خود کو میسج بھیجنے کی اجازت دیں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو اَن بلاک نہیں کرتے تب تک آپ کو کوئی میسجز موصول نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them">%1$s سے اپ ڈیٹس اور خبریں حاصل کریں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو اَن بلاک نہیں کرتے تب تک آپ کو کوئی اپ ڈیٹس موصول نہیں ہوں گی۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo">اس گروپ کے ساتھ اپنی گفتگو جاری رکھیں اور اس کے ممبروں کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شیئر کریں؟</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features">اس گروپ کو اعلی درجے کی خصوصیات جیسے @ ذکر اور منتظمین کو چالو کرنے کے لئے۔ جن ممبروں نے اس گروپ میں اپنا نام یا تصویر شیئر نہیں کی ہے ان میں شرکت کی دعوت دی جائے گی۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used">اس لیگیسی گروپ کو اب استعمال نہیں کیا جاسکتا ہے کیونکہ یہ بہت بڑا ہے۔ زیادہ سے زیادہ گروپ سائز %1$d ہے۔</string>
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">اس گروپ میں شامل ہوں اور اس کے ممبروں کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر بانٹیں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو قبول نہیں کرتے ان کو معلوم نہیں ہوگا کہ آپ نے ان کے پیغامات دیکھے ہیں۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages">اس گروپ میں شامل ہوں اور اس کے اراکین کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شیئر کریں؟ آپ قبول کرنے تک ان کے پیغامات نہیں دیکھ پائیں گے۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept">اس گروپ میں شامل ہوں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو قبول نہ کریں تب تک وہ نہیں جانیں گے کہ آپ نے ان کے پیغامات دیکھے ہیں۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">اس گروپ کو غیر مسدود کریں اور اس کے ممبروں کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شئیر کریں؟ آپ کو کوئی پیغامات موصول نہیں ہوگا جب تک کہ آپ ان کو بلاک نہیں کردیں گے۔</string>
<string name="MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members">اس گروپ کو اَن بلاک کریں اور اس کے ممبرز کے ساتھ اپنا نام اور تصویر شیئر کریں؟ جب تک آپ ان کو اَن بلاک نہیں کرتے تب تک آپ کو کوئی میسجز موصول نہیں ہوں گے۔</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_view">دیکھیں</string>
<string name="MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group">کا رکن%1$s</string>
@ -1589,9 +1595,20 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">نیا PIN بنائیں</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">انتباہ</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">اگر آپ PIN کو غیر فعال کردیتے ہیں تو ، جب تک آپ دستی طور پر بیک اپ اور بحال نہیں کرتے ہیں تو Signal کو دوبارہ رجسٹر کرواتے وقت آپ تمام ڈیٹا ضائع کردیں گے۔ جب PIN غیر فعال ہو تو آپ رجسٹریشن لاک آن نہیں کرسکتے ہیں۔</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">اگر آپ پِن کو غیر فعال کرتے ہیں، تو Signal کو دوبارہ رجسٹر کرنے پر آپ تمام ڈیٹا سے محروم ہو جائیں گے تاوقتیکہ آپ دستی طور پر بیک اپ بنائیں اور بحال کریں۔ پِن کے غیر فعال ہوتے ہوئے آپ رجسٹریشن لاک آن نہیں کر سکتے۔</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin">PIN کو غیر فعال کریں</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
@ -1621,8 +1638,8 @@
<string name="Recipient_my_story">میری سٹوری</string>
<!-- RecipientPreferencesActivity -->
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">بلاک</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">ان بلاک</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock">اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<!-- RecipientProvider -->
@ -1716,9 +1733,9 @@
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__camera">کیمرہ</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">غیر خاموش</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__unmute">غیر خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">خاموش</string>
<string name="WebRtcCallView__mute">خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- Toggle label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="WebRtcCallView__ring">کال کریں</string>
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
@ -1731,12 +1748,12 @@
<!-- CallParticipantView -->
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">%1$s مسدود ہے</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked">%1$s بلاک ہے</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__more_info">مزید معلومات</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__you_wont_receive_their_audio_or_video">آپ کو ان کا آڈیو یا ویڈیو موصول نہیں ہوگا اور وہ آپ کو وصول نہیں کریں گے۔</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_video_from_s">آڈیو وصول نہیں کر سکتے ہیں۔ %1$s سے ویڈیو</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_and_video_from_s">%1$s سے آڈیو اور ویڈیو موصول نہیں ہوسکتی ہے</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">اس کی وجہ یہ ہوسکتی ہے کہ انہوں نے آپ کے حفاظتی نمبر میں تبدیلی کی توثیق نہیں کی ہے ، ان کے آلے میں کوئی مسئلہ ہے یا انہوں نے آپ کو مسدود کردیا ہے۔</string>
<string name="CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change">ایسا اس لیے ہو سکتا ہے کیونکہ انہوں نے آپ کے حفاظتی نمبر کی تبدیلی کی تصدیق نہیں کی ہے، ان کی ڈیوائس کے ساتھ کوئی مسئلہ ہے، یا وہ آپ کو بلاک کر چکے ہیں۔</string>
<!-- CallToastPopupWindow -->
<string name="CallToastPopupWindow__swipe_to_view_screen_share">اسکرین شیئر دیکھنے کیلئے سوائپ کریں</string>
@ -1773,11 +1790,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سگنل کو آپ کے دوستوں سے رابطہ قائم کرنے اور پیغامات بھیجنے کے لیے رابطوں اور میڈیا کی اجازت کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ آپ کے رابطے سگنل کی نجی رابطہ دریافت کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے اپ لوڈ کیے جاتے ہیں، جس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ شروع سے آخر تک خفیہ ہوتے ہیں اور سگنل سروس کو کبھی نظر نہیں آتے۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">سگنل کو آپ کے دوستوں سے رابطہ قائم کرنے اور پیغامات بھیجنے کے لیے رابطوں کی اجازت کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ آپ کے رابطے سگنل کی نجی رابطہ دریافت کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے اپ لوڈ کیے جاتے ہیں، جس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ شروع سے آخر تک خفیہ ہوتے ہیں اور سگنل سروس کو کبھی نظر نہیں آتے۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">آپ نے اس نمبر کو رجسٹر کرنے کے لئے بہت زیادہ کوششیں کی ہیں۔ براہ کرم کچھ دیر بعد کوشش کریں.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">سروس سے رابطے کے قابل نہیں۔ براہ کرم نیٹ ورک کنکشن چیک کریں اور دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">غیر معیاری ہندسوں کی ترتیب</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">آپ کا درج کردہ نمبر (%1$s) غیر معیاری فارمیٹ لگ رہا ہے۔\n\nکیا آپ کا مطلب %2$s ہے؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - فون نمبر کا فارمیٹ</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">کال کی درخواست کی گئی</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="one">کسی ڈی بَگ لاگ کو شامل کرنے سے آپ %1$d مرحلے دور ہیں۔</item>
<item quantity="other">کسی ڈی بَگ لاگ کو پیش کرنے کیلئے اب آپ %1$d مرحلے دور ہیں۔</item>
@ -1797,6 +1821,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">کال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">تصدیقی کوڈ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">کوڈ دوبارہ بھیجیں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">رجسٹریشن لاک آن کریں؟</string>
@ -1964,7 +1993,7 @@
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_scheduled_message">شیڈول کردہ میسج</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">Your message history has been merged</string>
<string name="ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged">آپ کی میسج ہسٹری ضم کر دی گئی ہے</string>
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
<string name="ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s کا تعلق %2$s سے ہے</string>
@ -2039,7 +2068,7 @@
<string name="MmsMessageRecord_mms_message_encrypted_for_non_existing_session">غیر موجود سیشن کیلئے خفیہ کردہ ایم ایم ایس پیغام</string>
<!-- MuteDialog -->
<string name="MuteDialog_mute_notifications">خاموش اطلاع</string>
<string name="MuteDialog_mute_notifications">اطلاعات کو خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- ApplicationMigrationService -->
<string name="ApplicationMigrationService_import_in_progress">درآمد بہتری میں ہے</string>
@ -2644,10 +2673,10 @@
<string name="arrays__use_default">پہلے سے طے شدہ استعمال کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__use_custom">اپنی مرضی سے استعمال کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">1 گھنٹے کیلئے خاموش</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">8 گھنٹے خاموش رہیں</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">1 دن کیلئے خاموش</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">7 دنوں کیلئے خاموش</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_hour">1 گھنٹے کے لیے خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_eight_hours">8 گھنٹوں کے لیے خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_one_day">1 دن کے لیے خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__mute_for_seven_days">7 دنوں کے لیے خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="arrays__always">ہمیشہ</string>
<string name="arrays__settings_default">پہلے سے موجود ترتیبات</string>
@ -2684,9 +2713,9 @@
<string name="preferences__pref_use_address_book_photos">ایڈریس بک فوٹو استعمال کریں</string>
<string name="preferences__display_contact_photos_from_your_address_book_if_available">اگر دستیاب ہو تو اپنی ایڈریس بک سے رابطے کی تصاویر دکھائیں</string>
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">خاموش کردہ چیٹس کو آرکائیو رکھیں</string>
<string name="preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived">خاموش کردہ چیٹس کو آرکائیو کردہ رکھیں</string>
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">آرکائیو کردہ خاموش چیٹس نئے پیغام کے آنے پر بھی آرکائیو کردہ رہیں گی۔</string>
<string name="preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived">نیا میسج آنے پر آرکائیو کی گئی خاموش کردہ چیٹس آرکائیو کردہ رہیں گی۔</string>
<string name="preferences__generate_link_previews">لنک پیش نظارہ تیار کریں</string>
<string name="preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages">اپنے بھیجے ہوئے پیغامات کیلئے براہ راست ویب سائٹس سے لنک پیش نظارہ بازیافت کریں۔</string>
<string name="preferences__change_passphrase">پاسفریز تبدیل کریں</string>
@ -2980,7 +3009,7 @@
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment">ادائیگی بھیجی گئی</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment">ادائیگی موصول ہوئی</string>
<string name="PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s">ادائیگی مکمل ہوگئی%1$s</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">بلاک نمبر</string>
<string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number">نمبر بلاک کریں</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name="PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer">منتقلی</string>
@ -3065,7 +3094,7 @@
<!-- contact_selection_list -->
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact">کو نیا پیغام۔۔۔</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">مسدود صارف</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block">یوزر کو بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_add_to_group">گروپ میں شامل کریں</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
@ -3137,10 +3166,10 @@
<!-- conversation_secure_verified -->
<!-- conversation_muted -->
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">بے آواز</string>
<string name="conversation_muted__unmute">غیر خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- conversation_unmuted -->
<string name="conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications">خاموش اطلاعات</string>
<string name="conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications">اطلاعات کو خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- conversation -->
<string name="conversation__menu_group_settings">گروپ کی ترتیبات</string>
@ -3304,6 +3333,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">اپنا پن داخل کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">اپنے اکاؤنٹ کیلئے جو پن بنایا ہے داخل کریں۔ یہ آپ کے تصدیقی ایس ایم ایس سے مختلف ہے۔</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Alphanumeric کا پن درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">عددی پن درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">غلط پن. دوبارہ کوشش کریں.</string>
@ -3407,7 +3438,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">آپ کے بیک اپ میں ایک بہت بڑی فائل شامل ہے جسے بیک اپ نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔ براہ کرم اسے حذف کریں اور ایک نیا بیک اپ تخلیق کریں۔</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">بیک اپ کا انتظام کرنے کے لئے ٹیپ کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">غلط نمبر؟</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">مجھے کال کریں (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal رابطہ سپورٹ کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal رجسٹریشن- Android کے لیے تصدیقی کوڈ درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">غلط کوڈ</string>
@ -3571,8 +3605,8 @@
<!-- AdvancedPreferenceFragment -->
<!-- RecipientBottomSheet -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">بلاک</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">ان بلاک</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unblock">اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_contacts">رابطوں میں شامل کریں</string>
<!-- Error message that displays when a user tries to tap to view system contact details but has no app that supports it -->
<string name="RecipientBottomSheet_unable_to_open_contacts">روابط کھولنے کے قابل ایپ تلاش نہیں کر سکتے۔</string>
@ -3624,9 +3658,9 @@
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name="StorageUtil__s_s">%1$s/%2$s</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">\"%1$s\" کو مسدود کردیا گیا ہے۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">\"%1$s\" مسدود میں ناکام</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">\"%1$s\" غیر مسدود کردیا گیا ہے۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked">\"%1$s\" کو بلاک کر دیا گیا ہے۔</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s">\"%1$s\' کو بلاک کرنے میں ناکام</string>
<string name="BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked">\"%1$s\" کو اَن بلاک کر دیا گیا ہے۔</string>
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
<string name="ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_members">ممبران کا جائزہ لیں</string>
@ -3653,7 +3687,7 @@
<string name="ReviewCard__your_contact">آپ کا رابطہ</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__remove_from_group">گروپ سے ہٹائیں</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__update_contact">رابطہ اپ ڈیٹ کریں</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">بلاک</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__delete">حذف کریں</string>
<string name="ReviewCard__recently_changed">حال ہی میں اپنے پروفائل کا نام %1$s سے تبدیل کرکے %2$s کردیا</string>
@ -4012,12 +4046,12 @@
<string name="NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile">پروفائل تخلیق کریں</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">بلاک ہوگیا</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked">بلاک کر دیا گیا</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts">%1$dرابطے</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging">پیغام رسانی</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">پیغامات غائب ہو رہے ہیں</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__app_security">ایپ سیکیورٹی</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">حالیہ فہرست میں سکرین شاٹ بلاک کریں اور ایپ کے اندر</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app">حالیہ فہرست میں اور ایپ کے اندر اسکرین شاٹس کو بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__signal_message_and_calls">Signal میسجز اور کالز ، ہمیشہ ریلے کالز اور مہر بند مرسل کو</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__default_timer_for_new_changes">نئی چیٹس کیلئے ڈیفالٹ ٹائمر</string>
<string name="PrivacySettingsFragment__set_a_default_disappearing_message_timer_for_all_new_chats_started_by_you">آپ کے ذریعہ شروع کردہ تمام نئی چیٹس کے لئے ڈیفالٹ غائب میسیج ٹائمر مرتب کریں۔</string>
@ -4174,9 +4208,9 @@
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__call">کال</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">خاموش</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__mute">خاموش کریں</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">خاموش</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__muted">خاموش کر دیا گیا</string>
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__search">تلاش کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__disappearing_messages">پیغامات غائب ہو رہے ہیں</string>
@ -4184,10 +4218,10 @@
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__internal_details" translatable="false">Internal details</string> -->
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__contact_details">رابطہ کی تفصیلات</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__view_safety_number">حفاظتی نمبر دیکھیں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">بلاک</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">مسدود گروپ</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock">ان بلاک</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">غیر مسدود گروپ</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block">بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group">گروپ کو بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock">اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group">گروپ کو اَن بلاک کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_to_a_group">کسی گروپ میں شامل کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__see_all">تمام دیکھیں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_members">ممبران شامل کریں</string>
@ -4195,9 +4229,9 @@
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__requests_and_invites">درخواستیں &amp; amp؛ دعوت دیتا ہے</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__group_link">گروپ لنک</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__add_as_a_contact">بطور رابطہ شامل کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">غیر خاموش</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">گفتگو %1$s تک خاموش رہی</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">گفتگو ہمیشہ کیلئے خاموش کردی گئی</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute">غیر خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s">گفتگو %1$s تک خاموش کردہ ہے</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever">گفتگو ہمیشہ کے لیے خاموش کردہ ہے</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__copied_phone_number_to_clipboard">کلپ بورڈ پر فون نمبر کاپی کیا گیا۔</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__phone_number">فون نمبر</string>
<string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__get_badges">Signal کی سپورٹ کے ذریعے اپنی پروفائل کے لیے بیجز حاصل کریں۔ مزید جاننے کے لیے بیج پر ٹیپ کریں۔</string>
@ -4213,8 +4247,8 @@
<string name="PermissionsSettingsFragment__who_can_send_messages">پیغامات کون بھیج سکتا ہے؟</string>
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">خاموش اطلاعات</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">غیر خاموش</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications">اطلاعات کو خاموش کریں</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted">خاموش کردہ نہیں ہیں</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions">ذکر</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify">ہمیشہ مطلع کریں</string>
<string name="SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify">مطلع نہ کریں</string>
@ -4243,7 +4277,7 @@
<!-- Context menu item remove -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove">ہٹا دیں</string>
<!-- Context menu item block -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">بلاک</string>
<string name="NewConversationActivity__block">بلاک کریں</string>
<!-- Dialog title when removing a contact -->
<string name="NewConversationActivity__remove_s">%1$s ہٹائیں؟</string>
<!-- Dialog message when removing a contact -->
@ -5612,13 +5646,13 @@
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">h</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation">گھنٹہ</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">M</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation">منٹ</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button">سیٹ کریں</string>
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">Minimum time before screen lock applies is 1 minute.</string>
<string name="TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning">اسکرین لاک کا اطلاق ہونے سے پہلے کم از کم وقت 1 منٹ ہے۔</string>
<!-- EOF -->

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">Tên người dùng đã xóa</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">Không có nhóm chung</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">Tạo PIN mới</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">Cảnh báo</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">Nếu bạn tắt PIN, bạn sẽ mất toàn bộ dữ liệu khi bạn đăng kí lại với Signal trừ khi bạn sao lưu và khôi phục dữ liệu thủ công. Bạn không thể bật Khóa đăng kí khi PIN đang tắt.</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal cần được cấp quyền truy cập vào liên hệ và thư viện của bạn để giúp bạn kết nối và nhắn tin đến bạn bè. Mọi thông tin liên hệ của bạn được tải lên đều sử dụng trình bảo mật thông tin liên hệ của Signal, nghĩa là chúng sẽ được mã hóa đầu cuối và cũng không được hiển thì trên chính dịch vụ Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal cần được cấp quyền truy cập vào liên hệ của bạn để giúp bạn kết nối đến bạn bè. Mọi thông tin liên hệ của bạn được tải lên đều sử dụng trình bảo mật thông tin liên hệ của Signal, nghĩa là chúng sẽ được mã hóa đầu cuối và cũng không được hiển thì trên chính dịch vụ Signal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">Bạn đã thử đăng kí số điện thoại này quá nhiều lần. Vui lòng thử lại sau.</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">Không thể kết nối với dịch vụ. Vui lòng kiểm tra đuờng truyền mạng và thử lại.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">Định dạng số không chuẩn</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">Số mà bạn nhập vào (%1$s) không đúng. /n/n có phải ý bạn là %2$s?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - Định dạng số điện thoại</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">Cuộc gọi được yêu cầu</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">Còn %1$d bước nữa để bạn hoàn thành gửi báo cáo lỗi.</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Gọi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Mã Xác minh</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gửi lại Mã</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Bật Khóa đăng kí?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">Nhập mã PIN của bạn</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">Nhập mã PIN bạn đã tạo cho tài khoản. Mã này khác với mã xác minh SMS của bạn.</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">Nhập mã PIN gồm chữ và số</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">Nhập mã PIN bao gồm số</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN không đúng. Hãy thử lại.</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Bản lưu dự phòng của bạn chứa một tập tin rất lớn và không thể được sao lưu. Vui lòng xóa tập tin đó và tạo một bản lưu dự phòng mới.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Nhấn để quản lý các bản sao lưu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Sai số điện thoại?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Gọi tôi (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Liên lạc Bộ phận hỗ trợ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Đăng ký Signal - Mã Xác minh cho Android</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">Mã không đúng</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">用户名已删除</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">无共同群组</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">新建 PIN 码</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">如果禁用 PIN重新注册 Signal 时您将会丢失全部数据,除非您手动备份并还原这些数据。注册锁定功能在禁用 PIN 期间无法启用。</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要通讯录和媒体权限以帮助您联系朋友和发送消息。您的通讯录将通过 Signal 的私密联系人发现技术上传,这意味着您的联系人将获得端对端加密保护,对 Signal 服务绝对不可见。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要通讯录权限以帮助您联系朋友。您的通讯录将通过 Signal 的私密联系人发现技术上传,这意味着您的联系人将获得端对端加密保护,对 Signal 服务绝对不可见。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">您尝试注册此号码次数过多,请稍候再试。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">无法连接到 Signal 服务,请检查网络连接并重试。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非标准号码格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">您输入的号码(%1$s似乎是非标准格式。\n\n您要输入的是 %2$s 吗?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - 电话号码格式</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">已请求通话</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">距离提交调试日志还有 %1$d 步之遥。</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">呼叫</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新发送验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">开启注册锁定?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">请输入 PIN 码</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">输入帐户的 PIN 码。该密码不是短信验证码。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">输入字母数字 PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">输入数字 PIN</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN 错误,请重试。</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">您的备份中包含一个无法备份的超大文件。请将其删除并创建一个新的备份。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">点击以管理备份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">错误的号码?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">给我打电话:(%1$02d:%2$02d</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">联系 Signal 支持</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 注册 - 安卓验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">验证码不正确</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">已刪除用戶名稱</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">無共同群組</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">建立新的 PIN 碼</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">如果停用 PIN 碼,當你重新註冊 Signal 而沒有進行手動備份及還原的話你將會遺失所有資料。PIN 碼停用時不可開啟註冊鎖定。</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要聯絡人和媒體權限,以助您與好友連繫和傳送訊息。您的聯絡人將經 Signal 私密聯絡人探索上載即是經端對端加密Signal 服務從不可見到。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要聯絡人權限,以助您與好友連繫。您的聯絡人將經 Signal 私密聯絡人探索上載即是經端對端加密Signal 服務從不可見到。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">你已多次嘗試登記此電話號碼。請稍後再試。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">無法連上服務。請檢查網絡連線,並稍後再試。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準號碼格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">您所輸入的號碼 (%1$s) 似乎並非標準格式。\n\n您是指 %2$s 嗎?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - 電話號碼格式</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">已請求撥號</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">距離提交調試日誌,尚餘%1$d 個步驟。</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">通話</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">開啟註冊鎖定?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">輸入你的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。這與你的SMS 驗證碼不同。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">輸入以字母及數字組成的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">輸入以數字組成的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">PIN 碼不正確。請再試一次。</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">你的備份包含一個非常大的檔案,無法進行備份。請刪除該檔案,並建立新的備份。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">輕觸以管理備份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">號碼錯誤?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">打電話給我 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 — Android 用的驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">錯誤編號</string>

View file

@ -921,6 +921,12 @@
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
<string name="ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted">已刪除用戶名稱</string>
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong">Something went wrong with your username, it\'s no longer assigned to your account. You can try and set it again or choose a new one.</string>
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
<string name="UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now">Fix now</string>
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name="ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common">沒有共同的群組</string>
@ -1525,6 +1531,17 @@
<string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin">建立新的 PIN 碼</string>
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code">Send SMS code</string>
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject">Signal Registration - Need Help with reregister PIN for Android</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local">Your PIN is a %1$d+ digit code you created that can be numeric or alphanumeric.\n\nIf you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local">If you cant remember your PIN, you can create a new one.</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
<string name="ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local">You\'ve run out of PIN guesses, but you can still access your Signal account by creating a new PIN.</string>
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_warning">警告</string>
<string name="PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data">如果你停用 PIN 碼,則除非你進行手動備份和還原,否則當你重新註冊 Signal 時,將會遺失所有資料。停用 PIN 碼時無法開啟註冊鎖定。</string>
@ -1703,11 +1720,18 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要聯絡人和媒體權限來幫助你與朋友聯繫和傳送訊息。你的聯絡人是使用 Signal 的私密聯絡人搜尋上傳的,這意味著它們是點對點加密的,並且也永遠不會被 Signal 的服務讀取。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends">Signal 需要獲得聯絡人權限才能幫助你與朋友聯絡。妳的聯絡人是使用 Signal 的私密聯絡人搜尋上傳的,這意味著它們是點對點加密的,並且永遠不會被 Signal 的服務讀取。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service">你已嘗試過多註冊此號碼。 請稍後再試。</string>
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again">You\'ve made too many attempts to register this number. Please try again in %1$s.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service">無法連接服務。請檢查網路連線並再試一次。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format">非標準數字格式</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard">你輸入的數字 (%1$s) 似乎是非標準格式。\n\n你的意思是 %2$s嗎 ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format">Signal Android - 電話號碼格式</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_requested">請求通話</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_sms_requested">SMS requested</string>
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel).-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_requested">Verification code requested</string>
<plurals name="RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint">
<item quantity="other">你現在距離提交偵錯日誌只有%1$d步之遙。</item>
@ -1726,6 +1750,11 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">撥打</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送認證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title">Having trouble registering?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_1">• Make sure your phone has a cellular signal to receive your SMS or call\n • Confirm you can receive a phone call to the number\n • Check that you have entered your phone number correctly.\nFor more information, please follow </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_2">these troubleshooting steps</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_3"> or </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_part_4">Contact Support</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">開啟註冊鎖?</string>
@ -3216,6 +3245,8 @@
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin">輸入你的 PIN 碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created">輸入你為帳戶建立的 PIN 碼。 這與你的簡訊驗證碼不同。</string>
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account">Enter the PIN you created for your account.</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_alphanumeric_pin">輸入字母數字PIN碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__enter_numeric_pin">輸入數字PIN碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again">不正確的PIN碼。請再試一次。</string>
@ -3314,7 +3345,10 @@
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">你的備份內容包含一個大型檔案,因此無法成功備份。請刪除該檔案,並建立新的備份內容。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">點擊以管理備份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">錯誤的號碼?</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">致電給我 (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration.-->
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in">Resend Code (%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 - Android驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code">錯誤編號</string>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ext.service_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.cdn2_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.cds_ips='new String[]{""}'