Add new backup testing infrastructure.

This commit is contained in:
Greyson Parrelli 2024-07-23 11:56:05 -04:00 committed by Nicholas Tinsley
parent 816c9360cd
commit e6d8e36141
7 changed files with 63 additions and 697 deletions

View file

@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ android {
onVariants { variant ->
// Include the test-only library on debug builds.
if (variant.buildType != "debug") {
if (variant.buildType != "instrumentation") {
@ -598,6 +598,7 @@ dependencies {

View file

@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.backup.v2
import android.content.ContentValues
import android.database.Cursor
import androidx.core.content.contentValuesOf
import net.zetetic.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteDatabase
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import org.signal.core.util.Hex
import org.signal.core.util.SqlUtil
import org.signal.core.util.insertInto
import org.signal.core.util.readToList
import org.signal.core.util.readToSingleObject
import org.signal.core.util.requireBlob
import org.signal.core.util.requireLong
import org.signal.core.util.requireString
import org.signal.core.util.toInt
import org.signal.core.util.withinTransaction
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.profiles.ProfileKey
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.backup.v2.database.clearAllDataForBackupRestore
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.CallTable
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.EmojiSearchTable
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MessageTable
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MessageTypes
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SignalDatabase
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.InAppPaymentSubscriberRecord
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos.BodyRangeList
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos.InAppPaymentData
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.dependencies.AppDependencies
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.keyvalue.PhoneNumberPrivacyValues
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.keyvalue.SignalStore
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mms.QuoteModel
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.profiles.ProfileName
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.Recipient
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.testing.assertIs
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.TextSecurePreferences
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.ServiceId.ACI
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.ServiceId.PNI
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.SubscriberId
import java.util.Currency
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.random.Random
typealias DatabaseData = Map<String, List<Map<String, Any?>>>
class BackupTest {
companion object {
val SELF_ACI = ACI.from(UUID.fromString("77770000-b477-4f35-a824-d92987a63641"))
val SELF_PNI = PNI.from(UUID.fromString("77771111-b014-41fb-bf73-05cb2ec52910"))
const val SELF_E164 = "+10000000000"
val SELF_PROFILE_KEY = ProfileKey(Random.nextBytes(32))
val ALICE_ACI = ACI.from(UUID.fromString("aaaa0000-5a76-47fa-a98a-7e72c948a82e"))
val ALICE_PNI = PNI.from(UUID.fromString("aaaa1111-c960-4f6c-8385-671ad2ffb999"))
val ALICE_E164 = "+12222222222"
/** Columns that we don't need to check equality of */
private val IGNORED_COLUMNS: Map<String, Set<String>> = mapOf(
RecipientTable.TABLE_NAME to setOf(RecipientTable.STORAGE_SERVICE_ID),
MessageTable.TABLE_NAME to setOf(MessageTable.FROM_DEVICE_ID)
/** Tables we don't need to check equality of */
private val IGNORED_TABLES: Set<String> = setOf(
fun setup() {
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun emptyDatabase() {
backupTest { }
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun noteToSelf() {
backupTest {
individualChat(aci = SELF_ACI, givenName = "Note to Self") {
standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "A")
standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "B")
standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "C")
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun individualChat() {
backupTest {
individualChat(aci = ALICE_ACI, givenName = "Alice") {
val m1 = standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "Outgoing 1")
val m2 = standardMessage(outgoing = false, body = "Incoming 1", read = true)
standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "Outgoing 2", quotes = m2)
standardMessage(outgoing = false, body = "Incoming 2", quotes = m1, quoteTargetMissing = true, read = false)
standardMessage(outgoing = true, body = "Outgoing 3, with mention", randomMention = true)
standardMessage(outgoing = false, body = "Incoming 3, with style", read = false, randomStyling = true)
remoteDeletedMessage(outgoing = true)
remoteDeletedMessage(outgoing = false)
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun individualRecipients() {
backupTest {
// Comprehensive example
aci = ALICE_ACI,
pni = ALICE_PNI,
e164 = ALICE_E164,
givenName = "Alice",
familyName = "Smith",
username = "alice.99",
hidden = false,
registeredState = RecipientTable.RegisteredState.REGISTERED,
profileKey = ProfileKey(Random.nextBytes(32)),
profileSharing = true,
hideStory = false
// Trying to get coverage of all the various values
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), registeredState = RecipientTable.RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED)
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), registeredState = RecipientTable.RegisteredState.UNKNOWN)
individualRecipient(pni = PNI.from(UUID.randomUUID()))
individualRecipient(e164 = "+15551234567")
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), givenName = "Bob")
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), familyName = "Smith")
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), profileSharing = false)
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), hideStory = true)
individualRecipient(aci = ACI.from(UUID.randomUUID()), hidden = true)
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun individualCallLogs() {
backupTest {
val aliceId = individualRecipient(
aci = ALICE_ACI,
pni = ALICE_PNI,
e164 = ALICE_E164,
givenName = "Alice",
familyName = "Smith",
username = "alice.99",
hidden = false,
registeredState = RecipientTable.RegisteredState.REGISTERED,
profileKey = ProfileKey(Random.nextBytes(32)),
profileSharing = true,
hideStory = false
insertOneToOneCallVariations(1, 1, aliceId)
private fun insertOneToOneCallVariations(callId: Long, timestamp: Long, id: RecipientId): Long {
val directions = arrayOf(CallTable.Direction.INCOMING, CallTable.Direction.OUTGOING)
val callTypes = arrayOf(CallTable.Type.AUDIO_CALL, CallTable.Type.VIDEO_CALL)
val events = arrayOf(
var callTimestamp: Long = timestamp
var currentCallId = callId
for (direction in directions) {
for (event in events) {
for (type in callTypes) {
insertOneToOneCall(callId = currentCallId, callTimestamp, id, type, direction, event)
return currentCallId
private fun insertOneToOneCall(callId: Long, timestamp: Long, peer: RecipientId, type: CallTable.Type, direction: CallTable.Direction, event: CallTable.Event) {
val messageType: Long = CallTable.Call.getMessageType(type, direction, event)
SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.withinTransaction {
val recipient = Recipient.resolved(peer)
val threadId = SignalDatabase.threads.getOrCreateThreadIdFor(recipient)
val outgoing = direction == CallTable.Direction.OUTGOING
val messageValues = contentValuesOf(
MessageTable.FROM_RECIPIENT_ID to if (outgoing) Recipient.self().id.serialize() else peer.serialize(),
MessageTable.FROM_DEVICE_ID to 1,
MessageTable.TO_RECIPIENT_ID to if (outgoing) peer.serialize() else Recipient.self().id.serialize(),
MessageTable.DATE_RECEIVED to timestamp,
MessageTable.DATE_SENT to timestamp,
MessageTable.READ to 1,
MessageTable.TYPE to messageType,
MessageTable.THREAD_ID to threadId
val messageId = SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.insert(MessageTable.TABLE_NAME, null, messageValues)
val values = contentValuesOf(
CallTable.CALL_ID to callId,
CallTable.MESSAGE_ID to messageId,
CallTable.PEER to peer.serialize(),
CallTable.TYPE to CallTable.Type.serialize(type),
CallTable.DIRECTION to CallTable.Direction.serialize(direction),
CallTable.EVENT to CallTable.Event.serialize(event),
CallTable.TIMESTAMP to timestamp
SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.insert(CallTable.TABLE_NAME, null, values)
SignalDatabase.threads.update(threadId, true)
@Ignore("Will likely be removed soon")
fun accountData() {
val context = AppDependencies.application
backupTest(validateKeyValue = true) {
val self = Recipient.self()
// TODO note-to-self archived
// TODO note-to-self unread
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileKey(, ProfileKey(Random.nextBytes(32)))
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileName(, ProfileName.fromParts("Peter", "Parker"))
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileAvatar(, "")
InAppPaymentsRepository.setSubscriber(InAppPaymentSubscriberRecord(SubscriberId.generate(), Currency.getInstance("USD"), InAppPaymentSubscriberRecord.Type.DONATION, false, InAppPaymentData.PaymentMethodType.UNKNOWN))
SignalStore.phoneNumberPrivacy.phoneNumberDiscoverabilityMode = PhoneNumberPrivacyValues.PhoneNumberDiscoverabilityMode.NOT_DISCOVERABLE
SignalStore.phoneNumberPrivacy.phoneNumberSharingMode = PhoneNumberPrivacyValues.PhoneNumberSharingMode.NOBODY
SignalStore.settings.isLinkPreviewsEnabled = false
SignalStore.settings.isPreferSystemContactPhotos = true
SignalStore.settings.universalExpireTimer = 42
SignalStore.story.viewedReceiptsEnabled = false
SignalStore.story.userHasViewedOnboardingStory = true
SignalStore.story.isFeatureDisabled = false
SignalStore.story.userHasBeenNotifiedAboutStories = true
SignalStore.story.userHasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet = true
SignalStore.emoji.reactions = listOf("a", "b", "c")
TextSecurePreferences.setTypingIndicatorsEnabled(context, false)
TextSecurePreferences.setReadReceiptsEnabled(context, false)
TextSecurePreferences.setShowUnidentifiedDeliveryIndicatorsEnabled(context, true)
// Have to check TextSecurePreferences ourselves, since they're not in a database
TextSecurePreferences.isTypingIndicatorsEnabled(context) assertIs false
TextSecurePreferences.isReadReceiptsEnabled(context) assertIs false
TextSecurePreferences.isShowUnidentifiedDeliveryIndicatorsEnabled(context) assertIs true
* Sets up the database, then executes your setup code, then compares snapshots of the database
* before an after an import to ensure that no data was lost/changed.
* @param validateKeyValue If true, this will also validate the KeyValueDatabase. You only want to do this if you
* intend on setting most of the values. Otherwise stuff tends to not match since values are lazily written.
private fun backupTest(validateKeyValue: Boolean = false, content: () -> Unit) {
// Under normal circumstances, My Story ends up being the first recipient in the table, and is added automatically.
// This screws with the tests by offsetting all the recipientIds in the initial state.
// Easiest way to get around this is to make the DB a true clean slate by clearing everything.
// (We only really need to clear Recipient/dlists, but doing everything to be consistent.)
// Again, for comparison purposes, because we always import self first, we want to ensure it's the first item
// in the table when we export.
aci = SELF_ACI,
pni = SELF_PNI,
e164 = SELF_E164,
profileKey = SELF_PROFILE_KEY,
profileSharing = true
val startingMainData: DatabaseData = SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.readAllContents()
val startingKeyValueData: DatabaseData = if (validateKeyValue) SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.readAllContents() else emptyMap()
val exported: ByteArray = BackupRepository.export()
BackupRepository.import(length = exported.size.toLong(), inputStreamFactory = { ByteArrayInputStream(exported) }, selfData = BackupRepository.SelfData(SELF_ACI, SELF_PNI, SELF_E164, SELF_PROFILE_KEY))
val endingData: DatabaseData = SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.readAllContents()
val endingKeyValueData: DatabaseData = if (validateKeyValue) SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.readAllContents() else emptyMap()
assertDatabaseMatches(startingMainData, endingData)
assertDatabaseMatches(startingKeyValueData, endingKeyValueData)
private fun individualChat(aci: ACI, givenName: String, familyName: String? = null, init: IndividualChatCreator.() -> Unit) {
val recipientId = individualRecipient(aci = aci, givenName = givenName, familyName = familyName, profileSharing = true)
val threadId: Long = SignalDatabase.threads.getOrCreateThreadIdFor(recipientId, false)
IndividualChatCreator(SignalDatabase.rawDatabase, recipientId, threadId).init()
SignalDatabase.threads.update(threadId, false)
private fun individualRecipient(
aci: ACI? = null,
pni: PNI? = null,
e164: String? = null,
givenName: String? = null,
familyName: String? = null,
username: String? = null,
hidden: Boolean = false,
registeredState: RecipientTable.RegisteredState = RecipientTable.RegisteredState.UNKNOWN,
profileKey: ProfileKey? = null,
profileSharing: Boolean = false,
hideStory: Boolean = false
): RecipientId {
check(aci != null || pni != null || e164 != null)
val recipientId = SignalDatabase.recipients.getAndPossiblyMerge(aci, pni, e164, pniVerified = true, changeSelf = true)
if (givenName != null || familyName != null) {
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileName(recipientId, ProfileName.fromParts(givenName, familyName))
if (username != null) {
SignalDatabase.recipients.setUsername(recipientId, username)
if (registeredState == RecipientTable.RegisteredState.REGISTERED) {
SignalDatabase.recipients.markRegistered(recipientId, aci ?: pni!!)
} else if (registeredState == RecipientTable.RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED) {
if (profileKey != null) {
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileKey(recipientId, profileKey)
SignalDatabase.recipients.setProfileSharing(recipientId, profileSharing)
SignalDatabase.recipients.setHideStory(recipientId, hideStory)
if (hidden) {
return recipientId
private inner class IndividualChatCreator(
private val db: SQLiteDatabase,
private val recipientId: RecipientId,
private val threadId: Long
) {
fun standardMessage(
outgoing: Boolean,
sentTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
receivedTimestamp: Long = if (outgoing) sentTimestamp else sentTimestamp + 1,
serverTimestamp: Long = sentTimestamp,
body: String? = null,
read: Boolean = true,
quotes: Long? = null,
quoteTargetMissing: Boolean = false,
randomMention: Boolean = false,
randomStyling: Boolean = false
): Long {
return db.insertMessage(
from = if (outgoing) Recipient.self().id else recipientId,
to = if (outgoing) recipientId else Recipient.self().id,
outgoing = outgoing,
threadId = threadId,
sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp,
receivedTimestamp = receivedTimestamp,
serverTimestamp = serverTimestamp,
body = body,
read = read,
quotes = quotes,
quoteTargetMissing = quoteTargetMissing,
randomMention = randomMention,
randomStyling = randomStyling
fun remoteDeletedMessage(
outgoing: Boolean,
sentTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
receivedTimestamp: Long = if (outgoing) sentTimestamp else sentTimestamp + 1,
serverTimestamp: Long = sentTimestamp
): Long {
return db.insertMessage(
from = if (outgoing) Recipient.self().id else recipientId,
to = if (outgoing) recipientId else Recipient.self().id,
outgoing = outgoing,
threadId = threadId,
sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp,
receivedTimestamp = receivedTimestamp,
serverTimestamp = serverTimestamp,
remoteDeleted = true
private fun SQLiteDatabase.insertMessage(
from: RecipientId,
to: RecipientId,
outgoing: Boolean,
threadId: Long,
sentTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
receivedTimestamp: Long = if (outgoing) sentTimestamp else sentTimestamp + 1,
serverTimestamp: Long = sentTimestamp,
body: String? = null,
read: Boolean = true,
quotes: Long? = null,
quoteTargetMissing: Boolean = false,
randomMention: Boolean = false,
randomStyling: Boolean = false,
remoteDeleted: Boolean = false
): Long {
val type = if (outgoing) {
} else {
} or MessageTypes.SECURE_MESSAGE_BIT or MessageTypes.PUSH_MESSAGE_BIT
val contentValues = ContentValues()
contentValues.put(MessageTable.DATE_SENT, sentTimestamp)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.DATE_RECEIVED, receivedTimestamp)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.FROM_RECIPIENT_ID, from.serialize())
contentValues.put(MessageTable.TO_RECIPIENT_ID, to.serialize())
contentValues.put(MessageTable.THREAD_ID, threadId)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.BODY, body)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.TYPE, type)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.READ, if (read) 1 else 0)
if (!outgoing) {
contentValues.put(MessageTable.DATE_SERVER, serverTimestamp)
if (remoteDeleted) {
contentValues.put(MessageTable.REMOTE_DELETED, 1)
return this
if (quotes != null) {
val quoteDetails = this.getQuoteDetailsFor(quotes)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_ID, if (quoteTargetMissing) MessageTable.QUOTE_TARGET_MISSING_ID else quoteDetails.quotedSentTimestamp)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_AUTHOR, quoteDetails.authorId.serialize())
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_BODY, quoteDetails.body)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_BODY_RANGES, quoteDetails.bodyRanges)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_TYPE, quoteDetails.type)
contentValues.put(MessageTable.QUOTE_MISSING, quoteTargetMissing.toInt())
if (body != null && (randomMention || randomStyling)) {
val ranges: MutableList<BodyRangeList.BodyRange> = mutableListOf()
if (randomMention) {
ranges += BodyRangeList.BodyRange(
start = 0,
length = Random.nextInt(body.length),
mentionUuid = if (outgoing) Recipient.resolved(to).requireAci().toString() else Recipient.resolved(from).requireAci().toString()
if (randomStyling) {
ranges += BodyRangeList.BodyRange(
start = 0,
length = Random.nextInt(body.length),
style = BodyRangeList.BodyRange.Style.fromValue(Random.nextInt(BodyRangeList.BodyRange.Style.values().size))
contentValues.put(MessageTable.MESSAGE_RANGES, BodyRangeList(ranges = ranges).encode())
return this
private fun assertDatabaseMatches(expected: DatabaseData, actual: DatabaseData) {
assert(expected.keys.size == actual.keys.size) { "Mismatched table count! Expected: ${expected.keys} || Actual: ${actual.keys}" }
assert(expected.keys.containsAll(actual.keys)) { "Table names differ! Expected: ${expected.keys} || Actual: ${actual.keys}" }
val tablesToCheck = expected.keys.filter { !IGNORED_TABLES.contains(it) }
for (table in tablesToCheck) {
val expectedTable: List<Map<String, Any?>> = expected[table]!!
val actualTable: List<Map<String, Any?>> = actual[table]!!
assert(expectedTable.size == actualTable.size) { "Mismatched number of rows for table '$table'! Expected: ${expectedTable.size} || Actual: ${actualTable.size}\n $actualTable" }
val expectedFiltered: List<Map<String, Any?>> = expectedTable.withoutExcludedColumns(IGNORED_COLUMNS[table])
val actualFiltered: List<Map<String, Any?>> = actualTable.withoutExcludedColumns(IGNORED_COLUMNS[table])
assert(contentEquals(expectedFiltered, actualFiltered)) { "Data did not match for table '$table'!\n${prettyDiff(expectedFiltered, actualFiltered)}" }
private fun contentEquals(expectedRows: List<Map<String, Any?>>, actualRows: List<Map<String, Any?>>): Boolean {
if (expectedRows == actualRows) {
return true
assert(expectedRows.size == actualRows.size)
for (i in expectedRows.indices) {
val expectedRow = expectedRows[i]
val actualRow = actualRows[i]
for (key in expectedRow.keys) {
val expectedValue = expectedRow[key]
val actualValue = actualRow[key]
if (!contentEquals(expectedValue, actualValue)) {
return false
return true
private fun contentEquals(lhs: Any?, rhs: Any?): Boolean {
return if (lhs is ByteArray && rhs is ByteArray) {
} else {
lhs == rhs
private fun prettyDiff(expectedRows: List<Map<String, Any?>>, actualRows: List<Map<String, Any?>>): String {
val builder = StringBuilder()
assert(expectedRows.size == actualRows.size)
for (i in expectedRows.indices) {
val expectedRow = expectedRows[i]
val actualRow = actualRows[i]
var describedRow = false
for (key in expectedRow.keys) {
val expectedValue = expectedRow[key]
val actualValue = actualRow[key]
if (!contentEquals(expectedValue, actualValue)) {
if (!describedRow) {
builder.append("-- ROW ${i + 1}\n")
describedRow = true
builder.append("  [$key] Expected: ${expectedValue.prettyPrint()} || Actual: ${actualValue.prettyPrint()} \n")
if (describedRow) {
builder.append("Expected: $expectedRow\n")
builder.append("Actual: $actualRow\n")
return builder.toString()
private fun Any?.prettyPrint(): String {
return when (this) {
is ByteArray -> "Bytes(${Hex.toString(this)})"
else -> this.toString()
private fun List<Map<String, Any?>>.withoutExcludedColumns(ignored: Set<String>?): List<Map<String, Any?>> {
return if (ignored != null) { { row ->
row.filterKeys { !ignored.contains(it) }
} else {
private fun SQLiteDatabase.getQuoteDetailsFor(messageId: Long): QuoteDetails {
return this
.where("${MessageTable.ID} = ?", messageId)
.readToSingleObject { cursor ->
quotedSentTimestamp = cursor.requireLong(MessageTable.DATE_SENT),
authorId = RecipientId.from(cursor.requireLong(MessageTable.FROM_RECIPIENT_ID)),
body = cursor.requireString(MessageTable.BODY),
bodyRanges = cursor.requireBlob(MessageTable.MESSAGE_RANGES),
type = QuoteModel.Type.NORMAL.code
private fun SQLiteDatabase.readAllContents(): DatabaseData {
return SqlUtil.getAllTables(this).associateWith { table -> this.getAllTableData(table) }
private fun SQLiteDatabase.getAllTableData(table: String): List<Map<String, Any?>> {
return this
.readToList { cursor ->
val map: MutableMap<String, Any?> = mutableMapOf()
for (i in 0 until cursor.columnCount) {
val column = cursor.getColumnName(i)
when (cursor.getType(i)) {
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER -> map[column] = cursor.getInt(i)
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT -> map[column] = cursor.getFloat(i)
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING -> map[column] = cursor.getString(i)
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB -> map[column] = cursor.getBlob(i)
Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL -> map[column] = null
private data class QuoteDetails(
val quotedSentTimestamp: Long,
val authorId: RecipientId,
val body: String?,
val bodyRanges: ByteArray?,
val type: Int

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import
import okio.ByteString.Companion.toByteString
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.TestName
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
* Test the import and export of message backup frames to make sure what
* goes in, comes out.
class ImportExportTest {
companion object {

View file

@ -6,12 +6,18 @@
package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.backup.v2
import com.github.difflib.DiffUtils
import com.github.difflib.UnifiedDiffUtils
import junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
import org.signal.core.util.Base64
import org.signal.core.util.StreamUtil
import org.signal.libsignal.messagebackup.ComparableBackup
import org.signal.libsignal.messagebackup.MessageBackup
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.profiles.ProfileKey
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.keyvalue.SignalStore
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.kbs.MasterKey
@ -20,6 +26,7 @@ import
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.random.Random
@Ignore("Not passing yet")
class ImportExportTestSuite(private val path: String) {
companion object {
@ -54,13 +61,16 @@ class ImportExportTestSuite(private val path: String) {
val binProtoBytes: ByteArray = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()"${TESTS_FOLDER}/$path").use {
val generatedBackupData = BackupRepository.export()
val importResult = import(binProtoBytes)
assertTrue(importResult is ImportResult.Success)
val success = importResult as ImportResult.Success
val generatedBackupData = BackupRepository.export(plaintext = true, currentTime = success.backupTime)
compare(binProtoBytes, generatedBackupData)
private fun import(importData: ByteArray) {
private fun import(importData: ByteArray): ImportResult {
return BackupRepository.import(
length = importData.size.toLong(),
inputStreamFactory = { ByteArrayInputStream(importData) },
selfData = BackupRepository.SelfData(SELF_ACI, SELF_PNI, SELF_E164, SELF_PROFILE_KEY),
@ -68,7 +78,29 @@ class ImportExportTestSuite(private val path: String) {
// TODO compare with libsignal's library
private fun compare(import: ByteArray, export: ByteArray) {
val importComparable = ComparableBackup.readUnencrypted(MessageBackup.Purpose.REMOTE_BACKUP, import.inputStream(), import.size.toLong())
val exportComparable = ComparableBackup.readUnencrypted(MessageBackup.Purpose.REMOTE_BACKUP, export.inputStream(), import.size.toLong())
if (importComparable.unknownFieldMessages.isNotEmpty()) {
throw AssertionError("Imported backup contains unknown fields: ${importComparable.unknownFieldMessages}")
if (exportComparable.unknownFieldMessages.isNotEmpty()) {
throw AssertionError("Imported backup contains unknown fields: ${importComparable.unknownFieldMessages}")
val canonicalImport = importComparable.comparableString
val canonicalExport = exportComparable.comparableString
if (canonicalImport != canonicalExport) {
val importLines = canonicalImport.lines()
val exportLines = canonicalExport.lines()
val patch = DiffUtils.diff(importLines, exportLines)
val diff = UnifiedDiffUtils.generateUnifiedDiff("Import", "Export", importLines, patch, 3).joinToString(separator = "\n")
throw AssertionError("Imported backup does not match exported backup. Diff:\n$diff")

View file

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ object BackupRepository {
fun export(outputStream: OutputStream, append: (ByteArray) -> Unit, plaintext: Boolean = false) {
fun export(outputStream: OutputStream, append: (ByteArray) -> Unit, plaintext: Boolean = false, currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) {
val eventTimer = EventTimer()
val dbSnapshot: SignalDatabase = createSignalDatabaseSnapshot()
val signalStoreSnapshot: SignalStore = createSignalStoreSnapshot()
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ object BackupRepository {
val exportState = ExportState(backupTime = System.currentTimeMillis(), allowMediaBackup = SignalStore.backup.backsUpMedia)
val exportState = ExportState(backupTime = currentTime, allowMediaBackup = SignalStore.backup.backsUpMedia)
writer.use {
@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ object BackupRepository {
fun export(plaintext: Boolean = false): ByteArray {
fun export(plaintext: Boolean = false, currentTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): ByteArray {
val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
export(outputStream = outputStream, append = { mac -> outputStream.write(mac) }, plaintext = plaintext)
export(outputStream = outputStream, append = { mac -> outputStream.write(mac) }, plaintext = plaintext, currentTime = currentTime)
return outputStream.toByteArray()
@ -262,7 +262,10 @@ object BackupRepository {
return MessageBackup.validate(key, MessageBackup.Purpose.REMOTE_BACKUP, inputStreamFactory, length)
fun import(length: Long, inputStreamFactory: () -> InputStream, selfData: SelfData, plaintext: Boolean = false) {
* @return The time the backup was created, or null if the backup could not be read.
fun import(length: Long, inputStreamFactory: () -> InputStream, selfData: SelfData, plaintext: Boolean = false): ImportResult {
val eventTimer = EventTimer()
val backupKey = SignalStore.svr.getOrCreateMasterKey().deriveBackupKey()
@ -281,10 +284,10 @@ object BackupRepository {
val header = frameReader.getHeader()
if (header == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Backup is missing header!")
return ImportResult.Failure
} else if (header.version > VERSION) {
Log.e(TAG, "Backup version is newer than we understand: ${header.version}")
return ImportResult.Failure
// Note: Without a transaction, bad imports could lead to lost data. But because we have a transaction,
@ -367,6 +370,7 @@ object BackupRepository {
Log.d(TAG, "import() ${eventTimer.stop().summary}")
return ImportResult.Success(backupTime = header.backupTimeMs)
fun listRemoteMediaObjects(limit: Int, cursor: String? = null): NetworkResult<ArchiveGetMediaItemsResponse> {
@ -945,3 +949,8 @@ class BackupMetadata(
val usedSpace: Long,
val mediaCount: Long
sealed class ImportResult {
data class Success(val backupTime: Long) : ImportResult()
data object Failure : ImportResult()

View file

@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ dependencyResolutionManagement {
library("mockk-android", "io.mockk:mockk-android:1.13.2")
library("conscrypt-openjdk-uber", "org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber:2.5.2")
library("diff-utils", "")
create("lintLibs") {

View file

@ -6073,6 +6073,11 @@
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<artifact name="java-diff-utils-4.12.jar">
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