When viewing a media in the media preview, you can delete it by pressing
a delete button on the action bar. It will then ask you to confirm your
choice. If you confirm, it will delete the attachment from the database
and from disk. If it was the only attachment for that message, the
message itself will also be deleted.
1) Remove all our PDU code and switch to the PDU code from the
klinker library
2) Switch to using the system Lollipop MMS library by default,
and falling back to our own custom library if that fails.
3) Format SMIL differently, using code from klinker instead of
what we've pieced together.
4) Pull per-carrier MMS media constraints from the XML config
files in the klinker library, instead of hardcoding it at 280kb.
Hopefully this is an improvement, but given that MMS is involved,
it will probably make things worse instead.
* Fix the build.gradle file
* Use the correct VisibleForTesting class
* Fix the Android test setUp() logic
* Enable a test in DeliveryReceiptJobTest.java where the @Test anotation was missing
It should be noted that the tests in AttachmentDatabaseTest.java fail.