import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' apply plugin: 'java-test-fixtures' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' apply plugin: 'signing' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint' apply plugin: 'com.squareup.wire' archivesBaseName = "signal-service-java" version = lib_signal_service_version_number group = lib_signal_service_group_info java { withJavadocJar() withSourcesJar() sourceCompatibility = signalJavaVersion targetCompatibility = signalJavaVersion } tasks.withType(KotlinCompile).configureEach { kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = signalKotlinJvmTarget } } configurations { ideaTestFixturesImplementation { extendsFrom testFixturesImplementation; canBeConsumed false; canBeResolved true } } afterEvaluate { [ 'runKtlintCheckOverMainSourceSet', 'runKtlintFormatOverMainSourceSet' ].forEach { taskName -> tasks.named(taskName) { mustRunAfter tasks.named('generateMainProtos') } } } ktlint { version.set("0.49.1") filter { exclude { entry -> entry.file.toString().contains("build/generated/source/wire") } } } dependencies { api api libs.jackson.core api libs.jackson.module.kotlin implementation libs.libsignal.client api libs.square.okhttp3 api libs.square.okio implementation api libs.rxjava3.rxjava implementation libs.kotlin.stdlib.jdk8 testImplementation testLibs.junit.junit testImplementation testLibs.assertj.core testImplementation testLibs.conscrypt.openjdk.uber testImplementation testLibs.mockito.core testFixturesImplementation libs.libsignal.client testFixturesImplementation testLibs.junit.junit } tasks.whenTaskAdded { task -> if ("lint")) { task.enabled = false } } wire { protoLibrary = true kotlin { javaInterop = true } sourcePath { srcDir 'src/main/protowire' } custom { // Comes from wire-handler jar project schemaHandlerFactoryClass = "org.signal.wire.Factory" } } idea { module { += [configurations.ideaTestFixturesImplementation] } } def isReleaseBuild() { return version.contains("SNAPSHOT") == false } def getReleaseRepositoryUrl() { return hasProperty('sonatypeRepo') ? sonatypeRepo : "" } def getRepositoryUsername() { return hasProperty('whisperSonatypeUsername') ? whisperSonatypeUsername : "" } def getRepositoryPassword() { return hasProperty('whisperSonatypePassword') ? whisperSonatypePassword : "" } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { artifactId = 'signal-service-java' from pom { name = 'signal-service-java' packaging = 'jar' description = 'Signal Service communication library for Java' url = '' scm { url = '' connection = '' developerConnection = '' } licenses { license { name = 'GPLv3' url = '' distribution = 'repo' } } developers { developer { name = 'Moxie Marlinspike' } } } } } repositories { maven { url = getReleaseRepositoryUrl() credentials { username getRepositoryUsername() password getRepositoryPassword() } } } } signing { required { isReleaseBuild() && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") } sign publishing.publications.mavenJava } task installArchives(type: Upload) { description "Installs the artifacts to the local Maven repository." configuration = configurations['archives'] repositories { mavenLocal() } }