/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Open Whisper Systems * * Licensed according to the LICENSE file in this repository. */ syntax = "proto3"; package signal; option java_package = "org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos"; option java_multiple_files = true; message ReactionList { message Reaction { string emoji = 1; uint64 author = 2; uint64 sentTime = 3; uint64 receivedTime = 4; } repeated Reaction reactions = 1; } import "SignalService.proto"; import "DecryptedGroups.proto"; message DecryptedGroupV2Context { signalservice.GroupContextV2 context = 1; DecryptedGroupChange change = 2; DecryptedGroup groupState = 3; DecryptedGroup previousGroupState = 4; } message TemporalAuthCredentialResponse { int32 date = 1; bytes authCredentialResponse = 2; } message TemporalAuthCredentialResponses { repeated TemporalAuthCredentialResponse credentialResponse = 1; } message AudioWaveFormData { int64 durationUs = 1; bytes waveForm = 2; } message ProfileChangeDetails { message StringChange { string previous = 1; string new = 2; } StringChange profileNameChange = 1; } message BodyRangeList { message BodyRange { int32 start = 1; int32 length = 2; oneof associatedValue { string mentionUuid = 3; } } repeated BodyRange ranges = 1; } message CryptoValue { oneof Value { MobileCoinValue mobileCoinValue = 1; } message MobileCoinValue { string picoMobileCoin = 1; } } message GroupCallUpdateDetails { string eraId = 1; string startedCallUuid = 2; int64 startedCallTimestamp = 3; repeated string inCallUuids = 4; bool isCallFull = 5; } message ProfileKeyCredentialColumnData { bytes profileKey = 1; bytes profileKeyCredential = 2; } message DeviceLastResetTime { message Pair { int32 deviceId = 1; int64 lastResetTime = 2; } repeated Pair resetTime = 1; } message Wallpaper { message SingleColor { int32 color = 1; } message LinearGradient { float rotation = 1; repeated int32 colors = 2; repeated float positions = 3; } message File { string uri = 1; } oneof wallpaper { SingleColor singleColor = 1; LinearGradient linearGradient = 2; File file = 3; } float dimLevelInDarkTheme = 4; } message ChatColor { message SingleColor { int32 color = 1; } message LinearGradient { float rotation = 1; repeated int32 colors = 2; repeated float positions = 3; } message File { string uri = 1; } oneof chatColor { SingleColor singleColor = 1; LinearGradient linearGradient = 2; } } message RecipientExtras { bool manuallyShownAvatar = 1; } message CustomAvatar { message Text { string text = 1; string colors = 2; } message Vector { string key = 1; string colors = 2; } message Photo { string uri = 1; int64 size = 2; } oneof avatar { Text text = 1; Vector vector = 2; Photo photo = 3; } }