/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Whisper Systems * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.DatabaseUpgradeActivity; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.DecryptingPartInputStream; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterCipher; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterSecret; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterSecretUtil; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications.MessageNotifier; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Base64; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.IdentityKey; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.InvalidMessageException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import ws.com.google.android.mms.ContentType; public class DatabaseFactory { private static final int INTRODUCED_IDENTITIES_VERSION = 2; private static final int INTRODUCED_INDEXES_VERSION = 3; private static final int INTRODUCED_DATE_SENT_VERSION = 4; private static final int INTRODUCED_DRAFTS_VERSION = 5; private static final int INTRODUCED_NEW_TYPES_VERSION = 6; private static final int INTRODUCED_MMS_BODY_VERSION = 7; private static final int INTRODUCED_MMS_FROM_VERSION = 8; private static final int INTRODUCED_TOFU_IDENTITY_VERSION = 9; private static final int INTRODUCED_PUSH_DATABASE_VERSION = 10; private static final int INTRODUCED_GROUP_DATABASE_VERSION = 11; private static final int INTRODUCED_PUSH_FIX_VERSION = 12; private static final int INTRODUCED_DELIVERY_RECEIPTS = 13; private static final int INTRODUCED_PART_DATA_SIZE_VERSION = 14; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 14; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "messages.db"; private static final Object lock = new Object(); private static DatabaseFactory instance; private DatabaseHelper databaseHelper; private final SmsDatabase sms; private final EncryptingSmsDatabase encryptingSms; private final MmsDatabase mms; private final PartDatabase part; private final ThreadDatabase thread; private final CanonicalAddressDatabase address; private final MmsAddressDatabase mmsAddress; private final MmsSmsDatabase mmsSmsDatabase; private final IdentityDatabase identityDatabase; private final DraftDatabase draftDatabase; private final PushDatabase pushDatabase; private final GroupDatabase groupDatabase; public static DatabaseFactory getInstance(Context context) { synchronized (lock) { if (instance == null) instance = new DatabaseFactory(context); return instance; } } public static MmsSmsDatabase getMmsSmsDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).mmsSmsDatabase; } public static ThreadDatabase getThreadDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).thread; } public static SmsDatabase getSmsDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).sms; } public static MmsDatabase getMmsDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).mms; } public static CanonicalAddressDatabase getAddressDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).address; } public static EncryptingSmsDatabase getEncryptingSmsDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).encryptingSms; } public static PartDatabase getPartDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).part; } public static MmsAddressDatabase getMmsAddressDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).mmsAddress; } public static IdentityDatabase getIdentityDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).identityDatabase; } public static DraftDatabase getDraftDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).draftDatabase; } public static PushDatabase getPushDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).pushDatabase; } public static GroupDatabase getGroupDatabase(Context context) { return getInstance(context).groupDatabase; } private DatabaseFactory(Context context) { this.databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); this.sms = new SmsDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.encryptingSms = new EncryptingSmsDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.mms = new MmsDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.part = new PartDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.thread = new ThreadDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.address = CanonicalAddressDatabase.getInstance(context); this.mmsAddress = new MmsAddressDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.mmsSmsDatabase = new MmsSmsDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.identityDatabase = new IdentityDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.draftDatabase = new DraftDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.pushDatabase = new PushDatabase(context, databaseHelper); this.groupDatabase = new GroupDatabase(context, databaseHelper); } public void reset(Context context) { DatabaseHelper old = this.databaseHelper; this.databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); this.sms.reset(databaseHelper); this.encryptingSms.reset(databaseHelper); this.mms.reset(databaseHelper); this.part.reset(databaseHelper); this.thread.reset(databaseHelper); this.mmsAddress.reset(databaseHelper); this.mmsSmsDatabase.reset(databaseHelper); this.identityDatabase.reset(databaseHelper); this.draftDatabase.reset(databaseHelper); this.pushDatabase.reset(databaseHelper); this.groupDatabase.reset(databaseHelper); old.close(); this.address.reset(context); } public void onApplicationLevelUpgrade(Context context, MasterSecret masterSecret, int fromVersion, DatabaseUpgradeActivity.DatabaseUpgradeListener listener) { SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); if (fromVersion < DatabaseUpgradeActivity.NO_MORE_KEY_EXCHANGE_PREFIX_VERSION) { String KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchange"; String PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchangd"; String STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchangs"; int ROW_LIMIT = 500; MasterCipher masterCipher = new MasterCipher(masterSecret); int smsCount = 0; int threadCount = 0; int skip = 0; Cursor cursor = db.query("sms", new String[] {"COUNT(*)"}, "type & " + 0x80000000 + " != 0", null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { smsCount = cursor.getInt(0); cursor.close(); } cursor = db.query("thread", new String[] {"COUNT(*)"}, "snippet_type & " + 0x80000000 + " != 0", null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { threadCount = cursor.getInt(0); cursor.close(); } Cursor smsCursor = null; Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Upgrade count: " + (smsCount + threadCount)); do { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Looping SMS cursor..."); if (smsCursor != null) smsCursor.close(); smsCursor = db.query("sms", new String[] {"_id", "type", "body"}, "type & " + 0x80000000 + " != 0", null, null, null, "_id", skip + "," + ROW_LIMIT); while (smsCursor != null && smsCursor.moveToNext()) { listener.setProgress(smsCursor.getPosition() + skip, smsCount + threadCount); try { String body = masterCipher.decryptBody(smsCursor.getString(smsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("body"))); long type = smsCursor.getLong(smsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("type")); long id = smsCursor.getLong(smsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); if (body.startsWith(KEY_EXCHANGE)) { body = body.substring(KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); body = masterCipher.encryptBody(body); type |= 0x8000; db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = ?, type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {body, type+"", id+""}); } else if (body.startsWith(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE)) { body = body.substring(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); body = masterCipher.encryptBody(body); type |= (0x8000 | 0x2000); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = ?, type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {body, type+"", id+""}); } else if (body.startsWith(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE)) { body = body.substring(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); body = masterCipher.encryptBody(body); type |= (0x8000 | 0x4000); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = ?, type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {body, type+"", id+""}); } } catch (InvalidMessageException e) { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", e); } } skip += ROW_LIMIT; } while (smsCursor != null && smsCursor.getCount() > 0); Cursor threadCursor = null; skip = 0; do { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Looping thread cursor..."); if (threadCursor != null) threadCursor.close(); threadCursor = db.query("thread", new String[] {"_id", "snippet_type", "snippet"}, "snippet_type & " + 0x80000000 + " != 0", null, null, null, "_id", skip + "," + ROW_LIMIT); while (threadCursor != null && threadCursor.moveToNext()) { listener.setProgress(smsCount + threadCursor.getPosition(), smsCount + threadCount); try { String snippet = threadCursor.getString(threadCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("snippet")); long snippetType = threadCursor.getLong(threadCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("snippet_type")); long id = threadCursor.getLong(threadCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(snippet)) { snippet = masterCipher.decryptBody(snippet); } if (snippet.startsWith(KEY_EXCHANGE)) { snippet = snippet.substring(KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); snippet = masterCipher.encryptBody(snippet); snippetType |= 0x8000; db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = ?, snippet_type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {snippet, snippetType+"", id+""}); } else if (snippet.startsWith(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE)) { snippet = snippet.substring(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); snippet = masterCipher.encryptBody(snippet); snippetType |= (0x8000 | 0x2000); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = ?, snippet_type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {snippet, snippetType+"", id+""}); } else if (snippet.startsWith(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE)) { snippet = snippet.substring(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()); snippet = masterCipher.encryptBody(snippet); snippetType |= (0x8000 | 0x4000); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = ?, snippet_type = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {snippet, snippetType+"", id+""}); } } catch (InvalidMessageException e) { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", e); } } skip += ROW_LIMIT; } while (threadCursor != null && threadCursor.getCount() > 0); if (smsCursor != null) smsCursor.close(); if (threadCursor != null) threadCursor.close(); } if (fromVersion < DatabaseUpgradeActivity.MMS_BODY_VERSION) { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Update MMS bodies..."); MasterCipher masterCipher = new MasterCipher(masterSecret); Cursor mmsCursor = db.query("mms", new String[] {"_id"}, "msg_box & " + 0x80000000L + " != 0", null, null, null, null); Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Got MMS rows: " + (mmsCursor == null ? "null" : mmsCursor.getCount())); while (mmsCursor != null && mmsCursor.moveToNext()) { listener.setProgress(mmsCursor.getPosition(), mmsCursor.getCount()); long mmsId = mmsCursor.getLong(mmsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); String body = null; int partCount = 0; Cursor partCursor = db.query("part", new String[] {"_id", "ct", "_data", "encrypted"}, "mid = ?", new String[] {mmsId+""}, null, null, null); while (partCursor != null && partCursor.moveToNext()) { String contentType = partCursor.getString(partCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ct")); if (ContentType.isTextType(contentType)) { try { long partId = partCursor.getLong(partCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); String dataLocation = partCursor.getString(partCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_data")); boolean encrypted = partCursor.getInt(partCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("encrypted")) == 1; File dataFile = new File(dataLocation); InputStream is; if (encrypted) is = new DecryptingPartInputStream(dataFile, masterSecret); else is = new FileInputStream(dataFile); body = (body == null) ? Util.readFullyAsString(is) : body + " " + Util.readFullyAsString(is); dataFile.delete(); db.delete("part", "_id = ?", new String[] {partId+""}); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w("DatabaseFactory", e); } } else if (ContentType.isAudioType(contentType) || ContentType.isImageType(contentType) || ContentType.isVideoType(contentType)) { partCount++; } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(body)) { body = masterCipher.encryptBody(body); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET body = ?, part_count = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {body, partCount+"", mmsId+""}); } else { db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET part_count = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[] {partCount+"", mmsId+""}); } Log.w("DatabaseFactory", "Updated body: " + body + " and part_count: " + partCount); } } if (fromVersion < DatabaseUpgradeActivity.TOFU_IDENTITIES_VERSION) { File sessionDirectory = new File(context.getFilesDir() + File.separator + "sessions"); if (sessionDirectory.exists() && sessionDirectory.isDirectory()) { File[] sessions = sessionDirectory.listFiles(); if (sessions != null) { for (File session : sessions) { String name = session.getName(); if (name.matches("[0-9]+")) { long recipientId = Long.parseLong(name); IdentityKey identityKey = null; // NOTE (4/21/14) -- At this moment in time, we're forgetting the ability to parse // V1 session records. Despite our usual attempts to avoid using shared code in the // upgrade path, this is too complex to put here directly. Thus, unfortunately // this operation is now lost to the ages. From the git log, it seems to have been // almost exactly a year since this went in, so hopefully the bulk of people have // already upgraded. // IdentityKey identityKey = Session.getRemoteIdentityKey(context, masterSecret, recipientId); if (identityKey != null) { MasterCipher masterCipher = new MasterCipher(masterSecret); String identityKeyString = Base64.encodeBytes(identityKey.serialize()); String macString = Base64.encodeBytes(masterCipher.getMacFor(recipientId + identityKeyString)); db.execSQL("REPLACE INTO identities (recipient, key, mac) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", new String[] {recipientId+"", identityKeyString, macString}); } } } } } } if (fromVersion < DatabaseUpgradeActivity.ASYMMETRIC_MASTER_SECRET_FIX_VERSION) { if (!MasterSecretUtil.hasAsymmericMasterSecret(context)) { MasterSecretUtil.generateAsymmetricMasterSecret(context, masterSecret); MasterCipher masterCipher = new MasterCipher(masterSecret); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.query(SmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME, new String[] {SmsDatabase.ID, SmsDatabase.BODY, SmsDatabase.TYPE}, SmsDatabase.TYPE + " & ? == 0", new String[] {String.valueOf(SmsDatabase.Types.ENCRYPTION_MASK)}, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); String body = cursor.getString(1); long type = cursor.getLong(2); String encryptedBody = masterCipher.encryptBody(body); ContentValues update = new ContentValues(); update.put(SmsDatabase.BODY, encryptedBody); update.put(SmsDatabase.TYPE, type | SmsDatabase.Types.ENCRYPTION_SYMMETRIC_BIT); db.update(SmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME, update, SmsDatabase.ID + " = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(id)}); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); // DecryptingQueue.schedulePendingDecrypts(context, masterSecret); MessageNotifier.updateNotification(context, masterSecret); } private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public DatabaseHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) { super(context, name, factory, version); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(SmsDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(MmsDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(PartDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(ThreadDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(MmsAddressDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(IdentityDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(DraftDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(PushDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(GroupDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); executeStatements(db, SmsDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, MmsDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, PartDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, ThreadDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, MmsAddressDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, DraftDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, GroupDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { db.beginTransaction(); if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_IDENTITIES_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE identities (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key TEXT UNIQUE, name TEXT UNIQUE, mac TEXT);"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_INDEXES_VERSION) { executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_thread_id_index ON sms (thread_id);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_read_index ON sms (read);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_read_and_thread_id_index ON sms (read,thread_id);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_type_index ON sms (type);" }); executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_thread_id_index ON mms (thread_id);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_read_index ON mms (read);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_read_and_thread_id_index ON mms (read,thread_id);", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_message_box_index ON mms (msg_box);" }); executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS part_mms_id_index ON part (mid);" }); executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS thread_recipient_ids_index ON thread (recipient_ids);", }); executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_addresses_mms_id_index ON mms_addresses (mms_id);", }); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_DATE_SENT_VERSION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN date_sent INTEGER;"); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET date_sent = date;"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN date_received INTEGER;"); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET date_received = date;"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_DRAFTS_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE drafts (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, thread_id INTEGER, type TEXT, value TEXT);"); executeStatements(db, new String[] { "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS draft_thread_index ON drafts (thread_id);", }); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_NEW_TYPES_VERSION) { String KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchange"; String SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT = "?TextSecureLocalEncrypt"; String ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT = "?TextSecureAsymmetricEncrypt"; String ASYMMETRIC_LOCAL_ENCRYPT = "?TextSecureAsymmetricLocalEncrypt"; String PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchangd"; String STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE = "?TextSecureKeyExchangs"; // SMS Updates db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {20L+"", 1L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {21L+"", 43L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {22L+"", 4L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {23L+"", 2L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {24L+"", 5L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(21L | 0x800000L)+"", 42L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(23L | 0x800000L)+"", 44L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x800000L)+"", 45L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x800000L | 0x10000000L)+"", 46L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(20L)+"", 47L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET type = ? WHERE type = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x800000L | 0x08000000L)+"", 48L+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", 0x80000000L+"", SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(ASYMMETRIC_LOCAL_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", 0x40000000L+"", ASYMMETRIC_LOCAL_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", (0x800000L | 0x20000000L)+"", ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", 0x8000L+"", KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", (0x8000L | 0x2000L)+"", PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE sms SET body = substr(body, ?), type = type | ? WHERE body LIKE ?", new String[] {(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", (0x8000L | 0x4000L)+"", STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); // MMS Updates db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x80000000L)+"", 1+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(23L | 0x80000000L)+"", 2+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(21L | 0x80000000L)+"", 4+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(24L | 0x80000000L)+"", 12+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(21L | 0x80000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 5+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(23L | 0x80000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 6+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x20000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 7+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x80000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 8+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x08000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 9+""}); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET msg_box = ? WHERE msg_box = ?", new String[] {(20L | 0x10000000L | 0x800000L) +"", 10+""}); // Thread Updates db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN snippet_type INTEGER;"); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", 0x80000000L+"", SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(ASYMMETRIC_LOCAL_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", 0x40000000L+"", ASYMMETRIC_LOCAL_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT.length()+1)+"", (0x800000L | 0x20000000L)+"", ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPT + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", 0x8000L+"", KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", (0x8000L | 0x4000L)+"", STALE_KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); db.execSQL("UPDATE thread SET snippet = substr(snippet, ?), " + "snippet_type = ? WHERE snippet LIKE ?", new String[] {(PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE.length()+1)+"", (0x8000L | 0x2000L)+"", PROCESSED_KEY_EXCHANGE + "%"}); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_MMS_BODY_VERSION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN body TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN part_count INTEGER"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_MMS_FROM_VERSION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN address TEXT"); Cursor cursor = db.query("mms_addresses", null, "type = ?", new String[] {0x89+""}, null, null, null); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long mmsId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("mms_id")); String address = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("address")); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) { db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET address = ? WHERE _id = ?", new String[]{address, mmsId+""}); } } if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_TOFU_IDENTITY_VERSION) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE identities"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE identities (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, recipient INTEGER UNIQUE, key TEXT, mac TEXT);"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_PUSH_DATABASE_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE push (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type INTEGER, source TEXT, destinations TEXT, body TEXT, TIMESTAMP INTEGER);"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN pending_push INTEGER;"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pending_push_index ON part (pending_push);"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_GROUP_DATABASE_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE groups (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, group_id TEXT, title TEXT, members TEXT, avatar BLOB, avatar_id INTEGER, avatar_key BLOB, avatar_content_type TEXT, avatar_relay TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, active INTEGER DEFAULT 1);"); db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS group_id_index ON groups (GROUP_ID);"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE push ADD COLUMN device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1;"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN address_device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1;"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN address_device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1;"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_PUSH_FIX_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TEMPORARY table push_backup (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type INTEGER, source, TEXT, destinations TEXT, body TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1);"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO push_backup(_id, type, source, body, timestamp, device_id) SELECT _id, type, source, body, timestamp, device_id FROM push;"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE push"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE push (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, type INTEGER, source TEXT, body TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, device_id INTEGER DEFAULT 1);"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO push (_id, type, source, body, timestamp, device_id) SELECT _id, type, source, body, timestamp, device_id FROM push_backup;"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE push_backup;"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_DELIVERY_RECEIPTS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN delivery_receipt_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN delivery_receipt_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_date_sent_index ON sms (date_sent);"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_date_sent_index ON mms (date);"); } if (oldVersion < INTRODUCED_PART_DATA_SIZE_VERSION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN data_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0;"); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); } private void executeStatements(SQLiteDatabase db, String[] statements) { for (String statement : statements) db.execSQL(statement); } } }