/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Whisper Systems * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.util.Log; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class MmsSmsDatabase extends Database { public static final String TRANSPORT = "transport_type"; public static final String GROUP_SIZE = "group_size"; public static final String SMS_GROUP_SENT_COUNT = "sms_group_sent_count"; public static final String SMS_GROUP_SEND_FAILED_COUNT = "sms_group_sent_failed_count"; public static final String MMS_GROUP_SENT_COUNT = "mms_group_sent_count"; public static final String MMS_GROUP_SEND_FAILED_COUNT = "mms_group_sent_failed_count"; public static final String DATE_SENT = "date_sent"; public static final String DATE_RECEIVED = "date_received"; public MmsSmsDatabase(Context context, SQLiteOpenHelper databaseHelper) { super(context, databaseHelper); } public Cursor getCollatedGroupConversation(long threadId) { String smsCaseSecurity = "CASE " + SmsDatabase.TYPE + " " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.SENT_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.SENT_PENDING + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.ENCRYPTED_OUTBOX_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.FAILED_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.ENCRYPTING_TYPE + " THEN 2 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.SECURE_SENT_TYPE + " THEN 2 " + "ELSE 0 END"; String mmsCaseSecurity = "CASE " + MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_BOX + " " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX + " THEN 'insecure' " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SENT + " THEN 'insecure' " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SENT_FAILED + " THEN 'insecure' " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SECURE_OUTBOX + " THEN 'secure' " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SECURE_SENT + " THEN 'secure' " + "ELSE 0 END"; String mmsGroupSentCount = "SUM(CASE " + MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_BOX + " " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SENT + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SECURE_SENT + " THEN 1 " + "ELSE 0 END)"; String smsGroupSentCount = "SUM(CASE " + SmsDatabase.TYPE + " " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.SENT_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.SECURE_SENT_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "ELSE 0 END)"; String mmsGroupSentFailedCount = "SUM(CASE " + MmsDatabase.MESSAGE_BOX + " " + "WHEN " + MmsDatabase.Types.MESSAGE_BOX_SENT_FAILED + " THEN 1 " + "ELSE 0 END)"; String smsGroupSentFailedCount = "SUM(CASE " + SmsDatabase.TYPE + " " + "WHEN " + SmsDatabase.Types.FAILED_TYPE + " THEN 1 " + "ELSE 0 END)"; String[] projection = {"_id", "body", "type", "address", "subject", "normalized_date_sent AS date_sent", "normalized_date_received AS date_received", "m_type", "msg_box", "transport_type", "COUNT(_id) AS group_size", mmsGroupSentCount + " AS mms_group_sent_count", mmsGroupSentFailedCount + " AS mms_group_sent_failed_count", smsGroupSentCount + " AS sms_group_sent_count", smsGroupSentFailedCount + " AS sms_group_sent_failed_count", smsCaseSecurity + " AS sms_collate", mmsCaseSecurity + " AS mms_collate"}; String order = "normalized_date_received ASC"; String selection = "thread_id = " + threadId; String groupBy = "normalized_date_sent / 1000, sms_collate, mms_collate"; Cursor cursor = queryTables(projection, selection, order, groupBy, null); setNotifyConverationListeners(cursor, threadId); return cursor; } public Cursor getConversation(long threadId) { String[] projection = {"_id", "body", "type", "address", "subject", "normalized_date_sent AS date_sent", "normalized_date_received AS date_received", "m_type", "msg_box", "status", "transport_type"}; String order = "normalized_date_received ASC"; String selection = "thread_id = " + threadId; Cursor cursor = queryTables(projection, selection, order, null, null); setNotifyConverationListeners(cursor, threadId); return cursor; } public Cursor getConversationSnippet(long threadId) { String[] projection = {"_id", "body", "type", "address", "subject", "normalized_date_sent AS date_sent", "normalized_date_received AS date_received", "m_type", "msg_box", "transport_type"}; String order = "normalized_date_received DESC"; String selection = "thread_id = " + threadId; Cursor cursor = queryTables(projection, selection, order, null, "1"); return cursor; } public Cursor getUnread() { String[] projection = {"_id", "body", "read", "type", "address", "subject", "thread_id", "normalized_date_sent AS date_sent", "normalized_date_received AS date_received", "m_type", "msg_box", "transport_type"}; String order = "normalized_date_received ASC"; String selection = "read = 0"; Cursor cursor = queryTables(projection, selection, order, null, null); return cursor; } public int getConversationCount(long threadId) { int count = DatabaseFactory.getSmsDatabase(context).getMessageCountForThread(threadId); count += DatabaseFactory.getMmsDatabase(context).getMessageCountForThread(threadId); return count; } private Cursor queryTables(String[] projection, String selection, String order, String groupBy, String limit) { String[] mmsProjection = {"date * 1000 AS normalized_date_sent", "date_received * 1000 AS normalized_date_received", "_id", "body", "read", "thread_id", "type", "address", "subject", "date", "m_type", "msg_box", "status", "transport_type"}; String[] smsProjection = {"date_sent * 1 AS normalized_date_sent", "date * 1 AS normalized_date_received", "_id", "body", "read", "thread_id", "type", "address", "subject", "date", "m_type", "msg_box", "status", "transport_type"}; SQLiteQueryBuilder mmsQueryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); SQLiteQueryBuilder smsQueryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); mmsQueryBuilder.setDistinct(true); smsQueryBuilder.setDistinct(true); mmsQueryBuilder.setTables(MmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME); smsQueryBuilder.setTables(SmsDatabase.TABLE_NAME); Set mmsColumnsPresent = new HashSet(); mmsColumnsPresent.add("_id"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("m_type"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("msg_box"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("date"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("date_received"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("read"); mmsColumnsPresent.add("thread_id"); Set smsColumnsPresent = new HashSet(); smsColumnsPresent.add("_id"); smsColumnsPresent.add("body"); smsColumnsPresent.add("type"); smsColumnsPresent.add("address"); smsColumnsPresent.add("subject"); smsColumnsPresent.add("date_sent"); smsColumnsPresent.add("date"); smsColumnsPresent.add("read"); smsColumnsPresent.add("thread_id"); smsColumnsPresent.add("status"); String mmsSubQuery = mmsQueryBuilder.buildUnionSubQuery("transport_type", mmsProjection, mmsColumnsPresent, 2, "mms", selection, null, null, null); String smsSubQuery = smsQueryBuilder.buildUnionSubQuery("transport_type", smsProjection, smsColumnsPresent, 2, "sms", selection, null, null, null); SQLiteQueryBuilder unionQueryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); String unionQuery = unionQueryBuilder.buildUnionQuery(new String[] {smsSubQuery, mmsSubQuery}, order, null); SQLiteQueryBuilder outerQueryBuilder = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); outerQueryBuilder.setTables("(" + unionQuery + ")"); String query = outerQueryBuilder.buildQuery(projection, null, null, groupBy, null, null, limit); Log.w("MmsSmsDatabase", "Executing query: " + query); SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(query, null); return cursor; } }