#! /usr/bin/env python3 import sys from zipfile import ZipFile class ApkDiff: IGNORE_FILES = [ # Related to app signing. Not expected to be present in unsigned builds. Doesn't affect app code. "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "META-INF/CERTIFIC.SF", "META-INF/CERTIFIC.RSA", ] def compare(self, firstApk, secondApk): firstZip = ZipFile(firstApk, 'r') secondZip = ZipFile(secondApk, 'r') if self.compareEntryNames(firstZip, secondZip) and self.compareEntryContents(firstZip, secondZip) == True: print("APKs match!") else: print("APKs don't match!") def compareEntryNames(self, firstZip, secondZip): firstNameListSorted = sorted(firstZip.namelist()) secondNameListSorted = sorted(secondZip.namelist()) for ignoreFile in self.IGNORE_FILES: while ignoreFile in firstNameListSorted: firstNameListSorted.remove(ignoreFile) while ignoreFile in secondNameListSorted: secondNameListSorted.remove(ignoreFile) if len(firstNameListSorted) != len(secondNameListSorted): print("Manifest lengths differ!") for (firstEntryName, secondEntryName) in zip(firstNameListSorted, secondNameListSorted): if firstEntryName != secondEntryName: print("Sorted manifests don't match, %s vs %s" % (firstEntryName, secondEntryName)) return False return True def compareEntryContents(self, firstZip, secondZip): firstInfoList = list(filter(lambda info: info.filename not in self.IGNORE_FILES, firstZip.infolist())) secondInfoList = list(filter(lambda info: info.filename not in self.IGNORE_FILES, secondZip.infolist())) if len(firstInfoList) != len(secondInfoList): print("APK info lists of different length!") return False success = True for firstEntryInfo in firstInfoList: for secondEntryInfo in list(secondInfoList): if firstEntryInfo.filename == secondEntryInfo.filename: firstEntryBytes = firstZip.read(firstEntryInfo.filename) secondEntryBytes = secondZip.read(secondEntryInfo.filename) if firstEntryBytes != secondEntryBytes: firstZip.extract(firstEntryInfo, "mismatches/first") secondZip.extract(secondEntryInfo, "mismatches/second") print("APKs differ on file %s! Files extracted to the mismatches/ directory." % (firstEntryInfo.filename)) success = False secondInfoList.remove(secondEntryInfo) break return success if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: apkdiff ") sys.exit(1) ApkDiff().compare(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])