73 lines
2.1 KiB
73 lines
2.1 KiB
import groovy.io.FileType
import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
import groovy.transform.stc.SimpleType
ext {
autoResConfig = this.&autoResConfig
def allStringsResourceFiles(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = ['java.io.File']) Closure c) {
file('res').eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES) { f ->
if (f.name == 'strings.xml') {
* Discovers supported languages listed as under the res/values- directory.
def autoResConfig() {
def files = []
allStringsResourceFiles { f ->
['en'] + files.collect { f -> f =~ /^values-([a-z]{2}(-r[A-Z]{2})?)$/ }
.findAll { matcher -> matcher.find() }
.collect { matcher -> matcher.group(1) }
task pullTranslations(type: Exec) {
group 'Translate'
description 'Pull translations, requires transifex client and api key.'
commandLine 'tx', 'pull', '-a', '--minimum-perc=80', '--force'
task replaceEllipsis {
group 'Translate'
description 'Process strings for ellipsis characters.'
doLast {
allStringsResourceFiles { f ->
def before = f.text
def after = f.text.replace('...', '…')
if (before != after) {
f.text = after
mustRunAfter pullTranslations
task cleanApostropheErrors {
group 'Translate'
description 'Fix transifex apostrophe string errors.'
doLast {
allStringsResourceFiles { f ->
def before = f.text
def after = before.replaceAll(/([^\\=08])(')/,'$1\\\\\'')
if (before != after) {
f.text = after
mustRunAfter replaceEllipsis
task translate {
group 'Translate'
description 'Pull translations and post-process for ellipsis and apostrophes.'
dependsOn pullTranslations, replaceEllipsis, cleanApostropheErrors