CutsceneDatabase = {}; CutsceneDatabase.intro = { music: "ocean", lines: [ {pic: "intro1", "text": "Once upon a time, there\nwas a beautiful undersea\nkingdom."}, {pic: "intro2", "text": "The queen ruled over her\nsubjects lovingly, and\neverything was peaceful."}, {pic: "intro3", "text": "Soon, her son - the prince\n- was to marry a princess\nfrom far away."}, {pic: "intro3", "text": "But on the day of her visit,\nsomething terrible\nhappened..."}, {pic: "intro1", "text": "...And the prince woke to\nfind the entire royal guard\nmissing."}, {pic: "intro1", "text": "The guards. The queen - his\nmother. And the princess."}, {pic: undefined, "text": "Alone, but fearless, he set\noff to find his family."}, ], end: function() { return Level("Intro"); } }; CutsceneDatabase.boss = { music: "preboss", lines: [ {pic: "boss1", "text": "HEHEHE... SO YOU\nDECIDED TO SHOW UP\nAFTER ALL, I SEE. "}, {pic: "boss1", "text": "UNFORTUNATELY FOR\nYOU, YOU'RE TOO LATE.\nTHE PRINCESS IS MINE. "}, {pic: "boss2", "text": "AND NONE OF YOU\nFILTHY SEA CREATURES\nCAN SAVE HER. "}, {pic: "boss2", "text": "YOUR ENTIRE KINGDOM\nWILL TREMBLE IN MY\nPRESENCE. "}, {pic: "boss3", "text": "SURELY YOU ARE NOT\nSO FOOLISH AS TO\nATTEMPT TO DEFY ME. "}, {pic: "boss3", "text": "NOT LIKE YOU HAVE A\nCHANCE. YOUR ERA AS\nRULERS ENDS HERE! "}, ], end: function() { return Level("Boss 1"); } }; CutsceneDatabase.ending = { music: "ending", lines: [ {pic: undefined, "text": "And so, the prince returned\nhome to his subjects."}, {pic: undefined, "text": "Everyone in the royal family\ncame back safe and sound."}, {pic: undefined, "text": "Except for the princess." // lol length padding + " " + " "}, ], end: function() { var title = Title(); title.z = -50; title.ticCount = 650; return title; } };