Level = function(levelName) { var level = Scene(); var camera = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, angle: 0 }; // A set of 512x512 blocks that entities are contained in. // Blocks two grid spaces away (in a square, corners excluded) from the camera // are thunk and rendered in a frame. var entityGrid = {}; function getGridIndex(x, y) { return Math.floor(x/512) + Math.floor(y/512)*512; // If a map is bigger than 200k pixels one way then you have other problems. } var dolphin; level.init = function() { dolphin = Dolphin(level, 250, 0, 0); console.log(dolphin); placeEntityInGrid(dolphin); } level.think = function() { eachEntity(function(entity) { if (entity.think) { entity.think(); } placeEntityInGrid(entity); }); } level.render = function(frames) { eachEntity(function(entity) { if (!entity.activeSprite) { return; } // Start with the angle and distance for the entity. var xdist, ydist, angle, distance; xdist = entity.position.x - camera.x; ydist = entity.position.y - camera.y; angle = (Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) - camera.angle + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI; distance = Math.sqrt(ydist*ydist + xdist*xdist); if (distance > 1024 || distance < 1 || Math.abs(angle) > Math.PI/2) { // Not in the viewport. entity.activeSprite.visible = false; return; } // In the viewport. entity.activeSprite.visible = true; distance *= Math.cos(angle); // Get screen position and scale. var scrX, scrY, scrScale; scrX = (angle * 1000 / Math.PI) + 250; scrScale = 250/distance; scrY = (entity.position.z - camera.z)*scrScale + 150; // Set sprite position. entity.activeSprite.position.set(scrX, scrY); entity.activeSprite.scale.set(scrScale, scrScale); entity.activeSprite.alpha = Math.min(4 - (distance/256), 1); }); } level.end = function() { } function placeEntityInGrid(entity) { var grid; var gridpos = getGridIndex(entity.position.x, entity.position.y); if (entity.gridPosition != gridpos) { // Remove from old. if (entity.gridPosition !== undefined) { grid = entityGrid[entity.gridPosition]; var pos = grid.indexOf(entity); grid.splice(pos, 1); } // Add to new. grid = (entityGrid[gridpos] || (entityGrid[gridpos] = [])); entity.gridPosition = gridpos; grid.push(entity); } } function eachEntity(callback) { const offsets = [ -1025, -1024, -1023, -514, -513, -512, -511, -510, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 1023, 1024, 1025 ]; var pos = getGridIndex(camera.x, camera.y); // todo use camera position // Build up an array separately so that we can modify the entity arrays during the callback. var objs = []; offsets.forEach(function(offset) { if (entityGrid[pos+offset]) { entityGrid[pos+offset].forEach(function(entity) { objs.push(entity); }); } }); objs.forEach(callback); } return level; }