Apple 2 mouse driver and other stuff from Oliver Schmidt

git-svn-id: svn:// b7a2c559-68d2-44c3-8de9-860c34a00d81
This commit is contained in:
cuz 2006-04-06 19:51:37 +00:00
parent f507124733
commit 685235795c
17 changed files with 660 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ you cannot do it, it just means that there's no help.
Gives access to 12KB RAM (48 pages of 256 bytes each) on the
Apple2 language card. The driver was contributed by Stefan Haubenthal.
Note that this driver is incompatible with any DOS using the language
card memory!
Apple&nbsp;II Language Card. The driver was contributed by Stefan Haubenthal.
Note that this driver is incompatible with any DOS using the Language
Card memory!
@ -150,8 +150,20 @@ you cannot do it, it just means that there's no help.
<sect1>Mouse drivers<p>
Currently no drivers available (in fact, the API for loadable mouse drivers
does not exist).
Driver for the AppleMouse&nbsp;II Card. Searches all Apple&nbsp;II slots
for an AppleMouse&nbsp;II Card compatible firmware. The default bounding
box is &lsqb;0..279,0..191&rsqb;. Programs using this driver will have
to be linked with <tt/--start-addr $4000/ to reserve the first hires page
if they are intended to run on an Apple&nbsp;&rsqb;&lsqb; (in contrast to
an Apple&nbsp;//e).
Note that the Apple&nbsp;&rsqb;&lsqb; default mouse callbacks support text
mode only.
<sect1>RS232 device drivers<p>
@ -159,11 +171,16 @@ does not exist).
Driver for the Apple2 Super Serial Card. Supports up to 19200 baud,
Driver for the Apple&nbsp;II Super Serial Card. Supports up to 19200 baud,
hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) and interrupt driven receives. Note
that because of the peculiarities of the 6551 chip transmits are not
interrupt driven, and the transceiver blocks if the receiver asserts
flow control because of a full buffer.
The driver defaults to slot 2. Call ser_ioctl(0, <slot>) prior to ser_open
in order to select a different slot. ser_ioctl succeeds for all Apple&nbsp;II
slots, but ser_open fails with SER_ERR_NO_DEVICE if there's no SSC firmware
found in the selected slot.

View file

@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ you cannot do it, it just means that there's no help.
Gives access to 12KB RAM (48 pages of 256 bytes each) on the
Apple2 language card. The driver was contributed by Stefan Haubenthal.
Note that this driver is incompatible with any DOS using the language
card memory!
Apple&nbsp;II Language Card. The driver was contributed by Stefan Haubenthal.
Note that this driver is incompatible with any DOS using the Language
Card memory!
@ -152,8 +152,17 @@ you cannot do it, it just means that there's no help.
<sect1>Mouse drivers<p>
Currently no drivers available (in fact, the API for loadable mouse drivers
does not exist).
Driver for the AppleMouse&nbsp;II Card. Searches all Apple&nbsp;II slots
for an AppleMouse&nbsp;II Card compatible firmware. The default bounding
box is &lsqb;0..279,0..191&rsqb;.
Note that the enhanced&nbsp;Apple&nbsp;//e default mouse callbacks support
text mode only.
<sect1>RS232 device drivers<p>
@ -161,12 +170,17 @@ does not exist).
Driver for the Apple2 Super Serial Card. Supports up to 19200 baud,
Driver for the Apple&nbsp;II Super Serial Card. Supports up to 19200 baud,
hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) and interrupt driven receives. Note
that because of the peculiarities of the 6551 chip transmits are not
interrupt driven, and the transceiver blocks if the receiver asserts
flow control because of a full buffer.
The driver defaults to slot 2. Call ser_ioctl(0, <slot>) prior to ser_open
in order to select a different slot. ser_ioctl succeeds for all Apple&nbsp;II
slots, but ser_open fails with SER_ERR_NO_DEVICE if there's no SSC firmware
found in the selected slot.

View file

@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ portable. conio implementations exist for the following targets:
<item>c16 (works also for the c116 with up to 32K memory)
@ -195,6 +196,8 @@ Some target machines support a mouse. Mouse support is currently available for
the following targets:

View file

@ -42,13 +42,14 @@ all:
# Apple ][
for i in apple2 common runtime conio dbg em joystick serial tgi zlib; do \
for i in apple2 common runtime conio dbg em joystick mouse serial tgi zlib; do \
$(MAKE) SYS=apple2 -C $$i || exit 1; \
$(AR) a apple2.lib $$i/*.o;\
mv apple2/crt0.o apple2.o
cp apple2/apple2-lc.emd
cp apple2/
cp apple2/apple2-stdmou.mou a2.stdmou.mou
cp apple2/apple2-ssc.ser a2.ssc.ser
cp apple2/apple2-40-40-16.tgi a2.lo.tgi
cp apple2/apple2-280-192-6.tgi a2.hi.tgi
@ -57,13 +58,14 @@ apple2lib:
# Apple //e
for i in apple2enh common runtime conio dbg em joystick serial tgi zlib; do \
for i in apple2enh common runtime conio dbg em joystick mouse serial tgi zlib; do \
$(MAKE) SYS=apple2enh -C $$i || exit 1; \
$(AR) a apple2enh.lib $$i/*.o;\
mv apple2enh/crt0.o apple2enh.o
cp apple2enh/apple2-lc.emd
cp apple2enh/
cp apple2enh/apple2-stdmou.mou a2e.stdmou.mou
cp apple2enh/apple2-ssc.ser a2e.ssc.ser
cp apple2enh/apple2-40-40-16.tgi a2e.lo.tgi
cp apple2enh/apple2-280-192-6.tgi a2e.hi.tgi

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

View file

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ CFLAGS = -Osir -g -T -t $(SYS) --forget-inc-paths -I . -I ../../include %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
%.mou: %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
%.ser: %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ S_OBJS= _scrsize.o \
joy_stddrv.o \
kbhit.o \
mainargs.o \
mcbdefault.o \
mli.o \
open.o \
oserrlist.o \
@ -109,6 +113,8 @@ EMDS = apple2-lc.emd
MOUS = apple2-stdmou.mou
SERS = apple2-ssc.ser
TGIS = apple2-40-40-16.tgi apple2-280-192-6.tgi
@ -118,14 +124,13 @@ TGIS = apple2-40-40-16.tgi apple2-280-192-6.tgi
.PHONY: all clean zap
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(MOUS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) $(notdir $@)
@$(RM) $(C_OBJS:.o=.s) $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS:.emd=.o) $( $(SERS:.ser=.o) $(TGIS:.tgi=.o)
zap: clean
@$(RM) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
@$(RM) $(C_OBJS:.o=.s) $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS:.emd=.o) $( $(MOUS:.mou=.o) $(SERS:.ser=.o) $(TGIS:.tgi=.o)
zap: clean
@$(RM) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(MOUS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
; Driver for the AppleMouse II Card.
; Oliver Schmidt, 03.09.2005
.include ""
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
SETMOUSE = $12 ; Sets mouse mode
SERVEMOUSE = $13 ; Services mouse interrupt
READMOUSE = $14 ; Reads mouse position
CLEARMOUSE = $15 ; Clears mouse position to 0 (for delta mode)
POSMOUSE = $16 ; Sets mouse position to a user-defined pos
CLAMPMOUSE = $17 ; Sets mouse bounds in a window
HOMEMOUSE = $18 ; Sets mouse to upper-left corner of clamp win
INITMOUSE = $19 ; Resets mouse clamps to default values and
; sets mouse position to 0,0
pos1_lo := $0478
pos1_hi := $0578
pos2_lo := $04F8
pos2_hi := $05F8
status := $0778
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "JUMPTABLE"
; Driver signature
.byte $6D, $6F, $75 ; "mou"
.byte MOUSE_API_VERSION ; Mouse driver API version number
; Jump table.
.addr HIDE
.addr SHOW
.addr BOX
.addr MOVE
.addr POS
.addr INFO
.addr IOCTL
.addr IRQ
; Callback table, set by the kernel before INSTALL is called
CHIDE: jmp $0000 ; Hide the cursor
CSHOW: jmp $0000 ; Show the cursor
CMOVEX: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to X coord
CMOVEY: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to Y coord
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
slot: .res 1
visible:.res 1
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
offsets:.byte $05 ; Pascal 1.0 ID byte
.byte $07 ; Pascal 1.0 ID byte
.byte $0B ; Pascal 1.1 generic signature byte
.byte $0C ; Device signature byte
values: .byte $38 ; Fixed
.byte $18 ; Fixed
.byte $01 ; Fixed
.byte $20 ; X-Y pointing device type 0
size = * - values
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
info: .word 279 / 2 ; MOUSE_INFO::MOUSE_POS::XCOORD
.byte %00000000 ; MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS
; Lookup and patch firmware address lobyte
lookup: ldy $FF00,x ; Patched at runtime
sty jump+1 ; Modify code below
; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse:
; "Enter all mouse routines (...) with the X register set to $Cn
; and Y register set to $n0, where n = the slot number."
xparam: ldx #$FF ; Patched at runtime
yparam: ldy #$FF ; Patched at runtime
jump: jmp $FFFF ; Patched at runtime
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INSTALL: Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If possible,
; check if the hardware is present. Must return an MOUSE_ERR_xx code in A/X.
lda #<$C000
sta ptr1
lda #>$C000
sta ptr1+1
; Search for AppleMouse II firmware in slots 1 - 7
next: inc ptr1+1
lda ptr1+1
cmp #>$C800
bcc :+
; Mouse firmware not found
; Check Pascal 1.1 Firmware Protocol ID bytes
: ldx #size - 1
: ldy offsets,x
lda values,x
cmp (ptr1),y
bne next
bpl :-
; Get and patch firmware address hibyte
lda ptr1+1
sta lookup+2
sta xparam+1
sta jump+2
; Convert to and save slot number
and #$0F
sta slot
; Convert to and patch I/O register index
sta yparam+1
; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse:
; "Disable interrupts when calling any mouse routine."
; Reset mouse hardware
jsr firmware
; Turn mouse on
lda #%00000001
jsr firmware
; Set initial mouse clamps
lda #<279
ldx #>279
sta pos2_lo
stx pos2_hi
lda #$00 ; Set x clamps
sta pos1_lo
sta pos1_hi
jsr firmware
lda #<191
ldx #>191
sta pos2_lo
stx pos2_hi
lda #$01 ; Set y clamps
jsr firmware
; Set initial mouse position
ldx slot
lda #<(279 / 2)
sta pos1_lo,x
lda #>(279 / 2)
sta pos1_hi,x
lda #<(191 / 2)
sta pos2_lo,x
lda #>(191 / 2)
sta pos2_hi,x
jsr firmware
; Turn VBL interrupt on
lda #%00001001
common: jsr firmware
; Enable interrupts and return success
; UNINSTALL: Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
; No return code required (the driver is removed from memory on return).
; Hide cursor
; Turn mouse off
lda #%00000000
bne common ; Branch always
; HIDE: Is called to hide the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
; if the mouse is currently visible and should get hidden. For most drivers,
; no special action is required besides hiding the mouse cursor.
; No return code required.
dec visible
; SHOW: Is called to show the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
; if the mouse is currently hidden and should become visible. For most drivers,
; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor.
; No return code required.
inc visible
; BOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come from
; the C program, that is, maxy in A/X and the other parameters on the stack.
; The C wrapper will remove the parameters from the stack when the driver
; routine returns.
; No checks are done if the mouse is currently inside the box, this is the job
; of the caller. It is not necessary to validate the parameters, trust the
; caller and save some code here. No return code required.
; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse:
; "Disable interrupts before placing position information in the screen holes."
; Set high clamp
sta pos2_lo
ldx #$01 ; Set y clamps
ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack
jsr :+
ldx #$00 ; Set x clamps
ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack
; Set high clamp
lda (sp),y
sta pos2_lo
lda (sp),y
: sta pos2_hi
; Skip one parameter
; Set low clamp
lda (sp),y
sta pos1_lo
lda (sp),y
sta pos1_hi
bne common ; Branch always
; MOVE: Move the mouse to a new position. The position is passed as it comes
; from the C program, that is: x on the stack and y in A/X. The C wrapper will
; remove the parameter from the stack on return.
; No checks are done if the new position is valid (within the bounding box or
; the screen). No return code required.
ldy slot
; Set y
sta pos2_lo,y
sta pos2_hi,y
ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack
; Set x
lda (sp),y
sta pos1_lo,x
lda (sp),y
sta pos1_hi,x
; Update cursor
jsr update
bne common ; Branch always
; BUTTONS: Return the button mask in A/X.
ldx #$00
; POS: Return the mouse position in the MOUSE_POS struct pointed to by ptr1.
; No return code required.
ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_POS)-1
bne copy ; Branch always
; INFO: Returns mouse position and current button mask in the MOUSE_INFO
; struct pointed to by ptr1. No return code required.
ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_INFO)-1
copy: txa
: lda info,x
sta (ptr1),y
bpl :-
; IOCTL: Driver defined entry point. The wrapper will pass a pointer to ioctl
; specific data in ptr1, and the ioctl code in A.
; Must return an MOUSE_ERR_xx code in A/X.
; IRQ: Called from the builtin runtime IRQ handler as a subroutine. All
; registers are already saved, no parameters are passed, but the carry flag
; is clear on entry. The routine must return with carry set if the interrupt
; was handled, otherwise with carry clear.
; Check for mouse interrupt
jsr firmware
bcc :+
clc ; Interrupt not handled
jsr firmware
; Get status
ldy slot
lda status,y
tax ; Save status
; Extract button down values
asl ; C = Button 0 is currently down
and #%00100000 ; !Z = Button 1 is currently down
; Set button mask
beq :+
: bcc :+
: sta info + MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS
; Check for mouse movement
txa ; Restore status
and #%00100000 ; X or Y changed since last READMOUSE
beq :+
; Remove the cursor at the old position
update: jsr CHIDE
; Get and set the new X position
ldy slot
lda pos1_lo,y
ldx pos1_hi,y
sta info + MOUSE_POS::XCOORD
stx info + MOUSE_POS::XCOORD+1
; Get and set the new Y position
ldy slot
lda pos2_lo,y
ldx pos2_hi,y
sta info + MOUSE_POS::YCOORD
stx info + MOUSE_POS::YCOORD+1
; Check for visibility
: lda visible
beq :+
; Draw the cursor at the new position
: sec ; Interrupt handled

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
.constructor initconio
.constructor initconio, 17
.export _cputcxy, _cputc
.export cputdirect, newline, putchar

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
; ProDOS 8 2.0.3 - $23
.constructor initdostype, 25
.constructor initdostype, 19
.export __dos_type
.include ""

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
; TO-DO:
; Add a control-character quoting mechanism.
.constructor initmainargs, 24
.constructor initmainargs, 18
.import __argc, __argv, __dos_type
.include ""

libsrc/apple2/mcbdefault.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
; Default mouse callbacks for the Apple II
; Oliver Schmidt, 22.09.2005
; All functions in this module should be interrupt safe, because they may
; be called from an interrupt handler
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
.constructor initmcb
.export _mouse_def_callbacks
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
backup: .res 1
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Callback structure
.addr hide
.addr show
.addr movex
.addr movey
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "INIT"
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
lda ALTCHARSET ; Alternate charset switched in?
bpl :+ ; No, normal charset
lda #'B' ; MouseText character
sta cmpcur+1
sta getcur+1
: rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
bpl column ; No, skip bank switching
switch: bit LOWSCR ; Patched at runtime
column: ldx #$00 ; Patched at runtime
getscr: lda $0400,x ; Patched at runtime
cmpcur: cmp #'+' | $40 ; Possibly patched by initialization
getcur: lda #'+' | $40 ; Possibly patched by initialization
setscr: sta $0400,x ; Patched at runtime
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
bit LOWSCR ; Doesn't hurt in 40 column mode
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
bit LOWSCR ; Doesn't hurt in 40 column mode
; Hide the mouse cursor.
jsr getcursor ; Cursor visible at current position?
bne done ; No, we're done
lda backup ; Get character at cursor position
jmp setscr ; Draw character
; Show the mouse cursor.
jsr getcursor ; Cursor visible at current position?
beq done ; Yes, we're done
sta backup ; Save character at cursor position
jmp setcursor ; Draw cursor
; Move the mouse cursor x position to the value in A/X.
dex ; Is position [256..279]?
bmi :+ ; No, start with column 0
adc #$0100 .MOD 7 ; Bias position
ldx #$0100 / 7 - 1 ; Bias column
: sec
: sbc #7 ; 280 positions / 40 columns
bcs :-
stx column+1
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
adc #7 / 2 ; Left or right half of 40-col column?
ldx #<LOWSCR ; Columns 1,3,5..79
bcs :+
.assert LOWSCR + 1 = HISCR, error
inx ; Columns 0,2,4..78
: stx switch+1
; Move the mouse cursor y position to the value in A/X.
tax ; ABCDExxx
lsr ; 0ABCDExx
lsr ; 00ABCDEx
lsr ; 000ABCDE
sta getscr+1
lsr ; 0000ABCD
and #%00000011 ; 000000CD
ora #>$0400 ; 000001CD
sta getscr+2
sta setscr+2
txa ; ABCDExxx
ror ; EABCDExx
and #%11100000 ; EAB00000
ora getscr+1 ; EABABCDE
and #%11111000 ; EABAB000
sta getscr+1
sta setscr+1

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

View file

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ CFLAGS = -Osir -g -T -t $(SYS) --forget-inc-paths -I ../apple2 -I ../../include %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
%.mou: %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
%.ser: %.o ../runtime/zeropage.o
@$(LD) -t module -o $@ $^
@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ S_OBJS= _scrsize.o \
joy_stddrv.o \
kbhit.o \
mainargs.o \
mcbdefault.o \
mli.o \
open.o \
oserrlist.o \
@ -110,6 +114,8 @@ EMDS = apple2-lc.emd
MOUS = apple2-stdmou.mou
SERS = apple2-ssc.ser
TGIS = apple2-40-40-16.tgi apple2-280-192-6.tgi
@ -119,15 +125,13 @@ TGIS = apple2-40-40-16.tgi apple2-280-192-6.tgi
.PHONY: all clean zap
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
all: $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(MOUS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) $(notdir $@)
@$(RM) $(C_OBJS:.o=.s) $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS:.emd=.o) $( $(SERS:.ser=.o) $(TGIS:.tgi=.o)
@$(RM) $(C_OBJS:.o=.s) $(C_OBJS) $(S_OBJS) $(EMDS:.emd=.o) $( $(MOUS:.mou=.o) $(SERS:.ser=.o) $(TGIS:.tgi=.o)
zap: clean
@$(RM) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)
@$(RM) $(EMDS) $(JOYS) $(MOUS) $(SERS) $(TGIS)

View file

@ -92,20 +92,25 @@ _mouse_install:
ldy tmp1
bpl @L2
; Install the IRQ vector if the driver needs it
lda mouse_irq+2 ; Check high byte of IRQ vector
beq @L3 ; Jump if vector invalid
lda #$4C ; Jump opcode
sta mouse_irq ; Activate IRQ routine
; Call driver install routine and check for errors
jsr mouse_install
@L3: jsr mouse_install
tay ; Test error code
bne @L3 ; Bail out if install had errors
beq @L4 ; Jump if no error
; Install the IRQ vector if the driver needs it. A/X contains the error code
; from mouse_install, so don't use it.
; Uninstall IRQ vector if install routine had errors. A/X contains the error
; code from mouse_install, so don't use it.
ldy mouse_irq+2 ; Check high byte of IRQ vector
beq @L3 ; Jump if vector invalid
ldy #$4C ; Jump opcode
sty mouse_irq ; Activate IRQ routine
@L3: rts
ldy #$60 ; RTS opcode
sty mouse_irq ; Disable IRQ entry point
@L4: rts
; Driver signature invalid. One word is still on the stack

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ all: $(EXELIST)
ascii: $(CRT0) ascii.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map -o $@ $^
diodemo: $(CRT0) diodemo.o $(CLIB)
diodemo: $(CRT0) diodemo.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map -o $@ $^
fire: $(CRT0) fire.o $(CLIB)
@ -85,20 +85,26 @@ hello: $(CRT0) hello.o $(CLIB)
# The apple machines need the start address adjusted for the mandelbrot demo
ifeq "$(SYS)" "apple2"
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map --start-addr 0x4000 -o $@ $^
ifeq "$(SYS)" "apple2enh"
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map --start-addr 0x4000 -o $@ $^
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
mandelbrot: $(CRT0) mandelbrot.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map -o $@ $^
# The Apple ][ needs the start address adjusted for the mousedemo
ifeq "$(SYS)" "apple2"
mousedemo: $(CRT0) mousedemo.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map --start-addr 0x4000 -o $@ $^
mousedemo: $(CRT0) mousedemo.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map -o $@ $^
nachtm: $(CRT0) nachtm.o $(CLIB)
@$(LD) -t $(SYS) -m $(basename $@).map -Ln $(basename $@).lbl -o $@ $^

View file

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Platforms: All systems with TGI support. You may have to change the
Name: mousedemo
Description: Shows how to use the mouse.
Platforms: All systems with mouse and conio support:
C64, C128
C64, C128, CBM510, Atari, Apple2
Name: nachtm

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Demo program for mouse usage. Will work for the C64/C128/CBM510/Atari
* Demo program for mouse usage. Will work for the C64/C128/CBM510/Atari/Apple2
* Ullrich von Bassewitz, 13.09.2001
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <mouse.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dbg.h>
@ -61,6 +62,14 @@ static const unsigned char MouseSprite[64] = {
#endif /* __C64__ or __C128__ */
#ifdef __APPLE2__
# define DRIVER "a2.stdmou.mou"
#ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
# define DRIVER "a2e.stdmou.mou"
static void CheckError (const char* S, unsigned char Error)
@ -81,7 +90,7 @@ static void DoWarning (void)
" %s\n"
"on disk! Press 'y' if you have it or\n"
"any other key to exit.\n", DRIVER);
if (cgetc () != 'y') {
if (tolower (cgetc ()) != 'y') {
printf ("Ok. Please wait patiently...\n");
@ -113,9 +122,9 @@ int main (void)
DoWarning ();
/* Clear the screen, set white on black */
bordercolor (COLOR_BLACK);
bgcolor (COLOR_BLACK);
textcolor (COLOR_GRAY3);
(void) bordercolor (COLOR_BLACK);
(void) bgcolor (COLOR_BLACK);
(void) textcolor (COLOR_GRAY3);
cursor (0);
clrscr ();