Just presume alternate charset to be active on the //e - how shouldn't it if conio usage activates it.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.cc65.org/cc65/trunk@4127 b7a2c559-68d2-44c3-8de9-860c34a00d81
This commit is contained in:
ol.sc 2009-09-07 14:00:17 +00:00
parent 74bfd6ee31
commit 96b731dd96

View file

@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
; be called from an interrupt handler
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
.constructor initmcb
.export _mouse_def_callbacks
.include "apple2.inc"
@ -31,24 +28,16 @@ _mouse_def_callbacks:
.addr movex
.addr movey
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "INIT"
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
lda ALTCHARSET ; Alternate charset switched in?
bpl :+ ; No, normal charset
lda #'B' ; MouseText character
sta cmpcur+1
sta getcur+1
: rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
cursor = 'B' ; MouseText character
cursor = '+' | $40 ; Flashing crosshair
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
@ -57,11 +46,11 @@ switch: bit LOWSCR ; Patched at runtime
column: ldx #$00 ; Patched at runtime
getscr: lda $0400,x ; Patched at runtime
cmpcur: cmp #'+' | $40 ; Possibly patched by initialization
cmp #cursor
getcur: lda #'+' | $40 ; Possibly patched by initialization
lda #cursor
setscr: sta $0400,x ; Patched at runtime
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
bit LOWSCR ; Doesn't hurt in 40 column mode