Add basic support for ORIC Atmos

git-svn-id: svn:// b7a2c559-68d2-44c3-8de9-860c34a00d81
This commit is contained in:
cuz 2003-04-13 22:12:09 +00:00
parent d48f341bba
commit 9f547a5a4d
21 changed files with 1001 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -19,9 +19,27 @@
S_OBJS = crt0.o \
S_OBJS = _scrsize.o \
cclear.o \
cgetc.o \
chline.o \
clock.o \
clrscr.o \
color.o \
cputc.o \
crt0.o \
ctype.o \
cvline.o \
gotox.o \
gotoxy.o \
gotoy.o \
kbhit.o \
mainargs.o \
revers.o \
systime.o \
wherex.o \
wherey.o \
# Targets

libsrc/atmos/_scrsize.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; Screen size variables
.export screensize
.proc screensize
ldx #40
ldy #28

libsrc/atmos/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
; Oric atmos zeropage and ROM definitions
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Zero page
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Low memory
CURS_Y = $268
CURS_X = $269
TIMER3 = $276
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ROM entries
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; I/O

libsrc/atmos/cclear.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void cclearxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
; void cclear (unsigned char length);
.export _cclearxy, _cclear
.import setscrptr
.import rvs
.import popax
.importzp ptr2
.include ""
pha ; Save the length
jsr popax ; Get X and Y
sta CURS_Y ; Store Y
stx CURS_X ; Store X
pla ; Restore the length and run into _cclear
tax ; Is the length zero?
beq @L9 ; Jump if done
jsr setscrptr ; Set ptr2 to screen, won't use X
lda #' '
ora rvs
@L1: sta (ptr2),y ; Write one char
iny ; Next char
bne @L2
inc ptr2+1 ; Bump high byte of screen pointer
@L2: dex
bne @L1
@L9: rts

libsrc/atmos/cgetc.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; char cgetc (void);
.export _cgetc
.constructor cursoroff
.destructor cursoron
.import cursor
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.proc _cgetc
lda KEYBUF ; Do we have a character?
bmi @L2 ; Yes: Get it
; No character, enable cursor and wait
lda cursor ; Cursor currently off?
beq @L1 ; Skip if so
jsr cursoron
@L1: lda KEYBUF
bpl @L1
; If the cursor was enabled, disable it now
ldx cursor
beq @L3
dec STATUS ; Clear bit zero
; We have the character, clear avail flag
@L2: and #$7F ; Mask out avail flag
; Done
@L3: ldx #$00
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Switch the cursor on
ora #%00000001
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Switch the cursor off
and #%11111110

libsrc/atmos/chline.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 08.08.1998
; void chlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
; void chline (unsigned char length);
.export _chlinexy, _chline
.import setscrptr
.import rvs
.import popax
.importzp ptr2
.include ""
pha ; Save the length
jsr popax ; Get X and Y
sta CURS_Y ; Store Y
stx CURS_X ; Store X
pla ; Restore the length and run into _chline
tax ; Is the length zero?
beq @L9 ; Jump if done
jsr setscrptr ; Set ptr2 to screen, won't use X
txa ; Length into A
adc CURS_X
sta CURS_X ; Correct X position by length
lda #'-' ; Horizontal line screen code
ora rvs
@L1: sta (ptr2),y ; Write one char
iny ; Next char
bne @L2
inc ptr2+1 ; Bump high byte of screen pointer
@L2: dex
bne @L1
@L9: rts

libsrc/atmos/clock.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; clock_t clock (void);
.export _clock
.import negax
.importzp sreg
.include ""
.proc _clock
; Clear the timer high 16 bits
ldy #$00
sty sreg
sty sreg+1
; Read the timer
sei ; Disable interrupts
lda TIMER3
ldx TIMER3+1
cli ; Reenable interrupts
; Since the timer is counting downwards, return the negated value
jmp negax

libsrc/atmos/clrscr.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
.export _clrscr
.importzp ptr2
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __fastcall__ clrscr (void);
.proc _clrscr
; Set the cursor to top left cursor position
ldy #$00
sty CURS_X
sty CURS_Y
; Set ptr2 to the screen position (left upper border)
lda #<SCREEN
sta ptr2
lda #>SCREEN
sta ptr2+1
; Clear full pages. Y is still zero
ldx #>(28*40)
lda #' '
@L1: sta (ptr2),y
iny ; Bump low byte of address
bne @L1
inc ptr2+1 ; Bump high byte of address
bne @L1
; Clear the remaining page
@L2: sta (ptr2),y
cpy #<(28*40)
bne @L2

libsrc/atmos/color.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; unsigned char __fastcall__ textcolor (unsigned char color);
; unsigned char __fastcall__ bgcolor (unsigned char color);
; unsigned char __fastcall__ bordercolor (unsigned char color);
.export _textcolor, _bgcolor, _bordercolor
.import return0, return1
_textcolor = return1
_bgcolor = return0
_bordercolor = return0

libsrc/atmos/cputc.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void cputcxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, char c);
; void cputc (char c);
.export _cputcxy, _cputc
.export setscrptr, putchar
.import rvs
.import popax
.importzp ptr2
.include ""
pha ; Save C
jsr popax ; Get X and Y
sta CURS_Y ; Store Y
stx CURS_X ; Store X
pla ; Restore C
; Plot a character - also used as internal function
_cputc: cmp #$0D ; CR?
bne L1
lda #0
sta CURS_X ; Carriage return
L1: cmp #$0A ; LF?
bne output
inc CURS_Y ; Newline
; Output the character, then advance the cursor position
jsr putchar
cpy #40
bne L3
inc CURS_Y ; new line
ldy #0 ; + cr
L3: sty CURS_X
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set ptr2 to the screen, load the X offset into Y
.proc setscrptr
ldy CURS_Y ; Get line number into Y
lda ScrTabLo,y ; Get low byte of line address
sta ptr2
lda ScrTabHi,y ; Get high byte of line address
sta ptr2+1
ldy CURS_X ; Get X offset
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Write one character to the screen without doing anything else, return X
; position in Y
.proc putchar
ora rvs ; Set revers bit
pha ; And save
jsr setscrptr ; Set ptr2 to the screen
pla ; Restore the character
sta (ptr2),y ; Set char
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Screen address table
.repeat 28, Line
.byte <(SCREEN + Line * 40)
.repeat 28, Line
.byte >(SCREEN + Line * 40)

View file

@ -8,25 +8,59 @@
.export _exit
.import initlib, donelib
.import push0, callmain, zerobss
.import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__ ; Linker generated
.import callmain, zerobss
.import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__, __RAM_LAST__
.include ""
.include ""
.importzp sp
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Create an empty LOWCODE segment to avoid linker warnings
.segment "LOWCODE"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Oric tape header
.segment "TAPEHDR"
.byte $16, $16, $16 ; Sync bytes
.byte $24 ; End of header marker
.byte $00 ; $2B0
.byte $00 ; $2AF
.byte $80 ; $2AE Machine code flag
.byte $C7 ; $2AD Autoload flag
.dbyt __RAM_START__ + __RAM_LAST__ ; $2AB
.dbyt __RAM_START__ ; $2A9
.byte $00 ; $2A8
.byte $00 ; Zero terminated name
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Place the startup code in a special segment.
.segment "STARTUP"
; Save the zero page area we're about to use
ldx #zpspace-1
L1: lda sp,x
sta zpsave,x ; Save the zero page locations we need
bpl L1
; Clear the BSS data
jsr zerobss
; Unprotect columns 0 and 1
sta stsave
and #%11011111
; Save system stuff and setup the stack
@ -53,6 +87,16 @@ _exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
ldx spsave
lda stsave
; Copy back the zero page stuff
ldx #zpspace-1
L2: lda zpsave,x
sta sp,x
bpl L2
; Back to BASIC
@ -61,7 +105,12 @@ _exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
zpsave: .res zpspace
spsave: .res 1
stsave: .res 1

libsrc/atmos/ctype.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; Character specification table.
; The tables are readonly, put them into the rodata segment
; The following 256 byte wide table specifies attributes for the isxxx type
; of functions. Doing it by a table means some overhead in space, but it
; has major advantages:
; * It is fast. If it were'nt for the slow parameter passing of cc65, one
; could even define macros for the isxxx functions (this is usually
; done on other platforms).
; * It is highly portable. The only unportable part is the table itself,
; all real code goes into the common library.
; * We save some code in the isxxx functions.
; Bit assignments:
; 0 - Lower case char
; 1 - Upper case char
; 2 - Numeric digit
; 3 - Hex digit (both, lower and upper)
; 4 - Control character
; 5 - The space character itself
; 6 - Other whitespace (that is: '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t' and '\v')
; 7 - Space or tab character
.export __ctype
.byte $10 ; 0/00 ___ctrl_@___
.byte $10 ; 1/01 ___ctrl_A___
.byte $10 ; 2/02 ___ctrl_B___
.byte $10 ; 3/03 ___ctrl_C___
.byte $10 ; 4/04 ___ctrl_D___
.byte $10 ; 5/05 ___ctrl_E___
.byte $10 ; 6/06 ___ctrl_F___
.byte $10 ; 7/07 ___ctrl_G___
.byte $10 ; 8/08 ___ctrl_H___
.byte $D0 ; 9/09 ___ctrl_I___
.byte $50 ; 10/0a ___ctrl_J___
.byte $50 ; 11/0b ___ctrl_K___
.byte $50 ; 12/0c ___ctrl_L___
.byte $50 ; 13/0d ___ctrl_M___
.byte $10 ; 14/0e ___ctrl_N___
.byte $10 ; 15/0f ___ctrl_O___
.byte $10 ; 16/10 ___ctrl_P___
.byte $10 ; 17/11 ___ctrl_Q___
.byte $10 ; 18/12 ___ctrl_R___
.byte $10 ; 19/13 ___ctrl_S___
.byte $10 ; 20/14 ___ctrl_T___
.byte $10 ; 21/15 ___ctrl_U___
.byte $10 ; 22/16 ___ctrl_V___
.byte $10 ; 23/17 ___ctrl_W___
.byte $10 ; 24/18 ___ctrl_X___
.byte $10 ; 25/19 ___ctrl_Y___
.byte $10 ; 26/1a ___ctrl_Z___
.byte $10 ; 27/1b ___ctrl_[___
.byte $10 ; 28/1c ___ctrl_\___
.byte $10 ; 29/1d ___ctrl_]___
.byte $10 ; 30/1e ___ctrl_^___
.byte $10 ; 31/1f ___ctrl_____
.byte $A0 ; 32/20 ___SPACE___
.byte $00 ; 33/21 _____!_____
.byte $00 ; 34/22 _____"_____
.byte $00 ; 35/23 _____#_____
.byte $00 ; 36/24 _____$_____
.byte $00 ; 37/25 _____%_____
.byte $00 ; 38/26 _____&_____
.byte $00 ; 39/27 _____'_____
.byte $00 ; 40/28 _____(_____
.byte $00 ; 41/29 _____)_____
.byte $00 ; 42/2a _____*_____
.byte $00 ; 43/2b _____+_____
.byte $00 ; 44/2c _____,_____
.byte $00 ; 45/2d _____-_____
.byte $00 ; 46/2e _____._____
.byte $00 ; 47/2f _____/_____
.byte $0C ; 48/30 _____0_____
.byte $0C ; 49/31 _____1_____
.byte $0C ; 50/32 _____2_____
.byte $0C ; 51/33 _____3_____
.byte $0C ; 52/34 _____4_____
.byte $0C ; 53/35 _____5_____
.byte $0C ; 54/36 _____6_____
.byte $0C ; 55/37 _____7_____
.byte $0C ; 56/38 _____8_____
.byte $0C ; 57/39 _____9_____
.byte $00 ; 58/3a _____:_____
.byte $00 ; 59/3b _____;_____
.byte $00 ; 60/3c _____<_____
.byte $00 ; 61/3d _____=_____
.byte $00 ; 62/3e _____>_____
.byte $00 ; 63/3f _____?_____
.byte $00 ; 64/40 _____@_____
.byte $0A ; 65/41 _____A_____
.byte $0A ; 66/42 _____B_____
.byte $0A ; 67/43 _____C_____
.byte $0A ; 68/44 _____D_____
.byte $0A ; 69/45 _____E_____
.byte $0A ; 70/46 _____F_____
.byte $02 ; 71/47 _____G_____
.byte $02 ; 72/48 _____H_____
.byte $02 ; 73/49 _____I_____
.byte $02 ; 74/4a _____J_____
.byte $02 ; 75/4b _____K_____
.byte $02 ; 76/4c _____L_____
.byte $02 ; 77/4d _____M_____
.byte $02 ; 78/4e _____N_____
.byte $02 ; 79/4f _____O_____
.byte $02 ; 80/50 _____P_____
.byte $02 ; 81/51 _____Q_____
.byte $02 ; 82/52 _____R_____
.byte $02 ; 83/53 _____S_____
.byte $02 ; 84/54 _____T_____
.byte $02 ; 85/55 _____U_____
.byte $02 ; 86/56 _____V_____
.byte $02 ; 87/57 _____W_____
.byte $02 ; 88/58 _____X_____
.byte $02 ; 89/59 _____Y_____
.byte $02 ; 90/5a _____Z_____
.byte $00 ; 91/5b _____[_____
.byte $00 ; 92/5c _____\_____
.byte $00 ; 93/5d _____]_____
.byte $00 ; 94/5e _____^_____
.byte $00 ; 95/5f _UNDERLINE_
.byte $00 ; 96/60 ___grave___
.byte $09 ; 97/61 _____a_____
.byte $09 ; 98/62 _____b_____
.byte $09 ; 99/63 _____c_____
.byte $09 ; 100/64 _____d_____
.byte $09 ; 101/65 _____e_____
.byte $09 ; 102/66 _____f_____
.byte $01 ; 103/67 _____g_____
.byte $01 ; 104/68 _____h_____
.byte $01 ; 105/69 _____i_____
.byte $01 ; 106/6a _____j_____
.byte $01 ; 107/6b _____k_____
.byte $01 ; 108/6c _____l_____
.byte $01 ; 109/6d _____m_____
.byte $01 ; 110/6e _____n_____
.byte $01 ; 111/6f _____o_____
.byte $01 ; 112/70 _____p_____
.byte $01 ; 113/71 _____q_____
.byte $01 ; 114/72 _____r_____
.byte $01 ; 115/73 _____s_____
.byte $01 ; 116/74 _____t_____
.byte $01 ; 117/75 _____u_____
.byte $01 ; 118/76 _____v_____
.byte $01 ; 119/77 _____w_____
.byte $01 ; 120/78 _____x_____
.byte $01 ; 121/79 _____y_____
.byte $01 ; 122/7a _____z_____
.byte $00 ; 123/7b _____{_____
.byte $00 ; 124/7c _____|_____
.byte $00 ; 125/7d _____}_____
.byte $00 ; 126/7e _____~_____
.byte $40 ; 127/7f ____DEL____
.byte $00 ; 128/80 ___________
.byte $00 ; 129/81 ___________
.byte $00 ; 130/82 ___________
.byte $00 ; 131/83 ___________
.byte $00 ; 132/84 ___________
.byte $00 ; 133/85 ___________
.byte $00 ; 134/86 ___________
.byte $00 ; 135/87 ___________
.byte $00 ; 136/88 ___________
.byte $00 ; 137/89 ___________
.byte $00 ; 138/8a ___________
.byte $00 ; 139/8b ___________
.byte $00 ; 140/8c ___________
.byte $00 ; 141/8d ___________
.byte $00 ; 142/8e ___________
.byte $00 ; 143/8f ___________
.byte $00 ; 144/90 ___________
.byte $00 ; 145/91 ___________
.byte $00 ; 146/92 ___________
.byte $10 ; 147/93 ___________
.byte $00 ; 148/94 ___________
.byte $00 ; 149/95 ___________
.byte $00 ; 150/96 ___________
.byte $00 ; 151/97 ___________
.byte $00 ; 152/98 ___________
.byte $00 ; 153/99 ___________
.byte $00 ; 154/9a ___________
.byte $00 ; 155/9b ___________
.byte $00 ; 156/9c ___________
.byte $00 ; 157/9d ___________
.byte $00 ; 158/9e ___________
.byte $00 ; 159/9f ___________
.byte $00 ; 160/a0 ___________
.byte $00 ; 161/a1 ___________
.byte $00 ; 162/a2 ___________
.byte $00 ; 163/a3 ___________
.byte $00 ; 164/a4 ___________
.byte $00 ; 165/a5 ___________
.byte $00 ; 166/a6 ___________
.byte $00 ; 167/a7 ___________
.byte $00 ; 168/a8 ___________
.byte $00 ; 169/a9 ___________
.byte $00 ; 170/aa ___________
.byte $00 ; 171/ab ___________
.byte $00 ; 172/ac ___________
.byte $00 ; 173/ad ___________
.byte $00 ; 174/ae ___________
.byte $00 ; 175/af ___________
.byte $00 ; 176/b0 ___________
.byte $00 ; 177/b1 ___________
.byte $00 ; 178/b2 ___________
.byte $00 ; 179/b3 ___________
.byte $00 ; 180/b4 ___________
.byte $00 ; 181/b5 ___________
.byte $00 ; 182/b6 ___________
.byte $00 ; 183/b7 ___________
.byte $00 ; 184/b8 ___________
.byte $00 ; 185/b9 ___________
.byte $00 ; 186/ba ___________
.byte $00 ; 187/bb ___________
.byte $00 ; 188/bc ___________
.byte $00 ; 189/bd ___________
.byte $00 ; 190/be ___________
.byte $00 ; 191/bf ___________
.byte $02 ; 192/c0 ___________
.byte $02 ; 193/c1 ___________
.byte $02 ; 194/c2 ___________
.byte $02 ; 195/c3 ___________
.byte $02 ; 196/c4 ___________
.byte $02 ; 197/c5 ___________
.byte $02 ; 198/c6 ___________
.byte $02 ; 199/c7 ___________
.byte $02 ; 200/c8 ___________
.byte $02 ; 201/c9 ___________
.byte $02 ; 202/ca ___________
.byte $02 ; 203/cb ___________
.byte $02 ; 204/cc ___________
.byte $02 ; 205/cd ___________
.byte $02 ; 206/ce ___________
.byte $02 ; 207/cf ___________
.byte $02 ; 208/d0 ___________
.byte $02 ; 209/d1 ___________
.byte $02 ; 210/d2 ___________
.byte $02 ; 211/d3 ___________
.byte $02 ; 212/d4 ___________
.byte $02 ; 213/d5 ___________
.byte $02 ; 214/d6 ___________
.byte $02 ; 215/d7 ___________
.byte $02 ; 216/d8 ___________
.byte $02 ; 217/d9 ___________
.byte $02 ; 218/da ___________
.byte $02 ; 219/db ___________
.byte $02 ; 220/dc ___________
.byte $02 ; 221/dd ___________
.byte $02 ; 222/de ___________
.byte $00 ; 223/df ___________
.byte $01 ; 224/e0 ___________
.byte $01 ; 225/e1 ___________
.byte $01 ; 226/e2 ___________
.byte $01 ; 227/e3 ___________
.byte $01 ; 228/e4 ___________
.byte $01 ; 229/e5 ___________
.byte $01 ; 230/e6 ___________
.byte $01 ; 231/e7 ___________
.byte $01 ; 232/e8 ___________
.byte $01 ; 233/e9 ___________
.byte $01 ; 234/ea ___________
.byte $01 ; 235/eb ___________
.byte $01 ; 236/ec ___________
.byte $01 ; 237/ed ___________
.byte $01 ; 238/ee ___________
.byte $01 ; 239/ef ___________
.byte $01 ; 240/f0 ___________
.byte $01 ; 241/f1 ___________
.byte $01 ; 242/f2 ___________
.byte $01 ; 243/f3 ___________
.byte $01 ; 244/f4 ___________
.byte $01 ; 245/f5 ___________
.byte $01 ; 246/f6 ___________
.byte $01 ; 247/f7 ___________
.byte $01 ; 248/f8 ___________
.byte $01 ; 249/f9 ___________
.byte $01 ; 250/fa ___________
.byte $01 ; 251/fb ___________
.byte $01 ; 252/fc ___________
.byte $01 ; 253/fd ___________
.byte $01 ; 254/fe ___________
.byte $00 ; 255/ff ___________

libsrc/atmos/cvline.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void cvlinexy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char length);
; void cvline (unsigned char length);
.export _cvlinexy, _cvline
.import setscrptr
.import rvs
.import popax
.importzp ptr2
.include ""
pha ; Save the length
jsr popax ; Get X and Y
sta CURS_Y ; Store Y
stx CURS_X ; Store X
pla ; Restore the length and run into _cvline
tax ; Is the length zero?
beq @L9 ; Jump if done
@L1: jsr setscrptr ; Set ptr2 to screen, won't use X
lda #'|'
ora rvs
sta (ptr2),y ; Write one char
inc CURS_Y
@L2: dex
bne @L1
@L9: rts

libsrc/atmos/gotox.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void gotox (unsigned char x);
.export _gotox
.include ""
.proc _gotox
sta CURS_X ; Set X

libsrc/atmos/gotoxy.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void gotoxy (unsigned char x, unsigned char y);
.export _gotoxy
.import popa
.include ""
.proc _gotoxy
sta CURS_Y ; Set Y
jsr popa ; Get X
sta CURS_X ; Set X

libsrc/atmos/gotoy.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; void gotoy (unsigned char y);
.export _gotoy
.include ""
.proc _gotoy
sta CURS_Y ; Set Y

libsrc/atmos/kbhit.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; int kbhit (void);
.export _kbhit
.include ""
ldx #$00 ; Load high byte
lda KEYBUF ; Flag for new char in bit 7
asl a ; Shift bit 7 into carry
txa ; A = 0
rol a ; Move old bit 7 into bit 0

libsrc/atmos/revers.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 07.08.1998
; unsigned char revers (unsigned char onoff);
.export _revers
.export rvs
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.proc _revers
ldx #$00 ; Assume revers off
tay ; Test onoff
beq L1 ; Jump if off
ldx #$80 ; Load on value
ldy #$00 ; Assume old value is zero
L1: lda rvs ; Load old value
stx rvs ; Set new value
beq L2 ; Jump if old value zero
iny ; Make old value = 1
L2: ldx #$00 ; Load high byte of result
tya ; Load low byte, set CC
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
rvs: .res 1

libsrc/atmos/wherex.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; unsigned char wherex (void);
.export _wherex
.include ""
.proc _wherex
ldx #$00
lda CURS_X

libsrc/atmos/wherey.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; unsigned char wherey (void);
.export _wherey
.include ""
.proc _wherey
ldx #$00
lda CURS_Y

libsrc/atmos/write.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2003-04-13
; int write (int fd, const void* buf, int count);
; This function is a hack!
.export _write
.import popax
.importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1
.include ""
.proc _write
sta ptr3
sta ptr3+1 ; save count as result
eor #$FF
sta ptr2
eor #$FF
sta ptr2+1 ; Remember -count-1
jsr popax ; get buf
sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1
jsr popax ; get fd and discard
L1: inc ptr2
bne L2
inc ptr2+1
beq L9
L2: ldy #0
lda (ptr1),y
cpx #$0A ; Check for \n
bne L3
ldx #$0D
L3: jsr PRINT
inc ptr1
bne L1
inc ptr1+1
jmp L1
; No error, return count
L9: lda ptr3
ldx ptr3+1