diff --git a/packages/windows/install.vbs b/packages/windows/install.vbs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fdbda7f6..000000000
--- a/packages/windows/install.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1177 +0,0 @@
-Option Explicit ' Variables must be declared explicitly
-' Installer defaults.
-const AppName = "cc65"
-const Version = "2.11.9"
-const Installer = "cc65 Installer"
-const SpaceNeeded = 20 ' Free space needed on drive in MiB.
-const Shortcut = true ' Create shortcut on desktop
-' Global constants
-const SysEnv = "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
-const SysPath = "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path"
-' Global variables
-dim Tab, NewLine, Quote ' String constants
-dim Shell, FSO ' Global objects
-dim ProgArgs ' Program arguments
-dim Dbg ' Output debugging stuff
-dim Language ' Program language
-dim SystemDrive ' The system drive
-dim SystemRoot ' The windows directory
-dim UserName ' Name if the current user
-dim UserProfile ' User profile directory
-dim ProgramFiles ' Program files directory
-dim AppData ' Application data directory
-dim InstallSource ' Installation source directory
-dim InstallTarget ' Installation target directory
-dim UninstallCtrlFileName ' Name of the control file for the uninstaller
-dim UninstallCtrlFile ' Control file for the uninstaller
-dim Uninstaller ' Path to the uninstaller file
-dim UninstallerCmdLine ' Command line for the uninstaller
-dim Programs ' "Programs" menu folder
-dim Desktop ' "Desktop" menu folder
-dim RegUninstall ' Registry key for uninstall entries
-dim BinDir ' Directory for binaries
-dim LibDir ' Library directory
-dim IncDir ' Include directory
-dim DocIndexFile ' Name of documentation index file
-dim AnnouncementFile ' Name of the announcement file
-' Display an error message window with an OK button
-sub ErrorMsg (Msg)
- call MsgBox (Msg, vbOkOnly + vbExclamation, Installer)
-end sub
-' Display an error message window and abort the installer
-sub Abort (Msg)
- call ErrorMsg (Msg)
- WScript.Quit (1)
-end sub
-' Display a message with an OK button
-sub Message (Msg)
- call MsgBox (Msg, vbOkOnly + vbInformation, Installer)
-end sub
-' Convert a number to a string
-function ToString (Num)
- ToString = FormatNumber (Num, vbFalse, vbTrue, vbFalse, vbFalse)
-end function
-' Return a message in the current language
-function GetMsg (Key)
- dim Msg
- ' Handle other languages here
- ' Default is english
- if IsEmpty (Msg) then
- ' No assignment, use english
- select case Key
- Msg = "Installation was aborted."
- case "MSG_ADMIN"
- Msg = "You must be Administrator to install %1."
- Msg = Msg & " Are you sure you want to continue?"
- case "MSG_COPYERR"
- Msg = "Cannot copy %1 to %2: " & NewLine & "%3"
- Msg = "%1 does not exist." & NewLine & "Create it?"
- Msg = "Cannot create %1:" & NewLine & "%2"
- Msg = "Cannot delete %1:" & NewLine & "%2"
- Msg = "Not enough space left on drive %1" & NewLine
- Msg = Msg & "At least %2 MB are needed."
- Msg = "The package will be installed in %1"
- Msg = "%1 Documentation"
- Msg = "Installation failed: Cannot read the registry!"
- Msg = "Installation failed: Cannot write to the registry!"
- Msg = "Remove %1"
- Msg = "A folder with the name %1 does already exist."
- Msg = Msg & " Is it ok to remove the folder?"
- Msg = "Found an old version. Remove it?"
- case "MSG_SUCCESS"
- Msg = "Installation was successful!"
- Msg = "There was a problem uninstalling the old version. Please"
- Msg = Msg & " uninstall the old program manually and restart"
- Msg = Msg & " the installation."
- Msg = "cc65 Announcement"
- Msg = "The package seems to be incomplete and cannot be"
- Msg = Msg & " installed."
- case else
- Msg = Key
- end select
- end if
- GetMsg = Msg
-end function
-' Format a string replacing %n specifiers in the format string F
-function Fmt (F, Values)
- dim I, Count, Key, Val, Start, Pos
- Count = UBound (Values) ' How many values?
- for I = Count to 0 step -1
- Key = "%" & ToString (I)
- select case VarType (Values (I))
- case vbEmpty
- Val = ""
- case vbInteger
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbLong
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbNull
- Val = ""
- case vbSingle
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbDouble
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbString
- Val = Values (I)
- case else
- Abort ("Internal error: Invalid conversion in Format()")
- end select
- F = Replace (F, Key, Val)
- next
- Fmt = F
-end function
-' Format a message replacing %n specifiers in the format string F
-function FmtMsg (Msg, Values)
- FmtMsg = Fmt (GetMsg (Msg), Values)
-end function
-' Return an environment string. Fix up Microsoft's "innovative" ideas.
-function GetEnv (Key)
- dim Value
- Value = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings (Key)
- if Value = Key then
- GetEnv = vbNullString
- else
- GetEnv = Value
- end if
-end function
-' Build a path from two components
-function BuildPath (Path, Name)
- BuildPath = FSO.BuildPath (Path, Name)
-end function
-' Return true if the file with the given name exists
-function FileExists (Name)
- On Error Resume Next
- FileExists = FSO.FileExists (Name)
-end function
-' Return true if the folder with the given name exists
-function FolderExists (Name)
- On Error Resume Next
- FolderExists = FSO.FolderExists (Name)
-end function
-' Copy a file and return an error message (empty string if no error)
-function CopyFile (Source, Target)
- if Right (Target, 1) <> "\" and FolderExists (Target) then
- Target = Target & "\"
- end if
- On Error Resume Next
- call FSO.CopyFile (Source, Target)
- on error goto 0
- CopyFile = Err.Description
-end function
-' Create a folder and all parent folders and return an error string
-function CreateFolder (Path)
- ' If the parent folder does not exist, try to create it
- dim ParentFolder
- ParentFolder = FSO.GetParentFolderName (Path)
- if ParentFolder <> "" and not FolderExists (ParentFolder) then
- CreateFolder (ParentFolder)
- end if
- ' Now try to create the actual folder
- On Error Resume Next
- FSO.CreateFolder (Path)
- CreateFolder = Err.Description
-end function
-' Delete a file and return an error string
-function DeleteFile (Name)
- On Error Resume Next
- call FSO.DeleteFile (Name, true)
- DeleteFile = Err.Description
-end function
-' Delete a folder and return an error string
-function DeleteFolder (Path)
- On Error Resume Next
- call FSO.DeleteFolder (Path, true)
- DeleteFolder = Err.Description
-end function
-' Return the type of a registry entry
-function RegType (Value)
- dim Result
- ' Determine the type of the registry value. If the string contains percent
- ' signs, use REG_EXPAND_SZ, otherwise use REG_SZ. This isn't always safe,
- ' but there is no way to determine the type, and VBS itself is too stupid
- ' to choose the correct type itself. Add the usual curse over Microsoft
- ' here...
- Result = InStr (1, Value, "%")
- if Result = 0 then
- RegType = "REG_SZ"
- else
- RegType = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
- end if
-end function
-' Read a string from the registry. Return an empty string if nothing was found.
-function RegReadStr (Key)
- On Error Resume Next
- RegReadStr = Shell.RegRead (Key)
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- RegReadStr = ""
- end if
-end function
-' Write a binary value to the registry, return an error description
-function RegWriteBin (Key, Value)
- on error resume next
- Shell.RegWrite Key, Value, "REG_BINARY"
- RegWriteBin = Err.Description
- on error goto 0
- WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("R " & Key)
-end function
-' Write a string value to the registry, return an error description
-function RegWriteStr (Key, Value)
- on error resume next
- Shell.RegWrite Key, Value, "REG_SZ"
- RegWriteStr = Err.Description
- on error goto 0
- WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("R " & Key)
-end function
-' Run a program, wait for its termination and return an error code.
-function Run (Cmd, WinState)
- dim ErrCode
- On Error Resume Next
- ErrCode = Shell.Run (Cmd, WinState, true)
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- ErrCode = Err.Number
- end if
- Run = ErrCode
-end function
-' Display a progress bar using the internet exploder
-dim PBDoc ' Progress bar document object
-dim PBVal ' Current progress bar setting
-dim IEApp ' Internet exploder application object
-set PBDoc = nothing
-set IEApp = nothing
-PBVal = -1
-sub ProgressBar (Percent)
- ' Remember the last setting
- PBVal = Percent
- 'Create the progress bar window
- if PBDoc is nothing then
- if ((Cint (Percent) < 0) or (Cint (Percent) > 100)) then
- ' Close request, but object already destroyed
- exit sub
- end if
- ' Create an object that control the internet exploder
- set IEApp = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application")
- ' Set the exploder to fullscreen and retrieve its size
- dim ScreenHeight, ScreenWidth
- IEApp.Visible = false
- IEApp.FullScreen = true
- ScreenWidth = IEApp.Width
- ScreenHeight = IEApp.Height
- IEApp.FullScreen = false
- ' Now prepare the actual window
- IEApp.Offline = true
- IEApp.AddressBar = false
- IEApp.Height = 100
- IEApp.Width = 250
- IEApp.MenuBar = false
- IEApp.StatusBar = false
- IEApp.Silent = true
- IEApp.ToolBar = false
- IEApp.Resizable = false
- IEApp.Left = (ScreenWidth - IEApp.Width) / 2
- IEApp.Top = (ScreenHeight - IEApp.Height) / 2
- call IEApp.Navigate ("about:blank")
- do while IEApp.Busy
- call WScript.Sleep (100)
- loop
- ' Connect to the displayed document
- do until not PBDoc is nothing
- call WScript.Sleep (100)
- set PBDoc = IEApp.Document
- loop
- ' Generate a new document showing a progress bar
- PBDoc.Open
- call PBDoc.Write ("
" & Installer & " progress")
- call PBDoc.Write ("")
- call PBDoc.Write ("")
- call PBDoc.Write ("")
- call PBDoc.Write ("  | ")
- call PBDoc.Write (" |
- call PBDoc.Write ("")
- PBDoc.Close
- ' Display the exploder window
- IEApp.Visible = true
- else
- if ((Cint (Percent) < 0) or (Cint (Percent) > 100)) then
- ' Request for shutdown
- IEApp.Visible = false
- set PBDoc = nothing
- IEApp.Quit
- set IEApp = nothing
- else
- ' Update the progress bar
- if Cint (Percent) = 0 then
- PBDoc.all.progress.width = "1%"
- PBDoc.all.progress.bgcolor = "#C0C0C0"
- else
- PBDoc.all.progress.width = Cstr (Cint (Percent)) & "%"
- PBDoc.all.progress.bgcolor = "#0000C0"
- end if
- end if
- end if
-end sub
-' Initialize global variables
-sub InitializeGlobals ()
- dim I
- ' String stuff used for formatting
- Tab = Chr (9)
- NewLine = Chr (13)
- Quote = Chr (34)
- ' Global objects
- set Shell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
- set FSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- ' Arguments
- set ProgArgs = WScript.Arguments
- ' Handle program arguments
- Dbg = false
- Language = "de"
- for I = 0 to ProgArgs.Count-1
- select case ProgArgs(I)
- case "-de"
- Language = "de"
- case "-debug"
- Dbg = true
- case "-en"
- Language = "en"
- end select
- next
- ' Paths and locations
- SystemDrive = GetEnv ("%SystemDrive%")
- if SystemDrive = vbNullString then
- SystemDrive = "c:"
- end if
- SystemRoot = GetEnv ("%SystemRoot%")
- if SystemRoot = vbNullString then
- SystemRoot = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "winnt")
- end if
- UserName = GetEnv ("%USERNAME%")
- if UserName = vbNullString then
- UserName = "Administrator"
- end if
- UserProfile = GetEnv ("%USERPROFILE%")
- if UserProfile = vbNullString then
- UserProfile = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "Dokumente und Einstellungen\" & UserName)
- end if
- ProgramFiles = GetEnv ("%ProgramFiles%")
- if ProgramFiles = vbNullString then
- ProgramFiles = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "Programme")
- end if
- AppData = GetEnv ("%AppData%")
- if AppData = vbNullString then
- AppData = UserProfile
- end if
- InstallSource = FSO.GetParentFolderName (WScript.ScriptFullName)
- InstallTarget = BuildPath (ProgramFiles, AppName)
- Programs = Shell.SpecialFolders ("AllUsersPrograms")
- Desktop = Shell.SpecialFolders ("AllUsersDesktop")
- ' Uninstaller
- set UninstallCtrlFile = nothing
- Uninstaller = Quote & BuildPath (InstallTarget, "uninstall.vbs") & Quote
- UninstallCtrlFileName = BuildPath (InstallTarget, "uninstall.lst")
- UninstallerCmdLine = "-" & Language & " " & AppName & " " & Quote & UninstallCtrlFileName & Quote
- ' Registry paths
- RegUninstall = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" & AppName & "\"
- ' Directories
- BinDir = BuildPath (InstallTarget, "bin")
- LibDir = BuildPath (InstallTarget, "lib")
- IncDir = BuildPath (InstallTarget, "include")
- ' Files
- AnnouncementFile = "announce.txt"
- DocIndexFile = "doc\index.html"
-end sub
-' Ask a yes/no question and return the result. "Yes" is default.
-function AskYesNo (Question)
- AskYesNo = MsgBox (Question, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, Installer)
-end function
-' Ask a yes/no question and return the result. "No" is default.
-function AskNoYes (Question)
- AskNoYes = MsgBox (Question, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, Installer)
-end function
-' Tell the user that the installation was aborted and terminate the script
-sub InfoAbort ()
- call MsgBox (GetMsg ("MSG_ABORTINFO"), vbOkOnly + vbInformation, Installer)
- WScript.Quit (0)
-end sub
-' Input routine with the window caption preset
-function Input (Prompt, Default)
- Input = InputBox (Prompt, Installer, Default)
-end function
-' Check if a directory is a given the path
-function DirInPath (ByVal Dir)
- dim Path, Entries, I
- ' Get the path in lower case
- Path = LCase (GetEnv ("%Path%"))
- ' Convert the directory to lower case
- Dir = LCase (Dir)
- ' Split the path into separate entries
- Entries = Split (Path, ";")
- ' Check all entries
- for I = LBound (Entries) to UBound (Entries)
- if Entries(I) = Dir then
- DirInPath = true
- exit function
- end if
- next
- DirInPath = false
-end function
-' Function that displays the paths and locations found
-function OneLoc (Key, Value)
- dim Result
- Result = Trim (Key)
- if Len (Result) <= 8 then
- Result = Result & Tab
- end if
- OneLoc = Result & Tab & "=" & Tab & Value & NewLine
-end function
-sub ShowPathsAndLocations ()
- dim Msg
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("SystemDrive", SystemDrive)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("SystemRoot", SystemRoot)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("User Name", UserName)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("UserProfile", UserProfile)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("ProgramFiles", ProgramFiles)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("AppData", AppData)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("InstallSource", InstallSource)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("InstallTarget", InstallTarget)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("Programs", Programs)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("Desktop", Desktop)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("Free space", ToString (GetDriveSpace (InstallTarget)))
- call MsgBox (Msg, vbOkOnly, "Paths and Locations")
-end sub
-' Return the amount of free space for a path (in Megabytes)
-function GetDriveSpace (Path)
- dim Drive
- On Error Resume Next
- set Drive = FSO.GetDrive (FSO.GetDriveName (Path))
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- GetDriveSpace = 0
- else
- GetDriveSpace = Drive.FreeSpace / (1024 * 1024)
- end if
-end function
-' Check that there's something to install
-sub CheckFilesToInstall ()
- ' If the uninstaller is unavailable for some reason or the other, we
- ' have a problem, because the installer will create an uninstaller entry
- ' in the registry, but it will not work, which means that the package
- ' cannot be deinstalled or overwritten. So we have to check that at least
- ' the uninstaller is available in the same directory as the installer.
- if not FileExists (BuildPath (InstallSource, "uninstall.vbs")) then
- Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_INCOMPLETE"))
- end if
-end sub
-' Check that were running this script as admin
-sub CheckAdminRights ()
- ' FIXME: This check is not perfect
- if UserName <> "Administrator" then
- dim Args(1)
- Args(1) = AppName
- if AskNoYes (FmtMsg ("MSG_ADMIN", Args)) <> vbYes then
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
- end if
-end sub
-' Remove an old installation.
-sub RemoveOldInstall (UninstallCmd)
- dim ErrCode
- ' Execute the uninstall
- ErrCode = Run (UninstallCmd, 0)
- ' Tell the user that the uninstall is done
- if ErrCode <> 0 then
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_UNINSTALLERR"))
- end if
-end sub
-' Check if there is an old installation. Offer to remove it.
-sub CheckOldInstall ()
- dim UninstallCmd
- ' Read the uninstall command from the registry
- UninstallCmd = RegReadStr (RegUninstall & "UninstallString")
- ' Check if there is already an executable
- if UninstallCmd <> "" then
- ' Ask to remove an old install
- if AskYesNo (GetMsg ("MSG_REMOVEOLD")) = vbYes then
- ' Remove the old installation
- call RemoveOldInstall (UninstallCmd)
- end if
- end if
-end sub
-' Check that the install target exists. Offer to create it.
-sub CheckInstallTarget ()
- dim Msg, Result, Args(2)
- ' Tell the user about the install target and ask if it's ok
- Args(1) = InstallTarget
- Msg = FmtMsg ("MSG_INSTALLPATH", Args)
- if MsgBox (Msg, vbOkCancel, Installer) <> vbOk then
- call InfoAbort ()
- end if
- ' Check if there's enough space left on the target drive
- if GetDriveSpace (InstallTarget) < SpaceNeeded then
- Args(1) = FSO.GetDriveName (InstallTarget)
- Args(2) = SpaceNeeded
- call Abort (FmtMsg ("MSG_DRIVESPACE", Args))
- end if
- ' Check if the install path exist, create it if necessary
- if not FolderExists (InstallTarget) then
- Result = CreateFolder (InstallTarget)
- if Result <> "" then
- Args(1) = InstallTarget
- Args(2) = Result
- call Abort (FmtMsg ("MSG_CREATEERR", Args))
- end if
- end if
-end sub
-' Create the uninstall control file
-sub CreateUninstallCtrlFile ()
- dim Filename
- ' Generate the filename
- on Error resume next
- set UninstallCtrlFile = FSO.CreateTextFile (UninstallCtrlFileName, true)
- on error goto 0
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- dim Args(2)
- Args(1) = UninstallCtrlFileName
- Args(2) = Err.Description
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_CREATEERR", Args))
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
- ' Write the name of the target directory to the file
- call WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("D " & InstallTarget)
- ' Write the name of the file itself to the file
- call WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("F " & UninstallCtrlFileName)
-end sub
-' Write to the uninstall control file
-sub WriteUninstallCtrlFile (Line)
- on error resume next
- UninstallCtrlFile.WriteLine (Line)
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- dim Args(2)
- Args(1) = UninstallCtrlFileName
- Args(2) = Err.Description
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_WRITEERR", Args))
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
-end sub
-' Close the uninstall control file
-sub CloseUninstallCtrlFile ()
- on error resume next
- UninstallCtrlFile.Close
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- dim Args(2)
- Args(1) = UninstallCtrlFileName
- Args(2) = Err.Description
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_WRITEERR", Args))
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
-end sub
-' Copy the application files
-sub RecursiveCopy (Dir, SourcePath, TargetPath)
- dim File, TargetFile, SubDir, SourceName, TargetName, Result, Args(3)
- ' Copy all files in this folder
- for each File in Dir.Files
- ' Generate source and target file names
- SourceName = BuildPath (SourcePath, File.Name)
- TargetName = BuildPath (TargetPath, File.Name)
- ' Copy the file. The error check doesn't seem to work.
- on error resume next
- File.Copy (TargetName)
- on error goto 0
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- Args(1) = SourceName
- Args(2) = TargetName
- Args(3) = Err.Description
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_COPYERR", Args))
- call AbortInfo ()
- end if
- ' Remove the r/o attribute from the target file if set
- set TargetFile = FSO.GetFile (TargetName)
- if TargetFile.Attributes mod 2 = 1 then
- TargetFile.Attributes = TargetFile.Attributes - 1
- end if
- ' Remember this file in the uninstall control file
- call WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("F " & TargetName)
- next
- ' Handle all subdirectories
- for each SubDir in Dir.SubFolders
- ' Update the progress bar with each copied directory
- if PBVal <= 80 then
- call ProgressBar (PBVal + 5)
- end if
- ' Generate the new directory names
- SourceName = BuildPath (SourcePath, SubDir.Name)
- TargetName = BuildPath (TargetPath, SubDir.Name)
- ' Generate the new target dir. Notify the user about errors, but
- ' otherwise ignore them.
- Result = CreateFolder (TargetName)
- if Result <> "" then
- ' Display an error but try to continue
- Args(1) = TargetName
- Args(2) = Result
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_CREATEERR", Args))
- end if
- ' Recursively process files in the subdirectory
- call RecursiveCopy (SubDir, SourceName, TargetName)
- ' Remember the subdirectory in the uninstall control file
- WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("D " & TargetName)
- next
-end sub
-sub CopyFiles ()
- ' Update the progress bar
- call ProgressBar (10)
- ' Copy all files generating entries in the uninstall control file
- call RecursiveCopy (FSO.GetFolder (InstallSource), InstallSource, InstallTarget)
- ' Update the progress bar
- call ProgressBar (90)
-end sub
-' Create the registry entries
-sub CreateRegEntries ()
- dim Cmd
- ' Create the entry in Systemsteuerung -> Software. Check if the first write
- ' succeeds. If not, we don't have admin rights.
- if RegWriteBin (RegUninstall, 1) <> "" then
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_REGWRITEERR"))
- end if
- call RegWriteStr (RegUninstall & "DisplayName", AppName & " " & Version)
- call RegWriteStr (RegUninstall & "UninstallString", "wscript /nologo " & Uninstaller & " " & UninstallerCmdLine)
-end sub
-' Function that creates an URL
-sub CreateUrl (Name, Url, Description)
- ' Ignore errors
- On Error Resume Next
- dim Link
- set Link = Shell.CreateShortcut (Name)
- Link.TargetPath = Url
- Link.Description = Description
- Link.Save
- ' Allow errors again
- on error goto 0
- ' Write the file name to the uninstall control file
- WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("F " & Name)
-end sub
-' Function that creates a shortcut
-sub CreateShortcut (Name, Exe, Args, Description)
- ' Ignore errors
- On Error Resume Next
- dim Link
- set Link = Shell.CreateShortcut (Name)
- Link.TargetPath = Exe
- Link.Arguments = Args
- Link.WindowStyle = 1
- Link.Description = Description
- Link.WorkingDirectory = AppData
- Link.Save
- ' Allow errors again
- on error goto 0
- ' Write the file name to the uninstall control file
- WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("F " & Name)
-end sub
-' Function that creates the menu entries
-sub CreateMenuEntries ()
- dim Folder, Result, Name, Desc, Target, Args(2)
- ' Create the start menu folder.
- Folder = BuildPath (Programs, AppName)
- Result = CreateFolder (Folder)
- if Result <> "" then
- ' Display an error but try to continue
- Args(1) = Folder
- Args(2) = Result
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_CREATEERR", Args))
- end if
- ' Create an uninstall shortcut in the menu folder
- Args(1) = AppName
- Desc = FmtMsg ("MSG_REMOVEENTRY", Args)
- Name = BuildPath (Folder, Desc & ".lnk")
- call CreateShortcut (Name, Uninstaller, UninstallerCmdLine, Desc)
- ' Create a documentation shortcut in the menu folder
- Target = BuildPath (InstallTarget, DocIndexFile)
- if FileExists (Target) then
- Args(1) = AppName
- Desc = FmtMsg ("MSG_DOCENTRY", Args)
- Name = BuildPath (Folder, Desc & ".url")
- call CreateUrl (Name, "file://" & Target, Desc)
- end if
- ' Create the shortcut to the announcement in the menu folder
- Target = BuildPath (InstallTarget, AnnouncementFile)
- if FileExists (Target) then
- Desc = GetMsg ("MSG_ANNOUNCEMENT")
- Name = BuildPath (Folder, Desc & ".url")
- call CreateUrl (Name, "file://" & Target, Desc)
- end if
- ' Update the uninstall control file
- call WriteUninstallCtrlFile ("D " & Folder)
-end sub
-' Add a directory to the system path
-sub AddToSysPath (Dir)
- dim Path
- ' Handle errors. Assume failure
- on error resume next
- ' Retrieve the PATH setting
- Path = Shell.RegRead (SysPath)
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- ' Could not read
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_REGREADERR"))
- end if
- ' Add the new directory to the path
- if (Len (Path) > 0) and (Right (Path, 1) <> ";") then
- Path = Path + ";"
- end if
- Path = Path + Dir
- ' Write the new path
- call Shell.RegWrite (SysPath, Path, "REG_EXPAND_SZ")
- if Err.Number <> 0 then
- ' Could not set
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_REGWRITEERR"))
- end if
-end sub
-' Add environment variables
-sub AddEnvironment ()
- ' Add CC65_LIB
- if RegWriteStr (SysEnv & "\CC65_LIB", LibDir) <> "" then
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_REGWRITEERR"))
- end if
- ' Add CC65_INC
- if RegWriteStr (SysEnv & "\CC65_INC", IncDir) <> "" then
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_REGWRITEERR"))
- end if
- ' Add the bin directory to the path if it's not already there
- if not DirInPath (BinDir) then
- call AddToSysPath (BinDir)
- end if
- ' Run the wm_envchange program to notify other running programs
- ' of the changed environment. Ignore errors.
- call Run (BuildPath (BinDir, "wm_envchange.exe"), 0)
-end sub
-' Function that tells the user that the install was successful
-sub Success ()
- call MsgBox (GetMsg ("MSG_SUCCESS"), vbOkOnly + vbInformation, Installer)
-end sub
-' Main program
-sub Main ()
- ' Initialize global variables. This includes the paths used
- call InitializeGlobals ()
- if Dbg then
- call ShowPathsAndLocations ()
- end if
- ' Check that there's something to install
- call CheckFilesToInstall ()
- ' Check that we're running this script as admin
- call CheckAdminRights ()
- ' Check if there is an old installation and offer to remove it
- call CheckOldInstall ()
- ' Check if the source directory does really exist
- call CheckInstallTarget ()
- ' Display the progress bar
- call ProgressBar (0)
- ' Create the uninstall file
- call CreateUninstallCtrlFile ()
- call ProgressBar (2)
- ' Create registry entries
- CreateRegEntries ()
- call Progressbar (5)
- ' Copy the application files (will do automatic progress bar updates)
- call CopyFiles ()
- ' Create the menu entries
- call CreateMenuEntries ()
- call ProgressBar (90)
- ' Add entries to the enviroment
- call AddEnvironment ()
- call ProgressBar (95)
- ' Close the uninstall control file
- call CloseUninstallCtrlFile ()
- ' We're done
- call ProgressBar (100)
- call ProgressBar (-1)
- call Success ()
- ' Return a success code
- WScript.Quit (0)
-end sub
-' The script body just calls Main...
-Main ()
diff --git a/packages/windows/uninstall.vbs b/packages/windows/uninstall.vbs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4349a973b..000000000
--- a/packages/windows/uninstall.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-Option Explicit ' Variables must be declared explicitly
-' Global constants and variables
-dim Tab, NewLine ' String constants
-dim Shell, FSO ' Global objects
-dim ProgArgs ' Program arguments
-dim Dbg ' Output debugging stuff
-dim Language ' Program language
-dim AppName ' Application name
-dim Title ' Application title
-dim UninstallCtrlFileName ' Name of the uninstall control file
-dim SystemDrive ' The system drive
-dim SystemRoot ' The windows directory
-dim UserName ' Name if the current user
-dim UserProfile ' User profile directory
-dim ProgramFiles ' Program files directory
-dim Failed ' Global flag for removal failed
-dim RegList ' List of registry entries to remove
-dim FileList ' List of files to remove
-dim DirList ' List of directories to remove
-' Display an error message window with an OK button
-sub ErrorMsg (Msg)
- call MsgBox (Msg, vbOkOnly + vbExclamation, Title)
-end sub
-' Display an error message window and abort the installer
-sub Abort (Msg)
- call ErrorMsg (Msg)
- WScript.Quit (1)
-end sub
-' Convert a number to a string
-function ToString (Num)
- ToString = FormatNumber (Num, vbFalse, vbTrue, vbFalse, vbFalse)
-end function
-' Return a message in the current language
-function GetMsg (Key)
- dim Msg
- ' Handle other languages here
- ' Default is english
- if IsEmpty (Msg) then
- ' No assignment, use english
- select case Key
- case "MSG_ABORT"
- Msg = "Do you want to abort the installation?"
- case "MSG_ADMIN"
- Msg = "You must be Administrator to remove %1."
- Msg = Msg & " Are you sure you want to continue?"
- Msg = "The file %1 is invalid." & NewLine
- Msg = Msg & "Line %2: %3"
- case "MSG_DIRDEL"
- Msg = "Some folders could not be removed:"
- Msg = Msg & NewLine & "%1"
- Msg = "Duplicate value"
- case "MSG_FAILURE"
- Msg = "Could not remove %1." & NewLine
- Msg = "%2 needs to be run by an Administrator!"
- case "MSG_FILEDEL"
- Msg = "Some files could not be deleted:"
- Msg = Msg & NewLine & "%1"
- case "MSG_OPENERR"
- Msg = "Error opening %1"
- case "MSG_REGDEL"
- Msg = "Some registry entries could not be deleted:"
- Msg = Msg & NewLine & "%1"
- case "MSG_REMOVE"
- Msg = "Remove %1?"
- case "MSG_SUCCESS"
- Msg = "%1 has been successfully removed."
- case "MSG_USAGE"
- Msg = "Usage:" & NewLine & "uninstall appname ctrl-file"
- case else
- Msg = Key
- end select
- end if
- GetMsg = Msg
-end function
-' Format a string replacing %n specifiers in the format string F
-function Fmt (F, Values)
- dim I, Count, Key, Val, Start, Pos
- Count = UBound (Values) ' How many values?
- for I = Count to 0 step -1
- Key = "%" & ToString (I)
- select case VarType (Values (I))
- case vbEmpty
- Val = ""
- case vbInteger
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbLong
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbNull
- Val = ""
- case vbSingle
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbDouble
- Val = ToString (Values (I))
- case vbString
- Val = Values (I)
- case else
- Abort ("Internal error: Invalid conversion in Format()")
- end select
- F = Replace (F, Key, Val)
- next
- Fmt = F
-end function
-' Format a message replacing %n specifiers in the format string F
-function FmtMsg (Msg, Values)
- FmtMsg = Fmt (GetMsg (Msg), Values)
-end function
-' Return an environment string. Fix up Microsoft "innovative" ideas.
-function GetEnv (Key)
- dim Value
- Value = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings (Key)
- if Value = Key then
- GetEnv = vbNullString
- else
- GetEnv = Value
- end if
-end function
-' Build a path from two components
-function BuildPath (Path, Name)
- BuildPath = FSO.BuildPath (Path, Name)
-end function
-' Delete a folder and return an error string
-function DeleteFolder (Path)
- on error resume next
- call FSO.DeleteFolder (Path, true)
- DeleteFolder = Err.Description
-end function
-' Delete a file and return an error string
-function DeleteFile (Path)
- on error resume next
- call FSO.DeleteFile (Path, true)
- DeleteFile = Err.Description
-end function
-' Delete a registry entry
-function RegDelete (Key)
- on error resume next
- call Shell.RegDelete (Key)
- RegDelete = Err.Description
-end function
-' Sort an array of strings
-sub QS (byref A, Lo, Hi)
- dim I, J, T
- ' Quicksort
- do while Hi > Lo
- I = Lo + 1
- J = Hi
- do while I <= J
- do while I <= J
- if StrComp (A(Lo), A(I), vbTextCompare) < 0 then
- exit do
- end if
- I = I + 1
- loop
- do while I <= J
- if StrComp (A(Lo), A(J), vbTextCompare) >= 0 then
- exit do
- end if
- J = J - 1
- loop
- if I <= J then
- ' Swap A(I) and A(J)
- T = A(I)
- A(I) = A(J)
- A(J) = T
- I = I + 1
- J = J - 1
- end if
- loop
- if J <> Lo then
- ' Swap A(J) and A(Lo)
- T = A(J)
- A(J) = A(Lo)
- A(Lo) = T
- end if
- if (2 * J) > (Hi + Lo) then
- call QS (A, J + 1, Hi)
- Hi = J - 1
- else
- call QS (A, Lo, J - 1)
- Lo = J + 1
- end if
- loop
-end sub
-sub Quicksort (byref A)
- if UBound (A) > 1 then
- call QS (A, LBound (A), UBound (A))
- end if
-end sub
-' Initialize global variables
-sub InitializeGlobals ()
- dim I
- ' String stuff used for formatting
- Tab = Chr (9)
- NewLine = Chr (13)
- ' Global objects
- set Shell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
- set FSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- ' Arguments
- set ProgArgs = WScript.Arguments
- ' Handle program arguments
- AppName = ""
- Title = "Uninstaller"
- UninstallCtrlFileName = ""
- Dbg = false
- Language = "de"
- for I = 0 to ProgArgs.Count-1
- select case ProgArgs(I)
- case "-de"
- Language = "de"
- case "-debug"
- Dbg = true
- case "-en"
- Language = "en"
- case else
- if AppName = "" then
- AppName = ProgArgs(I)
- elseif UninstallCtrlFileName = "" then
- UninstallCtrlFileName = ProgArgs(I)
- else
- call ErrorMsg (GetMsg ("MSG_USAGE"))
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
- end select
- next
- ' We need the application name and uninstall control file
- if AppName = "" or UninstallCtrlFileName = "" then
- call Abort (GetMsg ("MSG_USAGE"))
- end if
- ' Set the title early, because it's used in error messages
- Title = AppName & " Uninstaller"
- ' Paths and locations
- SystemDrive = GetEnv ("%SystemDrive%")
- if SystemDrive = vbNullString then
- SystemDrive = "c:"
- end if
- SystemRoot = GetEnv ("%SystemRoot%")
- if SystemRoot = vbNullString then
- SystemRoot = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "winnt")
- end if
- UserName = GetEnv ("%USERNAME%")
- if UserName = vbNullString then
- UserName = "Administrator"
- end if
- UserProfile = GetEnv ("%USERPROFILE%")
- if UserProfile = vbNullString then
- UserProfile = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "Dokumente und Einstellungen\" & UserName)
- end if
- ProgramFiles = GetEnv ("%ProgramFiles%")
- if ProgramFiles = vbNullString then
- ProgramFiles = BuildPath (SystemDrive, "Programme")
- end if
- ' Assume we could remove the software
- Failed = false
-end sub
-' Ask a yes/no question and return the result. "Yes" is default.
-function AskYesNo (Question)
- AskYesNo = MsgBox (Question, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, Title)
-end function
-' Ask a yes/no question and return the result. "No" is default.
-function AskNoYes (Question)
- AskNoYes = MsgBox (Question, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, Title)
-end function
-' Ask if the user wants to abort install, and terminate if the answer is yes
-sub QueryAbort ()
- if AskNoYes (GetMsg ("MSG_ABORT")) = vbYes then
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
-end sub
-' Function that displays the paths and locations found
-function OneLoc (Key, Value)
- dim Result
- Result = Trim (Key)
- if Len (Result) <= 8 then
- Result = Result & Tab
- end if
- OneLoc = Result & Tab & "=" & Tab & Value & NewLine
-end function
-sub ShowPathsAndLocations ()
- dim Msg
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("SystemDrive", SystemDrive)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("SystemRoot", SystemRoot)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("UserName", UserName)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("UserProfile", UserProfile)
- Msg = Msg & OneLoc ("ProgramFiles", ProgramFiles)
- MsgBox Msg, vbOkOnly, "Paths and Locations"
-end sub
-' Check that were running this script as admin
-sub CheckAdminRights ()
- ' FIXME: This check is not perfect
- if UserName <> "Administrator" then
- dim Args(1)
- Args(1) = AppName
- if AskNoYes (FmtMsg ("MSG_ADMIN", Args)) <> vbYes then
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
- end if
-end sub
-' Read the uninstall control file and create the data collections
-sub InvalidCtrlFile (Line, Val)
- dim Args(3)
- Args(1) = UninstallCtrlFileName
- Args(2) = Line
- Args(3) = Val
- call Abort (FmtMsg ("MSG_CTRLFILEERR", Args))
-end sub
-sub ReadUninstallCtrlFile ()
- const ForReading = 1
- dim File, Line, Tag, Args(3)
- dim MyRegList, MyFileList, myDirList
- ' Create some dictionaries. These are not really used as dictionaries, but
- ' have the nice property of expanding dynamically, and we need that.
- set MyRegList = CreateObject ("Scripting.Dictionary")
- set MyFileList = CreateObject ("Scripting.Dictionary")
- set MyDirList = CreateObject ("Scripting.Dictionary")
- ' Open the file. Checking Err doesn't work here, don't know why.
- set File = nothing
- on error resume next
- set File = FSO.OpenTextFile (UninstallCtrlFileName, ForReading)
- on error goto 0
- if File is nothing then
- Args(1) = UninstallCtrlFileName
- call Abort (FmtMsg ("MSG_OPENERR", Args))
- end if
- ' Read all lines and insert them in their list
- do while File.AtEndOfStream <> true
- ' Read the next line
- on error resume next
- Line = File.ReadLine
- on error goto 0
- ' Get the type from the line and remove it, so the line contains just
- ' the argument name
- Tag = Left (Line, 1)
- Line = Mid (Line, 3)
- ' Determine the type of the entry
- select case Tag
- case "D"
- ' A directory. Convert to lowercase to unify names.
- Line = LCase (Line)
- if MyDirList.Exists (Line) then
- call InvalidCtrlFile (File.Line - 1, GetMsg ("MSG_DUPLICATE"))
- else
- call MyDirList.Add (Line, "")
- end if
- case "F"
- ' A file. Convert to lowercase to unify names
- Line = LCase (Line)
- if MyFileList.Exists (Line) then
- call InvalidCtrlFile (File.Line - 1, GetMsg ("MSG_DUPLICATE"))
- else
- call MyFileList.Add (Line, "")
- end if
- case "R"
- ' A registry entry
- if MyRegList.Exists (Line) then
- call InvalidCtrlFile (File.Line - 1, GetMsg ("MSG_DUPLICATE"))
- else
- call MyRegList.Add (Line, "")
- end if
- case else
- call InvalidCtrlFile (File.Line - 1, Tag & " " & Line)
- end select
- loop
- ' Close the file
- on error resume next
- call File.Close ()
- on error goto 0
- ' Make the global arrays big enough for the data
- RegList = Array (MyRegList.Count)
- FileList = Array (MyFileList.Count)
- DirList = Array (MyDirList.Count)
- ' Copy the data into the global arrays
- RegList = MyRegList.Keys
- FileList = MyFileList.Keys
- DirList = MyDirList.Keys
- ' Sort all the lists. This makes sure nodes are in the array before the
- ' leaves that depend on it. Or in other words: Top level directories and
- ' registry entries come first. So if we delete the items starting at the
- ' other side of the array, we will never delete a subdirectory before its
- ' parent directory.
- call QuickSort (RegList)
- call QuickSort (FileList)
- call QuickSort (DirList)
-end sub
-' Delete the registry entries
-sub DeleteRegistryEntries ()
- dim I, Result, NoDel, Args(1)
- NoDel = ""
- for I = UBound (RegList) to LBound (RegList) step -1
- Result = RegDelete (RegList (I))
- if Result <> "" then
- ' Remember the entries we could not delete
- NoDel = NoDel & RegList (I) & NewLine
- end if
- next
- if NoDel <> "" then
- Args(1) = NoDel
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_REGDEL", Args))
- end if
-end sub
-' Delete the files
-sub DeleteFiles ()
- dim I, Result, NoDel, Args(1)
- NoDel = ""
- for I = UBound (FileList) to LBound (FileList) step -1
- Result = DeleteFile (FileList (I))
- if Result <> "" then
- ' Remember the files we could not delete
- NoDel = NoDel & FileList (I) & NewLine
- end if
- next
- if NoDel <> "" then
- Args(1) = NoDel
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_FILEDEL", Args))
- end if
-end sub
-' Delete the directories
-sub DeleteDirectories ()
- dim I, Result, NoDel, Args(1)
- NoDel = ""
- for I = UBound (DirList) to LBound (DirList) step -1
- Result = DeleteFolder (DirList (I))
- if Result <> "" then
- ' Remember the directories we could not delete
- NoDel = NoDel & DirList (I) & NewLine
- end if
- next
- if NoDel <> "" then
- Args(1) = NoDel
- call ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_DIRDEL", Args))
- end if
-end sub
-' Function that tells the user that the install was successful
-sub Success ()
- dim Args(1), App
- ' Popup message
- Args(1) = AppName
- call MsgBox (FmtMsg ("MSG_SUCCESS", Args), vbOkOnly + vbInformation, Title)
-end sub
-' Function that tells the user that the uninstall failed
-sub Failure ()
- dim Args(2)
- ' Popup message
- Args(1) = AppName
- Args(2) = Title
- ErrorMsg (FmtMsg ("MSG_FAILURE", Args))
- WScript.Quit (1)
-end sub
-' Main program
-sub Main ()
- dim Args(1)
- ' Initialize global variables. This includes the paths used
- InitializeGlobals ()
- if Dbg then
- ShowPathsAndLocations ()
- end if
- ' Check that we're running this script as admin
- CheckAdminRights ()
- ' Let the user make up his mind
- Args(1) = AppName
- if AskYesNo (FmtMsg ("MSG_REMOVE", Args)) <> vbYes then
- WScript.Quit (1)
- end if
- ' Read the uninstall control file
- call ReadUninstallCtrlFile ()
- ' Delete the registry entries
- call DeleteRegistryEntries ()
- ' Delete all files
- call DeleteFiles ()
- ' Delete the directories
- call DeleteDirectories ()
- ' We're done
- if Failed then
- Failure ()
- else
- Success ()
- end if
-end sub
-' The script body just calls Main...
-Main ()
diff --git a/packages/windows/wm_envchange.c b/packages/windows/wm_envchange.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2f7cb53..000000000
--- a/packages/windows/wm_envchange.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-int main (void)
- /* Broadcast the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message with the lParam argument set
- * to a pointer to the string "Environment" (one of the many undocumented
- * Microsoft kludges).
- */
- return 0;