tmp1 was used at two places resulting in the bug that VDC_CSET was set to garbage on 16k VDC.
pagecount and curpage were not reset on INSTALL resulting in non-reentrant code on static linkage of emd driver.
To do this we add a constructor call to UPDCRAMPTR, which is the ROM
routine that fixes up CRAM_PTR to match the screen location pointed to
This adds two additional bytes to programs using cputc() or other
routines that call it. These are in theory recoverable, but the VIC-20
does not yet free space used by constructors after the constructors
have been called.
Thanks to <> (GitHub: greg-king5) for
investigating the difference in the VIC-20 KERNAL from the C64 and
proposing this solution to the problem.[1]
On C64, VIC-20 and Plus/4, the conio library PLOT routine uses direct
calls into the Kernal, including the Kernal PLOT routine that we're
replacing. These were previously hardcoded addresses; we change these
to use the symbols for those routines defined in (This
changes no functionality.)
To do this, we need to import in a namespace so we
don't have a collision between the PLOT that we're defining and the
Kernal definition.
We also add a UPDCRAMPTR symbol (used by kplot for VIC-20 and C64) to
the direct entry kernal routines in in, and expand the
comments describing what the "direct entry" Kernal routines are.
<> (GitHub: greg-king5) came up with this idea
and did initial testing of it.
This has been tested on VICE xvic, x64 and xplus4 emulators with a
program that does a cputs() call ( to
confirm that it works the same way after as it did before.
Restructured according to review in pull request #567.
The "inputc" function was moved in slightly modified form
to kbhit.s and replaces the old keyboard scanner.
cgetc() uses the new kbhit() to read a character.
* The sprite-types for black and transparent backgrounds were swapped.
* A filler-byte for text output isn't printed. (A hardware bug might not need that work-around in most cases.)