/* * conio api test program * * keys: * * 1...0 change text color * F5/F6 change border color * F7/F8 change background color * */ #include #include #include #include #if defined(__GAMATE__) /* there is not enough screen space to show all 256 characters at the bottom */ #define NUMCHARS 128 #define NUMCOLS 4 #else #define NUMCHARS 256 #define NUMCOLS 16 #endif static char grid[5][5] = { {CH_ULCORNER, CH_HLINE, CH_TTEE, CH_HLINE, CH_URCORNER}, {CH_VLINE, ' ', CH_VLINE, ' ', CH_VLINE }, {CH_LTEE, CH_HLINE, CH_CROSS, CH_HLINE, CH_RTEE }, {CH_VLINE, ' ', CH_VLINE, ' ', CH_VLINE }, {CH_LLCORNER, CH_HLINE, CH_BTEE, CH_HLINE, CH_LRCORNER} }; void main(void) { int i, j, n; unsigned char xsize, ysize, tcol, bgcol, bcol, inpos = 0; #if defined(__NES__) || defined(__PCE__) || defined(__GAMATE__) unsigned char joy; joy_install(joy_static_stddrv); #endif clrscr(); screensize(&xsize, &ysize); cputs("cc65 conio test\n\r"); cputs("Input:[ ]"); cputsxy(0, 2, "Colors:" ); tcol = textcolor(0); /* remember original textcolor */ bgcol = bgcolor(0); /* remember original background color */ bcol = bordercolor(0); /* remember original border color */ (void)bgcolor(bgcol); (void)bordercolor(bcol); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { gotoxy(i, 3 + i); for (j = 0; j < NUMCOLS; ++j) { (void)textcolor(j); cputc('X'); } } (void)textcolor(tcol); cprintf("\n\n\r Screensize: %dx%d", xsize, ysize); chlinexy(0, 6, xsize); cvlinexy(0, 6, 3); chlinexy(0, 8, xsize); cvlinexy(xsize - 1, 6, 3); cputcxy(0, 6, CH_ULCORNER); cputcxy(xsize - 1, 6, CH_URCORNER); cputcxy(0, 8, CH_LLCORNER); cputcxy(xsize - 1, 8, CH_LRCORNER); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { gotoxy(xsize - 5, i); for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { cputc(grid[i][j]); } } gotoxy(0, ysize - 2 - ((NUMCHARS + xsize) / xsize)); revers(1); for (i = 0; i < xsize; ++i) { cputc('0' + i % 10); } revers(0); for (i = 0; i < NUMCHARS; ++i) { if ((i != '\n') && (i != '\r')) { cputc(i); } else { cputc(' '); } } while(wherex() > 0) { cputc('#'); } revers(1); for (i = 0; i < xsize; ++i) { cputc('0' + i % 10); } revers(0); cursor(1); for (;;) { /* do the "rvs" blinking */ i = textcolor(COLOR_BLACK); gotoxy(8, 2); j = n >> 4 & 1; revers(j); cputc(j ? 'R' : ' '); revers(j ^ 1); cputs(" rvs"); revers(0); (void)textcolor(i); gotoxy(7 + inpos, 1); #if defined(__NES__) || defined(__PCE__) || defined(__GAMATE__) /* not all targets have waitvsync */ waitvsync(); /* for targets that do not have a keyboard, read the first joystick */ joy = joy_read(JOY_1); cprintf("%02x", joy); #else i = cgetc(); if ((i >= '0') && (i <= '9')) { (void)textcolor(i - '0'); } else if (i == CH_ENTER) { clrscr(); return; } else if (i == CH_CURS_LEFT) { inpos = (inpos - 1) & 7; } else if (i == CH_CURS_RIGHT) { inpos = (inpos + 1) & 7; #ifdef CH_F5 } else if (i == CH_F5) { bgcol = (bgcol + 1) & 0x0f; (void)bordercolor(bgcol); #endif #ifdef CH_F6 } else if (i == CH_F6) { bgcol = (bgcol - 1) & 0x0f; (void)bordercolor(bgcol); #endif #ifdef CH_F7 } else if (i == CH_F7) { bgcol = (bgcol + 1) & 0x0f; (void)bgcolor(bgcol); #endif #ifdef CH_F8 } else if (i == CH_F8) { bgcol = (bgcol - 1) & 0x0f; (void)bgcolor(bgcol); #endif } else { cputc(i); inpos = (inpos + 1) & 7; } #endif ++n; } }