.export soft80_kplot .include "c64.inc" .include "soft80.inc" soft80_kplot: bcs @getpos ; calc pointer to bitmap lda _bitmaplo,x clc adc _bitmapxlo,y sta SCREEN_PTR lda _bitmaphi,x adc _bitmapxhi,y sta SCREEN_PTR+1 ; calc pointer to vram tya lsr a ; NOTE: we can save 2 cycles here at the expense of ; making the tables twice as big (+50 bytes) clc adc _vramlo,x sta CRAM_PTR lda #0 adc _vramhi,x sta CRAM_PTR+1 @getpos: ldx CURS_Y ldy CURS_X rts .rodata _bitmapxlo: .repeat 80,col .byte <((col/2)*8) .endrepeat _bitmapxhi: .repeat 80,col .byte >((col/2)*8) .endrepeat _vramlo: .repeat 25,row .byte <(soft80_vram+(row*40)) .endrepeat _vramhi: .repeat 25,row .byte >(soft80_vram+(row*40)) .endrepeat _bitmaplo: .repeat 25,row .byte <(soft80_bitmap+(row*40*8)) .endrepeat _bitmaphi: .repeat 25,row .byte >(soft80_bitmap+(row*40*8)) .endrepeat