All but one TGI drivers didn't use IRQs. Especially when the TGI driver kernel was the only .interruptor this meant quite some unnecessary overhead because it pulled in the whole IRQ infrastructure. The one driver using IRQs (the graphics driver for the 160x102x16 mode on the Lynx) now uses a library reference to set up a JMP to its IRQ handler.
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208 lines
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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 21.06.2002
; Common functions of the tgi graphics kernel.
.import tgi_libref
.importzp ptr1
.include ""
.include ""
; Variables
_tgi_drv: .res 2 ; Pointer to driver
; From here on, variables get cleared when a new driver is loaded
_tgi_error: .res 1 ; Last error code
_tgi_gmode: .res 1 ; Flag: Graphics mode active
_tgi_curx: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor X
_tgi_cury: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor Y
_tgi_color: .res 1 ; Current drawing color
_tgi_font: .res 1 ; Which font to use
_tgi_textdir: .res 1 ; Current text direction
_tgi_vectorfont: .res 2 ; Pointer to vector font
; The following are character scale/size variables in 8.8 fixed point
; format. They are required to be in this order and adjacent.
_tgi_textscalew: .res 2 ; Vector font width scale
.res 2 ; Bitmap font width scale
_tgi_charwidth: .res 2 ; Full width of one bitmap char
_tgi_textscaleh: .res 2 ; Vector font height scale
.res 2 ; Bitmap font height scale
_tgi_charheight: .res 2 ; Full height of one bitmap char
; End of section that gets cleared when a new driver is loaded
csize = * - cstart
; Maximum X and Y coordinate (that is, xres-1 and yres-1)
_tgi_xmax: .res 2
_tgi_ymax: .res 2
; The following variables are copied from the driver header for faster access.
; fontwidth and fontheight are expected to be in order and adjacent.
_tgi_xres: .res 2 ; X resolution of the current mode
_tgi_yres: .res 2 ; Y resolution of the current mode
_tgi_colorcount: .res 1 ; Number of available colors
_tgi_pagecount: .res 1 ; Number of available screen pages
_tgi_fontwidth: .res 1 ; System font width in pixels
_tgi_fontheight: .res 1 ; System font height in pixels
_tgi_aspectratio: .res 2 ; Aspect ratio in 8.8 fixed point
_tgi_flags: .res 1 ; TGI driver flags
; Jump table for the driver functions.
tgi_install: jmp $0000
tgi_uninstall: jmp $0000
tgi_init: jmp $0000
tgi_done: jmp $0000
tgi_geterror: jmp $0000
tgi_control: jmp $0000
tgi_clear: jmp $0000
tgi_setviewpage: jmp $0000
tgi_setdrawpage: jmp $0000
tgi_setcolor: jmp $0000
tgi_setpalette: jmp $0000
tgi_getpalette: jmp $0000
tgi_getdefpalette: jmp $0000
tgi_setpixel: jmp $0000
tgi_getpixel: jmp $0000
tgi_line: jmp $0000
tgi_bar: jmp $0000
tgi_textstyle: jmp $0000
tgi_outtext: jmp $0000
; Driver header signature
tgi_sig: .byte $74, $67, $69, TGI_API_VERSION ; "tgi", version
; void __fastcall__ tgi_install (void* driver);
; /* Install an already loaded driver. */
sta _tgi_drv
sta ptr1
stx _tgi_drv+1
stx ptr1+1
; Check the driver signature
ldy #.sizeof(tgi_sig)-1
@L0: lda (ptr1),y
cmp tgi_sig,y
bne tgi_inv_drv
bpl @L0
; Set the library reference
lda #<tgi_libref
sta (ptr1),y
lda #>tgi_libref
sta (ptr1),y
; Copy the jump vectors
ldx #0
@L1: inx ; Skip JMP opcode
jsr copy ; Copy one byte
jsr copy ; Copy one byte
bne @L1
; Call the driver install routine. It may update header variables, so we copy
; them after this call.
jsr tgi_install
; Copy variables from the driver header for faster access.
jsr tgi_set_ptr ; Set ptr1 to tgi_drv
ldy #(TGI_HDR::VARS + .sizeof(TGI_HDR::VARS) - 1)
ldx #.sizeof(TGI_HDR::VARS)-1
@L3: lda (ptr1),y
sta tgi_driver_vars,x
bpl @L3
; Initialize some other variables
lda #$00
ldx #csize-1
@L4: sta cstart,x ; Clear error/mode/curx/cury/...
bpl @L4
; Copy one byte to the jump vectors
copy: lda (ptr1),y
sta jumpvectors,x
; Set an invalid argument error
sta _tgi_error
; Set an invalid driver error
sta _tgi_error
; Load the pointer to the tgi driver into ptr1.
lda _tgi_drv
sta ptr1
lda _tgi_drv+1
sta ptr1+1
; void tgi_uninstall (void);
; /* Uninstall the currently loaded driver but do not unload it. Will call
; ** tgi_done if necessary.
; */
jsr _tgi_done ; Switch off graphics
jsr tgi_uninstall ; Allow the driver to clean up
; Clear driver pointer and error code
lda #$00
sta _tgi_drv
sta _tgi_drv+1
sta _tgi_error