Add Commands command

This commit is contained in:
Junegunn Choi 2015-08-18 18:14:29 +09:00
parent 701791bd37
commit cffb0e0191
2 changed files with 29 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ List of commands
| `Locate PATTERN` | `locate` command output | | `Locate PATTERN` | `locate` command output |
| `History` | `v:oldfiles` and open buffers | | `History` | `v:oldfiles` and open buffers |
| `Snippets` | Snippets ([UltiSnips][us]) | | `Snippets` | Snippets ([UltiSnips][us]) |
| `Commands` | User-defined commands |
- All commands except `Colors` support `CTRL-T` / `CTRL-X` / `CTRL-V` key - All commands except `Colors` support `CTRL-T` / `CTRL-X` / `CTRL-V` key
bindings to open in a new tab, a new split, or in a new vertical split. bindings to open in a new tab, a new split, or in a new vertical split.

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@ -364,6 +364,34 @@ endfunction
command! -bang Snippets call s:snippets(<bang>0) command! -bang Snippets call s:snippets(<bang>0)
" ------------------------------------------------------------------
" Commands
" ------------------------------------------------------------------
let s:nbs = nr2char(0x2007)
function! s:format_cmd(line)
return substitute(a:line, '\C \([A-Z]\S*\) ',
\ '\=s:nbs.s:yellow(submatch(1), 1).s:nbs', '')
function! s:command_sink(cmd)
let cmd = matchstr(a:cmd, '\C[A-Z]\S*\ze'.s:nbs)
call feedkeys(':'.cmd.(a:cmd[0] == '!' ? '' : ' '))
function! s:commands(bang)
redir => cout
silent command
redir END
let list = split(cout, "\n")
call s:fzf({
\ 'source': extend(list[0:0], map(list[1:], 's:format_cmd(v:val)')),
\ 'sink': function('s:command_sink'),
\ 'options': '--ansi --header-lines 1 -x --prompt "Commands> " -n2 -d'.s:nbs}, a:bang)
command! -bang Commands call s:commands(<bang>0)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Completion helper " Completion helper
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------