" Copyright (c) 2015 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be " included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND " NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Common " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! fzf#vim#wrap(opts) return extend(copy(a:opts), { \ 'options': get(a:opts, 'options', '').' --expect='.join(keys(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action)), ','), \ 'sink*': get(a:opts, 'sink*', s:function('s:common_sink'))}) endfunction function! s:strip(str) return substitute(a:str, '^\s*\|\s*$', '', 'g') endfunction function! s:chomp(str) return substitute(a:str, '\n*$', '', 'g') endfunction function! s:escape(path) return escape(a:path, ' %#''"\') endfunction if v:version >= 704 function! s:function(name) return function(a:name) endfunction else function! s:function(name) " By Ingo Karkat return function(substitute(a:name, '^s:', matchstr(expand(''), '\d\+_\zefunction$'), '')) endfunction endif function! s:ansi(str, col, bold) return printf("\x1b[%s%sm%s\x1b[m", a:col, a:bold ? ';1' : '', a:str) endfunction for [s:c, s:a] in items({'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36}) execute "function! s:".s:c."(str, ...)\n" \ " return s:ansi(a:str, ".s:a.", get(a:, 1, 0))\n" \ "endfunction" endfor function! s:buflisted() return filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)') endfunction function! s:fzf(opts, extra) let extra = copy(get(a:extra, 0, {})) let eopts = has_key(extra, 'options') ? remove(extra, 'options') : '' let merged = extend(copy(a:opts), extra) let merged.options = join(filter([get(merged, 'options', ''), eopts], '!empty(v:val)')) call fzf#run(merged) return 1 endfunction let s:default_action = { \ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split', \ 'ctrl-x': 'split', \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' } function! s:common_sink(lines) abort if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let key = remove(a:lines, 0) let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), key, 'e') if len(a:lines) > 1 augroup fzf_swap autocmd SwapExists * let v:swapchoice='o' \| call s:warn('fzf: E325: swap file exists: '.expand('')) augroup END endif try let autochdir = &autochdir set noautochdir for item in a:lines execute cmd s:escape(item) if exists('#BufEnter') && isdirectory(item) doautocmd BufEnter endif endfor finally let &autochdir = autochdir silent! autocmd! fzf_swap endtry endfunction function! s:align_lists(lists) let maxes = {} for list in a:lists let i = 0 while i < len(list) let maxes[i] = max([get(maxes, i, 0), len(list[i])]) let i += 1 endwhile endfor for list in a:lists call map(list, "printf('%-'.maxes[v:key].'s', v:val)") endfor return a:lists endfunction function! s:warn(message) echohl WarningMsg echom a:message echohl None return 0 endfunction function! s:uniq(list) let visited = {} let ret = [] for l in a:list if !empty(l) && !has_key(visited, l) call add(ret, l) let visited[l] = 1 endif endfor return ret endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Files " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! fzf#vim#files(dir, ...) let args = {'options': '-m'} if !empty(a:dir) if !isdirectory(expand(a:dir)) return s:warn('Invalid directory') endif let dir = substitute(a:dir, '/*$', '/', '') let args.dir = dir let args.options .= ' --prompt '.shellescape(dir) else let args.options .= ' --prompt '.shellescape(pathshorten(getcwd())).'/' endif return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap(args), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Lines " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:line_handler(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], '') if !empty(cmd) execute 'silent' cmd endif let keys = split(a:lines[1], '\t') execute 'buffer' keys[0][1:-2] execute keys[1][0:-2] normal! ^zz endfunction function! fzf#vim#_lines(all) let cur = [] let rest = [] let buf = bufnr('') for b in s:buflisted() call extend(b == buf ? cur : rest, \ filter( \ map(getbufline(b, 1, "$"), \ '(!a:all && empty(v:val)) ? "" : printf("[%s]\t%s:\t%s", s:blue(b), s:yellow(v:key + 1), v:val)'), \ 'a:all || !empty(v:val)')) endfor return extend(cur, rest) endfunction function! fzf#vim#lines(...) return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': fzf#vim#_lines(1), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:line_handler'), \ 'options': '+m --tiebreak=index --prompt "Lines> " --ansi --extended --nth=3.. --reverse --tabstop='.&tabstop \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " BLines " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:buffer_line_handler(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], '') if !empty(cmd) execute 'silent' cmd endif execute split(a:lines[1], '\t')[0][0:-2] normal! ^zz endfunction function! s:buffer_lines() return map(getline(1, "$"), \ 'printf("%s:\t%s", s:yellow(v:key + 1), v:val)') endfunction function! fzf#vim#buffer_lines(...) return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': s:buffer_lines(), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:buffer_line_handler'), \ 'options': '+m --tiebreak=index --prompt "BLines> " --ansi --extended --nth=2.. --reverse --tabstop='.&tabstop \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Colors " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! fzf#vim#colors(...) return s:fzf({ \ 'source': map(split(globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim"), "\n"), \ "substitute(fnamemodify(v:val, ':t'), '\\..\\{-}$', '', '')"), \ 'sink': 'colo', \ 'options': '+m --prompt="Colors> "' \}, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Locate " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! fzf#vim#locate(query, ...) return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': 'locate '.a:query, \ 'options': '-m --prompt "Locate> "' \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " History[:/] " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:all_files() return extend( \ filter(reverse(copy(v:oldfiles)), \ "v:val !~ 'fugitive:\\|__Tagbar__\\|NERD_tree\\|^/tmp/\\|.git/'"), \ filter(map(s:buflisted(), 'bufname(v:val)'), '!empty(v:val)')) endfunction function! s:history_source(type) let max = histnr(a:type) let fmt = '%'.len(string(max)).'d' let list = filter(map(range(1, max), 'histget(a:type, - v:val)'), '!empty(v:val)') return extend([' :: Press '.s:magenta('CTRL-E').' to edit'], \ map(list, 's:yellow(printf(fmt, len(list) - v:key)).": ".v:val')) endfunction nnoremap (-fzf-vim-do) :execute g:__fzf_command function! s:history_sink(type, lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let key = a:lines[0] let item = matchstr(a:lines[1], ': \zs.*') if key == 'ctrl-e' call histadd(a:type, item) call feedkeys(a:type."\") else let g:__fzf_command = "normal ".a:type.item."\" call feedkeys("\(-fzf-vim-do)") endif endfunction function! s:cmd_history_sink(lines) call s:history_sink(':', a:lines) endfunction function! fzf#vim#command_history(...) return s:fzf({ \ 'source': s:history_source(':'), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:cmd_history_sink'), \ 'options': '+m --ansi --prompt="Hist:> " --header-lines=1 --expect=ctrl-e --tiebreak=index'}, a:000) endfunction function! s:search_history_sink(lines) call s:history_sink('/', a:lines) endfunction function! fzf#vim#search_history(...) return s:fzf({ \ 'source': s:history_source('/'), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:search_history_sink'), \ 'options': '+m --ansi --prompt="Hist/> " --header-lines=1 --expect=ctrl-e --tiebreak=index'}, a:000) endfunction function! fzf#vim#history(...) return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': reverse(s:all_files()), \ 'options': '-m --prompt "Hist> "' \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " GitFiles " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! fzf#vim#gitfiles(...) let root = systemlist('git rev-parse --show-toplevel')[0] if v:shell_error return s:warn('Not in git repo') endif return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': 'git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD', \ 'dir': root, \ 'options': '-m --prompt "GitFiles> "' \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Buffers " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:bufopen(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], '') if !empty(cmd) execute 'silent' cmd endif execute 'buffer' matchstr(a:lines[1], '\[\zs[0-9]*\ze\]') endfunction function! s:format_buffer(b) let name = bufname(a:b) let name = empty(name) ? '[No Name]' : name let flag = a:b == bufnr('') ? s:blue('%') : \ (a:b == bufnr('#') ? s:magenta('#') : ' ') let modified = getbufvar(a:b, '&modified') ? s:red(' [+]') : '' let readonly = getbufvar(a:b, '&modifiable') ? '' : s:green(' [RO]') let extra = join(filter([modified, readonly], '!empty(v:val)'), '') return s:strip(printf("[%s] %s\t%s\t%s", s:yellow(a:b), flag, name, extra)) endfunction function! fzf#vim#buffers(...) let bufs = map(s:buflisted(), 's:format_buffer(v:val)') return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': reverse(bufs), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:bufopen'), \ 'options': '+m -x --tiebreak=index --ansi -d "\t" -n 2,1..2 --prompt="Buf> "', \}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Ag " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:ag_to_qf(line) let parts = split(a:line, ':') return {'filename': parts[0], 'lnum': parts[1], 'col': parts[2], \ 'text': join(parts[3:], ':')} endfunction function! s:ag_handler(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], 'e') let list = map(a:lines[1:], 's:ag_to_qf(v:val)') let first = list[0] execute cmd s:escape(first.filename) execute first.lnum execute 'normal!' first.col.'|zz' if len(list) > 1 call setqflist(list) copen wincmd p endif endfunction " query, [[ag options], options] function! fzf#vim#ag(query, ...) let args = copy(a:000) let ag_opts = len(args) > 1 ? remove(args, 0) : '' return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': printf('ag --nogroup --column --color %s "%s"', \ ag_opts, \ escape(empty(a:query) ? '^(?=.)' : a:query, '"\-')), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:ag_handler'), \ 'options': '--ansi --delimiter : --nth 4..,.. --prompt "Ag> " '. \ '--multi --bind ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all '. \ '--color hl:68,hl+:110'}), args) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " BTags " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:btags_source() if !filereadable(expand('%')) throw 'Save the file first' endif for cmd in [ \ printf('ctags -f - --sort=no --excmd=number --language-force=%s %s', &filetype, expand('%:S')), \ printf('ctags -f - --sort=no --excmd=number %s', expand('%:S'))] let lines = split(system(cmd), "\n") if !v:shell_error break endif endfor if v:shell_error throw get(lines, 0, 'Failed to extract tags') elseif empty(lines) throw 'No tags found' endif return map(s:align_lists(map(lines, 'split(v:val, "\t")')), 'join(v:val, "\t")') endfunction function! s:btags_sink(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], '') if !empty(cmd) execute 'silent' cmd '%' endif let qfl = [] for line in a:lines[1:] execute split(line, "\t")[2] call add(qfl, {'filename': expand('%'), 'lnum': line('.'), 'text': getline('.')}) endfor if len(qfl) > 1 call setqflist(qfl) copen wincmd p cfirst endif normal! zz endfunction function! fzf#vim#buffer_tags(...) try return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': s:btags_source(), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:btags_sink'), \ 'options': '-m -d "\t" --with-nth 1,4.. -n 1 --prompt "BTags> "'}), a:000) catch return s:warn(v:exception) endtry endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Tags " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:tags_sink(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let qfl = [] let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], 'e') let [magic, &magic] = [&magic, 0] for line in a:lines[1:] let parts = split(line, '\t\zs') let excmd = matchstr(join(parts[2:], ''), '^.*\ze;"\t') execute cmd s:escape(parts[1][:-2]) execute excmd call add(qfl, {'filename': expand('%'), 'lnum': line('.'), 'text': getline('.')}) endfor let &magic = magic if len(qfl) > 1 call setqflist(qfl) copen wincmd p clast endif normal! zz endfunction function! fzf#vim#tags(...) if empty(tagfiles()) call s:warn('Preparing tags') call system('ctags -R') endif let tagfile = tagfiles()[0] " We don't want to apply --ansi option when tags file is large as it makes " processing much slower. if getfsize(tagfile) > 1024 * 1024 * 20 let proc = 'grep -v ''^\!'' ' let copt = '' else let proc = 'perl -ne ''unless (/^\!/) { s/^(.*?)\t(.*?)\t/\x1b[33m\1\x1b[m\t\x1b[34m\2\x1b[m\t/; print }'' ' let copt = '--ansi ' endif return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': proc.shellescape(fnamemodify(tagfile, ':t')), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:tags_sink'), \ 'dir': fnamemodify(tagfile, ':h'), \ 'options': copt.'-m --tiebreak=begin --prompt "Tags> "'}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Snippets (UltiSnips) " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:inject_snippet(line) let snip = split(a:line, "\t")[0] execute 'normal! a'.s:strip(snip)."\=UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet()\" endfunction function! fzf#vim#snippets(...) if !exists(':UltiSnipsEdit') return s:warn('UltiSnips not found') endif let list = UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope() if empty(list) return s:warn('No snippets available here') endif let aligned = sort(s:align_lists(items(list))) let colored = map(aligned, 's:yellow(v:val[0])."\t".v:val[1]') return s:fzf({ \ 'source': colored, \ 'options': '--ansi --tiebreak=index +m -n 1 -d "\t"', \ 'sink': s:function('s:inject_snippet')}, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Commands " ------------------------------------------------------------------ let s:nbs = nr2char(0x2007) function! s:format_cmd(line) return substitute(a:line, '\C \([A-Z]\S*\) ', \ '\=s:nbs.s:yellow(submatch(1)).s:nbs', '') endfunction function! s:command_sink(cmd) let cmd = matchstr(a:cmd, s:nbs.'\zs\S*\ze'.s:nbs) call feedkeys(':'.cmd.(a:cmd[0] == '!' ? '' : ' ')) endfunction function! s:format_excmd(ex) let match = matchlist(a:ex, '^|:\(\S\+\)|\s*\S*\(.*\)') return printf(" \x1b[34m%-38s\x1b[m%s", s:nbs.match[1].s:nbs, s:strip(match[2])) endfunction function! s:excmds() let help = globpath($VIMRUNTIME, 'doc/index.txt') if empty(help) return [] endif let commands = [] let command = '' for line in readfile(help) if line =~ '^|:[^|]' if !empty(command) call add(commands, s:format_excmd(command)) endif let command = line elseif line =~ '^\s\+\S' && !empty(command) let command .= substitute(line, '^\s*', ' ', '') elseif !empty(commands) && line =~ '^\s*$' break endif endfor if !empty(command) call add(commands, s:format_excmd(command)) endif return commands endfunction function! fzf#vim#commands(...) redir => cout silent command redir END let list = split(cout, "\n") return s:fzf({ \ 'source': extend(extend(list[0:0], map(list[1:], 's:format_cmd(v:val)')), s:excmds()), \ 'sink': s:function('s:command_sink'), \ 'options': '--ansi --tiebreak=index --header-lines 1 -x --prompt "Commands> " -n2,3,2..3 -d'.s:nbs}, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Marks " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:format_mark(line) return substitute(a:line, '\S', '\=s:yellow(submatch(0))', '') endfunction function! s:mark_sink(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action), a:lines[0], '') if !empty(cmd) execute 'silent' cmd endif execute 'normal! `'.matchstr(a:lines[1], '\S').'zz' endfunction function! fzf#vim#marks(...) redir => cout silent marks redir END let list = split(cout, "\n") return s:fzf(fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': extend(list[0:0], map(list[1:], 's:format_mark(v:val)')), \ 'sink*': s:function('s:mark_sink'), \ 'options': '+m -x --ansi --tiebreak=index --header-lines 1 --tiebreak=begin --prompt "Marks> "'}), a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Help tags " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:helptag_sink(line) let [tag, file, path] = split(a:line, "\t")[0:2] let rtp = fnamemodify(path, ':p:h:h') if stridx(&rtp, rtp) < 0 execute 'set rtp+='.s:escape(rtp) endif execute 'help' tag endfunction function! fzf#vim#helptags(...) let tags = uniq(sort(split(globpath(&runtimepath, '**/doc/tags'), '\n'))) return s:fzf({ \ 'source': "grep -H '.*' ".join(map(tags, 'shellescape(v:val)')). \ "| perl -ne '/(.*?):(.*?)\t(.*?)\t/; printf(qq(\x1b[33m%-40s\x1b[m\t%s\t%s\n), $2, $3, $1)' | sort", \ 'sink': s:function('s:helptag_sink'), \ 'options': '--ansi +m --tiebreak=begin --with-nth ..-2'}, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Windows " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:format_win(tab, win, buf) let modified = getbufvar(a:buf, '&modified') let name = bufname(a:buf) let name = empty(name) ? '[No Name]' : name let active = tabpagewinnr(a:tab) == a:win return (active? s:blue('> ') : ' ') . name . (modified? s:red(' [+]') : '') endfunction function! s:windows_sink(line) let list = matchlist(a:line, '\([ 0-9]*\):\([ 0-9]*\)') execute 'normal!' list[1].'gt' execute list[2].'wincmd w' endfunction function! fzf#vim#windows(...) let lines = [] for t in range(1, tabpagenr('$')) let buffers = tabpagebuflist(t) for w in range(1, len(buffers)) call add(lines, \ printf('%s:%s: %s', \ s:yellow(printf('%3d', t)), \ s:cyan(printf('%3d', w)), \ s:format_win(t, w, buffers[w-1]))) endfor endfor return s:fzf({ \ 'source': extend(['Tab Win Name'], lines), \ 'sink': s:function('s:windows_sink'), \ 'options': '+m --ansi --tiebreak=begin --header-lines=1'}, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " Commits / BCommits " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:commits_sink(lines) if len(a:lines) < 2 return endif let cmd = get(extend({'ctrl-d': ''}, get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action)), a:lines[0], 'e') let buf = bufnr('') for idx in range(1, len(a:lines) - 1) let sha = matchstr(a:lines[idx], '[0-9a-f]\{7}') if !empty(sha) if empty(cmd) if idx > 1 execute 'tab sb' buf endif execute 'Gdiff' sha else " Since fugitive buffers are unlisted, we can't keep using 'e' let c = (cmd == 'e' && idx > 1) ? 'tab split' : cmd execute c 'fugitive://'.s:git_root.'/.git//'.sha endif endif endfor endfunction function! s:commits(buffer_local, args) let s:git_root = s:chomp(system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel')) if v:shell_error return s:warn('Not in git repository') endif let source = 'git log --graph --color=always --format="%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(black)%C(bold)%cr"' let current = expand('%:S') let managed = 0 if !empty(current) call system('git show '.current.' 2> /dev/null') let managed = !v:shell_error endif if a:buffer_local if !managed return s:warn('The current buffer is not in the working tree') endif let source .= ' --follow '.current endif let command = a:buffer_local ? 'BCommits' : 'Commits' let options = fzf#vim#wrap({ \ 'source': source, \ 'sink*': s:function('s:commits_sink'), \ 'options': '--ansi --multi --no-sort --tiebreak=index --reverse '. \ '--inline-info --prompt "'.command.'> " --bind=ctrl-s:toggle-sort' \ }) if a:buffer_local let options.options .= ',ctrl-d --header ":: Press '.s:magenta('CTRL-S').' to toggle sort, '.s:magenta('CTRL-D').' to diff"' else let options.options .= ' --header ":: Press '.s:magenta('CTRL-S').' to toggle sort"' endif return s:fzf(options, a:args) endfunction function! fzf#vim#commits(...) return s:commits(0, a:000) endfunction function! fzf#vim#buffer_commits(...) return s:commits(1, a:000) endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ " fzf#vim#maps(mode, opts[with count and op]) " ------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:align_pairs(list) let maxlen = 0 let pairs = [] for elem in a:list let match = matchlist(elem, '^\(\S*\)\s*\(.*\)$') let [_, k, v] = match[0:2] let maxlen = max([maxlen, len(k)]) call add(pairs, [k, substitute(v, '^\*\?[@ ]\?', '', '')]) endfor let maxlen = min([maxlen, 35]) return map(pairs, "printf('%-'.maxlen.'s', v:val[0]).' '.v:val[1]") endfunction function! s:highlight_keys(str) return substitute( \ substitute(a:str, '<[^ >]\+>', "\x1b[33m\\0\x1b[m", 'g'), \ "\x1b[33m\x1b[m", "\x1b[34m\x1b[m", 'g') endfunction function! s:key_sink(line) let key = matchstr(a:line, '^\S*') redraw call feedkeys(s:map_gv.s:map_cnt.s:map_reg.s:map_op. \ substitute(key, '<[^ >]\+>', '\=eval("\"\\".submatch(0)."\"")', 'g')) endfunction " To avoid conflict with other plugins also using feedkeys (peekaboo) noremap (-fzf-vim-dq) " function! fzf#vim#maps(mode, ...) let s:map_gv = a:mode == 'x' ? 'gv' : '' let s:map_cnt = v:count == 0 ? '' : v:count let s:map_reg = empty(v:register) ? '' : ("\(-fzf-vim-dq)".v:register) let s:map_op = a:mode == 'o' ? v:operator : '' redir => cout silent execute 'verbose' a:mode.'map' redir END let list = [] let curr = '' for line in split(cout, "\n") let src = matchstr(line, 'Last set from \zs.*') if empty(src) let curr = line[3:] else let src = ' '.join(reverse(reverse(split(src, '/'))[0:2]), '/') call add(list, printf('%s %s', curr, s:black(src))) let curr = '' endif endfor if !empty(curr) call add(list, curr) endif let aligned = s:align_pairs(list) let sorted = sort(aligned) let colored = map(sorted, 's:highlight_keys(v:val)') let pcolor = a:mode == 'x' ? 9 : a:mode == 'o' ? 10 : 12 return s:fzf({ \ 'source': colored, \ 'sink': s:function('s:key_sink'), \ 'options': '--prompt "Maps ('.a:mode.')> " --ansi --no-hscroll --nth 1,.. --color prompt:'.pcolor}, a:000) endfunction " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " fzf#vim#complete - completion helper " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inoremap (-fzf-complete-trigger) :call complete_trigger() function! s:pluck(dict, key, default) return has_key(a:dict, a:key) ? remove(a:dict, a:key) : a:default endfunction function! s:complete_trigger() let opts = copy(s:opts) let opts.options = printf('+m -q %s %s', shellescape(s:query), get(opts, 'options', '')) let opts['sink*'] = s:function('s:complete_insert') let s:reducer = s:pluck(opts, 'reducer', s:function('s:first_line')) call fzf#run(opts) endfunction " The default reducer function! s:first_line(lines) return a:lines[0] endfunction function! s:complete_insert(lines) if empty(a:lines) return endif let chars = strchars(s:query) if chars == 0 | let del = '' elseif chars == 1 | let del = '"_x' else | let del = (chars - 1).'"_dvh' endif let data = call(s:reducer, [a:lines]) execute 'normal!' (s:eol ? '' : 'h').del.(s:eol ? 'a': 'i').data if has('nvim') call feedkeys('a') else execute "normal! \la" endif endfunction let s:TYPE = {'dict': type({}), 'funcref': type(function('call'))} function! s:eval(dict, key, arg) if has_key(a:dict, a:key) && type(a:dict[a:key]) == s:TYPE.funcref let ret = copy(a:dict) let ret[a:key] = call(a:dict[a:key], [a:arg]) return ret endif return a:dict endfunction function! fzf#vim#complete(...) if a:0 == 0 let s:opts = g:fzf#vim#default_layout elseif type(a:1) == s:TYPE.dict if has_key(a:1, 'sink') || has_key(a:1, 'sink*') echoerr 'sink not allowed' return '' endif let s:opts = copy(a:1) else let s:opts = extend({'source': a:1}, g:fzf#vim#default_layout) endif let eol = col('$') let ve = &ve set ve=all let s:eol = col('.') == eol let &ve = ve let Prefix = s:pluck(s:opts, 'prefix', '\k*$') if col('.') == 1 let s:query = '' else let full_prefix = getline('.')[0 : col('.')-2] if type(Prefix) == s:TYPE.funcref let s:query = call(Prefix, [full_prefix]) else let s:query = matchstr(full_prefix, Prefix) endif endif let s:opts = s:eval(s:opts, 'source', s:query) let s:opts = s:eval(s:opts, 'options', s:query) let s:opts = s:eval(s:opts, 'extra_options', s:query) if has_key(s:opts, 'extra_options') let s:opts.options = \ join(filter([get(s:opts, 'options', ''), remove(s:opts, 'extra_options')], '!empty(v:val)')) endif call feedkeys("\(-fzf-complete-trigger)") return '' endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save