
This commit is contained in:
Ilari Liusvaara 2012-09-29 09:14:09 +03:00
parent 4ca6e1df02
commit 4e517e10d2
3 changed files with 145 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -3475,6 +3475,19 @@ Read a region of memory.
Warning: If the region crosses VMA boundary, the results are undefined.
\begin_layout Subsubsection<type>([number base, number size])
\begin_layout Standard
Returns a table mapping specified memory aperture for read/write.
If parameters are omitted, entiere map space is the aperture.
\begin_layout Itemize
Type may be one of: byte, sbyte, word, sword, dword, sdword, qword or sqword.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
memory.writeregion(number base, number size, table data)

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@ -1765,7 +1765,15 @@ Read a region of memory.
• Warning: If the region crosses VMA boundary, the results are
8.9.19 memory.writeregion(number base, number size, table data)
8.9.19<type>([number base, number size])
Returns a table mapping specified memory aperture for read/write.
If parameters are omitted, entiere map space is the aperture.
• Type may be one of: byte, sbyte, word, sword, dword, sdword,
qword or sqword.
8.9.20 memory.writeregion(number base, number size, table data)
Write a region of memory.

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@ -33,6 +33,113 @@ namespace
class mmap_base
~mmap_base() {}
virtual void read(lua_State* LS, uint64_t addr) = 0;
virtual void write(lua_State* LS, uint64_t addr) = 0;
template<typename T, typename U, U (*rfun)(uint64_t addr), bool (*wfun)(uint64_t addr, U value)>
class lua_mmap_memory_helper : public mmap_base
~lua_mmap_memory_helper() {}
void read(lua_State* LS, uint64_t addr)
lua_pushnumber(LS, static_cast<T>(rfun(addr)));
void write(lua_State* LS, uint64_t addr)
T value = get_numeric_argument<T>(LS, 3, "aperture(write)");
wfun(addr, value);
int aperture_read_fun(lua_State* LS)
uint64_t base = lua_tonumber(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1));
uint64_t size = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
if(lua_type(LS, lua_upvalueindex(2)) == LUA_TNUMBER)
size = lua_tonumber(LS, lua_upvalueindex(2));
mmap_base* fn = reinterpret_cast<mmap_base*>(lua_touserdata(LS, lua_upvalueindex(3)));
uint64_t addr = get_numeric_argument<uint64_t>(LS, 2, "aperture(read)");
if(addr > size || addr + base < addr) {
lua_pushnumber(LS, 0);
return 1;
addr += base;
fn->read(LS, addr);
return 1;
int aperture_write_fun(lua_State* LS)
uint64_t base = lua_tonumber(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1));
uint64_t size = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
if(lua_type(LS, lua_upvalueindex(2)) == LUA_TNUMBER)
size = lua_tonumber(LS, lua_upvalueindex(2));
mmap_base* fn = reinterpret_cast<mmap_base*>(lua_touserdata(LS, lua_upvalueindex(3)));
uint64_t addr = get_numeric_argument<uint64_t>(LS, 2, "aperture(write)");
if(addr > size || addr + base < addr)
return 0;
addr += base;
fn->write(LS, addr);
return 0;
void aperture_make_fun(lua_State* LS, uint64_t base, uint64_t size, mmap_base& type)
lua_pushstring(LS, "__index");
lua_pushnumber(LS, base);
if(!(size + 1))
lua_pushnumber(LS, size);
lua_pushlightuserdata(LS, &type);
lua_pushcclosure(LS, aperture_read_fun, 3);
lua_settable(LS, -3);
lua_pushstring(LS, "__newindex");
lua_pushnumber(LS, base);
if(!(size + 1))
lua_pushnumber(LS, size);
lua_pushlightuserdata(LS, &type);
lua_pushcclosure(LS, aperture_write_fun, 3);
lua_settable(LS, -3);
lua_setmetatable(LS, -2);
class lua_mmap_memory : public lua_function
lua_mmap_memory(const std::string& name, mmap_base& _h) : lua_function(name), h(_h) {}
int invoke(lua_State* LS)
if(lua_isnoneornil(LS, 1)) {
aperture_make_fun(LS, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL, h);
return 1;
uint64_t addr = get_numeric_argument<uint64_t>(LS, 1, fname.c_str());
uint64_t size = get_numeric_argument<uint64_t>(LS, 2, fname.c_str());
if(!size) {
lua_pushstring(LS, "Aperture with zero size is not valid");
return 0;
aperture_make_fun(LS, addr, size - 1, h);
return 1;
mmap_base& h;
function_ptr_luafun vmacount("memory.vma_count", [](lua_State* LS, const std::string& fname) -> int {
lua_pushnumber(LS, get_regions().size());
return 1;
@ -177,4 +284,20 @@ namespace
lua_write_memory<uint16_t, memory_write_word> ww("memory.writeword");
lua_write_memory<uint32_t, memory_write_dword> wd("memory.writedword");
lua_write_memory<uint64_t, memory_write_qword> wq("memory.writeqword");
lua_mmap_memory_helper<uint8_t, uint8_t, memory_read_byte, memory_write_byte> mhub;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<int8_t, uint8_t, memory_read_byte, memory_write_byte> mhsb;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<uint16_t, uint16_t, memory_read_word, memory_write_word> mhuw;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<int16_t, uint16_t, memory_read_word, memory_write_word> mhsw;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<uint32_t, uint32_t, memory_read_dword, memory_write_dword> mhud;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<int32_t, uint32_t, memory_read_dword, memory_write_dword> mhsd;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<uint64_t, uint64_t, memory_read_qword, memory_write_qword> mhuq;
lua_mmap_memory_helper<int64_t, uint64_t, memory_read_qword, memory_write_qword> mhsq;
lua_mmap_memory mub("memory.mapbyte", mhub);
lua_mmap_memory msb("memory.mapsbyte", mhsb);
lua_mmap_memory muw("memory.mapword", mhuw);
lua_mmap_memory msw("memory.mapsword", mhsw);
lua_mmap_memory mud("memory.mapdword", mhud);
lua_mmap_memory msd("memory.mapsdword", mhsd);
lua_mmap_memory muq("memory.mapqword", mhuq);
lua_mmap_memory msq("memory.mapsqword", mhsq);