Add few extra sound commands

- Change playback device
- Change record device
- Show devices
- Reset audio driver (I am surprised this doesn't crash the emu)
This commit is contained in:
Ilari Liusvaara 2014-10-19 00:04:35 +03:00
parent 0a51f53abc
commit b91a6ad5f4

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@ -70,6 +70,80 @@ namespace
bool fuzzy_search_list(std::map<std::string, std::string> map, std::string& term)
if(term.length() > 0 && term[0] == '!') {
std::map<std::string, std::string> rmap;
for(auto i : map) rmap[i.second] = i.first;
auto rterm = term.substr(1);
for(auto i : rmap) {
if(i.first.length() > rterm.length())
if(i.first.substr(0, rterm.length()) == rterm) {
term = i.second;
return true;
return false;
} else
return true;
command::fnptr<const std::string&> change_playback_dev(lsnes_cmds, "change-playback-device",
"Change sound playback device",
"Syntax: change-playback-device <device>\nSwitch to playback device <device>.\n",
[](const std::string& args) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) {
auto old_rec = audioapi_driver_get_device(true);
auto args2 = args;
if(!fuzzy_search_list(audioapi_driver_get_devices(false), args2)) {
messages << "No sound device matching '" << args2 << "' found." << std::endl;
platform::set_sound_device(args2, old_rec);
command::fnptr<const std::string&> change_record_dev(lsnes_cmds, "change-record-device",
"Change sound record device",
"Syntax: change-record-device <device>\nSwitch to recording device <device>.\n",
[](const std::string& args) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) {
auto old_play = audioapi_driver_get_device(false);
auto args2 = args;
if(!fuzzy_search_list(audioapi_driver_get_devices(true), args2)) {
messages << "No sound device matching '" << args2 << "' found." << std::endl;
platform::set_sound_device(old_play, args2);
command::fnptr<> show_devices(lsnes_cmds, "show-devices", "Show sound devices available",
"Syntax: show-devices\nShows available sound devices.\n",
[]() throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) {
messages << "Known playback devices:" << std::endl;
auto pdevs = audioapi_driver_get_devices(false);
auto cpdev = audioapi_driver_get_device(false);
for(auto i : pdevs) {
char ind = (i.first == cpdev) ? '*' : ' ';
messages << ind << i.first << " (" << i.second << ")" << std::endl;
messages << "Known recording devices:" << std::endl;
auto rdevs = audioapi_driver_get_devices(true);
auto crdev = audioapi_driver_get_device(true);
for(auto i : rdevs) {
char ind = (i.first == crdev) ? '*' : ' ';
messages << ind << i.first << " (" << i.second << ")" << std::endl;
command::fnptr<> reset_audio(lsnes_cmds, "reset-audio", "Reset audio driver",
"Syntax: reset-audio\nResets the audio driver.\n",
[]() throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) {
//Where am I?
keyboard::invbind_info ienable_sound(lsnes_invbinds, "enable-sound on", "Sound‣Enable");
keyboard::invbind_info idisable_sound(lsnes_invbinds, "enable-sound off", "Sound‣Disable");
keyboard::invbind_info itoggle_sound(lsnes_invbinds, "enable-sound toggle", "Sound‣Toggle");