Lua: Refactor some documentation

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Ilari Liusvaara 2014-01-25 17:40:43 +02:00
parent eb820c442e
commit d5e75bbb61
2 changed files with 499 additions and 338 deletions

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@ -124,6 +124,451 @@ In practicular, this is suitable to be passed as base argument of various
ad_png and gui.bitmap_load_pal. ad_png and gui.bitmap_load_pal.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Subsection
MMAP_STRUCT: Quasi-table mapping emulated memory
\begin_layout Standard
Objects of this class act like tables, except that the values are reflected
in emulated memory.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
static function new: Create new instance
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: memory.map_structure
\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_layout Standard
Create and returns a new mapping structure.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
operator(): Bind key in mmap structure
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none MMAP_STRUCT(string key, [string vma, ]number address, string
\begin_layout Standard
Bind key <key> in mmap structure to specified address <address> with specified
type <type>.
\begin_layout Itemize
Type may be one of: byte, sbyte, word, sword, hword, shword, dword, sdword,
qword, sqword, float or double.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER: Writes .zip files
\begin_layout Standard
This class does writing of .zip files.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Static function new: Create a new zipfile
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: zip.create
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: filename[, number compression])
\begin_layout Standard
Creates a new zipfile <filename>, with specified compression level <compression>
(default 9).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method commit: Finish creating ZIP file.
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:commit()
\begin_layout Standard
Closes the ZIP archive.
Nothing more can be written.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method rollback: Delete the ZIP file being creted
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:rollback()
\begin_layout Standard
Deletes the newly written ZIP archive.
Nothing more can be written.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method create_file: Start writing a new member
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:create_file(string filename)
\begin_layout Standard
Starts writing a new member <filename> in ZIP file.
If member is open, it is closed.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method close_file: Close member
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:close_file()
\begin_layout Standard
Closes member in ZIP file.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method write: Write data
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax none ZIPWRITER:write(string data)
\begin_layout Standard
Writes data <data> into ZIP file (binary mode).
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP: Tiled collection of bitmaps.
\begin_layout Standard
A tilemap is tiled table, each cell holding a bitmap.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Static function new: Create a tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: TILEMAP w, number h, number bw, number
\begin_layout Standard
Create a new tilemap of size <w>*<h>, with each cell being <bw>*<bh>.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:getsize: Query tilemap size
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: number, number TILEMAP:getsize()
\begin_layout Standard
Return size of tilemap (width first).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:getcsize: Query tilemap cell size
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: number, number TILEMAP:getcsize()
\begin_layout Standard
Return size of tilemap cell (width first).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:get: Query tilemap cell
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: dbitmap TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: bitmap,palette TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Standard
Return contents of cell at <x>,<y>.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:set: Set tilemap cell
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y, dbitmap b)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y, bitmap b, palette p)
\begin_layout Standard
Set contents of cell at <x>,<y>.
If no bitmap/dbitmap is given, cell is cleared.
Otherwise specified (d)bitmap is used (with specified palette if bitmap).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:scroll: Scroll tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy, number x, number y, number
w, number h)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy, number x, number y, number
w, number h, boolean circx, boolean circy)
\begin_layout Standard
Scrolls the tilemap tiles by <ox>,<oy>.
If <x>,<y>,<w>,<h> is specified, the scrolling is limited to <w>*<h> window
starting at <x>,<y> (in tiles).
\begin_layout Standard
If <circx> is true, the window is circular in horizontal direction.
Similarly with <circy> and vertical direciton.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
TILEMAP:draw: Draw tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y, number x0, number y0)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y, number x0, number y0, number
w, number h)
\begin_layout Standard
Draw tilemap at <x>,<y>.
If <x0>,<y0> is given, that is tilemap coordinate (in pixels) of upper
left edge.
If <w>,<h> is given, that is the size of window to draw (in pixels)
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak
\begin_layout Subsection
RENDERCTX: Render queue
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Static function new: Create a render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.renderq_new
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: RENDERQUEUE width, number height)
\begin_layout Standard
Create render queue with specified reported size and return it.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Static function setnull: Reset to default queue
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.renderq_set
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none classes.RENDERCTX:setnull()
\begin_layout Standard
Reset back to default queue (screen, video or none).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method clear: Clear a render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.renderq_clear
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none gui.renderq_clear(RENDERQUEUE queue)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:clear()
\begin_layout Standard
Clear specified render queue.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method set: Change active render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.renderq_set
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:set()
\begin_layout Standard
Switch to specified render queue.
Use nil as queue to switch to default queue.
\begin_layout Itemize
Note: When switched to another queue, all drawing functions work and draw
there, even outside on_video/on_paint.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method run: Run render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.renderq_run
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:run()
\begin_layout Standard
Run specified render queue, copying the objects to current render queue.
\begin_layout Itemize
Warning: Don't try to run the current render queue.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Method render: Render a queue to DBITMAP
\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_layout Standard
Renders the specified render queue to a bitmap, the base bitmap size (modified
by gaps) being the nominal screen size for render queue.
\begin_layout Subsection
Method synchronous_repaint: Paint screen now
\begin_layout Itemize
alias: gui.synchronous_repaint
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE::synchronous_repaint()
\begin_layout Standard
Paints specified render queue on screen right there and then.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak
\begin_layout Section \begin_layout Section
Global Global
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -913,6 +1358,60 @@ Swap endianess of (un)signed integer <n>.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Section
Table classes:
\begin_layout Subsection
classes.<foo>: The classobj for class <foo>
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: classes.<foo>
\begin_layout Standard
The classobj for class <foo>.
\begin_layout Subsection
classes.<foo>._static_methods: Enumerate static methods
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: string...
\begin_layout Standard
Returns all static methods of <foo> as strings.
\begin_layout Subsection
classes.<foo>._class_methods: Enumerate static methods
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: string...
\begin_layout Standard
Returns all class methods of <foo> as strings.
\begin_layout Subsection
classes.<foo>.<bar>: Static method
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: variable classes.<foo>.<bar>(variable...)
\begin_layout Standard
Invokes static method <bar> of class <foo>.
\begin_layout Section \begin_layout Section
Table gui: Table gui:
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -1980,22 +2479,6 @@ Syntax: none gui.repaint()
Request on_repaint() to happen as soon as possible. Request on_repaint() to happen as soon as possible.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.synchronous_repaint/RENDERQUEUE:synchronous_repaint: Paint screen now
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none gui.synchronous_repaint(RENDERQUEUE queue)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE::synchronous_repaint()
\begin_layout Standard
Paints specified render queue on screen right there and then.
\begin_layout Subsection \begin_layout Subsection
gui.subframe_update: Enable/Disable subframe updates gui.subframe_update: Enable/Disable subframe updates
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -2096,90 +2579,6 @@ Perform hue rotation of color <color> (default bright red), by <step> steps.
If <step> is negative, the rotation will be counterclockwise. If <step> is negative, the rotation will be counterclockwise.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.renderq_new: Create a render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: RENDERQUEUE gui.renderq_new(number width, number height)
\begin_layout Standard
Create render queue with specified reported size and return it.
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.renderq_clear/RENDERQUEUE:clear: Clear a render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none gui.renderq_clear(RENDERQUEUE queue)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:clear()
\begin_layout Standard
Clear specified render queue.
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.renderq_set/RENDERQUEUE:set: Change active render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none gui.renderq_set(RENDERQUEUE queue)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:set()
\begin_layout Standard
Switch to specified render queue.
Use nil as queue to switch to default queue.
\begin_layout Itemize
Note: When switched to another queue, all drawing functions work and draw
there, even outside on_video/on_paint.
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.renderq_run/RENDERQUEUE:run: Run render queue
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none gui.renderq_run(RENDERQUEUE queue)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none RENDERQUEUE:run()
\begin_layout Standard
Run specified render queue, copying the objects to current render queue.
\begin_layout Itemize
Warning: Don't try to run the current render queue.
\begin_layout Subsection
RENDERQUEUE:render: Render a queue to DBITMAP
\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_layout Standard
Renders the specified render queue to a bitmap, the base bitmap size (modified
by gaps) being the nominal screen size for render queue.
\begin_layout Subsection \begin_layout Subsection
gui.loadfont: Load a font file gui.loadfont: Load a font file
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -2348,137 +2747,6 @@ Draws an arrow using color <color>.
Default is <twidth>. Default is <twidth>.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
gui.tilemap: Create a tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: TILEMAP gui.tilemap(number w, number h, number bw, number bh)
\begin_layout Standard
Create a new tilemap of size <w>*<h>, with each cell being <bw>*<bh>.
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:getsize: Query tilemap size
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: number, number TILEMAP:getsize()
\begin_layout Standard
Return size of tilemap (width first).
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:getcsize: Query tilemap cell size
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: number, number TILEMAP:getcsize()
\begin_layout Standard
Return size of tilemap cell (width first).
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:get: Query tilemap cell
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: dbitmap TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: bitmap,palette TILEMAP:get(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Standard
Return contents of cell at <x>,<y>.
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:set: Set tilemap cell
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y, dbitmap b)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:set(number x, number y, bitmap b, palette p)
\begin_layout Standard
Set contents of cell at <x>,<y>.
If no bitmap/dbitmap is given, cell is cleared.
Otherwise specified (d)bitmap is used (with specified palette if bitmap).
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:scroll: Scroll tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy, number x, number y, number
w, number h)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:scroll(number ox, number oy, number x, number y, number
w, number h, boolean circx, boolean circy)
\begin_layout Standard
Scrolls the tilemap tiles by <ox>,<oy>.
If <x>,<y>,<w>,<h> is specified, the scrolling is limited to <w>*<h> window
starting at <x>,<y> (in tiles).
\begin_layout Standard
If <circx> is true, the window is circular in horizontal direction.
Similarly with <circy> and vertical direciton.
\begin_layout Subsection
TILEMAP:draw: Draw tilemap
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y, number x0, number y0)
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none TILEMAP:draw(number x, number y, number x0, number y0, number
w, number h)
\begin_layout Standard
Draw tilemap at <x>,<y>.
If <x0>,<y0> is given, that is tilemap coordinate (in pixels) of upper
left edge.
If <w>,<h> is given, that is the size of window to draw (in pixels)
\begin_layout Subsection \begin_layout Subsection
gui.bitmap_save_png/(D)BITMAP:save_png: Save a bitmap to PNG gui.bitmap_save_png/(D)BITMAP:save_png: Save a bitmap to PNG
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -4216,37 +4484,6 @@ Write a region of memory.
Warning: If the region crosses VMA boundary, the results are undefined. Warning: If the region crosses VMA boundary, the results are undefined.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
memory.map_structure: Create mmap structure
\begin_layout Itemize
syntax: MMAP_STRUCT memory.map_structure()
\begin_layout Standard
Returns a new mapping structure (MMAP_STRUCT)
\begin_layout Subsection
MMAP_STRUCT(): Bind key in mmap structure
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none MMAP_STRUCT(string key, [string vma, ]number address, string
\begin_layout Standard
Bind key <key> in mmap structure to specified address <address> with specified
type <type>.
\begin_layout Itemize
Type may be one of: byte, sbyte, word, sword, hword, shword, dword, sdword,
qword, sqword, float or double.
\begin_layout Subsection \begin_layout Subsection
memory.read_expr: Evaluate memory watch expression memory.read_expr: Evaluate memory watch expression
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -4646,19 +4883,6 @@ Returns random value from table <tab>.
Table zip Table zip
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
zip.create: Create a new zipfile
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: ZIPWRITER zip.create(string filename[, number compression])
\begin_layout Standard
Creates a new zipfile <filename>, with specified compression level <compression>
(default 9).
\begin_layout Subsection \begin_layout Subsection
zip.enumerate: Enumerate members in zipfile zip.enumerate: Enumerate members in zipfile
\end_layout \end_layout
@ -4673,69 +4897,6 @@ Returns table of files in zip archive <filename>.
with keys being member names and values being true. with keys being member names and values being true.
\end_layout \end_layout
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER:commit: Finish creating ZIP file.
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:commit()
\begin_layout Standard
Closes the ZIP archive.
Nothing more can be written.
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER:rollback: Delete the ZIP file being creted
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:rollback()
\begin_layout Standard
Deletes the newly written ZIP archive.
Nothing more can be written.
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER:create_file: Start writing a new member
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:create_file(string filename)
\begin_layout Standard
Starts writing a new member <filename> in ZIP file.
If member is open, it is closed.
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER:close_file: Close member
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax: none ZIPWRITER:close_file()
\begin_layout Standard
Closes member in ZIP file.
\begin_layout Subsection
ZIPWRITER:write: Write data
\begin_layout Itemize
Syntax none ZIPWRITER:write(string data)
\begin_layout Standard
Writes data <data> into ZIP file (binary mode).
\begin_layout Standard \begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak \begin_inset Newpage pagebreak
\end_inset \end_inset


Binary file not shown.