#ifndef _library__utf8__hpp__included__ #define _library__utf8__hpp__included__ #include #include #include #include #include namespace utf8 { /** * Initial state for UTF-8 parser. */ extern const uint16_t initial_state; /** * Parse a byte. * * Parameter ch: The character to parse. -1 for end of string. * Parameter state: The state. Mutated. * Returns: The codepoint, or -1 if no codepoint emitted. * * Note: When called with EOF, max 1 codepoint can be emitted. */ int32_t parse_byte(int ch, uint16_t& state) throw(); /** * Return length of string in UTF-8 codepoints. * * Parameter str: The string. * Returns: The length in codepoints. */ size_t strlen(const std::string& str) throw(); /** * Transform UTF-8 into UTF-32. */ std::u32string to32(const std::string& utf8); /** * Transform UTF-32 into UTF-8. */ std::string to8(const std::u32string& utf32); /** * Iterator to function copy from UTF-8 to UTF-32 */ template inline void to32i2(srcitr begin, srcitr end, std::function target) { uint16_t state = initial_state; for(srcitr i = begin; i != end; i++) { int32_t x = parse_byte((unsigned char)*i, state); if(x >= 0) target(x); } int32_t x = parse_byte(-1, state); if(x >= 0) target(x); } /** * Iterator copy from UTF-8 to UTF-32 */ template inline void to32i(srcitr begin, srcitr end, dstitr target) { to32i2(begin, end, [&target](int32_t x) { *target = x; ++target; }); } } #endif