#ifndef _library__lua_class__hpp__included__ #define _library__lua_class__hpp__included__ #include "lua-base.hpp" #include "lua-pin.hpp" namespace lua { class class_base; class parameters; /** * Group of classes. */ class class_group { public: /** * Create a group. */ class_group(); /** * Destroy a group. */ ~class_group(); /** * Add a class to group. */ void do_register(const std::string& name, class_base& fun); /** * Drop a class from group. */ void do_unregister(const std::string& name, class_base& fun); /** * Request callbacks on all currently registered functions. */ void request_callback(std::function cb); /** * Bind a callback. * * Callbacks for all registered functions are immediately called. */ int add_callback(std::function cb, std::function dcb); /** * Unbind a calback. */ void drop_callback(int handle); private: char dummy; }; struct class_ops { bool (*is)(state& _state, int index); const std::string& (*name)(); std::string (*print)(state& _state, int index); }; std::list& userdata_recogn_fns(); std::string try_recognize_userdata(state& _state, int index); std::string try_print_userdata(state& _state, int index); std::unordered_map& class_types(); /** * Helper class containing binding data for Lua class call. */ template struct class_binding { /** * The pointer to call. */ int (T::*fn)(state& lstate, lua::parameters& P); /** * The state to call it in. */ state* _state; /** * The name of the method to pass. */ char fname[]; }; /** * Helper class containing binding data for Lua static class call. */ struct static_binding { /** * The pointer to call. */ int (*fn)(state& lstate, parameters& P); /** * The state to call it in. */ state* _state; /** * The name of the method to pass. */ char fname[]; }; template class _class; /** * Function to obtain class object for given Lua class. */ template _class& objclass() { auto& type = typeid(T); if(!class_types().count(type)) throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: Lua class not found!"); return *reinterpret_cast<_class*>(class_types()[type]); } /** * A class method. */ template struct class_method { /** * Name. */ const char* name; /** * Function. */ int (T::*fn)(state& LS, lua::parameters& P); }; /** * A static class method. */ struct static_method { /** * Name. */ const char* name; /** * Function. */ int (*fn)(state& LS, parameters& P); }; /** * Virtual base of Lua classes */ class class_base { public: /** * Create a new Lua class. * * Parameter _group: The group the class will be in. * Parameter _name: The name of the class. */ class_base(class_group& _group, const std::string& _name); /** * Dtor. */ virtual ~class_base() throw(); /** * Lookup by name in given Lua state. * * Parameter _L: The Lua state to look in. * Parameter _name: The name of the class. * Returns: The class instance, or NULL if no match. */ static class_base* lookup(state& L, const std::string& _name); /** * Push class table to stack. */ static bool lookup_and_push(state& L, const std::string& _name); /** * Get set of all classes. */ static std::set all_classes(state& L); /** * Register in given Lua state. */ virtual void register_state(state& L) = 0; /** * Lookup static methods in class. */ virtual std::list static_methods() = 0; /** * Lookup class methods in class. */ virtual std::set class_methods() = 0; /** * Get name of class. */ const std::string& get_name() { return name; } protected: void delayed_register(); void register_static(state& L); private: class_group& group; std::string name; bool registered; }; static const size_t overcommit_std_align = 32; /** * Align a overcommit pointer. */ template U* align_overcommit(T* th) { size_t ptr = reinterpret_cast(th) + sizeof(T); return reinterpret_cast(ptr + (overcommit_std_align - ptr % overcommit_std_align) % overcommit_std_align); } /** * The type of Lua classes. */ template class _class : public class_base { template T* _create(state& _state, U... args) { size_t overcommit = T::overcommit(args...); void* obj = _state.newuserdata(sizeof(T) + overcommit); load_metatable(_state); _state.setmetatable(-2); T* _obj = reinterpret_cast(obj); new(_obj) T(_state, args...); return _obj; } static int class_bind_trampoline(lua_State* LS) { try { class_binding* b = (class_binding*)lua_touserdata(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1)); state L(*b->_state, LS); T* p = _class::get(L, 1, b->fname); lua::parameters P(L, b->fname); return (p->*(b->fn))(L, P); } catch(std::exception& e) { std::string err = e.what(); lua_pushlstring(LS, err.c_str(), err.length()); lua_error(LS); } return 0; //NOTREACHED } T* _get(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname, bool optional = false) { if(_state.type(arg) == LUA_TNONE || _state.type(arg) == LUA_TNIL) { if(optional) return NULL; else goto badtype; } load_metatable(_state); if(!_state.getmetatable(arg)) goto badtype; if(!_state.rawequal(-1, -2)) goto badtype; _state.pop(2); return reinterpret_cast(_state.touserdata(arg)); badtype: (stringfmt() << "argument #" << arg << " to " << fname << " must be " << name).throwex(); return NULL; //Never reached. } bool _is(state& _state, int arg) { if(_state.type(arg) != LUA_TUSERDATA) return false; load_metatable(_state); if(!_state.getmetatable(arg)) { _state.pop(1); return false; } bool ret = _state.rawequal(-1, -2); _state.pop(2); return ret; } objpin _pin(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname) { T* obj = get(_state, arg, fname); _state.pushvalue(arg); objpin t(_state, obj); _state.pop(1); return t; } void bind(state& _state, const char* keyname, int (T::*fn)(state& LS, lua::parameters& P)) { load_metatable(_state); _state.pushstring(keyname); std::string fname = name + std::string("::") + keyname; void* ptr = _state.newuserdata(sizeof(class_binding) + fname.length() + 1); class_binding* bdata = reinterpret_cast*>(ptr); bdata->fn = fn; bdata->_state = &_state.get_master(); std::copy(fname.begin(), fname.end(), bdata->fname); bdata->fname[fname.length()] = 0; _state.pushcclosure(class_bind_trampoline, 1); _state.rawset(-3); _state.pop(1); } protected: void register_state(state& L) { static char once_key; register_static(L); if(L.do_once(&once_key)) for(auto i : cmethods) bind(L, i.name, i.fn); } public: /** * Create a new Lua class. * * Parameter _group: The group the class will be in. * Parameter _name: The name of the class. * Parameter _smethods: Static methods of the class. * Parameter _cmethods: Class methods of the class. * Parameter _print: The print method. */ _class(class_group& _group, const std::string& _name, std::initializer_list _smethods, std::initializer_list> _cmethods = {}, std::string (T::*_print)() = NULL) : class_base(_group, _name), smethods(_smethods), cmethods(_cmethods) { name = _name; class_ops m; printmeth = _print; m.is = _class::is; m.name = _class::get_name; m.print = _class::print; userdata_recogn_fns().push_back(m); auto& type = typeid(T); class_types()[type] = this; delayed_register(); } /** * Dtor */ ~_class() throw() { auto& type = typeid(T); class_types().erase(type); auto& fns = userdata_recogn_fns(); for(auto i = fns.begin(); i != fns.end(); i++) { if(i->is == _class::is) { fns.erase(i); break; } } } /** * Create a new instance of object. * * Parameter _state: The Lua state to create the object in. * Parameter args: The arguments to pass to class constructor. */ template static T* create(state& _state, U... args) { return objclass()._create(_state, args...); } /** * Get a pointer to the object. * * Parameter _state: The Lua state. * Parameter arg: Argument index. * Parameter fname: The name of function for error messages. * Parameter optional: If true and argument is NIL or none, return NULL. * Throws std::runtime_error: Wrong type. */ static T* get(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname, bool optional = false) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { return objclass()._get(_state, arg, fname, optional); } /** * Identify if object is of this type. * * Parameter _state: The Lua state. * Parameter arg: Argument index. * Returns: True if object is of specified type, false if not. */ static bool is(state& _state, int arg) throw() { try { return objclass()._is(_state, arg); } catch(...) { return false; } } /** * Get name of class. */ static const std::string& get_name() { try { return objclass().name; } catch(...) { static std::string foo = "???"; return foo; } } /** * Format instance of this class as string. */ static std::string print(state& _state, int index) { T* obj = get(_state, index, "__internal_print"); try { auto pmeth = objclass().printmeth; if(pmeth) return (obj->*pmeth)(); else return ""; } catch(...) { return ""; } } /** * Get a pin of object against Lua GC. * * Parameter _state: The Lua state. * Parameter arg: Argument index. * Parameter fname: Name of function for error message purposes. * Throws std::runtime_error: Wrong type. */ static objpin pin(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { return objclass()._pin(_state, arg, fname); } /** * Lookup static methods. */ std::list static_methods() { return smethods; } /** * Lookup class methods. */ std::set class_methods() { std::set r; for(auto& i : cmethods) r.insert(i.name); return r; } private: static int dogc(lua_State* LS) { T* obj = reinterpret_cast(lua_touserdata(LS, 1)); obj->~T(); return 0; } static int newindex(lua_State* LS) { lua_pushstring(LS, "Writing metatables of classes is not allowed"); lua_error(LS); return 0; } static int index(lua_State* LS) { lua_getmetatable(LS, 1); lua_pushvalue(LS, 2); lua_rawget(LS, -2); if(lua_type(LS, -1) == LUA_TNIL) { std::string err = std::string("Class '") + lua_tostring(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1)) + "' does not have class method '" + lua_tostring(LS, 2) + "'"; lua_pushstring(LS, err.c_str()); lua_error(LS); } return 1; } void load_metatable(state& _state) { again: _state.pushlightuserdata(this); _state.rawget(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if(_state.type(-1) == LUA_TNIL) { _state.pop(1); _state.pushlightuserdata(this); _state.newtable(); _state.pushvalue(-1); _state.setmetatable(-2); _state.pushstring("__gc"); _state.pushcfunction(&_class::dogc); _state.rawset(-3); _state.pushstring("__newindex"); _state.pushcfunction(&_class::newindex); _state.rawset(-3); _state.pushstring("__index"); _state.pushlstring(name); _state.pushcclosure(&_class::index, 1); _state.rawset(-3); _state.rawset(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); goto again; } } std::string name; std::list smethods; std::list> cmethods; std::string (T::*printmeth)(); _class(const _class&); _class& operator=(const _class&); }; } #endif