#include "command.hpp" #include "misc.hpp" #include "zip.hpp" #include #include namespace { std::map* commands; std::set command_stack; std::map> aliases; function_ptr_command run_script("run-script", "run file as a script", "Syntax: run-script \nRuns file just as it would have been entered in the command line\n", [](arg_filename filename) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { std::istream* o = NULL; try { o = &open_file_relative(filename, ""); messages << "Running '" << std::string(filename) << "'" << std::endl; std::string line; while(std::getline(*o, line)) command::invokeC(line); delete o; } catch(std::exception& e) { if(o) delete o; throw; } }); function_ptr_command<> show_aliases("show-aliases", "show aliases", "Syntax: show-aliases\nShow expansions of all aliases\n", []() throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { for(auto i = aliases.begin(); i != aliases.end(); i++) for(auto j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); j++) messages << "alias " << i->first << " " << *j << std::endl; }); function_ptr_command unalias_command("unalias-command", "unalias a command", "Syntax: unalias-command \nClear expansion of alias \n", [](tokensplitter& t) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { std::string aliasname = t; if(t) throw std::runtime_error("This command only takes one argument"); if(aliasname.length() == 0 || aliasname[0] == '?' || aliasname[0] == '*') throw std::runtime_error("Illegal alias name"); aliases[aliasname].clear(); messages << "Command '" << aliasname << "' unaliased" << std::endl; }); function_ptr_command alias_command("alias-command", "alias a command", "Syntax: alias-command \nAppend to expansion of alias \n" "Valid alias names can't be empty nor start with '*' or '?'\n", [](tokensplitter& t) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { std::string aliasname = t; std::string command = t.tail(); if(command == "") throw std::runtime_error("Alias name and command needed"); if(aliasname.length() == 0 || aliasname[0] == '?' || aliasname[0] == '*') throw std::runtime_error("Illegal alias name"); aliases[aliasname].push_back(command); messages << "Command '" << aliasname << "' aliased to '" << command << "'" << std::endl; }); } command::command(const std::string& cmd) throw(std::bad_alloc) { if(!commands) commands = new std::map(); if(commands->count(cmd)) std::cerr << "WARNING: Command collision for " << cmd << "!" << std::endl; (*commands)[commandname = cmd] = this; } command::~command() throw() { if(!commands) return; commands->erase(commandname); } void command::invokeC(const std::string& cmd) throw() { try { std::string cmd2 = cmd; if(cmd2 == "?") { //The special ? command. if(commands) { for(auto i = commands->begin(); i != commands->end(); ++i) messages << i->first << ": " << i->second->get_short_help() << std::endl; } return; } if(cmd2.length() > 1 && cmd2[0] == '?') { //?command. size_t split = cmd2.find_first_of(" \t"); std::string rcmd; if(split >= cmd2.length()) rcmd = cmd2.substr(1); else rcmd = cmd2.substr(1, split - 1); if(rcmd.length() > 0 && rcmd[0] != '*') { //This may be an alias. std::string aname = cmd2.substr(1); if(aliases.count(aname)) { //Yup. messages << aname << " is an alias for: " << std::endl; size_t j = 0; for(auto i = aliases[aname].begin(); i != aliases[aname].end(); ++i, ++j) messages << "#" + (j + 1) << ": " << *i << std::endl; return; } } if(rcmd.length() > 0 && rcmd[0] == '*') rcmd = rcmd.substr(1); if(!commands || !commands->count(rcmd)) { if(rcmd != "") messages << "Unknown command '" << rcmd << "'" << std::endl; return; } messages << (*commands)[rcmd]->get_long_help() << std::endl; return; } bool may_be_alias_expanded = true; if(cmd2.length() > 0 && cmd2[0] == '*') { may_be_alias_expanded = false; cmd2 = cmd2.substr(1); } if(may_be_alias_expanded && aliases.count(cmd2)) { for(auto i = aliases[cmd2].begin(); i != aliases[cmd2].end(); ++i) invokeC(*i); return; } try { size_t split = cmd2.find_first_of(" \t"); std::string rcmd; if(split >= cmd2.length()) rcmd = cmd2; else rcmd = cmd2.substr(0, split); split = cmd2.find_first_not_of(" \t", split); std::string args; if(split < cmd2.length()) args = cmd2.substr(split); command* cmdh = NULL; if(commands && commands->count(rcmd)) cmdh = (*commands)[rcmd]; if(!cmdh) { messages << "Unknown command '" << rcmd << "'" << std::endl; return; } if(command_stack.count(cmd)) throw std::runtime_error("Recursive command invocation"); command_stack.insert(cmd); cmdh->invoke(args); command_stack.erase(cmd); return; } catch(std::bad_alloc& e) { OOM_panic(); } catch(std::exception& e) { messages << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; command_stack.erase(cmd); return; } } catch(std::bad_alloc& e) { OOM_panic(); } } std::string command::get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "No description available"; } std::string command::get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "No help available on command " + commandname; } tokensplitter::tokensplitter(const std::string& _line) throw(std::bad_alloc) { line = _line; position = 0; } tokensplitter::operator bool() throw() { return (position < line.length()); } tokensplitter::operator std::string() throw(std::bad_alloc) { size_t nextp, oldp = position; nextp = line.find_first_of(" \t", position); if(nextp > line.length()) { position = line.length(); return line.substr(oldp); } else { position = nextp; while(position < line.length() && (line[position] == ' ' || line[position] == '\t')) position++; return line.substr(oldp, nextp - oldp); } } std::string tokensplitter::tail() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return line.substr(position); } template<> void invoke_command_fn(void (*fn)(const std::string& args), const std::string& args) { fn(args); } template<> void invoke_command_fn(void (*fn)(), const std::string& args) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); fn(); } template<> void invoke_command_fn(void (*fn)(struct arg_filename a), const std::string& args) { if(args == "") throw std::runtime_error("Filename required"); arg_filename b; b.v = args; fn(b); } template<> void invoke_command_fn(void (*fn)(tokensplitter& a), const std::string& args) { tokensplitter t(args); fn(t); }