#include "window.hpp" #include "render.hpp" #include "command.hpp" #include "misc.hpp" #include "lsnes.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include #include #include #include "keymapper.hpp" #include "framerate.hpp" #include "fieldsplit.hpp" #include #include #define WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 15 #define MAXMESSAGES 6 #define MSGHISTORY 1000 #define MAXHISTORY 1000 #define JOYTHRESHOLD 3200 #include #include #include #include #define SDL_DEV_NONE 0 #define SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD 1 #define SDL_DEV_JOYAXIS 2 #define SDL_DEV_JOYBUTTON 3 #define SDL_DEV_JOYHAT 4 // Limit the emulator to ~30fps. #define MIN_UPDATE_TIME 33 class keymapper_helper_sdl { public: typedef struct { int device; SDL_keysym keyboard; uint32_t joyaxis; uint32_t joybutton; uint32_t joyhat; } keysymbol; struct internal_keysymbol { int mode; unsigned scan; unsigned symbolic; unsigned joyaxis; unsigned joyhat; unsigned joybutton; bool operator==(const internal_keysymbol& k) const; }; struct translated_event { translated_event(keysymbol _symbol, bool _polarity, bool _more = false); keysymbol symbol; bool polarity; bool more; }; static translated_event translate_event(SDL_Event& e) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error); static unsigned mod_str(std::string mod) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error); static unsigned mod_key(keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc); static internal_keysymbol key_str(std::string key) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error); static internal_keysymbol key_key(keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc); static std::string name_key(unsigned mod, unsigned modmask, struct internal_keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc); static std::string print_key_info(keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc); }; #define KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL 0 #define KEYTYPE_SCAN 1 #define KEYTYPE_SYMBOL 2 #define KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS 3 #define KEYTYPE_JOYHAT 4 #define KEYTYPE_JOYBUTTON 5 #define KEYTYPE_NONE 6 #define BARE_CTRL 0x0001 #define BARE_LCTRL 0x0002 #define BARE_RCTRL 0x0004 #define BARE_NUM 0x0008 #define BARE_SHIFT 0x0010 #define BARE_LSHIFT 0x0020 #define BARE_RSHIFT 0x0040 #define BARE_CAPS 0x0080 #define BARE_ALT 0x0100 #define BARE_LALT 0x0200 #define BARE_RALT 0x0400 #define BARE_MODE 0x0800 #define BARE_META 0x1000 #define BARE_LMETA 0x2000 #define BARE_RMETA 0x4000 #define LCTRL_VALUE (BARE_CTRL | BARE_LCTRL) #define RCTRL_VALUE (BARE_CTRL | BARE_RCTRL) #define LALT_VALUE (BARE_ALT | BARE_LALT) #define RALT_VALUE (BARE_ALT | BARE_RALT) #define LSHIFT_VALUE (BARE_SHIFT | BARE_LSHIFT) #define RSHIFT_VALUE (BARE_SHIFT | BARE_RSHIFT) #define LMETA_VALUE (BARE_META | BARE_LMETA) #define RMETA_VALUE (BARE_META | BARE_RMETA) struct calibration { calibration(); short left; short center; short right; short temp; bool known; void update(short val) throw(); void centered() throw(); short analog(short val) throw(); short digital(short val) throw(); }; calibration::calibration() { known = false; } void calibration::update(short val) throw() { if(!known) { temp = val; left = val; center = val; right = val; known = true; return; } temp = val; if(temp > right) right = temp; if(temp < left) left = temp; } void calibration::centered() throw() { center = temp; } short calibration::analog(short val) throw() { if(!known) return 0; if(val <= left) return -32768; if(val >= right) return 32767; if(val < center) return static_cast(-32768.0 * (val - left) / (center - left)); if(val > center) return static_cast(32767.0 * (val - center) / (right - center)); return 0; } short calibration::digital(short val) throw() { short a = analog(val); if(a < -JOYTHRESHOLD) return -1; if(a > JOYTHRESHOLD) return 1; return 0; } std::map calibrations; void handle_calibration_event(SDL_JoyAxisEvent& e) { unsigned short num = static_cast(e.which) * 256 + static_cast(e.axis); calibrations[num].update(e.value); } void exit_calibration() { for(auto i = calibrations.begin(); i != calibrations.end(); i++) i->second.centered(); } namespace { bool wait_canceled; SDL_TimerID tid; std::map axis_current_state; //-1, 0 or 1. std::map hat_current_state; //1 for up, 2 for right, 4 for down, 8 for left. void sigalrm_handler(int s) { _exit(1); } Uint32 timer_cb(Uint32 interval, void* param) { SDL_Event e; e.type = SDL_USEREVENT; e.user.code = 0; SDL_PushEvent(&e); return interval; } struct modifier { const char* name; bool synthethic; unsigned sdlvalue; unsigned asrealkey; unsigned asmodifier; } modifiers_table[] = { { "ctrl", true, 0, 0, 0x0001 }, { "lctrl", false, KMOD_LCTRL, 0x0003, 0x0002 }, { "rctrl", false, KMOD_RCTRL, 0x0005, 0x0004 }, { "alt", true, 0, 0, 0x0008 }, { "lalt", false, KMOD_LALT, 0x0018, 0x0010 }, { "ralt", false, KMOD_RALT, 0x0028, 0x0020 }, { "shift", true, 0, 0, 0x0040 }, { "lshift", false, KMOD_LSHIFT, 0x00C0, 0x0080 }, { "rshift", false, KMOD_RSHIFT, 0x0140, 0x0100 }, { "meta", true, 0, 0, 0x0200 }, { "lmeta", false, KMOD_LMETA, 0x0600, 0x0400 }, { "rmeta", false, KMOD_RMETA, 0x0A00, 0x0800 }, { "num", false, KMOD_NUM, 0x1000, 0x1000 }, { "caps", false, KMOD_CAPS, 0x2000, 0x2000 }, { "mode", false, KMOD_MODE, 0x4000, 0x4000 }, { NULL, false, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct key { const char* name; unsigned symbol; } keys_table[] = { {"backspace", SDLK_BACKSPACE}, {"tab", SDLK_TAB}, {"clear", SDLK_CLEAR}, {"return", SDLK_RETURN}, {"pause", SDLK_PAUSE}, {"escape", SDLK_ESCAPE}, {"space", SDLK_SPACE}, {"exclaim", SDLK_EXCLAIM}, {"quotedbl", SDLK_QUOTEDBL}, {"hash", SDLK_HASH}, {"dollar", SDLK_DOLLAR}, {"ampersand", SDLK_AMPERSAND}, {"quote", SDLK_QUOTE}, {"leftparen", SDLK_LEFTPAREN}, {"rightparen", SDLK_RIGHTPAREN}, {"asterisk", SDLK_ASTERISK}, {"plus", SDLK_PLUS}, {"comma", SDLK_COMMA}, {"minus", SDLK_MINUS}, {"period", SDLK_PERIOD}, {"slash", SDLK_SLASH}, {"0", SDLK_0}, {"1", SDLK_1}, {"2", SDLK_2}, {"3", SDLK_3}, {"4", SDLK_4}, {"5", SDLK_5}, {"6", SDLK_6}, {"7", SDLK_7}, {"8", SDLK_8}, {"9", SDLK_9}, {"colon", SDLK_COLON}, {"semicolon", SDLK_SEMICOLON}, {"less", SDLK_LESS}, {"equals", SDLK_EQUALS}, {"greater", SDLK_GREATER}, {"question", SDLK_QUESTION}, {"at", SDLK_AT}, {"leftbracket", SDLK_LEFTBRACKET}, {"backslash", SDLK_BACKSLASH}, {"rightbracket", SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET}, {"caret", SDLK_CARET}, {"underscore", SDLK_UNDERSCORE}, {"backquote", SDLK_BACKQUOTE}, {"a", SDLK_a}, {"b", SDLK_b}, {"c", SDLK_c}, {"d", SDLK_d}, {"e", SDLK_e}, {"f", SDLK_f}, {"g", SDLK_g}, {"h", SDLK_h}, {"i", SDLK_i}, {"j", SDLK_j}, {"k", SDLK_k}, {"l", SDLK_l}, {"m", SDLK_m}, {"n", SDLK_n}, {"o", SDLK_o}, {"p", SDLK_p}, {"q", SDLK_q}, {"r", SDLK_r}, {"s", SDLK_s}, {"t", SDLK_t}, {"u", SDLK_u}, {"v", SDLK_v}, {"w", SDLK_w}, {"x", SDLK_x}, {"y", SDLK_y}, {"z", SDLK_z}, {"delete", SDLK_DELETE}, {"world_0", SDLK_WORLD_0}, {"world_1", SDLK_WORLD_1}, {"world_2", SDLK_WORLD_2}, {"world_3", SDLK_WORLD_3}, {"world_4", SDLK_WORLD_4}, {"world_5", SDLK_WORLD_5}, {"world_6", SDLK_WORLD_6}, {"world_7", SDLK_WORLD_7}, {"world_8", SDLK_WORLD_8}, {"world_9", SDLK_WORLD_9}, {"world_10", SDLK_WORLD_10}, {"world_11", SDLK_WORLD_11}, {"world_12", SDLK_WORLD_12}, {"world_13", SDLK_WORLD_13}, {"world_14", SDLK_WORLD_14}, {"world_15", SDLK_WORLD_15}, {"world_16", SDLK_WORLD_16}, {"world_17", SDLK_WORLD_17}, {"world_18", SDLK_WORLD_18}, {"world_19", SDLK_WORLD_19}, {"world_20", SDLK_WORLD_20}, {"world_21", SDLK_WORLD_21}, {"world_22", SDLK_WORLD_22}, {"world_23", SDLK_WORLD_23}, {"world_24", SDLK_WORLD_24}, {"world_25", SDLK_WORLD_25}, {"world_26", SDLK_WORLD_26}, {"world_27", SDLK_WORLD_27}, {"world_28", SDLK_WORLD_28}, {"world_29", SDLK_WORLD_29}, {"world_30", SDLK_WORLD_30}, {"world_31", SDLK_WORLD_31}, {"world_32", SDLK_WORLD_32}, {"world_33", SDLK_WORLD_33}, {"world_34", SDLK_WORLD_34}, {"world_35", SDLK_WORLD_35}, {"world_36", SDLK_WORLD_36}, {"world_37", SDLK_WORLD_37}, {"world_38", SDLK_WORLD_38}, {"world_39", SDLK_WORLD_39}, {"world_40", SDLK_WORLD_40}, {"world_41", SDLK_WORLD_41}, {"world_42", SDLK_WORLD_42}, {"world_43", SDLK_WORLD_43}, {"world_44", SDLK_WORLD_44}, {"world_45", SDLK_WORLD_45}, {"world_46", SDLK_WORLD_46}, {"world_47", SDLK_WORLD_47}, {"world_48", SDLK_WORLD_48}, {"world_49", SDLK_WORLD_49}, {"world_50", SDLK_WORLD_50}, {"world_51", SDLK_WORLD_51}, {"world_52", SDLK_WORLD_52}, {"world_53", SDLK_WORLD_53}, {"world_54", SDLK_WORLD_54}, {"world_55", SDLK_WORLD_55}, {"world_56", SDLK_WORLD_56}, {"world_57", SDLK_WORLD_57}, {"world_58", SDLK_WORLD_58}, {"world_59", SDLK_WORLD_59}, {"world_60", SDLK_WORLD_60}, {"world_61", SDLK_WORLD_61}, {"world_62", SDLK_WORLD_62}, {"world_63", SDLK_WORLD_63}, {"world_64", SDLK_WORLD_64}, {"world_65", SDLK_WORLD_65}, {"world_66", SDLK_WORLD_66}, {"world_67", SDLK_WORLD_67}, {"world_68", SDLK_WORLD_68}, {"world_69", SDLK_WORLD_69}, {"world_70", SDLK_WORLD_70}, {"world_71", SDLK_WORLD_71}, {"world_72", SDLK_WORLD_72}, {"world_73", SDLK_WORLD_73}, {"world_74", SDLK_WORLD_74}, {"world_75", SDLK_WORLD_75}, {"world_76", SDLK_WORLD_76}, {"world_77", SDLK_WORLD_77}, {"world_78", SDLK_WORLD_78}, {"world_79", SDLK_WORLD_79}, {"world_80", SDLK_WORLD_80}, {"world_81", SDLK_WORLD_81}, {"world_82", SDLK_WORLD_82}, {"world_83", SDLK_WORLD_83}, {"world_84", SDLK_WORLD_84}, {"world_85", SDLK_WORLD_85}, {"world_86", SDLK_WORLD_86}, {"world_87", SDLK_WORLD_87}, {"world_88", SDLK_WORLD_88}, {"world_89", SDLK_WORLD_89}, {"world_90", SDLK_WORLD_90}, {"world_91", SDLK_WORLD_91}, {"world_92", SDLK_WORLD_92}, {"world_93", SDLK_WORLD_93}, {"world_94", SDLK_WORLD_94}, {"world_95", SDLK_WORLD_95}, {"kp0", SDLK_KP0}, {"kp1", SDLK_KP1}, {"kp2", SDLK_KP2}, {"kp3", SDLK_KP3}, {"kp4", SDLK_KP4}, {"kp5", SDLK_KP5}, {"kp6", SDLK_KP6}, {"kp7", SDLK_KP7}, {"kp8", SDLK_KP8}, {"kp9", SDLK_KP9}, {"kp_period", SDLK_KP_PERIOD}, {"kp_divide", SDLK_KP_DIVIDE}, {"kp_multiply", SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY}, {"kp_minus", SDLK_KP_MINUS}, {"kp_plus", SDLK_KP_PLUS}, {"kp_enter", SDLK_KP_ENTER}, {"kp_equals", SDLK_KP_EQUALS}, {"up", SDLK_UP}, {"down", SDLK_DOWN}, {"right", SDLK_RIGHT}, {"left", SDLK_LEFT}, {"insert", SDLK_INSERT}, {"home", SDLK_HOME}, {"end", SDLK_END}, {"pageup", SDLK_PAGEUP}, {"pagedown", SDLK_PAGEDOWN}, {"f1", SDLK_F1}, {"f2", SDLK_F2}, {"f3", SDLK_F3}, {"f4", SDLK_F4}, {"f5", SDLK_F5}, {"f6", SDLK_F6}, {"f7", SDLK_F7}, {"f8", SDLK_F8}, {"f9", SDLK_F9}, {"f10", SDLK_F10}, {"f11", SDLK_F11}, {"f12", SDLK_F12}, {"f13", SDLK_F13}, {"f14", SDLK_F14}, {"f15", SDLK_F15}, {"numlock", SDLK_NUMLOCK}, {"capslock", SDLK_CAPSLOCK}, {"scrollock", SDLK_SCROLLOCK}, {"rshift", SDLK_RSHIFT}, {"lshift", SDLK_LSHIFT}, {"rctrl", SDLK_RCTRL}, {"lctrl", SDLK_LCTRL}, {"ralt", SDLK_RALT}, {"lalt", SDLK_LALT}, {"rmeta", SDLK_RMETA}, {"lmeta", SDLK_LMETA}, {"lsuper", SDLK_LSUPER}, {"rsuper", SDLK_RSUPER}, {"mode", SDLK_MODE}, {"compose", SDLK_COMPOSE}, {"help", SDLK_HELP}, {"print", SDLK_PRINT}, {"sysreq", SDLK_SYSREQ}, {"break", SDLK_BREAK}, {"menu", SDLK_MENU}, {"power", SDLK_POWER}, {"euro", SDLK_EURO}, {"undo", SDLK_UNDO}, {NULL, 0} }; unsigned recognize_one_modifier(std::string mod) { struct modifier* m = modifiers_table; while(m->name) { if(mod == std::string(m->name)) return m->asmodifier; m++; } throw std::runtime_error("Unknown modifier '" + mod + "'"); } uint32_t transpack[16] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 0, 7, 8, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0}; uint32_t polarities[9] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; uint32_t directions[9] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 0}; uint64_t X[] = { 0x032221008ULL, //From center. 0x344444184ULL, //From up. 0x555544855ULL, //From up&right. 0x555528055ULL, //From right. 0x555586655ULL, //From down&right. 0x663816666ULL, //From down. 0x668777777ULL, //From down&left. 0x082777777ULL, //From left. 0x844777777ULL //From up&left. }; void hat_transition(uint32_t& ov, uint32_t& v, bool& polarity, bool& more) { uint32_t t1 = transpack[ov]; uint32_t t2 = transpack[v]; more = (v != ((X[t1] >> 4 * t2) & 0xF)); polarity = polarities[(X[t1] >> 4 * t2) & 0xF]; ov ^= directions[(X[t1] >> 4 * t2) & 0xF]; v = directions[(X[t1] >> 4 * t2) & 0xF]; } } keymapper_helper_sdl::translated_event::translated_event(keysymbol _symbol, bool _polarity, bool _more) { symbol = _symbol; polarity = _polarity; more = _more; } keymapper_helper_sdl::translated_event keymapper_helper_sdl::translate_event(SDL_Event& e) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(e.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { uint32_t axis = static_cast(e.jhat.which) * 256 + static_cast(e.jhat.hat); uint32_t v = 0; if(e.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_UP) v |= 1; if(e.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) v |= 2; if(e.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_DOWN) v |= 4; if(e.jhat.value & SDL_HAT_LEFT) v |= 8; unsigned ov = hat_current_state[axis]; bool more = false; bool polarity = false; if(ov == v) { keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_NONE; return translated_event(k, false); } hat_transition(ov, v, polarity, more); hat_current_state[axis] = ov; axis |= (v << 16); keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_JOYHAT; k.joyhat = axis; return translated_event(k, polarity, more); } else if(e.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) { uint32_t axis = static_cast(e.jaxis.which) * 256 + static_cast(e.jaxis.axis); int v = calibrations[axis].digital(e.jaxis.value); int ov = axis_current_state[axis]; bool more = false; bool polarity = false; if(ov == v) { keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_NONE; return translated_event(k, false); } else if(ov == -1) { more = (v == 1); polarity = false; } else if(ov == 0) { polarity = true; axis |= ((v == 1) ? 0x10000 : 0); } else if(ov == 1) { more = (v == -1); polarity = false; axis |= 0x10000; } keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_JOYAXIS; k.joyaxis = axis; return translated_event(k, polarity, more); } else if(e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP || e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_JOYBUTTON; k.joybutton = static_cast(e.jbutton.which) * 256 + static_cast(e.jbutton.button); return translated_event(k, (e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN)); } else if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || e.type == SDL_KEYUP) { keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD; k.keyboard = e.key.keysym; return translated_event(k, (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)); } else { keysymbol k; k.device = SDL_DEV_NONE; return translated_event(k, false); } } bool keymapper_helper_sdl::internal_keysymbol::operator==(const internal_keysymbol& k) const { if(mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL && k.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL) return (scan == k.scan || symbolic == k.symbolic); if((mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL && k.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN) || (k.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL && mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN) || (k.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN && mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN)) return (scan == k.scan); if((mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL && k.mode == KEYTYPE_SYMBOL) || (k.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL && mode == KEYTYPE_SYMBOL) || (k.mode == KEYTYPE_SYMBOL && mode == KEYTYPE_SYMBOL)) return (symbolic == k.symbolic); if(mode == KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS && k.mode == KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS) return (joyaxis == k.joyaxis); if(mode == KEYTYPE_JOYHAT && k.mode == KEYTYPE_JOYHAT) { //Joystick hats are handled specially. Diffrent hats never compare equal. if((joyhat & 0xFFFF) != (k.joyhat & 0xFFFF)) return false; //For the same hat, if there is overlap, then they compare equal. return (((joyhat & k.joyhat) >> 16) != 0); } return false; } unsigned keymapper_helper_sdl::mod_str(std::string mod) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { unsigned ret = 0; while(mod != "") { size_t split = mod.find_first_of(","); std::string omod; if(split < mod.length()) { omod = mod.substr(0, split); mod = mod.substr(split + 1); if(mod == "") throw std::runtime_error("Invalid modifier specification (trailing comma)"); } else { omod = mod; mod = ""; } ret |= recognize_one_modifier(omod); } return ret; } unsigned keymapper_helper_sdl::mod_key(keymapper_helper_sdl::keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc) { if(key.device != SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD) return 0; struct modifier* m = modifiers_table; unsigned ret = 0; while(m->name) { if(!m->synthethic && (key.keyboard.mod & m->sdlvalue)) ret |= m->asrealkey; m++; } return ret; } keymapper_helper_sdl::internal_keysymbol keymapper_helper_sdl::key_str(std::string key) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(key.length() > 8 && key.substr(0, 8) == "joystick") { const char* rest = key.c_str() + 8; char* end; unsigned subtype = 0; unsigned x; unsigned long value = strtoul(rest, &end, 10); if(value > 255) throw std::runtime_error("Bad joystick number '" + key + "'"); x = value * 256; if(!strncmp(end, "button", 6)) { subtype = 1; rest = end + 6; } else if(!strncmp(end, "axis", 4)) { subtype = 2; rest = end + 4; } else if(!strncmp(end, "hat", 3)) { subtype = 3; rest = end + 3; } else throw std::runtime_error("Bad joystick subtype '" + key + "'"); value = strtoul(rest, &end, 10); x += value; if(subtype == 1) { if(value > 255 || *end) throw std::runtime_error("Bad joystick button '" + key + "'"); internal_keysymbol k; k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYBUTTON; k.joybutton = x; return k; } else if(subtype == 2) { if(!strncmp(end, "+", 1) && value <= 255) x |= 0x10000; else if(!strncmp(end, "-", 1) && value <= 255) ; else throw std::runtime_error("Bad joystick axis '" + key + "'"); internal_keysymbol k; k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS; k.joyaxis = x; return k; } else if(subtype == 3) { if(!strncmp(end, "n", 1) && value <= 255) x |= 0x10000; else if(!strncmp(end, "e", 1) && value <= 255) x |= 0x20000; else if(!strncmp(end, "s", 1) && value <= 255) x |= 0x40000; else if(!strncmp(end, "w", 1) && value <= 255) x |= 0x80000; else throw std::runtime_error("Bad joystick hat '" + key + "'"); internal_keysymbol k; k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYHAT; k.joyhat = x; return k; } } if(key.length() > 3 && key.substr(0, 3) == "key") { const char* rest = key.c_str() + 3; char* end; unsigned long value = strtoul(rest, &end, 10); if(*end || value > 255) throw std::runtime_error("Bad scancode keysymbol '" + key + "'"); internal_keysymbol k; k.mode = KEYTYPE_SCAN; k.scan = value; k.symbolic = 0; return k; } struct key* k = keys_table; while(k->name) { if(key == std::string(k->name)) { internal_keysymbol k2; k2.mode = KEYTYPE_SYMBOL; k2.scan = 0; k2.symbolic = k->symbol; return k2; } k++; } throw std::runtime_error("Unknown key '" + key + "'"); } keymapper_helper_sdl::internal_keysymbol keymapper_helper_sdl::key_key(keymapper_helper_sdl::keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc) { internal_keysymbol k; if(key.device == SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD) { k.mode = KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL; k.scan = key.keyboard.scancode; k.symbolic = key.keyboard.sym; } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYAXIS) { k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS; k.joyaxis = key.joyaxis; } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYBUTTON) { k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYBUTTON; k.joybutton = key.joybutton; } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYHAT) { k.mode = KEYTYPE_JOYHAT; k.joyhat = key.joyhat; } else { k.mode = KEYTYPE_NONE; } return k; } std::string keymapper_helper_sdl::name_key(unsigned mod, unsigned modmask, struct internal_keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc) { std::string ret = ""; if(mod != 0 || modmask != 0) { struct modifier* m = modifiers_table; while(m->name) { if((mod & m->asmodifier) == m->asmodifier) { ret = ret + m->name + ","; } m++; } ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length() - 1); ret = ret + "/"; m = modifiers_table; while(m->name) { if((modmask & m->asmodifier) == m->asmodifier) { ret = ret + m->name + ","; } m++; } ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length() - 1); ret = ret + " "; } if(key.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN_SYMBOL || key.mode == KEYTYPE_SYMBOL) { struct key* k = keys_table; while(k->name) { if(key.symbolic == k->symbol) { ret = ret + k->name; break; } k++; } } else if(key.mode == KEYTYPE_SCAN) { std::ostringstream x; x << key.scan; ret = ret + "key" + x.str(); } else if(key.mode == KEYTYPE_JOYAXIS) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joyaxis >> 8) & 0xFF) << "axis" << (key.joyaxis & 0xFF); x << ((key.joyaxis & 0x10000) ? '+' : '-'); ret = ret + x.str(); } else if(key.mode == KEYTYPE_JOYBUTTON) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joybutton >> 8) & 0xFF) << "button" << (key.joybutton & 0xFF); ret = ret + x.str(); } else if(key.mode == KEYTYPE_JOYHAT) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joyhat >> 8) & 0xFF) << "hat" << (key.joyhat & 0xFF); if(key.joyhat & 0x10000) x << "n"; if(key.joyhat & 0x40000) x << "s"; if(key.joyhat & 0x20000) x << "e"; if(key.joyhat & 0x80000) x << "w"; ret = ret + x.str(); } else { ret = ret + ""; } return ret; } std::string keymapper_helper_sdl::print_key_info(keymapper_helper_sdl::keysymbol key) throw(std::bad_alloc) { std::string ret; if(key.device == SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD && key.keyboard.mod) { ret = ret + "Modifiers: "; unsigned mod = mod_key(key); struct modifier* m = modifiers_table; while(m->name) { if((mod & m->asmodifier) == m->asmodifier) { ret = ret + m->name + " "; } m++; } ret = ret + "\n"; } if(key.device == SDL_DEV_KEYBOARD) { { std::ostringstream x; x << static_cast(key.keyboard.scancode); ret = ret + "Name: key" + x.str() + "\n"; } struct key* k = keys_table; while(k->name) { if(key.keyboard.sym == k->symbol) { ret = ret + "Name: " + k->name + "\n"; break; } k++; } } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYAXIS) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joyaxis >> 8) & 0xFF) << "axis" << (key.joyaxis & 0xFF); x << ((key.joyaxis & 0x10000) ? '+' : '-'); ret + ret + "Name: " + x.str() + "\n"; } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYBUTTON) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joybutton >> 8) & 0xFF) << "button" << (key.joybutton & 0xFF); ret + ret + "Name: " + x.str() + "\n"; } else if(key.device == SDL_DEV_JOYHAT) { std::ostringstream x; x << "joystick" << ((key.joyhat >> 8) & 0xFF) << "hat" << (key.joyhat & 0xFF); if(key.joyhat & 0x10000) x << "n"; if(key.joyhat & 0x20000) x << "e"; if(key.joyhat & 0x40000) x << "s"; if(key.joyhat & 0x80000) x << "w"; ret + ret + "Name: " + x.str() + "\n"; } return ret; } extern uint32_t fontdata[]; namespace { uint32_t mouse_mask = 0; uint32_t vc_xoffset; uint32_t vc_yoffset; uint32_t vc_hscl = 1; uint32_t vc_vscl = 1; bool sdl_init; window* win; bool modconfirm; bool modal_return_flag; bool delayed_close_flag; std::string modmsg; std::string command_buf; bool command_overwrite; size_t command_cursor; unsigned old_screen_w; unsigned old_screen_h; unsigned state; std::map emustatus; std::map messagebuffer; uint64_t messagebuffer_next_seq; uint64_t messagebuffer_first_seq; uint64_t messagebuffer_first_show; bool console_mode; uint32_t maxmessages; std::list commandhistory; std::list::iterator commandhistory_itr; screen* current_screen; keymapper mapper; SDL_Surface* hwsurf; bool pause_active; uint64_t last_ui_update; bool screen_is_dirty; std::ofstream system_log; SDL_keysym autorepeating_key; unsigned autorepeat_phase = 0; unsigned autorepeat_timecounter = 0; numeric_setting autorepeat_first("autorepeat-first-delay", 1, 999999999, 15); numeric_setting autorepeat_subsequent("autorepeat-subsequent-delay", 1, 999999999, 4); }; namespace { const size_t audiobuf_size = 8192; uint16_t audiobuf[audiobuf_size]; volatile size_t audiobuf_get = 0; volatile size_t audiobuf_put = 0; uint64_t sampledup_ctr = 0; uint64_t sampledup_inc = 0; uint64_t sampledup_mod = 1; Uint16 format = AUDIO_S16SYS; bool stereo = true; bool sound_enabled = true; void calculate_sampledup(uint32_t real_rate) { sampledup_ctr = 0; sampledup_inc = 64081; sampledup_mod = 2 * real_rate + 64081; } void audiocb(void* dummy, Uint8* stream, int len) { static uint16_t lprev = 32768; static uint16_t rprev = 32768; if(!sound_enabled) lprev = rprev = 32768; uint16_t bias = (format == AUDIO_S8 || format == AUDIO_S16LSB || format == AUDIO_S16MSB || format == AUDIO_S16SYS) ? 32768 : 0; while(len > 0) { uint16_t l, r; if(audiobuf_get == audiobuf_put) { l = lprev; r = rprev; } else { l = lprev = audiobuf[audiobuf_get++]; r = rprev = audiobuf[audiobuf_get++]; if(audiobuf_get == audiobuf_size) audiobuf_get = 0; } if(!stereo) l = l / 2 + r / 2; if(format == AUDIO_U8 || format == AUDIO_S8) { stream[0] = (l - bias) >> 8; if(stereo) stream[1] = (r - bias) >> 8; stream += (stereo ? 2 : 1); len -= (stereo ? 2 : 1); } else if(format == AUDIO_S16SYS || format == AUDIO_U16SYS) { reinterpret_cast(stream)[0] = (l - bias); if(stereo) reinterpret_cast(stream)[1] = (r - bias); stream += (stereo ? 4 : 2); len -= (stereo ? 4 : 2); } else if(format == AUDIO_S16LSB || format == AUDIO_U16LSB) { stream[0] = (l - bias); stream[1] = (l - bias) >> 8; if(stereo) { stream[2] = (r - bias); stream[3] = (r - bias) >> 8; } stream += (stereo ? 4 : 2); len -= (stereo ? 4 : 2); } else if(format == AUDIO_S16MSB || format == AUDIO_U16MSB) { stream[1] = (l - bias); stream[0] = (l - bias) >> 8; if(stereo) { stream[3] = (r - bias); stream[2] = (r - bias) >> 8; } stream += (stereo ? 4 : 2); len -= (stereo ? 4 : 2); } } } void identify() { state = WINSTATE_IDENTIFY; win->message("Press key to identify."); win->notify_screen_update(); win->poll_inputs(); } std::string decode_string(std::string e) { std::string x; for(size_t i = 0; i < e.length(); i += 4) { char tmp[5] = {0}; uint32_t c1 = e[i] - 33; uint32_t c2 = e[i + 1] - 33; uint32_t c3 = e[i + 2] - 33; uint32_t c4 = e[i + 3] - 33; uint32_t c = (c1 << 18) | (c2 << 12) | (c3 << 6) | c4; if(c < 0x80) { tmp[0] = c; } else if(c < 0x800) { tmp[0] = 0xC0 | (c >> 6); tmp[1] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3F); } else if(c < 0x10000) { tmp[0] = 0xE0 | (c >> 12); tmp[1] = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F); tmp[2] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3F); } else { tmp[0] = 0xF0 | (c >> 18); tmp[1] = 0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F); tmp[2] = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F); tmp[3] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3F); } x = x + tmp; } return x; } void draw_rectangle(uint8_t* data, uint32_t pitch, uint32_t x1, uint32_t y1, uint32_t x2, uint32_t y2, uint32_t color, uint32_t thickness) { for(uint32_t i = x1; i < x2; i++) for(uint32_t j = 0; j < thickness; j++) { reinterpret_cast(data + pitch * (y1 + j))[i] = color; reinterpret_cast(data + pitch * (y2 - 1 - j))[i] = color; } for(uint32_t i = y1; i < y2; i++) for(uint32_t j = 0; j < thickness; j++) { reinterpret_cast(data + pitch * i)[x1 + j] = color; reinterpret_cast(data + pitch * i)[x2 - 1 - j] = color; } } std::vector decode_utf8(std::string s) { std::vector ret; for(auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); i++) { uint32_t j = static_cast(*i); if(j < 128) ret.push_back(j); else if(j < 192) continue; else if(j < 224) { uint32_t j2 = static_cast(*(++i)); ret.push_back((j - 192) * 64 + (j2 - 128)); } else if(j < 240) { uint32_t j2 = static_cast(*(++i)); uint32_t j3 = static_cast(*(++i)); ret.push_back((j - 224) * 4096 + (j2 - 128) * 64 + (j3 - 128)); } else { uint32_t j2 = static_cast(*(++i)); uint32_t j3 = static_cast(*(++i)); uint32_t j4 = static_cast(*(++i)); ret.push_back((j - 240) * 262144 + (j2 - 128) * 4096 + (j3 - 128) * 64 + (j4 - 128)); } } return ret; } void draw_string(uint8_t* base, uint32_t pitch, std::vector s, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t maxwidth, uint32_t hilite_mode = 0, uint32_t hilite_pos = 0) { base += y * static_cast(pitch) + 4 * x; int32_t pos_x = 0; int32_t pos_y = 0; unsigned c = 0; for(auto si = s.begin(); si != s.end(); si++) { uint32_t old_x = pos_x; uint32_t curstart = 16; if(c == hilite_pos && hilite_mode == 1) curstart = 14; if(c == hilite_pos && hilite_mode == 2) curstart = 0; auto g = find_glyph(*si, pos_x, pos_y, 0, pos_x, pos_y); if(pos_y) pos_x = old_x; if(g.second == 0) { //Empty glyph. for(unsigned j = 0; j < 16; j++) { uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast(base + pitch * j); for(unsigned i = 0; i < g.first && old_x + i < maxwidth; i++) ptr[old_x + i] = (j >= curstart) ? 0xFFFFFFFFU : 0; } } else { //Narrow/Wide glyph. for(unsigned j = 0; j < 16; j++) { uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast(base + pitch * j); uint32_t dataword = fontdata[g.second + j / 4]; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < g.first && old_x + i < maxwidth; i++) { bool b = (((dataword >> (31 - (j % (32 / g.first)) * g.first - i)) & 1)); b ^= (j >= curstart); ptr[old_x + i] = b ? 0xFFFFFFFFU : 0; } } } c++; } for(unsigned j = 0; j < 16; j++) { uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast(base + pitch * j); uint32_t curstart = 16; if(c == hilite_pos && hilite_mode == 1) curstart = 14; if(c == hilite_pos && hilite_mode == 2) curstart = 0; for(uint32_t i = pos_x; i < maxwidth; i++) { ptr[i] = ((i - pos_x) < 8 && j >= curstart) ? 0xFFFFFFFFU : 0; } } } void draw_string(uint8_t* base, uint32_t pitch, std::string s, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t maxwidth, uint32_t hilite_mode = 0, uint32_t hilite_pos = 0) { draw_string(base, pitch, decode_utf8(s), x, y, maxwidth, hilite_mode, hilite_pos); } void draw_command(uint8_t* base, uint32_t pitch, std::string s, size_t cursor, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t maxwidth, bool overwrite) { //FIXME, scroll text if too long. uint32_t hilite_mode = overwrite ? 2 : 1; auto s2 = decode_utf8(s); draw_string(base, pitch, s2, x, y, maxwidth, hilite_mode, cursor); } void draw_modal_dialog(SDL_Surface* surf, std::string msg, bool confirm) { int32_t pos_x = 0; int32_t pos_y = 0; uint32_t width = 0; uint32_t height = 0; if(confirm) msg = msg + "\n\nHit Enter to confirm, Esc to cancel"; else msg = msg + "\n\nHit Enter or Esc to dismiss"; auto s2 = decode_utf8(msg); for(auto i = s2.begin(); i != s2.end(); i++) { auto g = find_glyph(*i, pos_x, pos_y, 0, pos_x, pos_y); if(pos_x + g.first > width) width = static_cast(pos_x + g.first); if(pos_y + 16 > static_cast(height)) height = static_cast(pos_y + 16); } uint32_t x1; uint32_t x2; uint32_t y1; uint32_t y2; if(width + 12 >= static_cast(surf->w)) { x1 = 6; x2 = surf->w - 6; width = x2 - x1; } else { x1 = (surf->w - width) / 2; x2 = x1 + width; } if(height + 12 >= static_cast(surf->h)) { y1 = 6; y2 = surf->h - 6; height = y2 - y1; } else { y1 = (surf->h - height) / 2; y2 = y1 + height; } SDL_LockSurface(surf); for(uint32_t j = y1 - 6; j < y2 + 6; j++) memset(reinterpret_cast(surf->pixels) + j * surf->pitch + 4 * (x1 - 6), 0, 4 * (x2 - x1 + 12)); uint32_t bordercolor = (128 << surf->format->Gshift) | (255 << surf->format->Rshift); draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(surf->pixels), surf->pitch, x1 - 4, y1 - 4, x2 + 4, y2 + 4, bordercolor, 2); pos_x = 0; pos_y = 0; for(auto i = s2.begin(); i != s2.end(); i++) { uint32_t ox = pos_x; uint32_t oy = pos_y; auto g = find_glyph(*i, pos_x, pos_y, 0, pos_x, pos_y); if(static_cast(pos_y) > height) break; uint8_t* base = reinterpret_cast(surf->pixels) + (y1 + oy) * surf->pitch + 4 * (x1 + ox); if(g.second) { //Narrow/Wide glyph. for(unsigned j = 0; j < 16; j++) { uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast(base + surf->pitch * j); uint32_t dataword = fontdata[g.second + j / 4]; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < g.first && (ox + i) < width; i++) { bool b = (((dataword >> (31 - (j % (32 / g.first)) * g.first - i)) & 1)); ptr[i] = b ? bordercolor : 0; } } } } } void do_keyboard_command_edit(SDL_keysym k) { //These are not command edit! if(k.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) return; if(k.sym == SDLK_RETURN) return; if(k.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER) return; //Map keys a bit if numlock is off. if((k.mod & KMOD_NUM) == 0) { switch(k.sym) { case SDLK_KP0: k.sym = SDLK_INSERT; break; case SDLK_KP1: k.sym = SDLK_END; break; case SDLK_KP2: k.sym = SDLK_DOWN; break; case SDLK_KP3: k.sym = SDLK_PAGEDOWN; break; case SDLK_KP4: k.sym = SDLK_LEFT; break; case SDLK_KP5: return; case SDLK_KP6: k.sym = SDLK_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_KP7: k.sym = SDLK_HOME; break; case SDLK_KP8: k.sym = SDLK_UP; break; case SDLK_KP9: k.sym = SDLK_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: k.sym = SDLK_DELETE; break; default: break; }; } //Special editing operations. switch(k.sym) { case SDLK_INSERT: command_overwrite = !command_overwrite; win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_END: command_cursor = command_buf.length(); win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_DOWN: case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: if(commandhistory_itr != commandhistory.begin()) { commandhistory_itr--; command_buf = *commandhistory_itr; if(command_cursor > command_buf.length()) command_cursor = command_buf.length(); } win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_LEFT: command_cursor = (command_cursor > 0) ? (command_cursor - 4) : 0; win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_RIGHT: command_cursor = (command_cursor < command_buf.length()) ? (command_cursor + 4) : command_buf.length(); win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_HOME: command_cursor = 0; win->notify_screen_update(); return; case SDLK_UP: case SDLK_PAGEUP: { auto tmp = commandhistory_itr; if(++tmp != commandhistory.end()) { commandhistory_itr++; command_buf = *commandhistory_itr; if(command_cursor > command_buf.length()) command_cursor = command_buf.length(); } win->notify_screen_update(); return; } case SDLK_DELETE: if(command_cursor < command_buf.length()) command_buf = command_buf.substr(0, command_cursor) + command_buf.substr(command_cursor + 4); win->notify_screen_update(); *commandhistory_itr = command_buf; return; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if(command_cursor > 0) { command_buf = command_buf.substr(0, command_cursor - 4) + command_buf.substr(command_cursor); command_cursor -= 4; } win->notify_screen_update(); *commandhistory_itr = command_buf; return; default: break; }; //Not a special editing operation, insert/overwrite a character. uint32_t code = k.unicode; if(!code) return; uint8_t c1 = 33 + ((code >> 18) & 0x3F); uint8_t c2 = 33 + ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); uint8_t c3 = 33 + ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); uint8_t c4 = 33 + (code & 0x3F); if(command_overwrite && command_cursor < command_buf.length()) { command_buf[command_cursor] = c1; command_buf[command_cursor + 1] = c2; command_buf[command_cursor + 2] = c3; command_buf[command_cursor + 3] = c4; command_cursor += 4; } else { std::string foo = " "; foo[0] = c1; foo[1] = c2; foo[2] = c3; foo[3] = c4; command_buf = command_buf.substr(0, command_cursor) + foo + command_buf.substr(command_cursor); command_cursor += 4; } *commandhistory_itr = command_buf; win->notify_screen_update(); } void do_event(SDL_Event& e) throw(std::bad_alloc) { alarm(WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT); if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE && e.key.keysym.mod == (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_LALT)) exit(1); if(e.type == SDL_USEREVENT && e.user.code == 0) { if(screen_is_dirty) win->notify_screen_update(); } SDLKey key; get_ticks_msec(); if(e.type == SDL_ACTIVEEVENT && e.active.gain && e.active.state == SDL_APPACTIVE) { win->notify_screen_update(); return; } if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || e.type == SDL_KEYUP) key = e.key.keysym.sym; if(e.type == SDL_QUIT && state == WINSTATE_IDENTIFY) return; if(e.type == SDL_QUIT && state == WINSTATE_MODAL) { delayed_close_flag = true; return; } if(e.type == SDL_QUIT) { command::invokeC("quit-emulator", win); state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; return; } switch(state) { case WINSTATE_NORMAL: if(e.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || e.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { int32_t xc = e.button.x; int32_t yc = e.button.y; xc = (xc - 6 - vc_xoffset) / vc_hscl; yc = (yc - 6 - vc_yoffset) / vc_vscl; if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if(e.button.state == SDL_PRESSED) mouse_mask |= 1; else mouse_mask &= ~1; } if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) { if(e.button.state == SDL_PRESSED) mouse_mask |= 2; else mouse_mask &= ~2; } if(e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { if(e.button.state == SDL_PRESSED) mouse_mask |= 4; else mouse_mask &= ~4; } { std::ostringstream x; x << "mouse_button " << xc << " " << yc << " " << mouse_mask; command::invokeC(x.str(), win); } } if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && key == SDLK_ESCAPE) return; if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && key == SDLK_ESCAPE) { state = WINSTATE_COMMAND; command_buf = ""; command_cursor = 0; commandhistory.push_front(""); if(commandhistory.size() > MAXHISTORY) commandhistory.pop_back(); commandhistory_itr = commandhistory.begin(); win->notify_screen_update(); return; } { bool more = true; { auto i = keymapper_helper_sdl::translate_event(e); std::string cmd; if(i.symbol.device != SDL_DEV_NONE) cmd = mapper.map(i.symbol, i.polarity); if(cmd != "") command::invokeC(cmd, win); more = i.more; } return; } break; case WINSTATE_MODAL: if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && key == SDLK_ESCAPE) { state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; modconfirm = false; modal_return_flag = true; modmsg = ""; win->notify_screen_update(true); return; } if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && (key == SDLK_RETURN || key == SDLK_KP_ENTER)) { state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; modal_return_flag = true; modmsg = ""; win->notify_screen_update(true); return; } break; case WINSTATE_COMMAND: if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; command_buf = ""; win->notify_screen_update(); if(commandhistory.front() == "") commandhistory.pop_front(); return; } if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && (e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN || e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER)) { state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; if(commandhistory.front() == "") commandhistory.pop_front(); command::invokeC(decode_string(command_buf), win); command_buf = ""; win->notify_screen_update(); autorepeat_phase = 0; return; } if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { autorepeating_key = e.key.keysym; autorepeat_phase = 1; autorepeat_timecounter = 0; do_keyboard_command_edit(e.key.keysym); } else if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP) { autorepeat_phase = 0; } if(e.type == SDL_USEREVENT && e.user.code == 0) { autorepeat_timecounter++; if(!autorepeat_phase) break; unsigned timeout = (autorepeat_phase == 1) ? autorepeat_first : autorepeat_subsequent; if(autorepeat_timecounter >= timeout) { do_keyboard_command_edit(autorepeating_key); autorepeat_timecounter = 0; autorepeat_phase = 2; } } break; case WINSTATE_IDENTIFY: auto i = keymapper_helper_sdl::translate_event(e); if(!i.polarity && i.symbol.device != SDL_DEV_NONE) win->modal_message(keymapper_helper_sdl::print_key_info(i.symbol), false); break; }; } } window::window() { signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler); alarm(WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT); system_log.open("lsnes.log", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app); time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&curtime); char buffer[1024]; strftime(buffer, 1023, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; system_log << "lsnes started at " << buffer << std::endl; system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; if(!sdl_init) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_TIMER); SDL_EnableUNICODE(true); sdl_init = true; tid = SDL_AddTimer(MIN_UPDATE_TIME, timer_cb, NULL); } i = NULL; win = this; state = WINSTATE_NORMAL; current_screen = NULL; pause_active = false; hwsurf = NULL; command_overwrite = false; old_screen_h = 0; old_screen_w = 0; modal_return_flag = false; delayed_close_flag = false; messagebuffer_next_seq = 0; messagebuffer_first_seq = 0; messagebuffer_first_show = 0; console_mode = false; maxmessages = MAXMESSAGES; notify_screen_update(); std::string windowname = "lsnes-" + lsnes_version + "[" + bsnes_core_version + "]"; SDL_WM_SetCaption(windowname.c_str(), "lsnes"); SDL_AudioSpec* desired = new SDL_AudioSpec(); SDL_AudioSpec* obtained = new SDL_AudioSpec(); desired->freq = 44100; desired->format = AUDIO_S16SYS; desired->channels = 2; desired->samples = 8192; desired->callback = audiocb; desired->userdata = NULL; if(SDL_OpenAudio(desired, obtained) < 0) { message("Audio can't be initialized, audio playback disabled"); return; } //Fill the parameters. calculate_sampledup(obtained->freq); format = obtained->format; stereo = (obtained->channels == 2); //GO!!! SDL_PauseAudio(0); } window::~window() { time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&curtime); char buffer[1024]; strftime(buffer, 1023, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; system_log << "lsnes shutting down at " << buffer << std::endl; system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; system_log.close(); if(sdl_init) { SDL_RemoveTimer(tid); SDL_Quit(); sdl_init = false; } } bool window::modal_message(const std::string& msg, bool confirm) throw(std::bad_alloc) { modconfirm = confirm; modmsg = msg; state = WINSTATE_MODAL; notify_screen_update(); poll_inputs(); bool ret = modconfirm; if(delayed_close_flag) { delayed_close_flag = false; command::invokeC("quit-emulator", win); } return ret; } void window::message(const std::string& msg) throw(std::bad_alloc) { std::string msg2 = msg; bool locked_mode = (messagebuffer_next_seq - messagebuffer_first_show <= maxmessages) ; while(msg2 != "") { size_t s = msg2.find_first_of("\n"); std::string forlog; if(s >= msg2.length()) { messagebuffer[messagebuffer_next_seq++] = (forlog = msg2); system_log << forlog << std::endl; break; } else { messagebuffer[messagebuffer_next_seq++] = (forlog = msg2.substr(0, s)); system_log << forlog << std::endl; msg2 = msg2.substr(s + 1); } } if(locked_mode && messagebuffer_first_show + maxmessages < messagebuffer_next_seq) messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_next_seq - maxmessages; while(messagebuffer.size() > MSGHISTORY) { messagebuffer.erase(messagebuffer_first_seq++); if(messagebuffer_first_show < messagebuffer_first_seq) messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_first_seq; } notify_screen_update(); } void window::set_main_surface(screen& scr) throw() { current_screen = &scr; notify_screen_update(true); } void window::notify_screen_update(bool full) throw() { uint64_t curtime = get_ticks_msec(); if(!full && last_ui_update < curtime && last_ui_update + MIN_UPDATE_TIME > curtime) { screen_is_dirty = true; return; } last_ui_update = curtime; screen_is_dirty = false; try { std::ostringstream y; y << get_framerate(); emustatus["FPS"] = y.str(); } catch(...) { } std::string command_showas = decode_string(command_buf); uint32_t screen_w = 512; uint32_t screen_h = 448; if(current_screen && current_screen->width >= 512 && current_screen->height >= 448) { screen_w = current_screen->width; screen_h = current_screen->height; } uint32_t win_w = ((screen_w < 512) ? 512 : ((screen_w + 15) / 16 * 16)) + 278; uint32_t win_h = screen_h + MAXMESSAGES * 16 + 48; if(!hwsurf || static_cast(hwsurf->w) != win_w || static_cast(hwsurf->h) != win_h || old_screen_w != screen_w || old_screen_h != screen_h || full) { //Create/Resize the window. if(!hwsurf || static_cast(hwsurf->w) != win_w || static_cast(hwsurf->h) != win_h) { SDL_Surface* hwsurf2 = SDL_SetVideoMode(win_w, win_h, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF); if(!hwsurf2) { //We are in too fucked up state to even print error as message. std::cout << "PANIC: Can't create/resize window: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl; exit(1); } hwsurf = hwsurf2; } if(current_screen) current_screen->set_palette(hwsurf->format->Rshift, hwsurf->format->Gshift, hwsurf->format->Bshift); //Blank the screen and draw borders. SDL_LockSurface(hwsurf); memset(hwsurf->pixels, 0, win_h * hwsurf->pitch); uint32_t bordercolor = 255 << hwsurf->format->Gshift; if(console_mode) { draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, 2, 2, win_w - 2, win_h - 28, bordercolor, 2); draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, 2, win_h - 26, win_w - 2, win_h - 2, bordercolor, 2); } else { draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, 2, 2, screen_w + 10, screen_h + 10, bordercolor, 2); draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, screen_w + 12, 2, screen_w + 276, screen_h + 10, bordercolor, 2); draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, 2, screen_h + 12, win_w - 2, screen_h + MAXMESSAGES * 16 + 20, bordercolor, 2); draw_rectangle(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, 2, screen_h + MAXMESSAGES * 16 + 22, win_w - 2, screen_h + MAXMESSAGES * 16 + 46, bordercolor, 2); } SDL_UnlockSurface(hwsurf); old_screen_w = screen_w; old_screen_h = screen_h; } SDL_LockSurface(hwsurf); if(!console_mode) { if(current_screen) { //Draw main screen (blanking background if needed). if(screen_w < current_screen->width || screen_h < current_screen->height) for(uint32_t i = 6; i < screen_h + 6; i++) memset(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels) + i * hwsurf->pitch + 24, 0, 4 * screen_w); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < current_screen->height; i++) memcpy(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels) + (i + 6) * hwsurf->pitch + 24, reinterpret_cast(current_screen->memory) + current_screen->pitch * i, 4 * current_screen->width); } else { //Draw blank. for(uint32_t i = 6; i < screen_h + 6; i++) memset(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels) + i * hwsurf->pitch + 24, 0, 4 * screen_w); } //Draw status. uint32_t status_x = screen_w + 16; uint32_t status_y = 6; for(auto i = emustatus.begin(); i != emustatus.end(); i++) { std::string msg = i->first + " " + i->second; draw_string(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, msg, status_x, status_y, 256); status_y += 16; } while(status_y - 6 < screen_h / 16 * 16) { draw_string(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, "", status_x, status_y, 256); status_y += 16; } } //Draw messages. uint32_t message_y; if(!console_mode) message_y = screen_h + 16; else message_y = 6; for(size_t j = 0; j < maxmessages; j++) try { std::ostringstream o; if(messagebuffer_first_show + j < messagebuffer_next_seq) o << (messagebuffer_first_show + j + 1) << ": " << messagebuffer[messagebuffer_first_show + j]; draw_string(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, o.str(), 6, message_y + 16 * j, win_w - 12); } catch(...) { } if(messagebuffer_next_seq - messagebuffer_first_show > maxmessages) try { draw_string(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, "--More--", win_w - 76, message_y + 16 * maxmessages - 16, 64); } catch(...) { } //Draw command_buf. uint32_t command_y = win_h - 22; try { if(state == WINSTATE_COMMAND) draw_command(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, command_showas, command_cursor / 4, 6, command_y, win_w - 12, command_overwrite); else draw_string(reinterpret_cast(hwsurf->pixels), hwsurf->pitch, "", 6, command_y, win_w - 12); } catch(...) { } //Draw modal dialog. if(state == WINSTATE_MODAL) try { draw_modal_dialog(hwsurf, modmsg, modconfirm); } catch(...) { } SDL_UnlockSurface(hwsurf); SDL_Flip(hwsurf); } void window::poll_inputs() throw(std::bad_alloc) { SDL_Event e; while(1) { if(modal_return_flag) { modal_return_flag = false; return; } if(state == WINSTATE_NORMAL && !pause_active && !SDL_PollEvent(&e)) break; else if(state == WINSTATE_NORMAL && !pause_active) do_event(e); else if(SDL_WaitEvent(&e)) do_event(e); } } void window::bind(std::string mod, std::string modmask, std::string keyname, std::string cmd) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { mapper.bind(mod, modmask, keyname, cmd); if(modmask == "") message("Key " + keyname + " bound to '" + cmd + "'"); else message("Key " + mod + "/" + modmask + " " + keyname + " bound to '" + cmd + "'"); } void window::unbind(std::string mod, std::string modmask, std::string keyname) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { mapper.unbind(mod, modmask, keyname); if(modmask == "") message("Key " + keyname + " unbound"); else message("Key " + mod + "/" + modmask + " " + keyname + " unbound"); } std::map& window::get_emustatus() throw() { return emustatus; } void window::dumpbindings() throw(std::bad_alloc) { mapper.dumpbindings(this); } void window::paused(bool enable) throw() { pause_active = enable; notify_screen_update(); } void window::sound_enable(bool enable) throw() { sound_enabled = enable; SDL_PauseAudio(enable ? 0 : 1); } namespace { class enable_sound_cmd : public command { public: enable_sound_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("enable-sound") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { std::string s = args; if(s == "on" || s == "true" || s == "1" || s == "enable" || s == "enabled") win->sound_enable(true); else if(s == "off" || s == "false" || s == "0" || s == "disable" || s == "disabled") win->sound_enable(false); else throw std::runtime_error("Bad sound setting"); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Enable/Disable sound"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: enable-sound \n" "Enable or disable sound.\n"; } } enable_sound_o; class identify_cmd : public command { public: identify_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("identify-key") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); identify(); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Identify a key"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: identify-key\n" "Identifies a (pseudo-)key.\n"; } } identify_o; class scrollup_cmd : public command { public: scrollup_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("scroll-up") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); if(messagebuffer_first_show > maxmessages) messagebuffer_first_show -= maxmessages; else messagebuffer_first_show = 0; if(messagebuffer_first_show < messagebuffer_first_seq) messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_first_seq; win->notify_screen_update(); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Scroll console back one page"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: scroll-up\n" "Scrolls message console backward one page.\n"; } } scrollup_o; class scrollfullup_cmd : public command { public: scrollfullup_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("scroll-fullup") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_first_seq; win->notify_screen_update(); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Scroll console to beginning"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: scroll-fullup\n" "Scrolls message console to beginning.\n"; } } scrollfullup_o; class scrollfulldown_cmd : public command { public: scrollfulldown_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("scroll-fulldown") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); if(messagebuffer_next_seq < maxmessages) messagebuffer_first_show = 0; else messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_next_seq - maxmessages; win->notify_screen_update(); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Scroll console to end"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: scroll-fulldown\n" "Scrolls message console to end.\n"; } } scrollfulldown_o; class scrolldown_cmd : public command { public: scrolldown_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("scroll-down") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); messagebuffer_first_show += maxmessages; if(messagebuffer_next_seq < maxmessages) messagebuffer_first_show = 0; else if(messagebuffer_next_seq < messagebuffer_first_show + maxmessages) messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_next_seq - maxmessages; win->notify_screen_update(); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Scroll console one page forward"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: scroll-down\n" "Scrolls message console forward one page.\n"; } } scrolldown_o; class toggleconsole_cmd : public command { public: toggleconsole_cmd() throw(std::bad_alloc) : command("toggle-console") {} void invoke(const std::string& args, window* win) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error) { if(args != "") throw std::runtime_error("This command does not take arguments"); console_mode = !console_mode; if(console_mode) maxmessages = hwsurf ? (hwsurf->h - 38) / 16 : 36; else maxmessages = MAXMESSAGES; if(messagebuffer_next_seq < maxmessages) messagebuffer_first_show = 0; else messagebuffer_first_show = messagebuffer_next_seq - maxmessages; win->notify_screen_update(true); } std::string get_short_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Toggle console between small and full " "window"; } std::string get_long_help() throw(std::bad_alloc) { return "Syntax: toggle-console\n" "Toggles console between small and large.\n"; } } toggleconsole_o; } void window::wait_msec(uint64_t msec) throw(std::bad_alloc) { wait_canceled = false; uint64_t basetime = get_ticks_msec(); while(!wait_canceled) { if(msec > 10) SDL_Delay(10); else SDL_Delay(msec); SDL_Event e; while(SDL_PollEvent(&e)) do_event(e); uint64_t passed = get_ticks_msec() - basetime; if(passed > msec) break; } } void window::fatal_error() throw() { try { message("PANIC: Cannot continue, press ESC or close window to exit."); //Force redraw. notify_screen_update(true); } catch(...) { //Just crash. exit(1); } time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&curtime); char buffer[1024]; strftime(buffer, 1023, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; system_log << "lsnes paniced at " << buffer << std::endl; system_log << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; system_log.close(); while(true) { SDL_Event e; if(SDL_WaitEvent(&e)) { if(e.type == SDL_QUIT) exit(1); if(e.type == SDL_KEYUP && e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) exit(1); } } } uint64_t get_ticks_msec() throw() { static uint64_t tickbase = 0; static Uint32 last_ticks = 0; Uint32 cur_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); if(last_ticks > cur_ticks) tickbase += 0x100000000ULL; last_ticks = cur_ticks; return tickbase + cur_ticks; } void window::cancel_wait() throw() { wait_canceled = true; } void window::play_audio_sample(uint16_t left, uint16_t right) throw() { sampledup_ctr += sampledup_inc; while(sampledup_ctr < sampledup_mod) { audiobuf[audiobuf_put++] = left; audiobuf[audiobuf_put++] = right; if(audiobuf_put == audiobuf_size) audiobuf_put = 0; sampledup_ctr += sampledup_inc; } sampledup_ctr -= sampledup_mod; } void window::set_window_compensation(uint32_t xoffset, uint32_t yoffset, uint32_t hscl, uint32_t vscl) { vc_xoffset = xoffset; vc_yoffset = yoffset; vc_hscl = hscl; vc_vscl = vscl; }