2011-09-16 15:24:34 +03:00

579 lines
18 KiB

#include "avidump.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <zlib.h>
//#include "misc.hpp"
#define AVI_CUTOFF 2000000000
avi_frame::avi_frame(uint32_t _flags, uint32_t _type, uint32_t _offset, uint32_t _size)
flags = _flags;
type = _type;
offset = _offset;
size = _size;
void avi_frame::write(uint8_t* buf)
//Yes, this is written big-endian!
buf[0] = type >> 24;
buf[1] = type >> 16;
buf[2] = type >> 8;
buf[3] = type;
buf[4] = flags;
buf[5] = flags >> 8;
buf[6] = flags >> 16;
buf[7] = flags >> 24;
buf[8] = offset;
buf[9] = offset >> 8;
buf[10] = offset >> 16;
buf[11] = offset >> 24;
buf[12] = size;
buf[13] = size >> 8;
buf[14] = size >> 16;
buf[15] = size >> 24;
struct dumper_thread_obj
int operator()(avidumper* d)
try {
return d->encode_thread();
} catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Encode thread threw: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
int avidumper::encode_thread()
umutex_class _frame_mutex(frame_mutex);
while(!sigquit) {
if(mt_data) {
on_frame_threaded(mt_data, mt_width, mt_height, mt_fps_n, mt_fps_d);
mt_data = NULL;
return 0;
avidumper::avidumper(const std::string& _prefix, struct avi_info parameters)
compression_level = parameters.compression_level;
audio_sampling_rate = parameters.audio_sampling_rate;
keyframe_interval = parameters.keyframe_interval;
maxframes = parameters.max_frames_per_segment;
avi_open = false;
capture_error = false;
pwidth = 0xFFFF;
pheight = 0xFFFF;
pfps_n = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
pfps_d = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
current_segment = 0;
prefix = _prefix;
total_data = 0;
total_frames = 0;
total_samples = 0;
audio_put_ptr = 0;
audio_get_ptr = 0;
audio_commit_ptr = 0;
mt_data = NULL;
mt_width = 0;
mt_height = 0;
mt_fps_n = 0;
mt_fps_d = 0;
sigquit = false;
std::cerr << "Creating thread..." << std::endl;
dumper_thread_obj dto;
frame_thread = new thread_class(dto, this);
std::cerr << "Created thread..." << std::endl;
void avidumper::set_capture_error(const char* err) throw()
try {
capture_error = true;
capture_error_str = err;
} catch(std::bad_alloc& e) {
void avidumper::on_sample(short left, short right) throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
throw std::runtime_error("Video capture thread crashed: " + capture_error_str);
audio_buffer[audio_put_ptr++] = left;
audio_buffer[audio_put_ptr++] = right;
if(audio_put_ptr == AVIDUMPER_AUDIO_BUFFER)
audio_put_ptr = 0;
void avidumper::on_frame(const uint32_t* data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t fps_n, uint32_t fps_d)
throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
throw std::runtime_error("Video capture thread crashed: " + capture_error_str);
audio_commit_ptr = audio_put_ptr;
mt_data = data;
mt_width = width;
mt_height = height;
mt_fps_n = fps_n;
mt_fps_d = fps_d;
on_frame_threaded(mt_data, mt_width, mt_height, mt_fps_n, mt_fps_d);
mt_data = NULL;
std::string fmtint(uint64_t val, unsigned prec)
std::ostringstream s2;
s2 << std::setw(prec) << std::setfill(' ') << val;
return s2.str();
std::string fmtdbl(double val, unsigned prec)
std::ostringstream s2;
s2 << std::setw(prec) << std::setfill(' ') << val;
std::string x = s2.str();
if(x.length() == prec)
return x;
size_t p = x.find_first_of("e");
if(p >= x.length())
return x.substr(0, prec);
return x.substr(0, p - (x.length() - prec)) + x.substr(p);
void avidumper::print_summary(std::ostream& str)
uint64_t local_segno = current_segment;
uint64_t local_vframes = segment_frames;
double local_vlength = segment_frames * static_cast<double>(pfps_d) / pfps_n;
uint64_t global_vframes = total_frames;
double global_vlength = total_frames * static_cast<double>(pfps_d) / pfps_n;
uint64_t local_aframes = segment_samples;
double local_alength = static_cast<double>(segment_samples) / audio_sampling_rate;
uint64_t global_aframes = total_samples;
double global_alength = static_cast<double>(total_samples) / audio_sampling_rate;
uint64_t local_size = segment_movi_ptr + 352 + 16 * segment_chunks.size();
uint64_t global_size = total_data + 8 + 16 * segment_chunks.size();
std::ostringstream s2;
s2 << "Quantity |This segment |All segments |" << std::endl;
s2 << "----------------+---------------------+---------------------+" << std::endl;
s2 << "Segment number | " << fmtint(local_segno, 10) << "| N/A|" << std::endl;
s2 << "Video stream |" << fmtint(local_vframes, 10) << "/" << fmtdbl(local_vlength, 10) << "|"
<< fmtint(global_vframes, 10) << "/" << fmtdbl(global_vlength, 10) << "|" << std::endl;
s2 << "Audio stream |" << fmtint(local_aframes, 10) << "/" << fmtdbl(local_alength, 10) << "|"
<< fmtint(global_aframes, 10) << "/" << fmtdbl(global_alength, 10) << "|" << std::endl;
s2 << "A/V desync | " << fmtdbl(local_alength - local_vlength, 10) << "| "
<< fmtdbl(global_alength - global_vlength, 10) << "|" << std::endl;
s2 << "Size | " << fmtint(local_size, 10) << "| "
<< fmtint(global_size, 10) << "|" << std::endl;
s2 << "----------------+---------------------+---------------------+" << std::endl;
str << s2.str();
void avidumper::on_frame_threaded(const uint32_t* data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t fps_n, uint32_t fps_d)
throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
//The AVI part of sound to write is [audio_get, audio_commit). We don't write part [audio_commit,audio_put)
//yet, as it is being concurrently written. Also grab lock to read the commit value. Also, if global frame
//counter is 0, don't write audio to avoid A/V desync.
unsigned commit_to = audio_commit_ptr;
audio_get_ptr = commit_to;
if(segment_movi_ptr > AVI_CUTOFF - 16 * segment_chunks.size() || (maxframes && segment_frames > maxframes))
uint16_t rheight = (height + 3) / 4 * 4;
bool this_is_keyframe;
if(width != pwidth || height != pheight || fps_n != pfps_n || fps_d != pfps_d || !avi_open) {
std::cerr << "Starting segment # " << current_segment << ": " << width << "x" << height << "."
<< std::endl;
pwidth = width;
pheight = height;
pfps_n = fps_n;
pfps_d = fps_d;
pframe.resize(4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * height);
tframe.resize(4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * rheight);
cframe.resize(compressBound(4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * rheight) + 13);
memset(&tframe[0], 0, 4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * rheight);
open_and_write_avi_header(width, rheight, fps_n, fps_d);
this_is_keyframe = (segment_frames == 0 || segment_frames - segment_last_keyframe >= keyframe_interval);
if(this_is_keyframe) {
memcpy(&tframe[0], data, 4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * height);
segment_last_keyframe = segment_frames;
} else {
memcpy(&tframe[0], data, 4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * height);
for(size_t i = 0; i < 4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * height; i++)
tframe[i] -= pframe[i];
size_t l = cframe.size() - 10;
if(compress2(&cframe[10], &l, &tframe[0], tframe.size(), compression_level) != Z_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Error compressing frame");
//Pad the frame.
while((l % 4) != 2)
cframe[0] = '0';
cframe[1] = '0';
cframe[2] = 'd';
cframe[3] = 'b'; //strictly speaking, this is wrong, but FCEUX does this when dumping.
cframe[4] = (l + 2);
cframe[5] = (l + 2) >> 8;
cframe[6] = (l + 2) >> 16;
cframe[7] = (l + 2) >> 24;
cframe[8] = (this_is_keyframe ? 0x3 : 0x2) | (compression_level << 4);
cframe[9] = 12;
avi_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&cframe[0]), l + 10);
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing video frame");
//Flags is 0x10 for keyframes, because those frames are always keyframes, chunks, independent and take time.
//For non-keyframes, flags are 0x00 (chunk, not a keyframe).
segment_chunks.push_back(avi_frame(this_is_keyframe ? 0x10 : 0x00, 0x30306462, segment_movi_ptr + 4, l + 2));
segment_movi_ptr += (l + 10);
total_data += (l + 10);
if((segment_frames % 1200) == 0)
memcpy(&pframe[0], data, 4 * static_cast<size_t>(width) * height);
void avidumper::on_end() throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
throw std::runtime_error("Video capture thread crashed: " + capture_error_str);
sigquit = true;
struct str
str(const char* _s)
s = _s;
const char* s;
struct u16
u16(uint16_t _v)
v = _v;
uint16_t v;
struct u32
u32(uint32_t _v)
v = _v;
uint32_t v;
struct ptr
ptr(uint32_t& _p) : p(_p)
uint32_t& p;
void append(std::vector<uint8_t>& v)
template<typename... rest>
void append(std::vector<uint8_t>& v, struct str s, rest... _rest)
const char* str = s.s;
append(v, _rest...);
template<typename... rest>
void append(std::vector<uint8_t>& v, struct u16 u, rest... _rest)
uint16_t val = u.v;
v.push_back(val >> 8);
append(v, _rest...);
template<typename... rest>
void append(std::vector<uint8_t>& v, struct u32 u, rest... _rest)
uint32_t val = u.v;
v.push_back(val >> 8);
v.push_back(val >> 16);
v.push_back(val >> 24);
append(v, _rest...);
template<typename... rest>
void append(std::vector<uint8_t>& v, ptr u, rest... _rest)
u.p = v.size();
append(v, _rest...);
void fix_write(std::ostream& str, uint32_t off, uint32_t val)
str.seekp(off, std::ios::beg);
char x[4];
x[0] = val;
x[1] = val >> 8;
x[2] = val >> 16;
x[3] = val >> 24;
str.write(x, 4);
throw std::runtime_error("Can't fixup AVI header");
void avidumper::flush_audio_to(unsigned commit_to)
//Count the number of samples to actually write.
unsigned samples_to_write = 0;
unsigned aptr = audio_get_ptr;
unsigned idx = 8;
while(aptr != commit_to) {
if((aptr += 2) == AVIDUMPER_AUDIO_BUFFER)
aptr = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> buf;
buf.resize(8 + 4 * samples_to_write);
buf[0] = '0';
buf[1] = '1';
buf[2] = 'w';
buf[3] = 'b';
buf[4] = (4 * samples_to_write);
buf[5] = (4 * samples_to_write) >> 8;
buf[6] = (4 * samples_to_write) >> 16;
buf[7] = (4 * samples_to_write) >> 24;
while(audio_get_ptr != commit_to) {
//Write sample.
buf[idx] = static_cast<unsigned short>(audio_buffer[audio_get_ptr]);
buf[idx + 1] = static_cast<unsigned short>(audio_buffer[audio_get_ptr]) >> 8;
buf[idx + 2] = static_cast<unsigned short>(audio_buffer[audio_get_ptr + 1]);
buf[idx + 3] = static_cast<unsigned short>(audio_buffer[audio_get_ptr + 1]) >> 8;
idx += 4;
if((audio_get_ptr += 2) == AVIDUMPER_AUDIO_BUFFER)
audio_get_ptr = 0;
assert(idx == 8 + 4 * samples_to_write);
avi_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buf[0]), idx);
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing audio frame");
//Flags is 0x10, because sound frames are always keyframes, chunks, independent and take time.
segment_chunks.push_back(avi_frame(0x10, 0x30317762, segment_movi_ptr + 4, 4 * samples_to_write));
segment_movi_ptr += idx;
total_data += idx;
void avidumper::open_and_write_avi_header(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t fps_n, uint32_t fps_d)
std::string fstr;
std::ostringstream str;
str << prefix << "_" << std::setw(9) << std::setfill('0') << (current_segment++) << ".avi";
fstr = str.str();
avi_stream.clear();, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
throw std::runtime_error("Can't open output AVI file");
std::vector<uint8_t> aviheader;
uint32_t usecs_per_frame = static_cast<uint32_t>(1000000ULL * fps_d / fps_n);
/* AVI main chunk header. */
/* The tentative AVI header size of 336 doesn't include the video data, so we need to fix it up later. */
append(aviheader, str("RIFF"), ptr(fixup_avi_size), u32(336), str("AVI "));
/* Header list header. Has 312 bytes of data. */
append(aviheader, str("LIST"), u32(312), str("hdrl"));
/* Main AVI header. */
append(aviheader, str("avih"), u32(56), /* 56 byte header of type avih. */
u32(usecs_per_frame), /* usecs per frame. */
u32(1000000), /* Max transfer rate... Give some random value. */
u32(0), /* Padding granularity (no padding). */
u32(2064), /* Flags... Has index, trust chunk types */
ptr(fixup_avi_frames), u32(0), /* Frame count... To be fixed later. */
u32(0), /* Initial frames... We don't have any. */
u32(2), /* 2 streams (video + audio). */
u32(1000000), /* Suggested buffer size... Give some random value. */
u32(width), u32(height), /* Size of image. */
u32(0), u32(0), u32(0), u32(0)); /* Reserved. */
/* Stream list header For stream #1, 124 bytes of data. */
append(aviheader, str("LIST"), u32(124), str("strl"));
/* Stream header for stream #1 (video). */
append(aviheader, str("strh"), u32(64), /* 64 byte header of type strh */
str("vids"), u32(0), /* Video data??? */
u32(0), /* Some flags that are all clear. */
u16(0), u16(0), /* Priority and language... Doesn't matter. */
u32(0), /* Initial frames... We don't have any. */
u32(fps_d), u32(fps_n), /* Frame rate is fps_n / fps_d. */
u32(0), /* Starting time... It starts at t=0. */
ptr(fixup_avi_length), u32(0), /* Video length (to be fixed later). */
u32(1000000), /* Suggested buffer size... Just give some random value. */
u32(9999), /* Quality... Doesn't matter. */
u32(4), /* Video sample size... 32bpp. */
u32(0), u32(0), /* Bounding box upper left. */
u32(width), u32(height)); /* Bounding box lower right. */
/* BITMAPINFO header for the video stream. */
append(aviheader, str("strf"), u32(40), /* 40 byte header of type strf. */
u32(40), /* BITMAPINFOHEADER is 40 bytes. */
u32(width), u32(height), /* Image size. */
u16(1), u16(32), /* 1 plane, 32 bits (RGB32). */
str("CSCD"), /* Compressed with Camstudio codec. */
u32(4 * width * height), /* Image size. */
u32(4000), u32(4000), /* Resolution... Give some random values. */
u32(0), u32(0)); /* Colors used values (0 => All colors used). */
/* Stream list header For stream #2, 104 bytes of data. */
append(aviheader, str("LIST"), u32(104), str("strl"));
/* Stream header for stream #2. */
append(aviheader, str("strh"), u32(64), /* 64 byte header of type strh */
str("auds"), u32(0), /* audio data??? */
u32(0), /* Flags... None set. */
u16(0), u16(0), /* Priority and language... Doesn't matter. */
u32(0), /* Initial frames... None. */
u32(1), u32(audio_sampling_rate), /* Audio sampling rate. */
u32(0), /* Starts at t=0s. */
ptr(fixup_avi_a_length), u32(0), /* Audio length (to be fixed later). */
u32(4096), /* Suggested buffer size... Some random value. */
u32(5), /* Audio quality... Some random value. */
u32(4), /* Sample size (16bit Stereo PCM). */
u32(0), u32(0), u32(0), u32(0)); /* Bounding box, not sane for audio data. */
/* WAVEFORMAT header for the audio stream. */
append(aviheader, str("strf"), u32(20), /* 20 byte header of type strf. */
u16(1), /* PCM. */
u16(2), /* Stereo. */
u32(audio_sampling_rate), /* Audio Sampling rate. */
u32(4 * audio_sampling_rate), /* Audio transfer rate (4 times sampling rate). */
u16(4), /* Sample size. */
u16(16), /* Bits per sample. */
u16(0), /* Extension size... We don't have extension. */
u16(0)); /* Dummy. */
/* MOVI list header. 4 bytes without movie data. */
append(aviheader, str("LIST"), ptr(fixup_movi_size), u32(4), str("movi"));
avi_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&aviheader[0]), aviheader.size());
throw std::runtime_error("Can't write AVI header");
total_data += aviheader.size();
avi_open = true;
segment_movi_ptr = 0;
segment_frames = 0;
segment_samples = 0;
segment_last_keyframe = 0;
void avidumper::fixup_avi_header_and_close()
uint8_t buf[16];
buf[0] = 'i';
buf[1] = 'd';
buf[2] = 'x';
buf[3] = '1';
buf[4] = (16 * segment_chunks.size());
buf[5] = (16 * segment_chunks.size()) >> 8;
buf[6] = (16 * segment_chunks.size()) >> 16;
buf[7] = (16 * segment_chunks.size()) >> 24;
avi_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 8);
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing index header");
for(auto i = segment_chunks.begin(); i != segment_chunks.end(); ++i) {
avi_stream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), 16);
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing index entry");
total_data += (8 + 16 * segment_chunks.size());
fix_write(avi_stream, fixup_avi_size, 344 + segment_movi_ptr + 16 * segment_chunks.size());
fix_write(avi_stream, fixup_avi_frames, segment_frames);
fix_write(avi_stream, fixup_avi_length, segment_frames);
fix_write(avi_stream, fixup_avi_a_length, segment_samples);
fix_write(avi_stream, fixup_movi_size, 4 + segment_movi_ptr);
avi_open = false;
avidumper::~avidumper() throw()
delete frame_thread;
void avidumper::wait_idle() throw()
umutex_class _frame_mutex(frame_mutex);
while(1) {