Ilari Liusvaara 7ba7fc24f6 Use overcommit for palettes, bitmaps, dbitmaps and tilemaps
This makes the large size of these objects visible to Lua, hopefully
allowing Lua GC to make better decisions.
2014-03-31 12:42:33 +03:00

519 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef _library__lua_class__hpp__included__
#define _library__lua_class__hpp__included__
#include "lua-base.hpp"
#include "lua-pin.hpp"
namespace lua
class class_base;
class parameters;
* Group of classes.
class class_group
* Create a group.
* Destroy a group.
* Add a class to group.
void do_register(const std::string& name, class_base& fun);
* Drop a class from group.
void do_unregister(const std::string& name, class_base* dummy);
* Request callbacks on all currently registered functions.
void request_callback(std::function<void(std::string, class_base*)> cb);
* Bind a callback.
* Callbacks for all registered functions are immediately called.
int add_callback(std::function<void(std::string, class_base*)> cb,
std::function<void(class_group*)> dcb);
* Unbind a calback.
void drop_callback(int handle);
int next_handle;
std::map<std::string, class_base*> classes;
std::map<int, std::function<void(std::string, class_base*)>> callbacks;
std::map<int, std::function<void(class_group*)>> dcallbacks;
struct class_ops
bool (*is)(state& _state, int index);
const std::string& (*name)();
std::string (*print)(state& _state, int index);
std::list<class_ops>& userdata_recogn_fns();
std::string try_recognize_userdata(state& _state, int index);
std::string try_print_userdata(state& _state, int index);
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, void*>& class_types();
* Helper class containing binding data for Lua class call.
template<class T> struct class_binding
* The pointer to call.
int (T::*fn)(state& lstate, lua::parameters& P);
* The state to call it in.
state* _state;
* The name of the method to pass.
char fname[];
* Helper class containing binding data for Lua static class call.
struct static_binding
* The pointer to call.
int (*fn)(state& lstate, parameters& P);
* The state to call it in.
state* _state;
* The name of the method to pass.
char fname[];
template<class T> class _class;
* Function to obtain class object for given Lua class.
template<class T> _class<T>& objclass()
auto& type = typeid(T);
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: Lua class not found!");
return *reinterpret_cast<_class<T>*>(class_types()[type]);
* A class method.
template<class T> struct class_method
* Name.
const char* name;
* Function.
int (T::*fn)(state& LS, lua::parameters& P);
* A static class method.
struct static_method
* Name.
const char* name;
* Function.
int (*fn)(state& LS, parameters& P);
* Virtual base of Lua classes
class class_base
* Create a new Lua class.
* Parameter _group: The group the class will be in.
* Parameter _name: The name of the class.
class_base(class_group& _group, const std::string& _name);
* Dtor.
virtual ~class_base() throw();
* Lookup by name in given Lua state.
* Parameter _L: The Lua state to look in.
* Parameter _name: The name of the class.
* Returns: The class instance, or NULL if no match.
static class_base* lookup(state& L, const std::string& _name);
* Push class table to stack.
static bool lookup_and_push(state& L, const std::string& _name);
* Get set of all classes.
static std::set<std::string> all_classes(state& L);
* Register in given Lua state.
virtual void register_state(state& L) = 0;
* Lookup static methods in class.
virtual std::list<static_method> static_methods() = 0;
* Lookup class methods in class.
virtual std::set<std::string> class_methods() = 0;
* Get name of class.
const std::string& get_name() { return name; }
void delayed_register();
void register_static(state& L);
class_group& group;
std::string name;
bool registered;
static const size_t overcommit_std_align = 32;
* Align a overcommit pointer.
template<typename T, typename U> U* align_overcommit(T* th)
size_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(th) + sizeof(T);
return reinterpret_cast<U*>(ptr + (overcommit_std_align - ptr % overcommit_std_align) % overcommit_std_align);
* The type of Lua classes.
template<class T> class _class : public class_base
template<typename... U> T* _create(state& _state, U... args)
size_t overcommit = T::overcommit(args...);
void* obj = _state.newuserdata(sizeof(T) + overcommit);
T* _obj = reinterpret_cast<T*>(obj);
new(_obj) T(_state, args...);
return _obj;
static int class_bind_trampoline(lua_State* LS)
try {
class_binding<T>* b = (class_binding<T>*)lua_touserdata(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1));
state L(*b->_state, LS);
T* p = _class<T>::get(L, 1, b->fname);
lua::parameters P(L, b->fname);
return (p->*(b->fn))(L, P);
} catch(std::exception& e) {
std::string err = e.what();
lua_pushlstring(LS, err.c_str(), err.length());
return 0; //NOTREACHED
T* _get(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname, bool optional = false)
if(_state.type(arg) == LUA_TNONE || _state.type(arg) == LUA_TNIL) {
return NULL;
goto badtype;
goto badtype;
if(!_state.rawequal(-1, -2))
goto badtype;
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(_state.touserdata(arg));
(stringfmt() << "argument #" << arg << " to " << fname << " must be " << name).throwex();
return NULL; //Never reached.
bool _is(state& _state, int arg)
if(_state.type(arg) != LUA_TUSERDATA)
return false;
if(!_state.getmetatable(arg)) {
return false;
bool ret = _state.rawequal(-1, -2);
return ret;
objpin<T> _pin(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname)
T* obj = get(_state, arg, fname);
objpin<T> t(_state, obj);
return t;
void bind(state& _state, const char* keyname, int (T::*fn)(state& LS, lua::parameters& P))
std::string fname = name + std::string("::") + keyname;
void* ptr = _state.newuserdata(sizeof(class_binding<T>) + fname.length() + 1);
class_binding<T>* bdata = reinterpret_cast<class_binding<T>*>(ptr);
bdata->fn = fn;
bdata->_state = &_state.get_master();
std::copy(fname.begin(), fname.end(), bdata->fname);
bdata->fname[fname.length()] = 0;
_state.pushcclosure(class_bind_trampoline, 1);
void register_state(state& L)
static char once_key;
for(auto i : cmethods)
bind(L,, i.fn);
* Create a new Lua class.
* Parameter _group: The group the class will be in.
* Parameter _name: The name of the class.
* Parameter _smethods: Static methods of the class.
* Parameter _cmethods: Class methods of the class.
* Parameter _print: The print method.
_class(class_group& _group, const std::string& _name, std::initializer_list<static_method> _smethods,
std::initializer_list<class_method<T>> _cmethods = {}, std::string (T::*_print)() = NULL)
: class_base(_group, _name), smethods(_smethods), cmethods(_cmethods)
name = _name;
class_ops m;
printmeth = _print; = _class<T>::is; = _class<T>::get_name;
m.print = _class<T>::print;
auto& type = typeid(T);
class_types()[type] = this;
* Dtor
~_class() throw()
auto& type = typeid(T);
auto& fns = userdata_recogn_fns();
for(auto i = fns.begin(); i != fns.end(); i++) {
if(i->is == _class<T>::is) {
* Create a new instance of object.
* Parameter _state: The Lua state to create the object in.
* Parameter args: The arguments to pass to class constructor.
template<typename... U> static T* create(state& _state, U... args)
return objclass<T>()._create(_state, args...);
* Get a pointer to the object.
* Parameter _state: The Lua state.
* Parameter arg: Argument index.
* Parameter fname: The name of function for error messages.
* Parameter optional: If true and argument is NIL or none, return NULL.
* Throws std::runtime_error: Wrong type.
static T* get(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname, bool optional = false)
throw(std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
return objclass<T>()._get(_state, arg, fname, optional);
* Identify if object is of this type.
* Parameter _state: The Lua state.
* Parameter arg: Argument index.
* Returns: True if object is of specified type, false if not.
static bool is(state& _state, int arg) throw()
try {
return objclass<T>()._is(_state, arg);
} catch(...) {
return false;
* Get name of class.
static const std::string& get_name()
try {
return objclass<T>().name;
} catch(...) {
static std::string foo = "???";
return foo;
* Format instance of this class as string.
static std::string print(state& _state, int index)
T* obj = get(_state, index, "__internal_print");
try {
auto pmeth = objclass<T>().printmeth;
return (obj->*pmeth)();
return "";
} catch(...) {
return "";
* Get a pin of object against Lua GC.
* Parameter _state: The Lua state.
* Parameter arg: Argument index.
* Parameter fname: Name of function for error message purposes.
* Throws std::runtime_error: Wrong type.
static objpin<T> pin(state& _state, int arg, const std::string& fname) throw(std::bad_alloc,
return objclass<T>()._pin(_state, arg, fname);
* Lookup static methods.
std::list<static_method> static_methods()
return smethods;
* Lookup class methods.
std::set<std::string> class_methods()
std::set<std::string> r;
for(auto& i : cmethods)
return r;
static int dogc(lua_State* LS)
T* obj = reinterpret_cast<T*>(lua_touserdata(LS, 1));
return 0;
static int newindex(lua_State* LS)
lua_pushstring(LS, "Writing metatables of classes is not allowed");
return 0;
static int index(lua_State* LS)
lua_getmetatable(LS, 1);
lua_pushvalue(LS, 2);
lua_rawget(LS, -2);
if(lua_type(LS, -1) == LUA_TNIL) {
std::string err = std::string("Class '") + lua_tostring(LS, lua_upvalueindex(1)) +
"' does not have class method '" + lua_tostring(LS, 2) + "'";
lua_pushstring(LS, err.c_str());
return 1;
void load_metatable(state& _state)
if(_state.type(-1) == LUA_TNIL) {
_state.pushcclosure(&_class<T>::index, 1);
goto again;
std::string name;
std::list<static_method> smethods;
std::list<class_method<T>> cmethods;
std::string (T::*printmeth)();
_class(const _class<T>&);
_class& operator=(const _class<T>&);