498 lines
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498 lines
14 KiB
#ifndef _library__json__hpp__included__
#define _library__json__hpp__included__
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
#include "utf8.hpp"
namespace JSON
class node;
struct number_tag
const static int id = 2;
node operator()(double v) const;
node operator()(uint64_t v) const;
node operator()(int64_t v) const;
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
struct string_tag
const static int id = 3;
node operator()(const std::string& s) const;
node operator()(const std::u32string& s) const;
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
struct boolean_tag
const static int id = 1;
node operator()(bool v);
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
struct array_tag
const static int id = 4;
node operator()() const;
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
struct object_tag {
const static int id = 5;
node operator()() const;
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
struct null_tag
const static int id = 0;
node operator()() const;
bool operator==(const int& n) const { return n == id; }
bool operator!=(const int& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
operator int() { return id; }
extern number_tag number;
extern string_tag string;
extern boolean_tag boolean;
extern array_tag array;
extern object_tag object;
extern null_tag null;
node i(int64_t n);
node u(uint64_t n);
node f(double n);
node b(bool bl);
node s(const std::string& st);
node s(const std::u32string& st);
node n();
enum errorcode
ERR_OK = 0, //All OK.
ERR_NOT_A_NUMBER, //Not a number in operation expecting one.
ERR_NOT_A_STRING, //Not a string in operation expecting one.
ERR_NOT_A_BOOLEAN, //Not a boolean in operation expecting one.
ERR_NOT_AN_ARRAY, //Not an array in operation expecting one.
ERR_NOT_AN_OBJECT, //Not an object in operation expecting one.
ERR_NOT_ARRAY_NOR_OBJECT, //Not array nor object in operation expecting either.
ERR_INDEX_INVALID, //Non-existent index accessed.
ERR_KEY_INVALID, //Non-existent key accessed.
ERR_INSTANCE_INVALID, //Non-existent instance (of key) accessed.
ERR_POINTER_TRAILING_ESCAPE, //JSON pointer has trailing escape.
ERR_POINTER_INVALID_ESCAPE, //JSON pointer has invalid escape.
ERR_BAD_HEX, //Bad hexadecimal character.
ERR_INVALID_SURROGATE, //Invalid surrogate escape sequence.
ERR_INVALID_ESCAPE, //Invalid escape sequence.
ERR_TRUNCATED_STRING, //Truncated string.
ERR_UNKNOWN_TYPE, //Unknown value type.
ERR_GARBAGE_AFTER_END, //Garbage after end of JSON.
ERR_UNEXPECTED_COMMA, //Unexpected ','.
ERR_UNEXPECTED_COLON, //Unexpected ':'.
ERR_INVALID_NUMBER, //Bad number syntax.
ERR_EXPECTED_STRING_KEY, //Object key is not a string.
ERR_EXPECTED_COLON, //Expected ':' here.
ERR_EXPECTED_COMMA, //Expected ',' here.
ERR_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER, //Unknown token type.
ERR_POINTER_BAD_APPEND, //Bad JSON pointer append.
ERR_POINTER_BAD_INDEX, //Bad JSON pointer index.
ERR_ITERATOR_END, //Iterator already at end.
ERR_ITERATOR_DELETED, //Iterator points to deleted object.
ERR_WRONG_OBJECT, //Iterator points to wrong object.
ERR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, //Illegal character generated by escape.
ERR_CONTROL_CHARACTER, //Control character in string.
ERR_UNKNOWN_SUBTYPE, //Unknown value subtype.
ERR_PATCH_BAD, //Bad JSON patch.
ERR_PATCH_TEST_FAILED, //TEST operation in patch failed.
ERR_PATCH_ILLEGAL_MOVE, //MOVE operation in patch illegal.
extern const char* error_desc[];
struct error : public std::runtime_error
error(errorcode _code) : runtime_error(error_desc[_code]), code(_code) {}
errorcode get_code() { return code; }
errorcode code;
* A JSON node.
class node
* Type of node.
* Construct null object.
node() throw();
* Construct object of specified type.
node(null_tag) throw();
node(boolean_tag, bool b) throw();
node(string_tag, const std::u32string& str) throw(std::bad_alloc);
node(string_tag, const std::string& str) throw(std::bad_alloc);
node(number_tag, double n) throw();
node(number_tag, int64_t n) throw();
node(number_tag, uint64_t n) throw();
node(array_tag) throw();
node(object_tag) throw();
* Compare nodes.
bool operator==(const node& n) const;
bool operator!=(const node& n) const { return !(*this == n); }
* Copy Constructor.
node(const node& _node) throw(std::bad_alloc);
* Construct object from description.
node(const std::string& doc) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
* Serialize document.
std::string serialize() const throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
* Get type of node.
int type() const throw();
* Get double numeric value (NT_NUMBER).
double as_double() const throw(error);
* Get int64_t value (NT_NUMBER).
int64_t as_int() const throw(error);
* Get uint64_t value (NT_NUMBER).
uint64_t as_uint() const throw(error);
* Read the string as UTF-8 (NT_STRING).
const std::u32string& as_string() const throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
std::string as_string8() const throw(std::bad_alloc, error) { return to_u8string(as_string()); }
* Get boolean value (NT_BOOLEAN).
bool as_bool() const throw(error);
* Read number of indices in array (NT_ARRAY).
size_t index_count() const throw(error);
* Read specified index from array (NT_ARRAY).
const node& index(size_t idx) const throw(error);
* Read number of indices in object key (NT_OBJECT).
size_t field_count(const std::u32string& key) const throw(error);
size_t field_count(const std::string& key) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return field_count(to_u32string(key));
* Specified field exists (NT_OBJECT)
bool field_exists(const std::u32string& key) const throw(error);
bool field_exists(const std::string& key) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return field_exists(to_u32string(key));
* Read specified key from object (NT_OBJECT).
const node& field(const std::u32string& key, size_t subindex = 0) const throw(error);
const node& field(const std::string& key, size_t subindex = 0) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return field(to_u32string(key), subindex);
* Apply JSON pointer (RFC 6901).
const node& follow(const std::u32string& pointer) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
const node& follow(const std::string& pointer) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return follow(to_u32string(pointer));
* Set value of node (any).
node& operator=(const node& node) throw(std::bad_alloc);
* Set value of node.
node& set(null_tag) throw();
node& set(boolean_tag, bool number) throw();
node& set(number_tag, double number) throw();
node& set(number_tag, int64_t number) throw();
node& set(number_tag, uint64_t number) throw();
node& set(string_tag, const std::u32string& key) throw(std::bad_alloc);
node& set(string_tag tag, const std::string& key) throw(std::bad_alloc)
return set(tag, to_u32string(key));
* Read/Write specified index from array (NT_ARRAY).
node& index(size_t index) throw(error);
* Append new element to array (NT_ARRAY).
node& append(const node& node) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
* Read/Write specified key from object (NT_OBJECT).
node& field(const std::u32string& key, size_t subindex = 0) throw(error);
node& field(const std::string& key, size_t subindex = 0) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return field(to_u32string(key), subindex);
* Insert new element to object (NT_OBJECT).
node& insert(const std::u32string& key, const node& node) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node& insert(const std::string& key, const node& node) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return insert(to_u32string(key), node);
* Apply JSON pointer (RFC 6901).
node& follow(const std::u32string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node& follow(const std::string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return follow(to_u32string(pointer));
* Return node specified by JSON pointer (RFC 6901). If the last component doesn't exist, it is created as NULL.
node& operator[](const std::u32string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node& operator[](const std::string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return (*this)[to_u32string(pointer)];
* Create node at specified pointer and return it.
node& insert_node(const std::u32string& pointer, const node& nwn) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node& insert_node(const std::string& pointer, const node& nwn) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return insert_node(to_u32string(pointer), nwn);
* Delete a node by pointer and return what was deleted.
node delete_node(const std::u32string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node delete_node(const std::string& pointer) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return delete_node(to_u32string(pointer));
* Synonym for follow().
const node& operator[](const std::u32string& pointer) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return follow(pointer);
const node& operator[](const std::string& pointer) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
return follow(pointer);
* Delete an array index. The rest are shifted.
void erase_index(size_t idx) throw(error);
* Delete an array field. The rest are shifted.
void erase_field(const std::u32string& fld, size_t idx = 0) throw(error);
void erase_field(const std::string& fld, size_t idx = 0) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
erase_field(to_u32string(fld), idx);
* Delete an entiere array field.
void erase_field_all(const std::u32string& fld) throw(error);
void erase_field_all(const std::string& fld) throw(std::bad_alloc, error)
* Apply a JSON patch.
node patch(const node& patch) const throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
* Clear entiere array or object.
void clear() throw(error);
* Iterator.
class iterator
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef node value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef node& reference;
typedef node* pointer;
iterator() throw();
iterator(node& n) throw(error);
std::u32string key() throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
std::string key8() throw(std::bad_alloc, error) { return to_u8string(key()); }
size_t index() throw(error);
node& operator*() throw(error);
node* operator->() throw(error);
iterator operator++(int) throw(error);
iterator& operator++() throw(error);
bool operator==(const iterator& i) throw();
bool operator!=(const iterator& i) throw();
friend class node;
node* n;
size_t idx;
std::u32string _key;
* Constant iterator.
class const_iterator
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef node value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef const node& reference;
typedef const node* pointer;
const_iterator() throw();
const_iterator(const node& n) throw(error);
std::u32string key() throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
std::string key8() throw(std::bad_alloc, error) { return to_u8string(key()); }
size_t index() throw(error);
const node& operator*() throw(error);
const node* operator->() throw(error);
const_iterator operator++(int) throw(error);
const_iterator& operator++() throw(error);
bool operator==(const const_iterator& i) throw();
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& i) throw();
const node* n;
size_t idx;
std::u32string _key;
* Iterators
const_iterator begin() const throw(error) { return const_iterator(*this); }
const_iterator end() const throw() { return const_iterator(); }
iterator begin() throw(error) { return iterator(*this); }
iterator end() throw() { return iterator(); }
* Delete item pointed by iterator. The rest are shifted and new iterator is returned.
iterator erase(iterator itr) throw(error);
class number_holder
number_holder() { sub = 0; n.n0 = 0; }
number_holder(const std::string& expr, size_t& ptr, size_t len);
template<typename T> T to() const
switch(sub) {
case 0: return n.n0;
case 1: return n.n1;
case 2: return n.n2;
return 0;
template<typename T> void from(T val);
void write(std::ostream& s) const;
bool operator==(const number_holder& h) const;
template<typename T> bool cmp(const T& num) const;
unsigned sub;
union {
double n0;
uint64_t n1;
int64_t n2;
} n;
friend class iterator;
friend class const_iterator;
void fixup_nodes(const node& _node);
void ctor(const std::string& doc, size_t& ptr, size_t len) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
node(const std::string& doc, size_t& ptr, size_t len) throw(std::bad_alloc, error);
template<typename T> void set_helper(T v)
std::u32string tmp;
vtype = number;
std::swap(_string, tmp);
template<typename T> T get_number_helper() const
if(vtype != number)
throw error(ERR_NOT_A_NUMBER);
return _number.to<T>();
int vtype;
number_holder _number;
bool _boolean;
std::u32string _string;
std::list<node> xarray;
std::vector<node*> xarray_index;
std::map<std::u32string, std::list<node>> xobject;
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::number_tag& v);
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::string_tag& v);
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::boolean_tag& v);
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::array_tag& v);
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::object_tag& v);
bool operator==(const int& n, const JSON::null_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::number_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::string_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::boolean_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::array_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::object_tag& v);
bool operator!=(const int& n, const JSON::null_tag& v);