252 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
252 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
#include "../base.hpp"
#include "palette.cpp"
#include "nes/nes.cpp"
#include "snes/snes.cpp"
#include "gameboy/gameboy.cpp"
Interface *interface = nullptr;
Filter filter;
void Filter::render(const uint32_t *input, unsigned inputPitch, unsigned inputWidth, unsigned inputHeight) {
width = inputWidth, height = inputHeight;
dl_size(width, height);
dl_render(data, pitch, input, inputPitch, inputWidth, inputHeight);
Filter::Filter() {
data = new uint32_t[2048 * 2048];
pitch = 2048 * sizeof(uint32_t);
Filter::~Filter() {
delete[] data;
void Interface::bindControllers() {
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES:
nes.setController(0, config->nes.controllerPort1Device);
nes.setController(1, config->nes.controllerPort2Device);
case Mode::SNES:
snes.setController(0, config->snes.controllerPort1Device);
snes.setController(1, config->snes.controllerPort2Device);
void Interface::setController(unsigned port, unsigned device) {
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: return nes.setController(port, device);
case Mode::SNES: return snes.setController(port, device);
void Interface::updateDSP() {
audio.set(Audio::Frequency, config->audio.frequency);
audio.set(Audio::Latency, config->audio.latency);
if(config->audio.resampler == "linear" ) dspaudio.setResampler(DSP::ResampleEngine::Linear);
if(config->audio.resampler == "hermite") dspaudio.setResampler(DSP::ResampleEngine::Hermite);
if(config->audio.resampler == "sinc" ) dspaudio.setResampler(DSP::ResampleEngine::Sinc);
dspaudio.setVolume(config->audio.mute == false ? (double)config->audio.volume / 100.0 : 0.0);
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: return dspaudio.setFrequency(config->audio.frequencyNES);
case Mode::SNES: return dspaudio.setFrequency(config->audio.frequencySNES);
case Mode::GameBoy: return dspaudio.setFrequency(config->audio.frequencyGameBoy);
bool Interface::cartridgeLoaded() {
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: return nes.cartridgeLoaded();
case Mode::SNES: return snes.cartridgeLoaded();
case Mode::GameBoy: return gameBoy.cartridgeLoaded();
return false;
void Interface::loadCartridge(Mode mode) {
utility->setMode(this->mode = mode);
switch(mode) {
case Mode::NES: core = &nes; break;
case Mode::SNES: core = &snes; break;
case Mode::GameBoy: core = &gameBoy; break;
default: core = nullptr; break;
cheatEditor->load({ baseName, ".cht" });
stateManager->load({ baseName, ".bsa" }, 0u);
utility->showMessage({ "Loaded ", notdir(baseName) });
bool Interface::loadCartridge(const string &filename) {
bool result = false;
if(filename.endswith(".nes")) result = nes.loadCartridge(filename);
if(filename.endswith(".sfc")) result = snes.loadCartridge(filename);
if(filename.endswith(".gb" )) result = gameBoy.loadCartridge(GameBoy::System::Revision::GameBoy, filename);
if(filename.endswith(".gbc")) result = gameBoy.loadCartridge(GameBoy::System::Revision::GameBoyColor, filename);
return result;
void Interface::unloadCartridge() {
if(cartridgeLoaded() == false) return;
cheatEditor->save({ baseName, ".cht" });
stateManager->save({ baseName, ".bsa" }, 0u);
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: nes.unloadCartridge(); break;
case Mode::SNES: snes.unloadCartridge(); break;
case Mode::GameBoy: gameBoy.unloadCartridge(); break;
interface->baseName = "";
utility->setMode(mode = Mode::None);
void Interface::power() {
if(core == nullptr) return;
utility->showMessage("System power was cycled");
void Interface::reset() {
if(core == nullptr) return;
utility->showMessage("System was reset");
void Interface::run() {
if(core == nullptr) return;
serializer Interface::serialize() {
if(core == nullptr) return serializer();
return core->serialize();
bool Interface::unserialize(serializer &s) {
if(core == nullptr) return false;
return core->unserialize(s);
bool Interface::saveState(unsigned slot) {
string filename = { baseName, "-", slot, ".bst" };
serializer s = serialize();
bool result = file::write(filename, s.data(), s.size());
utility->showMessage(result == true ? string{ "Saved state ", slot } : "Failed to save state");
return result;
bool Interface::loadState(unsigned slot) {
string filename = { baseName, "-", slot, ".bst" };
uint8_t *data;
unsigned size;
if(file::read(filename, data, size) == false) {
utility->showMessage(string{ "Slot ", slot, " save file not found" });
return false;
serializer s(data, size);
bool result = unserialize(s);
utility->showMessage(result == true ? string{ "Loaded state ", slot } : "Failed to load state");
return result;
void Interface::setCheatCodes(const lstring &list) {
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: return nes.setCheats(list);
case Mode::SNES: return snes.setCheats(list);
case Mode::GameBoy: return gameBoy.setCheats(list);
string Interface::sha256() {
switch(mode()) {
case Mode::NES: return NES::cartridge.sha256();
case Mode::SNES: return SNES::cartridge.sha256();
case Mode::GameBoy: return GameBoy::cartridge.sha256();
return "{None}";
Interface::Interface() : core(nullptr) {
mode = Mode::None;
bool Interface::loadFile(const string &filename, uint8_t *&data, unsigned &size) {
if(file::read(filename, data, size) == false) return false;
string patchname = { nall::basename(filename), ".bps" };
if(file::exists(patchname) == false) return true;
bpspatch bps;
bps.source(data, size);
unsigned targetSize = bps.size();
uint8_t *targetData = new uint8_t[targetSize];
bps.target(targetData, targetSize);
if(bps.apply() != bpspatch::result::success) {
delete[] targetData;
return true;
delete[] data;
data = targetData;
size = targetSize;
return true;
void Interface::videoRefresh(const uint32_t *input, unsigned inputPitch, unsigned width, unsigned height) {
uint32_t *output;
unsigned outputPitch;
if(filter.opened()) {
filter.render(input, inputPitch, width, height);
input = filter.data;
inputPitch = filter.pitch;
width = filter.width;
height = filter.height;
if(video.lock(output, outputPitch, width, height)) {
inputPitch >>= 2, outputPitch >>= 2;
for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
const uint32_t *sp = input + y * inputPitch;
uint32_t *dp = output + y * outputPitch;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
uint32_t color = *sp++;
*dp++ = palette((color >> 20) & 1023, (color >> 10) & 1023, (color >> 0) & 1023);
static unsigned frameCounter = 0;
static time_t previous, current;
if(current != previous) {
previous = current;
utility->setStatusText({ "FPS: ", frameCounter });
frameCounter = 0;