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2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
import 'package:moor/isolate.dart';
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
import 'package:moor/moor.dart';
import 'package:moor_ffi/moor_ffi.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import '../models/album_model.dart';
2020-04-11 14:27:49 +02:00
import '../models/song_model.dart';
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
import 'music_data_source_contract.dart';
part 'moor_music_data_source.g.dart';
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
class Albums extends Table {
TextColumn get title => text()();
TextColumn get artist => text()();
TextColumn get albumArtPath => text().nullable()();
IntColumn get year => integer().nullable()();
Set<Column> get primaryKey => {title, artist};
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
class Songs extends Table {
TextColumn get title => text()();
TextColumn get album => text()();
TextColumn get artist => text()();
TextColumn get path => text()();
2020-04-11 14:27:49 +02:00
IntColumn get duration => integer().nullable()();
TextColumn get albumArtPath => text().nullable()();
IntColumn get trackNumber => integer().nullable()();
@UseMoor(tables: [Albums, Songs])
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
class MoorMusicDataSource extends _$MoorMusicDataSource
implements MusicDataSource {
/// Use MoorMusicDataSource in main isolate only.
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
MoorMusicDataSource() : super(_openConnection());
/// Used for testing with in-memory database.
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
MoorMusicDataSource.withQueryExecutor(QueryExecutor e) : super(e);
/// Used to connect to a database on another isolate.
MoorMusicDataSource.connect(DatabaseConnection connection) : super.connect(connection);
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
int get schemaVersion => 1;
Future<List<AlbumModel>> getAlbums() async {
return select(albums).get().then((moorAlbumList) => moorAlbumList
.map((moorAlbum) => AlbumModel.fromMoorAlbum(moorAlbum))
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
// TODO: insert can throw exception -> implications?
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
Future<void> insertAlbum(AlbumModel albumModel) async {
await into(albums).insert(albumModel.toAlbumsCompanion());
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
Future<bool> albumExists(AlbumModel albumModel) async {
final List<AlbumModel> albumList = await getAlbums();
return albumList.contains(albumModel);
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
Future<List<SongModel>> getSongs() {
return select(songs).get().then((moorSongList) => moorSongList
.map((moorSong) => SongModel.fromMoorSong(moorSong))
Future<List<SongModel>> getSongsFromAlbum(AlbumModel album) {
return (select(songs)..where((tbl) => tbl.album.equals(album.title))).get().then((moorSongList) => moorSongList
.map((moorSong) => SongModel.fromMoorSong(moorSong))
Future<void> insertSong(SongModel songModel) async {
await into(songs).insert(songModel.toSongsCompanion());
Future<bool> songExists(SongModel songModel) async {
final List<SongModel> songList = await getSongs();
return songList.contains(songModel);
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
LazyDatabase _openConnection() {
// the LazyDatabase util lets us find the right location for the file async.
return LazyDatabase(() async {
// put the database file, called db.sqlite here, into the documents folder
// for your app.
2020-03-28 09:38:52 +01:00
final Directory dbFolder = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final File file = File(p.join(dbFolder.path, 'db.sqlite'));
2020-03-24 22:17:03 +01:00
return VmDatabase(file);
Future<MoorIsolate> createMoorIsolate() async {
// this method is called from the main isolate. Since we can't use
// getApplicationDocumentsDirectory on a background isolate, we calculate
// the database path in the foreground isolate and then inform the
// background isolate about the path.
final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path = p.join(dir.path, 'db.sqlite');
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawn(
_IsolateStartRequest(receivePort.sendPort, path),
// _startBackground will send the MoorIsolate to this ReceivePort
return await receivePort.first as MoorIsolate;
void _startBackground(_IsolateStartRequest request) {
// this is the entry point from the background isolate! Let's create
// the database from the path we received
final executor = VmDatabase(File(request.targetPath));
// we're using MoorIsolate.inCurrent here as this method already runs on a
// background isolate. If we used MoorIsolate.spawn, a third isolate would be
// started which is not what we want!
final moorIsolate = MoorIsolate.inCurrent(
() => DatabaseConnection.fromExecutor(executor),
// inform the starting isolate about this, so that it can call .connect()
// used to bundle the SendPort and the target path, since isolate entry point
// functions can only take one parameter.
class _IsolateStartRequest {
_IsolateStartRequest(this.sendMoorIsolate, this.targetPath);
final SendPort sendMoorIsolate;
final String targetPath;